Is it necessary to pick up those that have fallen out of the hollow in the spring (reasonings of an employee of the Bitsevsky forest). Squirrels reproduction and lifestyle Found a baby squirrel what to do

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Squirrel care

Squirrels, even very small ones, unlike rabbits, are quite easy to raise in captivity, but you need to keep some rules in mind. First, make sure that the squirrel really needs your care. It happens that little squirrels fall out of the hollow, but if they are left alone, the mother squirrel will definitely go down after them, and, taking one by the fur of the scruff of the neck with her teeth, lift her back up the tree. Secondly, baby squirrels have a great need for warmth. It is best if artificial heat comes from homemade heater. Temperature and feeding should be normal, but try to handle the squirrel less often. Nursing squirrels from infancy is divided into three stages: from birth to 4 weeks, from 4 weeks to 2 months, from 2 months to release into the wild. Treatment, maintenance and feeding are not the same at each stage.

The eyes of baby squirrels usually open at 19-21 days; knowledge of this rule will make it possible to accurately determine the age of the animal. 30

To feed tiny baby squirrels, use a medical pipette, making sure that the milk flows evenly. We remind you that the use of a glass pipette is unacceptable. Baby squirrels are extremely voracious and can even strangle each other in an impatient desire to quickly satisfy their hunger. It is better to feed them on the table, laying them on it bath towel. This will make it easier to control the behavior of the animals and the flow of milk from the pipette. Do not leave baby squirrels on the table unattended: they may not be able to stay on its surface and eventually fall off.

Here is the initially recommended diet: 85 g of condensed milk, teaspoon baby food. Wait until the mixture is completely dissolved, add four drops of syrup. You can also give regular milk with added baby food.

The food must be fresh, so it must be prepared again every day. Store refrigerated, carefully sealing the container. Before each meal, heat to a temperature of 30-35 °C.

Rinse the dropper thoroughly after each feeding. Milk turns sour very quickly, and consuming it in spoiled form can cause illness. If an animal tastes spoiled or too hot milk at least once, the next time it will probably refuse to eat.

Never bathe an animal. Do not use coniferous tree shavings for bedding, as the dust from it is bad for the animal, getting into the nostrils and causing discomfort. If you want to carry out hygiene procedures, use baby creams. Do not use cotton fabrics. Cotton retains moisture, which can cause your pet to get pneumonia. During the period when the squirrel will get used to self-catering, her paws and muzzle will be dirty with the food mixture. Before returning the animal to its "bed", carefully remove any remaining food using a towel and warm water.

A cardboard box is a great option for baby squirrels. The height of the sides should be approximately 30 cm. To be sure, cover it on top with a metal mesh so that the animal cannot get out. Thanks to this coating, the cage will be ventilated and the animal will feel good. Install the box into the brooder. Use a soft cloth as bedding: it is easy to clean, light in weight and retains heat sufficiently. Under this fabric, squirrels can shelter from the cold and freely get out from under it if the temperature in the box is normal. Warmth will flow through the cardboard bottom, giving the animals the necessary feeling of comfort. Immediately after each feeding, the animal must be returned to its home immediately. If the little fir tree is healthy, it should sleep until the next feeding. Keep pets away from newspapers - the lead used in printing can cause illness.

After the first period of infancy, when about a week has passed since the opening of the eyes, the time will come to teach the animal to eat from a plate. The dimensions of the plate or saucer are as follows: about 9 cm in diameter and no more than 2.5 cm in depth. Use an additional cardboard box for feeding. The bottom of the “dining room” can be lined with paper, which is easy to change periodically.

Place a piece of white bread on a saucer, then pour in the nutrient mixture. Carefully bring the animal's mouth closer to the food. Repeat the procedure several times until the animal understands what is required of it. Some squirrels learn to feed themselves quite quickly, but with others you need to be patient.

Alternate feeding from hands and from a saucer so that the squirrel does not develop one-sided skills. As soon as you find out that the animal is sufficiently accustomed to the saucer, you can finally give up hand feeding. Feeding baby squirrels with bread soaked in milk is very convenient, since the animal will not take too large sips and will not choke. Don't try to feed more than one squirrel at a time. Until the squirrels get used to eating normally, they run around the food dish and eventually get dirty themselves and spread dirt in the box. In general, they can be very unkempt, but don't mind it. As soon as you notice that the squirrel has eaten enough, immediately take it to its sleeping box where it will dry out. When the squirrel grows up and there is no need for heating, you can gradually add other products to the bread and milk.

Beautiful and fluffy squirrels widespread in many cities and countries. And it’s quite normal that residents feed them and help the animals in every possible way, because every rodent has its own babies. The breeding season for squirrels occurs twice a year: early spring and late summer. At certain weeks of life, small squirrels may take their first steps and risk falling out of their nest.

The life of squirrels is also full of dangers

Each litter usually contains three or four babies. In the fourth week, the baby squirrels' eyes open, and in the sixth week the babies leave the nest. By the time they are eight or nine weeks old, squirrels no longer feed their babies milk and they generally survive on their own in the wild.

So this is short period a time when cubs rely on their mothers to survive. But, despite the mother's best intentions during this period, anything can happen. A storm can knock down a tree, and other animals strive to come closer. All these factors can easily separate a small squirrel from its mother.

What should you do if you find a baby squirrel in need of help?

First, you should carefully examine whether the cub has any injuries, bleeding or fractures. Did you find wounds on the body? Animal bite marks? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, seek help from your nearest veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

If you don't know where to call, start with your local animal shelter or police station. They will tell you the address of the nearest veterinary hospital or rehabilitation center.

If the squirrel is unharmed and weighs approximately less than 250 grams (or so), the individual may be too weak to survive on its own. But remember one rule: if a squirrel is able to escape from you, it is old enough to take care of itself.

If you decide to pick up the beauty to provide her with any assistance, be sure to put on thick leather gloves before handling her. Even very small baby squirrels can bite you hard!

Important Rules

As experts say, if a squirrel's tail is fluffy and it weighs more than 200 grams, human intervention is not required for its survival. If not, the animal may still need the help and care of its mother. If you manage to find a nest, place the baby squirrel in a box with the lid ajar near the tree where it is located.

You can place a bag of warm rice or a bottle of warm water in the box to keep the baby warm while he waits for his mother. Check regularly to see if the mother has found the baby squirrel and whether she has moved it to the nest. If not, call your veterinarian and ask what else you can do to help your baby.

No matter what you do, do not try to take the baby squirrel home and raise it as a pet. Although at first glance they may seem cute and cuddly, like babies, they are wild animals and will try to get back into the world by any means necessary. wildlife. But if a squirrel spends too much time among people, it will no longer be able to survive in the future. natural environment on one's own.

If you are unsure whether to provide assistance or not, call your local veterinary hospital, they will help you make the right decision.

In many situations, nature can take care of squirrels without any human help. But if the rodents need it, there are veterinarians who will do everything necessary to get the cubs back on their feet.

What to feed the baby squirrel?

One of the products that I use when feeding baby squirrels is Esbilac milk replacer for puppies. You can purchase it at most pet stores.

Esbilac can be sold in powder or liquid form. I prefer to buy Esbilac powder. Instead of buying Esbilac, do not buy its substitutes that may be offered to you in the store. At the same time, buy several syringes from the store (or pharmacy), but without needles.
You can pick up a gift for your loved one in the online store
Never, ever use bottles with nipples when feeding your baby squirrel! The baby squirrel could suffocate because of them!

Instead of bottles, you will need syringes with a capacity of 1 to 3 units for feeding very small squirrels, and syringes with a capacity of 5-10 units for feeding slightly older squirrels.

Instead of needles, you need to put small nipples on the syringes, which can be sold in pet stores.

If you cannot find such small papillae, then use a pipette, but in this case, be extremely careful and do not supply food to the baby squirrel too quickly, otherwise he may choke.

Mix 2 parts of liquid esbilac with 1 part of water (if you use esbilac in powder, then add 2 parts of water to 1 part of esbilac). You can also add just a little fruit sweetener for kids. Just a little bit! You can use a fruity banana sweetener - squirrels really like this taste.

You can also add some yogurt to the nutritional formula.

Stir the nutritional mixture into a clean jar and then store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Then, for each feeding, heat only the portion of the formula that you will use for that feeding.

When heating the mixture in the microwave, be careful not to let the mixture get too hot.

Then fill the syringe with the nutritional mixture and feed the baby squirrel very carefully.

When feeding, I place the grown squirrels on a flat surface and feed them in this position. If the baby squirrels are still too small, then you can feed them by holding them in your hand.

Be very careful and go slowly to prevent the baby squirrel from choking.

Sometimes a baby squirrel can suck the mixture so quickly that it begins to choke. In this case, you need to immediately stop feeding and hold the baby upside down so that excess fluid can flow back out. After this, you need to wipe the baby squirrel's nose and mouth and then continue feeding, only even more slowly.

A very small squirrel with fur that is still completely absent or has barely begun to grow needs regular feeding every 2-3 hours, since thin squirrels cannot eat enough at one meal.

Baby squirrels at two to three weeks of age should be fed regularly every 3-4 hours.

Three to five week old baby squirrels need to be fed every 4-5 hours.

At the age of five weeks, the baby squirrels should already be fully covered with fur and their eyes should already be opening. At this age, they can be fed every four hours during the day, but at night they can no longer be fed.

The amount of food a baby squirrel needs for each meal is not strictly defined. The baby squirrel can eat a little more or a little less.

Here is an approximate feeding schedule for baby squirrels depending on their age:

From one day to two weeks: 0.5-2 cc. see for each meal, 6-8 feedings per day.

2 to 4 weeks of age: 2-4 cc. see for each meal, 5 or 6 feedings during the day.

4 to 6 weeks of age: 4-6 (or even more) cc. see for each meal, 4 meals during the day, at night you can no longer feed.

From the age of six weeks, squirrels can eat more solid food (prem biscuit and small pieces of plant food) in addition to the nutritional formula that they need to be given in a volume of 6-12 cubic meters. see for each meal. Squirrels of this age need to be fed 2-3 times a day.

I always give the baby squirrels formula until then. Until they themselves give it up.

Also, baby squirrels are given goat's milk with the following calculation:
Day 1 – 1:4 (goat milk:water)
Day 2 – 1:3 (goat milk:water)
Day 3 – 1:2 (goat milk:water)

If a baby squirrel is fed goat's milk, its feces will look like yellow toothpaste. If the feces become more liquid, start giving the baby squirrel the mixture as on the first day (1:4).
The baby squirrel must always be clean. After each feeding, wipe around the mouth with a damp cloth. Gently clean the genitals and anus several times a day (more often if necessary).
Vitamins must be added to the goat milk mixture. Very tiny baby squirrels are given one drop twice a day during the first week of feeding. Three-week-old squirrels are given one drop 3 times a day. When the baby squirrel opens his eyes, give him two drops of vitamins 3 times a day.

The first thing you need to do is warm the baby squirrel - this could be your hands, a hat, a scarf, or a pocket. Even hot water in a bottle next to it will do. Next, the baby squirrel needs to restore its water balance, and not try to immediately feed it - in a pipette - some water (not from the tap, this is dangerous!). He needs to start drinking.

Remember, baby squirrels are at risk: they have very weak intestines and if they are fed or drunk incorrectly, the fight for life goes on for minutes. Then try to feed him.

It is advisable to offer him goat's milk or a milk replacer for kittens (sold in pet stores). If the baby squirrel is already grown up, then white bread soaked in goat's milk is what you need.

Cow's milk is contraindicated for baby squirrels!

If it is not possible to feed other than cow milk, dilute it with water 1:1. Remember that a very small squirrel needs to be fed, just like infant- every 2-3 hours. Feed from a pipette - drop by drop so that he does not choke. If you hold him in your hands, he will quickly understand that you and your smell are a source of “goodies.” Consider that you are now and forever the little squirrel’s friend. If the little squirrel is already old enough to eat solid food, offer him:

Pine nuts, only in shell (less likely to have a fungus that is dangerous for the baby squirrel);
- seeds (only natural in shell, not fried);
- twigs with leaves (apple, pear, willow);
- acorns;
- apple;
- carrot.

In general, you can only offer a baby squirrel what he could find in nature. Sugar cookies from the hands of compassionate citizens in parks, of course, don’t count. And remember that his teeth grow throughout his life, he must grind them down on solid food. It is enough to feed a grown and grown baby squirrel 2 times a day.

The next step is to determine a place for the baby squirrel, for example, in a box. Under no circumstances should there be cotton wool there; he could get entangled or suffocate in it. It is very good to put a terry towel as a bedding. If the baby squirrel is grown up and you are afraid to leave him at home alone to roam freely, you will have to buy a cage. Remember: the higher the cage, the better the baby squirrel. Approximately 50x50x100 is suitable, but it is better if you let him run around under supervision, and not just keep him in a cage. There must be fresh water in the cage (I repeat, not from the tap!). Secure the bowl or drinking bowl so that the baby squirrel does not turn over the water.

Under no circumstances should you put newspaper on the bottom; it’s better without anything - the paint will be on printed publications promotes the accumulation of lead in the animal’s body.

Also provide a house where the squirrel can rest and another house where she can save for a rainy day. Lump chalk is needed for the formation of bone tissue, give mineral stone, vitamins for rodents. If, God forbid, your baby squirrel begins to have loose stools, help him. Boil oak bark (not too much) and put it in a cage for half a day. You can give “Smecta”: directly smeared on your finger - the little squirrel will simply lick it off. And most importantly - remove all fruits, only dry food.

In general, the baby squirrel is a wonderful animal, but it loves to pull the blanket over itself. Try to teach him to live by your rules from childhood. Squirrels have the intelligence of an adult dog, they are just very small themselves. Remember that a squirrel should feel in its holiday home as if it were in a fortress: don’t climb in there, the squirrel cleans up its own mess - throws out nut shells and spreads its own bedding. By the way, cleaning directly in the cage at least 2 times a week will ensure that you are free of any odor (just replace the bedding at the bottom of the cage).

If you are lucky enough to find a baby squirrel in the forest, save him, don’t pass him by, he’s so defenseless and so wonderful!

MCOU "Chemashinskaya Secondary School",

Chemashi village, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra


I. Main part……………………………………………………………………………….......4

1. Analysis of literary sources about proteins..………………………………………………………….4

1.1. The squirrel is a representative of the class of mammals……………………………………...4

1.2. Where does the squirrel live? ………………………………………………………………………………………….5

1.3. Squirrel habits ……………………………………………………………………………………….5

1.4. What does a squirrel eat? ………………………………………………………………………………….6

1.5. Reproduction of squirrels…………………………………………………………………………………..6

2. Analysis of articles from the Internet about keeping baby squirrels in captivity………………………………...7

2.1.How to determine the age of a baby squirrel………………………………………………………..7

2.2. How to feed baby squirrels in captivity …………………………………………………………….7

3. Keeping a diary of monitoring the development of the baby squirrel………………………………......8

II. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….12

List of used literature……………………………………………………….13


Last year, just before the summer holidays, my grandmother Tatyana Dmitrievna Pimenova and I buried a squirrel that drowned in a water barrel. Belka felt very sorry. But this story unexpectedly found its continuation. The next day, my grandmother came home from work and heard strange sounds near the bathhouse. She went towards them and saw a small blind squirrel sitting in an eight hundred gram jar. How did he get there? Where did you come from? Where are his brothers and sisters? Dead? Most likely it was the baby of the same drowned squirrel. The little squirrel was hungry; it is unknown how long he lived without his mother. How can I help him? We took the animal home. We had a problem how to feed the baby squirrel. We tried to get him drunk cow's milk from a pipette, they let him lick his fingers, but the little squirrel did not understand what to do. Then the grandmother decided to wet the bandage with milk and give it to the animal. He immediately began to suck it. I ate and fell asleep. We named the little squirrel Tisha.

We realized that we must help this animal survive, and for this we need to create conditions for it that are close to natural.

Hypothesis. Perhaps, to help a newborn baby squirrel survive, it is necessary to create conditions close to natural

Target. Raise a baby squirrel by creating conditions close to natural for it


1. Find out in what conditions squirrels live in nature

2. Get to know the habits of squirrels and their diet

3. Determine the age of the baby squirrel

4. Choose the products necessary for feeding the baby squirrel

5. Create conditions close to natural for the baby squirrel

6. Raise a baby squirrel and release it into the wild

Research methods

Theoretical: analysis of literature and Internet resources on the research topic Statistical: quantitative and qualitative analysis of research results Empirical: sociological research, observation

I. Main part

I told my teacher about the little squirrel, and she advised me to keep a diary and write down some details. In the class, the guys also learned about Tisha and opinions were divided. I conducted a survey among adults and children, asking: “Is it possible to raise a squirrel at home?” 20 respondents participated in the survey. 60% of adults and 70% of children are this question They answered in the affirmative.

My grandmother and I started researching. The grandmother began to equip Hush’s nest; she adapted an old medical box for the house, which has holes in it so that air could get in, because a squirrel’s nest is well ventilated. We put some rags in there, he climbs into them and sleeps. I turned to books from the rural library.

1. Analysis of literary sources about proteins

1.1. Squirrel is a representative of the class of mammals. Included in the order of rodents. The common Latin name is Sciurus. In addition to this family, which includes the familiar squirrel, there are also many other representatives of squirrels included in other genera - palm squirrel, red squirrel and others.

The body of the squirrel is elongated, ending with a fluffy tail, which is constantly covered with thick fur. In length it sometimes exceeds the size of the body, but most often they are the same: both the tail and the body reach from 20 cm to 31 cm. The animal's forelimbs are somewhat shorter than its hind limbs, which is very noticeable when the squirrel begins to feed. On both the hind and front paws, the 4th toe is the longest. In size it is a medium and small animal.

The squirrel's ears are large, elongated, sometimes with a tassel at the end. Fur depends on the season: in summer time it is short, sparse and rough to the touch, whereas in winter time– soft, thick and high. Squirrels molt twice a year – on the body and once on the tail. The common color is darkish brown, with a lighter belly. Sometimes it’s gray, especially in winter. In addition, orange, yellow, yellowish-dirty, white in the abdominal part and red (all shades), black-brown, gray-brown on the back. The tone, as a rule, depends on the geographical conditions for color variability.

Types of squirrels

The genus Sciurus contains about 30 species of squirrels. The most famous of them:

· Japanese;

· Carolina, etc.

1.2. Where does the squirrel live?

The squirrel is found everywhere where there are forests and groves. The most favorite places for squirrels are among dense and dry forests with tall trees. Equally squirrels cannot tolerate sunlight and dampness. He likes to sit in hollows or right in empty tree trunks, making a nest for himself. Sometimes a squirrel makes its home in the fork of two branches, not far from the main trunk. This is how it usually forms nests open type, which at the bottom look like traditional birds, and at the top are tightly closed with a flat conical roof. It protects the squirrel from rain and snow. The main exit faces east and is usually located to the side. In the immediate vicinity of the trunk there is another exit - a spare one, in case of an emergency retreat. The outer part of a squirrel's nest consists of interlacing thick and thin branches (twigs). Inside, all squirrel nests (both open and closed types) are dry, lined with delicate moss, forming a soft litter. But special attention The squirrels pay attention to the base, making it on the basis of an abandoned crow's dwelling, the bottom of which is well cemented with clay and earth.

1.3. Squirrel habits

One of the oldest and most traditional habits of squirrels is their tendency to store up winter reserves (usually a variety of nuts play this role). The squirrel is forgetful because it makes a lot of such “bins” - both in hollows and on the ground. But they do not disappear, sprouting over time. Thus, the habits of squirrels contribute to the preservation of forest plantations.

Also, one of the habits is to stand on its hind limbs when danger is perceived - in this way, the squirrel better covers the territory surrounding it with its gaze. When an enemy is detected, the squirrel often makes shrill sounds, warning its relatives.

Squirrels love to sleep at midday, hiding in a hollow when sun rays are starting to get hot. They go for walks in the forest in the evenings or early in the morning. They are afraid of any bad weather - heavy rains, storms, but especially blizzards. Although squirrels swim quite well, they do not go into the water, avoiding sputum.

Squirrels try to prepare thoroughly for the cold weather, making all kinds of food supplies. If autumn is cooler than always, then this is extremely detrimental for squirrels, since they have to eat what was put aside for the winter: in this situation, as a rule, there are no reserves left for that time, and the animals starve.

But when there is plenty of food, squirrels collect them for a rainy day, setting up storerooms in the roots of trees, in stumps, in depressions on the ground, in crevices of trunks, in abandoned nests, between stones and bushes, in hollows and even in burrows they have dug . Squirrels usually hide seeds, grains, nuts and mushrooms, which they can plant on dried branches.

1.4 . What does a squirrel eat?

The basis of the squirrel diet is a variety of plant foods: tree shoots and buds, dried and freshly picked mushrooms, nuts, fruits, berries, pine and spruce seeds. Squirrels do not disdain acorns, cereals, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and bark. But they eat seeds most readily coniferous trees, which are hidden in cones - spruce and pine. Squirrels are also great hunters of bird eggs. Often they do not spare even the chicks.

The food of these animals is very rich in fats, proteins and carbohydrates. This is due to the fact that, unlike deer or hares, which also eat vegetation, squirrels cannot digest fiber. The most difficult period for feeding is early spring, when seeds buried in the ground begin to germinate and are therefore not suitable for food, and there is still a long wait until the next harvest. Then the squirrels begin to feed on the kidneys. They can also eat frogs, insects, mammals, and small birds, but still give preference to chicks and clutches.

1.5. Reproduction of squirrels

Adult squirrels mate in March, young squirrels mate a little later, closer to summer. During this period, about 10 or more males gather around one female and fiercely fight for the right to primacy and procreation. After more than a month, 3 to 7 cubs appear in the squirrel nest. For childbirth, the squirrel usually chooses hollow trees, in which it forms a cozy and warm nest covered with moss.

At first, the baby squirrels feed only on their mother's milk, but when they stop sucking, the mother or father gets and brings them food for several days, and then leaves them to give birth to another offspring. Some females leave the brood after the squirrels have matured. In summer, the female, as a rule, brings fewer squirrels compared to the spring litter. When the second brood grows up and begins to run on its own, the parents unite it with the first, settling the entire family (from 12 to 16 squirrels) in one part of the forest.

Conclusion. After studying the literature, I determined. That my baby squirrel belongs to the gray squirrel species, he needs to be fed with milk and not allowed to become hypothermic.

2. Analysis of articles from the Internet about keeping baby squirrels in captivity

2.1. How to determine the age of a baby squirrel

To properly feed a baby squirrel, you need to find out when it was born. Baby squirrels in captivity need to be fed hourly depending on their age. From Internet sources I learned how to determine the age of squirrels.

Table 1 - Determining the age of squirrels




Newborn baby squirrels

Skin color pink

Up to 1 week

The baby squirrel is “naked”, its eyes have not yet opened

Pink skin, eyes and ears tightly closed, no hair

The body begins to be covered with sparse hairs, the eyes have not yet opened

3.5 weeks

Ears begin to unfurl

The incisors begin to emerge

The whole body is covered with fur, the tassels are pecking, the tail begins to fluff up

Eyes open

8-10 weeks

Back teeth erupting

Conclusion. We decided that Hush is about 3 – 5 weeks

2.2. How to feed baby squirrels in captivity

I also learned that kitten formula is used to feed found baby squirrels, but there is no pet store in our village, so we decided to feed the baby squirrel with diluted cow's milk.

Table 2 - Feeding standards for newborn squirrels

Conclusion. Since Tisha is about 5 weeks old, we started feeding him 6 ml every 5 hours.

3. Keeping a diary of monitoring the development of a baby squirrel

Table 3 – Diary of observation of the baby squirrel’s development



External changes



The mother squirrel died.

In the evening, near the bathhouse, behind the slate, they found a small, still blind squirrel; he could barely move and could not even drink at all. The hind legs were still very weak.

We gave him milk from a pipette, about 2-3 tbsp. spoons, but a lot spilled.

They examined the animal and found that one (right) eye had opened. There are lower teeth. He moved uncertainly, his hind legs were tangled.

They gave me milk 5 times a day.

The second eye opened.

We continue to give him milk 5 times a day; he still can’t drink on his own. We put a piece of bandage rolled into a ball in a saucer with milk, and so our Tisha sucks this bandage soaked in milk.

The little squirrel became very nimble, his legs were already stronger, he began to run around his hands and on the table. They started putting him in a cage.

They also watered 5-6 times a day. He already drinks more milk. When you hold it by the body, you feel that the tummy is rounded, which means the baby is full.

We discovered that the upper teeth had erupted, but they were still very small. We realized that the name Tisha does not at all correspond to the behavior of the little squirrel - he is very nimble, runs around the cage, still sleeps in a bixie, we added a mitten to the rags, he climbs into it and sleeps.

We continue to feed the baby squirrel milk.

A week has passed since Tisha has been living with us. During this time he grew up. The upper teeth are already half grown.

They started giving him bread soaked in milk, but he doesn’t eat it himself, but when you give it to him with your fingers, he takes it and eats it.

Everything seems to be fine with digestion, this can be seen by the way he empties - not liquid, and not very thick. He still sleeps most of the day.

He also sucks milk through a bandage, after milk we offered him a piece of cheese, he grabbed it with his front paws and began to sharpen it with his teeth.

After the next feeding, we gave him pine nuts, he began to gnaw them with pleasure, although he had not taken them before; they lay untouched in the box. Apparently the time has come. Instincts work.

We continue to feed the baby squirrel. When he drinks milk, his tummy becomes like a tennis ball - we are calm, our Tisha is full.

Today is exactly 2 weeks since we got him. He already has normal upper and lower teeth, he has grown well, his tail has begun to fluff up, and before, when he was found, it was smooth. So Hush 5 weeks.

He is very nimble, sucks well, although restlessly (probably the nature of the animal). She already eats a lot of things: bread, cheese, nuts, but her main and favorite product is milk.

Our little squirrel began to drink milk poorly and does not eat anything. We are worried, what happened?

For 3 days now the little squirrel has been eating poorly and eating little. He doesn't even drink milk well. Became sad.

Now Tisha is even faster than he was before his illness. Breaks out of your hands, jumps from hand to hand. We think more and more that he needs freedom, but how to let him go? Will he be able to get comfortable in the forest? After all, he has become trusting at home and knows his hands.

Finally, Tisha began to drink milk with pleasure and enough to be full. He gnaws nuts, eats bread and cheese. He probably overate when we put a whole pine cone in his cage. Everything fell into place.

Our Tisha is not at all quiet, he has become very nimble - he rushes around in the cage as if he wants to jump out of it

Tisha considers Bix, where he lives, his home. They gave him a piece of cheese - he runs to the bix along with the cheese; walks around the table and gets scared, also runs to his “home”.

Every day he yearns more and more for freedom, he needs to escape, he breaks out of his hands and even scratches himself. One day he jumped off the table onto the floor, we started catching him, and when my grandmother caught him, he bit her on the hand!

He learned to eat, drink, and chew nuts on his own. Now you need to learn to survive in the forest. While summer will be easier for him to get used to, he will even be able to prepare supplies for the winter.

We understand more and more that the baby squirrel needs freedom and before it loses the instincts bestowed by nature, it is necessary to let it out. Captivity is not life for a wild animal. Everyone must live as nature dictates and be the way she created him.

June 23. We said goodbye to our pet. He has already stopped sucking milk and switched to solid food. At this time, in nature, squirrels abandon their cubs and they themselves begin to look for food for themselves. Therefore, the grandmother took Tisha to the dressing room, where there were many passages to the street and the roof. He examined everything there for a long time, climbed out onto the roof and hid again. Everything was new and unfamiliar, unusual for him. Then he finally climbed out onto the roof. We watched him, he ran back and forth across the roof, sat on the edge of the roof, but was no longer able to be held in our hands. Soon the sky darkened and the weather suddenly deteriorated. We went into the house, and when we came out to look, Tisha was no longer there. We called him, but he didn’t come. A thunderstorm began and Tisha was left alone in the forest. Maybe it's a thunderstorm good sign?! The predators hid, which means the baby squirrel has the opportunity to get comfortable in the forest.

II. Conclusion.

We always remember the baby squirrel and analyze whether we did everything right so as not to harm the wild animal. On the Internet, many people share their experiences of raising handpicked baby squirrels in captivity, but no one has posted about releasing a squirrel into the wild. If the animal managed to survive, then it remains to live with people. We returned the little squirrel to freedom.

While caring for a squirrel, I learned a lot of new things:

1. In which natural conditions squirrels live

2. Got acquainted with their habits and nutrition of squirrels in nature

3. Learned to feed baby squirrels

4. Learned how to format content and make a presentation


Our hypothesis was confirmed: to help a newborn baby squirrel survive, you need to create conditions close to natural

We helped the baby squirrel survive by creating the right conditions for him. The little squirrel grew up healthy and smart. We were able to help him.

1. First, determine the age of the baby squirrel in order to select the necessary products according to age: milk, cheese, eggs, pine nuts

2. Create conditions close to natural for the baby squirrel: make a nest of the right size, insulate it, you can put a mitten on it so that it feels protected

3. Do not accustom the baby squirrel to holding hands; try to ensure that he does not have contact with other people at all.

4. Don’t miss the moment when the baby squirrel can be released into the wild

We hope that our Tisha’s life in the forest will be successful, because we tried to do everything necessary for him.

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