What is a nature reserve and how does it differ from a nature reserve? State nature reserves What is called a reserve.


a section of territory or water area within which not the entire natural complex is under special protection, as in the Reserve , but only its individual elements: vegetation, all or some species of animals, etc.

IN THE USSR greatest distribution received hunting licenses established for the purpose of conservation valuable species animals and birds; Hunting is prohibited in them for a period of up to 10 years or more. There are fishery protection zones (for the protection of spawning grounds, breeders and juveniles valuable fish), landscape (picturesque river valleys, lakes with surrounding terrain, etc., having aesthetic and cultural significance and used for recreation and tourism), forest, steppe and swamp (established for scientific purposes, as well as for solving certain economic problems and community protection rare plants), geological (unique caves, geological outcrops, locations of remains of fossil flora and fauna), hydrological (lakes with an unusual hydrological regime) and other natural lands, as well as lands for the protection of territories of historical and memorial significance.

Natural lands are formed according to resolutions of the Councils of Ministers of the Union Republics and decisions of local Councils; Their regime is established by the governments of the union republics, environmental protection bodies, and executive committees of local Soviets. Special legal acts o Z. adopted by the Union republics. In Z. territory it is usually prohibited economic activity, incompatible with the main purpose of the property. Depending on the object of protection, the following may be prohibited: hunting, fishing, logging, grazing, haymaking, quarrying, etc.

Lit.: Remarkable natural landscapes of the USSR and their protection. Sat. Art., ed. L.K. Shaposhnikova, M., 1967; Emelyanova V.G., Legislation on nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, M., 1971, p. 22-26.

L.K. Shaposhnikov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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Parameter name Meaning
Article topic: Wildlife sanctuaries
Rubric (thematic category) Ecology

Regional landscape parks

Regional landscape parks – environmental recreational institutions of local or regional significance, created with the aim of preserving typical or unique natural complexes and facilities, as well as providing conditions for organizing recreation for the population.

Functions of regional landscape parks:

Preservation of valuable natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects;

Creating conditions for effective tourism, recreation and other types of recreational activities in natural conditions in compliance with the regime of protection of protected natural complexes and objects;

Promotion of environmental educational work.

According to Article 24 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine”, in the territory of landscape parks, taking into account the environmental, health, recreational, historical, cultural and other values ​​of natural complexes and objects, their features, zoning can be carried out taking into account the requirements established for the territories of national natural parks .

Zoning of the territory of each regional landscape park, recreational and other activities on its territory are carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the national natural park and the Project for organizing the territory of a regional landscape park.

Functional zones of the regional landscape park:

Reserved or custom includes territories intended for the preservation and restoration of the most valuable PCs, the gene pool of flora and fauna. This may include territories of other categories of NRF: reserves, natural monuments, protected areas.

Regulated recreation zone, stationary recreation zone and economic zone have the same purpose as in national natural parks.

Today there are 44 regional landscape parks in Ukraine. There are only 2 in Crimea: Bokalskaya Spit and Kalinovsky.

Along with nature reserves and national parks, a network of state nature reserves is constantly developing.

Wildlife sanctuaries- ϶ᴛᴏ natural territories (water areas), which are created for the purpose of preserving and restoring natural complexes or their individual components.

At the same time, certain types of human economic activity are permanently or temporarily prohibited within these territories to ensure the protection of one or more valuable wildlife objects or picturesque landscape types.

Functions of the reserves:

Preservation and restoration of natural complexes, as well as the number of plants and animals;

Preservation of picturesque landscape types.

In the reserves, the number of wild animals in natural conditions is increasing, the resources of valuable plants - medicinal, essential oil, ornamental - are being restored, spawning grounds and resting places for migratory birds are protected.

Interestingly, regulated (permanent or temporary) economic use unprotected resources, provided that it does not cause damage to protected species or complexes. At the same time, in our country the system of reserves is widely used in hunting and serves as a means of increasing the number of game animals.

Today there are several types of reserves, the name of which indicates the main object of protection. Types of reserves: landscape, forest, botanical, general zoological, ornithological, entomological(insect protection) , ichthyological, hydrological, general geological and karst-speleological(protection of caves, canyons ), paleontological(protection of sites where ancient flora and fauna have been found).

Taking into account the dependence of the order period, open-ended, long-term and short-term reserves are distinguished. Thus, a long-term reserve is created for a period of more than 5 years; short-term – less than 5 years. On the territory of the reserve, activities that contradict the goals and objectives provided for by the regulations on the reserve are limited or prohibited. In cases of extreme importance, protected zones may be created around nature reserves.

There are currently about 3,000 reserves in the CIS, covering an area of ​​about 40 million hectares. On the territory of Crimea there are state reserves: landscape ones - “Chernaya Rechka”, “Grand Canyon of Crimea”, “Ayu-Dag”, “Kachinsky Canyon”; landscape-botanical - ʼʼ New Worldʼʼ, ʼʼUrochishche Kubolachʼʼ; landscape-hydrological - ʼʼKhaphalskyʼʼ, ʼʼKarkinitsky Bayʼʼ; landscape and ornithological ʼʼAstana Plavniʼʼ and ʼʼUrochishche on Karabi-Yayleʼʼ (landscape and botanical).

Wildlife sanctuaries - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Refuges" 2017, 2018.

Almost everyone is aware. But few people know what a reserve is and how exactly it differs from a reserve. Well, it’s time to expand your horizons and understand this issue in more detail.

Nature reserves

Once upon a time ancient Russian word“order” had a completely different meaning than it does now. It meant to make something inaccessible or forbidden. That is, “order” meant “prohibit.” A natural reserve is an area that is of particular importance for the restoration or conservation of certain or their individual components, as well as for maintaining ecological balance.

Within a given area, certain types of flora or fauna of forest, meadow, steppe or water areas are protected: rocks, valleys, caves, lakes, rivers, etc. In order to have a more precise idea of ​​what a reserve is, imagine that The state allocates any area of ​​land or water space within which certain types of human activities are strictly prohibited or limited. To officially declare a territory a reserve, it is not necessary to seize it from its owners and users. Natural reserves are always under state protection and have federal or regional status.

How does a reserve differ from a nature reserve?

Let us continue to study the question of what a reserve is and how it differs from a nature reserve. As mentioned above, the goal of any reserve is the preservation and development of certain species of animals, birds and plants, in contrast to nature reserves, the purpose of which is to protect all living beings inhabiting the protected area and the plants in it. That is why any type of economic and industrial activity, as well as hunting and fishing, are prohibited in the reserves. But in nature reserves the restrictions are not so large-scale and strict. They concern only individuals or have a time frame. For example, if any plant species are protected on the territory of the reserve, then hunting and fishing may be permitted.

In case of unfavorable weather conditions(too cold winters, drought, etc.) in reserves, animal feeding is usually organized. In nature reserves, such events are not provided for by the rules, since human intervention is kept to a minimum. State reserves There are hunting, botanical or hydrological reserves, and reserves are natural, historical, landscape, archaeological. There are even museum-reserves that include a park, part of the city or an estate of historical value.

Types of reserves and security activities carried out on their territories

In order to better understand what a reserve is, you need to take a closer look at them different kinds. Hunting reserves are created to preserve animal populations. As you know, in our time, many species of fauna are endangered and are listed in the Red Book. On the territory of such a farm, bans are introduced on land reclamation work, road construction and construction. All these restrictions are aimed at preventing any impact on the habitat of protected living objects. Bans are also introduced on trapping and hunting, both temporary and permanent.

Feeders and special feeding areas are arranged for birds and animals. In areas prone to flooding, for example, during a flood, restrictive dams are built to prevent flooding of meadow rodent burrows and to preserve bird nests, anthills and bumblebee nests.

In landscape, botanical or hydrological reserves, protective functions and prohibitions are closely related to research work carried out on their territory.

The most famous nature reserves in Russia

In the territory Russian Federation There are more than 70 federal reserves. Of these, some of the oldest are the Priazovsky, Voronezhsky, Tyumensky and Tseysky natural reserves. All of them were founded in 1958.

But the youngest can be considered the “Leopard Sanctuary” (founded in 2011) and “Dzeren Valley” (founded in 2008). The largest are (its area of ​​42,000 km2 is comparable in size to the territory of the Netherlands), Burkalsky (19,570 km2) and Purinsky (7,875 km2).

State natural reserves are territories (water areas) with special meaning to preserve or restore natural complexes or their components and maintain ecological balance.

Federal Law of March 14, 1995 N 33-FZ, Art. 22

Great definition

Incomplete definition ↓

State nature reserves

territories (water areas) of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance. Declaration of the territory of the g.p.z. allowed both with and without withdrawal from users, owners and possessors of land plots. G.p.z. may be of federal or regional significance. G.p.z. may have a different profile, including being: complex (landscape), designed to preserve and restore natural complexes ( natural landscapes); biological (botanical and zoological), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural relations; paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects; hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea) designed to preserve and restore valuable water bodies and ecological systems; geological, designed to preserve valuable objects and complexes inanimate nature. In the territories of g.p.z. Any activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or limited if it contradicts the goals of their creation or causes harm to natural complexes and their components. As of December 31, 2006, there were 69 state nature reserves in the Russian Federation federal significance(total area 12.7 million hectares, or 0.73% of the area of ​​Russia, land area - 9.9 million hectares, sea area - 2.8 million hectares) and 2439 state natural reserves of regional significance with total area 43.8 million hectares (2.6% of Russia’s territory).

Our country has developed a largely unique system of protected natural areas. According to the features of the protection regime, it distinguishes: reserves closed to access by unauthorized persons; National parks, specifically intended for tourist use, and reserves designed to protect nature in conditions of ongoing economic exploitation. Sanctuaries are areas where permanent or temporary restrictions on economic activity are introduced for the conservation and reproduction of individual species of animals and plants, or for the preservation of the entire natural complex as an ecosystem or an entire landscape.

In accordance with federal law“On Specially Protected Territories” (2001), nature reserves are areas of land or water areas of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and for maintaining the ecological balance. In most cases, reserves were created and are being created as multi-purpose objects, the protective functions of which extend not only to game fauna, but also to rare and endangered species of mammals, birds, plants, as well as to natural monuments located within their boundaries. There are significantly fewer narrowly targeted reserves designed to protect scarce species of fauna.

The word "reserve", as well as "reserve", dates back to ancient times. Apparently, it dates back to the times when Slavic tribes of Eastern Europe began to penetrate deeper and deeper from the steppe regions into forest zone and move from transhumance to sedentary lifestyle life and shifting agriculture. It was during this period that the first conflicts between the developing agriculture and forestry, including beekeeping and hunting. One of the solutions to the emerging contradictions was the “commandment” - a ban and the “order” - a temporary restriction on the use of natural resources. According to some researchers, there was no clear line between the concepts of “reserve” and “sanctuary” initially. But one way or another, by the beginning of the 20th century. I had to look for a definition of the content of these concepts. D.K. Soloviev, a well-known theorist and organizer of the reserve business in Siberia, proposed that areas taken under protection for a certain period of time be considered reserves, in contrast to permanent reserves. The modern idea of ​​nature reserves as territories with partial restrictions on economic activity developed later.

Wildlife sanctuaries appeared on Russian territory back in the days Kievan Rus. Near the capital, land was allocated called the “menagerie”, in which a variety of large game was protected and bred, and only the prince and his entourage had the right to hunt. In the Middle Ages, similar “hunts” arose in different parts of Rus'. The most famous of them was the Belovezhskaya Pushcha organized by the Polish king Sigismund I, which later became the Royal Hunt of the Russian monarchs. Peter I launched accounting and strict protection of ship oak groves and pine mast forests for the needs of the Russian navy. The use of wood in them was carried out taking into account the need for their reproduction. Under Catherine II, decrees were issued on the protection of certain areas in forests assigned to plants and factories for the needs of shipbuilding. In the Urals, on the lands of the Stroganov counts, active forest conservation activities were launched. Estate manager A.F. Teploukhov identified 89 forest areas with a total area of ​​about 32 thousand hectares and established a protection regime on them.

Scientific societies that emerged in the 19th and early 20th centuries played a major role in the formation of modern ideas about the role of protected natural areas. In 1909-1912. under Russian geographical society A permanent environmental commission was organized. This commission issued an appeal to the general public inviting them to send information about areas of nature in need of protection. It was emphasized that the creation of protected areas is important not only scientifically, but also serves pedagogical purposes. In 1914, while exploring the Volga delta in order to prepare for the creation Astrakhan Nature Reserve B.M. Zhitkov became acquainted with the state of protection of fish stocks. It turned out that the Fisheries Department declared the mouths of the channels as wildlife sanctuaries. Well-equipped guards were hired, and this made it possible to conduct regular and guaranteed fisheries in areas open to fishing. In other places where the organization of reserves was not supported by the allocation of staff and technical support protection, as, for example, in the lower reaches of the Don, poaching continued, and fish stocks steadily decreased.

IN Soviet time Systematic work began on organizing reserves. Its founders were D.K. Soloviev and Yu.A. Kudryavtsev, who considered reserves (along with nature reserves) as important elements of the system for establishing a hunting economy. Initially, there was a tendency to consider the system of reserves mainly as a means of maintaining the reproductive capabilities of populations of valuable (mainly commercial) animals. By 1983 Of the 1,300 reserves in Russia, 1,150 (or 88%) were organized as hunting reserves. There were only 6% of botanical reserves, 2% of landscape reserves, and less than 1% of hydrological reserves.

IN Russian system Reserves There are two categories of objects - reserves of federal and local significance. In quantitative and area terms, local reserves prevail over federal ones. Currently, there are 1057 of them. Unlike local reserves, the existence of which is limited (usually ten years), federal reserves are created without determining the validity period. As information about the state of protected species accumulates, sometimes there is a need to adjust the boundaries of the reserve or change the status. A nature reserve or national park may be formed on the site of a federal reserve.

Negative natural factors are minimized by a complex of biotechnical measures. For example, in regions with harsh winters with little snow, many species of mammals with disabilities During movement, feeding areas, feeding fields, etc. are organized. In regions with an unstable hydrological regime of water bodies, where during floods and high waters the burrows of semi-aquatic animals are flooded, dams and embankments are built, etc.

For land users on whose lands the reserve is located, a set of rules is created that prohibits or restricts actions that harm protected animals. In all reserves, hunting and trapping of animals and birds, destruction of burrows, nests, and collection of eggs and fluff is prohibited. Actions aimed at changing the habitat (wood cutting, reclamation work, livestock grazing, etc.) are limited. The main legal document for each reserve is an individual Regulation, which regulates economic activities in detail and establishes a special regime for the protection of a specific territory. Sanctuary staff monitor species to be protected. Additionally, climatic parameters and the yield of basic animal and bird feed are recorded. The results of such work are annually documented in the Chronicle of Nature, which is the most valuable basic material for detailed scientific research and practical work. Some reserves serve as venues research work scientific institutions, field practices for students, excursions for schoolchildren.

The sizes of reserves vary by many orders of magnitude. Along with small areas, just a few hectares, in which, for example, a colony can be protected rare birds or a section of steppe with bumblebee nests, there are also giant reserves, the area of ​​which is hundreds of thousands of hectares.

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