Economic use of the Irtysh. Origin of the name of the Irtysh River

The Irtysh is one of the largest rivers in Russia. It is the world's largest tributary river. It flows through the territory of Russia, China and Kazakhstan. On the territory Russian Federation The Irtysh flows through the Omsk, Tyumen regions and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

General information

The length of the Irtysh is 4248 kilometers, the drainage basin area is 1.64 million square kilometers. The water flow at the mouth is on average 3000 cubic meters per second. The source of the river is at the confluence of two rivers on the border of China and Mongolia, the Irtysh flows into the Ob River near the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

To Lake Zaisan (Kazakhstan) it is called the Black Irtysh. Many other rivers flow into the lake, so flowing out of this lake, the Irtysh becomes much stronger. The river is fed differently: in the upper part it is mostly snow and glacial, in the lower part it is rain and soil.

In the upper reaches, the flood begins in April, the water level may subside until October. In the lower reaches of the Irtysh, the flood lasts from May to September with a peak in June. In the upper reaches it usually freezes at the end of November, in the lower reaches - at the beginning of November. It breaks free of ice in early April.

In general, the flow of the Irtysh is quite calm. Floods are quite rare (in the upper reaches, where the river level is regulated by hydroelectric power plants and reservoirs attached to them). In the lower reaches, the water in summer can warm up to +22 degrees. The water in the river is soft and fresh. Mineralization can reach up to 320 milligrams per cubic decimeter in winter period.

The average slope of the river is 3 centimeters per kilometer.

Main tributaries

The Irtysh has a lot of tributaries, among the largest are the rivers Kurchum, Narym, Burchun, Kalzhyr, Kamyshlovka, Om, Konda, Vagai, Ishim, Shagan, Char, Uy, Uba, Shish, Ulba. In total, the Irtysh has more than 120 tributaries more than 10 kilometers long. The largest is the Ishim River, 2,450 kilometers long (flows into the Omsk region).

Human settlements and shipping

The Irtysh is a navigable river for 3800 kilometers. There are both multi-day routes for passenger ships and cargo flights. The navigation period lasts about five months; oil, timber and grain are transported along the river.

On the territory of China, on the banks of the Irtysh, there are the cities of Kektokai and Burchun, on the territory of Kazakhstan - Semey, Kurchatov, Pavlodar, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Aksu, Serebryansk, in Russia - Tara, Omsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Tobolsk.


The ichthyofauna of the Irtysh River is very diverse. The most common types of fish are ide, roach, pike, perch, bream, pike perch, sturgeon, carp, burbot. There are nelma, vendace, sturgeon and other types of fish. It is worth noting that some fish species were introduced artificially, for example, trout, ripus, silver carp and carp. They were populated in reservoirs located in the upper reaches of the Irtysh and subsequently the fish themselves populated other sections of the river.

The variety of fish species makes for interesting fishing. Here they fish with a variety of gear, from bottom rods to fly fishing. People most often come to the Omsk region for fishing.

Unfortunately, it is worth noting that the fish population in the river has decreased quite significantly. TO negative factors It is worth including river pollution (which occurs) and poaching. So, for 40-50 years, sterlet was caught even near large cities, but today it can no longer be found in these places. Therefore, for good fishing on the Irtysh River you need to get away from large settlements. Before fishing, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the fishing rules - not all species are allowed for fishing.


On the banks of the Irtysh there are large number architectural monuments, natural history. It is also worth noting that a lot grows on the banks rare plants, which are not found anywhere else. Among the most interesting objects it is worth noting “Bird Harbor” - natural park, which is located within the city limits of Omsk.

River cruises are the most popular. They allow you to get to know the nature of Siberia and the river itself. However, it is worth noting that the cost of such cruises is quite high, which, together with the cost of flights from the European part of Russia, will result in a fairly decent amount.

Quite a lot of lovers of wild recreation and camping with tents come to the Irtysh River. It's quite easy to find scenic spots with good beaches(not very far from cities).

More detailed information you can read about the Irtysh River in other articles in this section, and about attractions and interesting places look for information in the regional sections of our website.


Most likely, this name appeared in the middle reaches of the Irtysh, where. According to archaeological finds, the ancestors of the Kets, a small indigenous people of Siberia, lived. Known various options pronunciation of the name Irtysh: ancient Turkic Ertish, Mongolian Erchis.
The distant ancestors of the Kets occurred as a result of the mixing of Caucasians Southern Siberia with the ancient Mongoloids and lived along the banks of the Irtysh in the Bronze Age, approximately two thousand years BC. e. The Karasuk culture of Kazakhstan and Southern Siberia, which was characterized by cattle breeding, simple agriculture, the manufacture of bronze weapons and the construction of dugouts, is closely connected with the Kets. Burial grounds of the Karasuk culture have been preserved on the banks of the Irtysh.
Excavations have shown that along the Irtysh in ancient times lived tribes of Aryans, Scythians, as well as future Hungarians and Bulgarians. A significant part of the gold artifacts stored in the St. Petersburg Hermitage were discovered in mounds near the river.
The Khanty also settled downstream - a small Ugric people, whose ancestors came from the south several thousand years ago and settled the territory of modern Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The southern branch of the Khanty was called “near-Irtysh”: in it the Khanty mixed closely with the Russian and Tatar population of the area. Traditionally, they were and continue to be engaged in fishing, hunting and reindeer herding, back in the 16th century. having adopted Orthodoxy, but retained shamanism.
In the VI-XI centuries. in the Irtysh basin there was a state of nomads - the Kimak Khaganate, founded by the ancient Turks. In this pagan early feudal society, nomadic cattle breeding and agriculture were developed, and crafts developed. As a result of civil strife, the Kimak nomads left these places.
From the 13th century Mongol-Tatars began to settle along the Irtysh, and here, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Siberian Khanate was created.
In the 16th century The decisive role in opening up the possibilities of the Irtysh and its tributaries for Russia was played by the Russian Cossack ataman Ermak Timofeevich, the conqueror of Siberia. After Ermak, where there were Tatar settlements, first Russian fortresses appeared, and then cities: Turinsk and Tyumen on the Tura, Irbit on Nitsa, a tributary of the Tura, a city on the Irtysh at the confluence of the Tobol and many others.
The source of the Irtysh is in mountain system The Mongolian Altai (China), passing through Kazakhstan, the Irtysh falls into the Zaisan depression, where the flowing lake Zaisan is located, 105 km long and 22-48 km wide. Many rivers flowing from the surrounding mountain ranges flow into Zaisan, so the Irtysh flows out of it much more full-flowing than at its confluence. Next, a significant part of the river water flows into the Irtysh - Karaganda canal. Below Semipalatinsk, the Irtysh enters the West Siberian Plain and flows among the dry steppes. Having passed Omsk, the Irtysh enters forest zone, its valley expands to 30 km, and the channel forms huge bends, breaking into branches. It is in these places that the river receives its main tributaries: Ishim and Tobol on the left, Om on the right.
At the mouth of the Tobol, the river turns sharply north and flows through the most swampy part West Siberian Plain. In the region of Khanty-Mansiysk, the Irtysh merges with the Ob. The Irtysh basin is limited from the west Ural mountains, from the east - .
The Irtysh, together with the Ob, has a total length of 5410 km and ranks sixth in length among the world's rivers (after the Nile, Amazon, Mississippi, Yangtze and Yellow River).
The water of the Irtysh is fresh and soft: it is one of the cleanest and least mineralized rivers in the world.
Due to the considerable extent of the nature water regime The Irtysh changes significantly from the source to the junction with the Ob. The Irtysh crosses several natural areas, therefore, the hydrological nature of the river regime is different in its different sections: the time of the beginning and end of the flood changes, the river freezes in the upper reaches at the end of November, in the lower reaches at the beginning of November, and opens in April.
Floods are uncommon here because hydroelectric power plants take steps to store enough water in reservoirs in advance for use during low-water summers.
The Irtysh is a very important transport waterway that has connected the south and north of Siberia and Kazakhstan since ancient times.
Compared to other Siberian rivers, the Irtysh has a more advantageous geographical location, since it is close to the Kama basin on the watershed of the Ural ridge.
Waterways go from Tobolsk in four directions: to the north - to the Arctic Ocean, to the east to Eastern Siberia, to the south - to Kazakhstan and China, to the west - to the European part of the Russian Federation.
Regular navigation along the Irtysh began in the first half of the 17th century. Russian ships went up the river from Tobolsk to get salt from the Yamyshevsky lakes. For centuries, navigation on the Irtysh was possible only during high water, and when low water came, shoals and riffles opened up. We had to constantly reload goods onto small boats. The situation was corrected by the construction of hydroelectric power stations and the creation of deep reservoirs. Currently, the Irtysh is navigable for 3,784 km, from the Ust-Kamenogorsk hydroelectric power station to the mouth, navigation duration is May-October (April-November).
In its upper reaches, the Irtysh is regulated by the reservoirs of the Irtysh cascade of hydroelectric power stations: Bukhtarma, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Shulbinsk hydroelectric power stations. The Irtysh cascade of hydroelectric power stations has a significant impact on the river regime. The pressure structures of the Bukhtarma hydroelectric power station, 430 m long, form the Bukhtarma reservoir, which includes Lake Zaisan.
The Irtysh is the main source of water supply for the population and industry, as well as irrigation along its entire course.
The Irtysh floodplain abounds in waterfowl: hundreds of bird species live here. The river is inhabited by sturgeon (Siberian sturgeon, sterlet), salmon (nelma, muksun, Siberian vendace), carp (ide, bream, roach, rudd, dace, silver and golden carp), pike, perch, pike perch, burbot sculpin Siberian, peled, river minnow, Siberian rosemary, common loach, chebak. More than a dozen species are commercial.
The Omsk port, located within the city on both banks of the Irtysh, is the largest transshipment port in the Irtysh basin: more than a third of the total volume of loading and unloading operations. The river station, built in 1964, stands in the center of the city, on the site of the founding of the Omsk fortress.

General information

Location: Western Siberia and Central Asia. Left tributary of the Ob River.
Flows through the territory: Russian Federation (2010 km), Republic of Kazakhstan (1700 km) and Chinese People's Republic(525 km).
Feeding method: in the upper reaches snow, glacial and to a lesser extent rain; in the lower reaches there is snow, rain and soil.
Source: glaciers of the southwestern slopes of the Mongolian Altai.
Mouth: river.
Largest tributaries: right - Kaldzhir, Kurchkum, Narym, Bukhtarma, Ulba, Uba, Om, Tara, Uy, Shish, Tui; left - Kyzylsu, Char, Ishim, Tobol, Osha, Bolshoi Aev.
Largest cities from source to mouth: Kyotokai (aka Fuyun), Burchun (China); Serebryansk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk, Kurchatov, Aksu, Pavlodar (Kazakhstan); Omsk, Tara, Tobolsk, (Russia).
The most important ports: Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk, Pavlodar, Omsk, Tara, Tobolsk, Khanty-Mansiysk.


Length: 4248 km.
Pool area: 1,643,000 km2.
Average water consumption: 820 m 3 /s (at the Omsk site); 2150 m 3 /s (at the Tobolsk site), 3000 m 3 /s (at the mouth).
Slope: 3-7 cm/km.
Channel width: 200-900 m.
Depths: on reaches 3-15 m, on rifts - at least 1-2 m.
Current speed: at high levels 4.5-5.1 km/h, at low water 2.5-3.5 km/h.
Ice drift: 4-7 days.
Average duration of flood: 120-130 days.
Ice thickness: 1 m or more.


Industry: logging, hydropower.
Service sector: tourism, transport.

Climate and weather

Sharply continental, with frosty winters and warm to hot summers.
Average January temperature:-16.9°С.
Average temperature in July:+16°C.
Average annual precipitation: 400 mm.
Relative humidity: 70%.


Natural objects : “Beshchaul tract”, Chersky Bank, outcrop “Dravert Bank”, “Gap of the Earth”, “Kartashovsky Yar”;
■ Reserve of regional significance “Poima Lyubinskaya”:
■ “Irtysh Mountains”;
■ Lake Zaisan;
■ Irtysh hydroelectric power station cascade;
■ Paleontological reserve “Mount Ashutas” (Salt Stone);
Khanty-Mansiysk city: fountain “Ob and Irtysh”. Natural Park “Samarovsky Chugas”, Archeopark, Theater of Ob-Ugric Peoples;
Omsk city: Palace of the Governor-General of the Steppe Territory (1862), Holy Assumption cathedral(1891-1898), Museum of History and Local Lore, buildings on Lyubinsky Prospekt (1880-1914);
Tara city: fortress wall on Yubileinaya Square, mansion of merchant Ya.A. Nemchinov, Samsonovsky Bridge;
City of Tobolsk: Tobolsk Kremlin (XVII-XVIII centuries), Abalaksky Znamensky Monastery (XVII century), Tobolsk State Museum-Reserve;
■ Burial of the Decembrists at the old Zavalny cemetery: A.P. Baryatinsky, V.K. Kuchelbecker, A.M. Muravyova and others.

Curious facts

■ The ancient Irtysh valley was 150-200 km wide, as evidenced by the terrain.
■ In scientific circles for a long time There was a debate as to what was considered the main river and what was a tributary: the Irtysh or the Ob? The Irtysh is longer, and besides, the Ob flows into the Irtysh from the side, like a tributary, without changing the linear direction of the Irtysh from Tobolsk to Salekhard. The winner is the one who proved that the Ob is deeper than the Irtysh. So the Ob became the main river, and the Irtysh became its tributary.
■ The Tobolsk Kremlin is the only stone Kremlin in Siberia. Here for some time the Uglich alarm bell hung on the bell tower, which the residents of Uglich rang after strange death Tsarevich Dimitri. By order of Prince Vasily Shuisky, who led the investigation into the death of the prince, the bell was punished as a person. His ear and tongue were torn out and in 1592 he was exiled to Tobolsk in Siberia.
■ Beginning of river shipping Western Siberia dates back to 1854, when the steamship Osnova, built in the city of Tyumen, was launched, making trips between Tyumen and Tobolsk.
■ Omsk State Museum of History and Local Lore, founded in 1878, is one of oldest museums Siberia and Russia and one of the largest museums in Siberia: its funds number more than 150 thousand exhibits. The most valuable of them is the banner of the Siberian Cossack Army of 1690. The relic returned to Omsk in 1999 after 40 years of restoration work.
■ Omsk is one of the sunniest cities in Russia: quantity sunny days per year - more than 300.
■ Tobolsk Renterea, or Swedish Chamber (built by the Swedes in the 17th century), is a former repository of the state treasury. In addition to money, taxes collected in the form of furs were kept here.

Irtysh (on Kazakh language- Ertis, in Tatar - Irtesh) is a river in Siberia and Kazakhstan, the main tributary of the Ob. The length of the Irtysh is 4,248 kilometers, which exceeds the length of the Ob itself. The Irtysh, together with the Ob, is the longest river in Russia, the second longest in Asia and the seventh in the world (5,410 kilometers).

The Irtysh is the longest tributary river in the world (the Missouri is in second place). It flows through the territory of China (525 kilometers), Kazakhstan (1,700 kilometers) and Russia (2,010 kilometers). The basin area is 1,643 thousand square kilometers.

Irtysh in East Kazakhstan region

The sources of the Irtysh are located on the border of Mongolia and China, on the eastern slopes of the ridge. From China, under the name Black Irtysh, it enters Kazakhstan, passes through the Zaisan depression, and flows into the flowing lake Zaisan. At the mouth of the Black Irtysh there is a large delta. Many rivers from Rudny Altai, ridges and Saur flow into Zaisan. Repeatedly strengthened by these waters, the Irtysh flows from Lake Zaisan to the northwest through the Bukhtarminskaya hydroelectric power station and the Ust-Kamenogorsk hydroelectric power station located behind it. Downstream are the Shulbinskaya hydroelectric station and the city of Semipalatinsk. Just above Pavlodar, the Irtysh water is taken by the Irtysh - Karaganda canal, flowing to the west. In the region of Khanty-Mansiysk, the Irtysh flows into the Ob.

The Irtysh's nutrition is mixed: in the upper reaches there is snow, glacial and less rain; in the lower reaches there is snow, rain and soil. The nature of the water regime also changes significantly. In the upper reaches, the flood begins in April, maximum in April - June, the decline lasts until October; The river flow is regulated. In the lower reaches there is high water from late May to September, with a maximum in June. 50% of the annual flow occurs in the spring, in the upper reaches the share of flow in summer and autumn is 20%, in winter 10%, in Tobolsk it is 27%, 19% and 7%, respectively. The average flow rate at Ust-Kamenogorsk is 628 m³/s, Semipalatinsk is about 960 m³/s, Omsk is 917 m³/s, Tobolsk is 2,150 m³/s, at the mouth is about 3,000 m³/s, the annual flow is about 95 cubic kilometers. The range of level fluctuations above Lake Zaisan is 4.4 meters, near Omsk 7 meters, Ust-Ishim 12.7 meters, decreasing towards the mouth. Total area The catchment area is 1,643,000 square kilometers. The slope is about 0.03 meters per kilometer.

Irtysh in East Kazakhstan region

Freeze-up on the Irtysh is preceded by ice drift lasting about 20 days in the upper reaches and 6-10 days in the lower reaches. It freezes in the upper reaches at the end of November, in the lower reaches at the beginning of November, and opens in April.

The river water is fresh and soft. Water mineralization varies depending on the season from 136-253 mg/cu. dm in high water up to 300-324 mg/cubic. dm in winter, increasing along the length of the Irtysh from south to north to Ust-Ishim, outside the Omsk region it decreases slightly until it flows into the Ob. The salt composition of the Irtysh is calcium bicarbonate, less often sodium.

Tributaries of the Irtysh: Kaldzhir, Kurchum, Narym, Ulba, Uba, Kyzylsu, Char, Tobol, Om, Tara, Uy, Shish, Ishim, Osha, Chagan, Konda, Usolka, Vagai.

Cities on the Irtysh from source to mouth: Ketokai (Fuyun), Burchun (all - China), Serebryansk, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semipalatinsk, Kurchatov, Aksu, Pavlodar (all - Kazakhstan), Omsk, Tara, Tobolsk, Khanty-Mansiysk (all - Russia).

The waters of the Irtysh are used to feed the Irtysh - Karaganda canal (water intake from the Irtysh into the canal averages 75 m³/s), for water supply and irrigation.

There is regular shipping for 3,784 kilometers from the downstream of the Ust-Kamenogorsk hydroelectric power station to the mouth. Navigation lasts from April to November.

Moonrise - Irtysh River, 40 kilometers below Semopalatinsk

Currently, OJSC Irtysh Shipping Company operates multi-day passenger routes on the Omsk-Salekhard lines (via Tobolsk and Khanty-Mansiysk). During the three-month navigation period, the motor ships “Chernyshevsky” and “Rodina” sail along this route. Today, this is one of the few surviving river passenger routes in Russia.

Below Lake Zaisan on the Irtysh, the Irtysh cascade of hydroelectric power stations was built, which includes the Bukhtarminskaya, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Shulbinskaya hydroelectric power stations.

Rafting on the Irtysh River in Kazakhstan.

"How he hesitates, the flow of extortions,
Rocking on the waves of burly...
Over the boundless distance of the islands
The welcoming roar walks -
Stray son of the shipping companies"

Translated from Turkic, the word “Irtysh” means “digger”.

Educational tourism in Kazakhstan.

Irtysh - main river Northern basin Arctic Ocean. Its length is 4248 km, but only part of the river, 1700 km long, is located on Kazakhstani territory. The river called the Black Irtysh originates in China, then flows through the territory of Kazakhstan and flows into Lake Zaysan and to the Bukhtarma Reservoir.
A river flows out of the lake called White Irtysh, or simply Irtysh, and flows into the Ob River. At first, the Irtysh flows through hilly plains, then the Narymsky and Kalbinsky ridges and other spurs of Altai come close to the river.
Here the river, constrained by mountains, flows through a narrow gorge to the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk. Near Ust-Kamenogorsk, the Irtysh receives many tributaries of which the largest and most abundant is Bukhtarm A. On the Irtysh River, below the mouth of Bukhtarma, it was built Bukhtarminskaya HPP.
A huge dam (96 m) blocked the Irtysh bed and formed a reservoir up to 60 km long (upstream). Bukhtarma Reservoir it can rightfully be called Great Irtysh Sea.
Below the Bukhtarma reservoir, in a narrow gorge between the mountains, the Irtysh formed a second reservoir - the Small Irtysh Sea. The waters of the Irtysh here were raised by the dam of the Ust-Kamenogorsk hydroelectric power station. Between the cities of Ust-Kamenogorsk and Semipalatinsk there is the Shulbinskoye reservoir, the waters of which are raised by the dam of the Shulbinskaya hydroelectric station.
From Ust-Kamenogorsk down the Irtysh flows along a wide valley, on its right side there are spurs Altai mountains, on the left is Saryarka. The banks of the valley are high, steep, steep, and rocky in places. The Irtysh near the city of Semipalatinsk enters the plain and takes on the character of a typical lowland river.
Here the river bed is winding, and in some places it branches into branches with numerous islands overgrown with floodplain vegetation. Between cities Semipalatinsk and Ust-Kamenogorsk, several tributaries flow into the Irtysh, the largest of them: on the right side - the Ulba and Uba rivers, and on the left - Char and Kyzylsu rivers.
Irtysh belongs to the rivers mixed type its tributaries originate in the high mountain zone and are fed by meltwater from snow and glaciers. Other tributaries feed groundwater and sediment waters. The water level in the Irtysh is quite high throughout the year.
It becomes fullest in April-May and early June. In the vicinity of the city of Shulba, located between Ust-Kamenogorsk and Semipalatinsk, the average monthly water flow in May is 2541 m3/s; in the Semey (Semipalatinsk) area, the highest annual flow is 60 m/s.
The average annual flow in this area is over 28 billion cubic meters. From November to mid-April the Irtysh is covered with ice. The ice thickness reaches 125 cm. Ice break-up and ice drift occur rapidly, and jams often form, often leading to floods.
The Irtysh River is navigable along its entire length. Passenger tugboats, motor ships and boats sail up to the border with China. The waters of the Irtysh are used to generate electrical energy. Two large hydroelectric power stations - Ust-Kamenogorsk and Bukhtarminskaya - produce electrical energy enterprises Rudny Altai.
Currently under construction Shulbinskaya HPP. The Irtysh is rich in fish and has commercial importance. There are sterlet, nelma, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, pike, perch, and crucian carp. Not so long ago, carp, bream, pike perch and Baikal omul were released here.
The Irtysh is of great economic importance in the life of the republic, but for the needs agriculture entirely used. A large amount of water from the Irtysh flows into the Ob River. Therefore, for the purpose of their rational use, part of the Irtysh waters is directed to Central Kazakhstan By Irtysh channel - Karaganda.
Central Kazakhstan is very rich in mineral resources, but there is very little water. Several small rivers, practically drying up in the summer, could not satisfy the growing needs of the population and economy.
Therefore, in 1974, the large Irtysh-Karaganda canal was built, stretching for 458 km. Its depth is 57 m, width is 40 m. 75 m3/s passes through the canal from the Irtysh. water. The second stage of the canal will stretch to Zhezkazgan. The canal supplies water to the Pavlodar and Karaganda regions.
The left tributaries of the Irtysh - Ishim and Tobol - flow through the northern regions of Kazakhstan and flow into the Irtysh outside the republic. For 618 kilometers, the Irtysh flows through Chinese territory. Now in this area, the Chinese authorities are beginning the construction of the Black Irtysh-Karamai irrigation canal, more than 300 km long and 22 meters wide.
As for any big river, so people have been sailing along the Irtysh for a long time. And in 1902, the Upper Irtysh Shipping Company was organized. Steamships have already begun to sail along the Irtysh. Even if at first they were small and dirty, and they walked irregularly.
The arrival of the steamships was a major event in the city, and crowds of people flocked to watch it. They were afraid to ride on steamships: “I wouldn’t drown! On horses would take longer, but more accurately. But soon large, white, like swans, handsome men with thick, deafening whistles appeared, and they cruised according to a schedule from two well-equipped piers.”
The first steamship of the Partnership Upper Irtysh Shipping Company and trade was called "Holy Key". Many events of 1918 - 1919 are connected with the Irtysh and the ships that sailed along it. The trip on the ship "Mongol" ended in tragedy for the first leader of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Bolsheviks, Yakov Vasilyevich Ushanov.
In the 1920s, navigation along the upper Irtysh gradually resumed. The waterway along the Irtysh was divided into two parts: from Cape Poplar to Semipalatinsk - the so-called upper reach; and from Semipalatinsk to Semiyarsky - lower reach.
In 1926, 12 ships sailed along the upper reach of the Irtysh, including 4 passenger ones, and 24 ships sailed along the lower reach, including 5 passenger ones. In 1926, a launch took place in Ridder processing plant, and in 1927 - a lead plant. Tons of zinc concentrate were shipped along the Irtysh.

Books: “Nature of the Trans-Ili Alatau”, M.Zh. Zhandaev, ed. Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, 1978 “Across the Northern Tien Shan”, V.N. Vukolov, Moscow, Profizdat, 1991. Pozdeev-Bashta A. Mountain trails of Almaty. – 2nd ed. – Almaty, 1998. Pospelov E. M. To the tourist about geographical names. – M., 1988. Gorbunov A.P. Mountains Central Asia. Dictionary geographical names and terms." – Almaty, 2006. Murzaev E. M. GeographyVnames. – M., 1982.

Alexandra Petrova.

Irtysh(Kazakh Ertis, Chinese 额尔齐斯河 - É"ěrqísī hé) - a river in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, and, left, the main tributary of the Ob. The length of the Irtysh is 4248 km, which exceeds the length of the Ob itself. Irtysh together with the Ob is the longest watercourse in Russia, the second longest in Asia and the sixth in the world (5410 km). The annual flow is 94.6 km.


Irtysh basin

The Irtysh is the longest tributary river in the world (the Missouri is in second place). The basin area is 1643 thousand km².

The sources of the Irtysh are located on the border of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China, on the eastern slopes of the Mongolian Altai ridge. From China, under the name Ertsisihe, it enters Kazakhstan, passes through the Zaisan depression, and flows into the flowing lake Zaisan. At the mouth of the Black Irtysh there is a large delta. Many rivers flow into Zaisan from Rudny Altai, the Tarbagatai and Saur ridges. Repeatedly strengthened by these waters, the Irtysh flows from Lake Zaisan to the northwest through the Bukhtarminskaya hydroelectric power station, the city of Serebryansk and next to it the located Ust-Kamenogorsk hydroelectric power station. Downstream are the Shulbinskaya hydroelectric station and the city. A little higher, the Irtysh water is taken by the Irtysh - Karaganda canal, flowing to the west. In the region the Irtysh flows into the Ob.

Black Irtysh

Black Irtysh(whale. 额尔齐斯河 - É"ěrqísī hé or 喀拉额尔齐斯河 (Kālā-É"ěrqísī hé); Kazakh Kara Ertis) - the upper reaches of the Irtysh River, from its source to its confluence with Lake Zaisan.

One of the names of the upper tributaries of the Irtysh is the Turkic Kara-Irtsis, “Black Irtysh”, which is used in this name not in the meaning black, but in the sense Earth, that is, Kara-Irtsis - Irtysh, starting from a spring (from the ground).

Water from the Black Irtysh enters the center of the oil and gas industry of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the city of Karamay, through the Black Irtysh - Karamay canal, more than 300 km long and 22 meters wide (26% of the Irtysh’s water content). Part of the Black Irtysh runoff enters Lake Ulyungur, as a result of which the area of ​​the lake is lately increased by 200 km². Officially, China selects more than 2 km³ per year for the Black Irtysh - Karamay channel. The Irtysh-Urumqi canal is aimed at supplying water to the Tarim Basin, where large deposits oil and gas.

On the territory of Kazakhstan there is the only bridge across the Black Irtysh in the area of ​​​​the village of Boran.


View of Erzisihe in the village of Kyoktokai in Xinjiang (China)

Semeysky suspension bridge over the Irtysh (Kazakhstan)

River station on the Irtysh in Khanty-Mansiysk

The Irtysh's nutrition is mixed: in the upper reaches there is snow, glacial and less rain; in the lower reaches there is snow, rain and soil. The nature of the water regime also changes significantly. In the upper reaches, the flood begins in April, maximum in April - June, the decline lasts until October; The river flow is regulated. In the lower reaches there is high water from late May to September, with a maximum in June. 50% of the annual runoff occurs in the spring, in the upper reaches the share of runoff in summer and autumn is 20%, in winter 10%, in the upper reaches 27%, 19% and 7%. The average flow rate is 628 m³/s, about 960 m³/s, 917 m³/s, Tobolsk is 2150 m³/s, at the mouth is about 3000 m³/s, the annual flow is about 95 km³. The range of level fluctuations above Lake Zaisan is 4.4 m, near Omsk 7 m, Ust-Ishim 12.7 m, decreasing towards the mouth.

The total catchment area is 1,643,000 km². The slope is about 0.03 m per kilometer.

Freeze-up on the Irtysh is preceded by ice drift lasting about 20 days in the upper reaches and 6-10 days in the lower reaches. It freezes in the upper reaches at the end of November, in the lower reaches at the beginning of November, and opens in April.

Water composition

The river water is fresh and soft. Water mineralization varies depending on the season from 136-253 mg/cu. dm in high water up to 300-324 mg/cubic. dm in winter, increasing along the length of the Irtysh from south to north to Ust-Ishim, outside it decreases somewhat until it flows into the Ob. The salt composition of the Irtysh is calcium bicarbonate, less often sodium.

Flora and fauna

The Irtysh is inhabited by representatives of sturgeons (Siberian sturgeon, sterlet), whitefish (selma, muksun, Siberian vendace), cyprinids (ide, carp, bream, roach, rudd, dace, silver and golden carp, etc.), pike (pike), perch (perch, pike perch, ruff), burbot (burbot).


Tributaries: Burchun, Kalzhyr, Kurchum, Narym, Bukhtarma, Ulba, Uba, Kyzylsu, Char, Tobol, Kamyshlovka, Om, Tara, Uy, Shish, Ishim, Osha, Shagan, Konda, Usolka, Vagai.


Cities on the Irtysh from source to mouth: Kyoktokai (Fuyun), Burchun (all - China), Serebryansk, Kurchatov, Aksu, (all - Kazakhstan), Tara, (all - Russia).

Economic use

The waters of the Irtysh are used to feed the Irtysh - Karaganda canal (water intake from the Irtysh into the canal averages 75 m³/s (2.4 km³/year)), for water supply and irrigation.

Regular navigation for 3784 km from the downstream of the Ust-Kamenogorsk hydroelectric power station to the mouth. Navigation from April to November.

Currently, OJSC Irtysh Shipping Company operates multi-day passenger routes on the Omsk - (via and) lines. During the three-month navigation period, the motor ships “Chernyshevsky” and “Rodina” sail along this route. Today, this is one of the few surviving river passenger routes in Russia.

Below Lake Zaisan on the Irtysh, the Irtysh cascade of hydroelectric power stations was built, which includes the Bukhtarminskaya, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Shulbinskaya hydroelectric power stations.

In 2010, a project was developed for the construction of a low-pressure dam north of Omsk - the Krasnogorsk hydroelectric complex. The project is being implemented under the target program of the Omsk region “Construction of the Krasnogorsk water-lifting hydroelectric complex on the Irtysh River.”


Along the Irtysh and in its environs there are a large number of natural monuments, historical monuments and architectural monuments, objects of ecological and geological tourism. In the Pavlodar region, on the banks of the Irtysh, there is a unique paleontological monument “Goose Flight”. In Omsk, on the left bank of the Irtysh, there is the Bird Harbor natural park, which is located on the migration route of birds.

  • Belyavsky P. E. Irtysh // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Irtysh // Small encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Efron: in 4 volumes - St. Petersburg. , 1907-1909.
  • Map Sheet L-45-A.
  • For example, on Google Maps and in a number of atlases
  • Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E. M. 2001.
  • General description Irtysh River Archived copy of November 1, 2013 on the Wayback Machine
  • Aral Sea number two (How China is turning Kazakhstan into a desert)
  • There are fears that China, in addition to water intake through the Black Irtysh-Karamai canal, is taking water along the entire river to the Kazakh border
  • Virtual trip to East Kazakhstan region | official website of the akim of East Kazakhstan region
  • Zakharcheva E. G., Vyatkina G. A.“Irtysh is the main water artery Omsk region", Omsk branch of the Federal State Institution "TFGI in the Siberian Federal District" Federal agency on subsoil use"
  • About the company - Irtysh Shipping Company Archived copy dated October 17, 2011 on the Wayback Machine
  • Passenger transportation - Irtysh Shipping Company Archived copy dated October 17, 2011 on the Wayback Machine
  • Omsk hydroelectric complex enters the detailed design stage
  • Krasnogorsk water-lifting hydraulic complex on the Irtysh River
  • Omsk Province: Omsk Province (unavailable link)
  • Yertis written monument// Kazakhstan. National Encyclopedia. - Almaty: Kazakh encyclopedias, 2005. - T. II. - ISBN 9965-9746-3-2.
  • How the Irtysh is destroyed
  • Links

    • Irtysh // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
    • Irtysh // Dictionary of modern geographical names / Rus. geogr. about. Moscow center; Under general ed. acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. Institute of Geography RAS. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2006.
    • Pyotr Bologov - “Aral number two” - about the fate of the Irtysh during active exploitation by China.