State nature reserve Altyn Solok. Oopt Russia

Document title:
Document number: 50
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Status: Active
Acceptance date: February 21, 2013
Start date: February 21, 2013
Revision date: June 18, 2019



About the state nature reserve "Altyn Solok"

In accordance with , , (with subsequent amendments), in order to ensure the preservation of the gene pool of the indigenous population of the Burzyan bee, the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Regulations on the state natural reserve "Altyn Solok";

changes made to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated August 25, 2005 N 189 “On state natural zoological reserves of republican significance”

2. Financing of expenses for the maintenance of the state natural reserve "Altyn Solok" shall be carried out within the limits of the funds provided in the budget of the Republic of Bashkortostan to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the implementation of activities of the state program "Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated February 18, 2014 N 61 (with subsequent amendments).

(clause 2 as ed.)

3. Control over the implementation of this Resolution is entrusted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Republic of Bashkortostan

Regulations on the state natural reserve "Altyn Solok"

Government Decree
Republic of Bashkortostan
dated February 21, 2013 N 50

1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation, Forest Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws "On Specially Protected Natural Areas" and "On Wildlife", Laws of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On Specially Protected Natural Areas in the Republic of Bashkortostan", "On Wildlife ", "On hunting and conservation of hunting resources in the Republic of Bashkortostan", Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated February 26, 1999 N 48 "On approval of regulations on specially protected natural areas in the Republic of Bashkortostan" (with subsequent amendments).

1.2. State nature reserve"Altyn Solok" (hereinafter referred to as the reserve) has a "zoological (entomological)" profile.

1.3. The reserve was formed without limitation of validity on forest lands with an area of ​​87,487.0 hectares and other categories of land with an area of ​​2,457.0 hectares.

1.4. Protection of the reserve territory, as well as conservation measures biological diversity and the maintenance of natural complexes and objects on the territory of the reserve in their natural state is carried out by the state budgetary institution Directorate for Specially Protected Natural Areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan (hereinafter referred to as the Directorate), which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Bashkortostan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Belarus).

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated September 18, 2015 N 397)

1.5. The reserve is located in the municipal district of Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Total area territory of the reserve - 89944.0 hectares.

1.6. The reserve is located on the lands of the forest fund of the Nugushsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry (in blocks 4 - 7, 9, 12 - 17, 21 - 28, 33 - 42, 46 - 54, 56 - 70, 73 - 85, 87, 88, 112 - 117), Gadelgareevsky district forestry of Burzyansky forestry (in blocks 1 - 19, 22 - 30, 33 - 37, 40 - 45, 50 - 54, 58 - 61, 66, 67 (with the exception of the protected natural area of ​​local importance "Morat-Tugai "), 68 - 70), Belsky district forestry of Burzyansky forestry (in blocks 122, 132, 133, 135) and on lands of other categories that are located within these blocks, without withdrawal from users, owners and owners of areas of the territory (water area) in in accordance with the law.

1.7. Reserve boundaries:

northern border - from the point of intersection of the administrative border of the municipal district of Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan with the north-eastern corner of block 4 of the Nugushsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry, then along the northern clearings of blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 to the north-eastern corner of block 9;

eastern border - from the northeastern corner of block 9 of the Nugushsky district forestry south along the eastern clearing of block 9 until it intersects with the northwestern corner of block 17, then east along the northern clearing of block 17 and south, then along the eastern clearings of blocks 17 and 28 of the same district forestry to the intersection with the northwestern corner of block 42 of the same forestry, then east along the northern clearing of the same block and south along its eastern clearing to the northwestern corner of block 54 of the same district forestry, then east along northern clearing of the same block and to the south, then along the eastern clearings of blocks 54, 66, 78 of the Nugushsky district forestry and block 5 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry, further east along the northern clearing of block 122 of the Belsky district forestry to its north-eastern corner, then to the south and along the eastern clearings of blocks 122, 133 and 135 of the Belsky district forestry, blocks 19, 30, 37, 45 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry, along the southern clearing of block 45 to the north-eastern corner of block 54 of the same district forestry and to the south along the eastern clearings blocks 54, 61, 70 until the intersection of the south-eastern corner of block 70 with the river. White;

southern border - from the south-eastern corner of block 70 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry along the river. Belaya along the southern borders of blocks 70, 69, 68, then along the southern border of block 67, along the border of block 67 with the protected natural area of ​​local importance "Morat-Tugai", then to the north and along the western clearings of blocks 67, 66, 58, 50 to intersections with the southern clearing of block 40 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry, then along the southern and western clearings of block 40 to the south-eastern corner of block 23 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry, then along the southern clearings of blocks 23 and 22 to the south-western corner of block 22 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry;

western border - from the southwestern corner of block 22 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry along the western clearings of blocks 22, 11 to the northwestern corner of block 11, then along the northern clearings of blocks 11, 12, 13 to the northeastern corner of block 13, then along to the western clearings of blocks 6, 1 to the north-western corner of block 1 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry, then along the southern and western clearings of block 73 of the Nugushsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry until the intersection of the western clearing of block 73 with the south-eastern corner of block 60, then along the southern borders of blocks 60 , 59 to the northwestern corner of block 71 of the Nugushsky district forestry, then along the western clearing of block 71 to the river. Nugush, further along the river bank. Nugush along the eastern and southern borders of blocks 83, 82 to the south-eastern corner of block 82, then along the northern, western and southern clearings of block 86 to the river. Nugush, along the eastern and southern borders of blocks 88, 87 to the southwestern corner of block 87, then along the western and northern borders blocks 87, 84, 79, 117, 56, 115, 114, 112, 113, 34, 21, 33, 22, 23, 12, 4 to the north-eastern corner of block 4 of the Nugushsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry.

1.8. The boundaries of the reserve are marked on the ground with special information signs along the perimeter of the boundaries of its territory.

1.9. The boundaries and features of the special protection regime of the reserve are taken into account when developing plans and prospects for the economic and social development, forestry regulations and forest development projects, preparation of territorial planning documents, forest management and land inventory, development various forms tourism.

2. Objectives of the reserve

2.1. The reserve was formed to perform the following tasks:

1) providing conditions for conservation, sustainable existence and rational use native population of the Burzyan bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.);

2) preservation, reproduction and restoration of the natural complex, providing natural environment habitat, and maintenance of the gene pool of the aboriginal population of the Burzyan bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.), living in natural and artificial dwellings (hollows, sides, hives);

3) conservation, restoration and reproduction of endangered animal and plant species;

4) conservation, restoration, reproduction of numbers and expansion of the range of other species of animals and plants, including rare ones and those in need of protection, as well as species valuable in economic, scientific and cultural terms;

5) preservation of historical and ethnographic objects (Masim ridge, Babsan-biya mound, lakes Elkkysykkan and Ygyshma), as well as objects that will be discovered during archaeological and historical and ethnographic research;

6) implementation environmental monitoring and conducting scientific research Burzyan bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.);

7) environmental education population.

3. Zoning of the reserve territory

3.1. To more effectively fulfill the tasks assigned to the reserve, the territory of the reserve is subject to zoning.

3.2. The reserve has three zones that differ in mode of use:

1) a special protection zone (Mount Masim), which includes blocks 18 and 19 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry and block 135 of the Belsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry;

2) buffer protection zone of the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve and the catchment area of ​​the karst system of the Shulgan-Tash (Kapovoy) cave, which includes blocks 58 - 61, 70, 73, 74, 81 - 83, 85, 88 of the Nugush district forestry, as well as blocks 1, 6, 11 - 14, 22 - 25, 40, 50, 51, 58, 59, 66 and 67 Gadelgareevsky district forestry;

3) a restricted regime zone, which includes the entire remaining territory of the reserve.

4. Special protection regime for the territory of the reserve

4.1. A regime of special protection and use is established on the territory of the reserve. natural resources, aimed at preserving the natural complex, ensuring the natural balance of flora and fauna.

4.2. It is prohibited throughout the entire territory of the reserve the following types economic activity:

1) placement and operation of public and individual apiaries and migration points with honey bees, the use of fertile and infertile queen bees, bee families, packages and swarms imported from outside the municipal district Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. At the same time, the creation of new and development of existing apiaries of all forms of ownership based on indigenous Burzyan bees is fully encouraged;

2) development of mineral deposits, performance of other work related to the use of subsoil, as well as geological development, drainage and irrigation works, except for cases of construction, reconstruction and repair of roads, construction of tourism infrastructure and sports facilities and implementation of measures for the development of existing populated areas points;

3) removal of gravel-sand mixtures from quarries, except for cases of construction, reconstruction and repair of roads, construction of sports facilities and tourism infrastructure facilities and implementation of measures for the development of existing settlements;

4) timber rafting;

5) destruction and disturbance of the peace of families of honey bees living in natural and artificial dwellings - hollows, sides, logs and hives;

6) damage and destruction of artificial bee dwellings - sides and logs, both inhabited and not inhabited by bees;

7) clear cuttings forest plantations, with the exception of narrow-cut forests (no more than 50 m wide) in the buffer protection zones of the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve and in the reserved regime zone of the reserve;

8) preparation of resin;

9) timber harvesting, with the exception of timber harvesting for municipal and private needs of the population, for the needs of organizations engaged in educational activities, and cultural organizations in agreement with the Directorate;

(clause 9 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated September 11, 2017 N 420)

10) plowing of lands, natural meadows and clearings, except traditionally used for arable land;

11) construction and operation of new livestock farms and summer camps of distant herds;

12) provision of land plots for collective gardening and vegetable farming;

13) arrangement of parking for vehicles outside specially designated areas;

14) use of pesticides, chemical and microbiological plant protection products;

15) destruction or damage to barriers, full houses, stands and other information signs and indicators, as well as equipped ecological trails and recreational areas;

16) pollution water security zone household, agricultural and industrial waste;

17) creation of facilities for the disposal of production and consumption waste, radioactive, chemical, explosive, toxic, poisonous and noxious substances;

18) commercial, sport hunting, commercial fishing (shooting and trapping of animals for scientific purposes, including for the purpose of population control, is allowed, on the basis of special permits issued by the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Belarus);


19) other types of activities that entail a decrease in the ecological value of the given territory or cause harm to protected animal objects and flora and their habitat.

4.3. In the buffer protection zone of the Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve and the catchment area of ​​the karst system of the Shulgan-Tash (Kapovoy) cave, the following is prohibited:

1) blasting and mining operations without examination by geological and karst specialists;

2) clearing out areas for new farmland;

3) damage and filling of karst sinkholes;

4) the use of heavy tracked vehicles and tractors during the snow-free period outside technological roads, except for the transport of landowners, environmental, fire-fighting and other special bodies and services when they perform official activities.

4.4. On the territory especially protective zone(Mount Masim) all types of felling are prohibited, except for thinning and sanitary felling, the construction of new forest roads, as well as mass grazing of livestock.

4.5. The following are permitted on the territory of the reserve:

1) development of beekeeping, placement and operation of public and individual apiaries based on the indigenous Burzyansky bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.) and migration points with honey bees within the territory of the municipal district Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as the export of bee families, packages, fetal and barren queen bees from the given territory;

2) haymaking and free collection of non-timber resources (mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants);

3) grazing, with the exception of the territory of a specially protected area (Mount Masim);

4) all types of thinning, as well as narrow cutting of mature and overmature plantings with a cutting area width of no more than 50 m, with the exception of the territory of a specially protected area (Mount Masim);

5) amateur and sport fishing;

6) development various types tourism and folk crafts, construction of tourist bases, parking lots and camps, arrangement of tourist routes, other forms of recreation for the population in designated places in agreement with the Directorate;

7) scientific research and environmental work in agreement with the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Belarus;

8) reforestation work in order to improve the species composition of forests, their protective functions and aesthetic value;

9) inventory of bees, assessment of all bee families, carrying out measures to weaken the cross-breeding of bees with the participation of specialists from the Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve;

10) measures to restore and prevent changes in natural complexes, to maintain conditions that ensure sanitary and fire safety, as well as to prevent conditions that threaten human life and the safety of populated areas;

11) food preparation forest resources;

12) procurement and collection of non-timber forest resources in agreement with the Directorate;

13) procurement of medicinal plants in agreement with the Directorate;

14) creation of forest plantations and their operation in non-forested areas in agreement with the Directorate;

15) cultivation of forest fruits, berries, ornamental plants, medicinal plants in non-forested areas in agreement with the Directorate;

16) construction, reconstruction, operation of linear facilities in agreement with the Directorate;

17) carrying out religious activities;

18) preservation and development of traditional folk craft - beekeeping;

19) development of various forms of tourism;

20) other economic activity to improve infrastructure and develop tourism in agreement with the Directorate.

4.6. Within a radius of 50 m around all trees with sides or trees that are promising for making new sides, specially protected areas with a limited forest management regime are allocated, where only cutting down of trees is allowed autumn-winter period with a decrease in tree stand density by no more than 20%.

4.7. The right to use borders, logs, promising border trees, placement of nomadic and stationary apiaries is formalized in accordance with the established procedure.

4.8. On the territory of the reserve, economic and other activities are carried out in compliance with these Regulations and those approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 1996 N 997 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2008 N 169).

4.9. Project documentation objects, the construction and reconstruction of which on the territory of the reserve are permitted by these Regulations, are subject to state environmental impact assessment.

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated June 20, 2013 N 263)

4.10. Economic activities are allowed in the reserve to ensure the conservation natural conditions bee habitat, collecting honey from the nests of bee families without removing and destroying bees, damaging or cutting down trees with hollows, provided that food reserves necessary for wintering are left.

4.11. Owners, possessors and users of land plots and water bodies located within the boundaries of the reserve, as well as other physical and legal entities are obliged to comply with the regime of special protection of the territory established in the reserve and bear administrative, criminal and other liability for its violation in accordance with the law.

4.12. Legal and individuals are obliged to compensate for losses caused by violation of the regime of special protection of the territory of the reserve, in the amount and manner established by law.

5. Protection and monitoring of compliance with the special protection regime of the reserve

5.1. On the territory of the reserve, the protection of natural complexes and objects is carried out by officials of the Directorate, the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Bashkortostan within the powers determined by law (hereinafter referred to as the security service).

Rights officials, exercising state supervision in the field of protection and use of the territory of the reserve, are determined by the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” and the Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan “On Specially Protected Natural Territories in the Republic of Bashkortostan”.

(paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated June 18, 2019 N 359)

5.2. The reserve security service is responsible for performing the following functions:

1) monitoring compliance with the regime of the reserve;

2) carrying out explanatory work among the population;

3) carrying out measures to prevent the import of bee families, packages and queens into the territory of the reserve from the outside;

4) participation in the organization and conduct of accounting work;

5) participation in regulating the number of wild animals;

6) marking the boundaries of the reserve on the ground with warning and information signs;

7) taking measures to prevent violations of fire safety rules in forests, and if fires occur, taking measures to eliminate them in accordance with the law;

8) compilation necessary documents on identified facts of violation of environmental legislation and the regime of the reserve in order to bring violators to responsibility established by law.

(Clause 8 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated September 18, 2015 N 397)

Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated August 25, 2005 N 189 “On state natural zoological reserves of republican significance”

Government Decree
Republic of Bashkortostan
dated February 21, 2013 N 50

1) paragraph 4 of the Resolution shall be stated as follows:

"4. Control over the implementation of this Resolution shall be entrusted to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Bashkortostan.";

2) in the list of state natural zoological reserves of republican significance (appendix to the said Resolution):

a) add paragraph 1 with the following content:

Name of the reserve

Location of the reserve (administrative district)

Date and number of the document on the organization of the reserve

Area of ​​the reserve (thousand hectares)

"Altyn Solok"


About the state natural reserve "Altyn Solok" (as amended as of June 18, 2019)

Document title: About the state natural reserve "Altyn Solok" (as amended as of June 18, 2019)
Document number: 50
Document type: Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Receiving authority: Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Status: Active
Published: Official Internet portal of legal information of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 02/22/2013, "Gazette of the State Assembly - Kurultai, President and Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan", 03/12/2013, N 8(410), art. 336.
Acceptance date: February 21, 2013
Start date: February 21, 2013
Revision date: June 18, 2019

Shulgan-Tash is a state nature reserve in Bashkortostan, which has federal status. It is located in the western foothills of the Southern Urals, in the mountain-forest belt, within the Burzyansky district. The total area is 22,531 hectares (225 sq. km).

Together with the Altyn-Solok Nature Reserve, it is part of the complex biosphere reserve Bashkir Ural, which is a candidate for inclusion in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO.

The reserve was created in 1958 as the Pribelsky branch Bashkir Nature Reserve, and on January 16, 1986 it became an independent reserve. The basis for the organization of the reserve was the habitat in this region of the core of the purebred aboriginal population of honey bees - the Burzyansky bee, or "burzyanka" - in the conditions of beekeeping - a Bashkir folk craft. The branch turned out to be the first zone in the world to protect native wild bees.

The average monthly temperature in January is −16° C, June and July is +16° C. The climate is temperate continental, sharply variable from year to year, precipitation ranges from 270 to 750 mm. The relief is low mountain. Mixed broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests occupy 92 percent of the territory.

The reserve is an environmental, research and environmental educational institution. The staff consists of about 90 people, including 3 candidates of sciences and 2 graduate students, 5 researchers. The reserve's bibliography includes more than 900 works; 53 scientific publications were prepared in 2008. A comprehensive scientific report, the Chronicle of Nature, is prepared annually.

In the reserve, in the conditions of artificial hollows - boards and logs - 138 families of bees live, in apiaries - 242 families, state security inspectors are engaged in part-time beekeeping. An urgent problem is the protection of the bee gene pool from crossbreeding, which has resulted from the now prohibited import of foreign bees into the region. For the sustainability of the Burzyanka population, it is necessary to expand its range; for this, the Altyn-Solok (Golden Side) reserve was created in 1997, beekeeping is supported in the adjacent territories, and a project to expand the reserve was promoted. Skillful marketing of bee honey made beekeeping profitable, and it began to return to the life of the Bashkirs.

Flora and fauna of the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve

The most famous representative of the entomofauna is the Burzyan bee, to support the population of which the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve was created.

There are: fish - 30 species, amphibians - 5, reptiles - 6, birds - 206, mammals - 61 species. About 1,700 species of invertebrates have been identified, of which 378 are butterflies, 458 are beetles. 31 species of animals are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, and 67 species are listed in the Red Book of Bashkortostan. All the typical ones live here forest species middle zone Russia. Unusually high habitat density brown bear. The bird fauna is diverse. There are also problems: the European mink is being replaced by the American mink in the region. Due to climate warming and the construction of the Yumaguzinsky reservoir on the Belaya River, the living conditions of rheophilic fish - taimen, trout, grayling - are increasingly deteriorating.

The rich landscape mosaic also determines the high diversity of flora. At the beginning of 2009, 816 species of higher vascular plants, 184 mosses, 233 lichens, 117 species of fungi, 202 species of algae and cyanobacteria were identified. 14 plant species belong to the Red Book of Russia, 57 - to Bashkortostan. Relict and endemic species make up about 10 percent of the total flora. The most rare plant communities- relict spruce forests and mountain rocky steppes. The territory is bordered by Eastern European broad-leaved, light-coniferous pre-forest-steppe and dark-coniferous southern taiga forests.

Shulgan-Tash is a unique cultural and historical site

Mentioned in many myths and legends of the Bashkirs - for example, in the epic of the Bashkir people Ural-Batyr.

On the territory of the reserve there is a unique karst Kapova cave, or Shulgan-Tash. The length of all cave passages is more than 2.9 km. The cave has three tiers; the Podzemny Shulgan river flows inside the cave, which formed this cave.

In 1959, the zoologist of the reserve A.V. Ryumin discovered rock paintings from the Paleolithic era in Kapova Cave (Shulgan-Tash). The drawings are made mainly with ocher - a natural pigment based on animal fat, their age is about 18 thousand years, mammoths, horses and other animals are depicted, complex signs, anthropomorphic figures. There are rare charcoal images.

Golden board) - reserve in Burzyansky district Bashkortostan, contributing to the preservation of the Burzyan population Central Russian honey bee(unique side bees). The area of ​​the reserve is 91 thousand sq. m. “Altyn Solok” occupies a tenth of the reserve fund of Bashkiria. Together with the reserve Shulgan-Tash is part of a complex biosphere reserve Bashkir Ural, included in the preliminary list UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Altyn-Solok was founded in 1997. The main habitat of the bee, in addition to insects, rare and endangered species of plants and animals are protected. The reserve contains five objects of cultural and historical significance: a three-kilometer protective zone Shulgan-tash caves(Kapova), mountain Masim- the highest point of the Burzyan region.

There is a threat of destruction of the reserve. On its territory there is an explored Kuzhinskoye deposit of barite-polymetallic ores. At the request of MPO Bentonit LLC, the Kuzhinskaya area object was included in the draft List of subsoil areas in the Republic of Bashkortostan for provision for use in 2008.

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Excerpt characterizing Altyn-Solok

“It’s dirty,” said Prince Andrei, wincing.
- We'll clean it up for you now. - And Timokhin, not yet dressed, ran to clean it.
- The prince wants it.
- Which? Our prince? - voices spoke, and everyone hurried so much that Prince Andrey managed to calm them down. He came up with a better idea to take a shower in the barn.
“Meat, body, chair a canon [cannon fodder]! - he thought, looking at his naked body, and shuddering not so much from the cold as from an incomprehensible disgust and horror at the sight of this huge number of bodies rinsing in the dirty pond.
On August 7, Prince Bagration in his Mikhailovka camp on the Smolensk road wrote the following:
“Dear sir, Count Alexey Andreevich.
(He wrote to Arakcheev, but knew that his letter would be read by the sovereign, and therefore, as far as he was capable of this, he thought about his every word.)
I think that the minister has already reported on the abandonment of Smolensk to the enemy. It’s painful, sad, and the whole army is in despair that the most important place was abandoned in vain. I, for my part, asked him personally in the most convincing way, and finally wrote; but nothing agreed with him. I swear to you on my honor that Napoleon was in such a bag as never before, and he could have lost half the army, but not taken Smolensk. Our troops fought and are fighting like never before. I held 15 thousand for more than 35 hours and beat them; but he didn’t want to stay even 14 hours. This is shameful and a stain on our army; and it seems to me that he himself should not even live in the world. If he reports that the loss is great, it is not true; maybe about 4 thousand, no more, but not even that. Even if it’s ten, there’s war! But the enemy lost the abyss...

Full official name of the protected area:

State Nature Reserve "Altyn Solok"

Installation information

Object name:

Belsko-Nugush interfluve, Bashkir Urals

Created date:


Total area of ​​protected areas:

Area of ​​marine specially protected water area:

Rationale for the creation of protected areas and its significance:

The reserve was formed to perform the following tasks:

  • providing conditions for the conservation, sustainable existence and rational use of the indigenous population of the Burzyan bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.);
  • conservation, reproduction and restoration of the natural complex providing a natural habitat, and maintaining the gene pool of the aboriginal population of the Burzyan bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.), living in natural and artificial dwellings (hollows, sides, hives);
  • conservation, restoration and reproduction of endangered animal and plant species;
  • conservation, restoration, reproduction of numbers and expansion of the range of other species of animals and plants, including rare ones and those in need of protection, as well as species valuable in economic, scientific and cultural terms;
  • preservation of historical and ethnographic objects (Masim ridge, Babsan-biya mound, lakes Elkkysykkan and Ygyshma), as well as objects that will be discovered during archaeological and historical-ethnographic research;
  • carrying out environmental monitoring and conducting scientific research on the Burzyan bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.);
  • environmental education of the population.

List of main objects of protection:

Central Russian Burzyan bee

Regulatory legal basis functioning of protected areas:

Document title Date Number
! Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated February 12, 1997 No. 123-r
On the formation of the state nature reserve "Altyn Solok"
12.02.1997 123-r
! Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated February 26, 1999 No. 48
On approval of regulations on specially protected natural areas in the Republic of Bashkortostan
26.02.1999 48
Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated August 25, 2005 No. 189
On state natural zoological reserves of republican significance
25.08.2005 189
! Decision of the Council of the Municipal District Ishimbaysky District of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated July 19, 2011 No. 37/533
Council of the municipal district Ishimbaysky district of the Republic of Belarus
19.07.2011 37/533
! Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated February 21, 2013 No. 50
About the state nature reserve "Altyn Solok"
21.02.2013 50
! Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated June 20, 2013 No. 263
On amendments to some Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan on specially protected natural areas
20.06.2013 263
Order of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated September 10, 2013 No. 1133-r
On approval of the Action Plan for the management and development of the Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve for 2013 - 2015
10.09.2013 1133-r
! Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated September 18, 2015 No. 397
On amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated February 21, 2013 N 50 "On the state natural reserve "Altyn Solok"
18.09.2015 397
! Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated November 23, 2015 No. 488
On amendments to the regulations on the state natural reserve "Altyn Solok"
23.11.2015 488
! Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated September 11, 2017 No. 420
On amendments to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan
11.09.2017 420

Territorial structure of protected areas

Geographical location:

The reserve is located on the mountainous territory of the upper reaches of the river. Nugush and the Belsko-Nugush interfluve with the most elevated central part (Masim, 1040 m). Eastern border The reserve runs 8 km west of the village. Starosubkhangulovo.

Description of boundaries:

  • northern border - from the point of intersection of the administrative border of the municipal district of Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan with the north-eastern corner of block 4 of the Nugushsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry, then along the northern clearings of blocks 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 to the north-eastern corner of block 9.
  • eastern border - from the northeastern corner of block 9 of the Nugushsky district forestry south along the eastern clearing of block 9 until it intersects with the northwestern corner of block 17, then east along the northern clearing of block 17 and south, then along the eastern clearings of blocks 17 and 28 of the same district forestry to the intersection with the northwestern corner of block 42 of the same forestry, then east along the northern clearing of the same block and south along its eastern clearing to the northwestern corner of block 54 of the same district forestry, then east along northern clearing of the same block and to the south, then along the eastern clearings of blocks 54, 66, 78 of the Nugushsky district forestry and block 5 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry, further east along the northern clearing of block 122 of the Belsky district forestry to its north-eastern corner, then to the south and along the eastern clearings of blocks 122, 133 and 135 of the Belsky district forestry, blocks 19, 30, 37, 45 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry, along the southern clearing of block 45 to the north-eastern corner of block 54 of the same district forestry and to the south along the eastern clearings blocks 54, 61, 70 until the intersection of the south-eastern corner of block 70 with the river. White.
  • southern border - from the south-eastern corner of block 70 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry along the river. Belaya along the southern borders of blocks 70, 69, 68, then along the southern border of block 67, along the border of block 67 with the protected natural area of ​​local importance "Morat-Tugai", then to the north and along the western clearings of blocks 67, 66, 58, 50 to intersection with the southern clearing of block 40 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry, then along the southern and western clearings of block 40 to the south-eastern corner of block 23 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry, then along the southern clearings of blocks 23 and 22 to the south-western corner of block 22 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry.
  • western border - from the southwestern corner of block 22 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry along the western clearings of blocks 22, 11 to the northwestern corner of block 11, then along the northern clearings of blocks 11, 12, 13 to the northeastern corner of block 13, then along to the western clearings of blocks 6, 1 to the north-western corner of block 1 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry, then along the southern and western clearings of block 73 of the Nugushsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry until the intersection of the western clearing of block 73 with the south-eastern corner of block 60, then along the southern borders of blocks 60 , 59 to the northwestern corner of block 71 of the Nugushsky district forestry, then along the western clearing of block 71 to the river. Nugush, further along the river bank. Nugush along the eastern and southern borders of blocks 83, 82 to the south-eastern corner of block 82, then along the northern, western and southern clearings of block 86 to the river. Nugush, along the eastern and southern borders of blocks 88, 87 to the southwestern corner of block 87, then along the western and northern borders of blocks 87, 84, 79, 117, 56, 115, 114, 112, 113, 34, 21, 33, 22, 23, 12, 4 to the north-eastern corner of block 4 of the Nugushsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry.


Number of plots: 1

Explication of lands

Explication of lands of specially protected areas and objects:

The reserve is located on the lands of the forest fund of the Nugushsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry (in blocks 4 - 7, 9, 12 - 17, 21 - 28, 33 - 42, 46 - 54, 56 - 70, 73 - 85, 87, 88, 112 - 117), Gadelgareevsky district forestry of Burzyansky forestry (in blocks 1 - 19, 22 - 30, 33 - 37, 40 - 45, 50 - 54, 58 - 61, 66, 67 (with the exception of the protected natural area of ​​local importance "Morat-Tugai "), 68 - 70), Belsky district forestry of Burzyansky forestry (in blocks 122, 132, 133, 135) and on lands of other categories that are located within these blocks, without withdrawal from users, owners and owners of areas of the territory (water area) in in accordance with the law.

Regimes and zoning of protected areas and protected zones

Prohibited types of activities and use of natural resources:

The following types of economic activities are prohibited throughout the reserve:

  • placement and operation of public and individual apiaries and migration points with honey bees, the use of fertile and infertile queen bees, bee families, packages and swarms imported from outside the municipal district of Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. At the same time, the creation of new and development of existing apiaries of all forms of ownership based on indigenous Burzyan bees is fully encouraged;
  • development of mineral deposits, performance of other work related to the use of subsoil, as well as geological development, drainage and irrigation works, except for cases of construction, reconstruction and repair of roads, construction of tourism infrastructure and sports facilities and implementation of measures for the development of existing settlements;
  • removal of gravel-sand mixtures from quarries, except for cases of construction, reconstruction and repair of roads, construction of sports facilities and tourism infrastructure facilities and implementation of measures for the development of existing settlements;
  • timber rafting;
  • destruction and disturbance of the peace of families of honey bees living in natural and artificial dwellings - hollows, sides, logs and hives;
  • damage and destruction of artificial bee dwellings - sides and logs, both inhabited and not inhabited by bees;
  • clear felling of forest plantations, with the exception of narrow cuttings (no more than 50 m wide) in the buffer protection zones of the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve and in the reserve regime zone of the reserve;
  • preparation of resin;
  • timber harvesting, with the exception of timber harvesting for municipal and private needs of the population, for the needs of organizations engaged in educational activities and cultural organizations in agreement with the Directorate;
  • plowing of lands, natural meadows and clearings, except those traditionally used for arable land;
  • construction and operation of new livestock farms and summer camps for transhumance;
  • provision of land plots for collective gardening and horticulture;
  • arrangement of parking for vehicles outside specially designated areas;
  • use of pesticides, chemical and microbiological plant protection products;
  • destruction or damage to barriers, notices, stands and other information signs and indicators, as well as equipped ecological trails and recreation areas;
  • pollution of the water protection zone with household, agricultural and industrial waste;
  • creation of facilities for the disposal of production and consumption waste, radioactive, chemical, explosive, toxic, poisonous and noxious substances;
  • commercial, sport hunting, commercial fishing (shooting and capturing of animals for scientific purposes, including for the purpose of population regulation, is allowed, on the basis of special permits issued by the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Belarus); (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Belarus dated June 20, 2013 N 263);
  • other types of activities that entail a decrease in the ecological value of the given territory or cause harm to protected objects of flora and fauna and their habitat.

Permitted types of activities and environmental use:

The following are permitted on the territory of the reserve:

  • development of beekeeping, placement and operation of public and individual apiaries based on the indigenous Burzyan bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.) and migration points with honey bees within the territory of the municipal district Burzyansky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as the export of bee families, packages, fertile and infertile bees queens from this territory;
  • haymaking and free collection of non-timber resources (mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants);
  • grazing of livestock, with the exception of the territory of a specially protected area (Mount Masim);
  • all types of thinning, as well as narrow cutting of mature and overmature plantings with a cutting area width of no more than 50 m, with the exception of the territory of a specially protected area (Mount Masim);
  • amateur and sport fishing;
  • development of various types of tourism and folk crafts, construction of tourist bases, parking lots and camps, arrangement of tourist routes, other forms of recreation for the population in designated places in agreement with the Directorate;
  • scientific research and environmental work in agreement with the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Belarus;
  • reforestation work in order to improve the species composition of forests, their protective functions and aesthetic value;
  • inventory of bees, assessment of all bee colonies, carrying out measures to weaken the marking of bees with the participation of specialists from the Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve;
  • measures to restore and prevent changes in natural complexes, to maintain conditions that ensure sanitary and fire safety, as well as to prevent conditions that threaten human life and the safety of populated areas;
  • harvesting of food forest resources;
  • harvesting and collection of non-timber forest resources in agreement with the Directorate;
  • procurement of medicinal plants in agreement with the Directorate;
  • creation of forest plantations and their operation in non-forested areas in agreement with the Directorate;
  • cultivation of forest fruit, berry, ornamental plants, medicinal plants in non-forested areas in agreement with the Directorate;
  • construction, reconstruction, operation of linear facilities in agreement with the Directorate;
  • carrying out religious activities;
  • preservation and development of traditional folk craft - beekeeping;
  • development of various forms of tourism;
  • other economic activities to improve infrastructure and develop tourism in agreement with the Directorate.

In the buffer protection zone of the Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve and the catchment area of ​​the karst system of the Shulgan-Tash (Kapovoy) cave, the following is prohibited:

  • blasting and mining operations without examination by geological and karst specialists;
  • clearing up areas for new farmland;
  • damage and filling of karst sinkholes;
  • the use of heavy tracked vehicles and tractors during the snow-free period outside technological roads, except for the transport of landowners, environmental, fire-fighting and other special bodies and services when they perform official activities.
special protection zone
Description of boundaries:

Mount Masim, includes blocks 18 and 19 of the Gadelgareevsky district forestry and block 135 of the Belsky district forestry of the Burzyansky forestry

Prohibited types of activities and use of natural resources:

In the territory of the special protection zone (Mount Masim), all types of logging are prohibited, except for thinning and sanitary felling, the construction of new forest roads, as well as mass grazing of livestock.

Natural features of protected areas

Natural features SPNA:

Altyn-Solok is the largest nature reserve in the republic. It belongs to the least developed areas of the middle mountains of the Southern Urals. In his natural complex Broad-leaved European type oak-maple forests with elm and birch predominate, occupying leveled elevated areas, as well as slopes of different exposures. On the northern slopes along the Nugush and Kuzha rivers, relict dark-coniferous-broad-leaved forests with spruce and linden are occasionally found. They form the southern outpost of subtaiga spruce- deciduous forests on Southern Urals. On the territory of the reserve there is a contact between European broad-leaved forests and Siberian pine-birch forests. The steep slopes of southern exposure are occupied by steppe pine forests with broom, chiliga and cherry, the open southern slopes are fragments of mountain sheep-feather grass and shrub steppes.
The location of the reserve at the junction of landscape areas and the low economic development of the territory contributed to the preservation of a rich animal population here, incl. Burzyan population of honey bees, and airborne beekeeping. The presence of preserved beet trees, centers of amateur beekeeping and a good food supply gave rise to the state nature reserve“Shulgan-Tash” took the initiative to organize a specialized reserve here for the protection of the Burzyan bee. But at the same time, the established regime of the reserve makes it possible to protect other species of its rich fauna and flora, and to prevent the emerging transformation of landscapes.
According to preliminary (incomplete) data, the reserve is home to more than 22 species of fish, 4 species of amphibians, 7 species of reptiles, 100 species of birds, 47 species of mammals, and more than 700 species of higher vascular plants grow.
The reserve has scientific and environmental significance; it preserves the gene pool of both the native population of the honey bee and other bee species, as well as other protected species, incl. rare species of animals and plants. Ensures the sustainable existence of the native honey bee population in wild habitat, beekeeping and apiary beekeeping. The territory is part of the Key Ornithological Territory (KOTR) of international significance “Belsko-Nugush interfluve”.

Sources of information about protected areas:

  • Consolidated list of specially protected natural areas Russian Federation(directory). Part II.
    Potapova NA, Nazyrova RI, Zabelina NM, Isaeva-Petrova LS, Korotkov VN, Ochagov DM
    M.: VNIIprirody (2006) : 364
  • Register of specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan
    edited by AA Muldashev
    Ufa, Publishing center "MediaPrint" (second edition) (2010) : 413