The Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve has joined the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.

The Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve has been replenished World Wide Web biosphere reserves. As the press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Bashkortostan reported, this decision was made in Paris, at a meeting of the International Coordination Council of the Man and the Biosphere program.

- “Bashkir Ural” is located on the western slopes Southern Urals and occupies a total area of ​​more than 345.7 thousand hectares. It included five specially protected natural areas federal and republican significance: Shulgan-Tash nature reserve, national park"Bashkiria" natural park“Muradymovskoye Gorge”, “Altyn Solok” and “Iksky” nature reserves,” said press secretary of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic Nina Nikandrova.

The territory of the Bashkir Ural bioreserve is distinguished by its rich biological diversity. Thus, more than 1,650 plant species grow in specially protected natural areas, of which 44 are endemic.

More than two thousand species of various animals live on the territory of the “Bashkir Urals”. Here are also presented various types landscape - gorges mountain rivers, mountain steppes, meadows, floodplains and reservoirs.

As explained in the press service of the ministry, biosphere reserves (reserves) are territories selected for testing and demonstrating various approaches to integrated management terrestrial, coastal, marine and freshwater resources in combination with the protection of biological diversity.

Other biosphere reserves added to the World Wide Web in 2012 include: Salzburger Lungau-Kärtner Nockberge Biosphere Reserve (Austria), Jinggangshan and Nübeiliang Biosphere Reserves (China), Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve (Croatia, Hungary), Biosphere Reserve Sheka (Ethiopia).

Currently, the worldwide network includes 599 objects located in 117 countries.

According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Bashkortostan, bringing the unique natural and cultural complex located on the territory of the republic under the auspices of UNESCO will serve the cause of its preservation and popularization. It will also provide further impetus to the region's collaboration with the leading humanitarian organization.

Work on the creation of the Bashkir Ural complex biosphere reserve in Bashkortostan began in 2011. Then the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Belarus, the Institute of Biology of the Ufa scientific center RAS, the Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve, and the Bashkiria National Park submitted an application to UNESCO headquarters to assign the status of the Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve, as well as video and photographic materials.

The Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve received its international status under the auspices of UNESCO on July 12, 2012 and is the 41st in Russia. The main part of the territory of the biosphere reserve consists of five specially protected natural areas of federal and regional significance: the state natural biosphere reserve "Shulgan-Tash", the national park "Bashkiria", the natural park "Muradymovskoe Gorge", the natural zoological (entomological) reserve "Altyn Solok" and natural zoological reserve "Iksky".

Biosphere reserve is a natural territory within the boundaries of the corresponding land plots and water bodies, recognized on international level within the framework of the activities of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program in order to address issues of conservation of biological diversity and sustainable use of its components.

A network of biosphere reserves is being created to address one of the most important issues facing modern world: How to reconcile biodiversity conservation and biological resources with their sustainable use? On the territory of biosphere reserves, scientists in the field of natural and social sciences, groups of specialists in nature conservation and development, administrative bodies and the local population work together to create conditions for harmonious interaction between man and nature.

According to federal law“On Specially Protected Natural Territories” (1995), state natural reserves that are included in the international system biosphere reserves. The system of biosphere reserves also includes other categories of protected areas, such as national parks and natural parks.

Each biosphere reserve remains under the sovereign jurisdiction of the state in which it is located. In their activities, biosphere reserves are guided by such international documents as the Seville Strategy for Biosphere Reserves and the Regulations on the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (1995), the Madrid Action Plan for Biosphere Reserves (2008 - 2013). The Biosphere Reserves Action Plan 2016–2025 was adopted at the World Congress of Biosphere Reserves in March 2016, Lima, Peru.

In accordance with the Seville Strategy, biosphere reserves perform three complementary functions:

security function for the conservation of genetic resources, biological species, ecosystems and landscapes;

development function to promote sustainable socio-economic development;

scientific and technical support function to support demonstration projects, environmental education and training, research and monitoring in connection with local, national and global character carried out for the purposes of nature conservation and sustainable development.

The following functional zones are distinguished within the boundaries of the biosphere reserve:

core zone (main), intended for the long-term conservation of biological diversity, where activities that ensure conservation are permitted natural complexes and objects;

buffer zone, adjacent to the core zone, designed to prevent adverse anthropogenic impacts on the core zone of the biosphere reserve and carry out environmentally friendly activities;

cooperation zone (transition zone), intended for the implementation of special projects and programs aimed at rational use and reproduction of natural resources, the development of environmental education and the formation of environmental culture, based on interaction between organizations managing protected areas that are part of biosphere reserves and interested executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, commercial and non-profit organizations, citizens and their associations.

The management of biosphere reserves is carried out by the Coordination Council, which includes the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Belarus, the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, the directors of the State Nature Reserve "Shulgan-Tash", NP "Bashkiria" and the Directorate for Protected Natural Areas of the Republic of Belarus, the heads of Burzyansky, Meleuzovsky, Ishimbaysky, Kugarchinsky and Zilairsky municipal districts , forester of the Kugarchinskoye forestry, research fellows at the Institute of Biology of the UC RAS ​​and the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the UC RAS, representatives public organizations.

Main core zone has a total area of ​​47.9 thousand hectares. It includes the territory of the Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve - 22,531 hectares, the reserved and specially protected zones of the Bashkiria NP - 22,260 hectares, the protected zone of the Muradymovskoye Gorge NP - 3,067 hectares. The regime of the territory is strictly and partially reserved. Any activity that disrupts the natural state of ecosystems and impedes the conservation of biodiversity is prohibited. Allowed to conduct scientific research that do not disturb the natural state of ecosystems, including the designation of objects for long-term observations in nature, the development of an ancient craft - beekeeping, and regular haymaking.

The main functions of the core zone are preserving the natural state of the natural complex, monitoring the natural course natural phenomena, carrying out protective measures to preserve biodiversity and the natural state of ecosystems, in specially designated areas - training personnel in environmental education.

Buffer zone has an area of ​​90.4 thousand hectares. It includes: sections of the Sterlitamak and Burzyansky forestries - 20,148 hectares, an educational tourism zone of the Bashkiria NP - 34,079 hectares, a reserved regime zone of the Muradymovskoe Gorge NP - 12,103 hectares, a buffer protection zone of the Shulgan-Tash nature reserve and the catchment of the Kapova karst system caves on the territory of the Altyn Solok nature reserve - 22835 hectares, a section of the Kugarchinsky forestry adjacent to the protected area of ​​the Muradymovskoye Gorge PP - 1252 hectares. Sections of the buffer zone reliably protect sections of the main zone from all sides.

The regime of the territory within the boundaries of existing protected areas is determined in accordance with the Regulations on the Bashkiria NP, the Muradymovskoye Gorge NP and the Altyn Solok nature reserve, and in forestry areas and in populated areas determined in accordance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory documents federal and republican significance (Forest Code, Water Code, Civil Code, Land Code, etc.).

It is allowed to carry out scientific research work (including monitoring), the development of beekeeping and ancient craft - beekeeping, thinning and sanitary felling (in accordance with the Regulations of protected areas), as well as measures: to restore and prevent changes in natural complexes, to maintain conditions that ensure sanitary and fire safety, to prevent conditions that could cause natural disasters threatening human life and the safety of populated areas. Haymaking and regulated visits for development purposes are allowed various types tourism.

In the buffer zone it is prohibited: the import of bees of other subspecies and populations, except for the Burzyan population of the dark forest bee, final felling (with the exception of selective low-intensity felling for the needs of the local population, if this does not contradict the provisions of the protected area), hunting on the territory of the NP "Bashkiria" and PP "Muradymovskoe Gorge", plowing of lands occupied by natural vegetation, land allocation for construction, mining.

The main functions of the buffer zone:

– weakening negative impacts to the territory of the BR main zone;

– conservation of biological and landscape diversity;

– conducting research, monitoring, biotechnical and regulatory activities.

– preservation and development of a unique ancient craft – beekeeping and other traditional types of environmental management – ​​haymaking, etc.

– development of educational tourism and ecotourism;

Transition zone has an area of ​​207.4 thousand hectares. It includes: recreational, economic zones and a visitor service area of ​​the Bashkiria NP - 23,461 hectares, a section of the Makarovsky forestry of the Ishimbay district - 16,427 hectares, a protective zone in the north-west of the Bashkiria NP - 32,200 hectares, a zone recreational use PP "Muradymovskoe Gorge" - 8416 hectares, reserved zone of the "Altyn Solok" reserve - 67845 hectares, sections of the "Iksky" reserve - 19190 hectares, which do not overlap the territory of the PP "Muradymovskoe Gorge", section of the Kugarchinsky forestry - 39880 hectares.

The regime of the territory - within the boundaries of existing protected areas is determined in accordance with the Regulations on the NP "Bashkiria", the NP "Muradymovskoe Gorge", the reserves "Altyn Solok" and "Iksky", and in forestry areas and in populated areas it is determined in accordance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory documents of federal and republican significance (Forest Code, Water Code, Civil Code, Land Code, etc.).

The main functions of the transition zone:

– sustainable environmental management in forestry, agriculture and in traditional

types of use of biological resources (beekeeping, collection of wild plants, reproduction of resources for recreational fishing and hunting, haymaking, regulated grazing);

– conservation of forests through the implementation of fire prevention and other forest protection measures;

– development of sustainable types of tourism;

– monitoring the state of ecosystems in environmental management conditions;

– conservation of biodiversity based on rational environmental management;

– carrying out reclamation work;

– re-profiling of mining industry enterprises.

Mukhametyanov Bagdan Timurovich, 5th grade Secondary secondary school Alpha, Ufa, Republic of Belarus

Scientific supervisor: Valliulina Rezeda Timergaleevna biology teacher



Show the importance of a biosphere reserve in human life. Demonstrate the scale and globalism of the project. Point out the importance of preserving natural and cultural heritage. Preservation of natural nature is the main condition for the continuation of life on planet Earth. Ecological maintenance environment- increases not only the quality of human life, but also provides economic stability.


– development of environmental and economic thinking.

– expand knowledge about uniqueness native land.

– formation of a responsible attitude towards the natural and historical values ​​of Bashkortostan.

Project description: A UNESCO biosphere reserve is one of the forms of specially protected natural areas that have international protection status.

The purpose of creating Biosphere Reserves: balanced interaction between man and nature, preservation of the natural course of natural phenomena, monitoring the state of the ecosystem. There are now 610 Biosphere Reserves in 117 countries around the world. On July 9-12 in France, at the meeting of the 24th session of the International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Program, a decision was made to include the Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve in the UNESCO world network of biosphere reserves. This is the 41st bioreserve in Russia.

The Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve is located on the western microslope of the Southern Urals in the mountain forest zone of the republic. It includes 5 protected areas:

nature reserve"Shulgan-Tash" (22531 hectares). Direction: preservation and study of the Burzyan bee in the conditions of the ancient craft of the Bashkir people - beekeeping, as well as a unique natural complex, a cultural and archeological monument - the Shulgan-Tash cave with rock paintings of the Paleolithic era. Landscape: low-mountain and light coniferous-deciduous forests, fragments of mountain steppes and meadows. 877 species of higher vascular plants, about 10% of them are rare, endemic and relict, relict spruce forests and linden forests. Fauna: 312 species of vertebrates, 62 mammals, 209 birds, 5 amphibians, 6 reptiles, 30 fish, 2000 species of invertebrates. Hydrological network: rivers Belaya, Nugush, Kuzha, Buylyau. The only native honeybee conservation sanctuary.

– Bashkiria National Park. Located on the territory of Meleuzovsky (54269 hectares), Kugarchinsky (9246 hectares) and Burzyansky (16285 hectares) administrative districts of the Republic of Belarus. In total, the park is home to 75 species of animals listed in the Red Book of Bashkiria, 38 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia, 23 species are listed in the IUCN Red Book. 65 species of higher vascular plants, which is 44.2% of the total flora of the Republic of Belarus. Hydrological network: Belaya, Nugush, Irgizla rivers, Yumaguzinskoye and Nugushevskoye reservoirs.

– natural park “Muradymovskoye Gorge” (23586 hectares). The uniqueness of the park is the largest concentration of caves in the Urals (46 caves). The park's flora includes 500 species higher plants of which 11 are endemic and 17 are relict, there are 45 species included in the Red Book of Bashkiria and 9 species in the Red Book of Russia. There are 63 species of rare plants in the Urals, 53 species of plants are used in medicine. 38 types – ornamental plants, the collection of which is prohibited. 10 species of poisonous plants. The peregrine falcon, which is a unique protected object of the park, nests on the rocks. In the rivers and streams of the park there are many fish: ruffe, dace, pike and the protected sculpin, taken under special protection not only in Bashkiria, but also in Russia.

– the natural zoological reserve “Altyn-Falcon” was created in 1997. This nature reserve for the protection of bee bees. Currently, beekeeping is practiced.

– zoological reserve “Iksky” (29257 hectares). The reserve is inhabited by 40 species of mammals, of which 25 are game animals. The following are subject to special protection on the territory of the reserve: elk, wild boar, roe deer, bear, lynx, capercaillie, as well as species listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan - gray partridge, gray crane, golden eagle, eagle owl, saker falcon, otter, flying squirrel.

The lands of Kugarchinsky, Meleuzovsky and Ilishimbaysky districts connect these territories into a single whole.

The Bashkir Ural bioreserve is distinguished by high biological diversity. This is due to the variety of relief forms, the location of the territory at the junction of two huge botanical and geographical regions - Europe and Asia, forest and steppe zones s, which leads to the interpenetration of flora and fauna.

The main ecosystems are forests - 90%, mountain river gorge, mountain steppes, meadows, as well as 116 caves. 1,600 plant organisms are registered on the territory of the bioreserve. 63 species are listed in the Red Book of Bashkortostan, and 14 of them are listed in the Red Book of Russia. 2157 species of animals, 84 of them are in the Red Book of Bashkortostan, 40 in the Red Book of Russia. 117 species are included in the European list of the Berne Convention!

Archaeological, scientific research, environmental and educational work is also carried out in the territories of protected areas. Horseback riding, water and walking excursions are conducted for tourists from all over the world. The main goal of tourism is to attract investment for the improvement of protected areas. Having encountered the topic of protected areas and, in particular, learning about the Bashkir Ural Biosphere Reserve, I realized how important a role they play in the life of our planet and each person individually.

Having done this work, I came to the following conclusions:

1. Nature reserves serve as filters and purification reservoirs, sources of free oxygen for breathing. These are the lungs of our planet!

2. Protected natural areas are places where people can become familiar with the values ​​of pristine nature and the spiritual values ​​of their nation.

3. Protected areas are preserved natural resource potential and the genetic pool of all living things.

4. The nature of biosphere reserves is a repository of natural genetic material.

5. Protected areas participate in maintaining the global environmental balance.

Practical significance: I timed my work to coincide with the day of reserves and national parks (January 11) and presented it at class hour. The result of my work can be used in educational purposes in biology, geography and extracurricular activities, to form a patriotic and caring attitude towards natural resources of their homeland.

9. World_network_of_biosphere_reserves

At the meeting of the 24th session of the International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Program, which took place from July 9-13, 2012 in France (Paris), it was decided to include the Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves UNESCO.
Total area biosphere reserve will be 345.7 thousand hectares (3457 km2). The complex biosphere reserve "Bashkir Ural" includes five already existing specially protected natural areas of federal and republican significance - the State Nature Reserve "Shulgan-Tash", the National Park "Bashkiria", the Natural Park "Muradymovskoe Gorge", the Natural Zoological Reserves "Altyn Solok" " and "Iksky". The richest biodiversity has been identified on the territory of these specially protected natural areas. More than 2 thousand species of animals live here and 1.5 thousand species of plant organisms grow, of which 84 species are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, 40 species in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, in the International Union for Conservation of Nature, in the Red List of Europe, the Berne List convention - 177 species.The certificate of assignment of the status of the Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve was presented on December 6, 2012 to the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan R.Z. Khamitov Executive Secretary of the Commission Russian Federation for UNESCO Affairs G.E. Ordzhonikidze.
The leading goal of the development of the Bashkir Ural biosphere reserve is to become an environmental, scientific, information, cultural and educational center that promotes the development of activities that are not exhaustive in relation to natural resources and the revival of national culture with the involvement of local communities in management. The primary task is to develop partnerships with the local community and model joint management of the territory. The success of performing the functions of a biosphere reserve can only be ensured with the participation of the authorities state power and local government, business and private enterprise structures, non-governmental organizations, as well as other land users.
To solve these problems, by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated April 12, 2013 No. 153, the Coordination Council of the Bashkir Ural Biosphere Reserve was created, which included representatives of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, the director of the Shulgan-Tash State Natural Park ", NP "Bashkiria" and PP "Muradymovskoe Gorge", heads of Burzyansky, Meleuzovsky, Ishimbaysky, Kugarchinsky and Zilairsky municipal districts, research workers of the Institute of Biology of the UC RAS ​​and the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the UC RAS, representatives of public organizations and the local population.

The Republic of Bashkortostan recently received a UNESCO certificate for the inclusion of the Bashkir Ural bioreserve in the global network of biosphere reserves, which is being created within the framework of the Man and the Biosphere program. Now this territory has acquired international protection status.

The new complex biosphere reserve “Bashkir Ural” is located on the western slope of the Southern Urals in the mountain-forest zone of the republic. It consists of five compactly located specially protected natural areas. These are the Shulgan-Tash State Nature Reserve, the Bashkiria National Park, the Muradymov Gorge Nature Park, the Altyn-Solok Natural Zoological Reserve and the Iksky Zoological Reserve. The territory of the biosphere reserve presents various landscapes: mountain river gorges, mountain steppes, meadows, floodplains and huge forests, and there are also 166 caves. This includes the lands of Kugarchinsky, Meleuzovsky and Ishimbaysky districts, connecting these territories into a single whole. The total area of ​​the new facility is more than 345 thousand hectares.

The doctor told reporters about the features of the “Bashkir Urals” biological sciences, head of the laboratory of geobotany and vegetation protection of the Institute of Biology of the Ural Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vasily Martynenko, who led the initiative group that designed the bioreserve.

Vasily Martynenko noted that the biosphere reserve is distinguished by high biological diversity. This is due to the variety of relief forms, the location of the territory at the junction of two huge botanical and geographical regions - Europe and Asia, forest and steppe zones. This leads to the interpenetration of flora and fauna. The main ecosystems of the bioreserve are forests. The forest cover of the territory is 90 percent.

More than 1,600 plant organisms have been registered on the territory of the bioreserve. There are many endemic species, that is, growing in a limited area, which indicates the uniqueness of the region in terms of historical development. Many relict species. 63 species are listed in the Red Book of Bashkortostan, 14 of them are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

There are 2,157 species of animals in the bioreserve, 84 of them are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 40 in the Red Book of Russia. And 177 species are included in the European list of the Berne Convention.

In addition, the bioreserve includes two key ornithological territories of European significance - the Belsko-Nugush interfluve and the Uryuk River. Many rare birds live there.

Vasily Martynenko explained the principle of zoning a biosphere reserve. It has three zones. The core zone makes up 13-14 percent of the territory - 48 thousand hectares. The zone around the core is called the buffer zone, it is 90 thousand hectares. Eco-tourism can be developed there; more freedom is provided in terms of economic activity. The largest zone in area - 207 thousand hectares - is a transition or cooperation zone. This is where socio-economic development should take place in full swing- sustainable use of natural resources, agricultural use and tourism can be actively developed.

However, not everything is so rosy. Russian legislation is far from international standards, and even the inclusion of a territory on the international list does not guarantee the protection of local nature. Not to mention the mentality of Russians. Nevertheless, the emergence of the “Bashkir Urals” can be regarded as a step forward in the conservation of the nature of the Southern Urals.

For reference. There are a total of 610 biosphere reserves in 117 countries around the world. There are 41 bioreserves in Russia, two of them in the Ural region. In addition to the “Bashkir Urals”, there is a bioreserve in the Komi Republic (