Natural resource potential and economic development dynamics of the Andean countries, using the example of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. Economic and geographical features of the Andean countries

We considered the northern and western parts of South America as part of two tourist mesoregions, which are parts of the South American macroregion. The tourist mesoregion of the North of South America includes five countries and territories (French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Colombia), the Andean tourist mesoregion includes three states (Ecuador, Peru, etc.). The name of the Andes Mountains has two versions of origin: from the Inca word anta (“copper”), or in the Quechua language from the word anti (“east”), which supposedly indicated the position of the mountains relative to the ancient capital of the Incas, the city of Cusco. Both tourist mesoregions are characterized by natural diversity and unique cultural heritage(especially Andean countries).

The cultural specificity of most countries of the northern and western parts South America is defined by the Catholic religion. The exceptions are Guyana and Suriname, whose cultural identity is associated with the coexistence of two religions: Christian (mainly Protestant) and Hindu. In territories remote from the coasts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, adherents of local traditional beliefs have been preserved.

The indigenous peoples of the north and west of South America belong to four Indian families: Equatorial-Tucano (Arawak, Tupi, Tucano, etc.), Andean (Quechua, Aymara, Araucan, etc.), and Pan-Caribbean (Carib, Pano, etc.) and chibcha-paes (miskito, paes, etc.). The predominant populations are Spanish-speaking peoples (Venezuelans, Colombians, Ecuadorians, Peruvians and Bolivians) and French-speaking Guianans belonging to the Romanesque group of the Indo-European family. Suriname and Guyana are home to Dutch and English languages Surinamese and Guyanese (Germanic group of the Indo-European family), as well as those who arrived from Hindustani (Indo-Aryan group of the Indo-European family).

Northern South America

In the past Guiana was a general name for three contiguous territories, possessions, and in northeastern South America. After the formation of the states of Guyana in 1966 and Suriname in 1975, this name began to refer only to the overseas department of France - French Guiana (86.5 thousand sq. km, 220 thousand people in 2008). Usually the name Guiana is derived from guai ("river") and is explained as "a land of abundant waters, big water, many waters."

Former British possession British Guiana took the name Cooperative Republic of Guyana in 1966 (215 thousand sq. km, 770 thousand people in 2008). The former possession of the Netherlands, Dutch Guiana, was declared independent in 1975 and took the name Republic of Suriname (163.8 thousand sq. km, 476 thousand people in 2008). The river where the capital of the state stands is named after Suriname. The name of the river is associated with the name of the Surima tribe.

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela occupies an area of ​​912 thousand square meters. km, the population in 2008 was 26.4 million people. The name Venezuela means "little Venice". In 1499, during one of the naval expeditions, the Spaniards discovered an Indian settlement built on stilts on the shore of the bay. This reminded them of Venice, and they gave the bay the name Venezuela. In 1830, the same name was adopted by an independent republic that separated from Gran Colombia.

Territory of modern Republic of Colombia(1 million 142 thousand sq. km, 45.0 million people in 2008) was conquered by the Spaniards at the beginning of the 16th century. and was named New Granada (after the name of the province in the south). After the collapse of the Spanish colonies in 1819, along with other territories, it became part of the Federative Republic of Colombia, named after Christopher Columbus. With the collapse of the federation, the Republic of New Granada was formed, which in 1886 received the name Republic of Colombia.

Republic of Ecuador occupies an area of ​​272 thousand square meters. km, the population in 2008 was 13.9 million people. In 1830, the department of Quito, which separated from the Republic of Gran Colombia, was proclaimed an independent state with the name Ecuador (Spanish for “equator”), because. The country's territory is located on both sides of the equator.

Republic of Peru occupies an area of ​​1 million 285 thousand square meters. km, the population in 2008 was 29.2 million people. It is most likely that the name of the state comes from the Viru (Piru) River flowing in the north of the country. The form of Peru received official recognition in 1543, when the Viceroyalty of Peru was created, and in 1821 it was formed independent state with the same name.

Republic of Bolivia(1 million 98.6 thousand sq. km, 9.2 million people in 2008) received its name in honor of Simon Bolivar (1783-1830) - commander and statesman, one of the leaders of the war for the independence of the Spanish colonies in America (1810-1826). Until 1825 it was a Spanish colony of Upper (Mountain) Peru.

In total, within two tourist mesoregions on the list World Heritage UNESCO includes 31 sites, of which 20 are cultural monuments.

The Andes are the longest mountain system on the planet. It stretches across all of South America for as much as 9 thousand kilometers. The states in whose territories its ranges are located are called Andean countries. What features do they have? How did the presence of mountains influence their development? In this article we will talk about the main characteristics of the Andean countries.

Southern Cordillera

By its origin, this mountain system is part of the Cordillera, located in North America. The Andes are young mountains, due to which they have significant heights, second only to the Himalayas. On average they reach about 4000 meters, the highest point being Mount Aconcagua at 6961 meters.

The Andes are the main watershed of the continent, as well as one of the main factors influencing its climatic conditions. They act as a natural barrier, blocking the winds from the Atlantic from reaching the western edges of the continent, and the winds Pacific Ocean- way to the east.

Because of long distance mountains lie in five climatic zones- from equatorial to southern temperate. In general, they are characterized by strong temperature changes and significant moistening of the slopes.

The Andes were formed as a result of active tectonic activity, which continues today. Local landscapes are represented by high ridges, dissected by deep canyons and gorges, river valleys and depressions. There are many active volcanoes here and earthquakes often occur.

Countries of the Andean region

People have inhabited the highest mountains of America since the 15th century BC. The Andes became home to many peoples, including representatives of the most developed civilizations: Nazca, Moche, Chimu, Tiwanaku, Huari, etc.

The warlike Incas subjugated local cultures, inheriting many achievements and traditions from them, forming a powerful empire. She was located from northern river Pasta (Colombia) to the Maule River (Chile) in the south of the continent, covering the territory of six of the seven modern Andean countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Argentina and Colombia. It did not concern only Venezuela, which is also included in this group.

Due to their proximity, the states of the mountain region have common milestones in history. In addition, they are all Spanish-speaking republics, and the predominant religion in them is Catholicism.

However natural conditions, population composition, socio-economic development of the Andean countries are different. Chile and Colombia have access to two oceans bordering the continent, while Bolivia has no access to the sea at all. Argentina is the largest country in the subregion by area, but most of the Andean mountain range is located in Chile.


The indigenous population of the Andean countries, as well as the entire continent, are Indians. They have never been a single ethnic group. Even within the Inca Empire, they represented many distinct nationalities. At that time, there were more than 12 million Indians, but the wars and diseases that followed the arrival of the colonialists on the continent significantly reduced their number.

In the 20th century, hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Italy, Yugoslavia, England, Germany, France, Asia and the Middle East arrived in South America. Thanks to this, a huge number of mixed marriages appeared.

Now in Chile, Colombia, and Venezuela, the predominant number of residents are mestizos. Indians predominate only in Bolivia and Peru; they also make up a fairly large percentage in Ecuador. In the rest of the Andean countries, the indigenous inhabitants of the continent barely reach 5%. Let's learn more about the ethno-racial composition from the table.

Natural resources

Andean countries are endowed with large resources. Their climatic conditions allow agriculture almost all year round, growing coffee, fruits, soybeans, vegetables, sugarcane and other crops. In wet equatorial forests Cocoa trees, bananas, bamboo, coca grow, as well as many valuable tree species that are used in industry.

Countries with access to the ocean use marine resources. Thus, Peru is the world leader in fishing, Ecuador specializes in shrimp. The Andes Mountains are a major source of minerals. In their depths lie precious stones, metals, and various minerals. Intermountain troughs contain oil and natural gas.

Significant oil reserves are located in Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. Approximately ½ of the total amount in the region comes from Venezuela. Chile is famous for its deposits of copper-molybdenum ores and saltpeter. However, copper is mined in all countries of the subregion located near the Pacific coast. On the western slopes of the ridges of Bolivia, tin deposits stretch over a thousand kilometers. Colombia is famous for its emeralds.

History of economic development

From the beginning of the 16th century, the Spaniards arrived in South America, and all the Andean countries soon became their colonies. The continent's mineral resources had not yet been discovered, so the subordinate territories were used for the development of agriculture. From here coffee, sugar, cocoa, bananas, wheat, barley, and hemp were supplied to Europe.

With independence in early XIX century, the era of industrial development began. Factories and factories opened in the subregion, and precious stones and metals, ores, coal and oil were actively mined. Foreign capital was attracted.

Further development of the Andean countries took place in different directions. Venezuela's economy became exclusively focused on oil production, large mines opened in Chile, Bolivia and Peru, Colombia became one of the largest suppliers of coffee, and the Argentine pampa became a source of meat and wool.

Modern economics

Currently, the most developed Andean countries are Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Venezuela. At the same time, Argentina is the second largest economic development(after Brazil) on the continent. A comparison of countries by purchasing power parity is presented in the table below (IMF data for 2016).

The main economic problem of all these countries is the large gap between the wealthy and the poor, the low level of equipment in production, corruption, and unemployment. Drug trafficking is a big problem in Colombia.

To solve these problems, countries unite into groups. For example, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are members of Andean community. Argentina and Venezuela are members of Mercosur, sharing a common market with Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador are also members of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas (ALBA).

(Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile)

Brief characteristics of the countries of the subregion.

    Region specialization:
  • mining and processing of minerals: oil, gas, copper, tin, iron, polymetals, saltpeter, precious stones, including diamonds;
  • fishing;
  • crop production - coffee, bananas, sugar cane, flowers.


In 1499, a Spanish expedition discovered an Indian village built on stilts in the Gulf of Maracaibo. This reminded the Spaniards of the famous Italian city, from which the name of the country came - Venezuela, i.e. “little Venice” (capital - Caracas). The country has the largest waterfall in the world on a tributary of the river. Caroni (bass. Orinoco) - Angel.

Oil— 12 reserves in the region, of which 45 reserves are in the Maracaibo basin (developed since the 20s of the twentieth century, within its boundaries is the unique Bolivar field). High sulfur content. One of the world's largest oil terminals.

Heavy oil- “asphalt belt” lower reaches of the river. Orinoco. Not developed due to lack of technology.

Guayana- the largest of the new industrial areas of new development in Venezuela, the largest industrial area of ​​integrated development: electric power (Guri - hydroelectric power station and the largest reservoir in Latin America on the Caroni River), black and non-ferrous metallurgy(Serra-Bolivar iron ore deposit; bauxite). Venezuela ranks first in Latin America in the smelting and export of primary aluminum, and in the future, 1st place in the world. This region is based on tractor manufacturing and the pulp and paper industry. Here is also the largest export port of Venezuelan Guayana - Ciudad Guayana.


The capital is Quito.

Main minerals: oil, copper

Main export items: bananas, oil, shrimp, coffee, cocoa, sugar. IN recent years along with the Netherlands and Kenya, it is the largest supplier of flowers to the world market, including Russia.


The capital is Santa Fe de Bogota.

Copper, emeralds (1st place in the world for precious stones).

Main crops: coffee (Arabica), bananas, cocoa.


La Paz (translated as “peace”) is the de facto capital of this highland state. Sucre - the official capital is named after one of the heroes of the liberation struggle against the Spanish colonialists and the first president of this state.

Bolivia's main natural resource is tin. Llallagua and Potosí are one of the largest deposits of tin ore in the world (silver mines previously existed in Potosí). There are deposits of iron ore.

The population is dominated by Indians. Bolivia is one of the highest altitude countries in the world, where more than half the population lives on the Altiplano plateau, located at an altitude of 3300-3800 m, and La Paz is the highest millionaire city that arose at such an altitude.


The capital is Lima (translated from the Quechua Indian means “navel”). This city was located at the center of the Inca Empire and was the capital and residence of the Great Inca. It was revered as the “city of the Sun” and was along with Tenochtitlan largest city pre-Columbian America.

Deposits of copper, polymetals, silver, noble and rare metals, precious stones; oil and gas; cotton growing.

Leader in world fisheries.

Official languages ​​- Spanish and Quechua - ancient language Incas.


The capital is Santiago.

Copper - 23 reserves in Latin America, the copper content in the ore is 1.6%, which is higher than in other deposits, and also contains molybdenum; Chuquicamatalargest deposit copper-molybdenum ores, on the basis of which there is a large industrial region of Chile.

The world's largest saltpeter deposit is located in Chile.

In the west, the South American continent has natural protection from the vagaries of the Pacific Ocean in the form of a large mountain range - the Andes. It was the Andes that were the consolidating factor for the establishment of a special subregion in South America, called Andean countries. In number Andean countries includes Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. This is the longest subregion of South America, because it extends from Tierra del Fuego in the south to the Caribbean lowland in Colombia in the north of the continent. This geographical location suggests that each of the countries in the described subregion has special climatic conditions.

So Chile, more than other states, has the right to be called an Andean country, because over 4,630 km the main territory of the state is occupied by the Andes. Chile, together with Colombia, differs from other subregional countries in that it has access to both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Official language everyone Andean states is Spanish, which emphasizes the integration component of cooperation. The subregion is developing at a good pace, and the most high rates Chile is showing growth. After a series of serious political upheavals in the 20th century, Chile turned its economic situation around thanks to balanced reforms and a pragmatic attitude towards the export of raw materials. Chile is home to large-scale mining of minerals such as coal, copper and silver. The main exporters for all states of the Andean subregion are the United States, China and Brazil. At the same time, Chile has to import its main raw materials – oil and petroleum products from Venezuela.

Today, all the countries of the Andean geopolitical coalition are republican, but on some foreign policy issues the leadership of these states does not have a common opinion. Thus, the top leaders of Venezuela and Bolivia promote the course of socialist development and do not accept the imposition of political will by the United States. At the same time, the economy of these states is seriously dependent on the United States. For example, Venezuela alone imports nearly $6 billion worth of products from the United States. These are cars and building materials, and electronics.

From the point of view of historical heritage, representing special attention The state of the Andean subregion of Latin America is Peru. The ancient Incas once lived in Peru. The exploration of these lands has been going on for more than a hundred years, and interest in the culture of this people continues to this day. Every year, millions of tourists come to Peru to see with their own eyes temple complexes ancient capital - Cusco. The historical memory of the greatness of the Inca Empire is reflected even on banknotes - local salts. Thus, on the 5 soles banknote there is an image of the ninth ruler of the Incas - Pachacutec Yupanqui.

In Peru, in addition to Spanish, people speak Quechua, Aymara and other Indian dialects.

The most controversial attitude in the subregion is towards Colombia. The country has significant mineral reserves, but due to internal political strife, primarily related to drug trafficking, the development of the state is slow.

Ecuador is the least efficient developing state in the subregion. This is due to high level corruption in power, as well as with the policy of government intervention in economic processes.

IN Andean countries Agriculture is developing well. Thanks to this, vegetables, fruits, and wine are imported from the Andean subregion to many countries around the world throughout the year.

Population of Latin American countries: ethnic composition

The population of Latin America is far from being a regional subject of a national cluster. In our time, we can observe serious ethnic changes associated with the migration of subnational communities.

In the west, the South American continent has natural protection from the vagaries of the Pacific Ocean in the form of a large mountain range - the Andes. It was the Andes that were the consolidating factor for the establishment of a special subregion in South America, called Andean countries. In number Andean countries includes Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. This is the longest subregion of South America, because it extends from Tierra del Fuego in the south to the Caribbean lowland in Colombia in the north of the continent. This geographical location suggests that each of the countries in the described subregion has special climatic conditions.So Chile, more than other states, has the right to be called an Andean country, because over 4,630 km the main territory of the state is occupied by the Andes. Chile, together with Colombia, differs from other subregional countries in that it has access to both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The official language of all Andean states is Spanish, which emphasizes the integration component of cooperation. The subregion is developing at a good pace, with Chile showing the highest growth rates. After a series of serious political upheavals in the 20th century, Chile turned its economic situation around thanks to balanced reforms and a pragmatic attitude towards the export of raw materials. Chile is home to large-scale mining of minerals such as coal, copper and silver. The main exporters for all states of the Andean subregion are the United States, China and Brazil. At the same time, Chile has to import its main raw materials – oil and petroleum products from Venezuela. Today, all the countries of the Andean geopolitical coalition are republican, but on some foreign policy issues the leadership of these states does not have a common opinion. Thus, the top leaders of Venezuela and Bolivia promote the course of socialist development and do not accept the imposition of political will by the United States. At the same time, the economy of these states is seriously dependent on the United States. For example, Venezuela alone imports nearly $6 billion worth of products from the United States. These include cars, building materials, and electronics. From the point of view of historical heritage, the state of particular attention in the Andean subregion of Latin America is Peru. The ancient Incas once lived in Peru. The exploration of these lands has been going on for more than a hundred years, and interest in the culture of this people continues to this day. Every year, millions of tourists arrive in Peru to see with their own eyes the temple complexes of the ancient capital, Cusco. The historical memory of the greatness of the Inca Empire is reflected even on banknotes - local salts. Thus, on the 5 soles banknote there is an image of the ninth ruler of the Incas - Pachacutec Yupanqui. In Peru, in addition to Spanish, the people speak Quechua, Aymara and other Indian dialects. The most ambiguous attitude in the subregion is observed towards Colombia. The country has significant mineral reserves, but due to internal political strife, primarily related to drug trafficking, the development of the state is slow. Ecuador is the least efficiently developing state in the subregion. This is due to the high level of corruption in government, as well as the government’s policy of interference in economic processes. IN Andean countries Agriculture is developing well. Thanks to this, vegetables, fruits, and wine are imported from the Andean subregion to many countries around the world throughout the year.

Andes - the longest (9000 km)and one of the highest mountain systems The land bordering the whole of South America from the north and west.They stretch across the territories of seven South American countries - Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.However, the mountains complicate interstate economic ties and communication between Andean peoples.

Andes are a major interoceanic watershedRivers of the basin flow east of the Andes Atlantic Ocean (The Amazon itself originates in the Andesand many of her major tributaries, as well as tributaries of the Orinoco, Paraguay, Parana, Magdalena River and rivers of Patagonia), to the west - the rivers of the Pacific Ocean basin(mostly short).

serve as the most important in South America a climatic barrier that isolates the territories to the west of the Main Cordillera from the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, and to the east from the influence of the Pacific Ocean. The mountains lie in 5 climatic zones (equatorial,sub equatorial , T tropical, With ubtropical and moderate) and are distinguished (especially in the central part) by sharp contrasts in the moisture content of the eastern (leeward) and western (windward) slopes.

One of the most significantAndes economic sectors - mining industry. Deposits of copper (in Chile), iron (in Bolivia), gold (in Colombia, etc.), emeralds (in Colombia), tungsten, tin, silver, oil (in marginal troughs and intermountain depressions of Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru) are being developed etc.).

Also p

azvito agriculture, specializing in the cultivation coffee (in Colombia (up to 13% of the world collection), Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru), bananas (in Colombia, Ecuador), potatoes, barley . In the Caribbean Andes - cultivation cotton, tobacco, sisal . IN equatorial belt at medium altitudes they cultivate tobacco, coffee, corn ; at high altitudes (up to 3800 m) corn is grown, wheat , potatoes, and also plant quinoa , which is the most important part of the local diet Indian population. On the well-moistened slopes of the Eastern Cordillera (within Central Andes) are grownsugar cane, cocoa, coffee and tropical fruits. Many crops cultivated in Chile , brought from Europe - this olives, grapes, citrus fruits trees; There is wheat and corn in the fields. Due to the significant steepness of the slopes, crop production is carried out on terraces.

The main direction of livestock farming is sheep breeding (in the highlands of Peru, Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, etc.). In the mountain punas, the Indian population (Quechua) raises llamas. Fishing is developed on large lakes (especially Lake Titicaca).

Another region of Latin America is the Andean countries. The longest (about 9 thousand km) and one of the highest mountain systems in the world - the Andes - not only “strings” the countries of the region onto itself, but is also their unique economic core, serving as a storehouse of mineral raw materials. At the same time, the Andes complicate interstate economic relations and communication between Andean peoples; quite strong earthquakes periodically occur here.

The mountains face a broad front to the Pacific Ocean, in the north - to Caribbean Sea. Eastern border with the countries of the Extra-Andean East passes along the foot of the Andean ridges. The unity of the physical-geographical countries of the subcontinent is due to the fact that they are located within the folded belt on the border of the lithospheric plates of the Pacific Ocean and South America.

What all countries in this region have in common is the great global economic importance of their extractive industries (oil in Venezuela, copper in Chile and Peru, tin in Bolivia, etc.). Plantation agriculture (coffee, bananas, sugar cane) developed in the tropics. Peru is a leader in world fisheries.

Today, all the countries of the Andean geopolitical coalition are republican, but on some foreign policy issues the leadership of these states does not have a common opinion. Thus, the top leaders of Venezuela and Bolivia promote the course of socialist development and do not accept the imposition of political will by the United States. At the same time, the economy of these states is seriously dependent on the United States. For example, Venezuela alone imports nearly $6 billion worth of products from the United States. These include cars, building materials, and electronics.

From the point of view of historical heritage, the state of particular interest in the Andean subregion of Latin America is Peru. The ancient Incas once lived in Peru. The exploration of these lands has been going on for more than a hundred years, and interest in the culture of this people continues to this day. Every year, millions of tourists arrive in Peru to see with their own eyes the temple complexes of the ancient capital, Cusco. The historical memory of the greatness of the Inca Empire is reflected even on banknotes - local salts. Thus, on the 5 soles banknote there is an image of the ninth ruler of the Incas - Pachacutec Yupanqui.

In Peru, in addition to Spanish, people speak Quechua, Aymara and other Indian dialects.

The most controversial attitude in the subregion is towards Colombia. The country has significant mineral reserves, but due to internal political strife, primarily related to drug trafficking, the development of the state is slow.

Ecuador is the least efficient developing state in the subregion. This is due to the high level of corruption in government, as well as the government’s policy of interference in economic processes.

Agriculture is developing well in Andean countries. Thanks to this, vegetables, fruits, and wine are imported from the Andean subregion to many countries around the world throughout the year.

There are great socio-economic contrasts in the region. Thus, Venezuela is one of the most developed countries in Latin America, while Bolivia and Ecuador are underdeveloped countries.
The formation and consolidation of states entailed changes in their economies. States were included in the system of the world capitalist division of labor as suppliers of raw materials and food products. Slavery in the countries was abolished.

Bolivia is one of the least developed countries Latin America. Economic backwardness is the result of long-term imperialist exploitation natural resources countries. Since the beginning of the 20th century. Bolivia has become a supplier of certain types of mineral raw materials for the non-ferrous metallurgy Western Europe and the USA. The mining industry, oriented towards the external market and subordinated to financial capital developed imperialist powers. Semi-colonial forms of exploitation emerged. The predominant development of one industry has led to large imbalances in the economy. Concentration of production and population in high mountain areas, disunity of internal economic regions.

Peru is an agro-industrial country. Great value have mining, non-ferrous metallurgy, fishing and fish processing. After 1968, the country embarked on the path of progressive socio-economic transformations. Production has set a course towards strengthening national independence. The most important branches of the mining industry, almost all of the electric power industry, the main branches of heavy industry (ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering including shipbuilding, chemical, cement), and the pulp and paper industry came under state control. State control over foreign trade, the banking system, transport and communications has increased.