Hugo ese. The Hugo sociotype (HSE) maintains a high rhythm and pace of life, does everything quickly

General description. Enthusiast (ESE, Hugo, ESFJ)

1. Emotional and sociable. He knows how to cheer up and make you laugh. He talks with pleasure about his connections and acquaintances. Emotions change sharply: sometimes cheerful and friendly, sometimes hot-tempered and angry. Monitors the manners and correct behavior of others.

2. Caring and hospitable. He knows how to create comfort from what is at hand. He takes great care of the well-being and health of himself and his loved ones. Loves to give gifts and make people feel good. An excellent organizer of holidays and special events.

3. Has difficulty containing his emotions. He is picky about people he doesn't like. He gets very offended if his efforts are not appreciated. Quite fussy and scattered. Constantly overloaded with tasks, many of which can be abandoned.

4. Poor anticipation of life's shocks and dramatic events. Expects only a positive result, and therefore is often subject to the stress of unfulfilled hopes. Stable in habits and ways of spending time. Overestimating the amount of time available, one does not have time to complete everything that is planned. For necessary work often taken in last minute, which condemns oneself to disastrous haste.

Appearance. Enthusiast (ESE, Hugo, ESFJ)

ESE can be determined by its appearance, but you must pay attention to its gait and movements. ESE's facial details are usually small, but proportional. There is often a noticeable upward direction and impulse in the face. ESE's posture is always straight. The ESE gait is very characteristic. It is this that allows us to assume that a person belongs to this type. She is always fast, very fussy. This mobility is especially characteristic of men. The impression of twitchiness and restlessness is created. With an enhanced sensory component this is much less pronounced. ESE is also characterized by a sharp change in facial expression. This is especially noticeable in the ethical subtype. After statements of a logical nature, he pretends to be intensely thinking about something. ESE pays a lot of attention to her clothes. From the selection of toilet items, it is clearly noticeable that he strives to dress tastefully and harmoniously. The colors of clothing are usually matched to match. There are no sharply prominent details. Women of this type are characterized by love for various kinds jewelry, not necessarily expensive. They always harmonize with appearance. In general, his clothing style tends to be decorative. When choosing clothes, ESEs always focus on their own taste. He wears not what is fashionable, but what suits him. He also ensures that the clothing is functional: when going to the theater - evening dress, for relaxation - sporty style.

Communication style. Enthusiast (ESE, Hugo, ESFJ)

The most characteristic feature communication manners ESE increased emotionality. He loves to talk about something emotionally, with details. One of my favorite topics of conversation is art. He tends to present the plots of films, plays and books. He goes to the films or performances he likes several times. In communication, this sociotype is easily determined by the manifestation of negative emotions. Periodically gets indignant, and often over minor issues. It flares up quickly, but also quickly calms down. The manifestation of emotions cannot be explained by external logic: one can make a drama out of any detail, but at the same time not notice an almost direct insult. In conversation he pays great attention to issues of ethics and good manners. He likes to give ethical assessments, to analyze who did good and who did bad. Ensures that standards of politeness are observed. If people don't comply ethical standards, puts pressure on them with negative emotions. Because of this, he may be considered scandalous and quarrelsome. It's not easy to get close to him. For most people, he is too demanding and straightforward. He sets out his explanations in detail, several times, asking the interlocutor if he understood. This may offend the listener, who may think that he is considered stupid. Likes to talk about his connections and acquaintances. He easily turns them on, thanks to his sociability and friendly attitude towards the interlocutor. With constant connections, it requires people to be unselfish.

Features of behavior. Enthusiast (ESE, Hugo, ESFJ)

He is very demonstrative in behavior. When he needs to achieve something, he gets used to his role so much that he begins to believe in it. Although he does a lot out of pure enthusiasm, he is usually resourceful and practical in business. He won’t buy just anything, he tries to buy the best. He is easily recognized by the following behavioral trait. Of all the personality types, they are the ones most likely to go back to the store and demand a replacement for a defective product or a refund. Master of composition of things. He knows how to create comfort seemingly out of nothing. Things may be old, but they must be of good quality. He strictly monitors the health and well-being of himself and his loved ones. Having visited a doctor, he definitely wants to find out the diagnosis in order to determine the treatment methods himself. He loves to have help and do things in the house with his hands. What is important is not the result, but the fact that he is being helped. Another feature that allows us to identify this sociotype with a high degree of confidence is incredible hospitality. He always tries to surprise the guest with something unusual - to “show off.” He gravitates towards feasts and treats, and is often intrusive. Waste and waste of energy manifests itself in almost all matters. Always in a hurry. Constantly overloaded with tasks, many of which can be abandoned. He does not tolerate criticism on this score well and is offended.

Description of Hugo from Ekaterina Filatova


Ethical-sensory extrovert (ESFJ, Enthusiast)

Setting the consciousness of the leading block of ESE: the main thing that drives people in all their actions is emotions; greatest value -positive emotions(CE is a program function), and the task is to add joy and convenience to people in this life, avoiding everything unpleasant (BS - program implementation).

Description of the functions of strong channels (master unit)

CHE - software function. A person of this psychotype, as clearly follows from his leading function, is very emotional. His emotional element is reflected especially clearly in his ability to rejoice in any manifestation of life. Everywhere he tries to create a holiday for himself and others, he fulfills this desire easily, without bragging, charging those around him with his enthusiasm, energy, and high tone.

The most trivial event for him can already serve as a source of enthusiasm: the sun came out, he bought interesting book, the weekend is ahead, I met an interesting person...

Life for him is an emotional sea in which he swims, owns this space, absorbs its energy and immediately returns it tenfold. ESE cannot live without people and communication with them; they are the highest value for him. At the same time, he tends to exaggerate their merits and prefers not to notice the “shadow” sides.

According to ESE, all negative human reactions (resentment, despondency, irritation, etc.) should be avoided: after all, life is already short, why waste it so mediocrely? Of course, in his life, like all other people, there are objective hard times. This is usually caused by tension in relationships with people who mean a lot to him. It is especially difficult for him if it is connected with his home, with his family. The ESE may also find himself in an unpleasant situation due to his gullibility. It happens that his emotional incontinence will spill out into excessive talkativeness and even boasting.

In bad moments, it is also difficult for him to hide his feelings, and then ESE tries to get away from everyone, prefers to go through troubles alone. He believes that others should do the same, therefore, while sharing joy with others and increasing it, he is not always able to share his grief with a person: in such cases he prefers to retreat to some distance.

In general, ESE suffers severely from any conflict situation, even if he himself is not a direct participant: he very easily gets emotionally involved in all the troubles and takes everything too close to his heart.

BS - program implementation function. ESE is a romantic and an esthete, loves to create a warm atmosphere of communication. This is clearly noticeable in the external manner of his behavior: having met an acquaintance, he will definitely stop (a man gallantly bows, a woman gives gifts sunny smile). One of the greatest pleasures for ESE is giving gifts. Here the main goal for him is to give pleasure to a person, to witness his joy, and how much a gift costs is not important to him: it is not without reason that ESE is famous among its friends for its generosity and generosity of soul.

He easily responds to any request for help, and at the same time can leave his own affairs, which are no less important. It doesn’t even occur to him that he could get a certain reward for his help; his reward is the realization of the fact that he did a good deed.

ESE willingly participates in organizing various informal events - birthdays and anniversaries, Christmas trees for employees' children, weekend trips, excursions... as long as there are people around interesting people, for whom and with whom it is pleasant to do all this together.

The man is very active, he loves active recreation. If this is a sport, then, again, the most important thing for him is communication, and not victory over the enemy. Many ESE representatives love nature - forest, sea, holidays alpine skiing, but it is imperative that there is a company of good friends.

Like no one else, ESE is capable in the best possible way organize the surrounding space, make it cozy, convenient, comfortable. Often he has excellent artistic taste, tries to make everything around her beautiful, pleasing to the eye and at the same time meet the more prosaic needs of people.

This quality is clearly visible in ESE clothing (especially for women): grace, elegance, impeccable style, the ability to use inexpensive, but very suitable accessories for the dress - their distinguishing feature. At the same time, ESE never forgets about the functionality of clothing and its convenience.

It should be especially noted that ESE are excellent cooks. Everything they cook is, as a rule, extremely tasty. Even if the range of products is very limited, ESE will come up with something completely new and make it “finger-licking”!

Description of the functions of weak ESE channels

BI - channel of least resistance (CNS). A person of this psychotype has a poor sense of the passage of time. It is difficult for him to distribute his forces so as to get everything done on time; he cannot always assess what is in at the moment the main thing is what you can wait for.

Evaluating a person proceeds primarily from how that person treats him, and because of this alone he can make mistakes about people, about the motives of actions that drive them (CHI). Trusting. He can be easy to deceive.

It is difficult for him to penetrate into the hidden, deep possibilities of new phenomena. Although he assesses the result well, he, as a rule, sees its cause poorly. Therefore, in some situations it is difficult for him to refuse what is well-tested and tested, while in others his ebullient and courageous nature can push him to take risky actions.

Due to poorly developed intuition of time, ESE often appears conservative. Poorly imagining the consequences of certain actions, he prefers to know specifically about what will happen tomorrow.

CL - normative function. Distinctive character traits - restlessness and emotionality - do not contribute to the ESE thinking deeply necessary actions At work. He is guided by momentary moods, often his actions precede his thoughts - however, he can immediately realize his mistake and reproaches himself for his rashness.

All this is the reason that ESE achieves its goal more often through vigorous activity, rather than through systematic preparation of its actions.

ESE at work and at home

Everything ESE does is done with passion. He knows how to get excited about an idea and follow it to the end. Such involvement prevents him from doing two things at the same time. To feel needed in production, he wants to be constantly busy and demonstrate only positive results in his work. Then he does not feel tired and feels a constant flow of strength. In general, the emotional atmosphere at work is a determining factor for him. If those around him show interest in his work, and sympathy for him, he can work, as they say, only “for thanks.”

The ESE manager strives, first of all, to unite the team, to create a friendly atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance. He gets down to business with zeal, without delay, and encourages others to do the same. Weakness of intuition does not allow him to see clear prospects for his undertakings, he is too busy with trifles, he is even capable of taking on routine work himself if the person assigned to it is not at his workplace - he does not know how to wait for ESE.

If a subordinate did his job poorly and thereby let others down, the ESE is capable of reprimanding him, even starting a conflict, because he is very worried about the prestige of his team and that the work is done efficiently. He is better at leading a small group of employees within any enterprise.

ESE is very attached to his family. For many - especially women - this is the most important thing in life. The ability to create not only physical, but also psychological comfort, optimism, and the desire to bring joy to one’s loved ones are the strongest aspects of the ESE’s nature, and they manifest themselves especially clearly here.

Due to the weakness of his intuition, he cannot objectively perceive not only others, but also himself. Therefore, he endures reproaches from family members against him (about, for example, his low official position) extremely painfully.

An ethical-sensory extrovert talks about himself, and others talk about him

When I was very little, we had guests over on the occasion of my grandmother’s birthday. For some reason, a vase of apples was placed on a soft chair, but the cat knocked it over and the vase broke. My mother began to beat the cat. I immediately took it away, picked it up and shouted: “If you beat my cat, I will run away from home!” After that, I cried for a long time, because I felt very sorry for him - I can’t see how animals are hurt.

There is something in a person’s soul that is sacred to him - it sits in him from an early age. When I went to first grade, on the very first day I met a girl whom I really liked. After class, I asked my mother to let me play with this girl. Mom laughed: “I didn’t even have time to go to school, but I already fell in love!” I literally suffocated from resentment and insult. For three days after this I lay in a fever, delirious, with high temperature. I never shared any of my experiences with my mother again.

Now I am already a grandfather and I can say that this incident had an impact on my entire life. I defended myself from rude and tactless remarks, never told anyone about my hobbies, because I was afraid that my feeling, which I treat as a shrine, as an expensive treasure, would be spat upon and destroyed.

When I was in third grade, the teacher asked my friend and I to help her go to the store to buy textbooks for the class. I adored my teacher, was one of the best students, and accepted the request with incredible pride. But, I don’t remember why, my mother didn’t let me go on this trip. I was in such wild despair that I decided to poison myself - life seemed impossible. Mom, sensing something bad, at the last moment literally pulled me away from the medicine cabinet, which I had approached to fulfill my intention.

All three memories confirm the vivid emotionality of ESE. Such strong emotionality, which can cause illness, is the result of the fact that emotions are the most powerful function of the ESE. We must remember that the “sunnyness” and love of life of this psychotype is only a pleasant manner for others. It does not mean a high limit of emotional stability of the ESE psyche, as it might seem. Therefore, these lovely people should be protected from excessive mental stress, especially in childhood.

U We were taught biology in the sixth grade by a very strict teacher. In my opinion, she was unfair to me. One of the girls in our class never prepared for lessons and copied all her assignments - most often from me. But the teacher never gave me more than a C, and she only gave her an A. One day I couldn’t stand it and asked why I was given an obviously low grade, but Tanya was given an excellent grade for the same work? Then our teacher started shouting and called me a fool, a cow, and something else in front of the whole class. And then I told her everything that I thought about her, that she gives Tanya an A because Tanya’s dad is the boss, and much more, after which she told me not to appear in her lessons at all until the end of the year, and she gave me a C for the year points. I later regretted what I said to her, but it was, of course, impossible to take back the words I said...

Indeed, this is a characteristic property of ESE - first to say, and then to think. But what to do if in a dichotomy logic - ethics ethics prevails.

The school holidays began, and I went to my home, to the village. The “conveniences” are there - you know, on the street. I once went there with a friend, and the boards in the toilet turned out to be rotten, broke, and she fell into the cesspool. Without thinking at all about the consequences, I rushed to her to save her. Fortunately, the hole turned out to be shallow, we got out safely and, while washing ourselves off in the river, laughed until we dropped.

The ability, without hesitation, to rush to the aid of a friend is one of the most attractive features of the ESE, which is undoubtedly a consequence of his emotionality.

Every time S. comes to me, when I open the door, the first thing I see is his dazzling smile. It has never happened before that he came with a sour face. Often, when talking about his serious problems, he laughs, turning the situation almost comical. It is not clear from his face that this somehow spoils his mood, that he is seriously worried about this, as if these troubles are happening not to him, but to another person. “Should I cry or what?” - he tells me when I wonder how one can calmly talk about such things.

Recently, some acquaintances of his, apparently not very conscientious, dragged him into a financial adventure, as a result of which he was punished. I have a debt of 3 thousand rubles, and this is with a scholarship of 90 rubles! He had no experience of where or how to get this money. For a week S. came to me every day and with Olympic calm told me about his unsuccessful attempts cope with such a situation. Only when everything was successfully resolved did he admit what a heavy burden this debt weighed on him, what “cats were scratching” in his soul (which I didn’t even suspect).

He is constantly running around somewhere, settling some affairs, helping someone. In winter, his friend’s mother came to visit him, and he had to meet her to help him carry a lot of things that she was taking with her. A friend asked him to help, and at that time he was working part-time at night: one night he worked, the other he rested. And so, despite the fact that he had not slept the previous night and will not sleep the next,- agreed immediately. He didn’t even have the thought of refusing, asking his friend to make such a request to someone else, although in such a situation it would have been natural.

If we come to his home in the village, he immediately manages to participate in volleyball competitions or goes to his grandfather, who lives nearby, to help him with the housework.

To make a person feel comfortable and pleasant, not to refuse help and thereby bring pleasure - literally this is the attitude of the ESE consciousness.

I really don’t like to spoil relationships with people, but it happens that I have to pull a person back if, from my point of view, he has gone too far.

Recently, in the corridor of our university, I met a friend from a neighboring department. In a loud voice she began to proclaim throughout the entire corridor:

- Congratulations! You are now a grandmother! Well, look at this young grandmother! - and everything like that, in different ways.

I endured it for about five minutes, then I couldn’t stand it and broke it off:

- Maybe that's enough?

One day, one of the employees came into the accounting department where I work and began to be rude to the accountant over some one and a half rubles, which in our time is no longer money at all. It turned out that the accountant forgot something and transferred this money to his book, instead of paying him along with his salary. Because of such nonsense, he shouted, banged his fist, and ended his tirade with the words:

- I am a professor! I- Head of the Department!

Turning to him and looking him straight in the face, I said:

- Well, you have to. And I thought that you were a loader.

And in this story, ESE’s emotionality is expressed in his inability to hide his indignation if he is faced with obvious injustice.

One of our classmates got married early, already in her fourth year she is the mother of two children, a son and a daughter. Her husband is a graduate student and is said to be a very talented young man. "Adore smart men", we often hear from her. It seems that this adoration of hers extends not only to her husband. She is quite flirtatious and somewhat reminiscent of a fox: her gait is a little wagging, she seems to be covering her tracks with her tail. It is rare that she will ignore a man, flirt right and left, making eyes at even the teachers, clearly seeking a lenient attitude towards himself during tests.

Alas, this also happens: the level of culture and spirituality are not the last character traits that determine human behavior, including ESE. Let us remind you once again: socionics determines only the structure of the psyche, but what this structure is filled with is no longer a question for socionics.

This summer, after a particularly stressful winter, when I went on vacation and hoped to finally rest, my daughter became seriously ill. Her whole body is short term covered with purulent blisters, for 3 weeks the temperature did not drop below 39 degrees. The girl hardly slept from pain, sometimes she became delirious. Every morning I had to soak and tear off the bloody and purulent underwear from her body in order to put on clean ones. And then, as often happens, we were turned off hot water, so washing, washing, cooking - everything took extra effort. Somewhere on the 15th day of such a life, in conditions of continuous stress and virtually no sleep, I began to seriously think about suicide - opening my veins in the bathroom seemed to me the most desirable way out of this nightmare...

There was, however, a serious obstacle. The implementation of my plan would be possible only if I could lie down in a clean bath with warm clear water. The bathtub was dirty, it was difficult to wash it, and it was difficult to pour warm water- Same. It was this circumstance that stopped me.

As if sensing my thoughts, my daughter suddenly began talking about suicide... This brought me back to my sanity. Having found a suitable opportunity, I told my daughter with a smile about my thoughts on the same topic and, laughing, finished: “I’ll have to postpone suicide until they give me hot water!”

A few days later the crisis passed, the girl recovered and has now forgotten about everything. Today I walked with my boyfriend all night and returned only in the morning, but this is a completely different problem.

Even in such a difficult situation, ESE cannot do without aesthetics. You can only afford to die if it looks beautiful. He is an esthete.

The hardest time I had was when I taught mathematics at 5 - 6th grade school. To make the lessons interesting and varied, I came up with more and more new ways of teaching. I was always afraid that, having completed the task, the student would get bored, and therefore, as soon as he raised his head from the notebook, I immediately gave him a postcard with some humorous question from the field of mathematics. And I tried to choose a very beautiful card, and I also painted the text in different ways to make it all look nice and funny.

Soon my boys got used to this kind of lessons. They really liked it, every time they expected more and more new techniques from me, but I couldn’t endlessly invent something new for them! I had already completely neglected my household, the pots in the kitchen were overgrown with dirt, and I completely stopped caring about my husband and children. Once I got to the point where I showed up at school wearing boots from different pairs. It’s good that I had shoes in the teacher’s room that I could change into...

We must pay tribute to our director: he was very attentive to me. One day he invited me into his office and said:

- That's enough, you need to rest. Tomorrow I will teach all your lessons myself, and you better sit at home and come to your senses!

In general, I noticed that I am always and everywhere well received, I quickly establish contact with people and immediately try to take on as many responsibilities as possible. But at the same time, I don’t know how to demand from others, and gradually everyone sits on my neck - schoolchildren, my husband, my own children. At one fine moment I feel that I have no more strength, I am so crushed that it is already unbearable, and I explode.

This story illustrates the action of two functions: the teacher tries to make her students enjoy studying such a seemingly dry subject as mathematics (BS - 2nd channel), but not being able to act rationally (CHL - 4th channel), she is clearly overtired.

For 14 years before her retirement, she worked in a chemical laboratory, doing synthesis, the work took place in three shifts - night and day - everything was mixed up. No bonuses or additional payments for overtime work and she was often not paid for night shifts. The employees guessed that these additional payments were being paid by the boss, but for some reason they remained silent.

One day, after sleepless night Having completed her shift, in the morning she handed over the synthesized substance to the customer. And then it turned out that all her work had been done in vain - the temperature was incorrectly indicated in the accompanying instructions for synthesis. Her indignation knew no bounds - a lot of reagents, money, and labor were ruined. It was then that she immediately expressed everything that had accumulated in her soul, including to the boss, about the organization of labor and distribution wages. I couldn’t resist using obscene expressions. Then she left, slamming the door, and submitted her resignation, although at that moment it was extremely unprofitable for her - her pension turned out to be small. And, as if on purpose, after this scandal, all remaining employees had their salaries increased - an event that they had been waiting for for a whole year without success.

Despite the desire to be useful and pleasant to people, ESE does not allow himself to be offended. But, of course, his emotionality often outstrips his prudence, which leads to the situation described above.

While serving in the army, I received news that my mother had been arrested and put in prison.- it was the 30s. I fainted from this news and was ill for a long time. After demobilization, I returned “home” - we were evicted from the apartment, my sister worked in a women’s dormitory as a cleaner, and she lived there. I had nowhere to go, but the commandant turned out to be a kind woman and let me into the hostel, where I lived in a room with my sister and her friends. He came to spend the night as late as possible, so as not to disturb them, and left while they were still sleeping. What was there to do? I lived like that for a whole year.

Then I got married and moved in with my wife. She lived in the same room with her parents, room 11 square meters, dark, the window looked out onto a remote courtyard. Then we had two more children. The six of us lived there- as much as 20 years. And what’s surprising is that we never quarreled, not even in my parents’ house - and our mother had seven children (I’m the youngest),- not later, in this communal apartment. I was already chosen as the headman so that I could restore order. If the residents were dissatisfied with something, I tried to make sure everything was settled peacefully. For example, disputes often arose over the light: someone will leave, say, for a week and then say that the light was not turned on, why should he pay like everyone else? Then I’ll take it and reduce his pay by 5 kopecks, after all, there were penny payments, and the man is happy that he was respected...

When I got married, I immediately took courses, became a general mechanic and driver, made good money, and after 19 years of working at a construction site, I got 3 room apartment. Now I have also purchased a plot of land with a house. I like it there so much! But I can’t do it without people. If anyone tells me what I'm doing wrong,- I will never be offended, I will not argue. But for justice, I will go to the trouble!

Now I am responsible for areas in gardening, many people give me an order for a car with fertilizers, peat... I negotiate with the driver, and he delivers, I give him the money from the customer, he says to me: “What are you doing, Mikhalych, that’s all If you give it to me, keep at least a couple of rubles for yourself!” But I think this: an old woman will come and see that the ordered peat is lying ready under her fence, she will immediately come to me and say thank you, and I will be happy, I’m satisfied. And these 2 rubles- well, if from pure heart, then I’ll take it, and if you regret it, I don’t need your money, it’s all the same, I feel in my bad heart, if it’s not out of kindness.

Isn't it true that the hero of this story is worthy of deep respect? Its objectively very hard life he does not dramatize, there is no panache in his story, the hero is not looking for sympathy and pity (twenty years, six of us in an eleven-meter room - for this reason alone one could tell something heartbreaking), but simply and calmly tells about his position in life. This is one of the most attractive character traits inherent in many ESE representatives.

His strong point- emotional impact on people. By showing violent, sharp emotions, he can achieve a lot. It is not easy for those around him to withstand his emotional pressure. Good at distinguishing what mood the interlocutor is in. He knows how to cheer himself and others up. An optimist, he strives to instill faith in success in his loved ones. Very sociable, easy to make contact. He is happy to talk about his connections, acquaintances, and relatives. Although he strives for high social status, but can sacrifice it in the name of the family. He is good at organizing recreation and special events in his circle. He makes sure that everyone is interested and involves those invited in the general conversation. Dislikes skeptics and isolationists.

2. S - Creative sensory of sensations (CS)

Very caring towards his family and friends. He is attentive and responsive, takes care of sick and impractical people. Understands who needs what help. Just for the sake of good attitude won't help. Enjoys receiving guests. Loves festive feasts and treats. He knows who to invite, how to behave, what to present in order to leave the right impression about himself. Practical in everyday life. He knows how to create comfort from what is at hand. Will quickly settle into a new place. Gets rid of unnecessary things that he sells or simply gives away. Has a picky aesthetic taste. Analyzes the harmonious appearance of others. He dresses thoughtfully and combines different details of his outfit well.

Socionics - interesting science allowing deep penetration into inner world a person, find out his aspirations, desires, ability to express feelings and control emotions. This is an opportunity to characterize the one in front of you. For these purposes, they use the simplest method that socionics has developed - a test. Hugo, for example, is an ethical-sensory extrovert. And if the test showed that you belong to this particular sociotype, then you are certainly the life of the party, a talkative, open, impulsive, emotional and cheerful person.

Characteristics of a man

Usually this is a dignified, large, imposing representative of the stronger sex. She loves to dress fashionably and stylishly and spends a lot of time choosing an outfit. The haircut is short, but the hair is always well-groomed and beautiful. Compassion, optimism and fun are what distinguishes Hugo's socionics. The man is active and energetic, he behaves with dignity in any society, and knows how to hold a conversation on almost any topic. Movements are free and easy. This guy is overly smiling and open. He will show his interest and sincere participation without any problems.

The Hugo man creates an emotional field around himself: socionics characterizes him as a person who cannot contain his inner experiences. He constantly actively gesticulates, his facial expressions are lively and multifaceted. People absolutely love him. Since he not only knows how to have fun in their company, but also care and patronize. In his house you will always be fed deliciously, warmed, and created comfort and coziness. Just the thought that you feel good already pleases Hugo and makes him as happy as possible.

Childhood and youth

Little Hugo is his mother's invaluable assistant. He enjoys going to the store for groceries, and remembers all the prices, takes care of his younger brothers and sisters, cleans and even sometimes cooks. simple dishes. He enjoys going to school; he has many friends there - not just classmates. Both younger and even older students enjoy communicating with this cheerful and open boy. He is kind and charming, reliable and uncompromising, lively and loved by everyone.

This is how Hugo grows up. The description of the socionic gives him the following: “The young man is open and sociable. He himself takes the initiative if he sees a pretty girl.” As a rule, he likes sociable young ladies. They should go with him to concerts and discos. In turn, Hugo will make leisure time interesting and varied. You won't get bored with him. The only negative is lack of punctuality. Don’t criticize your gentleman for this; believe me, it’s very difficult for him not to be late for dates. That's the kind of person he is.


A thrifty and caring husband is the definition given by socionics to this cheerful man. Relationships with your beloved wife are easy, tender and trusting. He treats her warmly and loves to receive her many friends and relatives. The doors of Hugo’s house are open to everyone: this is exactly the person in whose kitchen a group of friends gathers in the evenings with guitars and sincere conversations until the morning. He loves to have fun - it makes life more interesting and fun for him.

Despite his rather frivolous way of life, he carefully monitors order in the family. His refrigerator is always full of food, his wife and children do not need anything. He tries to have the family gather at the dinner table on weekends and holidays, talking and sharing impressions of the current day. When all his loved ones are nearby, Hugo laughs a lot, tells jokes, and cheers up those present. If one of the household members misses such a meeting, he will be very upset. He will shame the “truant” in every possible way, accusing him of indifference and carelessness.


The Hugo type is classified by socionics as those people who hate routine. He will not work according to clearly defined patterns; he is disgusted by various frameworks, rules and canons. By nature he is a rebel who does not want to follow the principles of bureaucracy. Therefore, a job with a free schedule, where he is his own boss and subordinate, is suitable for him. This should be an activity where he can express his activity and energy, and realize his desire to constantly communicate and have fun.

Therefore, it is not surprising that without any problems his career will develop in a field where he constantly needs to be in contact with people. The crowd doesn't tire him. On the contrary, it evokes endless curiosity, the desire to study and analyze. The ideal positions for Hugo are artist or singer. As a last resort - a cinematographer, entertainer, head of a recruitment agency. Of course, he will be able to work as an accountant or statistician. But this will require so much mental strength from him that his bright temperament will suffer first of all. Hugo will become depressed and sad. Maximum time that he can last at such a boring job for several months.

Description of the woman

Such a young lady has a beautiful figure and excellent posture. He moves confidently and stately, often men follow her with interested glances. Big eyes, with clear facial features and violent emotions, she stands out among Hugo’s other girls. Socionics, according to which a woman belongs to an ethical-sensory extrovert, characterizes her as a lively, lively and assertive person. She has strong energy, which fascinates and attracts many people.

The girl speaks loudly and a lot. She won’t be at a loss for words: she always has something to say. It can be mocking and ironic. But often she is a laugher who can stand up for herself. A woman is always well-groomed, loves beautiful things very much long hair. Therefore, her lush and shiny hair often becomes an object of envy among other girls. Hugo also dresses with great taste. Buying clothes brings her pleasure, shopping is often accompanied by entertainment, but it always happens on a professional level. Clothes and shoes are selected according to several criteria: they must be in trend, fit perfectly, be comfortable and emphasize the advantages of her figure.

Early years

At school, the girl is a diligent student. A favorite of teachers, neat and diligent - this is the first impression that little Hugo makes. Socionics claims that first of all it takes magnetism and charm, and only then analytical abilities. Loves more humanitarian subjects, but can get excellent marks in physics, chemistry, mathematics. Writes essays better than others. In addition, she is a very athletic girl. Prefers gymnastics, dancing, figure skating and swimming. He often plays in the school theater, where he can fully express his emotions.

Has a strong will. If a girl needs to lose weight, she will make every effort to do so and will not give up. He knows how to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun around himself. She likes smart gentlemen - this is the main selection criterion. Also, a man must be polite, courteous and neat - then he will definitely fall into her soul. In order to evoke tender feelings in her, the gentleman must be talkative and active: not sit on the sidelines, but try to court his chosen one. Even a simple offer to dance will make Hugo’s girl more receptive and happy.


The Hugo woman, whose socionics has many positive aspects, becomes married and turns into a real housewife. Household chores and worries bring her only pleasure. She is proud of her new role and demonstrates it in every possible way. She is not lazy, on the contrary, this active young lady has enough energy for three. Although her mood largely depends on her emotional state: if she is not in a good mood, she will not even wash the plate. The husband needs to constantly maintain her inspiration, then he will not need anything.

The Hugo woman's home is clean and tidy. My husband's shirts are ironed, his linen smells fragrant, and his pots shine. Living in her house is a real paradise, and visiting her is a pleasure. This is the type of lady who is ready to sacrifice sleep by getting up at 5 am to bake hot cakes for breakfast for her beloved spouse. The girl always has an emergency supply of food in her pantry in case unexpected guests arrive in the middle of the night. She will pull out everything edible and organize a real feast in half an hour.


For her they are the light in the night. Hugo's very caring mother (socionics). A woman is constantly involved in the lives of children, monitors their education and development, mental, physical characteristics. This is an enthusiastic mother trying to ignite her offspring with interest in this or that activity. She inspires them to do great things, because she is sure that her kids are no worse than others, they should do better than she herself. At the same time, she never puts pressure, but only prompts and advises.

For her children, the Hugo woman is always the kindest, most energetic, cheerful and beautiful. They dote on her. But sometimes it’s hard to escape from under her wing. The young lady does not let her children go out into the open waters of life, considering them not strong enough and mature enough - even if they are already over 30 years old. Having separated from the child, she participates in his affairs for the rest of her life. But she turns out to be an extremely bad grandmother. Having given all her care and guardianship to her son or daughter, she remains indifferent to raising her grandchildren.

Professional activities

The Hugo Girl, whose socionics emphasizes excessive activity, is a real engine of the work process. She does not know fatigue and plows like a horse. She especially enjoys activities related to organizing events and caring for people. Therefore, the professions of art director, toastmaster, presenter, teacher, and social worker are suitable for her. She gives it her all and is a tireless advocate. She is able to attract anyone to her side, so the profession of a speaker, politician, lawyer and journalist is also suitable for her.

The Hugo woman is a leader, says socionics. Her relations with her colleagues are smooth and friendly, but they, without knowing it, follow her everywhere, obey her, and inherit her. She is able to ignite the crowd and lead them along. The young lady is a born revolutionary reformer. Despite this, she is an excellent employee who conscientiously performs her duties. Finds himself in vibrant activity, unencumbered by routine. Such a young lady can reach great heights, no matter what she does.

Rationality. He works very hard, maintains a certain and fairly high rhythm, pace of life, does everything quickly, and gets annoyed when people do something slowly. However, this rhythm is quite inflexible - it does not understand when it is necessary to slow down, wait (it’s a addictive nature!), and is indignant when this is pointed out to it.

Extroversion. Tireless, constantly active, always among people, always on the move. Personal life is more important than a career: children are sacred, followed by family, friends and finally work. Taking this into account, it is perceived as a paradox that people often enter into marriages of convenience, and such marriages turn out to be not so unsuccessful - either the calculation was made correctly, or, having their emotions, they catch the right person. Hugo's sociotype, for all his sociability, is somewhat of an individualist, he achieves everything for himself through his own labor, and does not rely on the help of others. There are few close friends - it is not always easy to withstand his emotional pressure.

1. Ethics of conduct

Well versed in people's emotions own feelings, knows when they are sincere. Hates falsehood, indifference, rudeness, tactlessness. Emotions are strong, colorful, and often powerful - this is a man of action: energetic, decisive, assertive. A pleasant conversationalist, he finds an approach to everyone. By giving joy to others, he himself rejoices. Loves feasts, entertainment, knows how to understand, approve, and sympathize. He trusts people, is not envious, rejoices in the successes of others, knows how to give a compliment with his eyes, easily comes into contact with people - he is always the initiator in communication. Reaches towards people, towards the team. Cheerful, naturally relaxed, likes to be in the midst of people.

2. Sensory sense of sensations

He responds vividly and emotionally to an initiative that he energetically supports. The Hugo sociotype creates for himself and his loved ones an atmosphere of comfort, prosperity, joy and grace, he is very hospitable, always dressed with taste, neatly and creatively. Instinctively and with lightning speed he understands the subtleties of etiquette and pays a lot of attention to appearance.

3. Business logic

In work, he does not distinguish between interesting and uninteresting - it has to be done and that’s it. If he wants to achieve something, he will definitely see it through to the end. He always strives for perfection and harmony: what he has done is not only of high quality, but also beautiful. Achieves true excellence in appearance of your creations. Deep down, he doubts his personal ability to cope with the matter (although he looks smug), and needs approval for his work.

4. Intuition of time

Sociotype Hugo is trying to do everything, but there is not enough time. He is afraid of being late, does not know how to manage time and is still late. He is wary of fundamentally new solutions that require abandoning proven methods. Treats changes with anxiety. Agrees to changes only when their necessity is proven.

5. Structural logic

Reasonable, has a sober view of life, distrustful of theoretical or ideological tricks, conservative, does not seek or like new solutions, prefers tried and tested paths or those approved by the majority; radical reforms are not always clear, does not trust new methods.

6. Intuition of possibilities

An optimistic fatalist - he believes in a lucky star for himself and his loved ones, he perceives attempts to convince him to be extremely impressionable, and the “croaking” of others unbalances him. The Hugo sociotype does not like skeptics, books with unhappy endings, or difficult films. In life's pivotal issues (marriage, divorce), he does not consult with anyone, cannot solve them quickly, hesitates, thinks a lot about how best to act, thinking constantly, as if he is disconnected from the world, does not hear those around him. Difficult issues are resolved in private: people are very distracting.

7. Ethics of emotions

An important problem is the ability to put your emotions under control. It’s easy to get rid of a depressing mood, but a serious tragedy can linger for years. He monitors the impression he makes on others - it is important to him what category of people he is classified into, he is good at the official level - he does not get lost, he knows how to present himself and organize his attitude towards himself. He himself very clearly distributes people into groups, with all his hospitality he carefully monitors who to invite and who not.

8. Volitional sensory

Hugo's sociotype is demanding, persistent, consistent. Can show will: he waits for the moment to determine the goal, as soon as he determines it, he moves uncontrollably towards it. The apartment, car, storage room are in perfect order and cleanliness; beauty and comfort require money - he actively acquires it. He truly protects the interests of himself and his loved ones.