Presentation on the surrounding world ""Fauna of the Middle Urals". Presentation on geography "Animal world of the Southern Urals" Presentation on the animal world of the Urals

1. Arouse children's interest in learning natural world Ural.

2.Support children’s initiative in reasoning and use different ways stories about the animal and plant world.

3. To cultivate moral feelings, expressed in empathy for nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the nature of the Urals.



Project “Fauna of the Urals”.

Direction: cognitive development.

Project participants:pupils preparatory group, parents, teacher, music director, junior teacher.

Project implementation period: July

Relevance: Despite the fact that from birth we are surrounded by pets or toys symbolizing animals, pictures, books, fairy tales, our children know mainly well-known animals: hare, fox, wolf, bear. Do they know the animals of our region, such as lynx, sable, chipmunk? No. Children do not have specific knowledge and ideas about the animals of the Urals.

Basic principle:integration of all educational areas(cognition, artistic creativity, reading fiction, socialization, manual labor, music).

Target: Introduce children to little-known animal species of the Urals.


  1. Shape cognitive interest to the fauna of the Urals.
  2. Include parents in joint activities with children on this project.
  3. Develop children's active vocabulary.
  4. Teach to love and appreciate nature.

Stages of work:

  • Visit to the Museum of Nature.
  • A joint trip of parents and children to the zoo.
  • Reading fiction about nature and the animal world.
  • View documentaries about animals.
  • Creation of the album “Animal World of the Urals”
  • Drawing, paper design, animal sculpting.
  • Learning poems about nature and animals.
  • Examination of the “Red Book of the Urals”.
  • Exhibition joint work children and parents "Animals of our region."
  • Creation of the “Red Book of the Fauna of the Urals” (children’s work).

Planned result of work: Increasing the level of cognitive activity of children and the level speech development. Developing a sense of empathy and concern for nature and its inhabitants.

Summary of the open event “Fauna of the Urals”

Target: To develop children's cognitive interest in little-known animal species of the Urals.


1. Arouse children’s interest in studying the natural world of the Urals.

2.Support children’s initiative in reasoning, in using different ways of talking about the animal and plant world.

3. To cultivate moral feelings, expressed in empathy for nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the nature of the Urals.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and approach the counter with a surprise.

Educator : “Recently, guys, we went to the library, where there are many different interesting books and magazines on different topics. And yesterday a package arrived from the library for inquisitive children. Do we have such children?

Children: “Yes!”

Educator : Then let's open it and find out what interesting things they sent us.

Open and see big book about animals of the Urals.

1 page: Map of the Urals

Educator: What is this?

Children: Map of our region - the Urals.

Educator: (shows and tells): Po climatic conditions The Urals are divided into several parts: Polar, Subpolar, Northern, Middle and Southern Urals. Who knows in what part of the Urals you and I live?

Children: In the Middle Urals.

Educator: Right. And today we will talk about our region, about the Middle Urals. Our region where you and I live is rich and interesting. (turn page)

Page 2: Illustrations of the nature of the Middle Urals.

Educator: Almost the entire territory of the Middle Urals is located in the forest zone. Forest is one of the main resources of our region. What is a forest?

Children: The forest is common house plants and animals. These are many different trees.

Educator: What types of trees do you know?

Children: Coniferous and deciduous.

Educator: Call me deciduous trees

Children: birch, poplar, alder, maple, etc.

Educator: A coniferous trees?

Children: spruce, pine, cedar, fir.

Educator : You know a lot of trees. And it happens that coniferous and deciduous trees coexist in the forest. What is the name of such a forest?

Children: Mixed.

Educator: And it happens that just one type of tree grows in the forest. What is the name of a forest where, for example, only birch trees grow? (show picture in book)

Children: Grove.

Educator: What is the name of a forest where only coniferous trees grow? (show picture in book)

Children: Bor.

Educator: Guys, the Russian people have a proverb: “Living near a forest means you won’t go hungry.” How do you understand it?

Children's answers.

Educator : Animals also like to eat mushrooms and berries. What is another name for forest animals?

Children: Beasts, wild animals.

Educator : Why are forest animals called wild?

Children: These are animals not habituated by humans and living in nature, in the forest and in the wild.

Educator : Right. Let us remember what animals live in the Ural forests.

(turn to page 3: Riddles about wild animals.)

I will tell you riddles, and you must guess them correctly.

(Make 7 riddles. Then do some physical exercise.)

The children guessed the last riddle (about a moose), and a child in a moose costume enters to the music.

Sasha : Elk - branched horns,

Yes, the hooves are fast.

Shaking his head, he

It hits a skyscraper.

A child in the role of a moose talks about himself and at the end says what he brought for the girls and boys interesting tasks and hands over 2 packages to the teacher.

Assignments are hung on 2 easels. For boys - “Help the animals find their homes.” Girls - “Who left traces?”

Then the tasks are checked by players of the other team (boys check with girls and vice versa), and they explain whether they were completed correctly.

Educator : Now let’s return to our book and turn the next page (the splashing of water is heard).

A BEAVER (a child in a beaver costume) comes out and talks about himself, asks the children questions, and, saying goodbye, invites the children to play. Physical education session “Bunny” is being held

Educator : Let's open the next page. Oh, guys, look, why are they red, and some animals are depicted here.

Children: These are pages from the Red Book.

Educator : What kind of Red Book is this?

Children: This is a book that lists endangered species of animals.

Educator : Let's find out what animals have become rare in the Urals. Let Vika read it, Sonya read it, and the other children. Last child reads about a snake - the common copperhead.

The copperhead snake (child) comes out to the music and talks about himself.

Educator : Unfortunately, many animals have become rare and they are listed in the Red Book not only of the Urals, but of Russia. People often don't think about how easily they can harm the plants and animals that nature has created over millions of years. Let's stop hunting, cutting down forests, polluting the land and water, and let's protect and love our nature. Treats all living things with love.

Children: Fish, birds and animals

They look into people's souls

It’s as if they’re asking us:

“People, don’t kill in vain!

After all, a sea without fish is not a sea,

After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,

A land without animals is not a land,

But we can’t live without land!”

Educator: And to sum it up, I would like to say: Let us protect, cherish and love native nature and the region where we live, our small Motherland. And let's now sing the anthem of all defenders of our native nature.

Children sing the song "Don't tease dogs"»

At the end of the song, there is a knock on the door and a surprise package (Coloring Books) is brought in for connoisseurs of the native land and conservationists.

The teacher reads the inscription and asks:Well, well done, you all showed how well you know fauna Ural. Receive your gifts (hands out coloring books to all children). And I propose to give a large book about the animals of the Urals to children of other groups, so that they know, love and take care of their region where we live.

The fauna of our region.

Wolverine Poe appearance Wolverines are a little similar to bears, so they were previously considered relatives of them. Currently, the wolverine belongs to the family of martens, in which they are classified into a special genus - wolverines. But the wolverine also differs from martens: it has a dense, massive body, short legs with wide feet, on which strong claws are located. Wide feet make it easy to move even on loose snow, which helps this animal survive the winter.

Red fox- a favorite fairy tale character - known to everyone since childhood. Indeed, the bright red color of the fur is perhaps the most well-known characteristic of a fox. Other characteristics that distinguish a true fox from other species (for example, from the corsac fox living in other regions of the Urals) include: white end tail, dark coloration of the ears and the front of the paws. There are 11 known species of foxes. Fox The fox has very good hearing: the thinnest squeak, the rustle of a mouse's tail will not go unnoticed. Foxes also have excellent visual memory. She knows her hunting area well. The fox lives in holes that it digs in elevated places; often occupies burrows already dug by badgers or marmots.

Lynx Lynx belongs to the family of mammals of the cat genus. It is also somewhat similar in appearance to domestic cats; different from the last ones large sizes, long legs and tufted ears. The body length of the lynx reaches 110 cm, and with the tail - up to 130 cm, weight from 8 to 30 kg. Look - a typical cat, but large, on very high legs, with magnificent whiskers on the cheeks and large tufts at the ends of the ears. The coat is soft, thick, grayish-red in color with dark spots. The lynx has a very short tail, as if chopped off, and a very wide paw, which is also densely covered with coarse hair. Such paws play the role of a snowshoe, and the lynx, despite its rather heavy weight can easily move through deep snow.

Hare In the Urals, white hares are large, average weight is about 4 kilograms, some individuals reach 5 kilograms. The white hare can be found both in the forest and in open areas - in fields, but still this rodent prefers to merge in forests with well-developed undergrowth. Hares are vegetarians. Their diet depends on the season. In summer they eat various herbaceous vegetation, preferring cereals, and in autumn and winter, when grass is almost unavailable, they switch to branches and bark various trees and bushes. In winter, animals gather together near thickets of bushes, so an accidentally fallen tree very quickly loses all its bark and branches. In the spring, the animals also gather in groups on lawns with young grass and get so carried away with food that they lose their usual caution. Hearing is best developed in the hare, but vision and smell can fail: motionless standing man he won't be afraid.

Ermine The ermine has a peculiar appearance: a thin, very flexible body, a lively rounded muzzle with small ears, a long, non-furry tail (9-12 cm with a body length of 16-28 cm), very short paws with sharp thin claws (in the Urals and in Western Siberia The largest species of ermine lives - the West Siberian, or Tobolsk ermine). The color of the fur is protective: in winter it is pure white, in summer it is two-colored - the upper body is brownish-red, the underside is yellowish-white. Winter coloring is typical for areas where there is snow for at least 40 days a year. The tip of the tail is black throughout the year. Geographical variability in the quality of winter fur, the color of summer fur and body size allows us to distinguish about 26 subspecies of ermine.

Birds of our region

Great Grebe (Grebe) Great Grebe, or Great Grebe, is the largest of all grebes. They are waterfowl and good divers. And they are often mistaken for ducks; they have nothing in common with the latter. In addition to the fact that they differ from ducks in appearance, they also sit much deeper on the water; this is due to the fact that the bones of grebes, unlike many other birds, are mostly not hollow and are less filled with air. Grebes do not row under themselves with their legs, like, for example, ducks or seagulls. The legs work very effectively from behind, forming something like a ship's propeller. Since grebes almost never exist on land, the plumage has to be cleaned and lubricated on the water. While doing this, they lie down first on one side, then on the other. Frozen in cold water the legs are warmed not like ducks, hiding them in the plumage of the belly, but by lifting them out of the water to the side.

Gray Heron The Gray Heron is a large bird 90-100 cm long, with a wingspan of 175-195 cm and a weight of adult birds up to 2 kg. The head is narrow, with a large, pinkish-yellow, dagger-shaped head. On the back of the head there is a black hanging tuft of feathers. The neck is long and bent back when flying. Gray Heron – migrant. Winters in most of Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, India and Indochina. The gray heron arrives at its nesting sites early; the first birds appear when the water bodies are still covered with ice and the snow lies almost completely on the ground. These birds make nests on tall trees, but if they are not there, then on large bushes or in reed creases. The finished nest has the shape of a cone, upside down.

The male capercaillie is colored brown, black and dark gray, with white spots on the belly and on the underside of the wing, and a powerful light beak. The female is brownish-red with black ripples. In summer it feeds on grass, seeds, and berries; in winter - pine needles, aspen and larch buds. It nests in both coniferous and mixed forests. From coniferous forests prefers pine forests. It uses stems and branches to line the nest. The nest is a small depression in the soil. The clutch most often consists of 6-8 eggs, yellowish-white in color with brown spots. Wood grouse eggs are similar in size to chicken eggs

Cuckoo Males and females are similar in many cases; the females of our cuckoos have more brown tones in their plumage. They feed mainly on insects, some eat berries, fruits, frogs, lizards, and destroy other people's nests. Many species eat "shaggy" caterpillars covered with bristles, which other birds leave alone. And this is the benefit of cuckoos. After such a delicacy, eaten in abundance, the entire inner surface of the cuckoo’s stomach is completely covered with caterpillar bristles. Periodically, the bird expels these bristles through its mouth along with a layer of the gastric lining. The cuckoo throws its eggs into the nests of other birds. To make it more difficult to recognize its eggs, the cuckoo “counterfeits” them. Evolution endowed the cuckoo amazing property: her eggs are similar in size and color to the eggs of birds into whose nests she throws them.

Native land! Here we were born and live, here we first felt the gentle light of the sun, here we began to learn the world around us. Nature gives man everything necessary for life. We breathe air, quench our thirst with water. We love our native nature. We enjoy listening to the singing of birds, the murmuring of a brook, admiring the beauty of the forest, the vastness of the fields, and the mirror-like surface of the river. Nature is the mother of beauty, a source of joy and inspiration.


Local Russian name- rossomaga, in the Northern Cis-Urals - gnusina, among the Nenets - inginea, among the Mansi - tulmakh.

The wolverine lives in dense forests and in the tundra of the Polar, Northern and Middle Urals. In the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Tagil, single individuals are found. Usually the wolverine makes shelters in rock crevices, among stones, under the roots of upturned trees.

Being a sedentary animal, the wolverine is found year after year in the same places, which can be called the “individual site or hunting grounds” of each individual. But in some years it migrates over very long distances.

Distinguished by great strength for its size, the wolverine is at the same time slow and clumsy. The wolverine cannot pursue animals, and therefore it patiently watches for its prey or hides it.

In search of food, the wolverine travels dozens of kilometers. Despite her slowness and clumsiness, she walks easily even in deep snow, in which she almost never gets stuck. The hunting area of ​​one animal can reach an area of ​​up to 2 thousand km 2.

Smelling people, the wolverine tries to hide. But if dogs find her, she slowly moves away from them, and when caught, she lies on her back and fiercely defends herself with her teeth and legs, armed with large claws.

In February-April, wolverines have cubs, usually 1-4 of them; newborns are covered with dark-colored hair, but after 3-4 weeks their color lightens and becomes similar to that of an adult.


The local Russian name is fox, fox; among the Nenets - tene, among the Bashkirs - calf.

The red fox, a favorite character in fairy tales, has been known to everyone since childhood. Indeed, the bright red color of the fur is perhaps the most well-known characteristic of a fox. Other features that distinguish a real fox from other species (for example, from the corsac fox living in other regions of the Urals) include the white end of the tail, the dark coloring of the ears and the front side of the paws. There are 11 known species of foxes.

In the vicinity of the city of Nizhny Tagil there lives a common fox, it is also called red. It is this ordinary red fox that is called the red cheat, gossip, Patrikeevna. She is considered cunning and thieving, but at the same time, smart and careful - and all this is not without reason.

She needs 15-20 rodents per day. Waiting for prey, the fox presses to the ground, merging with environment, waits patiently and suddenly jumps. The fox “mouses” especially beautifully in winter. A bright “light” is busily trotting across a snowy field; it froze for a second, shot up like lightning, and the fox dove headfirst into the snow, only its tail darting along the surface.

The fox has very good hearing: the thinnest squeak, the rustle of a mouse's tail will not go unnoticed. Foxes also have excellent visual memory. She knows her hunting area well. The gossip makes reserves “for a rainy day” and always finds them easily.

The fox lives in holes that it digs in elevated places; often occupies burrows already dug by badgers or marmots. Here, at the end of April - May, 4-5 fox cubs appear (and sometimes there are up to 12). Newborn fox cubs are helpless: they are blind, deaf, have no teeth, and weigh 100-150 grams.

c) Lynx

In the vicinity of Nizhny Tagil you can meet the only representative of the cat family in the Urals - the lynx.

The lynx belongs to the family of mammals of the cat genus. It is also somewhat similar in appearance to domestic cats; differs from the latter in its large size, long legs and tufts on the ears. The lynx's body length reaches up to 110 cm, and with a tail - up to 130 cm, weight from 8 to 30 kg. Look - a typical cat, but large, on very high legs, with magnificent whiskers on the cheeks and large tufts at the ends of the ears. The coat is soft, thick, grayish-red in color with dark spots. The lynx has a very short tail, as if chopped off, and a very wide paw, which is also densely covered with coarse hair. Such paws play the role of a snowshoe, and the lynx, despite its rather large weight, can easily move through deep snow.

Lynx prefers taiga areas - dense old forests with dense undergrowth and windbreaks, as well as mixed and broad-leaved forests.

By way of life, the lynx is a gloomy animal, avoiding the company of even its own kind.

The lynx does not catch up with its prey, but hides or lies in wait both at night and during the day, usually sitting on a branch or on a rock ledge hanging over the path in order to rush at it completely silently and unexpectedly for the prey. A slight cat jump and the animal becomes a victim. If the jump is unsuccessful, the lynx begins to pursue the prey, choosing the moment for the next jump. The lynx runs quickly, swims easily, and climbs trees well.

The lynx usually hunts from an ambush at dusk: in the evening or early in the morning. The lynx's vision is very well developed, but during hunting it relies more on hearing. A lynx can hear a hare gnawing on a twig at a distance of 50-60 meters. What a rumor! After eating, the lynx “sharpenes its claws” on tree trunks, tearing off the skin and thus marking its hunting area.

In May and early June, lynx cubs are born. Lynx kittens are usually born from 2 to 4. Until January-February of the next year, the entire litter stays together, and then the young begin to live independently.

In the Sverdlovsk region there are about 2000 lynxes, mainly in northern regions. In 2006, the lynx was repeatedly observed near the village of Staratel near Nizhny Tagil.


Hares are a genus of the hare family. The hare got its name due to its snow-white winter fur. Only the tips of his ears remain black all year round. Everyone knows the seasonal color change of white hares: in summer their fur is reddish-brown. Both coats, white and red-brown, help the animal camouflage itself with the general background of the area and hide from enemies.

In the Urals, white hares are large, the average weight is about 4 kilograms, some individuals reach 5 kilograms. The white hare can be found both in the forest and in open areas - in fields, but still this rodent prefers to merge in forests with well-developed undergrowth.

Snowshoe hares are sedentary and do not travel far, although they do not have a permanent hole. They roost somewhere under a tree trunk, under a bush or in a hole. Sometimes, however, hares themselves dig a cave or even a hole in deep snow, and can even climb into the hole of another animal. But burrows are not a real home for a hare. In summer, it is difficult to see a hare in the forest and you may not even suspect that the forest is inhabited by these long-eared animals. But in winter, a hare’s footprint is clearly visible: a line of two long parallel holes in front and two small ones, one after the other, is imprinted on the snow. When moving, the hare throws its hind legs forward long paws, and places the front ones behind them.

Hares are vegetarians. Their diet depends on the season. In summer they eat various herbaceous vegetation, preferring cereals, and in autumn and winter, when grass is almost unavailable, they switch to branches and bark of various trees and shrubs.

The hare's hearing is best developed, but his vision and sense of smell can fail him: he will not be afraid of a motionless person. Fast running and caution are the main means of defense against numerous enemies (fox, lynx, wolf, owl, hawk, eagle owl, human).

The white hare is quite prolific, which allows it to exist in the presence of a huge number of enemies. In the Urals, the hare breeds three times a year from April to August. Hares in a litter range from 2 to 7, usually 3-5. They will be born completely independent: with fur, sighted, and able to move. It’s interesting that the hare feeds both her own and other people’s bunnies. After the birth of the cubs, the female is not with them, but somewhere nearby.


The ermine has a unique appearance: a thin, very flexible body, a lively rounded muzzle with small ears, a long, non-furry tail (9-12 cm with a body length of 16-28 cm), very short paws with sharp thin claws (lives in the Urals and Western Siberia The largest variety of ermine is the West Siberian or Tobolsk ermine).

The color of the fur is protective: in winter it is pure white, in summer it is two-colored - the upper body is brownish-red, the underside is yellowish-white. Winter coloring is typical for areas where there is snow for at least 40 days a year. The tip of the tail is black throughout the year. Geographical variability in the quality of winter fur, the color of summer fur and body size allows us to distinguish about 26 subspecies of ermine.

On the territory of the Urals, the ermine is found from the tundra of Yamal to the southern tip of the Ural ridge - in a wide variety of habitats: in the tundra there are thickets of bushes, in the forest zone - clearings, old cluttered burnt areas, river valleys, in the forest-steppe - stakes, thickets of bushes along the banks of various reservoirs, in the steppe in the floodplains of rivers and lakes. Here, in heaps of stones and brushwood, under the roots of trees, in rodent burrows, the stoat makes its nest. The stoat is a typical predator; its prey is small rodents, shrews, various birds, frogs, and insects. It often attacks larger animals (hares, hazel grouse, black grouse) and usually emerges victorious.

The stoat is one of the most common predators, but its numbers have now dropped significantly due to hunting, deterioration of food resources, destruction of habitats, etc.

Ermine is a commercial object (the fur is used as a finishing fur). Useful for killing mouse-like rodents.

Birds of our region

Almost the entire territory of the Middle Urals is located in the forest zone. In the southwest and southeast, where the climate is warmer and drier, the forest gives way to forest-steppe. Forest zone characterized by a predominance of coniferous forests. Forests are one of the main resources of the Middle Urals. The forests of the Urals are home to wood grouse, hazel grouse, black grouse, chaffinch, oriole, nutcracker, eagle owl, owls and many other birds.

In the upper mountain zone there are woodpeckers, cuckoos, eagle owls, hawks, bullfinch, and tits.

In the forest-steppe areas of the region, the fauna is mixed. Among the birds there are many skylarks, there are partridges, and among the predators there are spotted eagle, balaban eagle, goshawk and sparrowhawk.

gray heron

The gray heron is a large bird 90-100 cm long, with a wingspan of 175-195 cm and a weight of adult birds up to 2 kg. The head is narrow, with a large, pinkish-yellow, dagger-shaped head. On the back of the head there is a black hanging tuft of feathers. The neck is long and bent back when flying. The gray heron is a migratory bird. Winters in most of Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, India and Indochina. The gray heron arrives at its nesting sites early; the first birds appear when the water bodies are still covered with ice and the snow lies almost completely on the ground. These birds make nests on tall trees, but if they are not there, then on large bushes or in reed creases. The finished nest has the shape of a cone, upside down. It is very loose, its walls are translucent, so that the eggs in it can be seen from below. The nest of the heron-wife is completed, rebuilt or renovated together and without quarrels.

Soon a bluish and green egg appears in it. They incubate for almost a month, taking turns from the first egg. Two days later there is a second egg in the nest, and after another two - a third. And so on until five. The hatched chicks are completely helpless, but they are sighted. After the chicks have fledged, herons stay in families, sometimes gathering in large flocks, but you can often see single birds.

The heron catches only small fish, of little importance in the household - weeds, no more than the length of a palm. The beak plunges shallowly into the water. Doesn't dive.

Herons do not lubricate their feathers with fat. They powder it. In herons, on the chest and in other places (on the stomach, on the sides of the tail, in Abu Markubs - on the back) tufts of very brittle down are hidden under the feathers (most herons have at least three pairs of them). Its ends constantly crumble into microscopic horny scales, a thousand times smaller than a millimeter. The heron, picking up this powder with its beak and claws, sprinkles it on its feathers.

Without the powder, she would simply die! The fish mucus makes the feather stick together. The powder absorbs this mucus. Then the heron, using the jagged claw of its middle finger, like a comb, cleans off the wet powder and along with it all the dirt stuck to its feathers.


The male is colored brown, black and dark gray, with white spots on the belly and on the underside of the wing, and a powerful light beak. The female is brownish-red with black ripples.

In summer it feeds on grass, seeds, and berries; in winter - pine needles, aspen and larch buds.

It nests in both coniferous and mixed forests. Among coniferous forests, it prefers pine forests. It uses stems and branches to line the nest. The nest is a small depression in the soil. The clutch most often consists of 6-8 eggs, yellowish-white in color with brown spots. Wood grouse eggs are similar in size to chicken eggs.

The capercaillie is an almost sedentary bird; During the year he roams in a relatively small area. Throughout the cold half of the year they feed on pine or cedar needles; they also willingly swallow green cedar cones, juniper berries and rowan berries. Wood grouse spend the night either in the crowns of dense trees (spruce, cedar, fir), or, if deep and soft snow has fallen, they bury themselves in it, like black grouse.

Why does the capercaillie go deaf? A detailed study of the capercaillie's ear revealed that in the posterior bend of the external auditory canal there is a special lobe, abundantly supplied with small blood vessels. During mating, when the bird is highly excited, these vessels bring a lot of blood, the blade swells and increases in volume, forming a tumor. The capercaillie, while talking, opens its mouth, and one of the bones of its skull (square) presses on this tumor and closes the ear canal. The wood grouse cannot hear at this time, but sees quite well .


The males and females of many are similar; the females of our cuckoos have more brown tones in their plumage. They feed mainly on insects, some eat berries, fruits, frogs, lizards, and destroy other people's nests. Many species eat "shaggy" caterpillars covered with bristles, which other birds leave alone. And this is the benefit of cuckoos. After such a delicacy, eaten in abundance, the entire inner surface of the cuckoo’s stomach is completely covered with caterpillar bristles. Periodically, the bird expels these bristles through its mouth along with a layer of the gastric lining.

The cuckoo throws its eggs into the nests of other birds. To make it more difficult to recognize its eggs, the cuckoo “counterfeits” them. Evolution has endowed the cuckoo with an amazing property: its eggs are similar in size and color to the eggs of the birds into whose nests it throws them.

the cuckoo is dealing with stepbrothers. He won't rest until he throws everyone out of the nest. He does this unconsciously, obeying the orders of instinct. Already in the first hours of life, an irresistible desire prompts the cuckoo to throw out everything that is there from the nest. The cuckoo has sensitive papillae on its back. As soon as you touch them, he immediately takes the “thrower” pose and prepares to throw the object that touched him out of the nest. Acts like a living automaton. But four days will pass and the throwing instinct will disappear. If in four days the cuckoo does not manage to get rid of all the extra mouths in the nest, then it will never be able to do this again.

The fauna of the Middle Urals is rich and diverse. On the territory of our region there are both well-known animals and birds, as well as rare ones that live only here.

Just studying native land, you can truly know and love your Motherland - Russia, and do everything to make it even richer and more beautiful.

Game for junior schoolchildren "Animals of the Urals"

Description: This game can be played with students junior classes, consolidating knowledge about animals of the Urals, so it will be useful to students, organizers, class teachers and educators.

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the animals of the Urals through Your own game.
- consolidate knowledge about animals of the Urals;
- develop memory, attention, thinking;
- expand your horizons.

Participants in the game are offered a scoreboard with four topics: “Animals”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Fishes”, in each topic there are questions for 5, 10, 15 and 20 points according to the level of difficulty. The player chooses a topic and a question for the number of points, the one who scores wins more points.
Theme "Beasts"

5 points
The tail is a fluffy arc,
Do you know this animal?
Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,
loves to climb trees
10 points
Behind the trees and bushes
Like a flame flashed by
It flashed, ran...
There is no smoke, no fire.
15 points
Which animals of the Urals have hair on their bellies that lengthens by a couple of millimeters in winter? What kind of animals are these?
20 points
What animals of the Urals can reach a weight of 60 - 100 kg. What animals are these?
Birds theme

5 points
Who is among the coniferous branches in winter
Does he bring out the kids in February?
Unusual beak - cross,
That bird's name is...
10 points
Who is telling fortunes in our forest?
Does he know everything about fate and life?
He'll crow - you'll count -
You'll find out how long you'll live! -
Birdie, gray friend,
And her name is...
15 points
The name of this bird comes from the structure of the auditory system. She loses her hearing only for a while.
20 points
This bird really loves cinnamon (seeded raisins). Her voice is a soft, drawn-out “day” or “fu-fu”; the song is crackling, with flute and whistle sounds. What kind of bird is this?
Theme "Insects"

5 points
The airplane is light and fast
A fragrant flower flies over.
Wings, tail and eyes.
This is a miracle...
10 points
She eats aphids from the leaves,
It helps to look after the garden.
So she took off deftly.
This -
15 points
What insect can stay under water for several days?
20 points
This insect performs a “circular” dance if it has found a food source at a short distance.
Pisces theme

5 points
It is related to perch,
And he looks menacing
If someone suddenly scares you,
The sharp fin is spreading!
10 points
Her eyes are moving,
She sees everything perfectly
If the fish gape,
Swallow and don't choke!
15 points
This fish is omnivorous, consuming food of plant and animal origin. Feeds different types fry, caviar of other fish, lettuce, watermelon and peas. What kind of fish is this?
20 points
This fish is a giant among salmon fish. She can live more than 30 years, and she grows every year until the end of her life.

Presentation on the topic: Travel to the land of animals of the Urals