Where to look for porcini mushrooms at the end of September. Mushroom calendar

Healthy and aromatic. It got its name thanks to its cap, which does not change color even after drying. The mushroom remains white, although other species gradually turn black.

Nutritional and taste qualities on high. From the article you will learn everything about porcini mushrooms: when to collect them, where they grow, how to distinguish them from inedible ones.

Description of white mushroom

Almost every summer mushroom pickers rejoice at the harvest. How nice it is to look for mushrooms and enjoy fresh mushrooms at the same time clean air. The porcini mushroom is in great demand. Every person who specializes in this matter knows when to collect it. There is an opinion that the porcini mushroom is from the boletus genus.

The diameter of the cap is most often 25 cm. Sometimes it reaches 27 or even 30 cm. It all depends on the species. Once the cap begins to grow, it looks like a hemisphere. Gradually becomes flatter and drier. Coloring porcini mushroom diverse. Depending on the habitat. As mushroom pickers say, it depends on how much light hits the mushroom. It can be either white or dark brown. That is, the lighter the area, the darker the mushroom.

The length of the stem can be 15, 20 and even 25 cm. The thickness of the mushroom varies. At first its leg is thin, over time it becomes cylindrical in shape and reaches 10 cm.

The mushroom has a tube on which small pores are clearly visible. As it grows, its color changes. At first it is light white, then yellowish, and when ripe it turns green. At the very break of the stem, the color does not change from the cap. This is the white mushroom. You need to know when to collect it. After all, you can’t eat it green and overripe.

Benefits of porcini mushroom

This product contains carotene, vitamin B, C, D and riboflavin. It is these vitamins that help strengthen nails, hair, skin and the entire body. The high content of sulfur and polysaccharides helps with cancer.

The porcini mushroom contains a lot of lecithin, which helps treat atherosclerosis and increase hemoglobin. It contains a lot of protein, which gradually disappears when fried. That is why it is recommended to use dried mushrooms. They are better absorbed in the body.

The carbohydrates found in porcini mushrooms support and strengthen the immune system and protect against a variety of viruses. Therefore, it is recommended to use them as often as possible. However, mushrooms are difficult food for the stomach. Try to use them dried in soups. Read the article about where porcini mushrooms grow and when to collect them.

Harm of porcini mushrooms

People often use toxic substances, without even knowing it. Any mushrooms that grow near the highway or in polluted places are strong natural sorbents. They absorb all toxic substances. Therefore, to maintain your health, you need to look for porcini mushrooms in clean places. When to collect and where, we will tell you further.

Doctors prohibit giving mushrooms to children. If there is poisoning, it is almost impossible to save the child.

The child's body cannot cope with the fungal chitinous shell, since it does not have enough necessary enzymes to digest food. Especially mushrooms.


Many people do not know where porcini mushrooms grow. Wet and rainy conditions are best for them. Where there is horsetail, it is impossible to find porcini mushrooms in the forest.

Most often, this delicacy is found near fly agaric mushrooms. In which forests do porcini mushrooms grow? Experienced mushroom pickers can answer this question. They are often located near rivers or streams. Mushrooms love not only moisture, but also warmth. In hot weather, they hide under bushes and grass, and in the fall, on the contrary, they look for open places so that the sun can warm them.

Mushroom pickers have an idea in which forests porcini mushrooms grow. After all, they can’t be found everywhere. Pine forests or birch groves are famous for porcini mushrooms. In these places they grow not alone, but in families. Therefore, if you find at least one mushroom, do not go far, there are probably more nearby.

All forests, coniferous, pine or deciduous, are famous for porcini mushrooms. However, only in old places. Young forests cannot boast of an abundance of this glorious delicacy.

Now you understand in which forests porcini mushrooms grow, and you can go looking for them without any problems.

Where to pick porcini mushrooms in the Moscow region

This wonderful delicacy does not grow in every forest. This territory is located in the direction from Moscow to the West. It is there that there are forests with high humidity and all conditions for the growth of porcini mushrooms.

This is in the Ruzsky or Shakhovsky districts. If you go north from Moscow, then you can turn to the suburb of Taldom.

Experienced ecologists believe that it is impossible to collect porcini mushrooms in the Khimki forest or Lyubertsy. These areas are considered polluted, and the conditions in them are unfavorable for porcini mushrooms. Even if they are edible, they can be poisonous only because they have absorbed all the harmful substances.

Now you know where to pick porcini mushrooms in the Moscow region, and it won’t be difficult for you to sort out clean and polluted areas. Most often, the harvest for this wonderful delicacy is large, the main thing is not to make a mistake in it and not to pick a poisonous one.

When to pick porcini mushrooms

In spring and winter, you don’t have to look for this delicacy. It will be impossible to find them anyway. No one can say for sure in what month porcini mushrooms are harvested. They usually appear in June and their season lasts until October. If summer began earlier, in April or May, and the air humidity is high, then the first porcini mushrooms can be found. However, if autumn is frosty and cold weather sets in early, then do not expect it in October.

They grow very quickly. From a small one, weighing 3 grams, in a week it becomes about 200-250 grams. Very often you can meet giants that reach 700 grams. As many years of practice have shown, the smaller the mushroom, the better it is absorbed by the body. That is, a very small one is not suitable, since it is not ripe. Ideal for consumption from 100 g. up to 300 gr. In too large mushrooms There is a lot of fiber, so it is difficult for the human body to absorb them.

A very useful white mushroom. When to collect it, decide for yourself. However, it is always worth remembering that summer is the optimal time for harvesting. Porcini mushrooms are very popular with worms and insects. Therefore, in the fall you need to try to find a good and undamaged product.

The difference between a false mushroom and a real one

Very often people collect the wrong product that they need. Everything happens out of ignorance. Therefore, they confuse the false white mushroom with the real one. They are found equally under deciduous or coniferous trees. They look almost identical.

The first misconception of people is that the inedible false porcini mushroom grows separately. It can be seen in a warm, illuminated clearing or forest edge. The false mushroom often overlaps with the real one.

The first difference is the terrible bitter taste. The false mushroom is not classified as poisonous, so more experienced people try a very small piece. A very bitter taste immediately appears.

If you are afraid to try the mushroom during collection, then heat treatment will help you. When fried or boiled, the bitter taste becomes unbearable.

Be careful because in the pulp false mushroom There are toxic substances that gradually poison the body. With constant use, the liver and its performance are destroyed, and even cirrhosis can develop.

Symptoms of poisoning

You already know what a porcini mushroom is, when to collect it and where. However, it is necessary to understand what symptoms occur during poisoning and what to do in this case. As practice has shown, the first signs appear no later than two hours after consumption.

In case of poisoning, nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea occur. The temperature rises to almost 40 degrees, and the hands and feet become very cold and chills begin. In some cases, hallucinations are noticeable.

At the first signs of poisoning, you need to take activated charcoal and drink as much as possible cold water and strong chilled tea. In the meantime, you need to call a doctor or ambulance. Only with proper and timely treatment does a person have the opportunity to recover within three days.

Novice mushroom pickers are often interested in: “When can you pick mushrooms, only in mid-summer and early autumn? When does the “silent hunt” reach its peak? Let's try to answer this question in more detail. It is important to remember that every mushroom has its time, and you also need to be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones.

The first mushrooms appear in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. These are morels and lines. Where and when to pick mushrooms? The conical caps of these representatives lift last year's fallen leaves, revealing their presence already in early March and April. Most often they are found in mixed forests, on sandy soil. However, it should be remembered that the spring morel, which is most often found at this time of year, is considered a conditionally edible mushroom. Before use, it requires high-quality heat treatment- Before frying, it must be boiled for about half an hour. In May, deer spittle appears on rotten wood, or deer mushroom, characterized by excellent taste. At the same time, the first champignons appear. In this case, you should be very careful, because it is very similar to the white fly agaric.

Spring honey fungus appears on stumps and tree trunks. When to collect? Honey mushrooms are universal. They grow from May to October. They have excellent taste. Moreover, it can appear not only on the forest edge and clearing, but even in gardens and vegetable gardens. Honey fungus also requires attentiveness. The fact is that its false brother is considered very poisonous. The edible one is distinguished by the presence of a special cuff-skirt on the leg.

The next ones to appear in the forests are moss mushrooms and the first russula. When to pick mushrooms? At the end of May, beginning of June, if the summer is humid. If the beginning of the season is dry, then mushroom pickers may be disappointed, returning from the forest empty-handed. In June, the first boletus and boletus also appear. Even though these mushrooms will last until the fall, at the beginning of summer they are young and not eaten by worms.

In the middle of summer it's time noble mushrooms. Are these boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, mushrooms? In July and August, if the summer was quite wet and rainy. In dry season, unfortunately, you can be left without a harvest. Summer season mushrooms are great for preserving for the winter. They are dried. Collected and prepared in the warm season, they will bring a piece of summer into the winter cold. At the same time of year appears a large number of poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, you should be especially careful and not take mushrooms that cause you doubts.

What other mushrooms are collected in July and August? Along with venerable mushrooms, whose taste qualities belong to the first category, less tasty, but no less favorite mushrooms appear, such as chanterelles, aspen boletus, boletus, russula, honey mushrooms and many, many others.

Finally, autumn. It's time for honey mushrooms and rows. Russulas and saffron milk caps are found in early autumn, during Indian summer, chanterelles are still found. From October to May, oyster mushrooms are harvested in the forests.

The world of living nature requires a careful attitude towards itself. In response to our love, he reciprocates, delighting us with wonderful harvests at any time of the year.

The porcini mushroom has long been considered the king among all mushrooms. People call it differently: boletus, cow-cow, cow-shed, bear-crawler, pechura, cow, belovik. Even when there are a lot of different mushrooms in the forest, each mushroom picker tries to collect as many boletus mushrooms as possible into his basket. This edible mushroom is so popular due to its irresistible appearance and excellent taste.

The stocky, strong king of the forest, the porcini mushroom, has a velvety, brown cap. It grows in spruce forests and pine forests. The mushroom has a chestnut-brown cap. The flesh of the cap is strong with a pleasant smell. Its shape is round and convex; when broken, it retains its shape over time. White color. The mushroom cap is spongy below and smooth on top. In a young boletus, the tubular layer of the cap is white, in a mature one it is yellowish. The diameter of the cap is 25 cm. The leg is strong and thick. Near the ground it is often wider than in the upper part and has a light, thin mesh. In mushrooms that grow in shaded areas it is long. The thickness of the leg reaches 10cm, and the height is on average 12cm. The weight of a porcini mushroom is 200 g, but giants weighing up to 7 kg are found in nature.

Where does the king of mushrooms grow and when is the best time to go hunting for it? You can go to the forest for boletus from the beginning of June until mid-September. It is in these months after the rain that a “wave” of boletus growth occurs. The porcini mushroom is not always visible to the mushroom picker. It often hides in mosses, behind decaying brushwood or in fallen leaves.

Boletus loves to grow next to pine, birch, spruce, oak, beech and hornbeam. It can be found in birch forests and even near juniper thickets.

Porcini mushrooms prefer to grow when it is warm and humid. It can often be found in a lighted place on a sun-warmed lawn, in a sparse forest, on old paths overgrown with grass, on the edge, near clearings.

Having seen a porcini mushroom and taken it into a basket, do not rush to go far from this place. Look around carefully and see if there are any other boletus mushrooms nearby. Porcini mushrooms always grow in families. Sometimes in pine forests up to 19 porcini mushrooms were found in one place. In birch groves they sometimes form a family of 5–40 pieces.

In addition to trees, there are other noticeable details in nature that indicate the close proximity of the porcini mushroom. Red fly agaric, anthills and white grass are the most noticeable companions of the boletus mushroom.
Thus, having some knowledge, you can significantly increase the efficiency of searching for porcini mushrooms.

Elena Pozdnyakova

On the one hand, mushrooms are very similar to plants, on the other hand, they do not contain chloroform, and are not able to independently produce nutrients under influence sunlight, they do not produce flowers and do not take root. Therefore, like animals, they need ready-made organic substances.

Types of mushrooms

The mushroom world is very diverse; there are over one hundred thousand varieties of registered mushroom species alone, and this is far from the limit. Among them are the usual edible and inedible inhabitants of forests and fields, and microscopic subspecies - yeast, bacteria, mold.

In the visible (ground) surface of the fungus, spores mature - microscopic particles, which, when further released into the nutrient medium, give life to new fungi.

In fact, a mushroom is not at all what people are used to seeing on the surface. A mushroom is primarily a mycelium, or mycelium - a web of grayish-white threads. The mycelium is located underground, and in the case of microscopic mushrooms, on the surface of the nutrient medium. It is the mycelium that carries out all metabolic processes inside the mushroom. What appears on the surface is part of the mushroom, its fruiting body, the main function of which is.

Mushroom growth

When the mycelium does not encounter any obstacles on its way, it spreads in a circle from the place where the spore sprouted, constantly increasing its radius. IN Russian forests the mycelium grows by an average of 15-20 centimeters per year and can last up to 20-30 years. The fruiting bodies of mushrooms themselves grow and develop quickly and are very short-lived.

The mushroom grows to an acceptable size in just 3-6 days, and lives only a couple of weeks.

For the existence and development of any type of mushroom, water is first of all necessary. Therefore, in dry climates, mushrooms do not grow, but after heavy rains, on the contrary, they become more active. Microscopic subspecies do not need water, but raw nutrients, so they often coexist with a relative - mold, which allows the mycelium to grow.

Each vegetation zone has its own special mushroom flora. The reason for this is that most types of mushrooms need a certain set of mineral elements and nutrients, and, therefore, take root only on certain types of soil and have a characteristic color and appearance.

So, as a rule, they grow among dense pines; honey mushrooms can most likely be found in deciduous forest or in open clearings, meadows, and they usually go to open areas to search. It is not without reason that some mushrooms even got their names from the trees with which they most often coexist - boletus, boletus. Although some mushrooms can adapt to almost any conditions.

Nature connoisseurs don’t need to explain what mushrooms look like. Experienced mushroom pickers can immediately distinguish an edible specimen from a poisonous one. However, not every fan " quiet hunt"Knows how mushrooms grow in the forest and how they reproduce. Meanwhile, the process of mushroom growth is unique and amazing in its own way.

How do mushrooms reproduce?

A common forest mushroom, well known to many, consists of a stem and a cap. The stem of this fruiting body is connected to the mycelium, which resembles an interweaving of threads. The mycelium is located in the soil litter, which often includes dying parts of plants or other organic matter. The mushroom threads branch freely, and in the stem of the mushroom and in its cap they fit tightly to each other.

The threads become channels through which nutrients from the soil enter the cap. The lower part of the cap contains plates or tubes that contain spores. These cells are contained in the fungus in huge quantities, their number sometimes reaching tens of millions. As they ripen, the spores spill out of storage, after which they are freely spread throughout the forest by the wind, animals or insects.

When the spores find themselves in an environment favorable to them, they begin to persistently germinate, forming an independent mycelium consisting of the finest white threads. As a rule, the mycelium lies a few centimeters from the soil surface. In order for future mushrooms to actively grow and develop, they need air flow and a stable positive temperature.

How forest mushrooms grow

Majority forest mushrooms has a perennial mycelium that is adapted to unfavorable conditions environment, drought and frost. Mushroom growth stops if there is a lack of moisture in the soil, but the development of the fruiting body does not stop completely. Young mycelium is much less resistant to frost, which has a detrimental effect on developing mushrooms. Severe and early cold snaps can completely stop the growth of the fruiting body.

When the mycelium reaches sufficient development, the direct formation of the future fungus begins. The threads gradually intertwine with each other, first turning into small lumps, from which the stem and cap are then formed. Young mushrooms reach medium size in 4-5 days. After another week, the process of decay of the reproductive part of these forest inhabitants. So mushrooms are rather short-lived inhabitants of the forest.

The growth rate of fungi is directly affected by humidity, soil and air temperature, and the nature of the area where the mycelium is formed. The fastest growing plants are boletus, boletus and russula. Porcini and boletus mushrooms fully ripen in about a week. But chanterelles grow relatively slowly. Spores also form in young mushrooms, which themselves become the source of new mycelium. The development cycle repeats itself - to the delight of mushroom pickers.