What does the GVE delivery package contain?

3.4.4. Features of the GVE exam paper in mathematics in written form

Along with the exam version, GVE participants are given reference materials approved by Rosobrnadzor. When performing examination work, the use of a ruler is allowed.

3.4.5. Peculiarities carrying out GVE orally (in Russian, mathematics and elective subjects)

Features of conducting GVE orally (contents of the EM kit, duration of preparation for answering a ticket, Additional materials and equipment) are presented in Application to this Instruction.

The organizers establish the sequence for GVE participants to pass the oral part of the exam (in alphabetical order or publicly randomly).

While preparing for an oral response, GVE participants can make notes on a draft and then use their notes to answer.

At the end of the time allotted for preparation, the student is invited to the organizers’ table for an oral response.

The technical specialist (organizer) turns on the sound recording device for recording. The exam participant states his last name, first name, patronymic, and the question on the ticket, then begins to answer the questions on the ticket.

During the entire response time of the GVE participant, the technical specialist (organizer) audio-records the oral response without turning off the sound recording device and without using the “pause” mode. If there is any failure to record responses, the oral response procedure must be paused and restarted after the audio recording device has been corrected.

At the end of the oral answer, the technical specialist (organizer) allows the GVE participant to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was made correctly. If the entry is made incorrectly, the GVE participant is given the right to answer again.

After the exam is completed, the technical specialist (organizer):

Provides the formation of catalogs of files with audio recordings of oral responses of GVE participants;

Collects all EM, preventing their removal from the PES;

Submits all exam materials to the head of the PPE.

3.4.6. To the organizers prohibited without good reason leave the classroom during the exam.

3.4.7. During the exam, GVE participants comply with the procedure for conducting the State Examination and follow the instructions of the organizers, and the organizers ensure the procedure for conducting the State Examination in the classroom and monitoring its implementation.

3.4.8 . During the exam, on the GVE participant’s desktop, in addition to the EM, there are:

Gel or capillary pen with black ink;

Identity document;

Means of training and education, the list of which is determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for individual academic subjects;

Medicines and nutrition (if necessary);

Special technical means (for GVE participants with disabilities);


3.4.9. During the exam, GVE participants do not communicate with each other, do not move freely around the audience and PES. Leaving the classroom and moving around the PES is possible only if accompanied by one of the organizers outside the classroom. When leaving the classroom, exam participants leave EM, GVE forms and drafts on the desktop.

3.4.10. At the request of an exam participant, if there is not enough space on the form to record answers, the organizers will provide him with an additional form. In this case, the organizer indicates the number of the additional form in the previous registration form for the exam assignments.

3.4.11. On the day of the exam (during the period from the moment of entering the PPE until the end of the exam) prohibited:

a) GVE participants - have with them communication means, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information (with the exception of means permitted for use in the exam in some academic subjects, and special technical means for exam participants with disabilities);

b) assistants providing the necessary technical assistance to exam participants with disabilities, technical specialists, training and support specialists laboratory work, – have means of communication with you;

c) persons involved in organizing and conducting the GVE, as well as persons who have the right to be present in the PPE during the examination, - provide assistance to the exam participants, including transferring to them communication means, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information;

d) GVE participants, organizers, assistants providing the necessary technical assistance to exam participants with disabilities, technical specialists - remove EMs on paper or electronic media from the classrooms and PPE, take photographs of EMs;

e) persons who are not prohibited from having communications equipment with them - use them outside the PPE headquarters.

3.4.12. If an exam participant cannot complete the examination work for health reasons, he has the right to leave the classroom early and, accompanied by an organizer outside the classroom, go to the medical office. If a medical professional confirms a deterioration in the health status of the GVE participant and with the consent of the GVE participant to complete the exam ahead of schedule, an act on early completion of the exam for objective reasons is drawn up ( form PPE-22 ), which is signed by an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of the PES, the responsible organizer in the audience and a medical worker. The organizer in the audience puts the appropriate mark on the GVE participant registration form.

Acts on removal from the exam and early completion of the exam for objective reasons on the same day sent to the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "RITSOKO" for accounting when processing examination papers.
3.5. Completing the written exam in the classroom.

3.5.1. In 30 minutes and in 5 minutes Before the end of the exam, the organizers inform the GVE participants about the imminent completion of the exam and remind them of the need to transfer answers from drafts and EM to the registration forms.

3.5.2. After the set exam time has expired, the responsible organizer asks that all materials be placed on the edge of the desktop, while all remaining exam participants must remain in their seats.
3.5.3. Organizers in the audience must:

Collect drafts from the tables of GVE EM participants;

Place the “Z” sign on the entry forms in free form, but left blank (including on its reverse side);

Based on the results of the collection, form three stacks of materials:

  • EM for conducting GVE;

  • drafts.
- collect all additional materials used during the exam;

Count and verify the number of EMs, GVE forms received from GVE participants with the registration sheet of GVE participants and examination materials in the PPE classroom (form PPE-05-02-GVE ) ;

Seal GVE forms in return delivery packages;

Ensure that exam participants leave the classroom in an orderly manner.
3.5.4. For visually impaired exam participants :

In the case of using registration forms and registration forms enlarged to A3 format, assistants, in the presence of exam participants, collect only EMs (standard size and enlarged) and drafts. EMs (standard size and enlarged) and drafts are sealed in return shipping bags. Forms remain on desktops.

To transfer the answers of visually impaired GVE participants from enlarged forms to standard-sized forms, it is recommended to appoint specially trained organizers (assistants), if possible from among the typhological translators.

In the presence of public observers (if available) and an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, assistants transfer answers to the tasks of the examination work of the exam participants from scaled (enlarged) entry forms and registration forms to standard entry forms and registration forms in full accordance with the filling out by the examination participants . Organizers must ensure that the contents of the issued EVs are maintained. If the individual kit is not complete, checking the exam participant’s work will be impossible.

Upon completion of transferring the answers of visually impaired exam participants onto standard-sized forms, the organizer creates piles of materials:

  • registration forms (standard);

  • registration forms (enlarged);

  • registration forms (standard);

  • registration forms (enlarged).
Standard size forms are sealed in standard return delivery bags, enlarged registration forms and registration forms are sealed in A3 size bags.

For blind exam participants:

After the time allotted for the exam has expired, the responsible organizer announces that the exam is over, and the GVE participants must put their answer books in the IR envelope, and put the EM and drafts on the edge of the desktop (at the same time, all GVE participants remaining in the audience must remain standing their places).

The organizers in the audience independently collect envelopes with notebooks, registration forms and registration forms, drafts from the tables of the GVE participants, recording on the envelope the number of notebooks, drafts, forms, additional sheets submitted by the GVE participant, and put their signature.

Based on the results of collecting materials from GVE participants, the organizer forms three stacks:

Envelopes of individual sets containing:

  • notebooks for writing in raised dot font using written
Braille device;

  • registration forms and entry forms;
- drafts;

The organizer counts the envelopes with IR and seals them in a bag. Notebooks for recording answers and GVE forms for blind exam participants can be packed in one package from the classroom.

If EMs are not placed in one package, it is allowed to pack each participant’s notebooks and forms into packages separately.

The organizer fills out information on the return delivery package, in which he notes information about the region, PPE, audience, subject, number of IR envelopes in the package, and the responsible organizer in the audience.
For GVE participants performing work using a computer or special software :

If a computer or special software is used, the organizers, in the presence of the exam participants, print out the participants' answers from the computer and put a mark on the printed forms about the number of printed sheets.

Printed sheets are packaged in a separate bag.

Other organizers are appointed to transfer the responses of GVE participants from printed forms to standard forms. In the presence of public observers (if any) and an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, assistants (organizers) transfer the answers of the exam participants to the registration forms and standard entry forms in full compliance.

When transferring answers to standard-sized forms, in the “Participant’s signature” field, the assistant writes “Copy is correct” and puts his signature.

After transferring the exam participants’ answers onto standard-sized forms, the organizer creates piles of materials:

  • registration forms;

  • registration forms;

  • printed answer sheets for participants.

3.5.5. The technical specialist performing the duties of preparing and ensuring the operation of technical means during the oral examination must save all files from the computer in the classroom to removable media (CD-ROM, flash card) and transfer to the head of the PPE.

3.5.6. The head of the PSE instructs the technical specialists to stop video surveillance in the classrooms (if any) after transferring all materials from the classrooms.

3.5.7. Those on duty on the floors control the exit of GVE participants from the PES.
4. The final stage of the exam in the PPE
4.1. The head of the PPE, in the presence of an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is obliged, at the end of the exam, to receive from all responsible organizers in the classrooms and recalculate:

  • From the audience for GVE participants who are not persons with disabilities:

  • sealed return shipping packages with registration forms and enrollment forms;

  • sealed bags with used EOs;

  • drafts.

  • From the audience for blind exam participants:
- envelopes with IR containing:

  • notebooks for writing in raised dot font using a Braille writing device;

  • registration forms and entry forms;
- EM;


  • From the audience for visually impaired exam participants:

  • sealed return delivery packages with registration forms and entry forms (large - in an A3 envelope; standard - in a standard return delivery package);

  • sealed bags with used EOs (standard and enlarged - in an A3 envelope);

  • drafts.

  • From the audience for participants GVEwho performed work using a computer or special software IR envelopes containing:

  • printed sheets of participants’ answers to GVE tasks,

  • registration forms;

  • registration forms,

  • electronic media with audio recording of oral responses.
4.2. The head of the PPE after receiving all the EM from the organizers in the classrooms must:

- transfer the EM to an authorized representative of the State Executive Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan / member of the State Executive Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan for delivery to the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “RITSOKO”;

Instruct the technical specialist to turn off the video surveillance recording mode in the PES (if available);

Transfer to the head of the organization or a person authorized by him the premises, equipment and funds allocated for conducting the GVE, upon completion of registration of all required materials;

4.3. An authorized representative of the State Executive Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Executive Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan must:

Upon completion of the exam, draw up a report on the conduct of the GVE in the PPE and on the same day submit this report to the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Deliver on the day of the exam sealed packages with examination papers of GVE participants and other materials from the PPE at the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan “RITSOKO”.

5. Acceptance of appeals

about violation of the established procedure for conducting the exam
5.1. GVE participants are given the right to file a written appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting GVE in an academic subject to the conflict commission of the Komi Republic (hereinafter referred to as the conflict commission).

5.2. The conflict commission does not consider appeals on issues related to violation by a GVE participant of the requirements of the Procedure for conducting the State Examination and incorrect execution of the examination work.

5.3. An appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination by an examination participant is submitted on the day of the examination in the relevant academic subject to an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan / a member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, without leaving the PET.

5.4. To file an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the exam, the GVE participant must contact the responsible organizer in the classroom or the head of the PET, who will issue the exam participant with an application form for an appeal about violation of the established procedure for conducting the GVE (form-PPE-02 ).

5.5. The GVE participant fills out this form in two copies and personally submits the application in the prescribed form (form PPE-02 ) to the authorized representative of the State Executive Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Executive Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the PPE. Both copies of the appeal form are certified by an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. One copy of the form remains with the exam participant, the second copy - with the authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.6. In order to verify the information contained in the appeal about violations of the established procedure for conducting GVE, an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan / a member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan creates a commission and organizes an inspection.

The results of the inspection are formalized in the form of a commission conclusion on violation of the established procedure for conducting GVE ( form PPE-03 ).

5.7. The appeal and the commission’s conclusion on the results of the inspection are transferred by an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan/member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the same day to the conflict commission for further consideration.

Instructions for the GVE participant, read out by the organizer in the audience

before the exam starts

Dear exam participants!

Today you are taking an exam in _______________(name the corresponding academic subject) V form of GVE.

The state final exam is just one of the life trials which you have to go through. Rest assured: everyone is capable of passing the GVE test. All assignments are based on school curriculum. Therefore, each of you can successfully pass the exam.

At the same time, we remind you that in order to prevent violations of the procedure for conducting GVE, video surveillance is carried out in PPE classrooms (read out by the organizer only if there is video surveillance).

During the exam, you must follow the procedure for conducting the GVE.

On the day of the exam (during the period from the moment of entering the PES until the end of the exam), it is prohibited:

have with you communications equipment, electronic computer equipment, photo, audio and video equipment, reference materials, written notes and other means of storing and transmitting information;

remove drafts, examination materials on paper or electronic media from classrooms and PPE, photograph examination materials;

use reference materials, except those indicated in the text of the CMM;

rewrite tasks from CMM into drafts (if necessary, you can make notes in CMM);

move around the PES during the exam without the accompaniment of the organizer.

During the exam it is prohibited:

remove writing materials from classrooms;

talk, change seats, exchange any materials and objects.

If you violate the specified requirements of the GVE procedure, you will be removed from the exam.

In case of violation of the procedure for conducting the exam by PPE employees or other exam participants, you have the right to file an appeal about the violation of the established procedure for conducting the GVE. An appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the State Examination is submitted on the day of the examination to an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan / a member of the State Examination Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan before leaving the PES.

You can get acquainted with the results of the GVE at your school or in the places where you were registered to take the GVE.

Planned date for reviewing the results:(name the date).

After receiving the results of the GVE, you will be able to file an appeal about disagreement with the points assigned. The appeal is submitted within two working days after the official day of announcement of the GVE results. The appeal is submitted to educational organization, in which you were admitted to the exam, or directly to the conflict commission.

An appeal on issues of the content and structure of examination materials in academic subjects, as well as on issues related to a GVE participant’s violation of the requirements of the Procedure or incorrect execution of the examination work, will not be considered.

Please note that during the exam, on your desktop, in addition to exam materials, you can only have:

-black gel or capillary pen;

-identity document;

- drafts with the stamp of the school at the base where the PPE is located(drafts are not issued in the case of a GVE in foreign languages ​​with the “Speaking” section included);

-medicines and nutrition (if necessary);

- additional materials that can be used at the State Examination in individual academic subjects;

- special technical means (for students with disabilities, disabled children, people with disabilities).

The organizer draws the attention of GVE participants to the delivery package with exam materials.

Exam materials arrived in the classroom in a delivery package. The package packaging is not damaged.

Second part of the tutorial begins no earlier than 10:00 local time and includes a number of features, determined by the delivery form, academic subject and individual characteristics of GVE participants with disabilities.
This is followed by instructions based on the specifics of passing the exam.
For all questions related to the exam (except for questions on the content of CMM), you can contact us. If you need to leave the classroom, leave your exam materials and drafts on your desk. The organizer will check the completeness of the exam materials and drafts you left, after which you will be able to leave the room. The organizer will accompany you at the point.

If you feel unwell, contact us immediately. There is a medical worker present at the point. We remind you that for health reasons and according to the conclusion of the medical professional present at this point, you can complete the exam early and come for a retake.

The briefing is over. Before starting the examination work, please calm down, concentrate, carefully read the instructions for the tasks and the tasks themselves. We wish you good luck!

Starting the examination work:(announce start time)

Completion of the examination work:(specify time)

Write down the start and end times of the examination work on the board.

The time allocated for instructions and filling out the registration parts of the GVE forms is not included in the total time for completing the examination work.

Do not forget to transfer the answers from the draft and KIM to the black answer forms gel or capillary pen.

You can start completing tasks.
30 minutes before the end of the exam it is necessary to announce

There are 30 minutes left until the end of the exam work.

Do not forget to transfer answers from the text of the work and the draft to the answer forms with a black gel or capillary pen.
5 minutes before the end of the examination work, you must announce:

There are 5 minutes left until the end of the exam work. Check that you have transferred all the answers from the CMM and drafts to the answer sheets.
At the end of the examination time, announce:

The examination work is completed. Place your forms on the edge of the table. Place the CMM in the individual kit envelope.

The organizers collect examination materials from the workplaces of GVE participants.

Rules for a medical professional involved

Conducting the state final exam

  1. To conduct the state final exam, the points used for the main state exam are used.

  2. The distribution of this category of exam participants to the PET is made taking into account the optimal arrival pattern and the logistical conditions of the PET.

  3. The number of audiences is determined based on the number of people individual characteristics exam participants, features of the Russian language exam.

  4. The development of texts, topics, tasks, tickets for conducting GVE is carried out by Rosobrnadzor, which transfers these materials to electronic media in encrypted form.

  5. The state final examination can be conducted in written or oral form and is reflected in the application for passing the examination.

  6. RCIO creates delivery packages for the GVE based on the number of audiences registered for the exam.

  7. The delivery package for mathematics in written form contains individual sets in accordance with the distribution of students by audience in the regional information system. The IR consists of an examination paper and answer forms, which have a unique number.

  8. The delivery package for the Russian language in written form contains answer forms that have a unique number, a set of essay topics and a presentation with a creative task.

  9. The delivery package with oral exams contains tickets, assignments.

  10. The authorized representative of the State Examination Committee receives the State Examination packages no later than 7:00 a.m. on the day of the exam at the Republican Center for Examination.

  11. The transfer of examination materials to the head of the PSE is carried out in accordance with the transfer act; the form of the act will be transferred with the authorized State Examiner. Exam materials are placed in a safe.

  12. In PPE TOM, examination materials for conducting GVE are transferred within the period approved by the Ministry of Education and Science Kamchatka region, in encrypted form (section 7. “Organization and conduct of OGE and GVE in TOM”).

  13. It is prohibited to open examination materials before the start of the exam, or to disclose information contained in texts, topics, assignments, or tickets.

  14. Students with disabilities, taking into account their individual characteristics, in the process of passing the exam can use the necessary technical means and the help of an assistant.
During the examination, meals and breaks are provided for these students to carry out the necessary medical and preventive procedures.

  1. The head of the PSE (assistant to the head of the PSE) gives the following materials to the organizers in the audience:

  • list of participants;

  • record sheet of GVE participants and examination materials;

  • a memo with coding (OO, PPE, subject);

  • scissors for opening the package;

  • drafts;

  • return package for answer forms;

  • signs with classroom numbers.
The organizers are obliged:

  • go into the classroom and check their readiness for the exam;

  • attach a list of participants to the classroom door;

  • prepare on the board necessary information to fill out the registration part of the form, according to the issued instructions with coding;

  • escort participants to the classroom to take the exam, help them take a seat.

  1. No later than 15 minutes Before the start of the exam, the head of the PPE gives the responsible organizer a delivery package, the responsible organizer demonstrates to the exam participants the integrity of the packaging of the package with EM and at 10-00 local time opens the package.

  2. When conducting a mathematics exam, the organizer issues papers and drafts to the participants and provides instructions.

  3. When conducting an exam in the Russian language, the organizer informs that participants are given the opportunity choice one of the forms of examination work: composition or presentation with a creative task.
To select the form of the exam, read out the topics of the examination essay, the topic of presentation and the creative task for it.

When organizing the exam, you should take into account that it may require different rooms for the exam participants who have chosen the essay form and those who will write the essay with a creative task.

After selecting the exam form, participants are given forms for completing the examination work and drafts.

  1. Before starting the examination work, he provides instructions.

  2. When conducting the GVE orally, the answer of the exam participant is recorded on audio media. Auditoriums allocated for recording oral responses are equipped with hardware and software for digital audio recording. The student, at the command of a technical specialist or organizer, loudly and clearly gives an oral response to the task. The technical specialist or organizer allows the student to listen to the recording of his answer and make sure that it was produced without technical failures. The answer is recorded on a disk, which is packed in an envelope and handed over to the head of the PES.

  3. For students who, for medical reasons, are unable to come to the PPE, the exam is organized at home.

  4. In 30 minutes and in 5 minutes Before the end of the exam, the organizers inform students about the imminent completion of the exam and remind them of the need to transfer answers from drafts to forms.

  5. If the participant completed the work earlier than the deadline, then the organizers accept the EM until the end of the exam and the graduate leaves the audience and the PPE.

  6. At the end of the recorded exam time, the responsible organizer announces the completion of the exam and asks to place the forms on the edge of the desktop. The organizers collect forms and exam materials and allow exam participants to leave the classroom. Forms are packaged in a return delivery package, exam papers are packaged in a delivery package. All exam materials, including unused ones, are transferred to the head of the PPE.


for a member of the State Examination Committee when conducting a State Examination in the form of a State Examination

Member of the State Examination Commission on the day of the exam ensures the delivery of examination materials and documents for conducting the State Examination.


Individual kits for GVE participants;

Return shipping packages;

Act on the removal of a GVE participant;

Act on early completion of the exam for objective reasons;

Instructions for the organizer in the audience;

Act on the results of public control;

Appeal about violation of the established procedure,

Protocol of the appeal;

Protocol for identifying the identity of a GVE participant.

From PPE:

Lists of GVE participants;

List of PPE employees;

Protocol of readiness of PPE GVE;

Protocol for conducting GVE in the PES;

Protocol for conducting GVE in the PPE classroom;

List of issuance and return of examination materials for PPE audiences

Act of acceptance and transfer of GVE materials to the PPE;

Acts and memos (in case there were non-standard situations);

Appeal about violation of the established procedure, protocol of appeal consideration (in case the participant filed an appeal about violation of the established procedure);

Personal identification protocol for GVE participant (if compiled);

Report of a member of the State Examination Committee GVE

A member of the State Examination Committee monitors compliance with the procedure for conducting state inspection, records in the report all cases of violation of the procedure for conducting state inspection, and takes necessary actions in case of detection of violations and amounts to Required documents together with the head of the PPE.

Organizer in the audience before the exam starts conducts briefings in which he informs GVE participants about:

The procedure for conducting the state final exam;

Duration of the exam;

The procedure, timing and place for filing appeals regarding violation of the established procedure for conducting the state final exam or disagreement with the assigned mark,

About the rules of behavior during the exam;

On cases of removal from the state final exam and cancellation of the results of the state final exam;

About the time and place of familiarization with the results of the state final exam;

At 10.00 Exam participants open individual kits.

After opening the individual kits, the organizers in the audience provide instructions on how to prepare the examination paper.

Start of the exam is determined by the time the participant begins performing the examination work.

Exam duration:

Mathematics - 3 hours 55 minutes.

General rules for conducting GVE in PES.

1.1. Persons who have undergone appropriate training are involved as leaders and organizers of the PES (clause 40 of the Procedure).

1.2. Opening examination materials before the start of the exam, disclosing information from examination materials for the purpose of conducting the GVE is prohibited (clause 34 of the Procedure).

1.3. Admission to the PPE is carried out only with identification documents confirming the authority to be in the PPE (clause 41 of the Procedure).

1.4. During exams, stands, posters and other materials with reference and educational information on the relevant academic subjects are closed in the classrooms (clause 36 of the Procedure).

1.5. The distribution of students among PPE classrooms and seating arrangements in the classroom are not automated.

1.6. GVE participant occupies a separate workplace in the classroom (clause 36 of the Procedure) in accordance with the distribution. Changing the workplace is not allowed (clause 44 of the Procedure).

1.7. Before the start of the exam, the organizer provides instructions, including information about the procedure for conducting the exam, the rules for preparing the examination paper, the duration of the exam, the procedure for filing appeals about violation of the established procedure for conducting the GVE and about disagreement with the assigned points, about cases of removal from the exam, as well as about the time and the place of familiarization with the results of the GVE (clause 44 of the Procedure).

1.8. The organizer in the audience gives the GVE participants exam materials, consisting of an assignment and notebook sheets for recording answers (clause 44 of the Procedure).

1.9. At the direction of the organizer, the GVE participant fills out the registration fields. After this, the organizer announces the beginning of the exam, and the GVE participant begins to perform the examination work.

1.10. The duration of the exam in mathematics and Russian language is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

1.11. The duration of the exam in academic subjects does not include the time allocated for preparatory activities (instruction, issuance of examination materials, filling out the registration fields of examination papers) (clause 32 of the Procedure).

1.12. A GVE participant can use drafts when performing work and make notes on assignments. The organizers inform that entries on assignments and drafts are not processed or checked (clause 44 of the Procedure).

1.13. During the exam, GVE participants do not have the right to communicate with each other, move freely around the audience and PES. A GVE participant can leave the classroom during the exam with the permission of the organizer, and move around the PES - accompanied by one of the organizers. When leaving the classroom, the GVE participant leaves exam materials and drafts on the desktop. It is prohibited to take examination materials out of classrooms and PPE or to photograph them (clause 45 of the Procedure).

1.14. 30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the organizers inform the GVE participants about the imminent completion of the exam and remind them of the need to transfer answers from drafts and assignments to the notebook sheets. After the exam time has expired, the organizers announce the end of the exam and collect the exam materials (clause 49 of the Procedure).

1.15. The organizers pack the collected examination materials into bags (separate for each type of material). On each package, the organizers mark the name, address of the PPE, audience number, name academic subject, on which the exam was conducted, the type of material, and the number of materials in the package, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the organizers (clause 49 of the Procedure).

1.16. GVE participants who have completed the examination work before the announcement of the end of the exam have the right to hand it over to the organizers and leave the classroom (clause 49 of the Procedure).

1.17. A GVE participant, for health reasons or other objective reasons, may not complete the examination work. In this case, he contacts the organizer, who invites a medical worker and a member of the State Examination Committee, and they draw up an act on the early completion of the exam for objective reasons (clause 45 of the Procedure). In the future, by decision of the chairman of the State Examination Committee, he is allowed to take the exam again (clause 33 of the Procedure).

1.18. Acts of removal from the exam and early completion of the exam for objective reasons are sent on the same day to the state examination commission and the regional information processing center for accounting when processing examination papers (clause 45 of the Procedure).

1.19. Sealed return and delivery packages with examination materials from the classroom are handed over to the head of the PSE by the responsible organizer in the classroom. The head transfers all collected materials, including those not used during the GVE, to the member of the GES.

1.20. GVE examination papers are delivered on the same day by members of the State Examination Committee from the PPE to subject commissions(Clause 51 of the Procedure).