The law on volunteerism has been adopted. Federal Law “On Volunteering (Volunteering)

May 7, 2018

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a law that regulates volunteer activities in the country. The law came into force on May 1.
The adopted bill mainly recognizes the concepts of “volunteer” and “volunteer” as equivalent; voluntary and volunteer activities are defined in the document as “charitable activities carried out in the form of gratuitous work and (or) provision of services.”
The law also defines new powers of federal executive authorities: the development and implementation of state programs (subprograms) Russian Federation, containing activities aimed at supporting volunteerism, participation in the formation of a unified information system in the field of volunteer development, providing support to organizers of volunteer activities and volunteer organizations.
Initially, an action plan for the development of volunteering and volunteerism, as well as all proposals for further steps in this direction with the prospect of their consolidation at the legislative level, were voiced by public activists.
Among the developers of the draft law is the first deputy chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on youth affairs, development of volunteerism and patriotic education, chairman of the Supreme Council of the Russian Union of Rescuers, Honored Rescuer of the Russian Federation Sergei Shchetinin.
- In the era social networks it becomes much easier to reach a large audience, but it is much more difficult to bring active citizens “offline,” noted Sergei Viktorovich. - The more valuable is the trend of growth in volunteering and volunteerism in different directions. Volunteering and volunteerism are becoming generally recognized forms of civic participation and are becoming increasingly popular in our country, continuing to develop in various forms.
Volunteering in lately is noticeably gaining momentum: experts note that this is facilitated by the emerging new organizations. The Russian Union of Rescuers, the Chairman of the Supreme Council of which is Sergei Shchetinin, during its existence has managed to help many people and save thousands of lives. Every year the circle of these people is noticeably expanding thanks to volunteer rescuers taking part in emergency rescue and search operations, in rescue human lives. It is very important that today’s professional rescuers, like volunteers, clearly understand what is involved in ensuring safety main role Not only timely measures are played, but also the prevention of emergency situations.
Based on the results of a public examination of the law on volunteerism, conducted in mid-January 2018 at the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Viktorovich emphasized:
“We have done extensive work, which has borne fruit. Just 2 years ago there was a group of volunteers who said: “We don’t need any law on volunteerism.” Now I see representatives of volunteer movements discussing some changes in the bill, making their proposals, participating in events popularizing volunteering and volunteerism in Russia.
Let us recall that on January 26, 2018, at a meeting of the State Duma, a bill regulating volunteer and voluntary organizations was adopted in its final reading.
The document was submitted to the lower house by the government in November 2017. The initiative was developed in the RF OP following an order given by Russian President Vladimir Putin following a meeting with social activists, representatives of NGOs and volunteer associations, which took place on July 26 last year.

Full text Federal Law No. 15-FZ of 02/05/2018 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Volunteering Issues” was published on the legal information website.

“Volunteering is a delicate matter, which, on the one hand, should not be regulated by the state, since it concerns a person’s good will. On the other hand, we see the need to regulate the activities of people in special situations when we're talking about about working in hospitals, restoration work, putting out fires, saving people, where the personal life of one person intersects with the personal life of another,” Metelev noted.

“We conducted a study and found out that half of Russians choose the word “volunteer,” the other half chooses “volunteer,” and it is illogical to separate these communities, so these concepts are unified in the law,” said a member of the RF OP.

“Previously, a person could come, for example, to regional ministry culture, request support interesting project, and he was told that the organization does not deal with the designated topic. Now any government body can introduce its own support programs, allocate money, create conditions for millions of civil activists in our country, because the law gives them such powers,” he explained.

A “Unified Information System” is being created for volunteers. It is an Internet resource (site) where anyone who wants to participate in the event can register. social projects and events.

The system is already working. Its main goal is to ensure a balance between supply and demand for volunteer work in Russia. For those who need certain services (museums, schools, libraries, hospitals, orphanages, animal shelters), it provides the opportunity to formulate a request for volunteer assistance in specific, quantitatively and qualitatively measurable volumes, and volunteers, in turn, receive information about how they can be useful to their city or town. “A person can literally become a volunteer in just two clicks, without going through any additional authorities or collecting certificates,” says Artem Metelev, “Literally a few days ago, the hundred thousandth user registered in the system, and the number of registrations is constantly growing.”

In addition, the system, as the country’s main volunteer Internet resource, will contain analytical and statistical data that will give organizers the opportunity to see the work of the volunteer movement in figures and facts, and this, in turn, will allow competent and reasonable adjustments to government policy in this area. “Thus, if we see that people are more interested in the healthcare sector, then we should pay attention to this and create conditions for such work. This kind of data will allow us to increase the efficiency of volunteer work,” noted a member of the RF OP.

As Artem Metelev said, any volunteer can go to the site, formulate a question or problem and find a standard answer. If a quick answer is not found, the resource provides the opportunity to send a special request. “After this, the entire system that is being built in the country comes to protect the volunteer. Colleagues from the region responsible for the Unified Information System will contact him. If necessary, the regional Public Chamber or the government body responsible for volunteering will get involved in solving the problem. Thus, we can quickly respond to problems, gradually eliminating them and creating comfortable working conditions for volunteers,” he added.

The rules will, among other things, determine what a specific volunteer organization must do to gain the opportunity to work in a particular institution, what certificates and documents can be requested from the organizers, and what they have no right to demand. "This is a document that contains simple and clear rules games that will not change,” Artem Metelev emphasized.

On May 1, the law on volunteering came into force. The document is intended to ensure clearer interaction between volunteers, organizers of the volunteer movement, those who need the help of volunteers, and authorities. The law will also increase the legal protection of volunteers.

According to Artem Metelev, a member of the RF OP, chairman of the board of the Association of Volunteer Centers, work on the law has been going on for 6 years. IN different options it was offered to members of the Federation Council, State Duma, and public organizations. As a result, the final version, which came into force on May 1, became a consolidating project that suits all parties.

“Volunteering is a delicate matter, which, on the one hand, should not be regulated by the state, since it concerns a person’s good will. On the other hand, we see the need to regulate the activities of people in special situations, when it comes to working in hospitals, restoration work, putting out fires, saving people, where the personal life of one person intersects with the personal life of another,” Metelev noted.

He said that the law answers a number of important questions, first of all, about the status of a volunteer, his rights and responsibilities. The document establishes concepts such as “volunteer” and “organizer of volunteer activities”, thus identifying subjects for whom it will be possible to introduce support measures and create working conditions.

“We conducted a study and found out that half of Russians choose the word “volunteer,” the other half chooses “volunteer,” and it is illogical to separate these communities, so these concepts are unified in the law,” said a member of the RF OP.

According to Artem Metelev, a key aspect of the new law is the expansion of the powers of authorities at all levels.

“Previously, a person could come, for example, to the regional Ministry of Culture, request support for an interesting project, and he would be told that the organization does not deal with the designated topic. Now any government body can introduce its own support programs, allocate money, create conditions for millions of civil activists in our country, because the law gives them such powers,” he explained.

According to the law, authorities have the opportunity to support organizers of volunteer activities, including in the form of compensation for expenses and insurance. Organizers can provide similar support to volunteers. Previously, such actions could only be taken on the basis of a civil contract.

A “Unified Information System” is being created for volunteers. It is an Internet resource (site) where anyone who wants to participate in social projects and events can register.

The system is already working. Its main goal is to ensure a balance between supply and demand for volunteer work in Russia. For those who need certain services (museums, schools, libraries, hospitals, orphanages, animal shelters), it provides the opportunity to formulate a request for volunteer assistance in specific, quantitatively and qualitatively measurable volumes, and volunteers, in turn, receive information about how they can be useful to their city or town. “A person can literally become a volunteer in just two clicks, without going through any additional authorities or collecting certificates,” says Artem Metelev, “Literally a few days ago, the hundred thousandth user registered in the system, and the number of registrations is constantly growing.”

In addition, the system, as the country’s main volunteer Internet resource, will contain analytical and statistical data that will give organizers the opportunity to see the work of the volunteer movement in figures and facts, and this, in turn, will allow competent and reasonable adjustments to government policy in this area. “Thus, if we see that people are more interested in the healthcare sector, then we should pay attention to this and create conditions for such work. This kind of data will allow us to increase the efficiency of volunteer work,” noted a member of the RF OP.

The social activist also spoke about the creation of a “single window” designed to provide assistance to citizens who have encountered problems as part of their civic engagement. The “Single Window” was created on behalf of the chairman of the organizing committee of the Year of the Volunteer, Sergei Kiriyenko.

As Artem Metelev said, any volunteer can go to the site, formulate a question or problem and find a standard answer. If a quick answer is not found, the resource provides the opportunity to send a special request. “After this, the entire system that is being built in the country comes to protect the volunteer. Colleagues from the region responsible for the Unified Information System will contact him. If necessary, the regional Public Chamber or the government body responsible for volunteering will get involved in solving the problem. Thus, we can quickly respond to problems, gradually eliminating them and creating comfortable working conditions for volunteers,” he added.

After the law comes into force, social activists will have to great job to establish interaction between authorities and organizers volunteer movement. First of all, we are talking about clarifying the rules of work in the field of healthcare, as well as social protection. It is these areas of volunteer activity that are accepted as test areas for the current year.

The rules will, among other things, determine what a specific volunteer organization must do to gain the opportunity to work in a particular institution, what certificates and documents can be requested from the organizers, and what they have no right to demand. “This is a document that contains simple and understandable rules of the game that will not change,” Artem Metelev emphasized.

In September of this year, the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation plans to monitor the enforcement of the new law, monitor the progress of its implementation, identify positive and negative changes in order to draw up plans further development volunteer movement in Russia.

One of the main state “gifts” dedicated to the year of volunteering was the adoption of Federal Law dated 02/05/2018 N 15-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Volunteering Issues”, which for the first time in history modern Russia established the official status of volunteers and volunteers and organizational foundations their activities.

Federal law regulating volunteer activities in Russia, passed long haul: for six years the idea of ​​a “volunteer” law has been discussed at different levels, was heavily criticized by the nonprofit community and raised concerns among the volunteer corps.

During this period, two draft Federal Laws on Volunteer Activities were brought to the attention of the general public. One of them was submitted for consideration in 2013 by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (), the second in 2016 was nominated by the LDPR faction.

Active participants in the volunteer movement have repeatedly opposed the adoption of a special law; it was assessed as an attempt to establish state-bureaucratic control over the sphere of civic activity and self-organization of citizens, free socially significant expression of people’s will; petitions were even signed against the adoption of the bill in 2013.

Discussion of the law was temporarily suspended.

The President again spoke about the need for development and legislative regulation of volunteer activities officially and publicly, from the stands, in his Address to the Federal Assembly on December 1, 2016. “It is necessary to remove all barriers to the development of volunteerism,” the President emphasized.

The above-mentioned instruction of the President and the meeting of the President with representatives of socially oriented organizations on July 26, 2017 non-profit organizations, charitable organizations and the volunteer movement, became the beginning of work on legislative regulation of this issue:

Following the meeting, a corresponding instruction was prepared for the Government of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the autonomous non-profit organization “Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects”: during the autumn session State Duma In 2017, ensure the introduction of amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation, providing for the regulation of volunteer activities.

The approach of creating a separate, independent law on volunteer activity was abandoned. Rules on the regulation of volunteer activities were introduced into the Federal Law of August 11, 1995 N 135-FZ “On Charitable Activities and charitable organizations”, adjusting and supplementing it, and also expanded a number of legal acts regulating the activities of non-profit organizations.

And already on November 14, 2017, the draft federal law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Volunteering Issues” was submitted for consideration to the State Duma.

The bill underwent minor modifications after the first reading: provisions on the implementation of volunteer activities related to participation in the organization of worship services and other religious ceremonies were enshrined not by amending the Federal Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”, but through amendments to the Federal Law dated 26 September 1997 N 125-FZ “On freedom of conscience and religious associations”.

What has changed thanks to the Federal Law? (for more details about the changes, see the Memo “Review of changes in legislation on volunteering”).

At the legislative level, the conditions and procedure for the implementation of voluntary (volunteer) activities have been established:

The concepts of “volunteering” and “volunteering” have been leveled.

The status of volunteer organizations, organizers of volunteer activities and volunteers has been determined, and the requirements that such organizations and individuals must meet have been established.

It has been established that the conditions for a volunteer to carry out charitable activities on his own behalf can be enshrined in a civil contract, which is concluded between the volunteer and the beneficiary and the subject of which is the volunteer’s free performance of work and/or provision of services for socially beneficial purposes.

The powers of the bodies are determined state power of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of support and development of volunteer organizations. It provides for the approval of regulations for the interaction of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities, local governments, state and municipal institutions subordinate to them and other organizations with volunteer associations. New powers have been established for federal executive authorities - the development and implementation of state programs containing activities aimed at supporting volunteerism.

The formation and maintenance of a unified information system in the field of volunteer development is ensured.

Religious organizations, in accordance with their internal regulations, have the right to attract volunteers to participate in the organization of worship services, other religious rites and ceremonies, as well as to perform work and provide services aimed at supporting and ensuring the types of activities of religious organizations provided for by their charters.

The volunteers themselves received the right to support in the form of food, uniforms and special clothing, equipment, facilities personal protection, premises for temporary use, payment for travel to the destination and back, payment of insurance premiums for voluntary medical insurance of a volunteer (volunteer) or for insurance of his life or health, or in the form of reimbursement of expenses incurred by a volunteer (volunteer) for the purchase of specified goods or services.

One of the main objectives of all changes made is to ensure unified position in relation to volunteers in all regions and at all levels of government.

This is facilitated by the development of infrastructure to support volunteerism, which began to actively develop even before the adoption of the relevant law:

By order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 28, 2017 No. 524, an interdepartmental commission on the development of volunteerism has already been formed and the provisions for its activities have been determined. In the future, the commission will coordinate volunteers in various industries (search engines, doctors, environmental protection), and a concept for the development of volunteer centers will be created, in which volunteer training courses will be organized.

Based on the Action Plan for the development of the volunteer movement in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on July 5, 2017 N 4723p-P44, regular, incl. joint work of federal authorities and regional authorities to provide support for volunteer activities, and in a variety of formats.

They plan to open special resource centers in the regions that will ensure communication between officials and volunteers. Thus, the Russian Volunteer Association plans to fully train about 20 thousand government employees in the practices of working with volunteers.

The regions themselves are joining the legislative work: the Moscow region, which developed a local law on volunteering even before the adoption of the federal document, intends to write an updated “volunteer” bill taking into account regional characteristics.

Provisions for the formation of a unified information system have already been implemented - an Internet resource has been launched for volunteers, where anyone who wants to participate in social projects and events can register. Its main goal is to ensure a balance between supply and demand for volunteer work in Russia.

At the same time, on behalf of the chairman of the organizing committee of the Year of Volunteerism, Sergei Kiriyenko, starting from June 2018, the Internet resource will be provided help desk for volunteers “single window”, designed to provide assistance to citizens who have encountered problems as part of their civic activity, on the site you can formulate a question or problem by finding a standard answer or send a special request, the solution of which is connected to the built system of volunteering in the Russian Federation and the regions .

Lawyer at the Ternovtsov and Partners Bar Association
Natalia Nepochatykh



On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of volunteering (volunteering)

Article 1

Introduce into the Federal Law of August 11, 1995 N 135-FZ “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 33, Art. 3340; 2002, N 12, Art. 1093; N 30, Art. 3029; 2003, No. 2708; 2004, No. 3607; 2009, No. 17; 2010, No. 52, No. 6998; 19, Art. 2308) the following changes:

1) the name should be stated as follows:

"On charitable activities and volunteering (volunteering)";

2) add parts two and three as follows:

“Volunteer activity is understood as voluntary activity in the form of gratuitous performance of work and (or) provision of services for the purposes specified in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law.

Volunteer activities are subject to the provisions provided for by this Federal Law for charitable activities.";

3) in paragraph 1 of Article 2:

a) the first paragraph after the word “Charity” is supplemented with the words “and voluntary (volunteer)”;

b) paragraph ten should be stated as follows:

“promotion of activities in the field of physical culture and sports (except for professional sports), participation in the organization and (or) conduct of physical education and sports events in the form of gratuitous work and (or) provision of services by individuals;”;

c) paragraph sixteen after the word “volunteer” is added with the word “(volunteer)”;

4) paragraph 1 of Article 3 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

“The specifics of attracting volunteers (volunteers) to carry out the activities of religious organizations are determined by Federal Law of September 26, 1997 N 125-FZ “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations.” ;

5) in article 5:

a) part one after the word “volunteers” is added with the word “(volunteers)”, supplemented with the following sentence: “Participants in voluntary (volunteer) activities are volunteers (volunteers), organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities and voluntary (volunteer) organizations.”;

b) part four should be stated as follows:

"Volunteers (volunteers) - individuals those carrying out voluntary (volunteer) activities for the purposes specified in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law, or for other socially beneficial purposes.";

c) add the word “(volunteers)” to part five;

d) add parts six to eight as follows:

“Organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities are non-profit organizations and individuals who attract volunteers (volunteers) on a permanent or temporary basis to carry out voluntary (volunteer) activities and manage their activities.

State bodies and local government bodies have the right to attract volunteers (volunteers) to carry out voluntary (volunteer) activities.

Voluntary (volunteer) organization - a non-profit organization in the form public organization, social movement, public institution, religious organization, association (union), foundation or autonomous non-profit organization that carries out activities for the purposes specified in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law, attracts volunteers (volunteers) on a permanent or temporary basis to carry out voluntary (volunteer) activities and manages their activities ";

6) invalidate;

7) in paragraph 3 of Article 10, replace the words “as volunteers” with the words “free of charge”;

8) in article 15:

a) paragraph six after the word “volunteers” is added with the word “(volunteers)”;

b) add the word “(volunteers)” to paragraph ten;

9) add section III_1 with the following content:

"Section III_1. Conditions and procedure for voluntary (volunteer) activities

Article 17_1. Rights and responsibilities of a volunteer (volunteer)

1. A volunteer (volunteer) has the right:

1) carry out their activities individually, under the leadership of the organizer of voluntary (volunteer) activities, as part of a voluntary (volunteer) organization;

2) receive from the organizer of volunteer (volunteer) activities, volunteer (volunteer) organization information about the goals, objectives and content of the volunteer (volunteer) activities carried out by him, as well as information about the organizer of volunteer (volunteer) activities, volunteer (volunteer) organization;

3) receive in cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or an agreement concluded with the organizer of volunteer (volunteer) activities, volunteer (volunteer) organization:

support in the form of providing him with food, uniform and special clothing, equipment, personal protective equipment, premises for temporary use, payment of travel to the destination and back, payment of insurance premiums for voluntary medical insurance of a volunteer (volunteer) or for insurance of his life or health, or in the form of reimbursement of expenses incurred by the volunteer (volunteer) for the purchase of specified goods or services;

psychological assistance, assistance in psychological rehabilitation;

compensation for harm to life and health incurred during the implementation of voluntary (volunteer) activities;

4) receive from the organizer of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organization information, consulting and methodological support in the volumes and forms established by these organizations;

5) receive encouragement and rewards for voluntary work, including within the framework of federal, regional and municipal competitions and programs.

2. In addition to the rights provided for in paragraph 1 of this article, a volunteer (volunteer) also has other rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. A volunteer (volunteer), an organizer of voluntary (volunteer) activities, a voluntary (volunteer) organization are obliged not to disclose information that becomes known to them during the implementation of voluntary (volunteer) activities that constitutes a secret specially protected by law.

4. The conditions for a volunteer (volunteer) to carry out charitable activities on his own behalf may be enshrined in a civil contract, which is concluded between the volunteer (volunteer) and the beneficiary and the subject of which is the free performance of work by the volunteer (volunteer) and (or) the provision of services to them in for the purposes specified in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of this Federal Law, or for other socially beneficial purposes.

Advertisement ) and the subject of which is the free performance by a volunteer (volunteer) of work and (or) the provision of services within the framework of the activities of the specified organizer or organization to achieve socially beneficial goals.

The terms of the contract between a voluntary (volunteer) organization and a volunteer (volunteer) may provide for the obligation of the volunteer (volunteer) to comply when performing work and (or) providing services to them within the framework of the activity the specified organization other mandatory requirements provided for by the internal documents of the specified organization, as well as the right of a voluntary (volunteer) organization to unilaterally terminate the contract with a volunteer (volunteer) in case of violation of such mandatory requirements.

6. The contract specified in paragraph 4 of this article may provide for reimbursement of the costs of a volunteer (volunteer) associated with its execution for food, purchase of uniform and special clothing, equipment, personal protective equipment, provision of premises for temporary use, payment of travel to the destination and back, payment of insurance premiums for voluntary medical insurance of a volunteer (volunteer) or for insurance of his life or health when he carries out voluntary (volunteer) activities.

The agreement specified in paragraph 5 of this article may provide for the obligations of the organizer of volunteer (volunteer) activities, volunteer (volunteer) organization to provide the volunteer (volunteer) with food, uniform and special clothing, equipment, personal protective equipment, premises for temporary use, and travel expenses to the destination and back, payment of insurance premiums for voluntary medical insurance of a volunteer (volunteer) or for insurance of his life or health when he carries out voluntary (volunteer) activities, as well as for reimbursement of expenses related to the execution of the contract.

Article 17_2. Legal conditions for the implementation by organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations of their activities

Organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations have the right:

1) receive support from state authorities and local governments in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2) interact with state authorities and local governments, state and municipal institutions and other organizations in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) inform, including jointly with interested organizations, citizens about opportunities to participate in voluntary (volunteer) activities;

4) participate in the formation and activities of coordination and advisory bodies in the field of volunteering (volunteering), created under state authorities and local governments;

5) receive other support in cases and in the manner provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 17_3. Powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of volunteering (volunteering)

1. The Government of the Russian Federation approves:

1) general requirements to the procedure for interaction of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, state and municipal institutions subordinate to them, and other organizations with organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations;

2) a list of types of activities in respect of which the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies approve the procedure for interaction of state and municipal institutions with the organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations.

2. Federal executive authorities exercise the following powers in the field of volunteerism:

1) development and implementation of state programs (subprograms) of the Russian Federation containing activities aimed at supporting volunteering (volunteering);

2) participation in the formation of a unified information system in the field of development of volunteering (volunteering) in order to implement public policy in the field of volunteering (volunteering);

3) providing support to organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations, including in their interaction with state and municipal institutions, socially oriented non-profit organizations, state and municipal institutions that provide organizational, informational, methodological and other support to volunteers (volunteers), organizers of volunteer (volunteer) activities and volunteer (volunteer) organizations;

4) approval of the procedure for interaction between federal executive authorities, including their territorial bodies subordinate to them government agencies with organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations;

5) methodological support for government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments and assistance to them in the development and implementation of measures to develop volunteerism in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in the territories of municipalities.

3. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercise the following powers in the field of volunteerism:

1) participation in the implementation of state policy in the field of volunteerism;

2) development and implementation of state programs (subprograms) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, containing activities aimed at supporting volunteerism, taking into account national and regional socio-economic, environmental, cultural and other characteristics;

3) approval of the procedure for interaction of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state institutions subordinate to them with the organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations;

4) providing support to organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations, including in their interaction with state and municipal institutions and other organizations, socially oriented non-profit organizations, state and municipal institutions that provide organizational, informational, methodological and other support for volunteers (volunteers), organizers of volunteer (volunteer) activities and voluntary (volunteer) organizations;

5) popularization of voluntary (volunteer) activities;

6) support municipal programs(subprograms) containing activities aimed at supporting volunteerism;

7) methodological support for local governments and assistance to them in the development and implementation of measures to develop volunteerism in the territories of municipalities;

8) the formation of coordination and advisory bodies in the field of volunteering (volunteering), created under the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

4. Local government bodies exercise the following powers in the field of volunteering:

1) the formation and implementation of municipal programs (subprograms) containing activities aimed at supporting volunteerism, taking into account national and local socio-economic, environmental, cultural and other characteristics;

2) approval of the procedure for interaction of local government bodies, municipal institutions with the organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations;

3) providing support to organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations, including in their interaction with municipal institutions and other organizations, socially oriented non-profit organizations, state and municipal institutions that provide organizational, informational, methodological and other support volunteers (volunteers), organizers of volunteer (volunteer) activities and volunteer (volunteer) organizations.

Article 17_4. Support of voluntary (volunteer) activities by state authorities and local governments

State authorities and local self-government bodies support voluntary (volunteer) activities in the forms provided for by this Federal Law and other regulations. legal acts Russian Federation.

Article 17_5. Unified information system in the field of volunteer development (volunteering)

1. The formation and maintenance of a unified information system in the field of development of volunteering (volunteering) in order to implement state policy in the field of volunteering (volunteering) is carried out by the federal executive body exercising the functions of providing public services in the field of state youth policy.

2. The procedure for the functioning of the unified information system in the field of development of volunteering (volunteering), the requirements for the technological and linguistic means of this information system, including the requirements for ensuring automation of the processes of collecting and processing information in this information system, the procedure for information interaction of the unified information system in the field development of volunteering (volunteering) with other information systems are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The unified information system in the field of development of volunteerism (volunteering) includes information about volunteers (volunteers), organizers of volunteer (volunteer) activities, volunteer (volunteer) organizations.

Providing information for inclusion in a unified information system in the field of volunteerism development is carried out voluntarily.

The presence in the unified information system in the field of development of volunteerism (volunteering) of information about volunteers (volunteers), organizers of volunteer (volunteer) activities, volunteer (volunteer) organizations is not a mandatory condition for the provision of support by state authorities and local governments to the volunteer (volunteer) activities of these participants in voluntary (volunteer) activities.";

10) paragraph 7 of article 19

Article 2

Introduce into (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, Art. 145; 2010, N 15, Art. 1736; 2011, N 29, Art. 4291; 2012, N 53, Art. 7650; 2013, N 27, Art. .3464, 3477; N 52, art. 6961; 2014, art. 5611; ; 2016, No. 11, Art. 1494; No. 27, Art. 4220; No. 52, Art. 7498) the following changes:

1) in subclause 8 of clause 1, replace the words “promoting charity and volunteering” with the words “organizing and supporting charity and volunteering (volunteering)”;

2) subparagraph 1 of paragraph 3 after the word “volunteers” is supplemented with the word “(volunteers)”;

3) paragraph 12_1, after the word “volunteers”, add the word “(volunteers)”.

Article 3

(Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 39, Art. 4465; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3477) add paragraphs 4-6 as follows:

"4. Religious organizations, in accordance with their internal regulations, have the right to attract volunteers (volunteers) to participate in the organization of worship services, other religious rites and ceremonies, as well as to perform work, provide services aimed at supporting and ensuring the types of activities of religious organizations provided for by them charters.

5. Religious organizations have the right to enter into agreements with volunteers (volunteers) civil contracts on voluntary (volunteer) activities, the subject of which is the free performance of work by volunteers (volunteers) and (or) the provision of services by them.

An essential condition of the agreement on voluntary (volunteer) activity is the volunteer’s compliance with the internal regulations of the religious organization that is a party to the agreement. An agreement on voluntary (volunteer) activity may provide for reimbursement of the volunteer’s (volunteer’s) expenses related to its implementation for food, purchase of uniform and special clothing, equipment, personal protective equipment, provision of premises for temporary use, payment of travel to the destination and back, payment of insurance contributions for voluntary medical insurance of a volunteer (volunteer) or for insurance of his life or health when he carries out voluntary (volunteer) activities.

6. Voluntary (volunteer) activities provided for in paragraph 4 of this article cannot be regulated by the procedure for interaction of state and municipal institutions with the organizers of voluntary (volunteer) activities, voluntary (volunteer) organizations."

Article 4

In paragraph 11 of Article 16_1 of the Federal Law of July 31, 1998 N 155-FZ “On internal sea waters, the territorial sea and the adjacent zone of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 31, Art. 3833; 2012, N 53, Art. 7612; 2017, N 30, Art. 4457) replace the word “(volunteers)” with the words “(volunteers)”.

Article 5

Subparagraph 9_1 of paragraph 2 of Article 26_3 of the Federal Law of October 6, 1999 N 184-FZ “On the general principles of the organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 42, Art. 5005; 2003, No. 2709; 2005, No. 17, 25; 2006, No. 10; No. 2380; No. 3287; N 44, art. 4537; N 50, art. 21; N 1464; N 30, art. 3747, 3808; , Art. 5084; N 46, Art. 5556; 2008, Art. 3418; N 30, Art. 3613, 3616; Art. 5516; , art. 5711; art. 6163; 2010, art. 1736; no. 4160; art. 5190; ; N 49, art. 6409; N 52, art. 6984; N 17, art. 2310; 48, art. 6727, 6732; N 50, art. 7359; 2012, art. 1158, 1163; 50, art. 6957, 6967; N 53, art. 7596; 2013, N 14, art. 1663; N 19, art. 2331; N 23, art. 2875, 2876, 2878; N 27, art. 3470, 3477; N 40, art. 5034; N 43, art. 5454; N 48, art. 6165; N 51, art. 6679, 6691; N 52, art. 6981, 7010; 2014, N 11, art. 1093; N 14, art. 1562; N 22, art. 2770; N 26, art. 3371; N 30, art. 4256, 4257; N 42, art. 5615; N 43, art. 5799; N 45, art. 6138; 2015, N 1, art. 11; N 13, art. 1807, 1808; N 27, art. 3947; N 29, art. 4359; N 41, art. 5628; 2016, N 23, art. 3283; N 26, art. 3866; N 27, art. 4222; 2017, N 1, art. 6; N 31, art. 4828; N 45, art. 6573; N 50, art. 7563; 2018, N 1, art. 26, 27, 87) stated as follows:

"9_1) support for socially oriented non-profit organizations, charitable activities and volunteering (volunteering), organization and implementation of regional and intermunicipal programs to support socially oriented non-profit organizations, charitable activities and volunteering (volunteering);".

Article 6

Introduce into the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 40, Art. 3822; 2005, N 1, Art. 17, 25; 2006, N 1, art. 10; N 30, art. 3296; N 43, art. 4412; 2007, N 1, art. .21, art. 2455; no. 43, art. 5084; 2008, no. 5517; 48, art. 5733; 2010, art. 1736; no. 6409; 2011, art. 2310; art. 4283; 4572, 4590, 4594, 4595; N 48, art. 6730; N 49, art. 7015, 7039; 26, art. 3444, 3446; .1663; N. 2325; N. 43, Art. 5454; N. 52, Art. 6981; 2014, N. 1562; 22, Art. 2770; No. 30, Art. 4235; No. 43, Art. 5799; 52; N 27, Art. 3995; N 48, Art. 6723; 2017, N 1, Art. 6; 2018, N 1, Art. 27, 47, 87) the following changes:
3) in Part 4 of Article 31_3 the word “volunteers” should be replaced with the words “volunteers (volunteers)”.

Article 8

Clause 20 of Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ “On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 52, Art. 7007; 2014, N 30, Art. 4257; 2017 , N 47, Art. 6850) after the word “volunteers” add the word “(volunteers)”.

Article 9

Clause 3 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 23, 2010 N 383-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations" and Article 7 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Fund social insurance Russian Federation, Federal Mandatory Fund health insurance and territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, No. 52, Art. 6998) shall be declared invalid.

Article 10

Russian Federation

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