Location of Moldova on the map. About Moldova

An Eastern European state with an area of ​​more than 33,000 square meters. km, borders with and. The capital of Moldova is Chisinau, the population is about 4 million.

The relief characteristic of Moldova is plains and hills no higher than 150 m above sea level. Only one Balanesti mountain breaks the picture, rising to 429 m. The lands are divided into 5 plains and 4 hills, the most famous of which is Codri in the center of the country. Distinctive feature Moldovan landscape - amphitheater depressions, so-called gyrtops, formed as a result of landslides and erosion.

Several large rivers flow through Moldova, such as the Prut, Reut and Dniester, and many small rivers. The dam on the Dniester forms the large Dubossary reservoir - this is the largest body of water in the country. The Prut River has a wide valley with terraces. Moldavian lands are distinguished by their fertility; black soils predominate here. In the central territories the soil is brown, and gardens and vineyards are planted on it. Natural forests and the steppes have hardly been preserved; virgin steppes have been plowed up since late XIX V. Only in Kodri do forests of oak and hornbeam grow, and on the banks of the Prut you can find wild grapes.

The climate of Moldova is mild, with short winter And warm summer. Weather depends on movement air masses with Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic and East European Plain. Average annual temperatures positive, frosts are rare. There is not enough rainfall, and it is unevenly distributed - more than half of the precipitation falls in the spring-autumn period. Abundance sunny days provides a long growing season for crops.

Officially the country is called the Republic of Moldova. This state is located in the South-Eastern region of Europe, has common borders with Romania and Ukraine. The country's population, according to the latest data, is more than 3.5 million inhabitants. The capital of Moldova is the city of Chisinau.

Moldova on the world map

Administrative division: the territory of the country is divided into 32 districts, 5 municipalities (Chisinau, Balti, Comrat, Bendery, Tiraspol), the country also includes 1 autonomous entity called Gagauzia. The municipal capitals are the largest cities in Moldova. On the territory of the country there is an unrecognized state called the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. It is not controlled by Chisinau.
The climate in the republic is moderate continental, in winter average temperature is -3 - 6 degrees, in summer +19 - 22 degrees. Precipitation falls mainly in spring and autumn (about 500 mm per year). It is best to come to Moldova in September or October, since at this time not only good weather, but the harvest is also underway, so you can fully appreciate the natural gifts of this country. From May to August is also very good time to visit the republic.
To the very large rivers Moldova includes the Dniester, which originates in the Carpathians and flows through the country for 660 km, and the Prut. Also on the territory of the republic are the Reut, Botna, Byk, Ikel, Kogylnik and Yalpug rivers. There are 57 lakes in Moldova, of which the largest are Drachele, Krasnoe, Beleu, Fontan, and Rotunda. More than 1,600 artificial reservoirs have been created in the country, including 53 reservoirs and 1,500 ponds (they are used for fishing and irrigation).

Map of Moldova in Russian

The Republic of Moldova has a large number of natural monuments and reserves. The main ones:
- Codri is the oldest scientific reserve, where a large number of rare and endangered species of plants, animals and birds are protected;
- natural monument “Hundred Hills” - located in the valley of the Prut River, 200 km from Chisinau;
- Prutul de Jos is a lake about 2 meters deep, which is a remnant of the Danube. 23 species of plants grow here - listed in the Red Book.
- Padurea Domnyasca – the largest scientific reserve in the country;
- The natural monument “Thresholds of the Prut” is a chain of coral reefs with a length of about 200 km.
There are many parks and squares in Chisinau, of which the most interesting are the square of the Cathedral, La Izvor park and its cascade of ponds, Valea Trandafirilor park, where there is a cascade of lakes and a museum of garden sculptures, Valea Morilor park (famous for the Teatrul de -Vare, as well as the fact that the Moldexpo offshore zone is located on its territory). Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

And de jure it is part of Moldova. And this is one of the many pages of a people who have been searching for their place in history over the centuries.

An ancient long-suffering country

The remains of the oldest human settlements in this territory are a million years old. Judging by the primitiveness of the method of stone processing, archeological discoveries made in 2011-2012 can be attributed to the disappearance of the Olduvai culture (it arose about 2.7 million years ago, disappeared one million years ago).

In ancient times, these territories passed from hand to hand - either the Tiragets (a tribe that got its name in honor of the snow-white city of Tire, built on the island of the Dniester), or the Pechenegs lived there. Later, the lands were populated, which, in turn, were displaced by nomadic Turks. At one time, even Khan’s Ukraine owned part of the territories.

Where is Transnistria located on the map? It is located between Moldova and Ukraine. Transnistria, at the cost of the lives of its citizens, won the right to be an independent but unrecognized republic.

Borders changeable like the shape of the moon

Transnistria in different times appeared alternately and fragmentarily integral part more than 10 states and entities. Why did this happen? When answering this question, just remember where Transnistria is on the map. Not exactly in the center, but also not on the outskirts of Europe, which was previously called The formation of the European Union does not change anything - it itself actively promotes fragmentation large states. If we turn to geographical concept Europe, that is, taking into account the territory up to the Urals, the self-proclaimed republic is located almost in its center.

Blessed Country

Where is Transnistria located on the map? It stretches out in a long narrow strip from southeast to northwest along the left bank of the Dniester, which flows into the Black Sea. Extreme southern point of the republic is located sixty-seven kilometers from the sea, forty of which fall on the Dniester estuary. It must be said that 80% of the republic’s territory is black soil; in addition, the climate here is very mild, that is, the country has rich agro-climatic resources that make it possible to grow a large variety of vegetables and fruits, harvesting them twice a year. Despite this grace, industry is actively developing in the republic.

All this suggests that Pridnestrovie is self-sufficient. The most valuable vineyards are located here. The country just shouldn’t be hampered in its development. And this is exactly what is happening, and everything depends entirely on where Transnistria is located on the map, because the borders with its neighbors are completely closed, which does not contribute to its rapid development.

No luck with neighbors

This republic has no access to the sea. She is, in the full sense of the word, sandwiched between enemies. The Kyiv authorities have never been friends of this country; they in every possible way prevented its ties with Russia. The people won the right to choose their future in the bloody conflict that began after Transnistria and Gagauzia adopted the act of independence.

Not printed yet political map, where Transnistria is painted in colors Russian Federation, but already in 2006 a referendum was held in the republic, in which 97.2% of the population were in favor of joining this great country. And in 2013, in the first reading, the Supreme Council approved the primacy of Russian legislation on the territory of the republic. Transnistria has its own attributes of power - a coat of arms, anthem, and flag. It has its own currency and a professional army, and all this has nothing to do with Moldova, whose elite sleeps and sees itself as part of Romania.

History teaches nothing

What’s interesting is that in all the repeating stories, the peoples of Donbass and the Lugansk Republic, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria do not want to see or hear anything about their neighbors; they constantly offer to part ways amicably, like the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Countries into which self-proclaimed republics were previously included by force of political intrigue, fixated on narcissism, cannot imagine how one can not want to hear nothing about them. Folk wisdom like “You can’t be nice by force” - not for them. But the hour is not far off when the map of Moldova and Transnistria will not represent a region and the border between these republics will be state.

Why doesn't history teach us anything? Why do slogans that are obviously failures, that have already proven themselves to be the worst, creep from one hot spot to another? Is it really not clear that these cheap stencils only unite thousands of thousands of people, turning them from an amorphous mass into a single victorious people? And that no prohibitions can ever make you forget your language?

Transnistria or the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic is an unrecognized state located within the official borders of Moldova. On the satellite map of Transnistria you can see that the region is part of Moldova as an autonomous territorial entity, the municipality of Bendery, parts of the Novoanensky, Dubossary and Caushansky districts. The area of ​​the PMR is 4,163 square meters. km. This territory is home to 505,000 people.

PMR is presidential republic. The largest cities of Transnistria are Tiraspol (the capital), Bendery, Rybnitsa, Dubossary and Slobodzeya. The region's economy is based on industry left over from former USSR. The unrecognized status of the republic, as well as mass migration, negatively affect the state of the economy.

Bendery fortress

Brief history of Transnistria

On September 2, 1990, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian SSR was created. On September 27, 1991, the government of the PMSSR adopted the “Declaration of Independence”, which recognized the lost legal force the 1940 law on the creation of the Moldavian SSR and the inclusion of the territory of Transnistria into it. On November 5, 1991, in connection with the collapse of the USSR, the PMR was created.

In 2006, a referendum was held in the PMR, in which 97.2% of voters voted for the region to join Russia. In 2013, the PMR officially adopted the legislation of the Russian Federation. In March 2014, the PMR asked the State Duma of the Russian Federation to adopt a law allowing Pridnestrovie to join the Russian Federation.

House of Soviets in Tiraspol

In 1989-1992, an armed conflict occurred between Moldova and the PMR. Armed actions were stopped after the entry into the territory of Moldova Russian troops. Currently, security in the region is monitored by the Joint peacekeeping forces Transnistria, Moldova, Russia and military observers from Ukraine. The status of the PMR still remains unapproved.

Novo-Nyametsky Monastery in the village of Kitskany

Sights of Transnistria

On detailed map Transnistria from a satellite you can see the Yagorlyk nature reserve, the Dubossary hydroelectric power station, the Dniester River, as well as numerous vineyards in the region.

Yagorlyk Nature Reserve

Among the iconic sights of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic one can highlight the Kitskansky Novo-Nyametsky Monastery in the village. Kitskany, Holy Trinity Church and St. Cayetana in the village. Rashkovo, Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Bendery and the Cathedral of the Nativity in Tiraspol.

In Transnistria it is worth visiting the Tiraspol fortress, the Bendery fortress, the memorial to those killed during the Great Patriotic War in Rybnitsa and Suvorov Square in Tiraspol.

Moldova It’s easy to find on the map, but it’s not the most obvious option when choosing a trip abroad. So far, quite a few tourists come to the country, but this situation is not entirely deserved.

Residents of Russia have favorable conditions for entry into Moldova; in addition, the country has many attractions, and nature and mild climate make the country a paradise for ecotourism.

Moldova on the map of the world and Europe

Moldova (Republic of Moldova) is a small state that was formerly part of the USSR. Square The country's territory is about 34 thousand km².

A holiday in the country will be surprisingly cheap, since Moldova is one of the poorest countries.

Where is?

Moldova is located in southeastern Europe at the very southwestern edge East European Plain in the interfluve of the Dniester and Prut, as well as on a small part of the coast of the left bank of the Dniester in the middle and lower reaches (Transnistria).

What countries does it border with?

Many, when answering the question of who Moldova borders, mistakenly believe that the republic has borders with Russia, but this is not so.

The Moldavian Republic borders only two countries: Ukraine and . Moldova has no access to the sea. The time zone of Moldova is UTC +2 (in summer - UTC +3). The time difference between Chisinau and is 1 hour in winter, in summer period The time in the capitals of Russia and Moldova is the same.

General information about the country

Moldova is a unitary parliamentary republic, the head of government is appointed by the country's parliament, which is elected general elections. The power of the head of state (president) is significantly limited by parliament.

Population The country's population, according to government estimates, is 3.5 million people, excluding Transnistria. However, the 2014 census recorded only 2.9 million people in areas controlled by the central government of Moldova. The population of Transnistria is estimated at approximately 500 thousand inhabitants. Thus, the total population of Moldova ranges from 3.5 to 4 million people.

Capital of Moldova - Kishinev, the largest city in the country. Official language countries - Moldovan, Russian language has the status of a language of interethnic significance. Ukrainian, Gagauz and Bulgarian languages ​​are also common in Moldova.

In Transnistria, the official equal languages ​​are Russian, Moldavian and Ukrainian, but de facto the majority of the population of the PMR speaks Russian.

Moldova - almost completely Christian country. Almost 95% of believers are Orthodox, the rest of the residents belong to various Protestant churches. Catholicism, Islam and Judaism are professed by an extremely small part of the country's inhabitants.


The climate of Moldova belongs to the continental variety temperate climate . Winter is quite mild, the average January temperature is -3-5°C, snow cover lasts 1-2 months. It is usually hot and very sunny, with an average July temperature of +22°C. The amount of precipitation is almost evenly distributed throughout the year; in general, the climate of Moldova is dry; droughts occur quite often in the country.

Entry to Moldova for Russians

The rules for entry into Moldova for residents of Russia are quite relaxed and similar entry rules for Moldovan citizens. The period of continuous stay of Russian citizens on the territory of Moldova is 90 days.

Do I need a visa and passport?

Visa permission to enter Moldova for residents of Russia not required, if the period of stay in this country does not exceed 90 days.

To cross the border with Moldova, Russians must have a valid passport, children You must have a birth certificate. If you enter the territory of Moldova with one of the parents or with third parties, you must have permission or a power of attorney from the other parent(s).

If the planned period of stay in Moldova exceeds 90 days, then you must apply for a visa at the country's embassy or consular section.

How to get there?

Get to Moldova by air and by rail only possible from Moscow or St. Petersburg. From Moscow there are daily departures to Chisinau airport. 4 flights, flights from St. Petersburg are carried out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The flight time is about two hours.

Airplane tickets can be purchased using this search form. Enter cities of departure and arrival, date And number of passengers.

You can go to Moldova and by rail, the daily train Moscow - Chisinau will deliver to the capital of Moldova in 30 hours. There is also a daily train from St. Petersburg, and the travel time will be about 40 hours.

You can get to Moldova by bus, bus services depart from Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh and some other Russian cities.

You can also get to the Republic by car, but due to the need to cross the border with Ukraine and tense Russian-Ukrainian relations, this method of transportation has significantly lost its popularity.

Republic with regions and cities

There are 65 cities and about 900 villages in Moldova, the total population of the country is approximately 3.5 million people.

Administrative division

Moldova is such a small country that it is divided not into regions, but into districts. In total, the administrative division of Moldova distinguishes 32 districts And 5 municipalities- cities with a special status, which include the largest settlements countries - Chisinau and Balti, as well as Comrat (Gagauzia), Tiraspol and Bendery (located in Transnistria).

Besides, in administrative division Moldova is isolated Gagauzia, in which more than 50% of the population are Gagauz - a separate people of Turkic origin, not related to the Moldovans.

The left bank of the Dniester occupies Transnistrian Moldavian Republic(PMR) is an unrecognized state proclaimed in 1990.

The Transnistrian conflict, the hot form of which ended short in 1992 civil war, currently frozen.

The territory of Transnistria is not controlled by the central authorities, the PMR has its own currency (Transnistrian ruble), and elects its own parliament and head of state (president of the PMR). Due to the unrecognized status of the PMR, close economic ties have been established between Transnistria and the rest of Moldova, and movement between the two parts of the country is practically free. The capital of Transnistria is the city Tiraspol. The population of Transnistria is about 500 thousand people.

Big cities

Due to the small size of the country and the largely rural type of settlement, there are few residents of large cities in Moldova. Most Big city countries - Kishinev, which is home to 750 thousand people. To others major cities Moldova includes:

  • Tiraspol(150 thousand inhabitants);
  • Balti(140 thousand);
  • Bendery(about 90 thousand);
  • Rybnitsa(50 thousand local residents).

The population of other cities in Moldova is much smaller and does not exceed 40 thousand inhabitants.

What is the country famous for and what to see?

The first association that arises in connection with Moldova is, of course, wine. Indeed, winemaking plays a huge role in the economy and culture of Moldova. Moldova can also boast rich history- in the Middle Ages, the Principality of Moldova was one of the most powerful states in southeastern Europe, and the rulers of Moldova built a whole system of fortresses that protected the country from enemies.

Sights - photos and descriptions

Despite the modest size of the country and small population, there is much to be surprised and admired in Moldova. Another positive factor is that Moldovans are fluent in Russian. The main attractions of the country should rather be sought outside of Chisinau in various Moldovan cities.


The nature of Moldova is quite diverse and different crossed character. Almost the entire area is rugged with hills, ravines and ravines. Forest-steppes are widespread in the northern part of the country, and South part Moldova is a steppe, almost completely converted into agricultural land.

In the northern part of the country, dense forests remain - Codri, which consist of oak, hornbeam and ash thickets, as well as beech groves. Wildlife The country is represented by more than 400 species of animals and birds.

The main rivers of Moldova are Dniester And Rod, the country also has a tiny outlet (less than a kilometer) to the Danube. There are practically no large lakes on the territory of Moldova.

Almost all suitable terrain is widely used in agriculture. Countryside countries are very picturesque: Moldova is literally dotted with gardens in which they grow variety of fruits, the fields are occupied by corn and sunflowers, and vineyards are located on the hills.