Belousov Alexander Russian Geographical Society. Reserved Russia

If you can't get to the mountains this weekend, I highly recommend attending the next event!
I will definitely try to visit it myself. They promise interesting and famous speakers, but I have long been interested in seeing what is being done at open events of the Russian Geographical Society.
Officially it sounds like this:

December 9, 2017 Krasnodar regional office The Russian Geographical Society will hold a solemn Meeting dedicated to International Mountain Day.

International Mountain Day is celebrated annually around the world on December 11, according to the decision of General Assembly UN adopted in 2003. The purpose of the holiday is to draw attention to the important role of mountain regions.

Since 2003, in the Krasnodar region, the celebration of International Mountain Day has been organized and carried out by the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, with the participation of various state and public organizations.

Traditionally, this event is attended by members of the Russian Geographical Society, travelers, climbers and tourists of different generations, local historians and mountain lovers, teachers and cultural workers, students, representatives of government bodies and the media.

IN this year as part of the holiday throughout Krasnodar region local branches of the Russian Geographical Society will hold various events dedicated to mountain topics. At the sites you will be able to get acquainted with the mountain projects of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Society, communicate with famous travelers and researchers of mountain systems, see an exhibition of book products from the publishing center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, as well as the work of photographers.

In addition, those who wish can prepare a presentation themselves and deliver it at a gala meeting dedicated to International Mountain Day 2017, which will be held in the regional capital.

This year, International Mountain Day is celebrated for the fifteenth time - the holiday was established by decision of the 57th UN General Assembly in January 2003. “Mountains under pressure: climate change, hunger, migration” is the theme of International Mountain Day 2017.

Nearly one billion people live in mountain regions, and more than half the world's population depends on mountains for food supply. fresh water, food and clean energy. Despite their important role, mountain regions are still exposed to many risks, such as climate change, land degradation, overexploitation of resources and natural disasters, which threaten far-reaching destructive consequences for both mountain communities and the rest of the world.

Mountains are early indicators of climate change, and in conditions global warming It is the mountain people, already vulnerable to hunger and poverty, who face the greatest challenges and therefore have to work even harder to survive. Mountain glaciers are melting at an unprecedented speed, which poses threats to the provision of fresh water millions of people in the plains. In turn, mountain communities have accumulated over many centuries a huge layer of knowledge and strategies for survival and adaptation to a changing climate.

In Russia, mountains and hills are located in 43 constituent entities of the Federation. Our most famous mountain systems- this is the Greater Caucasus, Ural Mountains, Altai (highest mountainous region Siberia), Verkhoyansk Range (Yakutia), Western and Eastern Sayans (southern Siberia), Chersky Range (northeast Siberia), Sikhote-Alin (Far East).

It is worth noting that the proposed theme “Mountains under pressure: climate change, hunger, migration” for the celebration of International Mountain Day is voluntary. When preparing materials for participation in this event, you can develop and use other topics that are most relevant to our region.

The organizers of the event are waiting for your suggestions and applications for drawing up the program for International Mountain Day - 2017. Contacts: Belousov Alexander Vladimirovich, e-mail [email protected], tel. 8-953-069-41-06.

A.V. Belousov, head of the Expedition Center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society

They say that everything will start at IMSIT at 11 o'clock. Don’t ask where exactly, I don’t know myself, it’s better to come early and you’ll have a chance to find everything. :)

The expedition center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, together with the Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve, published a scientific monograph “Lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve and adjacent territories (Ecological and recreational aspects)” Proceedings of the Teberda Nature Reserve No. 61.

The authors of this work are: Professor of the Department of Regional and Marine Geology of Kuban State University, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Honorary Member of the Russian Geographical Society Yuri Vasilievich Efremov and traveler, photographer, researcher, head of the Expedition Center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society Alexander Vladimirovich Belousov, as well as deputy director of the Teberda Nature Reserve Alexey Nikolaevich Bok.

The lakes of the Teberda Biosphere Reserve are real precious pearls that harmoniously combine with the appearance of Caucasian nature. The book introduces readers to the history of the development and spread of lakes in this region. The patterns of occurrence and further development lake reservoirs. Special attention The book focuses on the ecological state and recreational opportunities of lakes located on the territory of the reserve and adjacent territories. The most popular, as well as hard-to-reach lakes in this region are described and routes to lakes that are extremely rarely visited by tourists are suggested.

The book is of great interest for geographers and tourism instructors, tour guides, tourists and a wide range of readers, and can also be used as a manual for students of relevant specialties in higher educational institutions.

It is very significant that the book was published in the Year of Ecology and is dedicated to the 100th anniversary reserve system Russia, and the 80th anniversary of the Teberda Nature Reserve.

Western Caucasus - a mountainous country of a thousand lakes

A multi-stage research expedition project, the purpose of which is to popularize the unique natural objects of the Caucasus, obtain data on the current state and dynamics of the lakes of the Western Caucasus.

Expedition center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.


Travel and expedition/Best regional project

Project name:

Western Caucasus - a mountainous country of a thousand lakes

Project description:

A multi-stage research expedition project, the purpose of which is to popularize the unique natural objects of the Caucasus, obtain data on the current state and dynamics of the lakes of the Western Caucasus, taking into account global climate change and large-scale anthropogenic transformations of high-mountain landscapes.

“Western Caucasus - a mountainous country of a thousand lakes” project of the Expedition Center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the All-Russian public organization"RUSSIAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY" carried out jointly with the Teberdinsky and Caucasian state natural biosphere reserves.

Online voting in the “Public Recognition” category is open on the Crystal Compass Award website. By following this link you will be able to vote for the project on the website, as well as from your social network accounts and thereby support our project.

Our chance of winning will increase if you involve your associates, colleagues and friends in voting by sending a mailing to all members of the Russian Geographical Society.

Voting rules: every Internet user can vote for a project, but only once a day. You can vote every day until 04/30/17 inclusive from any device. Each new IP address (vote) and like on the voting page is an additional point for the project. Registration is not required, you just need to enter a confirmation code (a few characters from an automatically generated picture).

Head of the Expedition Center of the Krasnodar Regional
branches of the Russian Geographical Society
Alexander Vladimirovich Belousov

The fifth expedition to study the lakes and glaciers of the Teberda Biosphere Reserve has successfully completed. This event was organized by the Expedition Center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society with the support of the management of the Teberda Nature Reserve. The anniversary expedition is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve and the 70th anniversary of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

The completed expedition is the next link in a multi-stage research expedition project “Current state of the lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve and adjacent territories”, a project participating in the national award “Crystal Compass 2016”. The goal of the project is to obtain practical and theoretical materials on the current state of the lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve and adjacent territories.

The 2016 stage covered the basin of the Oruchat and Goralykol rivers, in the upper reaches of which 10 lakes were surveyed. The expedition participants clarified information about the number of lakes in the study area, their size and location, received information on the current state of reservoirs and the degree of their degradation, and also collected data on the newly formed lakes in the study area due to climate change and degradation of modern glaciation. Based on the collected data, an environmental assessment of the state of lake reservoirs will be carried out and recommendations will be developed, if possible. recreational use lakes Based on the results of the next expedition stage, the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society will provide a scientific report to the Teberda Nature Reserve.

For more than 183 years, scientists, historians, Lermontov researchers - and just amateurs have been interested in the location of the village of Dzhemat, mentioned in M. Yu. Lermontov’s work “Hadji Abrek”! And to this day this question remains open. This problem was not ignored by Kuban researchers, who in the final part visited the ruins of the old village of Dzhemagat (the Dzhemagat river basin) in order to obtain materials on its historical location. This information is necessary for further geo-literary research on the subject of the fact that the village of Dzhemat, mentioned in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "Haji Abrek" is nothing more than the Karachay village of Dzhemagat. This version was first put forward in 1899 by the famous ethnographer and local historian-researcher of the Caucasus - A. N. Dyachkov-Tarasov in his work “In the mountains of Big and Small Karachay”. A. N. Dyachkov-Tarasov was one of the founders of the Society of Lovers of the Study of the Kuban Region (OLIKO), created in Ekaterinodar in 1897, actively worked in the ethnographic section of the society and taught at the Ekaterinodar men's gymnasium.

Over five years of expeditionary research, the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society examined 63 lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve (46.32% of total number lakes of the river basin Teberda).

Based on the results of many years of scientific research expeditionary activity, a number of scientific articles have been published and a monograph manuscript has been prepared for publication and sent to print. “Lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve and adjacent territories”(ecological and recreational aspects) authors: Efremov Yu. V.– Professor, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Deputy Chairman for scientific activity KRO RGS, Belousov A.V.– Head of the Expedition Center of the KRO RGS.

A detailed analysis and results of surveys of lakes and glaciers in the valley of the Oruchat and Goralykol rivers this year are planned to be published in the next collection of works of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society. In addition, the results will be reflected in a detailed report and in a report on International Day mountains - 2016.

In addition, for the third year in a row, research has been carried out on the historical geography of the upper reaches of the river. Teberda associated with researchers of the Caucasus (A.K. Mekk, N.A. Bush, N.Ya. Dinnik, A.N. Dyachkov-Tarasov, B.A. Vorontsov-Velyaminov) and with the stories of the origin of geographical names.

We express our gratitude Jamal Kemalovich Tekeev, Deputy Director for scientific work Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve for assistance in organizing a scientific expedition survey of lakes and glaciers.

A. V. Belousov, head of the Expedition Center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

Project:“The Western Caucasus is a mountainous country of a thousand lakes”

Nomination: Best regional project

Expedition center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Teberda State Biosphere Reserve and Caucasus State Biosphere Reserve.

Project manager: Belousov Alexander Vladimirovich


Best regional project

Project name:

Western Caucasus - a mountainous country of a thousand lakes

Project description:

A multi-stage research expedition project, the purpose of which is to popularize the unique natural objects of the Caucasus, obtain data on the current state and dynamics of the lakes of the Western Caucasus, taking into account global climate change and large-scale anthropogenic transformations of high-mountain landscapes.

“Western Caucasus - a mountainous country of a thousand lakes” is a project of the Expedition Center of the Krasnodar regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “RUSSIAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY”, carried out jointly with the Teberdinsky and Caucasian state natural biosphere reserves.

The 1st stage of the 2011 project “Abishir-Ahuba Ridge - lake province” and the 2nd stage of the 2012-2016 project “Reserved Russia. Lakes - mountain pearls of the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve” were finally realized on the territory of the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve and adjacent territories (Abishira-Akhuba Range).

The 2nd stage (2012-2016) of the project, covering the territory of the Teberda Nature Reserve, is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian nature reserve system. By Decree No. 392 of the President of Russia, 2017 was declared simultaneously the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas.

The 2016 expedition was carried out in the upper reaches of the Oruchat and Goralykol rivers (the Teberda river basin) and was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the State Natural Biosphere Teberdinsky Reserve and the 70th anniversary of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

Mountain lakes are an integral element of the landscape of the Western Caucasus. Lakes are widespread in the study area, some of which have been little studied and rarely visited. According to the latest data, more than 1070 lakes are concentrated in the territory from the city of Fisht to the city of Elbrus. The Western Caucasus is truly a country of a thousand mountain lakes.

Field work related to the study of lakes has virtually not been carried out over the past 20 years, with the exception of short-term trips to individual reservoirs. Without systematic observations, which are only possible in the field, it is impossible to present a real picture of the dynamics of mountain lakes under conditions global change climate, activation of glacial processes and strengthening of recreational activities. In 2011, research into the lakes of the Western Caucasus was resumed.

Increased interest in glacial lakes is caused by an increase in the intensity of exogenous processes in the nival-glacial belt, namely, natural disasters that have become more frequent in the last decade.

In addition, there is currently a problem with cleanliness in the world. drinking water. Therefore, it is necessary to record and hydrochemical studies of each reservoir - a source of clean drinking water.

In light of what is happening in lately political events, the project is designed to attract public attention to Russian recreational sites and promote the development of eco-tourism in the region.

In the period 2011-2016, six field expedition seasons took place, as a result of which a comprehensive survey of most of the lakes of the Abishira-Akhuba ridge, as well as 63 lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve (46.32% of the total number of lakes in the Teberda River basin) was carried out. On at the moment data was processed for 100 lakes in the basins of the Urup, Kyafar (Abishira-Akhuba ridge), Malaya Marka (Aksaut river basin), Muhu, Azgek, Khadzhibey, Ulu-Murudzhu, Gedeyzh, Khuty, Baduk, Oruchat and Goralykol (Teberda Nature Reserve) river basins.

The main result of the implementation of the 1st and 2nd stages of the project is the scientific monograph “Lakes of the Teberdinsky Reserve and Adjacent Territories (Ecological and Recreational Aspects)” written by specialists from the Krasnodar regional branch of the All-Russian public organization “RUSSIAN GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY” together with the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve.

In addition, on the basis of the collected data, an environmental assessment of the state of lake reservoirs is carried out, and recommendations are developed for the possible recreational use of lakes.

The results of each expedition are widely covered in the media in order to popularize the unique natural heritage of Russia, attract the attention of the Russian public to the lakes of the Western Caucasus, as well as to specially protected natural areas.

In the next stages of the project, it is planned to conduct several expeditions on the territory of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve, as well as in the little-studied area of ​​the Mysty-Bashi ridge (the interfluve of the Marukha and Aksauta rivers).

Expeditionary surveys of lakes are carried out in remote areas of the Western Caucasus, where there are no trails or permanent places to live. Movement along the route was carried out on foot, overcoming natural obstacles: passes, river fords. The expedition groups include specialists from the project partners.

Project partners:

Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve


Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve (Sochi);

North Caucasus Hydrometeorological Center (Rostov-on-Don);

Karachay-Cherkess state university(Karachaevsk);

Kuban State University (Krasnodar);

Orenburg State Agrarian University (Orenburg);

Orenburg State University (Orenburg); - universal social and educational portal © Anatoly Belov;

Project geography:

The geography of the project covers the Western Caucasus ( Krasnodar region, Republic of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkess Republic) including specially protected natural areas of the Teberda and Caucasus state biosphere reserves.

Goals and objectives:

A multi-stage research expedition project, the main goals of which are:

Obtaining data on the current state of lakes in the Western Caucasus; propaganda of accurate geographical knowledge; attracting the attention of the Russian public to specially protected natural areas and popularizing the unique natural objects of the Caucasus as a subject national pride Russia; collection necessary information for the development of eco-tourism in the region; discovery and popularization of new interesting protected areas of Russia.

Project objectives:

Collection, processing and compilation of information on the current state of the lakes of the Western Caucasus, with the implementation detailed description reservoirs and some glaciers of the study area;

Compilation of comprehensive environmental characteristics and lake passports with basic morphometric and hydrological data;

Carrying out hydrochemical research of lakes;

Conducting research on coastal vegetation of lakes;

Attracting the attention of scientists, the public and especially young people to the lakes of the Caucasus;

Carrying out photo and video shooting of lakes;

Compilation of the “Catalogue of Lakes of the Western Caucasus”;

Creation documentary film about the lakes of the Western Caucasus;

Publication of the monograph “Lakes of the Western Caucasus”;

Organizing public meetings after each expedition;

Coverage of expedition results in the media: newspaper articles and magazines, interviews on television and radio;

Conducting a series of lectures and reports on the topic;

Participation in conferences, meetings, round tables on the topic.

Implementation results:

Over six field expedition seasons (2011-2016), a systematic survey of more than 100 lakes of the Western Caucasus was carried out, including 63 lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve. As a result, new data on the lakes of the Western Caucasus was obtained. The project participants clarified information about the number of lakes in the study area, their size and location, received information on the current state of reservoirs and the degree of their degradation, and also collected data on newly formed lakes in the study area due to climate change and degradation of modern glaciation. Based on the collected data, an environmental assessment of the state of lake reservoirs was compiled and recommendations were developed on the possible recreational use of lakes.

Lake passports were compiled on the basis of morphometric and hydrological data. Hydrochemical studies of some characteristic lakes of the Western Caucasus have been carried out. In addition, an assessment of the degradation of modern glaciation in the study area is given. Photo and video shooting of the lakes was carried out.

The main result of the implementation of stages 1-2 of the project (2011-2016) is the publication of the KRO RGS together with the Teberdinsky Reserve of scientific monographs:

1. Efremov Yu.V., Belousov A.V., Bok A.N. Lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve and adjacent territories (Ecological and recreational aspects). // Proceedings of the Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve. North Caucasus publishing house MIL. Kislovodsk, 2016. Issue. 58. 182 pp.

2. Ilyichev Yu.G., Efremov Yu.V., Bok A.N., Degas N.S. Dynamics of mountain lakes in the upper reaches of the Kuban. // Proceedings of the Teberda State Natural Biosphere Reserve. North Caucasus publishing house MIL. Kislovodsk, 2015. Issue. 59. 158 p.

1. Belousov A.V., Simonenkova V.A., Simonenkov V.S. Reconnaissance studies current state some mountain lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve // ​​Journal "Ecopotential". - No. 3-4. - Ekaterinburg, 2013.

2. Belousov A.V. Current state of the lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve and adjacent territories / Bulletin of the Krasnodar regional branch. Russian Geographical Society / rep. ed. I.G. Chaika, Yu.V. Efremov. - Krasnodar: Platonov. Vol. 7. - 2013. pp. 45-50.

3. Belousov A.V., Efremov Yu.V. Current state of the lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve / Tverdovsky readings. Collection of materials of the V International scientific-practical conference on recreation, tourism and local history./ Ed. KSEI. Krasnodar, 2013. P.141-144.

4. Belousov A.V., Efremov Yu.V. Lakes of the river valley Ulu-Murudzhu and Gedeyzh / Bulletin of the Krasnodar regional branch. Russian Geographical Society / rep. ed. I.G. Chaika, Yu.V. Efremov. - Krasnodar: Platonov. Vol. 8. - 2015. pp. 65-72.

The stages of expeditionary research are presented in the form of detailed reports with attachments (tables, lake passports, maps, photographs) to the management of the Teberda Nature Reserve and the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in 2012-2017.

1. Belousov A.V. Reconnaissance studies of the current state of some mountain lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve and adjacent territories. Report of the Regional Geographical Society of the Russian Geographical Society Krasnodar. 2012. 56 p.

2. Belousov A.V. Reconnaissance studies of the current state of some mountain lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve. Report of the Regional Geographical Society of the Russian Geographical Society Krasnodar. 2013. 60 p.

3. Belousov A.V. Reconnaissance studies of the current state of some mountain lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve. Report of the Regional Geographical Society of the Russian Geographical Society Krasnodar. 2014. 59 p.

4. Belousov A.V. Reconnaissance studies of the current state of some mountain lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve. Report of the Regional Geographical Society of the Russian Geographical Society Krasnodar. 2016. 54 p.

5. Belousov A.V. Reconnaissance studies of the current state of some mountain lakes of the Teberda Nature Reserve. Report of the Regional Geographical Society of the Russian Geographical Society Krasnodar. 2017. 48 p.

A detailed analysis and results of an expeditionary survey of lakes and glaciers in the valley of the Oruchat and Goralykol rivers in 2016 are planned to be published in the next collection of works of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

The results of the stages of expeditionary research are reflected in detailed reports at the International Mountain Day in 2012-2016 (Krasnodar), at the V International Scientific and Practical Conference on Recreation, tourism and local history. Krasnodar 2012. In addition, discussion with university students about the problems of biosphere reserves is one of the components of popularization scientific research taking place within the framework of the project.

The project is a nominee for the 2016 Russian Geographical Society Prize.

The project received a positive review Ufa Institute biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserves of the Orenburg region".

Work continues on inventory and generalization of accumulated materials on lakes for the future compilation of the “Catalogue of Lakes of the Western Caucasus” and the writing of monographs “Lakes of the Western Caucasus”, “Monitoring of vegetation of lakes of the Western Caucasus”.

Activities are being carried out (systematization of cartographic, reference and literary materials) to prepare for the next expeditions to the Caucasus Nature Reserve and in the interfluve of the Marukha and Aksauta rivers.

Certificates and gratitude

Gratitude for active work and in honor of the 170th anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society (Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society). October 24, 2015

Certificate for active participation in the V International Scientific and Practical Conference on Recreation, Tourism, Local History, Education. Krasnodar, Kuban Socio-Economic Institute. February 26-27, 2013