Russian MBRs. The fastest rockets in the world

The ICBM is an impressive human creation. Huge size, thermonuclear power, a column of flame, the roar of engines and the menacing roar of launch... However, all this exists only on the ground and in the first minutes of launch. After they expire, the rocket ceases to exist. Further into the flight and to carry out the combat mission, only what remains of the rocket after acceleration is used - its payload.

With long launch ranges, the payload of an intercontinental ballistic missile extends into space for many hundreds of kilometers. It rises into the layer of low-orbit satellites, 1000-1200 km above the Earth, and is located among them for a short time, only slightly lagging behind their general run. And then it begins to slide down along an elliptical trajectory...

What exactly is this load?

A ballistic missile consists of two main parts - the accelerating part and the other for the sake of which the acceleration is started. The accelerating part is a pair or three of large multi-ton stages, filled to capacity with fuel and with engines at the bottom. They give the necessary speed and direction to the movement of the other main part of the rocket - the head. The booster stages, replacing each other in the launch relay, accelerate this warhead in the direction of the area of ​​its future fall.

The head of a rocket is a complex load consisting of many elements. It contains a warhead (one or more), a platform on which these warheads are placed along with all other equipment (such as means of deceiving enemy radars and missile defenses), and a fairing. There is also fuel and compressed gases in the head part. The entire warhead will not fly to the target. It, like the ballistic missile itself earlier, will split into many elements and simply cease to exist as a single whole. The fairing will separate from it not far from the launch area, during the operation of the second stage, and somewhere along the way it will fall. The platform will collapse upon entering the air of the impact area. Only one type of element will reach the target through the atmosphere. Warheads.

Up close, the warhead looks like an elongated cone, a meter or one and a half long, with a base as thick as a human torso. The nose of the cone is pointed or slightly blunt. This cone is special aircraft, whose task is to deliver weapons to the target. We'll come back to warheads later and take a closer look at them.

Head of the "Peacemaker"
The pictures show the breeding stages of the American heavy ICBM LGM0118A Peacekeeper, also known as MX. The missile was equipped with ten 300 kt multiple warheads. The missile was withdrawn from service in 2005.

Pull or push?

In a missile, all warheads are located in the so-called breeding stage, or “bus”. Why bus? Because, having first been freed from the fairing, and then from the last booster stage, the propagation stage carries the warheads, like passengers, along given stops, along their trajectories, along which the deadly cones will disperse to their targets.

The “bus” is also called the combat stage, because its work determines the accuracy of pointing the warhead to the target point, and therefore combat effectiveness. The propagation stage and its operation is one of the biggest secrets in a rocket. But we will still take a slight, schematic look at this mysterious step and its difficult dance in space.

The dilution stage has different shapes. Most often, it looks like a round stump or a wide loaf of bread, on which warheads are mounted on top, points forward, each on its own spring pusher. The warheads are pre-positioned at precise separation angles (at the missile base, manually, using theodolites) and face different sides, like a bunch of carrots, like a hedgehog’s needles. The platform, bristling with warheads, occupies a given position in flight, gyro-stabilized in space. And in the right moments Warheads are pushed out of it one by one. They are ejected immediately after completion of acceleration and separation from the last accelerating stage. Until (you never know?) they shot down this entire undiluted hive with anti-missile weapons or something on board the breeding stage failed.

But this happened before, at the dawn of multiple warheads. Now breeding presents a completely different picture. If earlier the warheads “stuck” forward, now the stage itself is in front along the course, and the warheads hang from below, with their tops back, inverted, like bats. The “bus” itself in some rockets also lies upside down, in a special recess in the upper stage of the rocket. Now, after separation, the breeding stage does not push, but drags the warheads along with it. Moreover, it drags, bracing itself with four “paws” placed crosswise, deployed in front. At the ends of these metal legs are rearward-facing thrust nozzles for the expansion stage. After separation from the accelerating stage, the “bus” very accurately, precisely sets its movement in the beginning of space with the help of its own powerful guidance system. He himself occupies the exact path of the next warhead - its individual path.

Then the special inertia-free locks that held the next detachable warhead are opened. And not even separated, but simply now no longer connected with the stage, the warhead remains motionless hanging here, in complete weightlessness. The moments of her own flight began and flowed by. Like one individual berry next to a bunch of grapes with other warhead grapes not yet plucked from the stage by the breeding process.

Fire ten
K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh" - Russian nuclear submarine strategic purpose(project 955 "Borey"), armed with 16 solid-fuel Bulava ICBMs with ten multiple warheads.

Delicate movements

Now the task of the stage is to crawl away from the warhead as delicately as possible, without disturbing its precisely set (targeted) movement with gas jets of its nozzles. If a supersonic nozzle jet hits a separated warhead, it will inevitably add its own additive to the parameters of its movement. Over the subsequent flight time (which is half an hour to fifty minutes, depending on the launch range), the warhead will drift from this exhaust “slap” of the jet half a kilometer to a kilometer sideways from the target, or even further. It will drift without obstacles: there is space, they slapped it - it floated, not being held back by anything. But is a kilometer sideways accurate today?

To avoid such effects, it is precisely the four upper “legs” with engines that are spaced apart to the sides that are needed. The stage is, as it were, pulled forward on them so that the exhaust jets go to the sides and cannot catch the warhead separated by the belly of the stage. All thrust is divided between four nozzles, which reduces the power of each individual jet. There are other features too. For example, if there is a donut-shaped propulsion stage (with a void in the middle - with this hole it is put on the rocket’s upper stage, like wedding ring finger) of the Trident-II D5 missile, the control system determines that the separated warhead still falls under the exhaust of one of the nozzles, then the control system turns off this nozzle. Silences the warhead.

The stage, gently, like a mother from the cradle of a sleeping child, fearing to disturb his peace, tiptoes away into space on the three remaining nozzles in low thrust mode, and the warhead remains on the aiming trajectory. Then the “donut” stage with the cross of the thrust nozzles is rotated around the axis so that the warhead comes out from under the zone of the torch of the switched off nozzle. Now the stage moves away from the remaining warhead on all four nozzles, but for now also at low throttle. When a sufficient distance is reached, the main thrust is turned on, and the stage vigorously moves into the area of ​​the target trajectory of the next warhead. There it slows down calculatedly and again very precisely sets the parameters of its movement, after which it separates the next warhead from itself. And so on - until it lands each warhead on its trajectory. This process is fast, much faster than you read about it. In one and a half to two minutes, the combat stage deploys a dozen warheads.

The abysses of mathematics

What has been said above is quite enough to understand how a warhead’s own path begins. But if you open the door a little wider and look a little deeper, you will notice that today the rotation in space of the breeding stage carrying the warhead is an area of ​​​​application of quaternion calculus, where the on-board attitude control system processes the measured parameters of its movement with a continuous construction of the on-board orientation quaternion. Quaternion is such a complex number (over the field complex numbers lies a flat body of quaternions, as mathematicians would say in their precise language of definitions). But not with the usual two parts, real and imaginary, but with one real and three imaginary. In total, the quaternion has four parts, which, in fact, is what the Latin root quatro says.

The dilution stage does its job quite low, immediately after the boost stages are turned off. That is, at an altitude of 100−150 km. And there is also the influence of gravitational anomalies on the Earth’s surface, heterogeneities in the even gravitational field surrounding the Earth. Where are they from? From the uneven terrain, mountain systems, occurrence of rocks of different densities, oceanic depressions. Gravitational anomalies either attract the stage to themselves with additional attraction, or, conversely, slightly release it from the Earth.

In such heterogeneities, complex ripples of local gravitational field, the breeding stage must position the warheads with precision accuracy. To do this, it was necessary to create a more detailed map of the Earth's gravitational field. It is better to “explain” the features of a real field in systems of differential equations that describe precise ballistic motion. These are large, capacious (to include details) systems of several thousand differential equations, with several tens of thousands of constant numbers. And the gravitational field itself at low altitudes, in the immediate near-Earth region, is considered as a joint attraction of several hundred point masses of different “weights” located near the center of the Earth in in a certain order. This achieves a more accurate simulation of the Earth's real gravitational field along the rocket's flight path. And more accurate operation of the flight control system with it. And also... but that's enough! - Let's not look further and close the door; What has been said is enough for us.

Flight without warheads

The breeding stage, accelerated by the missile towards the same geographical area where the warheads should fall, continues its flight along with them. After all, she can’t fall behind, and why should she? After disengaging the warheads, the stage urgently attends to other matters. She moves away from the warheads, knowing in advance that she will fly a little differently from the warheads, and not wanting to disturb them. The breeding stage also devotes all its further actions to warheads. This maternal desire to protect the flight of her “children” in every possible way continues for the rest of her short life.

Short, but intense.

Space won't last long
Payload An intercontinental ballistic missile spends most of its flight in space object mode, rising to a height three times the height of the ISS. The trajectory of enormous length must be calculated with extreme accuracy.

After the separated warheads, it is the turn of other wards. The most amusing things begin to fly away from the steps. Like a magician, she releases into space many inflating balloons, some metallic things that resemble open scissors, and objects of all sorts of other shapes. Durable balloons sparkle brightly in the cosmic sun with the mercury shine of a metallized surface. They are quite large, some shaped like warheads flying nearby. Their aluminum-coated surface reflects a radar signal from a distance in much the same way as the warhead body. Enemy ground-based radars will perceive these inflatable warheads as well as real ones. Of course, in the very first moments of entering the atmosphere, these balls will fall behind and immediately burst. But before that, they will distract and load the computing power of ground-based radars - both long-range detection and guidance anti-missile systems. In ballistic missile interceptor parlance, this is called “complicating the current ballistic environment.” And the entire heavenly army, inexorably moving towards the fall area, including combat units real and false, balloons, dipole and corner reflectors, this whole motley flock is called “multiple ballistic targets in a complicated ballistic environment.”

The metal scissors open up and become electric dipole reflectors - there are many of them, and they well reflect the radio signal of the long-range missile detection radar beam probing them. Instead of the ten desired fat ducks, the radar sees a huge blurry flock of small sparrows, in which it is difficult to make out anything. Devices of all shapes and sizes reflect different lengths waves

In addition to all this tinsel, the stage can theoretically itself emit radio signals that interfere with the targeting of enemy anti-missile missiles. Or distract them with yourself. In the end, you never know what she can do - after all, a whole stage is flying, large and complex, why not load it with a good solo program?

Home for "Bulava"
Project 955 Borei submarines are a series of Russian nuclear submarines of the fourth generation “strategic missile submarine cruiser” class. Initially, the project was created for the Bark missile, which was replaced by the Bulava.

Last segment

However, from an aerodynamic point of view, the stage is not a warhead. If that one is a small and heavy narrow carrot, then the stage is an empty, vast bucket, with echoing empty fuel tanks, a large, streamlined body and a lack of orientation in the flow that is beginning to flow. With its wide body and decent windage, the stage responds much earlier to the first blows of the oncoming flow. The warheads also unfold along the flow, piercing the atmosphere with the least aerodynamic resistance. The step leans into the air with its vast sides and bottoms as necessary. It cannot fight the braking force of the flow. Its ballistic coefficient - an “alloy” of massiveness and compactness - is much worse than a warhead. Immediately and strongly it begins to slow down and lag behind the warheads. But the forces of the flow increase inexorably, and at the same time the temperature heats up the thin, unprotected metal, depriving it of its strength. The remaining fuel boils merrily in the hot tanks. Finally, the hull structure loses stability under the aerodynamic load that compresses it. Overload helps to destroy the bulkheads inside. Crack! Hurry! The crumpled body is immediately engulfed by hypersonic shock waves, tearing the step into pieces and scattering them. After flying a little in the condensing air, the pieces again break into smaller fragments. Remaining fuel reacts instantly. Flying fragments of structural elements made of magnesium alloys are ignited by hot air and instantly burn with a blinding flash, similar to a camera flash - it’s not for nothing that magnesium was set on fire in the first photo flashes!

America's Underwater Sword
American Ohio-class submarines are the only type of missile carrier in service with the United States. Carries on board 24 ballistic missiles with MIRVed Trident-II (D5). The number of warheads (depending on power) is 8 or 16.

Everything is now burning with fire, everything is covered in hot plasma and the orange color of the coals from the fire shines well around. The denser parts go to slow down forward, the lighter and sailier parts are blown into a tail stretching across the sky. All burning components produce dense smoke plumes, although at such speeds these very dense plumes cannot exist due to the monstrous dilution by the flow. But from a distance they are clearly visible. The ejected smoke particles stretch along the flight trail of this caravan of bits and pieces, filling the atmosphere with a wide white trail. Impact ionization gives rise to the nighttime greenish glow of this plume. Because of irregular shape fragments, their deceleration is rapid: everything that is not burned quickly loses speed, and with it the intoxicating effect of the air. Supersonic is the strongest brake! Having stood in the sky like a train falling apart on the tracks, and immediately cooled by the high-altitude frosty subsound, the strip of fragments becomes visually indistinguishable, loses its shape and structure and turns into a long, about twenty minutes, quiet chaotic dispersion in the air. If you are in the right place, you can hear a small charred piece of duralumin clinking quietly against a birch trunk. Here you are. Goodbye breeding stage!

Sea trident
In the photo - launch intercontinental missile Trident II (USA) from a submarine. At the moment, Trident is the only family of ICBMs whose missiles are installed on American submarines. The maximum throwing weight is 2800 kg.

The information agency "Arms of Russia" continues to publish ratings of weapons and military equipment. This time experts assessed intercontinental ballistic missiles(ICBMs) ground-based Russia and foreign countries.">

4:57 / 10.02.12

Ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles of Russia and foreign countries (rating)

The Russian Arms information agency continues to publish ratings of weapons and military equipment. This time, experts assessed ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) from Russia and foreign countries.

The comparative assessment was carried out according to the following parameters:

  • firepower (number of warheads (WB), total power of WB, maximum firing range, accuracy - CEP)
  • constructive perfection (launch mass of the rocket, overall characteristics, relative density of the rocket - the ratio of the launch mass of the rocket to the volume of the transport and launch container (TPC))
  • operation (based on a ground-mobile missile system (MGRS) or placed in a silo launcher (silo launcher), time of the interregulatory period, possibility of extending the warranty period)

The total points for all parameters gave overall assessment compared ICBM. It was taken into account that each MDB taken from the statistical sample, compared with other MDBs, was assessed based on technical requirements of its time.

The variety of ground-based ICBMs is so great that the sample includes only ICBMs that are currently in service and have a range of more than 5,500 km - and only China, Russia and the United States have such (Great Britain and France have abandoned ground-based ICBMs , placing them only on submarines).

Intercontinental ballistic missiles


SS-18 Satan



S S-18 Satan




Based on the number of points scored, the first four places were taken by:

1. Russian ICBM R-36M2 “Voevoda” (15A18M, START code - RS-20V, according to NATO classification - SS-18 Satan (Russian: “Satan”))

  • Adopted into service, 1988
  • Fuel - liquid
  • Number of accelerating stages - 2
  • Length, m - 34.3
  • Maximum diameter, m - 3.0
  • Launch weight, t - 211.4
  • Start - mortar (for silos)
  • Throwing weight, kg - 8,800
  • Flight range, km -11,000 - 16,000
  • Number of BB, power, ct -10Х550-800
  • KVO, m - 400 - 500

Total points for all parameters - 28.5

The most powerful ground-based ICBM is the 15A18M missile of the R-36M2 "Voevoda" complex (designation of the Strategic Missile Forces RS-20V, NATO designation SS-18mod4 "Satan". The R-36M2 complex has no equal in its technological level and combat capabilities.

The 15A18M is capable of carrying platforms with several dozen (from 20 to 36) individually targeted nuclear MIRVs, as well as maneuvering warheads. It is equipped with a missile defense system, which allows one to break through a layered missile defense system using weapons based on new physical principles. R-36M2 are on duty in ultra-protected silo launchers, which are resistant to shock waves at a level of about 50 MPa (500 kg/sq. cm).

The design of the R-36M2 includes the ability to launch directly during a period of massive enemy nuclear impact on the positional area and blocking the positional area with high-altitude nuclear explosions. The missile has the highest resistance among ICBMs to nuclear weapons.

The rocket is covered with a dark heat-protective coating, facilitating the passage of clouds nuclear explosion. It is equipped with a system of sensors that measure neutron and gamma radiation, register dangerous levels and, while the missile passes through the cloud of a nuclear explosion, turn off the control system, which remains stabilized until the missile exits danger zone, after which the control system turns on and corrects the trajectory.

A strike from 8-10 15A18M missiles (fully loaded) ensured the destruction of 80% of the industrial potential of the United States and most of the population.

2. US ICBM LGM-118A “Peacekeeper” - MX

Basic tactics technical specifications(TTX):

  • Adopted into service, 1986
  • Fuel - solid
  • Number of accelerating stages - 3
  • Length, m - 21.61
  • Maximum diameter, m - 2.34
  • Launch weight, t - 88.443
  • Start - mortar (for silos)
  • Throwing weight, kg - 3,800
  • Flight range, km - 9,600
  • Number of BB, power, ct - 10X300
  • KVO, m - 90 - 120

Total points for all parameters - 19.5

The most powerful and advanced American ICBM, the three-stage solid-propellant MX missile, was equipped with ten with a yield of 300 kt each. It had increased resistance to the effects of nuclear weapons and had the ability to overcome the existing missile defense system, limited by an international treaty.

The MX had the greatest capabilities among ICBMs in terms of accuracy and ability to hit a heavily protected target. At the same time, the MXs themselves were based only in the improved silo launchers of the Minuteman ICBMs, which were inferior in security to the Russian silo launchers. According to American experts, the MX was 6-8 times superior in combat capabilities to the Minuteman-3.

A total of 50 MX missiles were deployed, which were on alert in a state of 30-second readiness for launch. Removed from service in 2005, the missiles and all equipment of the position area are being preserved. Options for using MX to launch high-precision non-nuclear strikes are being considered.

3. Russian ICBM PC-24 "Yars" - Russian solid-fuel mobile-based intercontinental ballistic missile with a multiple warhead

Main tactical and technical characteristics (TTX):

  • Adopted for service, 2009
  • Fuel - solid
  • Number of accelerating stages - 3
  • Length, m - 22.0
  • Maximum diameter, m - 1.58
  • Launch weight, t - 47.1
  • Start - mortar
  • Throwing weight, kg - 1,200
  • Flight range, km - 11,000
  • Number of BB, power, ct - 4X300
  • KVO, m - 150

The total points for all parameters is 17.7

Structurally, the RS-24 is similar to the Topol-M and has three stages. Differs from RS-12M2 "Topol-M":

  • new platform for breeding blocks with warheads
  • re-equipment of some part of the missile control system
  • increased payload

The missile enters service in a factory transport and launch container (TPC), in which it spends its entire service. The body of the missile product is coated with special compounds to reduce the effects of a nuclear explosion. Probably, an additional composition was applied using stealth technology.

Guidance and control system (GCS) is an autonomous inertial control system with an on-board digital computer (OND), probably using astrocorrection. The proposed developer of the control system is the Moscow Research and Production Center for Instrumentation and Automation.

The use of the active trajectory section has been reduced. To improve the speed characteristics at the end of the third stage, it is possible to use a turn with the direction of a zero increment of distance until the fuel reserve of the last stage is fully exhausted.

The instrumentation compartment is completely sealed. The rocket is capable of overcoming the cloud of a nuclear explosion at launch and performing a program maneuver. For testing, the rocket will most likely be equipped with a telemetry system - the T-737 Triad receiver and indicator.

To counter missile defense systems, the missile is equipped with a countermeasures system. From November 2005 to December 2010, tests of anti-missile defense systems were carried out using Topol and K65M-R missiles.

4. Russian ICBM UR-100N UTTH (GRAU index - 15A35, START code - RS-18B, according to NATO classification - SS-19 Stiletto (English “Stiletto”))

Main tactical and technical characteristics (TTX):

  • Adopted into service, 1979
  • Fuel - liquid
  • Number of accelerating stages - 2
  • Length, m - 24.3
  • Maximum diameter, m - 2.5
  • Launch weight, t - 105.6
  • Start - gas-dynamic
  • Throwing weight, kg - 4,350
  • Flight range, km - 10,000
  • Number of BB, power, ct - 6Х550
  • KVO, m - 380

The total score for all parameters is 16.6

ICBM 15A35 is a two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile, made according to the “tandem” design with a sequential separation of stages. The rocket is distinguished by a very dense layout and virtually no “dry” compartments. According to official data, as of July 2009, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces had 70 deployed 15A35 ICBMs.

The last division was previously in the process of liquidation, but by decision of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev in November 2008, the liquidation process was terminated. The division will continue to be on duty with the 15A35 ICBM until it is re-equipped with “new missile systems” (apparently either Topol-M or RS-24).

Apparently, in the near future, the number of 15A35 missiles on combat duty will be further reduced until it stabilizes at a level of about 20-30 units, taking into account purchased missiles. Missile complex The UR-100N UTTH is extremely reliable - 165 test and combat training launches were carried out, of which only three were unsuccessful.

The American magazine of the Air Force Rocketry Association called the UR-100N UTTH missile “one of the most outstanding technical developments of the Cold War.” The first complex, still with UR-100N missiles, was put on combat duty in 1975 with a warranty period of 10 years. During its creation, all the best design solutions worked out on previous generations of "hundreds" were implemented.

The high reliability indicators of the missile and the complex as a whole, then achieved during the operation of the improved complex with the UR-100N UTTH ICBM, allowed the military-political leadership of the country to put before the Russian Defense Ministry, General Staff, the command of the Strategic Missile Forces and the lead developer represented by NPO Mashinostroeniya, the task of gradually extending the service life of the complex from 10 to 15, then to 20, 25 and, finally, to 30 years and beyond.

, France and China.

An important step in the development of rocket technology was the creation of systems with multiple warheads. The first implementation options did not have individual guidance of warheads; the benefit of using several small charges instead of one powerful one is greater efficiency when affecting area targets, so in 1970 Soviet Union R-36 missiles with three 2.3 Mt warheads were deployed. In the same year, the United States put the first Minuteman III systems on combat duty, which had a completely new quality - the ability to deploy warheads along individual trajectories to hit multiple targets.

The first mobile ICBMs were adopted in the USSR: the Temp-2S on a wheeled chassis (1976) and the railway-based RT-23 UTTH (1989). In the United States, work was also carried out on similar systems, but none of them were put into service.

A special direction in the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles was work on “heavy” missiles. In the USSR, such missiles were the R-36, and its further development, the R-36M, which were put into service in 1967 and 1975, and in the USA in 1963 the Titan-2 ICBM entered service. In 1976, Yuzhnoye Design Bureau began developing the new RT-23 ICBM, while work on the missile had been underway in the United States since 1972; they were put into service in (in the RT-23UTTKh version) and 1986, respectively. R-36M2, which entered service in 1988, is the most powerful and heaviest in history missile weapons: A 211-ton rocket, when fired at 16,000 km, carries on board 10 warheads with a capacity of 750 kt each.


Operating principle

Ballistic missiles typically launch vertically. Having received some translational speed in the vertical direction, the rocket, with the help of a special software mechanism, equipment and controls, gradually begins to move from a vertical position to an inclined position towards the target.

By the end of engine operation, the longitudinal axis of the rocket acquires an angle of inclination (pitch) corresponding to longest range its flight, and the speed becomes equal to a strictly established value that ensures this range.

After the engine stops operating, the rocket performs its entire further flight by inertia, describing in the general case an almost strictly elliptical trajectory. At the top of the trajectory, the rocket's flight speed takes on its lowest value. The apogee of the trajectory of ballistic missiles is usually located at an altitude of several hundred kilometers from the surface of the earth, where, due to the low density of the atmosphere, air resistance is almost completely absent.

In the descending section of the trajectory, the rocket's flight speed gradually increases due to the loss of altitude. With further descent, the rocket passes through the dense layers of the atmosphere at enormous speeds. In this case, the skin of the ballistic missile is strongly heated, and if the necessary safety measures are not taken, its destruction may occur.


Based method

Based on their launching method, intercontinental ballistic missiles are divided into:

  • launched from ground stationary launchers: R-7, "Atlas";
  • launched from silo launchers (silos): RS-18, PC-20, “Minuteman”;
  • launched from mobile installations based on a wheeled chassis: “Topol-M”, “Midgetman”;
  • launched from railway launchers: RT-23UTTKh;
  • submarine-launched ballistic missiles: Bulava, Trident.

The first basing method fell out of use in the early 1960s, as it did not meet the requirements of security and secrecy. Modern silos provide a high degree of protection against damaging factors nuclear explosion and allow one to reliably hide the level of combat readiness of the launch complex. The remaining three options are mobile, and therefore more difficult to detect, but they impose significant restrictions on the size and weight of missiles.

ICBM design bureau named after. V. P. Makeeva

Other methods of basing ICBMs have been repeatedly proposed, designed to ensure secrecy of deployment and security of launch complexes, for example:

  • on specialized aircraft and even airships with the launch of ICBMs in flight;
  • in ultra-deep (hundreds of meters) mines in rocks, from which transport and launch containers (TPC) with missiles must rise to the surface before launch;
  • at the bottom of the continental shelf in pop-up capsules;
  • in a network of underground galleries through which mobile launchers continuously move.

Until now, none of these projects have been brought to practical implementation.


Early versions of ICBMs used liquid-propellant rocket engines and required lengthy refueling with propellant components immediately before launch. Preparations for launch could last several hours, and the time to maintain combat readiness was very short. In the case of using cryogenic components (R-7), the equipment of the launch complex was very cumbersome. All this significantly limited the strategic value of such missiles. Modern ICBMs use solid fuel rocket engines or liquid rocket engines on high-boiling components with ampulized filling. Such missiles arrive from the factory in transport and launch containers. This allows them to be stored in a ready-to-start condition throughout their entire service life. Liquid rockets are delivered to the launch complex in an unfuelled state. Refueling is carried out after the TPK with the missile is installed in the launcher, after which the missile can be in combat-ready condition for many months and years. Preparation for launch usually takes no more than a few minutes and is carried out remotely, from a remote command post, via cable or radio channels. Periodic checks of missile and launcher systems are also carried out.

Modern ICBMs usually have a variety of means to penetrate enemy missile defenses. They may include maneuvering warheads, radar jammers, decoys, etc.


Launch of the Dnepr rocket

Peaceful use

For example, with the help of American Atlas and Titan ICBMs, launches were carried out spaceships Mercury and Gemini. And the Soviet PC-20, PC-18 ICBMs and the naval R-29RM served as the basis for the creation of the Dnepr, Strela, Rokot and Shtil launch vehicles.

See also



  • Andreev D. Missiles do not go into reserve // ​​“Red Star”. June 25, 2008

russlandia_007, This means that the Russian Federation has no plans to attack, and all this anti-Russian propaganda in the West is zilch!

"American ground-based ICBMs are stuck in the 1970s

The United States has only one type of ground-based ICBM in service - the LGM-30G Minuteman-3. Each missile carries one W87 warhead with a yield of up to 300 kilotons (but can carry up to three warheads).
The last rocket of this type was manufactured in 1978. This means that the “youngest” of them is 38 years old. These missiles have been modernized several times, and their service life is scheduled to end in 2030.

A new ICBM system called GBSD (Ground Based Strategic Deterrent) appears to be stuck in the discussion stage. The US Air Force has requested $62.3 billion for the development and production of new missiles, and hopes to receive $113.9 million in 2017.
However White House does not support this application. In fact, many there are against this idea. Development was delayed by a year, and GBSD's prospects will now depend on the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

It is worth noting that the American government intends to spend on nuclear weapons a colossal amount: about $348 billion by 2024, with $26 billion going to ICBMs. But for GBSD, 26 billion is not enough. The actual costs may be higher, given the fact that the United States has not produced new land-based intercontinental missiles for a long time.
The last such missile, called the LGM-118A Peacekeeper, was deployed in 1986. But by 2005, the United States unilaterally removed all 50 missiles of this type from combat duty, although it would not be an exaggeration to say that the LGM-118A Peacekeeper was better in comparison with the LGM-30G Minuteman-3, since it could carry up to 10 warheads.
Despite the failure of the START II Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which prohibited the use of individually targetable MIRVs, the United States voluntarily abandoned its MIRVs.
Confidence in them was lost due to the high cost, as well as due to a scandal in which it was revealed that these missiles did not have an AIRS (Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere) GUIDANCE SYSTEM for almost four years (1984-88). In addition, the missile manufacturing company tried to hide the delivery delay - at a time when cold war was coming to an end.

Russia also has a mysterious RS-26 Rubezh missile.
There is little information about it, but most likely this complex is further development project "Yars", having the ability to strike on intercontinental and medium range.
The minimum launch range of this missile is 2,000 kilometers, and this is enough for a breakthrough American systems Missile defense in Europe. The United States opposes the deployment of the system on the grounds that it would be a violation of the INF Treaty. But such claims do not stand up to scrutiny: the maximum launch range of the RS-26 exceeds 6,000 kilometers, which means that it is an intercontinental ballistic missile, but not an intermediate-range ballistic missile.

With this in mind, it is clear that the United States is significantly behind Russia in the development of land-based ICBMs.
The United States has one, rather old, intercontinental ballistic missile, the Minuteman III, capable of carrying only one warhead.

And the prospects for developing a new model to replace it are very uncertain. In Russia the situation is completely different. Ground-based ICBMs are updated regularly - in fact, the process of developing new missiles continues non-stop.
Each new ICBM is developed taking into account the breakthrough of the enemy’s missile defense system, which is why the European missile defense project and ground-based system missile defense"on the mid-flight phase (the US missile defense system designed to intercept approaching combat units) will be ineffective against Russian missiles in the foreseeable future."
April 28, 2016, Military Review,

The ICBM is a very impressive human creation. Huge size, thermonuclear power, a column of flame, the roar of engines and the menacing roar of launch... However, all this exists only on the ground and in the first minutes of launch. After they expire, the rocket ceases to exist. Further into the flight and to carry out the combat mission, only what remains of the rocket after acceleration is used - its payload.

With long launch ranges, the payload of an intercontinental ballistic missile extends into space for many hundreds of kilometers. It rises into the layer of low-orbit satellites, 1000-1200 km above the Earth, and is located among them for a short time, only slightly lagging behind their general run. And then it begins to slide down along an elliptical trajectory...

What exactly is this load?

A ballistic missile consists of two main parts - the booster part and the other for the sake of which the boost is started. The accelerating part is a pair or three of large multi-ton stages, filled to capacity with fuel and with engines at the bottom. They give the necessary speed and direction to the movement of the other main part of the rocket - the head. The booster stages, replacing each other in the launch relay, accelerate this warhead in the direction of the area of ​​its future fall.

The head of a rocket is a complex load consisting of many elements. It contains a warhead (one or more), a platform on which these warheads are placed along with all other equipment (such as means of deceiving enemy radars and missile defenses), and a fairing. There is also fuel and compressed gases in the head part. The entire warhead will not fly to the target. It, like the ballistic missile itself earlier, will split into many elements and simply cease to exist as a single whole. The fairing will separate from it not far from the launch area, during the operation of the second stage, and somewhere along the way it will fall. The platform will collapse upon entering the air of the impact area. Only one type of element will reach the target through the atmosphere. Warheads. Up close, the warhead looks like an elongated cone, a meter or one and a half long, with a base as thick as a human torso. The nose of the cone is pointed or slightly blunt. This cone is a special aircraft whose task is to deliver weapons to the target. We'll come back to warheads later and take a closer look at them.

Pull or push?

In a missile, all warheads are located in the so-called breeding stage, or “bus”. Why bus? Because, having first been freed from the fairing, and then from the last booster stage, the propagation stage carries the warheads, like passengers, along given stops, along their trajectories, along which the deadly cones will disperse to their targets.

The “bus” is also called the combat stage, because its work determines the accuracy of pointing the warhead to the target point, and therefore combat effectiveness. The propulsion stage and its operation is one of the biggest secrets in a rocket. But we will still take a slight, schematic look at this mysterious step and its difficult dance in space.

The breeding step has different forms. Most often, it looks like a round stump or a wide loaf of bread, on which warheads are mounted on top, points forward, each on its own spring pusher. The warheads are pre-positioned at precise separation angles (at the missile base, manually, using theodolites) and point in different directions, like a bunch of carrots, like the needles of a hedgehog. The platform, bristling with warheads, occupies a given position in flight, gyro-stabilized in space. And at the right moments, warheads are pushed out of it one by one. They are ejected immediately after completion of acceleration and separation from the last accelerating stage. Until (you never know?) they shot down this entire undiluted hive with anti-missile weapons or something on board the breeding stage failed.

The photographs show the breeding stages of the American heavy ICBM LGM0118A Peacekeeper, also known as MX. The missile was equipped with ten 300 kt multiple warheads. The missile was withdrawn from service in 2005.

But this happened before, at the dawn of multiple warheads. Now breeding presents a completely different picture. If earlier the warheads “stuck” forward, now the stage itself is in front along the course, and the warheads hang from below, with their tops back, upside down, like bats. The “bus” itself in some rockets also lies upside down, in a special recess in the upper stage of the rocket. Now, after separation, the breeding stage does not push, but drags the warheads along with it. Moreover, it drags, bracing itself with four “paws” placed crosswise, deployed in front. At the ends of these metal legs are rearward-facing thrust nozzles for the expansion stage. After separation from the accelerating stage, the “bus” very accurately, precisely sets its movement in the beginning of space with the help of its own powerful guidance system. He himself occupies the exact path of the next warhead - its individual path.

Then the special inertia-free locks that held the next detachable warhead are opened. And not even separated, but simply now no longer connected with the stage, the warhead remains motionless hanging here, in complete weightlessness. The moments of her own flight began and flowed by. Like one individual berry next to a bunch of grapes with other warhead grapes not yet plucked from the stage by the breeding process.

K-551 "Vladimir Monomakh" is a Russian strategic nuclear submarine (Project 955 "Borey"), armed with 16 solid-fuel Bulava ICBMs with ten multiple warheads.

Delicate movements

Now the task of the stage is to crawl away from the warhead as delicately as possible, without disturbing its precisely set (targeted) movement with gas jets of its nozzles. If a supersonic nozzle jet hits a separated warhead, it will inevitably add its own additive to the parameters of its movement. Over the subsequent flight time (which is half an hour to fifty minutes, depending on the launch range), the warhead will drift from this exhaust “slap” of the jet half a kilometer to a kilometer sideways from the target, or even further. It will drift without obstacles: there is space, they slapped it - it floated, not being held back by anything. But is a kilometer sideways really accurate today?

Project 955 Borei submarines are a series of Russian nuclear submarines of the fourth generation “strategic missile submarine cruiser” class. Initially, the project was created for the Bark missile, which was replaced by the Bulava.

To avoid such effects, it is precisely the four upper “legs” with engines that are spaced apart to the sides that are needed. The stage is, as it were, pulled forward on them so that the exhaust jets go to the sides and cannot catch the warhead separated by the belly of the stage. All thrust is divided between four nozzles, which reduces the power of each individual jet. There are other features too. For example, if on the donut-shaped propulsion stage (with a void in the middle - this hole is worn on the rocket's upper stage like a wedding ring on a finger) of the Trident II D5 missile, the control system determines that the separated warhead still falls under the exhaust of one of the nozzles, then the control system turns off this nozzle. Silences the warhead.

The stage, gently, like a mother from the cradle of a sleeping child, fearing to disturb his peace, tiptoes away into space on the three remaining nozzles in low thrust mode, and the warhead remains on the aiming trajectory. Then the “donut” stage with the cross of the thrust nozzles is rotated around the axis so that the warhead comes out from under the zone of the torch of the switched off nozzle. Now the stage moves away from the remaining warhead on all four nozzles, but for now also at low throttle. When a sufficient distance is reached, the main thrust is turned on, and the stage vigorously moves into the area of ​​the target trajectory of the next warhead. There it slows down calculatedly and again very precisely sets the parameters of its movement, after which it separates the next warhead from itself. And so on - until it lands each warhead on its trajectory. This process is fast, much faster than you read about it. In one and a half to two minutes, the combat stage deploys a dozen warheads.

American Ohio-class submarines are the only type of missile carrier in service with the United States. Carries on board 24 ballistic missiles with MIRVed Trident-II (D5). The number of warheads (depending on power) is 8 or 16.

The abysses of mathematics

What has been said above is quite enough to understand how a warhead’s own path begins. But if you open the door a little wider and look a little deeper, you will notice that today the rotation in space of the breeding stage carrying the warheads is an area of ​​​​application of quaternion calculus, where the on-board attitude control system processes the measured parameters of its movement with a continuous construction of the on-board orientation quaternion. A quaternion is such a complex number (above the field of complex numbers lies a flat body of quaternions, as mathematicians would say in their precise language of definitions). But not with the usual two parts, real and imaginary, but with one real and three imaginary. In total, the quaternion has four parts, which, in fact, is what the Latin root quatro says.

The dilution stage does its job quite low, immediately after the boost stages are turned off. That is, at an altitude of 100−150 km. And there is also the influence of gravitational anomalies on the Earth’s surface, heterogeneities in the even gravitational field surrounding the Earth. Where are they from? From uneven terrain, mountain systems, occurrence of rocks of different densities, oceanic depressions. Gravitational anomalies either attract the stage to themselves with additional attraction, or, conversely, slightly release it from the Earth.

In such irregularities, the complex ripples of the local gravitational field, the breeding stage must place the warheads with precision accuracy. To do this, it was necessary to create a more detailed map of the Earth's gravitational field. It is better to “explain” the features of a real field in systems of differential equations that describe precise ballistic motion. These are large, capacious (to include details) systems of several thousand differential equations, with several tens of thousands of constant numbers. And the gravitational field itself at low altitudes, in the immediate near-Earth region, is considered as a joint attraction of several hundred point masses of different “weights” located near the center of the Earth in a certain order. This achieves a more accurate simulation of the Earth's real gravitational field along the rocket's flight path. And more accurate operation of the flight control system with it. And also... but that's enough! - Let's not look further and close the door; What has been said is enough for us.

The ICBM payload spends most of its flight in space object mode, rising to an altitude three times the height of the ISS. The trajectory of enormous length must be calculated with extreme accuracy.

Flight without warheads

The breeding stage, accelerated by the missile towards the same geographical area where the warheads should fall, continues its flight along with them. After all, she can’t fall behind, and why should she? After disengaging the warheads, the stage urgently attends to other matters. She moves away from the warheads, knowing in advance that she will fly a little differently from the warheads, and not wanting to disturb them. The breeding stage also devotes all its further actions to warheads. This maternal desire to protect the flight of her “children” in every possible way continues for the rest of her short life. Short, but intense.

After the separated warheads, it is the turn of other wards. The most amusing things begin to fly away from the steps. Like a magician, she releases into space many inflating balloons, some metallic things that resemble open scissors, and objects of all sorts of other shapes. Durable balloons sparkle brightly in the cosmic sun with the mercury shine of a metallized surface. They are quite large, some shaped like warheads flying nearby. Their aluminum-coated surface reflects a radar signal from a distance in much the same way as the warhead body. Enemy ground-based radars will perceive these inflatable warheads as well as real ones. Of course, in the very first moments of entering the atmosphere, these balls will fall behind and immediately burst. But before that, they will distract and load the computing power of ground-based radars - both long-range detection and guidance of anti-missile systems. In ballistic missile interceptor parlance, this is called “complicating the current ballistic environment.” And the entire heavenly army, inexorably moving towards the area of ​​impact, including real and false warheads, balloons, dipole and corner reflectors, this whole motley flock is called “multiple ballistic targets in a complicated ballistic environment.”

The metal scissors open up and become electric dipole reflectors - there are many of them, and they well reflect the radio signal of the long-range missile detection radar beam probing them. Instead of the ten desired fat ducks, the radar sees a huge blurry flock of small sparrows, in which it is difficult to make out anything. Devices of all shapes and sizes reflect different wavelengths.

In addition to all this tinsel, the stage can theoretically itself emit radio signals that interfere with the targeting of enemy anti-missile missiles. Or distract them with yourself. In the end, you never know what she can do - after all, a whole stage is flying, large and complex, why not load it with a good solo program?

The photo shows the launch of a Trident II intercontinental missile (USA) from a submarine. Currently, Trident is the only family of ICBMs whose missiles are installed on American submarines. The maximum throwing weight is 2800 kg.

Last segment

However, from an aerodynamic point of view, the stage is not a warhead. If that one is a small and heavy narrow carrot, then the stage is an empty, vast bucket, with echoing empty fuel tanks, a large, streamlined body and a lack of orientation in the flow that is beginning to flow. With its wide body and decent windage, the stage responds much earlier to the first blows of the oncoming flow. The warheads also unfold along the flow, piercing the atmosphere with the least aerodynamic resistance. The step leans into the air with its vast sides and bottoms as necessary. It cannot fight the braking force of the flow. Its ballistic coefficient - an “alloy” of massiveness and compactness - is much worse than a warhead. Immediately and strongly it begins to slow down and lag behind the warheads. But the forces of the flow increase inexorably, and at the same time the temperature heats up the thin, unprotected metal, depriving it of its strength. The remaining fuel boils merrily in the hot tanks. Finally, the hull structure loses stability under the aerodynamic load that compresses it. Overload helps to destroy the bulkheads inside. Crack! Hurry! The crumpled body is immediately engulfed by hypersonic shock waves, tearing the stage into pieces and scattering them. After flying a little in the condensing air, the pieces again break into smaller fragments. Remaining fuel reacts instantly. Flying fragments of structural elements made of magnesium alloys are ignited by hot air and instantly burn with a blinding flash, similar to a camera flash - it’s not for nothing that magnesium was set on fire in the first photo flashes!

Everything is now burning with fire, everything is covered in hot plasma and the orange color of the coals from the fire shines well around. The denser parts go to slow down forward, the lighter and sailier parts are blown into a tail stretching across the sky. All burning components produce dense smoke plumes, although at such speeds these very dense plumes cannot exist due to the monstrous dilution by the flow. But from a distance they are clearly visible. The ejected smoke particles stretch along the flight trail of this caravan of bits and pieces, filling the atmosphere with a wide white trail. Impact ionization gives rise to the nighttime greenish glow of this plume. Due to the irregular shape of the fragments, their deceleration is rapid: everything that is not burned quickly loses speed, and with it the intoxicating effect of the air. Supersonic is the strongest brake! Having stood in the sky like a train falling apart on the tracks, and immediately cooled by the high-altitude frosty subsound, the strip of fragments becomes visually indistinguishable, loses its shape and structure and turns into a long, about twenty minutes, quiet chaotic dispersion in the air. If you are in the right place, you can hear a small charred piece of duralumin clinking quietly against a birch trunk. Here you are. Goodbye breeding stage!