Events. Alexander Marakulin: biography, creativity, career, personal life VI

Roles in the theater
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Graduated from 2 courses of the directing department of the Samara Institute of Arts and Culture. from 1992 to 1997 he studied at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS), Faculty of Musical Theater, specializing in musical theater actor. Works at the Bat Theater.
Roles in the theater
* Stephen Nathan (Jesus) in the musical “Godspell” (training theater RATI),
* Count Almaviva in Mozart’s opera “The Marriage of Figaro” (Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre),
* supporting roles, then Kuhrman in “You Are Allowed to Replay”, Musketeer, Phantom and others in “Grand Illusion”, Elvis
* voice artist and others in “100 Years of Cabaret”,
* Judas, the drover from "Man of La Mancha" and others in "It's Show Business!"
* artist Valera, emigrant director Alik Mylnikov, Chekhov’s double and others in “I’m Stepping Around Moscow”,
* narrator and a number of characters in “The Magic Journey”,
* Bob the snob and director Zach in “Chance” (the theatre-cabaret of Grigory Gurvich “The Bat”),
* Archdeacon Claude Frollo in the Russian version of the musical “Notre Dame de Paris” (Metro Ent., Operetta Theater),
* Count Capulet in the Russian version of the musical "Romeo and Juliet"
* royal prosecutor Noirtier (based on the book by Gerard) de Villefort in the musical “Monte Cristo” (Operetta Theatre; music by Roman Ignatiev, libretto by Yuli Kim)
Recognition and awards
* Diploma of the festival in memory of Vysotsky “Era of Mercy” for ensemble work to all performers of the musical “Godspell”,
* award from the Moscow Debuts festival based on the results of the 1996-97 season. for best debut in musical theater (the role of Count Almaviva in “The Marriage of Figaro”),
* nomination for the “Golden Mask” of the 2001-2002 season. for best actor in musical theater (Frollo in the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”).

A big mistake is measuring success by size. monetary reward. In addition to the material criterion and the relative concept, there is the recognition of the audience. It is he who is called the main source of everything.

Finding the way

In a commercial sense, Alexander Leonidovich Marakulin can hardly be considered such a successful person. He is deprived of the attention of the yellow press, does not receive exorbitant fees, and there is no glamorous hype around his life.

The performer's biography began in 1973. The child was born on March 24 in Kuibyshev (Samara). Parents, Leonid Kirillovich and Elena Stepanovna, assigned their gifted son to the violin class of a music school. The boy successfully completed it and decided to continue his education at the faculty of directing at the Institute of Arts and Culture of his native city.

Sasha dreamed of an artistic career in childhood. However, even over time, he was unable to decide on his role and genre. Therefore, I decided to first become a student at the directing department in order to get a complete picture of the future direction of creativity. Alexander studied there for two courses. In 1992, the student went to the capital.

He entered a theater university, but was unsuccessful. In the fall, additional recruitment was announced at GITIS. Sasha was informed about this by his girlfriend, who was already studying in the capital. Applicants were selected for the acting department of the musical theater. The young man passed the selection, it was in 1992.

Alexander studied until 1997. In his second year, Marakulin took part in the English-language production of Godpell. During his final year at the RATI, he took part in the play “The Marriage of Figaro” in the role of Count Almaviva. The work of the novice performer was awarded an award for the best debut on the music stage.

Theater career

Since 1997, the graduate joined the Gurvich cabaret theater “The Bat”. The master quickly noted the newcomer’s talent and did his best to help him discover his talent. Gradually, Gurvich led the inconspicuous boy to Broadway show musicals from the usual music theaters.

Alexander got the most famous aria of the Phantom of the Opera in the medley performance “The Great Illusion”. After the premiere, the performer realized that he had fallen in love with the amazing music of Andrew Lloyd Webber and the new genre. By the time it closed, the young artist took part in all the group’s productions. The final performance took place at the end of 2001.

At the same time, the actor became the lead vocalist. He worked in the group "Aliens". The musicians released the album “Underground”. In the domestic production of the famous musical “Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris“Marakulin got the role of Frollo in 2002. Alexander was included in the first team.

The performer recorded the parts for the official audio disc of the musical. The selection of the young performer took place on a general basis. I also had to endure exhausting tours. However, the Metro-Entertainment company initially offered only the second cast. Exhausting rehearsals began again in the rather precarious status of “understudy”. The decision to transfer to the main, first, cast came literally on the eve of the premiere.

Iconic works

The artist worked a lot on the image. As a result, the performer decided that the hero, the music, and the production itself were equally important. After this, in an interview, Marakulin admits that it is difficult for him to call himself either a singer or a singing actor. The hit turned out to be perfect.

The audience remembered the timbre of the rare dramatic baritone. The actor was nominated for the Golden Mask for Best Actor. The first television broadcasts began, a solo career began to develop, and a repertoire was selected.

Since 2004, Marakulin has played the role of Count Capulet in the domestic version of Romeo and Juliet. During the tour, the artist also got to perform the Prince of Verona. The selection for “Romeo and Juliet” was carried out, as before, on a general basis. And again, after exhausting preparation, the audience applauded the actor for the brightness of the character and his authenticity.

The actor took part in the recording of Eduard Artemyev’s rock opera “Crime and Punishment”, presented in 2007, based on the libretto by Rozov and Ryashentsev, and performed the part of Svidrigailov. Since October 1, 2008, Marakulin has been playing in the musical “Monte Cristo” of the royal prosecutor Noirtier de Villefort. He performed the same character in the demo version of the production.

Future prospects

In 2009, Marakulin headed the Musical Trade Company as artistic director. The artist played Ernst Ludwig in the domestic version of “Cabaret”, as well as the touring version of Dunaevsky’s musical “The Three Musketeers” in the images of Athos and Richelieu, and also acted as a director.

In the Russian musical “Count Orlov” the artist got the role of Prince Radziwill. And since March 2016, he has been playing in “Crime and Punishment” at the capital’s musical theater. Previously, the actor took part in recording it on disc.

In the musical version of “Anna Karenina” the performer was Alexei Karenin from October 2016. 2018 brought participation in the production center “Pentagram” production of the musical “Death Note”

For now national school There are no musical artists. Alexander is one of those few who have a professional command of both voice and dramatic skills.

The artist does not want to talk about his personal life. It is known that he is a happy husband and father. His wife gave him a daughter, Maria.

Marakulin Alexander Leonidovich

Alexander Leonidovich Marakulin - Russian actor and a singer who mostly takes part in musicals.
* Love horoscope

  • Birth horoscope
  • Date of birth: 03/24/1973, 12:00 (GMT +4:00 (determined by the system))
    Place of birth: Samara, Russia, Samara region, 50°E08′, 53°N12′
    • Rasi
    • Rising sign28°34′Gemini1 house
      Star of the EastPunarvasu
      moon star3/4 Anuradha
      Day of the weekSaturday
      Sun10°03′Pisces10th house
      Moon11°15′Scorpio6th house
      Mercury21°59′Aquarius9th house
      Venus5°52′Pisces10th house
      Mars4°43′Capricorn8th house
      Jupiter12°10′Capricorn8th house
      Saturn21°31′Taurus12th house
      Rahu19°24′Sagittarius7th house
      Ketu19°24′Gemini1 house
      Ayanamsa: 23°28′
    • Navamsa
    • The power of the planets

      Rising sign0 normal strength
      Sun0 normal strength
      Moon-1 weakened
      Mercury0 normal strength
      Venus0 normal strength
      Mars-1 weakened
      Jupiter-1 weakened
      Saturn-2 very weak
      Rahu0 normal strength
      Ketu0 normal strength
    Rasi | Degrees | Navamsa | Strength

    I. Sunrise, stars, day of the week

    Rising sign - Gemini

    Gemini is a sign associated with the element of air, indicating an inconsistent, but, to a certain extent, outstanding character. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet representing writers, scientists, teachers and others involved in the dissemination of ideas and information. The symbols of the sign of Gemini - two twins, or a pair of lovers - indicate an interest in communicating with such a person, or the presence of some very attractive feature. By nature they are active and restless; love literature, astrology, science, arts and crafts.

    They make good friends, but perhaps due to their ability to quickly change their ideas and style of behavior, they make unreliable friends. They love variety.

    In appearance, they are usually tall and thin, have dark eyes, and big nose, curly hair. Their speech is pleasant, they are talkative, and smart. They can easily guess the thoughts and motives of others, but they can also easily deceive them.

    They usually behave lively, cheerfully, love singing, dancing, attending parties, and playing games. They have fast, dexterous hands. The expression “takes on everything, but knows how to do nothing” can sometimes be quite applicable to someone born under this ascending sign.

    A “Gemini” person can make a good government official, leader, astrologer, or employee. They have a knack for commercial work, work related to figures and facts, and can quickly persuade others to do something.

    They are not inclined to stick to their chosen path and may try to do too many things at once. They need an activity or place where there is a lot of variety, activity, where there is excitement, where the mind is excited. They usually work indoors. Gemini people are freedom-loving, do not like physical labor and burdensome family responsibilities.

    Star of the East - Punarvasu

    Pune means repetition. Punarvasu is known as a "renaissance star". It means a person who often changes his place of residence, or one who, in the process of his life, changes the qualities of his personality, or purifies himself. Punarvasu is a “maiden”, a divine star ruled by the mother of the demigods - Aditi. It is a moving star associated with the merchant class. The animal symbol is the cat. "Punarvasu" is translated as "boon" or "diamond".

    If this star is a rising one, the person loves freedom and cannot be limited. Such people often change partners or move from place to place. They are kind, generous, reasonable, satisfied with little, and “lose their heads” quite easily. They are poetic, their nature is passionate, they are truthful, they love fun, they take care of their business affairs, but they have only moderate financial success.

    Moon Star - Anuradha

    Anuradha is a “virgin”, a divine star, soft in nature. Its name can be translated as “a star that calls other people to action,” indicating that a person born under this star can be an organizer. Another translation is “star of success” - the meaning here is obvious. The name can also be translated as “follower of Radha,” which indicates spiritual inclinations. Radha is the feminine manifestation of God's energy, encouraging all living beings to serve God.

    When the Moon is located in the sphere of this star, qualities similar to those of the rising star appear.

    When the Moon is in the 3rd quarter the following occurs:

    Smart, truthful person, possibly an astrologer, ambitious, funny.

    Day of the week - Saturday

    A person born on the day of Shani [Saturn] (Saturday) appears prematurely old (that is, looks older and appears tired), has a weak body, is a "Tamoguni" (the quality of Tamas predominates) and his character is immoral.

    II. Planets in signs

    Sun in the sign of Pisces

    Pisces is a “water” and “feminine” sign. This placement is a sign of a person of quiet demeanor, having calm and attractive features. These are people of a shy and restless nature. They are indecisive and easily influenced by others. They can dedicate their lives to service and love to do good. They are interested in spiritual and religious philosophical issues. They are dreamy and emotional, they love sincerely. They believe in the mysterious forces of nature and also love things related to water; in practice, they can conduct activities related to pearls, transportation of goods by sea, juices or other liquid products; they are waiting for an opportunity to open up.

    These people are peaceful, with learning abilities, there are periods in their lives that are not eventful; They are loved by members of the opposite sex: they are able to make others feel good. Such people can be irritable, but usually they have a good character. They are neat, dress well, timid and lack self-confidence. They have a sense of humor and are sociable. These people's attention is often directed inward, and their innermost, soulful side can be difficult to recognize. They are not very strong physically and are prone to excess weight, intestinal diseases, nervous agitation and diseases of the lower extremities. They enter into a profitable marriage and receive a good inheritance. They may have a tendency to escape from their problems by taking advantage of intoxications. However, these are pleasant people who know how to handle money, work well with children, have good intuition and are able to teach others.

    Moon in the sign of Scorpio

    The sign of Scorpio is associated with water, it gives an emotional, receptive nature. This is a brahmanical sign, a sign of intuition and receptivity to transcendental, mystical philosophy. This sign is ruled by Mars, which indicates great determination, strength of character and courage of this person. But the Moon is weakened in this sign and indicates periodic suffering caused by mental distress due to loneliness and indecision or from a lack of self-confidence. Scorpio is secretive and therefore such people like to hide their inner personality and feelings; they can act duplicitously and secretly. They are prone to strong emotions, selfishness, envy, and vindictiveness. They cannot bear to be insulted and love to retaliate against people who have offended them. They are brave, aggressive, and sometimes cruel. They have enough determination to follow through with their intentions; their sometimes manifest cruelty and their desire to keep their motives and their plans secret create for them strong enemies.

    They gain significant weight in commercial activities due to their considerable willpower and lack of hesitation in using and disposing of other people. They have significant durability. They are good strategists, able to plan years in advance and bring their plans to completion. They are quick-tempered, love competition, and have an possessive streak in their character. They keep both their misdeeds and other affairs secret. They usually have a dark complexion, a hairy body, and are addicted to the use of intoxicants.

    Classical texts point out the following qualities of these people: they have large eyes, they suffer due to separation from their parents and teachers, they suffer from illnesses during their youth; they are not frank. Such people are receptive and insightful, have the ability to meditate, feel strongly, have strong personality and the ability to control oneself. They are difficult to change or convince of anything. They have noticeable mental strength and experience difficulties in their relationship with their mother. These people are poetic, sensitive and easily excitable.

    Mercury in Aquarius

    This placement can signify a deep thinker, metaphysician and scientist. Such people are proud, sincere, truthful, educated and can occupy a high position in society. They are shy, have a logical mind and strong views, and love to argue; height - average; they can be somewhat loose.

    Venus in Pisces

    Here Venus is exalted, Pisces is her best sign. This will be a loving, gentle person, capable of making sacrifices, having good, friendly relationships, capable of achieving material success, receiving good opportunities enjoy sex and entertainment. They own cars and houses, and have knowledge in the material and spiritual fields. They can be diplomatic and skillful in carrying out their work. They can carry out a peacekeeping mission and know how to inspire others.

    Mars in Capricorn

    In this sign Mars is exalted, this placement is the best for Mars. I know many people who have this combination in their horoscopes, and they are all energetic, dedicated people who are capable of working long hours with dedication. These people can do important, difficult work, they have good friends; there are periods of chaos in their family affairs. According to Dr. B.V. Raman, the famous Indian astrologer, such people will “love luxury, will be educated, famous, will have great ardor.” These people work for the benefit of some good cause, they are invariably useful to their relatives. In their previous lives, these people practiced sacrifices, observed celibacy and performed spiritual service.

    It is necessary to respect this position of Mars (as well as any other exaltation of the planet) in the horoscope. We may also note opportunities related to real estate, machinery, mathematics, surgery, sports, warfare and other qualities of Mars.

    Jupiter in Capricorn

    For Jupiter this sign is the worst, here it is weakened. This person should beware of hypocrisy, illegal financial activities, immoral relationships and neglect of one’s responsibilities. This person's plans may remain unfulfilled or he will be involved in unproductive business. Excessive idealism and an inability to achieve one's goals may also appear. A person born with Jupiter in this sign should know that he has previously committed some unnatural acts that must now be atoned for (this is true if the weakness of Jupiter is not annulled). These people take their work seriously. You can expect some anxiety associated with children.

    Saturn in Taurus

    Here Saturn occupies a friendly sign and indicates a person of firm and reserved character who works productively. They can be neat and thrifty, even if they are in a difficult life situation. Classical texts mention that these people will have many marriage partners, will be restless, will be lonely or love solitude, and will be insatiable in food. These people usually occupy a subordinate position.

    III. Planets in houses

    *The accuracy of this section depends on the accuracy of the time of birth.

    Sun in the tenth house

    This is usually a healthy or powerfully built person, very efficient. Such people are engaged in humanitarian activities and as a result have a good reputation. They become politicians, like to have their opinions listened to, and have abilities in management activities. They have good parents, and they have good children. They can make good doctors, composers and government officials. They have strong feelings and are quite attracted to the opposite sex.

    Moon in the sixth house

    This position of the Moon indicates a gentle mind, opportunities favorable for helping other people. In their youth, these people have health problems. They may be troubled by problems associated with a pessimistic way of thinking, periods of exile or imprisonment, and stomach diseases. They have enemies and suffer humiliation or criticism. They are interested in spiritualism and are lazy in matters related to material things.

    Mercury in the ninth house

    This person will have good luck in his pursuits and will have high-ranking friends. He can practice Vaishnava religion (worship of Krishna). His name is in print and he gets money from advertising. These people can earn money by traveling or transporting goods by sea. They speak well and have a penchant for charity. The father of such a person may be widely known.

    Venus in the tenth house

    This is a person who has influence, was born into a good family, has a good house and car; he may be married to famous person. These people are compassionate and help those in need. They have abilities in the fields of art, games or sports, creativity, business related to health, beauty, and entertainment. They are educated, famous, and have contacts with high levels of society.

    Mars in the eighth house

    The 8th house is malefic and the presence of Mars here usually leads to problems in marriage, useless travel and involvement in dangerous or destructive work. This placement may be unfavorable for life expectancy, and there will be disputes leading to litigation. On the other, positive side, it should be noted that these people have strong feelings, inherit significant property and speak convincingly. They are cunning or engaged in dubious business.

    Jupiter in the eighth house

    This position usually indicates someone who is in a subordinate position. Their life will be long, and their death will be peaceful and calm. There is a stain on their reputation, their character may be pretentious or insincere. Their marriage may lack stability and they are prone to liver disease or undiagnosed illnesses.

    Saturn in the twelfth house

    This results in significant costs and relationship difficulties. These people work hard but easily lose their position. They are interested in spiritual philosophy but do not focus on their studies. At a later stage of their life they may become quite ascetic. There are periods in their lives when they are imprisoned, hospitalized or exiled. They usually have problems with teeth and vision. They love privacy, keep their sinful activities secret and work hard for some good cause.

    Rahu in the seventh house

    This position is not conducive to enjoying family life. The behavior of their marriage partners may be promiscuous or dishonest. The minds of such people are agitated. They are strong and independent in character and have some success in business related to communications. They are sincerely dedicated to their duties. They are difficult to get to know closely.

    IV. Yoga hosts

    *The accuracy of this section depends on the accuracy of the time of birth.

    Lord of the 1st house in the 9th

    Good fortune, wealth, good fortune, prosperity, help from father, receipt of father's property, high moral character, religious mentality, charity, universal respect or fame, health and strength, long life, strong dharma.

    Lord of the 2nd house in the 6th

    Wealth comes slowly, after long repeated efforts. Earning money through the medical profession or work in the service sector. Speech difficulties that can be overcome with effort; foul language, poor nutrition, complications with the right eye, limited imagination.

    Lord of the 3rd house in the 10th

    Hard work in a career, successful career of relatives, good earnings; a career in music, dance, drama or literary field. Traveling for a professional purpose, courage and adventurism.

    Lord of the 4th house in the 9th

    Happiness and help from the mother, the mother is religious, or she has good character, strong father, help from father, help from Guru, passion for religion and philosophy, high academic degree, happiness, luck, comfort, own lands or houses.

    Lord of the 5th house in the 10th

    Outstanding career, fame, career may be related to speculation or sports, outstanding children, happiness from children, doing good deeds, visiting holy places, help from outstanding people or government, career in government.

    Lord of the 6th house in the 8th

    Unhealthy, chronic diseases, bad occupations, strong enemies or envious people, bad employees, dishonest workers, losses due to subordinates, the middle of life is vague and confusing, no financial help from a marriage partner, no income from wills or insurance policies.

    Lord of the 7th house in the 8th

    Divorce, possible death of a marriage partner, misfortune from a spouse, income from insurance companies or wills, cuts happy life short-lived.

    Lord of the 8th house in the 12th

    Gives a strong spiritual nature. This is an excellent position for meditation, asceticism and spiritual life. Lots of expenses and debts short life, no income from a marriage partner, low sexual potency. Diseases of the anus, left ear and left eye. Difficulties in foreign countries.

    Lord of the 9th house in the 12th

    Luck turns bad; there is no happiness from the father, the father's life is difficult, or he will die early; no respect for religion or philosophy, no help from Guru, lack of faith, good sex life, traveling to “unexplored places” ( distant lands, such as Tibet or India), a good afterlife (that is, reaching heaven). Although this position is bad for religion, it is excellent for moksha.

    Lord of the 10th house in the 8th

    Problems in career, difficulty in defining dharma, lack of fame and honor, achievements go unnoticed, many falls and changes in career, doing bad deeds, career may be associated with occult or mystical subjects. Income from wills, insurance companies, or marital partner funds.

    Lord of the 11th house in the 8th

    Many financial losses, few favorable opportunities, desires are not fulfilled, there is no happiness from older relatives, older relatives die early or their life is difficult, few friends, bad friends, income from a marriage partner, good alimony, income from insurance companies or wills.

    Lord of the 12th house in the 10th

    Problems in one's career, achievements going unnoticed, many changes in one's career, uncertainty in one's own dharma, lack of honor or fame, committing bad deeds. It will be difficult to obtain a degree, there will be friction with the mother, problems with cars, unhappiness and other difficulties.

    V. Main periods and sub-periods

    Main period Saturn from 03/24/1973 to 12/04/1980

    Sub-period Moon from 03/24/1973 to 06/07/1974

    Subperiod Mars from 06/07/1974 to 07/16/1975

    Rahu sub-period from 07/16/1975 to 05/22/1978

    Sub-period Jupiter from 05/22/1978 to 12/04/1980

    Main period Mercury from 12/04/1980 to 12/04/1997

    Sub-period Mercury from 12/04/1980 to 05/01/1983

    Ketu sub-period from 05/01/1983 to 04/28/1984

    Sub-period Venus from 04/28/1984 to 02/28/1987

    Subperiod Sun from 02/28/1987 to 01/04/1988

    Sub-period Moon from 01/04/1988 to 06/04/1989

    Subperiod Mars from 06/04/1989 to 06/01/1990

    Rahu sub-period from 06/01/1990 to 12/19/1992

    Sub-period Jupiter from 12/19/1992 to 03/25/1995

    Sub-period Saturn from 03/25/1995 to 12/04/1997

    Main period of Ketu from 12/04/1997 to 12/04/2004

    Ketu sub-period from 12/04/1997 to 05/01/1998

    Subperiod Venus from 05/01/1998 to 07/01/1999

    Subperiod Sun from 07/01/1999 to 11/07/1999

    Sub-period Moon from 11/07/1999 to 06/07/2000

    Subperiod Mars from 06/07/2000 to 11/04/2000

    Rahu sub-period from 11/04/2000 to 11/22/2001

    Subperiod Jupiter from November 22, 2001 to October 28, 2002

    Sub-period Saturn from 10/28/2002 to 12/07/2003

    Sub-period Mercury from 12/07/2003 to 12/04/2004

    Main period Venus from 12/04/2004 to 12/04/2024

    Sub-period Venus from 12/04/2004 to 04/04/2008

    Subperiod Sun from 04/04/2008 to 04/04/2009

    Sub-period Moon from 04/04/2009 to 04/12/2010

    Subperiod Mars from 12/04/2010 to 02/04/2012

    Rahu sub-period from 02/04/2012 to 02/04/2015

    Subperiod Jupiter from 02/04/2015 to 10/04/2017

    Sub-period Saturn from 10/04/2017 to 12/04/2020

    Mercury subperiod from 12/04/2020 to 10/04/2023

    Ketu sub-period from 10/04/2023 to 12/04/2024

    Main period Sun from 12/04/2024 to 12/04/2030

    Subperiod Sun from 12/04/2024 to 03/22/2025

    Sub-period Moon from 03/22/2025 to 09/22/2025

    Subperiod Mars from 09/22/2025 to 01/28/2026

    Rahu sub-period from 01/28/2026 to 12/22/2026

    Subperiod Jupiter from 12/22/2026 to 10/10/2027

    Sub-period Saturn from 10.10.2027 to 22.09.2028

    Sub-period Mercury from 09/22/2028 to 07/28/2029

    Ketu sub-period from 07/28/2029 to 12/04/2029

    Venus subperiod from 12/04/2029 to 12/04/2030

    Main period Moon from 12/04/2030 to 12/04/2040

    Sub-period Moon from 12/04/2030 to 10/04/2031

    Subperiod Mars from 10/04/2031 to 05/04/2032

    Rahu sub-period from 05/04/2032 to 11/04/2033

    Subperiod Jupiter from 11/04/2033 to 03/04/2035

    Sub-period Saturn from 03/04/2035 to 10/04/2036

    Sub-period Mercury from 10/04/2036 to 03/04/2038

    Ketu sub-period from 03/04/2038 to 10/04/2038

    Subperiod Venus from 10/04/2038 to 06/04/2040

    Subperiod Sun from 06/04/2040 to 12/04/2040

    Main period Mars from 12/04/2040 to 12/04/2047

    Subperiod Mars from 12/04/2040 to 05/01/2041

    Rahu sub-period from 05/01/2041 to 05/19/2042

    Subperiod Jupiter from 05/19/2042 to 04/25/2043

    Sub-period Saturn from 04/25/2043 to 06/04/2044

    Sub-period Mercury from 06/04/2044 to 06/01/2045

    Ketu sub-period from 06/01/2045 to 10/28/2045

    Venus subperiod from 10/28/2045 to 12/28/2046

    Subperiod Sun from 12/28/2046 to 05/04/2047

    Sub-period Moon from 05/04/2047 to 12/04/2047

    The main period of Rahu is from 12/04/2047 to 12/04/2065

    Rahu sub-period from 12/04/2047 to 08/16/2050

    Subperiod Jupiter from 08/16/2050 to 01/10/2053

    Sub-period Saturn from 01/10/2053 to 11/16/2055

    Sub-period Mercury from 11/16/2055 to 06/04/2058

    Ketu sub-period from 06/04/2058 to 06/22/2059

    Subperiod Venus from 06/22/2059 to 06/22/2062

    Subperiod Sun from 06/22/2062 to 05/16/2063

    Sub-period Moon from 05/16/2063 to 11/16/2064

    Subperiod Mars from 11/16/2064 to 12/04/2065

    Main period Jupiter from 12/04/2065 to 07/10/2079

    Subperiod Jupiter from 12/04/2065 to 01/22/2068

    Sub-period Saturn from 01/22/2068 to 08/04/2070

    Sub-period Mercury from 08/04/2070 to 11/10/2072

    Ketu sub-period from 11/10/2072 to 10/16/2073

    Venus subperiod from 10/16/2073 to 06/16/2076

    Subperiod Sun from 06/16/2076 to 04/04/2077

    Subperiod Moon from 04/04/2077 to 04/08/2078

    Subperiod Mars from 08/04/2078 to 07/10/2079

    VI. General qualities of the main periods and subperiods


    The Saturn period is characterized by hard work for one's career. This period can bring honor and progress based on the individual's current and previous efforts. This is a time of great discipline and laying a strong foundation for your career. At this time, a person can create any real structure necessary for the future. The Saturn period can also give wealth, authority and power. There may be money from inheritances or real estate. If Saturn is afflicted, the period will bring restrictions, delays, poverty, heaviness, disease and damage. There may also be professional falls, loss of respect, and danger from rheumatism or paralysis.


    During the Mercury period there will be a great attraction to learning, writing, speaking and all intellectual pursuits. Deep concentration and deep psychological understanding will emerge. Mercury is the planet of trade and commerce, and therefore this is a good time to start a business. There may also be a connection with radio, television, accounting, publishing and other activities of Mercury. If Mercury is not aspected by the Sun or any other malefic planet, then as a benefic planet it brings happiness, prosperity and other beneficial effects. There will be excellent results regarding the acquisition of all types of knowledge. The period bestows successful relationships with Guru and spiritual teachers. Entering this period will mark the beginning of the study of new spiritual traditions or yoga techniques. There is also a high probability of returning to college or night school. If Mercury is afflicted, there will be mental problems, depression or instability. There may be nerves and exhaustion, since Mercury rules nervous system. Merchants will experience loss of business according to the degree of planetary affliction.


    Of all the planetary periods, the Ketu period is the most difficult to give accurate predictions. Ancient Indian scriptures predict all kinds of misfortune: poverty, sadness, humiliation, slander, poisoning, strange diseases, etc. Since Ketu is transcendental and carries an ascetic influence and detachment from earthly affairs, it is not conducive to marital affairs. If Ketu is influenced by positive planets, then good results can be expected. For the spiritual explorer, this period will provide the opportunity to experience deep spiritual, mystical or psychic experiences.


    The Venus period is favorable for enjoying luxury, comfort, romance and married life. If Venus is not afflicted, it will give great wealth, happiness and pleasant connections. Possible connection with artistic pursuits. This is a highly favorable period for actors, musicians, singers and dancers. The business can be related to jewelry, sweets, entertainment, beauty salons, etc. The main focus of the individual during the Venus period is on marriage and matters of the heart. If Venus is poorly placed, these matters will bring disappointment, sadness and grief. Happiness is upset and money matters also suffer. There may be diseases of the reproductive system and kidneys.


    The Sun Period will bring with it events related to popularity, professional advancement, position of authority, influence and power, recognition from elders or significant figures, and affairs related to government. The father can play a significant role in fate at this time; the father's life will improve if the Sun is well placed. If it is affected, the opposite effect will take place. At this time, spiritual practices and travel to tropical regions are possible. If the Sun is weak or afflicted, there may be problems with vision or heart.


    The Moon gives a very personal influence in the horoscope. The period is associated with personal physical existence, recognition from others and the fulfillment of most significant desires. It is also most closely connected with facets of life that are dear to the individual. You can expect affairs with women and mother, whose life will also improve or worsen - this depends on the position of the Moon. These years will undoubtedly be very emotional, romantic, sensitive and changeable. This is an excellent time to attract public attention and gain a good reputation if the Moon is well placed. In this case, it is also a good time for marriage and great happiness. If the Moon is afflicted there will be a very difficult period as mental peace and basic well-being are damaged. Possible exposure to slander, humiliation, accusations, falls and persecution. Physical illnesses may be related to the stomach, chest or brain.


    During the period of Mars, energy and activity will be manifested in all possible forms. Progress and success can be achieved. This is a good time for the birth of sons, acquiring property and interacting with siblings. There may be strong sexual passions. The period is favorable for mechanical or technical work, as well as for communication with military or police services. The ability to perform surgery may appear. If the planet is afflicted, there is danger of accidents, violence, cuts, fires, etc. There may also be arguments and recklessness, diseases of the blood, bone marrow or muscular system.


    The period of Rahu is mainly characterized as a time of strong desires related to the house where Rahu is located and generally inherent in the nature of the individual. It is an indicator of the depth and intensity of the experience being experienced. In general, Rahu usually causes great suffering during the first and last two or three years of its period. If there are aspects from benefics or Rahu is well placed, there can be great worldly success and material gains. A person can rise to a very high, authoritative position. If Mars, Saturn or the lord of the 12th house aspects Rahu, the period may give more difficulties than usual. During this period, one can expect financial losses, danger from snakes or poison, many diseases, restless thoughts, humiliation and failure. Since Rahu is not really a planet and therefore has no direct relation to mental abilities, then its period is characterized more like the time of application already developed abilities than acquiring new talents. The scriptures say that even when Rahu is well placed, the benefits acquired during that period are completely lost at the end of the period.


    Jupiter brings a period of prosperity, happiness and honor. Achievement of set goals and fulfillment of cherished desires is expected. Also mostly this is the time spiritual growth and higher education. This period is a good time to have children. If children are already big, then they become more purposeful; the eldest child may change during this period, and for the better or for the worse - it depends on the position of the planet. Since Jupiter is a benefic planet, it often gives various favorable opportunities and therefore marriage is successful during this period. Also, the standard of living may increase, and it will be possible to enjoy comfort and luxury. The acquisition of good cars is likely, as favorable opportunities contribute to the acquisition of property. IN spiritually The period is very successful for relationships with Guru or spiritual teachers. Travel to holy places is also expected. In any case, long trips will be successful. If Jupiter is afflicted, all kinds of misfortunes are possible as luck is upset and almost all ventures fail. There will be diseases related to allergies and liver.

    Success is a relative concept. And it would be wrong to measure it only in terms of royalties. In addition to passing, material criteria, there is also spectator recognition, which is precisely the primary source of everything else.

    Alexandra Marakulina It is difficult to call him successful in a commercial sense - there is no increased attention from the yellow press, no stellar fees, no glamorous hype in his life. He is not the face of a Swiss watch company, does not act as a hero of gossip columns, and does not attract full houses at solo concerts. Although, the latter is most likely due to the lack of solo concerts as such. It would seem - one of many, but everything is not so simple.

    When his story began is unknown. But is this really important to know? We will begin our countdown right away from Moscow - a city that gives a chance to everyone. A negligible chance.

    - The desire to be an artist appeared once in deep childhood. But it was not possible to clearly define a genre or role. I just knew that I couldn’t and didn’t want to live without a stage, without a theater. This is probably why I didn’t go to Moscow right away: I decided to first try myself in my native Samara. I entered the directing department because I wanted to get the most complete understanding of the profession - it’s easier for an artist to act if he can look at himself through the eyes of a director, see the mise-en-scène as a whole and independently determine his place in it. By the way, my first Moscow assault failed - I never entered a single theater school, although, it seems, I ran around them all. But my girlfriend was lucky - we came to enroll together. It was then that she announced additional enrollment for the course at GITIS. The second attempt was successful.

    Any young artist who came to conquer the capital from Samara can tell a lot of everyday horrors, recall a huge number of troubles and difficulties that had to be overcome with labor, sweat, and sometimes humiliated pride. Alexander can add to these stories the names of good teachers and the joy of first successes: a diploma from the festival in memory of Vysotsky "Era of Mercy", an award from the Moscow Debuts festival in the nomination for the best debut in musical theater, etc.

    First troupe, first creative family- cabaret theater "The Bat". An original, distinctive and successful project by Grigory Gurvich. Great leader and the understanding director Master valued each of his pupils, knew how to assess potential and help talent reveal itself. Gradually, without jerks or breakthroughs, he introduced Alexander Marakulin to significant roles in virtually all performances. More likely to guess than to see the future star of the troupe in the short, seemingly inconspicuous boy. “The Bat” was in many ways the first Moscow, and even Russian, group to take a step from musical theater to a Broadway show musical. In the medley performance "The Great Illusion" Alexander performed the famous aria of the Phantom of the Opera "Music of the Night", forever falling in love with both the character of the legendary musical Andrew Lloyd Webber and the genre of the musical.

    “I can’t say that I initially wanted to join the troupe.” bat"After graduating from the institute there were already some prospects in opera house, but they were too unclear, and there was a catastrophic lack of money. When my friend and colleague Pyotr Markin and I came to see Grisha Gurvich to “show up,” we didn’t have much hope. We sang something, danced something from our student repertoire and were even surprised when Grisha asked when we could start working. More precisely, he didn’t even say that - his first question after watching it was: “Do you guys really want to work, or have you just come to play the fool?” Although we came precisely to fool around, we wanted to work. I had one role then, which I still consider the most convincing and authentically played: the voice behind the stage. As the action progressed, the indistinct screams of a drunken man were heard from behind the scenes. Once. Actually, it was me. I remember I even went out to bow a couple of times after that (laughs).

    In Russia there is still no school of musical actors - performers who are equally fluent in their voice and the art of dramatic acting. Alexander is one of the few who fully compensated for the lack of a technical base with natural talents and thoughtful work on the role. Unfortunately, the death of Grigory Gurvich dashed the hopes and plans of the “flyers”. The troupe broke up, the theater ceased to exist.

    Alexander came to the casting for the musical “Notre Dame de Paris” on a general basis. He withstood all the exhausting tours, but, as he had not previously participated in the projects of the Metro-Entertainment company, he was considered as a “second cast”. And then everything was as it should be in a musical: exhausting rehearsals, the precarious and uncomfortable position of the “understudy”, exhausting work and a completely unexpected decision to transfer to the first cast literally on the eve of the premiere.

    - I don’t want to call the role of Frollo my own best role, simply because it already “was”. Yes, I worked a lot on this image, thought about it, reflected on it. Of course this is very important stage my life - I liked everything: the music, the production, and the character. In general, the material is of paramount importance to me. I can’t say for sure what is more important: the plot or the music - there must be overall harmony. That is why I cannot say that I am definitely a singing artist or, on the contrary, only a singer. There are pop songs that in themselves are worth an entire performance, and there are dramatic roles that do not need musical addition. In any case, I am pleased that my work, my vision of the character found a response and understanding among the audience.

    Incredible portrayal, memorable voice timbre with a rare “dramatic baritone” coloring, audience applause and nomination for the Golden Mask Award for Best Actor. At the same time, the first television broadcasts, attempts to develop a solo career, and selection of repertoire appeared. According to the logic of things and the laws of the genre, an interesting offer should have followed from an interested producer.

    - I would be interested in doing solo career. I have a completely positive attitude towards pop creativity, although the current trends in our show business are simply terrifying. Nevertheless, there are performers who manage to do decent things even in this turbidity. For example, Valery Meladze - I like the style in which he works, and his demeanor also impresses me. I have several demos of what I personally find interesting. Unfortunately, my proposals do not always satisfy producers, and I am not always satisfied with what they offer me. But I’m not going to leave the profession - I simply won’t be able to do anything else. Even if I suddenly became a millionaire, I would still return to the stage sooner or later. I now have an interesting role in the musical “Romeo and Juliet”. It’s not very big, but it’s all the more interesting to work with - there’s simply no way to “merge” a replica in the hope of leveling up later.

    All over the world, the premiere cast of any successful foreign musical is automatically distributed among production companies. This is nothing more than logical for “the whole world,” but it is completely unnecessary for Russia. Alexander came to the musical "Romeo and Juliet" under the same modest logo as his colleagues - "star of Notre Dame de Paris." No name, no solo career and really no role. Production company Metro-Entertainment in once again surprised Moscow by staging a musical in which there was no place for the already played, sung, star troupe of Notre Dame de Paris. There was a casting again, again I had to prove my right to sing a single aria, again the broadcasts were under the guise of “stars of the musical Romeo and Juliet.” And again applause, flowers, hopes for something more. Another bright, reliable character has appeared, a well-thought-out image, another memorable role. And new spectators who, leaving the theater, exchange impressions and try on a new, unusual surname - Marakulin. Alexander Marakulin.

    Photos from the official website of Alexander Marakulin

    The editors of our magazine join today in all congratulations to Alexander on his birthday and wish him success and recognition from the audience!

    The personal life of famous artists always arouses genuine interest among fans. Alexander Marakulin was no exception.

    Personal life of a musical star

    Marakulin always dreamed of making a career in opera, however, life took a different turn, and Alexander became famous playing in famous musicals. For fans of this genre, the surname Marakulin has become a kind of sign of quality.

    Marakulin speaks quite openly about his creative life, but carefully hides his personal life. Recently the press received information that Marakulin got married. But the authenticity of this event is not confirmed by anything. Neither Marakulin nor his entourage commented on this news.

    In one of his few interviews, Marakulin stated that the main components of happiness for him are work, family and friends. We can safely say that Marakulin is the most enigmatic and mysterious man in Russian show business.

    Famous men getting married

    In 2013, it became known that Ivan Dorn got married. One of the most popular singers tied the knot with a former classmate. The ceremony site was carefully guarded and not a single journalist was allowed to enter.

    Famous TV presenter and artist Alexander Gordon married for the fourth time. This time, the chosen one of the 50-year-old was a 20-year-old VGIK student. The lovers registered their marriage in secret from everyone, and only then tripled the wedding for those closest to them.

    Soon after the scandalous divorce, oligarch Vladimir Potanin married for the second time. His wife was a 39-year-old subordinate named Ekaterina. The billionaire arranged for Cote d'Azur, and spent his honeymoon there.

    The heir to the famous acting dynasty, Nikita Efremov, got married in the summer of 2014. The wedding ceremony took place in Georgia, in the circle of the newlyweds' closest friends and relatives.

    The famous Russian womanizer Marat Basharov married Ekaterina Arkharova. For Marat, this is the first marriage performed according to Russian laws. With his first wife, the actor had a wedding only according to Muslim traditions.

    Nagiyev's love story

    Russian showman and actor Dmitry Nagiyev is incredibly popular among Russian women, thanks to his image of a brutal man. Nagiyev does not like to talk about his personal life. Perhaps the reason for this mystery was the actor’s first scandalous marriage to Alice Cher.

    After divorce ex-wife published a book where she laid out all the details of their family life. Nagiyev was shocked by this act and after that completely blocked journalists’ access to his personal life. But information about the artist’s novels constantly appeared in the press. He was credited with a relationship with Natalya Kovalenko and claimed that Nagiyev had an affair with her while still married.

    For a long time it was believed that Nagiyev was in a relationship with actress Irina Temicheva. However, neither Irina nor Nagiyev confirmed this information. Lately they claim that Nagiyev secretly married his long-time passion, but no one knows the woman’s name yet. Nagiyev himself stated that his personal life does not concern anyone.

    The TV presenter said goodbye to his bachelor life

    In 2013, information appeared online that Andrei Bednyakov and Anastasia Korotkaya got married. But the photographs posted on the Internet turned out to be staged and were taken during the filming of the popular travel show “Heads and Tails.”

    But at the end of the summer, Bednyakov still married his “combat girlfriend” A. Korotkaya. Poor people with their future wife They had been living together for six years, but due to their busy work schedule they could not get married.

    Bednyakov proposed to his beloved a year and a half before the wedding, but the guys were able to get married only after leaving the project. Bednyakov and Anastasia celebrated their wedding at a picturesque base near Kiev. The bride was in an elegant white dress, and Bednyakov did not part with his favorite “butterfly”.

    Let's hope that Bednyakov and his wonderful wife do not follow the example of the previous show hosts, who divorced several years ago. By the way, Bednyakov is a year younger than his chosen one.

    The popular actor got married

    A favorite of women, Boris Korchevnikov has been playing in children's plays since childhood. It was thanks to this, as Boris Korchevnikov himself claims, that his childhood was very happy. Boris Korchevnikov was also interested in journalism and hosted several youth programs.

    Boris Korchevnikov became known to the general public thanks to the series “Kadetstvo”. Filming took place in difficult, tense conditions - Boris Korchevnikov lived for some time in the real barracks of the Suvorov military school.

    And if the actor’s professional life was in plain sight, then Boris Korchevnikov tried to hide the personal side of his life in every possible way. And recently it turned out that Boris Korchevnikov secretly tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Cecile Sverdlova. The guys were often seen together, although they tried not to particularly advertise their relationship. Boris Korchevnikov and his wife confirmed the fact of their marriage, but refused to disclose details.

    Union of two psychics

    In the next season of the “Battle of Psychics,” television viewers watched not only the struggle of magicians, but also the development of a romance between the two participants. Fans of the show remember that the winner of the project, Alexander Sheps, at the end of the project presented his chosen one, Marilyn, with a box, which the girl refused to open in front of the cameras.

    It is believed that there was a ring in it. Whether this is so is not known for certain, but Sheps and Marilyn continued their relationship after the project. Sheps even wanted to give the main prize to his chosen one, but the girl flatly refused.

    Despite the fact that Sheps is a little younger than the girl, this does not interfere with the relationship. Quite often information appears that Sheps and Marilyn got married, but there is no confirmation of this anywhere. As far as we know, Sheps previously experienced betrayal quite often in his personal life, but he doesn’t talk much about it, saying that it’s all in the past, and now he’s incredibly happy.

    Alexander Sheps introduced Marilyn to his parents, which indicates the seriousness of his intentions. Why the guys still haven’t gotten married is not known; perhaps Sheps and Marilyn, thanks to their extraordinary abilities, know what makes them postpone the wedding.

    Mysterious designer

    Designer Artemy Lebedev was born in quite famous family- mother Tatyana Tolstaya is a popular writer. In addition, Artemy Lebedev can boast family ties with Alexei Tolstoy and General Lebedev. Since childhood, Artemy Lebedev loved to draw logos, creating them from the first letters of his friends’ names.

    Artemy Lebedev did not like school, he did not study well, he never received a higher education, since he was expelled in his second year. Since 1992, Artemy Lebedev became seriously involved in design and already in 1998 he founded his own web design studio. Despite the stunning success and fame, Artemy Lebedev declares that he is only at the beginning of his journey.

    But Artemy Lebedev prefers to keep information about his personal life secret from journalists. What is known for certain is that Artemy Lebedev was married to the famous journalist Marina Litvinovich, who bore him a son and at the moment the designer is single.

    Personal life of Boris Galkin

    Boris Sergeevich Galkin, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, was born in 1947 in St. Petersburg, but in early childhood moved to Riga. Even in early childhood, Galkin learned what work was and was careful with the money he earned. At the age of eighteen, Boris Sergeevich Galkin left for Moscow and entered the Shchukin School. Galkin has achieved stunning success in the acting field and devotes a lot of time to directing work.

    Boris Sergeevich Galkin lived in marriage with Elena Demidova for 28 years, adopted two of her children, whom he truly loved. After the death of his adopted son, family relations did not work out and Galkin divorced.

    Soon after the divorce, Boris Sergeevich Galkin met his future wife, singer Ina Razumikhina. And in 2013, Galkin and Inna got married.

    Personal life of the oligarch

    Mikhail Kiperman is known as one of the richest people peace. Kiperman for a long time was married to Vera Brezhneva, from this marriage they had a daughter. For the sake of a relationship with the singer, Mikhail Kiperman divorced his first wife, with whom he already had two daughters. Mikhail Kiperman turned out to be quite jealous and even contributed to marriage contract a clause prohibiting the wife from being naked in front of the camera.

    But literally three years later, Mikhail Kiperman is getting divorced again. Neither Vera nor Mikhail Kiperman commented on the reason for the divorce.

    After the divorce, Mikhail Kiperman was not a bachelor for long. In 2014, the businessman’s third wedding took place. This time, Mikhail Kiperman chose the young model Alena Gayvanenko, who gave birth to the oligarch’s fourth child.

    Personal life of a skater

    Roman Sergeevich Kostomarov is known not only for his brilliant career in professional ice, but also a busy personal life. For the first time, Roman Kostomarov united his life with Yulia Lautova. Their marriage did not last long, and as Roman Sergeevich Kostomarov himself says, the reason for the divorce was his employment.

    The next time, Roman Kostomarov again chose the figure skater Oksana Domina. Their couple was one of the most beautiful in Russian show business. Roman Sergeevich Kostomarov invited the athlete to live together, but did not propose for a long time, and in the end the girl left him, despite the fact that the couple already had a child. During the breakup, Roman Sergeevich Kostomarov did not stop communicating with his daughter.

    For some time, Roman Kostomarov was alone, but then information began to appear that Oksana had returned to her beloved. And now, after seven years, Roman Kostomarov finally proposed to his chosen one and the couple finally got married.