How to develop determination in yourself. Determination: how to develop this ability

Determination is a personal trait that is characterized by a conscious, consistent, long-term, stable focus on a conditioned result, called a goal. Purposefulness in psychology is a person’s ability to formulate a task with certain characteristics, plan activities, perform actions according to the needs of the goal, overcoming resistance, internal and external. A purposeful person is someone who has developed a sense of purpose; accordingly, he is able to consciously plan activities and consistently carry them out until the goal is achieved.

What is determination?

Determination is a positive, individually and socially rewarded quality. It is listed in vacancies, wished for birthday people, and considered a valuable compliment. Despite the fact that this characteristic can be acquired, there are a fairly small number of people who can readily define themselves as a purposeful person and even fewer can back up the statement with real behavior.

Purposefulness is an integrative concept in psychology. Its main areas psychological essence are the will, but this also applies to character. We are not talking about limitations, but about ways to develop this quality and the scale of its influence on the individual. There are no objective restrictions in the development of determination; there are no “innately unmotivated” people, just as there are no those who received this quality like a genetic lottery.

A person’s sense of purpose is not an innate trait, therefore the lack of examples in generations does not matter, and there is no age, gender or cultural limiter in its development. This is an acquired trait that is developed through consistent actions. Denial of this trait in oneself is a betrayal of one’s essence, since there are no objective arguments in favor of the impossibility of developing this quality in reasonable person No. Everyone has experience of purposefulness and the naturalness of its manifestation. When a child learns to speak by forming a new word and then persistently repeating it, he is an example of determination. Speech formation is a very complex process that requires costs. large resources, for skill correct speech it requires a lot of effort, it is not so automatic that it develops on its own, as evidenced by physically healthy children with problematic speech, due to lack of training.

Personal determination is a skill that absolutely anyone can possess, and by refusing the right to develop it, he deprives himself of the source of realizing his dreams. Even with great innate talent, its realization requires going through a stage of persistent effort.

The definition of determination is associated with perseverance, perseverance, motivation, clarity of perception, and willpower.

Purpose and determination

Purposefulness is a quality that is prescribed based on the results of its implementation, and not allowed. You cannot be potentially, conditionally, passively purposeful. Only by achieving the set goals can an individual attribute to himself this characteristic. Similarly, if a person achieved a certain goal, was purposeful for a certain period, then stopped necessary actions By choosing passive behavior, determination will weaken and after a while will not be a trait that can be claimed. Without external manifestation, determination does not function.

Purposefulness is one of the key concepts in psychology concerning the emotional-volitional sphere. Examples of determination are also stories of realizing one’s nature. Determination is a psychological tool that is universal because it can be applied to any trait, dream, goal or desire. By developing determination, a person gains everything more strength and the ability to influence ever larger and deeper layers of your life.

Purpose and determination are inseparable. If the goal is unattractive and does not inspire even at the stage of dreams, then it will be possible to ignite from it and direct strength only through a strong willpower, and then not for long. If the goal is extremely necessary, but does not have a response in the soul, you should consciously bring an emotional background into it. After all, if you need it so much, it means that there is something behind it that you dream about. Those. you can include it in the structure of a larger, attractive goal by making it a sub-item. The pleasure of achieving a large-scale goal is always slightly delayed; keeping this in mind, you can feel the meaning of the word “anticipation.”

IN English One of the spellings of the word purposefulness is the phrase “sense of purpose,” literally “the meaning of purpose.” And this is where you should start for yourself - why and for what purpose to spend resources to achieve the goal. For example, you may be too lazy to do minimal exercise or go to gym just “for health”, but imagining your athletic body on the beach, in beautiful clothes at a celebration or running a marathon will spur you on. Accordingly, the first step is to imagine the final goal, at least approximately. Over time, it may change and fade into the background, but now it should have an incentive meaning.

How to overcome laziness and develop determination?

Often called an obstacle to developing a sense of purpose. This is a conditional enemy within us, which we would like to overcome and become collected and purposeful.

Laziness can arise for a number of reasons, which can relate both to physical illness and internal contradictions with the goal. To understand yourself, you need to analyze the goal, its scale, scope, resource costs, including time.

Viktor Frankl, the creator of the psychotherapeutic direction "", said that for better motivation the goal should be a little more than achievable, being a little “beyond the horizon”, always a little unattainable dream. Then there will be a good stable level of motivation and prevention of “disappointment in achievement.” The man who went through the horrors of a concentration camp, driven by his goals, knew what he was talking about.

And develop a sense of purpose? Sometimes laziness masks not living up to your own expectations, when it seems that the goal bar is too high, but you honestly don’t want to admit it to yourself. To do this, the global goal should be divided into subgoals and the one that does not cause such stress should be taken as a guideline. Let the global remain a dream that allows for some unattainability at the moment. As you progress, the plan will be revised, and the steps and achievements already taken will strengthen confidence in the possibility of realizing your dream. Or it will become a sub-goal to a larger one.

Lack of motivation is often cited as a barrier, or rather, its decline during implementation or even at the planning stage. Motivation is part of the emotional sphere, the “fuel” of will. If you postpone implementation for a long time, engaging in long-term planning, emotional energy is spent, but there is no reinforcement with the result, motivation decreases. At the implementation stage, motivation decreases due to increased stress from the workload.

To level out this decline, you need to remind yourself of the results, as well as plan intermediate stages with a specific, desired result, so that the pleasure from what you receive reinforces your motivation. Best option, this is when such an exchange occurs constantly, for this to achieve the goal, certain steps should be taken daily. Therefore, at the initial stage of the formation of this quality, it is worth starting with the formation of some kind of habit, when actions should be daily and every day there is positive reinforcement in the form of a “tick” for the action performed and the pleasure of self-overcoming. Moreover, it is more effective to create a new, useful one, rather than fight the old one, i.e. do not deprive yourself of anything that can increase stress, but add something necessary. Gradually, you need to complicate your tasks, since performing an overly easy task for a long time reduces pleasure, since it is no longer assessed as an achievement. A certain satisfaction will remain in the background, but to constantly maintain a tangible level, you need to step to the next level.

How to become a purposeful person?

Purpose and determination are concepts of the emotional-volitional sphere. It is no coincidence that emotions and will are considered together. In a sense, we can rephrase that a goal is an object of emotion. Imagining it, thinking about achievement and results, a person feeds himself with delayed emotions of pleasure and joy.

Purposefulness is the result of volitional efforts, coordinated and consistent behavior. Volitional effort is behavior in which a person acts under self-pressure, and emotions help him withstand this pressure, keeping in mind the result.

And to become a purposeful person, you need to integrate these concepts. Choose a goal that is desirable, inspires and performs consistent volitional actions. At the initial stages, the goal must be chosen, in which there is practically no doubt about achieving it and the actions necessary for implementation are perceived as insignificant. But the pleasure from implementation should be quite subjectively significant. The goal should be environmentally friendly, positive, and when planning, take into account personal resources as much as possible, and not be focused on others, i.e. as autonomous as possible for the individual.

Having completed this step, the goal bar will be raised, and the required actions will accordingly become more difficult. The factor of obtaining perceived satisfaction from completed actions with a low level of development of the trait of purposefulness has great value, subsequently it will be more automatic, remaining an active link in interaction. Completing the previous task will give you confidence in your strength to complete the next one, the skill will be strengthened in your own eyes, as well as in the eyes of others, the image of a purposeful person will be formed. A person may think that achievements are for others or at some stages become discouraged.

Examples of determination in other people can inspire your own activity. Studying biographies and success stories, admiring the perseverance and dedication of heroes, increases confidence in people's capabilities. And looking at them, we think about how to develop determination in ourselves.

How to develop determination?

Like any trait, determination is the habit of acting in accordance with the intended goal; it is a neural connection in the brain like a “beaten path”. With each subsequent “pass”, performing the required action, this happens with increasing ease, less and less conscious volitional effort is required. A person with good development of this skill no longer thinks about whether he can stick to the planned plan, since past experience reinforces confidence in his abilities.

From the outside, one gets the impression that as soon as he wants, he easily achieves results, determination is in his blood, but in reality this is the result of a well-practiced skill, just as it is not difficult for an athlete to run several kilometers, but for an untrained one, one kilometer seems insurmountable. Also, the pleasure received by a person trained in purposefulness from the process is better and of higher quality, and his emotional-volitional integration works smoothly and as independently as possible from external circumstances, independently regulating and compensating the level of stress from volitional efforts.

When wondering how to develop sense of purpose, it is important to remember that human psychology is systemic and by following rules that seem unrelated to will, you can indirectly influence the development of sense of purpose.

Analyze what situations and words disturb everyday peace. The more hectic and distracted a person is, the fewer resources there will be for the right areas. We must remember that the emphasis is not on who is distracting, but why we ourselves are distracted. It is highly advisable to engage in any physical exercise, even if sports and appearance are not areas of interest. This helps to indirectly train will, patience, consistency on a daily basis, and also reduces excessive emotional lability. This will strengthen self-confidence, since it will constantly remind you of your ability to overcome reluctance and laziness. Exercise can be considered the very first step in developing a sense of purpose for any person.

Consider the reasons why necessary steps are delayed and remind yourself that this is your desire. Perhaps the goal is not so interesting, does not have a response. But if this is not the case, then the obstacles are solvable. Here it is important not to get hung up on the brain-chewing gum of soul-searching, but to develop in yourself conditioned reflex. If there is no doubt about the need for an action, do it first, and then think about why you didn’t want to, if it makes sense.

The best incentive for action should be pleasure from the process of achieving the goal. At the initial stages, you can formulate an abstract prize for perseverance, but upon receiving it, associate it with the action performed, forming a connection between the necessary action and pleasure. Positive reinforcement in habit formation works more effectively than negative reinforcement when there is punishment for non-compliance. A maximum of positive associations must be associated with the necessary activity; negative ones arise from unusual efforts, and an additional increase in them by stress from punishment can completely deprive one of motivation for the goal.

If your goals seem large-scale and your strengths seem small, you should start with small goals or subgoals. Let endurance be the goal, determination as the goal. This may seem like a petty and stupid task, but when you achieve the most global goal a sequence of small but systematic steps is required. There is also a “plateau” phenomenon, when some time the efforts do not bring results or the results are small. Most often, during this period, emotional inspiration is already reduced or depleted, and only the habit of daily work does not allow you to stop. What is also important here is the desire for the goal, reminding yourself why it all started, what pleasures it promises and what joy it brings. The larger the goal, the more complex the process in structure, but the principle is the same as when forming any everyday habit, which also requires determination.

How to develop determination in yourself? after all, one of the main traits that allows a person to achieve success in any field is determination. And it’s no wonder, because a purposeful person always clearly focuses on his goals, so he easily achieves them.

But not every person has this valuable ability. Some people have it from birth, while others must carefully develop and cultivate it in themselves. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, the main thing is to follow a few rules so that a positive result does not take long to arrive.

IN childhood when a child actively learns the world around us he firmly believes in his omnipotence in achieving his goals. But caring adults, wanting to protect their child from all sorts of dangers, do their best to warn children against committing rash acts. These good intentions play a very negative role, dulling the innate sense of purpose in children.

To revive this skill in yourself, you need to to some extent return to childhood, remember what it is like to dream without prohibitions and restrictions, learn to believe in the successful outcome of any business, because faith is a powerful stimulant.

First of all, it is necessary to the smallest details, diligently and scrupulously draw the desired goal in your head, pave the most direct path to it, clearing it of all kinds of psychological debris and obstacles. To choose the right goal, it is necessary to highlight the highest priority among all desires and aspirations, otherwise consciousness will be scattered into unnecessary and insignificant details, which, in turn, will greatly complicate progress towards the desired result.

Having decided on the desired goal, you need to constantly keep it in the field of view of your consciousness, because regularly thinking about the same thing, the brain finds a number of different options for solving the problem.

We should not forget about the individuality of the goal, which does not tolerate even the slightest competition, because as it says folk wisdom- If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

You should focus your attention only on the positive result; minor failures should not even be noticed, because the course is laid out for the success of the planned enterprise. Doubts that periodically arise in your head need to be turned into reflections on new positive options for the development of events.

Training to develop determination should begin by achieving small milestones, gradually expanding and modernizing the plan of action, directing them to obtain more and more significant results.

In no case should you lose self-control when unforeseen situations arise, because there are no unsolvable problems, you just need to slightly change the plan of action.

On the way to achieving a goal, there will always be “well-wishers” who will argue that nothing planned will work out. Such people should be avoided, and if this is not possible, then communication with them should be minimized. It is better to build your social circle from like-minded people, whose positive results will be an excellent incentive on the path to success.

When achieving even small positive results, you should encourage and encourage yourself in every possible way, because just recently, now achieved success seemed unattainable.

By cultivating such a wonderful trait as determination, you can not only increase your self-esteem, but also achieve unprecedented heights in any activity by completely changing your everyday life.

Not every person understands what determination is. Many people live ordinary lives, work, study, and go through the same thing every day. They don’t understand that you can set a goal, go towards it and achieve much more in life than you currently have. In the article we will look at what determination is, examples and much more. Plus, read the advice and recommendations of psychologists.

Definition of Determination

Each person has his own individual character. To become successful, strong and achieve what you want, it is necessary to inculcate such a quality as determination from childhood. If a child has such a trait in his character, then he will become prosperous, successful person in the future.

Psychologists know well what determination is. This is something that guarantees success and achieving what you want. Experts say that determination is not inherent at birth, but appears with life experience.

People must awaken many hidden resources within themselves. This means hard work, energy, a positive attitude, but most importantly, the desire to achieve results. After all, if a person strives very hard for something, it is easier for him to achieve his dream.

Is it possible to become a purposeful person?

All people, without exception, can develop these qualities in themselves. At the same time, motivation is important, with the help of which a person solves assigned tasks and strives for better life. If people really want to achieve something, they do not sit in one place, but take action. As it turns out, according to statistics, most people reach their goals thanks to motivation.

An important quality to achieve a positive result is persistence. Many people do not know how to insist on their own, which prevents them from fulfilling a certain mission.

Thanks to perseverance, all obstacles along the way are overcome. Psychologists say that you should never retreat. If you set a goal, then move only forward.

Now you know what determination is. Next, let's look at examples and ways to develop this quality.

How to develop determination

If a person wants to achieve what he wants, he must strive for it and develop everything in himself. necessary qualities. To do this you need:

  1. Believe in yourself. You must know that nothing is impossible, you just need to believe that you will achieve your dream.
  2. Don't relax until you achieve what you want. Otherwise, you will lose the drive that is so necessary in achieving your goal.
  3. Set yourself a specific task. Even if you don't know how to implement it, think through your options all the time. Only then will you find a way out.
  4. Concentrate. Then you will definitely be able to fulfill your dream.
  5. Think about your desire constantly. Remember
  6. Become responsible person. This is a very important component to achieve your goal. After all, responsibility, determination and perseverance are what a successful person needs.
  7. Motivate yourself as often as possible.

People who adhere to the above basic rules can become truly successful and happy.

What destroys determination

A person who lives aimlessly and has no motivation will not be able to build a happy future. Very often people are lazy, and therefore they have no desire to achieve greater heights than they currently have.

Sometimes people are frightened by obstacles, and they “give up” and refuse to fight for a better life. Remember: victory can only come from a person who knows how to fight.

Self-doubt destroys a person’s sense of purpose. Therefore, before you set a goal, you need to learn to believe in your strengths and in the success that will certainly crown your efforts.

How does determination manifest itself?

This is an excellent character trait that helps a person achieve a bright future. Purposefulness is manifested in those people who boldly and confidently move forward in their profession. career ladder. They are not afraid to set high standards for themselves and overcome difficulties with courage and confidence.

In sports, too, only those who have a clear goal will achieve success. The athlete trains hard and daily, because he understands that only this path will lead him to success.

You can become a good journalist only when you constantly work on yourself and your mistakes. To do this you need a good knowledge of the language, the ability to express your thoughts and find common language with strangers.

A purposeful person is immediately visible. He will never lie idle on the couch or mindlessly watch TV. After all, a life lived aimlessly scares many people. It is impossible to get back lost time.

Remember that determination, perseverance and responsibility are not all the qualities a person should have.


This is also a lot important quality that a person should have. Only thanks can you achieve your goal. Very often a person gets tired of achieving something, then it’s time to show willpower, without which it is impossible to achieve what you want.

Such people are able to overcome any difficulties that arise along the way. Willpower helps people reach new heights. Therefore, develop this quality. To do this, psychologists advise doing what you don’t want: for a child to learn homework and clean the room, for an adult to learn an English lesson instead of watching “House-2”.

Determination: examples

From childhood, every person should strive for a better life. Let's give an example of determination: many schoolchildren set themselves the goal of studying well, since knowledge plays an important role in the future. If a graduate has a certificate with excellent grades, he has a greater chance of getting good education and get a prestigious job in the future. With poor academic performance and lack of knowledge, it is more difficult to get settled in life.

Li Ka-shing is the richest man in East Asia. However, this was not always the case. When the Chinese man was 15 years old, his father died. Therefore, he had to leave school to support his family. But Li Ka-Shing had a goal to become a famous and rich man. He strived for this, studied in his free time, and now he is a successful businessman in the banking industry.

People strive to move up the career ladder. But not every person is capable of this. After all, first you need to set a goal and boldly go towards it.


In the article we looked at what determination is and how it develops. As a result, we can say that only a weak-willed, irresponsible person will not be able to achieve new, more high level both in professional growth and in personal life.

Determination is a quality in character that is not given to us from birth. It needs to be developed from childhood. At first, parents help the child, and when the child grows up, he himself achieves his goals.

Don't be afraid of anything and remember that only willpower, responsibility and perseverance will help you improve your life and reach a higher level than now. Learn not to deviate from what you planned and go to the end.

Many people have a goal in life, they set it and strive to achieve it; such people have great determination.

Other people also have determination, set a goal for themselves, go towards it, but one day they stop striving to achieve the goal, give up and don’t want to do anything; such people have determination, but it is poorly developed.

What can be done to ensure that determination is at its best and a person constantly achieves it?

Several ways to become a purposeful person

Method 1. Learn new things constantly

A person learns throughout his life, from birth to old age, he constantly learns something new.

For example, you decide to learn foreign language, you constantly learn, study, begin to use it in life, and when you realize that you have succeeded in learning a foreign language, you feel elation, fortitude, good mood, you get a boost of energy.

No matter what age you are, train yourself to learn something new every day.

All people are different, some like to play sports, others like to cook, others like to knit and embroider, and so on.

Each person has his own hobby that helps him in life, by pursuing his passion or hobby, a person constantly learns something new, strives to learn more, this helps him develop determination and be at the height of determination.

No matter what you do or enjoy in life, you must be a positive person, look at all moments of life positively, even if everything is so bad, try to find the good and don’t dwell on the bad.

A positive attitude at work and in life gives you strength and self-confidence.

Set a goal for yourself, strive for it and be able to see only the positive in your path and see a positive result.

It is very important to always feel a positive result.

If you suddenly fail to get a positive result, then don’t be upset, a negative result is also a result, you will analyze it and definitely achieve your goal with positive emotions and a positive result.

Method 3. Appreciate the time spent doing what you love

If you are faced with a choice of where to go to study, on the one hand, you want to get a lot, but you don’t like your specialty, and on the other hand, you like another specialty, but it pays little.

If you make a choice and choose a major you don't like, then you are not a driven person and you will not be able to develop a sense of purpose.

You will not be interested in studying and subsequently working, because this is not your favorite specialty and not what you wanted to do.

At first you will calmly study and go to work, but after a while it will begin to weigh on you.

If you want to be a purposeful person and want to develop determination in yourself, then go to study and work only where you will be comfortable, interesting, educational, such study and work will captivate you.

Method 4: Always feel proud of your work

It doesn’t matter what favorite job you choose, work efficiently, well, try to do it as efficiently as possible.

People who love their work, try to do it well, are purposeful people, they work to get results and when they get it, they feel proud of their work.

Even if you have done a very small task, you should still be proud of the work you have done.

Method 5. Focus on work and don't get distracted from it

For example, you have set a goal for yourself, you want to start your own business, you have drawn up a plan according to which you need to move to achieve your goal, but you lack determination and you constantly begin to be distracted from your intended goal.

You are distracted by texting with friends, drinking coffee, reading interesting news on the Internet and so on.

If you have set a goal for yourself and want it to come true, forget about distractions, turn off your phones, music, turn off the Internet and do only the work that you have planned for yourself.

Be a purposeful person, go towards your goal without being distracted by trifles, this is the only way you can achieve your goal in life.

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Learn to set a goal that you like, inspires, strive to achieve this goal without being distracted by various little things, be a purposeful person, only then will you achieve your goal. We wish you good luck.

It doesn’t matter how fast you go towards your goal, the main thing is not to stop. (Confucius)

Purposefulness – precisely formulated, clearly defined realized by man the ability to take the necessary actions to implement planned plans. This trait presupposes the application of certain volitional efforts that mobilize internal resources personalities that allow you to overcome obstacles that arise on the way to your goal and not give up when encountering difficulties.

Purposefulness arises as a result of a kind of victory over oneself: overcoming laziness, triumph over fears, triumph of efficiency over fatigue. This quality is one of necessary conditions for the formation of a persistent character, because in order to develop determination, one often has to painfully experience a struggle of motives, select reasonable arguments, weigh the pros and cons, and experience a genuine conflict between various desires, needs, and intentions.

A person who has chosen a specific goal and established ways to achieve it, like a ship sailing with a fair wind. He confidently and effectively moves towards his goal, and does not drift in the ocean of chance. The course of his movement is determined by himself, and not by the circumstances and desires of other people. A purposeful person is ready to consciously sacrifice and give up many temptations and pleasures. A clearly stated goal is the best way to achieve the desired result. A correctly chosen intention opens up new horizons for a person, does not hamper movement and does not limit resources. Completing a given task is the best reward, moving a person one step higher in his or her personal development. Achieving a goal is a significant factor in gaining and strengthening self-confidence. This is the main incentive that gives objective reasons to feel like a successful person.

Overcoming one’s own indecision and lack of composure, efforts and actions that lead to a significant result, bring a person a feeling of success and self-worth, allow one to respect oneself and increase self-esteem. The individual gains confidence that he is able to control the situation. Determination – main secret success, allowing you to achieve high results in any activity.

Why is determination needed?

This is a property of the volitional sphere:

  • sets the right course to achieve the goal;
  • provides special energy to overcome obstacles;
  • allows you to achieve success in any activity;
  • "prompts" the best ways resolving difficulties;
  • frees from indecision, hesitation, doubt;
  • brings the joy of awareness of actions;
  • gives a feeling of personal freedom and independence;
  • helps develop respect and love for one’s personality;
  • elevates a person in the eyes of others.

How does determination manifest itself?

This human quality is a necessary and important component for successfully performing actions in everyday life.

  • Professional activities. A purposeful person moves up the career ladder quickly and more comfortably. He is not afraid to set high standards in business, confidently overcomes difficulties and solves problems. He is able to independently control and manage his behavior, independent of external pressure from society. Determination helps a person gain clear confidence in success.
  • Sports career. A purposeful athlete demonstrates the highest results. He is ready to train hard and for a long time. Knows how to limit himself from temptations. He has no fear of participating in competitions, he does not experience panic anxiety when meeting an opponent. He controls his emotions by force of will.
  • Education. A person with a clearly defined goal firmly masters knowledge in the shortest possible time. Determination allows you to develop your abilities to the maximum. A clearly defined height bar contributes to better understanding and memorization of material, helps to navigate and concentrate on educational process. This quality is the most useful tool for improving learning efficiency.
  • Scientific activity. The author of the saying that laziness is the engine of progress was not entirely accurate. It is not this sign of weakness of will, but precisely the important quality of a person’s will - determination that allowed outstanding scientists to achieve significant heights in scientific activity. Purposefulness in all centuries has been driving force, allowing to overcome internal resistance and external obstacles, often requiring heroism and self-sacrifice from the individual.

How to develop determination?

The components of the volitional sphere are flexible and plastic material that can be developed through meaningful and consistent actions of the individual. Anyone can forge and cultivate a sense of purpose. Techniques for developing this strong-willed quality can be very diverse, but their effectiveness depends on compliance with the following rules.

  • Rule 1. A global and difficult intention must be developed into several smaller and closer goals and achieved one by one step by step. If you have a long-term perspective, it is very important to understand the stages of achieving a goal and, having outlined the immediate prospects, take actions to resolve particular problems. The result of consistent work will be the created conditions for achieving the final goal.
  • Rule 2. When formulating a goal, choosing methods to achieve it and accepting it final decision, it is necessary to take into account the feasibility of intentions and analyze their feasibility. Any decision must be thoroughly thought out.
  • Rule 3. Any decision made requires immediate implementation. Every time a person has made a decision, but postpones its execution again and again, his volitional sphere is disorganized.
  • Rule 4. Remember, the more significant a person’s goal and the higher the level of motivation, the more difficult obstacles he is able to overcome.
  • Rule 5. It is important that in the everyday routine of problems and troubles, the individual does not lose sight of the final, desired goal of the activity and does not waste strength, energy, and time on solving unimportant, optional tasks.

To develop determination, you need to:

  • overcome yours and find peace of mind;
  • wean yourself from “inventing” self-justifications for your laziness;
  • ban doubts and indecision;
  • learn to live with your head, and not be guided by spontaneous feelings;
  • try various options problem solving;
  • develop energy and activity;
  • develop clear self-organization and maintain strict discipline;
  • accept momentary mood swings as natural reactions of the emotional sphere and do not focus on disappointments, irritation, resentment, fears;
  • do not be afraid to look for other ways to achieve the goal and understand that the previously made decision may be wrong.

Good helpers that bring a person closer to achieving determination will be: faith in one’s strengths, respect and love for one’s personality, the fight against indecision and cowardice. As Washington Irving said: “Great minds have goals, others have desires.”