The genres of the journalistic style are reportage and travel writing. Genres of journalistic style of speech

Subject: Genres journalistic style speech. Problem essay.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge


Be able to determine the genre of a journalistic text, the expressive means of language characteristic of journalism;

Understand the features of the problem essay genre, be able to analyze the text of the journalistic style of this genre, and define it characteristic features and linguistic means, create your own text in the genre of a problem essay, correctly determine the type of speech (reasoning), preserve its composition, appropriately using expressive means characteristic of journalism.

Equipment: Handout, computer presentation.

During the classes.

    Checking homework ex. 392.

    Vocabulary work.

Words are written down in a notebook and their lexical meaning is explained.

Controversy, discussion, disputation, dialogue, argument, opponent, proponent.

Proponent- one who puts forward and defends a certain thesis.

Opponent- this is the one who disputes the thesis.

Discussion(from Latin discussion - consideration, research) is a type of dispute in which a problem is considered, investigated, discussed in order to achieve a mutually acceptable solution.

3. Repetition and deepening of previously studied material


Name the characteristic features of the journalistic style.

What does the journalistic style have in common with the artistic style?

What genres of journalistic style do you know? (Note, hundredtya, report.)

2. Underline the names of the genres of journalism.

Elegy, ballad, novel, essay, tragedy, sonnet, story, feuilleton, epigram, short story, story, poem, interview, ode, fable, comedy, essay, article, satire.

3.Indicate in the list of topics only those problems that are the subject of discussion in journalistic literature.

Construction of complex sentences; problems associated with man-made disasters; President elections; solution linear equations; combination of chemical elements; work of the city administration; rating of contemporary music performers; use of scuba gear for underwater repair work; literary analysis of the text.

4. New material

1.Cteacher's word. Students make a short summary.

Journalism, which is called the chronicle of modernity, since it fully reflects current history, is addressed to topical problems of society - political, social, everyday, philosophical, and is close to fiction. Just like fiction, journalism is thematically inexhaustible, its genre range is enormous. The genres of journalistic style include speeches of lawyers, speakers, appearances in the press (article, note, report, feuilleton); as well as travel sketch, portrait sketch, essay.

Let's take a closer look at some genres. First of all, we are interested in those that we constantly encounter and that we need in our work.

- School essays are often written in this genre. So whatis an essay?

(Based on textbook materials, pp. 248-249.) Features of a problem essay (p. 262). “A short literary work, a brief description of life events (usually socially significant)chimykh). Documentary, publicistic, everyday essay.” (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language). “A journalistic, including documentary, essay sets out and analyzes various facts and phenomena of social life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation by their author.” (Encyclopedic dictionary).

What texts have you read recently that fit the essay genre?

What features of the essay could you highlight?

The essay concerns a variety of issues of public life: political, economic, scientific, social, everyday. This genre is characterized by documentation, authenticity, formulation of the problem and options for its resolution. The essay includes facts of reality, artistic images, and thoughts of the author, who not only describes and outlines the phenomenon, but also gives his assessment of it. Artistic images, which are necessarily present in the essay, bring it closer to the artistic style of speech. With their help, the author makes generalizations and goes beyond the limits of momentary documentation. Thus, the essay is usually destined to be more long life than, for example, a report (an operational report about any facts of reality).

Depending on the subject of the description, the essay can be portrait, biographical, travel, chronicle, or problematic. Sometimes these types of essays can be combined.

Problem essay and other types of journalistic genres

Among other journalistic genres special place belongs problematic essay. It may include elements of a portrait or travel essay, but the main distinguishing feature of a problem essay is the formulation of socially significant problems. Such an essay is usually polemical in nature: the author expresses his opinions, arguing with an imaginary opponent, proving his own point of view.

What type of speech does the problem essay correspond to?

Reasoning. It usually consists of a thesis (statement of the problem), proof or refutation of the thesis (giving arguments using examples) and conclusion. In this sense, the problem essay is close to the scientific style of speech. Its difference is in the figurative, emotional impact on the reader, in the subjective position of the author.

What topics would you suggest for an issue essay?

They can relate to world problems, and problems within the class, and even the problems of one person - it is important to show their significance, your attitude to what you are writing about.

5 .Text content analysis and review.

On your tables you see a text by Viktor Sergeevich Rozov. He is a famous Russian playwright, participant in the Great Patriotic War. In acute conflict plays, mainly about youth of the second half of the 20th century (“In Search of Joy”, “Traditional Gathering”, “Forever Living”, on which one of the best films about the Patriotic War “The Cranes Are Flying”, etc.) was made, he raises questions of morality , civil responsibility, recalls the traditions of the Russian intelligentsia. Check out his thoughts on what happiness is.

(Students read the text first to themselves, then out loud)

Original text


(1) People want to be happy - this is their natural need.

(2) But where does the very core of happiness lie? (3) Let me note right away that I am only thinking, and not expressing the truths that I myself am only striving for. (4) Does she hide in a comfortable apartment, good food, smart clothes? (5) Yes and no. (6) No - for the reason that, having all these shortcomings, a person can suffer from various spiritual adversities. (7) Does it lie in health? (8) Of course, yes, but at the same time no.

(9) Gorky wisely and slyly noted that life will always be bad enough for the desire for the best not to fade away in humanity. (10) And Chekhov wrote: “If you want to be an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe and delve into it yourself” (11) Pay attention to the beginning of the phrase: “If you want to be an optimist...” (12) ) And also – “get into it yourself.”

(13) In the hospital I lay in a cast on my back for almost six months, but when the unbearable pain passed, I was cheerful.

(14) The sisters asked: “Rozov, why are you so cheerful?” (15) And I answered: “What? It’s my leg that hurts, but I’m healthy.” (16) My spirit was healthy.

(17) Happiness lies precisely in the harmony of the individual; they used to say: “The Kingdom of God is within us.” (18) The harmonious structure of this “kingdom” largely depends on the individual himself, although, I repeat, the external conditions of a person’s existence play an important role in its formation. ((19) But not the most important one. (20) With all the calls to fight the shortcomings of our life, which have accumulated in abundance, I still first of all highlight the fight with ourselves. (21) You cannot expect someone to come from the outside and will do it for you good life. (22) You must fight for the “honest fellow” in yourself, otherwise there will be trouble.

(V. Rozov)

Determine the text style, text type and speech genre.

(Speech style – journalistic, type of speech – reasoning-reflection, genre – problem article)

Prove it. (students prove)

Determine the topic of the text(theme of the text is happiness).

Main problems:

1) the problem of happiness (what is human happiness? What is the relationship between the internal and external attributes of happiness?);

2) the problem of harmony (who or what can make a person happy?)

(Happiness consists not only and not so much in material attributes; to be happy, you must constantly work on yourself.)

Formulate your opinion about the problem posed by the author of this text, give arguments in defense of your position

6. Summing up the lesson

What genres of journalistic style do you know? What is an essay? What is special about a problem essay? What type of speech is used to construct a problem essay? What is the place of the author's position in the essay?


Exercise 434. Write a problem essay on one of the suggested topics. When working, use materials from read works of fiction, articles and magazines.

One of the most common genres of journalism is the essay.

Essay - 1. A short literary work, a brief description of life events (usually socially significant). Documentary, journalistic, everyday. 2. A general presentation of a question. O. Russian history. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.)

Essay - 1) In fiction, one of the types of stories is highly descriptive and deals primarily with social problems. 2) A journalistic essay, including a documentary one, presents and analyzes various facts and phenomena of social life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation of them by the author. (Encyclopedic Dictionary.)

There are short essays published in newspapers, large ones published in magazines, and entire books of essays. Thus, at one time the magazine published M. Gorky’s essays “In America.” An entire book consists of essays by V. Ovechkin about the Russian village of the 50s - “District Everyday Life”. Famous books of essays by V. Korolenko, L. Leonov, D. Granin, V. Lakshin, V. Rasputin.

So, based on dictionary definitions, we can conclude that characteristic feature essay is documentation, reliability of facts, events, which we're talking about. It names the real names and surnames of the persons depicted, real and not fictitious places of events, describes the real situation, and indicates the time of action. In the essay, like work of art, visual means are used, an element of artistic typification is introduced.

An essay, like other genres of journalism, always raises some important problem.

Distinguish travel essay, which tells about travel impressions: sketches of nature, people’s life, portrait sketch- reveals a person’s personality, his character, and problem essay, in which some socially significant problem is raised, ways of solving it are proposed and analyzed. Often, an essay combines all its varieties: in a travel essay, there are portrait sketches or a problem that worries the author.

1. Travel sketch.

Very popular travel essay, travel sketches. Trips, expeditions, meetings with interesting people provide rich material for a reliable and at the same time artistic description of the region, for telling stories about interesting people, their everyday life, for thinking about life.

A travel essay, a travel diary, travel notes by experts and nature lovers help us better understand the natural environment around us - its sounds, colors, forms, its mysterious language, and penetrate into the deep essence of natural phenomena.

2. Portrait sketch.

The hero of a portrait sketch is a specific person who has certain advantages and disadvantages. In a portrait essay, the author gives not only a portrait in the narrow sense of the word, but also a description of the environment in which the hero of the essay lives and works, talks about his work, interests, hobbies, and his relationships with others. All this together helps to reveal inner world hero of the essay.

An external portrait is not only a description of the face, hands, eye color, hair, hairstyle, clothing, but also gait, gestures, manners, voice characteristics, and laughter. It is very important to talk about the expression of the eyes, gaze, smile. It is not at all necessary to describe all facial features. It is enough to capture and convey the brightest, most memorable, most characteristic of a given person.

An “inner” portrait is a person’s character, his inner world: interests, habits, way of thinking, attitude to business, to people, to himself, his usual moods, behavior in different situations, his beliefs and views, feelings and experiences.

Between the external portrait of a person and his “internal” portrait, i.e. character, there is always a connection, but you need to be able to notice and express it. A person’s character can be expressed in a smile, voice, laughter, in movements, habitual gestures, in characteristic words and turns of speech. To notice and understand this connection, you need to see a person in different situations, meet him more than once, watch him from the outside. And the author of the essay is constantly looking for such linguistic means: words, speech patterns, epithets, comparisons, metaphors that would allow him to most fully, laconicly and at the same time vividly convey the real features of the person depicted and express his attitude towards him.

For completeness and greater authenticity of the portrait, the essay uses biographical data of the person depicted, describes the environment in which the hero operates, the most characteristic and most significant (from the point of view of the main idea, the main plan) episodes from his life.

How to start an essay? Each author solves this question differently in each specific case. In the introduction, the author usually talks about something very important for understanding the personality of the hero of the essay. It should interest and intrigue the reader in order to make him want to read this essay to the end.

3. Problem essay.

At the center of the problematic essay is social significant issues: political, economic, moral and ethical, etc. The author of the essay tries to intervene in the solution of important problems, enters into polemics with his opponents.

In this genre of journalistic style of speech, portrait sketches can be used, but the main thing here is not the character of this or that person, but his attitude to these issues, different points of view, different views. In such an essay you can also find travel notes and sketches. But they also serve as confirmation of the author’s position in the dispute, an expression of a certain view, and one of the means of proof. An essay of this type is polemical in nature. The problem essay is constructed according to the type of reasoning.

The means of journalistic style (social and moral-ethical vocabulary, rhetorical questions and appeals, appealing intonations, civic pathos, etc.) are used both in fiction and in poetry - classical and modern.

19. Reporting as a genre of journalism

The concept of “reporting” arose in the first half of the 19th century. and comes from Latin word“reportare”, meaning “to convey”, “to report”. Initially, the reporting genre was represented by publications that informed the reader about the progress of court hearings, parliamentary debates, various meetings, etc. Later, this kind of “reporting” began to be called “reports.” And “reports” began to be called publications of a slightly different type, namely those that in their content and form are similar to modern Russian essays. Thus, outstanding Western reporters John Reed, Egon Erwin Kisch, Ernest Hemingway, Julius Fucik and others were, in our understanding, essayists rather than reporters. And now, when a European journalist says something about a report, he means what we call a feature story. It is Western essays, from the point of view of their “name,” that are the genetic predecessors and closest “relatives” of the current Russian reportage. This, of course, must be taken into account in the case of using the theoretical reflections of Western researchers in the domestic theory of reporting.

Reporting is one of the most favorite genres of domestic journalists. The history of Russian journalism remembers dozens of names of outstanding reporters and, above all, the name of V.A. Gilyarovsky (“Uncle Gilay”, “king of reporters”), who became famous in late XIX– early 20th century with his talented stories about the gloomy slums of the Moscow Khitrov market, about the terrible event on Khodynskoye Field, about the life of working people at industrial enterprises in Moscow, etc. Many reporters became famous writers, but their fame grew primarily from reporting. And this is largely due to the capabilities that this type of material has.

The originality of publications related to the reportage genre arises, first of all, as a result of the “expanded” application of the observation method and recording its progress and results in the text. The task of any reporter is, first of all, to give the audience the opportunity to see the event being described through the eyes of an eyewitness (reporter), i.e. create a “presence effect”. And this becomes most possible only if the journalist talks about substantive situations, events (and best of all, rapidly developing ones). (In this regard, in the above example, the author describes everything that he saw in the dentist’s office - the girl in the chair, the shiny instruments, the diamond drill, the snow-white coats, etc. All this allows the reader to experience it himself office.)

For a reporter, it is important not only to clearly describe an event, but also to describe it in such a way as to evoke the reader’s empathy for what is being discussed in the text. This can be done in different ways. Most often this goal is achieved in two ways. The first is a statement of the dynamics of the event. In the event that the displayed event develops quickly, the author can only show this development. However, there are events, situations, the development of which is sluggish, uncertain, and rather static. In this case, the author can be helped by “bringing to the surface” the event of its internal dynamics or by presenting the dynamics of the author’s experiences caused by his acquaintance with the event. (In our example of a report from a dentist’s office, it could, if necessary, be strengthened by a more vivid and detailed description of the author’s experiences associated with dental treatment.)

Reporting is similar to some other genres (especially artistic and journalistic) in the use of a method of visually depicting reality. However, in a report, visual representation has a purely informative function, the function of reporting a very specific event, incident, etc. And let’s say, in an essay, a visual display primarily serves the purpose of generalization and typification. Visual details in analytical genres are used to “decorate”, “revive” the author’s serious, and therefore difficult to perceive for a certain part of the audience, thoughts.

20. Essay as a genre of journalism

The concept of “essay” as a title for journalistic publications certain type has unknown origin. Although there is an opinion that A.M. was involved in its appearance. Gorky, who in one of his letters to a colleague in the literary craft indicated that the initial verb in defining a text that has a known literary form as an “essay” is “to outline.”

The accuracy of this opinion is difficult to determine. However, the fact that the publications that A.M. Gorky called them “essays”, did not appear at the moment when he had the idea to call them by this “name”, there is no doubt.

Among the founders of the Russian essay, researchers of Russian journalism name the names of V.G. Korolenko (“In the Hungry Year”), A.P. Chekhov (“Sakhalin Island”), G.I. Uspensky (“Ruin”), N.V. Uspensky (“Without Language”) and others. A considerable number of outstanding masters of this genre glorified Soviet journalism, for example A.M. Gorky, M.E. Koltsov, B.N. Polevoy, K.M. Simonov, A.A. Beck, A.A. Agranovsky, V.V. Ovechkin, G.N. Bocharov and many others.

The essay is considered the “king” of artistic and journalistic genres, but from the point of view of preparing it, it is one of the most labor-intensive. And this is true, since a journalist will be able to write a good essay only if he is confident in the various methods of depicting reality that exist in his craft. When preparing an essay, it is not enough, for example, to be able to find a suitable subject for speech, successfully collect material, and analyze it. It is also necessary to rethink the information accordingly and translate it into a form that will be recognized as truly sketchy.

The essence of the essay is largely predetermined by the fact that it combines reportage (visual-figurative) and research (analytical) principles. Moreover, the “expandedness” of the reportage principle is perceived as the predominance of the artistic method, while the author’s emphasis on analyzing the subject of the image and identifying its interrelations acts as the dominance of the research, theoretical method. Accordingly, in the course of their application, either a predominantly artistic or predominantly theoretical concept of the displayed object is created. And already within the framework of this or that concept, empirical facts are collected or “processed”. It is the lack of clarity of this circumstance for a long time served as the starting point for heated debates about whether to classify a newspaper (magazine) essay as a work of fiction or as a documentary-journalistic one.

A modern essay is most often characterized by documentary richness, often to the detriment of artistry. This is obviously due to the fact that the source material, i.e. the actual events reported by the essayist are often so dramatic, their plots are so unpredictable, the revealed secrets are so tempting and sensational that in themselves they are able to attract the attention of the reader and be perceived by him at the level of information drawn from the most interesting works of fiction. In this case, the need for intensive artistic processing of the original information often becomes unnecessary. Let's consider the main features of the most common type of essay publication today.

Portrait sketch. The subject of this essay is personality. The essence of this type of publication is to give the audience a certain idea about the hero of the speech. When solving this problem, a journalist, as a rule, first of all strives to reveal the most important thing - to show what values ​​​​this hero serves, what he sees as the meaning of his existence. Because this is exclusively important point in the life of every person. Knowledge of the “meanings of life” served by the heroes of publications is necessary for the readership in order to compare their goals with the goals of other people, which to a certain extent helps them navigate this world and, possibly, adjust their actions, image life, etc. However, a simple message from the author that some Dmitry Mikhailovich professes such and such values, ideals, would hardly be of real interest to the audience. It is much more interesting and often more important and necessary for her to know - how he defends these values, what difficulties he overcomes while fighting for them? The description of this struggle, actions, deeds is precisely what is called showing or revealing the character of the hero. In a successful portrait sketch, the character of the hero is given, as a rule, in a non-trivial situation. Therefore, it is very important for the author to discover such a “site” on life path a hero who contains some extraordinary difficulties has a dramatic character. It is here that one can discover specific manifestations of the hero’s character, his talent, perseverance, hard work and other qualities that are significant from the point of view of achieving the goal. In the same case, when such a “section” in the hero’s life path cannot be found, it is more difficult for the author to count on creating interesting material.

Problem essay. The subject of display in essays of this type is a certain problematic situation. It is the progress of its development that the essayist follows in his publication. In its logical structure, a problem essay may be similar to such a representative of analytical genres as an article. The reason for this similarity is primarily the dominance of the research principle in the process of displaying the problem situation. As in the article, in a problem essay the author finds out the reasons for the occurrence of a particular problem, tries to determine its further development, and identify solutions. This, naturally, predetermines many features of the performance, regardless of what genre we try to classify it into.

At the same time, a problematic essay can always be fairly easily distinguished from a problematic article. The most important difference is that in a problem essay the development of a problem situation is never presented, so to speak, “in its bare form,” i.e. in the form of statistical patterns or generalized judgments, conclusions, etc., which is characteristic of the article as a genre. The problem in the essay appears as an obstacle that very specific people with their advantages and disadvantages are trying to overcome. On the surface of a particular activity that the essayist examines, the problem very often manifests itself through a conflict (or conflicts), through clashes of people’s interests. By examining these conflicts and their development, he can get to the core of the problem. At the same time, observing the development of a conflict in an essay is usually accompanied by all sorts of experiences both on the part of the heroes of the essay and on the part of the author himself. Trying to comprehend the essence of what is happening, a journalist often attracts all sorts of associations, parallels, and deviations from the topic. In an essay, this is a common thing, while in a problem article they are inappropriate. It is impossible to write a problem essay without understanding the field of activity that it touches on. Only a deep penetration into the essence of the matter can lead the author to an accurate understanding of the problem that underlies the situation under study, and describe it accordingly in his essay.

Travel essay. The travel essay, like some other journalistic genres (for example, note, report, correspondence, review), belongs to the earliest forms of texts that marked the formation of journalism. Obviously, this is explained by the fact that a form of depicting reality similar to a travel sketch was almost the first in fiction. And therefore it was well mastered, which helped it quickly gain a foothold on the pages of periodicals as soon as it arose.

Authors who glorified travel writing as a genre Russian literature and journalism in the 19th century, became A.S. Pushkin (“Travel to Arzrum”), N.I. Novikov (“Excerpt from a trip to I***T***”), A.N. Radishchev (“Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”), A.P. Chekhov (“Sakhalin Island”), I.A. Goncharov (“Frigate “Pallada”).

Of all the essay forms, the travel essay makes the greatest claim to the adventurous nature of the plot (the original meaning of the word “adventure” is “adventure”). Such adventurism is determined by the very nature of the preparation of this type of publication. Since a travelogue is a description of certain events, incidents, meetings with different people, which the author encounters during his creative journey (trip, business trip, etc.), then the plot of the essay reflects the sequence of these events, incidents, meetings, which are the content of the journalist’s journey (adventures). Of course, a good travel essay cannot be a simple listing or presentation of everything that the author saw during his trip. And the publication for which the essay is being prepared is unlikely to be able to afford to publish everything the journalist saw. One way or another, the essayist has to select the most interesting, the most important. What is considered the most interesting and important depends on the idea that he develops during the journey. Of course, the idea can arise long before the creative trip. The source material for it can be both the journalist’s past personal observations and newly obtained information from the same newspapers, magazines, radio and television. But it is possible that the journalist will receive a specific assignment from his editor, or that the idea will arise under the influence of some other factors (say, as a result of the journalist’s participation in some political action). As in the process of preparing any serious and voluminous material (and travel essays are just like that), during the preparation of the essay, already at the stage of collecting information, this plan can be adjusted or even radically changed - it all depends on the nature of the information that comes at the disposal of the journalist. Travel essays can serve a variety of purposes. Thus, the main thing for a journalist may be to show how different cities, the areas through which he passes, one problem is being solved (for example, how the state takes care of people with disabilities). He can set himself a different goal, for example, to study how the population of different cities spends their free time from work, what hobby they prefer. He can talk about how cultural monuments are preserved along the route he follows. Or he can meet with those living in populated areas, through which it passes, participants of the Great Patriotic War, having the title of Hero of the Soviet Union or being full holders of the Order of Glory. There are an infinite number of such goals. As a result of their implementation, travel essays of very different content may appear. In any case, the journalist must be able to use the advantages that a travel essay provides him. And first of all, the very fact of one’s movement “in time and space” in order to give the essay a dynamic form, to allow the reader to feel all the tension and “charms” of the journey and thereby make him an “accomplice” of his business trip, his search.

Presentation on the topic: Genres of journalistic style. Travel essay

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Presentation on the topic: Genres of journalistic style. Travel essay

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Just like fiction, journalism is thematically inexhaustible, its genre range is enormous. The genres of journalistic style include speeches of lawyers, speakers, appearances in the press (article, note, report, feuilleton); as well as travel sketch, portrait sketch, essay. Today we will dwell in detail on the features of the essay genre and its varieties. Journalism, which is called the chronicle of modernity, since it fully reflects current history, is addressed to topical problems of society: political, social, everyday, philosophical, etc., and is close to fiction.

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The word "essay" came into Russian from French and historically goes back to the Latin word exagium (weighing). The French ézai can literally be translated by the words experience, trial, attempt, sketch, essay. This is a prose work of small volume and free composition, expressing individual impressions and considerations on a specific occasion or issue and obviously not claiming to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.

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The main purpose of an essay is to convey information or explain something. The essay accomplishes this task through the author's direct statement, which means that neither characters nor plot are created in the essay. Usually the essay involves new, Subjective opinion about any situation and can be of a philosophical, journalistic, critical, popular science, etc. nature.

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The presence of a specific topic or question. A work devoted to the analysis of a wide range of problems, by definition, cannot be written in the essay genre. Some characteristics of an essay An essay expresses individual impressions and thoughts on a specific issue and does not pretend to be a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject. As a rule, an essay involves a new, subjectively colored word about something; such a work can be philosophical, historical-biographical, journalistic, literary-critical, popular science or purely fictional in nature. The content of the essay evaluates, first of all, the personality of the author - his worldview, thoughts and feelings.

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An essay topic should serve its purpose of provoking thought. This may be a controversial thesis or a well-known saying. Therefore, the formulation of the essay topic usually contains a question and a problem, for example: “Are mercy and compassion necessary in modern world? or “Kindness... What is it?” Essay topic

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In an essay, an object or phenomenon serves as a pretext for the writer’s thoughts. Or the writer goes in circles around a particular topic, as if “weaving lace” or a “web” of a narrative. This quality can be observed by analyzing the names. Often the preposition “O” appears in them, since the title only approximately reflects the content of the work, or is the initial point for the author’s reasoning, or is not directly related to the topic of the essay. It is no coincidence that the conjunctions “AS” and “OR” are present. (“On Conscience”, “On the Nature of Words”, “How to Read a Book”). The essay can be devoted to philosophical and historical problems, critical and literary issues, autobiographical facts and much more.

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An essay can be embodied in various literary forms: a moral sermon, an article, a diary, a story, a confession, a speech, and many others. Using their capabilities and crossing genre boundaries, the essay retains its genre independence. ("Confession young man", "Sketch of knowledge of a prose writer", "An unsent letter from an actress").

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1. Title page (used mainly in student essays). 2. Introduction of the essay. The essence and rationale for the chosen topic. At this stage, it is necessary to formulate a question that will be answered during the writing of the essay. In addition, it is important to determine the relevance of the topic and the terms necessary to disclose it 3. The main part of the essay. Statement of the answer to the main question. This part contains an analysis of available data and argumentation of the author’s point of view. Depending on the question, analysis can be carried out on the basis of various philosophical categories, for example: cause - effect, form - content, part - whole, etc. Each paragraph of your essay should contain only one complete thought. 4. Conclusion of the essay. Summarizing the conclusions already made, summing up the general results. In addition, you can once again repeat the main points of the essay, make an illustrative quote, or end the essay with sublime notes. Essay structure

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The structure of the essay is determined by the requirements for it: The essay author's thoughts on the issue are presented in the form of brief abstracts (T). The idea must be supported by evidence, so the thesis is followed by arguments (A). Arguments are facts, phenomena of social life, events, life situations and life experiences, scientific evidence, references to the opinions of scientists, etc. It is better to give two arguments in favor of each thesis: one argument seems unconvincing, three arguments can “overload” a presentation made in a genre focused on brevity and imagery. Essay structure Thus, the essay acquires a ring structure (the number of theses and arguments depends on the topic, the chosen plan, the logic of the development of thought): introduction, thesis, arguments, conclusion.

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The introduction and conclusion should focus attention on the problem (in the introduction it is posed, in the conclusion the author’s opinion is summarized). It is necessary to highlight paragraphs, red lines, and establish a logical connection between paragraphs: this is how the integrity of the work is achieved. Presentation style: the essay is characterized by emotionality, expressiveness, and artistry. Experts believe that the desired effect is ensured by short, simple, varied intonation sentences, and the skillful use of the “most modern” punctuation mark - the dash. However, style reflects personality characteristics, it is also useful to remember this. When writing an essay, it is also important to consider the following points: Classification of essays From the point of view of content, essays can be: philosophical, literary-critical, historical, artistic, artistic-journalistic, spiritual-religious, etc.

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1.Small volume. Of course, there are no hard boundaries. The volume of the essay is from three to seven pages of computer text. 2. A specific topic and a distinctly subjective interpretation of it. The topic of the essay is always specific. An essay cannot contain many topics or ideas (thoughts). It reflects only one option, one thought. And develops it. This is the answer to one question. Features of an essay

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3. Free composition - important feature essay. Researchers note that the essay, by its nature, is structured in such a way that it does not tolerate any formal framework. It is often constructed contrary to the laws of logic, is subject to arbitrary associations, and is guided by the principle “Everything is the other way around.” 4. Ease of storytelling. It is important for the essay writer to establish a trusting style of communication with the reader; in order to be understood, he avoids deliberately complicated, unclear, and overly strict constructions. The researchers note that good essay can only be written by someone who is fluent in the topic, sees it from various angles and is ready to present to the reader not an exhaustive, but a multidimensional view of the phenomenon that became the starting point of his thoughts.

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5. Tendency to paradoxes. The essay is designed to surprise the reader (listener) - this, according to many researchers, is its mandatory quality. The starting point for reflections embodied in an essay is often an aphoristic, vivid statement or a paradoxical definition, literally confronting at first glance indisputable, but mutually exclusive statements, characteristics, and theses. 6. Internal semantic unity. Perhaps this is one of the paradoxes of the genre. Free in composition, focused on subjectivity, the essay at the same time has an internal semantic unity, i.e. consistency of key theses and statements, inner harmony arguments and associations, the consistency of those judgments in which the author’s personal position is expressed.

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7. Focus on colloquial speech. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid using slang, cliched phrases, abbreviation of words, and an overly frivolous tone in the essay. The language used in writing essays should be taken seriously. So, when writing an essay, it is important to determine (understand) its topic, determine the desired volume and goals of each paragraph. Start with a main idea or catchy phrase. The task is to immediately capture the attention of the reader (listener). Comparative allegory is often used here, when an unexpected fact or event is associated with the main theme of the essay.

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1. A mandatory formal requirement for this work is the title. The rest: content, way of presenting thoughts, statement of the problem, formulation of conclusions, etc. - written at the discretion of the author. 2. The main requirement of a substantive nature is to express the author’s view on the problem under consideration. Options are possible here: a comparison of already known points of view and the opinion of the writer, or only the expression of the author’s subjective thoughts on the issue under consideration. General recommendations:

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3. As a means of artistic expression when writing an essay, the use of various metaphors, associations, comparisons, aphorisms, drawing parallels and analogies, etc. is encouraged. Liveliness and dynamism are usually added to the text of an essay by questions, unexpected transitions, and unpredictable conclusions. 4. When writing an essay, you should avoid phrases such as “In this essay I will talk about...”, “This essay addresses the problem...”, etc. It is much better to replace them with questions, a statement of a problem, or an appeal to the reader, because the main goal of the essay is to interest the reader, convey to him the author’s point of view, make him think about what he read, and draw his own conclusions on the issues under study. The main thing when writing an essay is to express YOUR point of view.

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Dictionary. Essay – 1. a small literary work, a brief description of life events (usually socially significant).2. A general statement of a question. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Essay – 1. in fiction, one of the types of short stories, characterized by great descriptiveness, and mainly touches on social problems. 2. a journalistic, including documentary, essay presents and analyzes various facts and phenomena of social life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation of them by the author.

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There are short essays published in newspapers, large ones published in magazines, and entire books of essays. Thus, at one time the magazine published M. Gorky’s essays “In America.” An entire book consists of essays by V. Ovechkin about the Russian village of the 50s - “District Everyday Life”. There are books of essays by V. Korolenko, L. Leonov, D. Granin, V. Lakshin, V. Rasputin.

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Travel essays and travel sketches are very popular. Trips, expeditions, meetings with interesting people provide rich material for a reliable and at the same time artistic description of the region, for telling stories about interesting people, their way of life, for thinking about life. A characteristic feature of the essay is documentation, reliability of the facts and events discussed. It names the real names and surnames of the persons depicted, real and not fictitious places of events, describes the real situation, indicates the time of action, the essay, as in a work of art, uses expressive means, and introduces an element of artistic typification. An essay, like other genres of journalism, always raises some important problem. There is a distinction between a travel essay, which tells about impressions on the road: sketches of nature and people’s everyday life are given. A portrait essay reveals a person’s personality, his character, and a problematic essay, in which some socially significant problem is raised, ways of solving it are proposed and analyzed. Often, an essay combines all its varieties: in a travel essay, there are portrait sketches or a problem that worries the author.

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(Description of the hero’s appearance; a story about his business, profession, creativity; individual biographical facts; a description of the characteristics of the hero’s character in his speech; an episode (or several episodes that reveal the main thing in the hero.) What did you learn from the essay about the Russian writer, master of oral storytelling Irakli Andronikov? How do you imagine this person? What do you think are the main parts of an essay?

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As the beginning of an essay, a description of the hero’s appearance, a description of the scene, or a description of the environment can be used. The beginning can also be narrative if the author decided to start the essay with some episode that clearly characterizes the personality of the hero. Everything depends not only on the writing style, but also on the problems that the author solves in his essay. How to start a portrait sketch? An essay is a genre form in which the engine plot development, the main organizing factor of the material is the author’s “I”, the image of the author (his attitude to reality, to the subject of the image). Essays can be more or less restrained, strict in the degree of self-expression, in tone (this depends on individual taste and manner), but a mandatory feature of the genre remains the close connection of the presentation with the author’s “I”. What do you think is the place of the author’s position in a portrait sketch?

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What is the place of the author's position in the essay? Let's repeat What genres of journalistic style do you know? What is an essay? What is special about a problem essay? What type of speech is used to construct a problem essay? What is a travelogue? Give examples. What is the difference between a portrait sketch and a portrait characterization in a work of art?

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Publicistical style and its features

The word journalistic is derived from the Latin word publicus, which means “public, state”. The words journalistic (socio-political literature on modern, topical topics) and publicist (author of works on socio-political topics) have the same root as the word journalistic. Etymologically, all these words are related to the word public, which has two meanings: 1) visitors, spectators, listeners; 2) people, people.

The purpose of the journalistic style of speech- informing, transmitting socially significant information with a simultaneous influence on the reader, listener, convincing him of something, instilling in him certain ideas, views, inducing him to certain actions.

The scope of use of journalistic style of speech- socio-economic, political, cultural relations.

Genres of journalism- article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, interview, feuilleton, oratory, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.

The journalistic style of speech is characterized by logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal and their corresponding linguistic means. It widely uses socio-political vocabulary and various types of syntactic constructions.

A journalistic text is often constructed as a scientific argument: an important public problem, possible ways to solve it are analyzed and evaluated, generalizations and conclusions are made, the material is arranged in a strict logical sequence, and general scientific terminology is used. This brings him closer to scientific style.

Publicistic speeches are distinguished by reliability, accuracy of facts, specificity, and strict validity. This also brings him closer to the scientific style of speech. On the other hand, journalistic speech is characterized by passion and appeal. The most important requirement for journalism is accessibility: it is intended for a wide audience and must be understandable to everyone.

The journalistic style has much in common with the artistic style of speech. In order to effectively influence the reader or listener, his imagination and feelings, the speaker or writer uses epithets, comparisons, metaphors and other figurative means, resorts to colloquial and even colloquial words and expressions, phraseological expressions that enhance the emotional impact of speech.

The journalistic articles of literary critics V.G. are widely known. Belinsky, N.A. Dobrolyubova, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.V. Shelgunov, historians S.M. Solovyova, V.O. Klyuchevsky, philosophers V.V. Rozanova, N.A. Berdyaev, speeches by outstanding Russian lawyers A.F. Koni, F.N. Gobber. M. Gorky turned to journalistic genres (the cycles “On Modernity”, “In America”, “Notes on Philistinism”, “Untimely Thoughts”), V.G. Korolenko (letters to A.V. Lunacharsky), M.A. Sholokhov, A.N. Tolstoy, L.M. Leonov. Writers S.P. are known for their journalistic articles. Zalygin, V.G. Rasputin, D.A. Granin, V.Ya. Lakshin, academician D.S. Likhachev.

The journalistic style (as mentioned earlier) includes the speech of the defense attorney or prosecutor in court. And from them oratory, the ability to master words often determines a person’s fate.

The journalistic style of speech is characterized by the widespread use of socio-political vocabulary, as well as vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, culture, words from the field of psychology, words denoting the internal state, human experiences, etc.

In the journalistic style the following words are often used: with the prefixes a-, anti-, de-, inter-, time- (s-); with the suffixes -i(ya), -tsi(ya), -izatsi(ya), -ism, -ist; with roots close in meaning to the prefixes, all-, general-, super-.

The vocabulary of the journalistic style is characterized by the use of figurative means, figurative meaning of words, words with a strong emotional connotation.

The means of emotional influence used in this style of speech are diverse. For the most part they resemble figurative and expressive facilities artistic style speeches with the difference, however, that their main purpose is not the creation of artistic images, but rather the influence on the reader, listener, convincing him of something and informing, transmitting information.

Emotional means of expressive language may include epithets (including those that are an appendix), comparisons, metaphors, rhetorical questions and appeals, lexical repetitions, gradation. Gradation is sometimes combined with repetition (not a single week, not a single day, not a single minute can be lost), it can intensify grammatical means: the use of gradational conjunctions and conjunctions (not only..., but also; not only..., but and; not only..., how much). This includes phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, colloquial figures of speech (including colloquialisms); the use of literary images, quotes, linguistic means of humor, irony, satire (witty comparisons, ironic inserts, satirical retelling, parody, puns).

Emotional means of language are combined in a journalistic style with strict logical evidence, semantic highlighting of particular important words, turns, individual parts of the statement.

Socio-political vocabulary is replenished as a result of borrowings, new formations and the revival of previously known words, but which have received a new meaning (for example: entrepreneur, business, market, etc.).

In the journalistic style of speech, as in the scientific style, nouns are often used in genitive case in the role inconsistent definition like the voice of the world, neighboring countries. In sentences, verbs in the form often act as predicates imperative mood, reflexive verbs.

The syntax of this style of speech is characterized by the use of homogeneous members, introductory words and sentences, participial and participial phrases, and complex syntactic constructions.

Genres of journalistic style

One of the most common genres of journalism is the essay.

Essay - 1. A short literary work, a brief description of life events (usually socially significant). Documentary, journalistic, everyday. 2. A general presentation of a question. O. Russian history. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.)

Essay - 1) In fiction, one of the types of stories is highly descriptive and deals primarily with social problems. 2) A journalistic essay, including a documentary one, presents and analyzes various facts and phenomena of social life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation of them by the author. (Encyclopedic Dictionary.)

There are short essays published in newspapers, large ones published in magazines, and entire books of essays. Thus, at one time the magazine published M. Gorky’s essays “In America.” An entire book consists of essays by V. Ovechkin about the Russian village of the 50s - “District Everyday Life”. Famous books of essays by V. Korolenko, L. Leonov, D. Granin, V. Lakshin, V. Rasputin.

So, based on dictionary definitions, we can conclude that a characteristic feature of the essay is documentation, reliability of facts, events, about which we are talking. It names the real names and surnames of the persons depicted, real and not fictitious places of events, describes the real situation, and indicates the time of action. An essay, like a work of art, uses visual means and introduces an element of artistic typification.

An essay, like other genres of journalism, always raises some important problem.

Distinguish travel essay, which tells about travel impressions: sketches of nature, people’s life, portrait sketch- reveals a person’s personality, his character, and problem essay, in which some socially significant problem is raised, ways of solving it are proposed and analyzed. Often, an essay combines all its varieties: in a travel essay, there are portrait sketches or a problem that worries the author.

1. Travel essay.

Very popular travel essay, travel sketches. Trips, expeditions, meetings with interesting people provide rich material for a reliable and at the same time artistic description of the region, for telling stories about interesting people, their way of life, for thinking about life.

A travel essay, a travel diary, travel notes by experts and nature lovers help us better understand the natural environment around us - its sounds, colors, forms, its mysterious language, and penetrate into the deep essence of natural phenomena.

2. Portrait sketch.

The hero of a portrait sketch is a specific person who has certain advantages and disadvantages. In a portrait essay, the author gives not only a portrait in the narrow sense of the word, but also a description of the environment in which the hero of the essay lives and works, talks about his work, interests, hobbies, and his relationships with others. All this together helps to reveal the inner world of the hero of the essay.

An external portrait is not only a description of the face, hands, eye color, hair, hairstyle, clothing, but also gait, gestures, manners, voice characteristics, and laughter. It is very important to talk about the expression of the eyes, gaze, smile. It is not at all necessary to describe all facial features. It is enough to capture and convey the brightest, most memorable, most characteristic of a given person.

An “inner” portrait is a person’s character, his inner world: interests, habits, way of thinking, attitude to business, to people, to himself, his usual moods, behavior in different situations, his beliefs and views, feelings and experiences.

Between the external portrait of a person and his “internal” portrait, i.e. character, there is always a connection, but you need to be able to notice and express it. A person’s character can be expressed in a smile, voice, laughter, in movements, habitual gestures, in characteristic words and turns of speech. To notice and understand this connection, you need to see a person in different situations, meet him more than once, watch him from the outside. And the author of the essay is constantly looking for such linguistic means: words, speech patterns, epithets, comparisons, metaphors that would allow him to most fully, laconicly and at the same time vividly convey the real features of the person depicted and express his attitude towards him.

For completeness and greater authenticity of the portrait, the essay uses biographical data of the person depicted, describes the environment in which the hero operates, the most characteristic and most significant (from the point of view of the main idea, the main plan) episodes from his life.

How to start an essay? Each author solves this question differently in each specific case. In the introduction, the author usually talks about something very important for understanding the personality of the hero of the essay. It should interest and intrigue the reader in order to make him want to read this essay to the end.

3. Problem essay.

At the center of the problematic essay are socially significant issues: political, economic, moral and ethical, etc. The author of the essay tries to intervene in the solution of important problems, enters into polemics with his opponents.

In this genre of journalistic style of speech, portrait sketches can be used, but the main thing here is not the character of this or that person, but his attitude to these issues, different points of view, different views. In such an essay you can also find travel notes and sketches. But they also serve as confirmation of the author’s position in the dispute, an expression of a certain view, and one of the means of proof. An essay of this type is polemical in nature. The problem essay is constructed according to the type of reasoning.

The means of journalistic style (social and moral-ethical vocabulary, rhetorical questions and appeals, appealing intonations, civic pathos, etc.) are used both in fiction and in poetry - classical and modern.

Oral presentation

The journalistic style of speech includes not only articles, essays, reports, but also oral presentations - speeches, reports.

The main task of oral presentation is communication, it is an opportunity to convey information to your listener and convince him to prove his point of view.

In journalistic speeches, colloquial vocabulary, simple sentence structures, incomplete interrogative and exclamatory sentences, appeals are widely used; participial and participial phrases, they are replaced subordinate clauses, homogeneous members. Oral public speech is rich in phraseological units, figurative means, it uses epithets, comparisons, and metaphors more often than in ordinary oral speech.

In an oral journalistic speech, both commonly used vocabulary, colloquial and socio-political, are used. If the speech is on a scientific or technical topic, then some commonly used terms are used.

Each of us in our lives has had or will have to speak in front of audiences and prepare a speech ourselves. This is more difficult than paraphrasing someone's article, speech or book. Public speaking requires the speaker to be lively, emotional, passionate about what he is talking about, and convinced of what he is saying, and the ability to communicate with the public. In an oral presentation, the beginning of the speech and the persuasiveness of the argumentation of the main idea are very important. This becomes of great importance in cases where the fate of a person is being decided, for example, during the defense and prosecution in a trial.


A report is a detailed discussion, characterized by the completeness of the topic and its completeness. A report is the most complex and responsible form of oral presentation. In it, as in other oral statements, one can distinguish the main thesis, the main position that needs to be revealed, proven, and particular theses.

The basics of constructing a report and the requirements for it are set out earlier (see “Oral presentation”). However, the report, unlike other types of oral presentations, has its own characteristics:

1. The report, like any speech, is prepared in advance. Briefly, in the form of a thesis, each position is outlined. The general thesis is confirmed and revealed by specific theses. For each thesis, evidence is selected: facts, examples, figures. The necessary conclusions and generalizations are thought out in advance.

2. Depending on the main idea, the main thesis, the tasks and goals set in the report, the speech is structured: where to start, how to capture the attention of the audience, how to attract the skeptical part of it to your side and try to convince what is being said you will speak. “For the success of a speech, the flow of thought of the lecturer is important,” wrote A.F. Koni. - If the thought jumps from subject to subject, is thrown around, if the main thing is constantly interrupted, then such speech is almost impossible to listen to. It is necessary to construct a plan so that the second thought follows from the first, the third from the second, etc. or so that there is a natural transition from one to the other.”

3. The report wins if some problems are posed to the listeners and they are immediately solved either by the speaker himself or together with the listeners.

4. The report is well received if it somehow touches on the life, interests, problems of the audience to whom you are speaking, its current concerns or anxieties, prospects and expectations.

5. When giving a report, you can use theses and working notes. A specific situation during a speech requires special words, and sometimes a restructuring of the entire speech. Therefore, it is important not to lose the main train of thought, the logical connection between theses and proposals, to prepare logical transitions in advance, to have examples and arguments in stock.

genre journalism style speech


You must be able not only to make reports, conduct a report, take and give interviews, but also to participate in the discussion of messages, reports of other people, in dialogues, disputes and discussions on emerging problems, to be an opponent (i.e., make an objection) on this or that another question. What is important for this?

1. It is necessary to try to polemicize, object to argumentation, prove the truth with scientific, economic justification, and convince not with the power of your voice, but with facts.

2. Turn defending your views (yours or the speaker’s, if you support him) into an offensive.

3. Do not get involved in empty polemics and do not give others a reason for such polemics.

4. Find the courage to admit what is true even from the opponent of your idea.

5. Try not to resort to the means used by an unscrupulous opponent (distortion of facts, statements, avoidance of the main thing).


Speaking about the journalistic style of speech, one cannot ignore the materials of the newspaper, which is one of the most popular means of communication, i.e. communication.

One of important functions newspapers is information. Striving in the shortest possible time to report the latest news is reflected in their speech embodiment.

For a modern newspaper, analyticity, evidence-based presentation, and a confidential tone of conversation have become more characteristic.

But the newspaper is also called upon to educate the masses. Therefore, it also performs a popularization function: it reports on new scientific discoveries, innovations in technology, problems of economics, medicine, forgotten or newly comprehended facts of history.

The vocabulary of the newspaper is characterized by the use large quantity adjectives and nouns of an evaluative nature, metaphors, phraseological units, terminological words and expressions (necessarily commented), colloquial and colloquial vocabulary, foreign language borrowings.

The syntax of newspaper materials is characterized by relatively simple constructions, an abundance of unusual phrases (especially in headlines), and the use of a relaxed dialogue form; the use of present tense verbs to mean the past or future.

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