Description of spring nature 4 sentences. Description of spring in artistic style

Spring - description of the season Spring includes three calendar months: March, April, May. People call spring “gracious”, “revitalizing everything”. Spring is shorter than summer, but longer than autumn and winter. March April May The weather in spring is changeable. Springs can be short and long, early and late. " Early spring worthless". Late spring has a beneficial effect on the development of wildlife; it begins in early April. “Late spring will not deceive.” Long icicles - for a long spring. Early flight of bees means a long, protracted spring.

Spring folk signs If you miss a day in spring, you won’t get it back in a year. Set it early - it won't melt for a long time. Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer. If in the spring the snow melts quickly and the water runs smoothly, it means a wet summer. In the spring it will give both dirt and bread. A migratory bird flows in flocks - to a friendly spring. Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

MARCH In the first days of March it is usually still winter; frosts are not excluded. From March 1 to March 17, the turning point of winter, and from the 18th to the end of the month lasts under the spring season - Snowmelt. “March is incorrect: sometimes it cries, sometimes it laughs,” “March frosts “with a hollow” are not real.” In March, clouds float quickly and high - good weather. If the water doesn't flow in March. In April, grass does not grow. Frequent fogs in March foretell rainy summer. Dry March means fertility, rainy March means crop failure. Water from March snow has healing properties: it helps with freckles and sunburn. summer

APRIL In April-May, birds call to each other loudly. A titmouse screams in the forest: “Tsi-tsi-fi.” The Muscovite responds to her: “Ty-pi-ty.” The finch announces: “Ping-ping-ping.” The robin sings: “Tea-drink, tea-drink,” the buntings sing: “Leave the sleigh, take the cart.” The cuckoo cries: “Cuckoo! Ku-ku! Anthills come to life. A badger comes out of the den. The bear wakes up. Lizards crawl out. Frogs and water rats come out. Flies and mosquitoes appear. Spring streams gurgle. People say: “April streams awaken the earth.” But summer is not coming yet, it may still be cold. And “don’t break the stove - it’s still April outside.” Summer

MAY It's last month spring. Month of flowers and love. The greenest month of the year. The period of true flowering of all living things. But a return of cold weather is also possible, usually for a short time. Most often, cold weather occurs during the flowering period of bird cherry. They say: “When the bird cherry blossoms, there is always cold.” The cold weather in May is called “bird cherry”. In May, tree crowns turn green and bloom everywhere. Snowdrops, crocuses, buttercups, dandelions and other spring flowers are growing. Daffodils, tulips, daisies, etc. are blooming in the gardens. Peonies, lilies, and irises are rising. In May, milk is the most healing. The best honey is May honey. In May, medicinal bee pollen is collected. Birch sap is being collected. Vitamin cabbage soup is made from sorrel and young nettles. Love bee pollen

Spring is coming. It was sunny in the morning and quite warm. A wide lake flowed through the yard. At noon it froze, Winter came again, The lake was covered with a crust of glass. I split the thin, ringing glass, and the wide lake began to flow again. Passers-by say: Spring is coming! - And this is me working, breaking the ice. Agniya Barto.

Describing spring in an artistic style for children will help them write their own essays about spring.

Description of spring in artistic style

Spring is a delightful time of year! Nature wakes up and is filled with energy and life. Bright sun It becomes warmer every day, thanks to which the snow melts, turning into icicles on the roofs of houses and trees. Large puddles appear that children love to walk through. Birds fly in from distant lands, their chirping can be heard everywhere. The day is lengthening! As soon as the puddles dry up, grass sprouts from the ground, and later buds swell on the trees, which will turn into leaves. Never forget the first rain of the new year, it seems so cheerful, perky, warm and friendly! And the weak breeze, the same one - light, spring?! With the arrival of spring, the whole world is filled with colors, sounds, smells and inspiration!

Description of spring

Nature in spring is special world, which amazes with its unusualness. In the short three months of spring, nature manages to undergo enormous metamorphoses. No other time of the year can boast of such changes that occur in spring. At first she wakes up from her winter sleep and at first looks a little sleepy and unsure. However, every day it begins to come into its own and gain strength.

The sun's rays are becoming warmer, the snow is also becoming less and less, he is still trying to outwit the spring and hide in the forest, under the trees, but the sun finds him there too, leaving him no chance.

The arrival of spring is also announced by sounds characteristic only of this time of year: the ringing murmur of streams, the cheerful chirping of birds. The first snowdrops peek out from under the freshly melted snow. And now they, like snow, cover the forest clearings with a delicate carpet.

Then the buds on the trees begin to swell, and tiny green leaves appear, the gardens are buried in flowers, foreshadowing good fruit harvests. And then one morning we discover how all the trees suddenly turned green. For some reason this always happens unexpectedly. It seems like just yesterday the leaves on the trees and bushes were very small, but today the trees are already completely covered in green foliage - bright and young.

The water in reservoirs in spring is clean and renewed. In it you can see the azure sky and clear sun. The cries of migratory birds returning to their homeland are heard in the sky. Come with spring warm days, a new life begins.

Description of spring essay

If you ask me what season I love most, I will answer - of course, spring.

The severe frosts have ended, and the breath of spring can be felt everywhere. Everything awakens to new life, breathes freshness and youth. There are still islands of snow, and the sun is hot, and the first heralds of spring appear - streams. Streams run and sing their song, cheerfully informing everyone about the arrival of spring.

And although it is still frosty at night, spring is coming into its own. Bird voices sound louder, their chirping outside the window wakes me up in the morning. The buds on the trees that have rested over the winter have swelled.

I love watching nature in the spring, watching how everything around me is renewed. I like to spend weekends at spring forest. You walk through the forest and feel that your soul becomes light and joyful. Here are the sunbeams dancing in the clearing, as if they want to tell all the living things in the forest that it’s time to wake up. Snowdrops appeared between the trees from the first rays of sunlight. They are still very small and fragile, but there is so much tenacity in these delicate flowers: they persistently break through the thick carpet of last year’s snow. Blue petals, as if smiling, reach out to the sun.

You come across a clearing of snowdrops and you can’t take your eyes off it: it seems as if the earth and sky are the same color – bright blue. The flowers are so delicate that it is a pity and even a shame to pick them.

Probably, there is no one wiser than Mother Nature, because how can one explain that one season gives way to another, and the most awaited one certainly comes - spring.

Description of spring for grades 4, 5

Option 1. My year - spring! It seems that everything comes to life and begins to move: sparrows rustle, drops drip, the first leaves bloom, grass appears. The days are getting longer and brighter. The sky is blue and clear and the sun is shining brighter. Everyone around is happy about spring, even people smile more often. Soon everything around will be painted in bright green colors! This is what real SPRING is!

Option 2. Spring is the time of year that everyone is waiting for, tired of winter. Spring is often called the long-awaited one. The first signs of spring sometimes appear in winter, in February: the sun shines a little stronger - and the icicles begin to melt, cheerful drops ring, reminding of the approach of spring. After this, frosts may still strike, it may snow, but everyone understands: spring is about to come and will delight you with its warmth.

Spring has come. The sun begins to appear in the sky more and more often, the sky becomes brighter, deep blue, the snow is melting with all its might and streams are running. The ground is still cold, too damp and bare, and the very first flowers, which are called snowdrops, are breaking through the remnants of snow.

Option 3. Spring is a wonderful time of year! With the arrival of spring, everything around is transformed. Every day is filled with changes that occur before our eyes. The first signs of spring - the sun begins to warm up more strongly, the air becomes warmer, the days are longer and the nights are shorter. Adults and children try to spend more and more time outside. Spring is one of the most wonderful times of the year for many people. During this period, everyone is looking forward to the weekend to go out of town, somewhere into the forest, to enjoy the beauty spring nature. Also in the spring, birds arrive, the first flowers bloom, various insects crawl out, and the bees wake up and begin to do their work. With the arrival of spring, everything around comes to life and sings.

Option 4. Spring in my city. After long winter, the long-awaited spring has finally arrived in our city. The snow had melted, and only in places there were puddles of melt water glistening on the asphalt. Tits perched on thin branches, battered by winter frosts, resounding around the area with their ringing voices, welcoming spring.

The air smells of young leaves and freshness, and the sun is already warming up noticeably. Sprouts of young grass emerge from under the damp earth, buds swell on the branches, and everything comes to life everywhere. The sky is clean and clear, without a single cloud, after a long winter it amazes with its blueness. The sun's rays play on the roofs of houses and on the windows of passing cars. With the arrival of spring, the whole city was transformed: everything blossomed everywhere, and the fierce, harsh cold that accompanied the frosty winter was no longer felt.

Spring has come. And with the arrival of spring, all the nature around is transformed. First, the days lengthen and the outside temperature gradually rises. When the sun shines, you feel that it warms more and more every day. It's getting warmer quickly, and all the snow that hasn't had time to melt begins to melt quickly and form large puddles. Over the weekend I wanted to write an essay describing spring.

It is especially beautiful to watch nature in spring. After the snow has melted, after some time it begins to appear green grass which keeps growing

Faster every day. It happens that because of everyday worries you don’t even notice how its small sprouts turn into a thick green carpet covering the earth.

Stormy manifestation spring changes seen everywhere. The most interesting thing is that on many trees leaves begin to appear in different time. Some trees are already dressed in green outfits, on others the buds have just begun to turn into small leaves.

The air in spring becomes warmer and fresher every day. When you leave the house on the street, you can feel the smell of spring. This is especially felt after rain or sudden warming. And if you stand under the blossoming

tree, you can enjoy the aroma of its blossoms. Also, the smell of spring can be clearly felt in parks, squares, fields, outside the city in forest plantations or in the forest.

Spring is one of the most favorite times of the year for many children and adults. It is during this period that people become more cheerful and active. Every year at school they are asked to write an essay describing spring.

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We continue to write for you a series of stories with pictures about the seasons. Today's story is about spring, its natural phenomena and signs. The material will also be useful for teachers primary classes, and for students to write a report or essay about spring.

What is spring?

When the frosty and snowy winter ceases to envelop the chilled earth in a fluffy blanket, and the first thawed patches appear on the winding forest paths, the beautiful spring gradually begins to come into its own. Nature greets the beginning of her reign with admiration and joyfully greets her with the ringing chime of drops and the vibrant chirping of birds. Soon the world around will come to life, free from the ice that binds it and sparkle with bright colors. Now the first snowdrops are confidently making their way through the frozen ground and eagerly raising their gently blue heads to the warm sun, the awakened buds swell as if with joy and are preparing to become emerald leaves, and the animals change their fur to less warm ones. The three most exciting months await nature ahead: March, April, May.

How does nature change in spring?


Despite the fact that winter continues to fight to prolong its reign in March, the first warm rays of the sun begin to gradually warm up the earth and air. The snowy shackles begin to melt under their persistent light, and in the first thawed patches the harbingers of spring appear - snowdrops. Of course, winter will not immediately give up its position and remind you of itself with chilly cold and sparkling snow, but spring warmth will make itself known with a daytime temperature rise to 0 degrees.

Fluffy in March winter snow begins to become covered with a dirty crust, and the snowfall obediently gives way to rain. The weather freezes in anticipation of warmth and spring awakening and reminds of their imminent approach with the first cumulus clouds.

The chirping of sparrows becomes more and more joyful and sonorous. They'll be arriving soon migratory birds who will pick up this mischievous song of spring and, with its help, talk about the awakening of nature.

There are many interesting folk signs associated with March. Among them, the following stand out:

If fogs often occur in March, then summer will be rainy.

Flood warns of summer time harmful insects.

If it is very warm in mid-March, then the summer will be warm.

March thunder speaks of a good harvest for bread.

If frosts are rare in March, then the year will be fruitful.

Long icicles hanging from the roofs of houses indicate a long spring.

If lightning often flashes in March, but there is no thunder, then the year will be dry.

If after the March snowstorms the snow falls in waves on the fields, it means there will be a good harvest of garden vegetables and spring grains.


April on license spring month as if a good wizard continues to free nature from the shackles of ice and snow. The sonorous singing of birds welcoming spring is combined with the cheerful murmur of streams meandering down the slopes of the roads. The sun is getting higher and higher above the horizon and warming the frozen ground more confidently. The air temperature gradually becomes above 0 degrees. The snow cap is melting faster and faster, and towards sun rays The damp and dark earth opens up, preparing for new life.

However, the flood is noticeable not only on roads and forest paths, rivers and lakes are also freed from ice captivity and break this winter world on many thin pieces of ice. The ice on the ponds becomes very thin, and in some places thawed patches even appear. Only small patches of snow in the forest, hidden in places hidden from the spring sun, remind us of the reign of winter. The bark of trees is also freed from ice captivity. Alder begins to bloom - a harbinger of spring.

In the morning hours, a slight frost still tickles your nose and cheek, but during the day you can happily expose your face to the warm rays of the sun and listen to the song of a spring drop.

Many folk signs are also associated with changes in nature in April. Among them are the following:

If it is significantly cooler at night than during the day, then the weather will be warm and windless.

A lot of birch sap indicates a rainy summer.

If at the beginning of April there is still snow and its surface is rough, it means there will be a good harvest.

Wet April predicts a mushroom summer.

They also talk about a good harvest starry nights in the end of April. Warm rains also indicate this.

If there are thunderstorms in early April, there will be a large harvest of nuts.

If there are no swallows yet at the beginning of April, it means that spring will be cold.


In May, nature, like a sleeping beauty awakened by the first warm rays of spring, begins to rapidly wake up and enjoy life. The buds on the trees confidently open towards the sun and turn into emerald leaves, the first lush grass timidly makes its way through the warmed ground, and the birds greet the long-awaited warmth with ringing trills.

Nature is renewing itself and, although at the beginning of May in some regions of Russia, light snow is still possible, falling on the warmed up bright spring sun ground, it immediately begins to melt. The thermometer is already starting to rise above 10 degrees. And even though this warmth is still unstable, it is already beginning to beckon with anticipation of summer. For this short month the world around is transformed and begins to play with a riot of colors, you can hear the friendly rustling of young leaves and the buzzing of bees preparing to pollinate the first flowers. The air is filled with the sweet aroma of bird cherry and lilac, and the fruit trees become almost snow-white thanks to the blossoming flowers.

People have long observed the changes in nature in May and made interesting notes. TO folk signs, associated with May include the following:

If May turned out to be cold, and rains and fogs were its frequent guests, then the year will be fruitful.

A rainy May warns of a dry June.

If it often hails in May, then summer will be like that too.

Many chafers and cranes predict drought.

If the leaves of the oak tree have unfurled, it means you should expect a colder weather.

The blossoming birch precedes the flowering of lilac and bird cherry, which will begin in a week.

If the birch tree has opened its leaves in front of the alder tree, it means that the summer will be dry and vice versa.

Signs of spring

When nature begins to awaken, every part of it bears the signs of the onset of spring.

One of the first signs is increase daylight hours . The sun is no longer in such a hurry to leave the horizon and tries to bestow warmth on the frozen ground for as long as possible. At noon it is already located much higher above the horizon than in winter.

Iridescent daggers of icicles appear on the roofs of houses. They arise due to the fact that during the day the snow melts and drop after drop rushes from the roofs, and in the evening the air becomes colder and these drops freeze. This is how one of the interesting natural phenomena arises - icicles.

Trees wake up from winter sleep and joyfully greet spring with swollen buds, from which the first leaves will soon appear. Of course, buds on the branches are visible at other times of the year, however, only at the beginning of spring do they become larger and begin to open towards the sun.

Birds also joyfully announce the coming of spring. Many of them have already flown in from warm countries and have begun to settle in nature, which has awakened from hibernation. In the forest you can hear the rhythmic tapping of the beak on the bark. This is a woodpecker working hard. The melodic tunes of the wagtail can also be heard, and starlings and rooks can already be seen in the sky.

Natural phenomena in spring

Spring is a very bright event in the life of the surrounding world, so it occurs with many interesting and fascinating natural phenomena. These include:

High water
Ice drift

In spring, the active melting of snow begins, and the cheerful murmur of streams is heard in the air. They fill rivers and lakes, causing them to overflow. The water overflows its banks and fills the banks, as well as forests and fields located nearby. This spring phenomenon is called "flood".

One of the earliest and most noticeable manifestations of spring is snowmelt. The sun, which is already high enough above the horizon and warms the earth well, melts the snow and turns it into winding streams.

When the ice on rivers and lakes begins to melt, it breaks into small pieces and is carried downstream. This phenomenon is called "ice drift". This kind of ice is very fragile, so it is very dangerous to walk on it in the spring.

The first thunderstorms appear in May. They have not yet gained their strength, but it is only a matter of time. Also in spring you can observe such an interesting natural phenomenon as hail. It represents balls of ice falling from the clouds. Hail varies in size. It can be the size of a bead or reach the size of a chicken egg.

One of the most striking phenomena of spring, of course, is flowering. Already at the end of April, the swollen buds begin to gradually open and reveal their emerald leaves to the world, and the green, slender blades of grass, like soldiers, reach out to the warm rays of the sun. Soon the first flowers appear, hospitably opening their petals to greet the awakening insects.

There is a lot associated with spring not only natural phenomena, but also interesting events.

For example, if a person is at the North Pole, then on the first day of spring he can observe the sun sliding across the horizon. This phenomenon indicates the onset of six months of polar day, and vice versa, on South Pole The polar night is coming.

IN Southern Hemisphere spring months September, October and November are considered.

On the vernal equinox (March 20 or 21), the sun rises clearly in the east and sets in the west. The same phenomenon is observed on the day autumn equinox. Interesting fact is also that famous egyptian sphinx positioned so as to point to the sunrise on the day of the vernal equinox, that is, clearly to the east.

According to ancient Greek legend, the first day of spring is associated with the return of the fertility goddess Persephone from the underworld.

It is believed that the roots of plants are the first to respond to the arrival of spring. They begin to come to life already at a temperature of +7 degrees.

The first flower to bloom in the spring is the snowdrop, and it is not at all bothered by the fact that snow still covers the ground.

In one American town there is interesting tradition related to weather forecasting. Every year on February 2nd, Phil the groundhog emerges from his hole in Punxsutawney. If he sees his shadow, gets scared and crawls back into the hole, then winter will last another six weeks, and if there is no shadow, spring will be early.

Spring is a time of change, new hopes and freshness of sensations. There is nothing more beautiful than the awakening of nature and the riot of surrounding colors. It is at this time of year that the secrets of the creation of all living things are revealed: the first leaves appear on the trees, the earth is covered with a green carpet, and birds diligently build nests in anticipation of the birth of their chicks. Everything around is trembling, drunk new life and rejoices immensely at the coming warmth.

Essay Spring rain 4th, 5th, 6th grade

Any phenomenon associated with the spring period causes a holiday in the soul. After all, it is at this time that all living things around awaken, the world is transformed in all its manifestations.

Essay Forest in spring

Spring! With the arrival of spring, a new life is born, because at this time everything wakes up Live nature. And the forest awakens from hibernation in the spring, comes to life. You look and marvel at how he draws strength to transform himself, change his clothes.

April is the most beautiful month of the year. At this time, real spring comes. She has already come into her own. The snow has already melted in some places, the sun is shining brightly, the days are getting longer. Light cirrus clouds are flying in the sky.

Essay Snowdrop 4th grade

Snowdrop - beautiful flower spring. Everything around is waking up after a long winter sleep. There are no leaves on the trees yet. There is still snow in the clearings in the forests, but the flower is already making its way to the sun.

Essay First Day of Spring

Spring is a wonderful time of year, when nature wakes up, everything blooms around, delights with its renewal. There may still be snow on the street and quite cold at night, but you can already feel the approaching warmth in the air

I woke up from some knocking. Opening my eyes, I realized that the sun had not risen yet, and decided to try to fall asleep again. But all my attempts were in vain. In addition, the knocking did not give rest.

We need to describe the pictures of spring. In fact, I personally would find it easier to draw with paints than with words! But I’ll try, because spring is my favorite time of year. First you wait for this spring, you wait.

Spring is the most extraordinary time of the year. In spring nature comes to life. In spring, the snow melts and the first green grass appears. In spring you can hear the birds singing. In spring, the sun shines and your mood immediately improves.

During spring break, my dad and I decided to make feeders and birdhouses so as not to miss the moment when migratory birds return again. To do this, we hung structures right in our yard.

Every long winter will come to an end. Spring is coming. In spring, all nature wakes up after hibernation. Early spring is a deceptive time. At this time it may snow or return to frost.

Everyone has long known that after winter, spring always comes. Some people associate it with new life, the approach of summer, while others associate it with slush and dirt.

According to the calendar, spring comes in March. But she is sometimes late. And then it snows again. The days are getting longer than in winter. Snow is melting. Puddles form

After a long and painful cold winter Finally, the long-awaited spring has arrived, which brought warmth and bright sunshine

With each onset of spring, the snow melts, the first flowers bloom, birds return from warmer climes and delight with their chirping. From the first appearance of the sun, the roads flow spring water and makes all the kids happy. Streams of dirty water flow non-stop

I like to go to the forest in April. I love listening to how nature awakens in the spring. When the snow begins to melt, the babbling of streams can be heard everywhere.

Spring time for many people is the most favorite time of the year, because with its onset nature awakens to life after hibernation.

Spring is a wonderful time of year. She has her own bright colors and its own beautiful music.

Spring does not come alone, it brings with it something that has been sleeping soundly all winter. No, I'm not talking about bears! And not about green leaves on tree branches. I'm talking about the strength and energy that spring brings with it.

It would seem that the winter frosts have only just ended and the snow has recently melted, but the city has already been transformed. Small fires of last year's leaves are smoldering, the first greenery is rapidly reaching towards the sun in the park and flower beds, children's voices are being heard more and more often

Birds are easily recognizable animals. They came from a group small dinosaurs, whose body over time became covered with feathers, and wings were formed from the forelimbs. There are more than 8,700 species of birds on earth, and more and more are being discovered

Spring comes and drives away winter. With the arrival of March, the rays of the sun begin to break through the clouds more and more often. In some places you can still notice ice, which is insidiously hidden under the snow. The cool air reminds us that winter stubbornly refuses to go away.

Year after year, tired of the cold, we wait for the first rays of sun and spring drops. We look forward to living through the winter, with its long evenings, frosts, and sometimes slush.

Essay Spring has come

Outside the window, the snow is melting, buds are already visible on the trees, happy schoolchildren are running through the puddles to school, nature is being renewed, birds are returning from warm countries, there is some special smell in the air. This is how spring comes. Nature wakes up and comes out of its winter sleep, all around happy faces people who are waiting for warm spring days.

But just recently, embittered and frozen people were rushing to work, there was no pleasant ringing of birds outside the window and there was no such spring-like warming sun. It was terribly difficult to get up in the morning, only the annoying alarm clock forced me to gain strength and go about my business.

Spring comes somehow completely suddenly, it doesn’t even always depend on the date and day of the week on the calendar, you can only feel it. This cannot be confused with anything - a small pleasant shiver runs through the body, a feeling of some inexplicable joy, expectation of something new, the emergence of some sweet feelings.

Together with nature, all human sensations and feelings awaken. It is not without reason that it is believed that the most wonderful time for love is spring. People at this time, as a rule, find a soul mate, someone finds the strength to start something new and change something in their life. Routine work no longer seems so exhausting and unpleasant.

Any natural changes affect a person. You walk down the street, inhale this smell of approaching spring, and a smile involuntarily forms on your face. You look back, and there are also a thousand people like you, happy people, who also watch with trepidation and joy the sudden changes that have occurred.

This is also a special time for schoolchildren. For example, those who complete their studies may have to make lifelong choices. It is necessary to decide on a profession and prepare for exams and admission. Some people think with regret that they will have to leave school, others, on the contrary, look forward with confidence and expectation to new acquaintances and fateful encounters in adulthood.

Spring is a time of change, new meetings and pleasant acquaintances. From observing how nature comes to life, every cell of the body is renewed, you feel in your soul some inexplicable unity with nature and a feeling of endless happiness.

For 4th grade

We have four seasons. Winter, spring, summer and autumn. I like them all, but most of all spring. When it comes, it becomes so fresh outside.

In spring, animals wake up, birds fly from warm countries. And when they sing in the morning, it’s simply breathtaking. The first snowdrop flowers appear. They are very beautiful, and there is also green grass on it, so pleasant to run on bare feet. The first buds appear on the trees and it’s so good to watch them. One day I picked a twig from a tree, brought it home and put it in a jar and watched it every day. It was so wonderful, her buds grew bigger every day, and one fine day I woke up and saw a delicate green leaf coming out of the bud. It smelled like spring, it was just wonderful.

I only had this one branch, but nature had thousands of them on the street, and when they all bloom at once it is simply amazing beauty. That's why I love spring.

Spring essay

Spring is the most beautiful time of the year. Nature begins to wake up after cold weather winter days. The snow begins to melt and streams run along the roads. When there is no trace left of the snowdrifts, fluffy green grass begins to emerge, covering everything around. A huge number of colorful flowers appear that delight the eye.

Birds that have flown south return home and begin to sing their bubbly songs, which you can listen to for hours. Animals that hibernated in winter wake up.

The sun begins to shine even brighter and warms everything around with its rays. In the evening, it is no longer dark outside, as the days become longer in spring. The buds on the trees begin to swell, which means that very soon everything around will become beautiful and blooming. Walking past the trees, you can enjoy the pleasant floral aroma. In spring, even the smell of the air changes, becoming clean and light. After the spring rain it smells especially fresh. The spring sky is different from any other time of the year. It becomes light and clean, and the curly clouds resemble various animals.

All people awaken in the spring along with nature. They no longer want to sit at home, and they begin to spend more time outside. A unique holiday atmosphere is created. Trips outside the city, picnics, cycling and just regular walks in the park are becoming more frequent.

The mood changes after winter better side. Everyone becomes more joyful and active. Spring weather pleases everyone without exception, both old people and children, who begin to spend whole days outside without noticing the onset of evening. The variety of natural colors brings positive emotions and love into the life of every person, and memories of a wonderful time remain in memory for a lifetime.

Spring is knocking on the window, there is a breath of spring

Spring is my favorite time of the year. Its onset is considered to be the appearance of snowdrops. The animals in the forest are waking up. At this time, the snow melts and the sun begins to warm, which knocks on the windows every morning with its rays. It's getting warm outside.

The grass begins to turn green, and green leaves bloom on the trees. In spring, birds fly home from warm countries. Houses need to be built for them so that they have a place to live. During the day you can constantly hear their chirping, which is similar to the melody of a song. In spring, everyone spends a lot of time outside. Children are constantly playing in the yard. It seems to me that spring is the most beautiful nature, because everything is blooming and the sun is constantly shining.

Essay about Spring for 7th grade

Just yesterday I spent half an hour in the morning wrapping myself in warm clothes. Then I reluctantly went outside, where it was cold and the wind was blowing by the collar, despite the fact that I was wrapped in a scarf. I hurried to and from classes, not paying attention to what was happening on the street. But spring changed everything. Now when I wake up I don’t shake from the cold, I happily go out into the street in the morning, enjoying the fresh spring air, and the road to school and back is a wonderful opportunity to take a walk and re-see the streets of my hometown, which I had not noticed yesterday. Now the time I spent watching TV or computer, I can happily spend walking outside. It's not even a matter of what I will do. After all, now it’s added to everything good mood from the weather. And also from the lightness when you take off your heavy boots and put on light spring shoes. And from the fact that you no longer need to be in such a hurry to get somewhere. That yesterday at this time it was already dark outside, but now it’s still warm and the sun is shining.

If I could choose which season of the existing year should remain on Earth permanently, I would choose spring. It is not as hot as summer and not as rainy as autumn. This is the time when everything blooms and comes to life, and there is no cold weather or rain ahead. There is only sun and a light breeze in the evenings. There is a good and light mood. There is strength to do something new and plan for the future. There is only positive attitude and it seems that everything in this world is possible, if only you really want it and try hard. And in the spring there is a lot of energy for efforts! I associate it with smiles and laughter, with the smell of blossoming apple trees and evening bonfires. With the first picnics in nature, walks in the forest and school excursions. And also with flowers, which by their appearance indicate the arrival of spring. That's why spring is a wonderful time.

Spring! It's a great time! Short mini essay.

It's time, it's time, what's time? It's time to take off the warm jackets and hats that our parents so stubbornly force us to wear. It's time to make plans for the summer and dream about how soon you will swim on the river. It's time to clean out your closet, your briefcase, your head. Yes, yes, in my head, this is a very important part of cleaning! You need to understand what you want and what you need, remove all unnecessary negative thoughts and laziness and start acting. If someone wants to get good grades at the end of the year, then spring is the time to put effort into studying. In the spring it's time to try yourself in some new business. And in the spring it’s time to just enjoy life!