Description of autumn nature and mood: a miniature essay on the theme of autumn. The best quotes and aphorisms about autumn Autumn is the most beautiful time

It's always a little sad to say goodbye to summer. And it seems that there is nothing bad in autumn itself, and it is still warm outside, and the sun is shining brightly, but six months of cold are already looming ahead, and therefore the meeting with autumn is almost always accompanied by involuntary melancholy. The editors of 5sfer suggest changing this habit and welcoming the arrival of autumn by recharging exclusively positive emotions, because in any season there is something worth loving.

Reason #1: Cool and fresh

Just remember how you slept at +36! What was it like walking around the city at +38?! Everything will be different in the fall. Cool freshness is perhaps the main advantage of this time of year. It’s not yet cold enough outside to stop walking, but it’s already cool enough to start wrapping yourself in a cozy scarf. In addition, scientists have proven that just 5 minutes in the fresh autumn air can improve your mood and self-esteem.

Reason #2: Incredible landscape outside the window

It is no coincidence that autumn is the favorite season of poets and artists. The colors of nature at this time are incredible and delightful. It’s not for nothing that a simple walk through an autumn park can lift your spirits in a matter of minutes. The combination of red, orange and yellow on the streets “saturates” us with a feeling of happiness and optimism. Without realizing it, in the fall we all undergo a color therapy session, and it, of course, does no harm to anyone.

Reason #3: Vitamins

Summer is rich in berries, and autumn is rich in seasonal fruits and vegetables. Apples, pumpkins, nuts - all this is a real elixir of health; they help cleanse our body of toxins and protect against respiratory diseases. And how many new dishes can be introduced into the usual menu, thanks to the autumn harvest? Dozens! How much do apple or pumpkin pies cost?

Reason #4: Extra Sleep Time

Yes, yes, in the fall we set the clocks again, but this time back an hour! Thus, along with November, we get a bonus hour of sleep. Agree, not the worst compensation?

Reason #5: Mushroom picking

Mushroom picking is a great opportunity to briefly return to childhood and spend a weekend alone with nature and yourself. The autumn forest is incredibly beautiful and fresh, and you can pick mushrooms exactly the way you like - turning the picking into a game of chance “who can collect more”, or enjoying a leisurely walk and inhaling all the aromas of the falling asleep forest.

Reason #6: Stylish season

The main trend in the fall wardrobe is layering. Finally, you can give up those tired T-shirts and T-shirts and start combining a lot of things with each other. Sundresses are being replaced by suits, stylish trousers, high boots and interesting prints. Add to this jackets, cozy sweaters, jackets and cardigans, and you will understand that this fall will be 100% stylish.

Reason #7: Time for creativity

All in autumn creative potential, which accumulated somewhere inside during the summer, requires immediate implementation. Cold landscapes and colorful skies tempt you to pick up brushes and canvas, start writing prose or poetry, and arrange a seasonal photo shoot. Take advantage of this, there will be enough inspiration for everyone in the fall!

Reason #8: Do everything you've been putting off

The heat no longer interferes with brain activity, it’s already cold to walk at night, and in the evenings there seems to be more than enough time. So why not put it to good use? Autumn - best time in order to do everything that you dreamed of in the summer, but put off until later, and maybe even completely - start a new hobby!

Do what you always wanted and never had time for. Start writing a book, sign up for English or driving courses. The main thing is not to sit idle. Autumn is simply created for new achievements and new victories.

Reason No. 9: New creative season

In autumn, only nature freezes; cultural life, on the contrary, is rapidly growing. Traditionally, it is in the fall that distributors release the most thoughtful, interesting and beautiful films, specially saving them until... emotional condition the viewer will come out in the way they need.

The start of the theater season, contemporary art exhibitions, the opening of fashion weeks and the best concerts also occur in the fall. In general, even if in the fall you can no longer walk in the parks in the evenings, you won’t be bored at home either. The main thing is don’t be lazy to go out!

Reason No. 10: Autumn falling in love

Yes, yes, you heard right! Autumn is the most romantic time of the year, and therefore the best time for new love. Don't be afraid to give in to your emotions and let your feelings swallow you whole. The happy state of falling in love in autumn is the best thing that can happen to you this season. In addition, autumn loves very often develop into long-lasting love for years.

26/08/12, Bramble Fairy
I love autumn very much! I love it when it rains - it’s so cozy to watch it from the window! I love cloudy days and coolness, and there’s nothing to say about the yellow-orange-red foliage - it’s simply amazing. An evening stroll through the autumn forest is just right for this time of year!

28/08/12, Eule
Early autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. Autumn calms and pacifies me. In autumn there is no need to die from the heat, shake from the cold or splash through the mud and melted snow. That's why I love her!

31/08/12, Sweet Amber
It’s a wonderful time, a time of calm and summing up the results. A little hated sun, a lot of adored rain. And these leaves. It's good that tomorrow is autumn

23/09/12, Quite quirky
Freshly picked ripe apples, a cozy coat, red lipstick, morning fog over the fields - that’s why I love her. The smell of autumn air cannot be compared with anything. It's hard to even describe him. Only November is not very pleasing with chilly rainy days and slush, but everything in autumn is wonderful.

07/10/12, Green Fog
Autumn is the best season for smoking weed, neither cold nor hot. Wet air and the yellow leaves add a buzz when stoned.

08/10/12, Fannie OBrien
early autumn is really okay. when the leaves just start to turn yellow/red. The main thing is that the weather is warm and sunny. there's something about this time of year... that brings back good memories.

15/10/12, Salmanasar
autumn is the coolest time of the year. It's not hot anymore, it's not cold yet. You can wear my favorite demi-season jacket, jeans and sneakers. Here. And also gray skies and rain sometimes. Slowly falling leaves. Beautiful “dying” in order to be reborn again!

18/10/12, Thunderous Snowfall
in autumn moderate temperature, not cold, not hot, if the heat happens in September, it is easily tolerated. I love autumn for its yellow leaves and thick fogs.

27/10/12, paracelsus
Yearning. came to me, and along with sadness, they overcome me every day... and in the mornings I am now worried about a migraine that has stuck from somewhere.... it’s chilly and dull outside... now I lie in bed all day... when the sun, with its hot ray, will tear away the disgustingly relaxing laziness from me......

20/06/13, Zlobushka
Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. The beauty of this time of year has already been said for me in the green column. I will only add that it is in autumn that the time of dreams and reflection appears. This is how the autumn atmosphere affects.

27/07/13, Orfav
My favorite time of year is autumn. Best Season no in the year. Think for yourself. September. Still worth the summer warm weather, but without the heat. All the children go to school, the adults go to work. There is a business atmosphere. October. The city is covered with yellow leaves. All women at this time begin to dress beautifully. November. It's my birthday!

30/07/13, Vetalla
The fading time of year... For some reason it makes me slightly melancholy and a little blues. When you look at autumn nature, it seems warm, when in fact your hands are a little cold. It seems colorful, but still emanates melancholy and sadness. It seems that autumn is solemn, but in fact it is the falling asleep and withering of Nature. I like autumn. Very. Because this is the calmest and most controversial time of the year.

04/08/13, Jasper
Pleasant time of year. Even if it’s raining and cold, I don’t give a fuck! You can still go for a walk, damn it! The nature is very beautiful, I love walking in the park in the fall, it’s very cool!

06/08/13, Knight of the Great Hedwig
I love autumn because under its refreshing coolness, the melancholy sound of the winds, and the ringing rustle of the rain, I better tune in to various philosophical reflections. Yes, and with its golden rustling foliage it always pleases the eye. For me, as a creative person, autumn is a time of inspiration. It’s much better for me to create in its coolness under the measured sound of raindrops than in the steaming summer stuffiness. Yes, and I was born in one of the autumn months.)

07/08/13, Quite quirky
How I miss her! I can’t wait to breathe in the cool air with the smell of a fire, put on a fashionable, cozy coat, and do some fall makeup! Hurry up to September, my favorite month.

21/08/13, Yukii
I really love the autumn forest, I love rustling the leaves, and of course picking mushrooms... Oh, I love a lot of things, but for some reason I don’t have enough eloquence.... In the forest, it’s especially solemnly quiet in the fall and especially breathable... .And I don’t really like autumn in the city: mud, puddles...

31/08/13, Selinger
Well, here she comes, shaking her red-red hair, shiny from the rain. Autumn is a time of calm reflection, deep soul-searching and analysis. It's not just an exposed forest with beautiful clothes at your feet; it is also a graying city, dissolving in the fog - buildings, factories, people, everything is covered with a touch of cool drowsiness. The best thing for art is that the weather itself determines your mood if you relax and surrender to its caring hands. Dirt, slush, puddles are a mere trifle compared to the atmosphere of noir, where night lights boil on streams of rain to the sound of street traffic. Images, thousands of them, approach the most hidden highways of the brain, and in free time you sit back and start creating. Sorrow, hatred, love and peace.

31/08/13, Einsiedler
I love autumn! This is my favorite time of the year. IN last years I always look forward to it. I'm waiting for the summer heat and stuffiness to finally subside, the wind to blow and go cold rain! Or it’s just cloudy, cold but dry weather, frosts in the mornings, triangles of birds flying away. Or suddenly there will be a series of fine, cool days, when clouds float in the blue sky, and the city is covered in yellow leaves, the air is clean and transparent! How I love walking around the city, through forests, fields and swamps in the fall! In the gardens, branches and leaves are burning, the smell of fires, autumn forest, approaching winter, silence, peace and tranquility. Hopes and dreams come to life, faith in the best and the beautiful! Faith that all this will come and come true! That everything will be fine - the way I want it! And I will achieve and achieve everything! All seasons are good and yet nothing can compare with autumn! Each autumn month has its own beauty, charm, charm, some kind of sadness, melancholy and despondency that cleanse the soul. We'll meet in an hour. Goodbye summer!

05/09/13, daniel888
Hurray, autumn has arrived! What could be more beautiful than a sunny autumn day, especially in September? At about 18 o'clock the sun is slowly moving towards the horizon, in the sky there are only a couple of clouds floating quickly, driven by a frisky breeze, coolness, yellow color, mmm, you open the window, and the soul sings in a burst of inspiration! For some reason, it always seemed to me that the sun is yellower in the fall. And not because the leaves have changed color, it’s probably the spirit of autumn, I really like the autumn sun! Children go to school with backpacks in the morning, beautiful! People are already dressing warmer, but not yet burying themselves in piles of fur and fluff. Rarely seen in autumn short skirt or neckline, you pay more attention to your face, but the clothes are still tight-fitting, thin, this emphasizes your figure and together it sends your thoughts on a romantic flight! Even now I look forward to sleep so that I can quickly wake up and live another wonderful autumn morning.

07/09/13, Deppie
I love autumn)) And winter and summer and spring. But autumn is the most beautiful time of the year) Rains, Indian summer, yellow leaves... beauty... and the song "Pilot-Autumn" is wonderful: D

17/09/13, first snow
It’s such an ambiguous time, I’ll never understand whether I love it or not, because only in the fall does my mood change every day for no reason. But in my city, autumn is especially beautiful - this is its time, so I decided to write in this column. I love walking along golden embankments, hearing the crunch of leaves under my feet. I love peace

19/09/13, Nastia Nastenko
“Autumn time, the charm of the eyes!...” (A.S. Pushkin) Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. (in my opinion) Multi-colored leaves lie like a carpet, everything around is so cheerful, beautiful... It seems that everything smiles at you) And the mood rises. Autumn is cloudy time of year, and I love rain even more than the sun)

25/09/13, aequitas existentium
This off-season is like a point of contact for all seasons, like communion with eternity. A feeling of will and special ease. In autumn there is amazing air, fresh and invigorating, which retains the warmth of the past summer. It fills you with the desire to live and be free.

25/09/13, ragtime
Yes, the previous speaker wrote well, I agree in many ways. Although the autumn air can also be different, including having chilly notes of the approaching winter. Well, I’ll add that I was driving recently and when I looked at the foliage I thought that there were a lot of shades after all. Of course, yellow is central, but the palette is wide and goes from lemon to red. It seems to me that this is also in tune with the multi-layered nature of autumn as a season. Unlike winter or summer. Winter is still dominated by black and white monochrome, summer is dominated by greenery, but there is no such breadth of colors as autumn. Purely in terms of rhythm and breathing, spring is closer to me, but the melancholy of autumn is irreplaceable in its own way.

26/09/13, Night crying with rain
Autumn is mine Golden time, in the fall I even feel even better than always, it is in the fall, and not in the spring, that I get into such a state that I am ready to move mountains. In the fall, all the fatigue that sometimes happens at other times of the year goes away somewhere; in the fall, my mood is almost always at “A”; there are no short depressions. I feel when I walk down the street, inhaling the smell of autumn leaves, that even the air seems to envelop my body and fill it with energy. With autumn, like Night, we are kindred spirits, I would dream that autumn would never end. The classic poet was wrong when he wrote about autumn - “A sad time”, autumn, even as rainy as this year, still cannot be sad, it nourishes every cell of my body, giving the beauty of fallen leaves, the autumn sky, special air that smelled of earth, rain, and the Mistress Night cries rain constantly. My dear, dear autumn, be blessed! Long live the golden days.

26/09/13, Mike
I like autumn. Favorite time year) Rain, cloudy sky and leaves. Beauty!

01/10/13, Joseph Chamberlain
I like this time of year just like winter. Fresh autumn air, yellow and red leaves falling from the trees, coolness. The only thing I don’t like is the long (sometimes lasting several days) rains, due to which you can’t go outside, although just such periods are simply created for sitting at home and wrapped in a blanket, listening to your favorite music or reading books. For many people, autumn means depression, but personally, I don’t feel any depression at this time of year; on the contrary, the cool autumn weather energizes me, unlike the hot summer, when I don’t experience this.

02/04/14, TOHA 3
I like everything to some extent. Autumn is good after summer, but if September suddenly came after February, I would not be happy about it. Autumn pleases with variety. It's interesting to see how completely summer weather everything gradually turns into pure winter. September has a lot of summer weather. The sun is already low, and it is interesting when the heat returns at the same time. I like October because it is beautiful, and often the first snow falls at this time. True, the minus in October is especially bad. And then November is generally cool. Some special time, autumn is no longer autumn, and winter is no longer winter. There's something nice about it. And of course, when there is a return of heat in the fall, it is perceived in a special way. If spring came immediately after autumn, I would like autumn even more.

21/06/14, Demonial Narrator
I love autumn as much as spring. While spring for me is a time of impulses and awakening, autumn, on the contrary, is a period of calm and light melancholy, introversion. Time for silence. Walking through parks or in nature, when all around you are carmine-golden colors, a dazzling blue sky and leaves softly falling into puddles.. A swirling wind... Silent coolness and thoughts - I couldn’t help but love this... And late fall, when everything has already flown around, and somewhere in silence, alone, the wind howls dully and the early evening descends to the ground, preparing for the winter cold.. How can I put this into words? Only in images. Language - only a small part.)

23/06/14, Posterius
Ooh, it's the most wonderful time of the year! Autumn has a lot of advantages: 1) Summer is ending, which means the heat and the summer season. All that remains is to harvest the harvest and rest in peace. 2) Cloudy weather and rain! Although they exist in the summer, they still differ from each other, I don’t know why. 3) You can finally wear beautiful autumn clothes. 4) And in general, some kind of “spirit of autumn” appears: the trees shed their golden foliage and become bare, in the middle of autumn people begin to light the stoves, smoke will come out of the chimneys, every day it gets darker and earlier, and if you’re lucky, there will be snow It will fall early, it becomes cold, the wind blows, and when you return home, you see an incredible contrast between the cold and wet street and the cozy warm house. In short, you need to get into the spirit of autumn to understand what I’m writing about here. P.S.: I wish summer would end sooner.

24/06/14, V1S
Well, my summer hasn’t really started with the holidays - and I’m already missing school and autumn. Well, what could be better than the “Institute of Science” under the gloomy autumn sky and rain!

24/06/14, V1S
I also like how dad calls each beginning school year"golden days"!

An essay about "Autumn has come"

Autumn has come. The sun still warms almost like summer, trying to give away the last unspent heat. On blue and clear sky There are almost no clouds yet. Only the wind became colder and harsher, reminding us that it was already September. Among the bright greenery, the first harbingers of autumn are noticeable: yellow and red leaves. Soon they will fall from the trees and cover all roads and paths.

Essay on the theme “Autumn”

Autumn is the time of farewell to warmth and the arrival of cold weather. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and this is becoming more noticeable with each new day. The sun appears on the horizon later and later, and sets earlier, and day after day it warms less and less. The temperature on the thermometer outside the window slowly drops, and in the evenings it becomes noticeably colder.

It's here Golden autumn. The most beautiful and picturesque time of the year. Autumn loves yellow, red, orange colors, and how she loves to sprinkle everything with gold. You come to a birch grove and you can’t take your eyes off, everything is in gold. Instead of leaves, there are gold coins hanging on the birch trees, and it seems that with just one breath of wind they will immediately begin to ring.

Essay on the topic “Autumn time”

Autumn- the most beautiful time of the year. No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin had autumn as his favorite time of the year. One cannot help but admire the beauty that autumn nature gives us. How beautiful it is in the forest in autumn! Sometimes words are simply not enough to describe all this splendor; only an artist can convey the autumn landscape.

Essay on the theme “Golden Autumn”

The fun summer is over. September became the rightful owner. It becomes unusually cold in the morning and at night. Only during the day the sun is still warm, trying to remind us of summer. After exhausting long labor, the fields are resting. The golden gardens have already given their owners their harvest. The cool breeze of autumn can be felt everywhere. Low clouds began to appear more and more often in the gray sky. It's raining lightly.

An essay about "Why I like autumn"

Autumn, autumn is coming...Wonderful and wonderful time. The sun no longer burns mercilessly from morning to evening, as in summer, and does not yet hide behind dense gray clouds, as it will in winter. It generously and gently warms, caressing every cell, it seems to ring in the sky with a million bells and scatters its tenderness and warmth. Go, people and animals, blades of grass and flowers, birds and trees, catch its lovely rays, bathe in them, rejoice, smile.

An essay about "Autumn" for grades 2, 3, 4

Option 1. Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow. Soon they will begin to fall to the ground.
Yesterday my mother and I walked through the autumn park. It's sunny and quiet there. The birds don't sing anymore. They are preparing to fly to warmer climes.

Option 2. On the first day of autumn we went to school. The days are fine. Every day I return from school and enjoy the autumn sun.
The autumn rains will come soon. It will get cold. Now the foliage on the trees is golden. But soon it will wither and fall off.

An essay about "Autumn in Odessa"

I live in Odessa. This is a very cozy and nice city. Now it has reached us autumn. The trees gradually began to dress in yellow, orange and red clothes.

Our autumn is very warm, but this year it is even warmer than before. You can still swim in the sea. The sun shines not so intensely, but still quite often. I was always surprised that in the fall we sometimes don’t even need to wear jackets and coats, while in all other cities to the north everyone bundles up, feeling winter is approaching. It’s very nice to walk among the trees now, when everything around is so colorful and bright. I love my city, it’s like the whole world where you can enjoy life. Autumn gives Odessa even greater grace and beauty. We can say that autumn is coming to my city.

Did not you find what you were looking for? here's another

Most people don't like autumn. At this time of year we see only slush, rain, grayness and cold. But once you throw away this negativity, you will see how beautiful this time is. Therefore, you should not fall into depression and experience autumn. Today we will tell you why autumn is the best time for inspiration.

1. Color palette

The most obvious and most controversial point. Of course, in many cities, the golden-red carpet of leaves quickly turns into a dirty mess. And if this is your case, then you just need to raise your head up and you will plunge into the abundance of warm and bright colors that trees delight us with every autumn. All this beauty cannot but inspire.

2. Romance

Autumn is the most romantic time of the year, no matter what they say about spring. Summer heat doesn’t really contribute to the desire to cuddle in bed or even take a walk holding hands. The autumn coolness is simply created for hugs and tenderness. When the wind blows outside the window, you just want to snuggle up to to a loved one and bask a little in a cozy embrace. Find inspiration in this warm romance. Then you won't have to struggle with creative block.

3. A valuable lesson from autumn

Every year, autumn teaches us one important truth - you need to appreciate what you have. For three whole months we were spoiled by the summer with hot sun and warmth, but what did we do? Have you been hiding under the air conditioners and whining about how hot it is outside? So, as soon as autumn only gives a hint of the upcoming winter cold, the heat ceases to seem like something bad. Many even try to escape bad weather to hot countries. So, appreciate the warmth that we still have left.

4. Treats

It is in autumn that the last and most generous harvest occurs. This is just the time when you should fully recharge with vitamins and unwind your soul by eating your favorite vegetables and fruits. After all, very soon the ripe and inexpensive gifts of nature will disappear from the shelves, and they will be replaced by unripe fruits and vegetables of dubious quality, which will also cost quite a lot.

5. Long nights

Night is an unusual time of day. It is at night that the most unusual and entertaining ideas come to mind. It is at night that we can be attacked by incredibly powerful inspiration. There is something in this mysterious darkness and calm. Therefore, lovers of the night simply must love autumn, since at this time of year the nights become much longer. Well, owls can sleep peacefully in the morning and not hide their eyes from the bright rays of the sun.

6. Cozy clothes

In the fall, no one will be able to laugh at you if you are sitting in front of the computer in old, warm pajamas with a child's drawing. It is at this time of year that we can wrap ourselves in a warm sweater and enjoy its comfort and softness. Autumn is the time for elegant coats and raincoats, favorite scarves and funny hats. Experiment with your wardrobe and add a couple of bright details to it. Let your clothes inspire you.

7. Autumn is the time for books

It seems that autumn is simply made for reading. I just want to wrap myself in a warm blanket, grab a cup of something hot and plunge into good book. Readers will no longer need to come up with a reason to stay at home. On the street bad weather- an excuse for all occasions. And now you can calmly delve into reading without fear that you will be Once again will be distracted.

8. Last gatherings around the fire

In the summer you want to stay as far away from the fire as possible. The autumn bonfire helps companies unite, because because of cool weather everyone, huddled close to each other, will surround him. Treat yourself to shashlik, bread fried over a fire or baked potatoes, because you won’t taste this for quite a long time.

9. Peace

After a stormy summer, I want to retire, to be in a calm and peaceful environment. Autumn evokes a slightly melancholy and creative mood, which may well attract the long-awaited muse. Give in to the tranquility of autumn, observe what is happening around you. Take inspiration from the world around you and pour it into your creativity.

10. The opportunity to be children

They will never look askance at a person playing with autumn leaves. For some reason, this childishness is forgivable at any age. Therefore, allow yourself to fully rustle the leaves and feel like a child. This helps overcome creative decline and significantly improve your mood.

Halloween is also celebrated in the fall. And this holiday - great way express yourself by creating an unusual costume. And, when you come to the party, you will see so many varied and creative clothes that you simply cannot be in a state of creative crisis anymore.

Main photo taken from the site

Autumn is the most mysterious time of the year. She sneaks up quietly and unnoticed. The autumn breeze and slight coolness have been enveloping the earth since the end of August. And with the first day of September everything becomes truly mysterious. This time of year, like an artist, paints nature in bright colors. But it also has another, less colorful side when the rainy season begins. Many consider this a time of sadness and reflection. But this is what makes this period wonderful, because it gives us the opportunity to enjoy life and at the same time immerses us in ourselves.

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls.

Autumn is that time of year when people should warm each other with their words, their feelings, their lips... And then no cold will be scary.

In autumn it is always easy to think, and eternity, having forgotten time and space, loses the intensity of thought, and something quiet and sad pours into the soul.

Autumn is the flowering of the beauty of nature in its fading

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring-green and slows down when all the colors are on at the same time.

Autumn has come and even from Vkontakte there was a whiff of dampness, rain and yellow leaves.

Fall has come! Now let her shed all our tears, and we will only smile

I wander alone through October, timidly crushing the leaves, I lie to myself that I don’t love, I lie to myself that I forget.

This fall my mood is to make a nest out of a blanket and never leave.

The world has changed: people used to do autumn photos as a keepsake, and now to cover VKontakte with yellow leaves.

Autumn... It always smells like unfulfilled dreams

The first breath of autumn, a fresh breeze - happiness after a hot summer. In September you can still feel the summer aftertaste.

The old woman is autumn, the leaves crunch under our feet, reminding us of what happened between us.

Thoughts of Great Writers on the Golden Age

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower. (Albert Camus)

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year. (William Cullen Bryant)

With the first autumn chill, life will begin again. (Francis Scott Fitzgerald)

Autumn is the most generous time of the year

Autumn is the time of year immediately after which the anticipation of spring begins. (Doug Larson)

Autumn is the only time of year that teaches. (Elchin Safarli)

And every autumn I bloom again. (Alexander Pushkin).

By the way, the flowers of autumn are more colorful and luminous than those of summer, and they die earlier... (Erich Maria Remarque)

Smells like autumn. And I love Russian autumn. Something unusually sad, welcoming and beautiful. I would take it and fly away somewhere with the cranes. (Anton Chekhov)

Quotes from the works of popular Russian poets

Golden autumn has arrived.
Nature is tremulous, pale,
Like a sacrifice, luxuriously decorated... (A.S. Pushkin)

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant threats of gray winter. (A.S. Pushkin)

Autumn is a leap into next summer

Autumn. Ancient Corner
Old books, clothes, weapons,
Where is the treasure catalog
Flipping through the cold. (B. L. Pasternak)

Autumn has sprung up in the wet valleys,
Revealed the cemeteries of the earth,
But thick rowan trees in passing villages
The red color will shine from afar. (A. A. Blok)

It makes me sad to look at you
What a pain, what a pity!
Know, only willow copper
We stayed with you in September. (S. A. Yesenin)

Autumn is a fragment of the reality of a world split into parts...

Autumn. The trees in the alley are like warriors.
Each tree smells differently.
Army of the Lord. (M. I. Tsvetaeva)

I love the sun of autumn, when
Making your way between clouds and fogs,
It casts a pale, dead ray
On a tree swayed by the wind,
And on the damp steppe. I love the sun
There is something similar in a farewell glance
Great luminary with secret sadness
Deceived love... (M. Yu. Lermontov)

Autumn is a time of tender, tender, tender sadness

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field... (F.I. Tyutchev)

Beautiful phrases about autumn from films and TV series

Autumn is approaching like an inexorable army. And you understand that love is something more than the playful word of a frivolous woman. (From the film “Summer Rain”)

Before it gets cold, it gets warmer for a while. (From the film “Sleep with me”)

Autumn again... Again bright spots of leaves swirl in the wind

The forest was silent... Only the golden leaves of the birch played a little, bathing in the sparkles of the sun... Ah, yellow forest, yellow forest... Here is a piece of happiness for you. Here's your place to think. In the autumn sunny forest, a person becomes cleaner - yes, we all wish we could go to this yellow forest more often. (From the film “White Bim Black Ear”).

There is a time in New York when you feel the breath of autumn long before the first leaf has fallen. The air has become clear, summer is behind us, and one night for the first time in a long time you want to cover yourself warm blanket. (From the film “Sex and the City”)

Statuses in English with translation

Autumn's the mellow time. ( Autumnsweet time).

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons. ( Autumn carries more gold in its pockets than all other seasons).

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all. ( Winter is an engraving, spring is a watercolor painting, summer is a painting oil paints, and autumn is a mosaic of all this).

I love early autumn. At this time it seems: everything will still be fine

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns. ( Lovely autumn! My soul is devoted to her, and if I were a bird, I would fly around the earth in search of a place where autumn follows one after another).

Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale. ( Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. The time when everything explodes with final beauty, as if nature had been saving it all year for the great finale).

Autumn and love

Love also has autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of his beloved knows it. (Mark Levy)

In the spring the heart makes mistakes, but in the fall it sums up the results.

I like autumn. Tension, the roar of a golden lion at the back of the year, stunning with its mane of foliage. A dangerous time - violent rage and deceptive calm; fireworks in your pockets and chestnuts in your fist.

Only real love will make you smile even in autumn

Well, there is autumn, it gently and carefully prepares us for the cold. Favorite autumn. A time of reflection, hands in pockets, mulled wine in the evenings and pleasant melancholy...

Fall in love and date, there’s nothing else to do in the fall anyway.

I love autumn, although I don't like the cold. But it is precisely at this time that nature reminds me how important it is to appreciate warmth.

What a beauty - a woman's soul! Everything is in the clouds, naive, soaring! And even autumn can be good for her. If there is someone nearby who opens an umbrella!

Autumn always and everywhere complicates everything in life and in relationships.

About women

And autumn, you know, will play according to suit,
She doesn't hide the cards. She doesn't need it.
She, like a woman, is possessed by her passion,
Insanely beautiful, with an alluring look.

A girl with an autumn-colored soul
Writes inspired poetry.
And four cards were thrown to the ground
Spirits of the four blind elements.

In autumn, every woman is a little bit of a witch. After all, crimson leaves awaken in the soul as ancient as the world, remembering fire with a mysterious potion - and its recipe deep inside

This woman has autumn blues in her eyes -
A little sadness under the mocking gaze...
At her age - all the colors of leaf fall,
Heady and tart in taste. (Yu. Egorov)

Woman - autumn. Lit candles
They play with bright intensity seriously.
Woman is autumn, this is not evening,
This is an incorrect forecast from young people. (S. Romashina)

Millions of women love autumn... Falling leaves and the sound of rain streams... Carefully measured doses - coffee, chocolate and a kiss...

Russian autumn has it, like a Russian woman
Three wonderful ages given by fate.
Like any woman, autumn is changeable,
Sometimes it promises us joy, sometimes it threatens us with disaster. (M. Bralgina)

Autumn coffee

Autumn coffee - sweet honey
with the finest bitterness of wormwood;
So hot, it burns your lips.
Let it be okay. It will cool down now.

I wish you autumn full of love, warm colors, the smell of coffee and kisses.

Autumn is the time to warm yourself with warm sweaters, hot coffee and kindness

A maple leaf fell on the coffee,
It's like a warm greeting from you.
Bad weather paints your profile
On the transparent palette of rain...

Neither the coffee, nor the jacket, nor the blanket keeps you warm... Summer is ending... What, hello, autumn?!

Leave me the smell of coffee and go, let’s not be clumsy, the tormented summer is behind us, just a little more, and autumn will rule.

Autumn is coffee with cinnamon, Maple leaves, multi-colored, as part children's drawing, warm, tender buns with vanilla and a subtle smell of smoke...

Autumn coffee loves candles, blues and one breath for two.

The time has begun for soft blankets, soft music and hot coffee... Autumn...

Cold, Rain and Wind: Quotes about Weather Phenomena

It's damp outside, the sky is crying, the sun has hidden: everything is so black and gray... Why? Maybe because it's October? No, you're just not around...

Autumn... cold, windy and rainy. But it becomes cozy and warm if you are not alone in it. If he is in it...

Even in the most mournful autumn rain, do not forget that the sky is actually blue! You just need to wait a little...

Feeling sad, autumn shed a little rain...

November. Cold. It's windy. Snow. Weather created for hot tea, chocolate, warm blankets and beautiful fairy tales.

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, someone with joy and a premonition of cleansing will offer their hands to the same rain, while another will frown heavily, sweep away their sadness into a random stream and pull their cloak tighter. The weather is ours, and the rain... it just comes. Devoid of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.

Sad phrases from this period

Autumn is the time when lonely people warm their frozen hearts with cigarette smoke.

Autumn... You are so beautiful, bright and memorable, but so lonely... Yes, you and I have too much in common. Too much.

Autumn, September. Quiet smile. A sad morning, a gray day, and in the evenings chocolate and tea, but the most delicious thing is not chocolate - it’s dessert, but for dessert warm memories of last summer

Autumn is the time of pessimists and melancholics, the time of those who like to be sad and dream with folded arms. Months of dead desert forests with the remains of life

In autumn, along with the yellow fallen leaves, we certainly lose someone...

In autumn it is always easy to think, but difficult to dream, and eternity, having forgotten space and time, loses tension, and something soft and sad pours into the soul...

Your words wanted to make me cry, but the falling leaves stopped them and took them away into autumn...

Autumn depressively covers the city and us with leaves...

There is nothing sadder and more silent than autumn twilight. (Emile Zola)

Poems about the last warm days

Autumn...warm at the beginning,
Then it will rain.
Leaves on the boulevard
He writes: don’t expect warmth.

On a warm autumn evening,
The star lit up early.
Mint that heals grief
Ripened by the pond.

For some it’s just autumn, but for others it’s warm and eternal. Some people see eight as eight, while others see an infinity sign...

Autumn is warm in the soul,
Dirt and cold is a cliché
Created by man
Who doesn't like comfort
Doesn't like being waited on
At home, tea with a blanket.
Or coffee with cinnamon and honey,
Warmer, for the sake of the weather,
Or even with cognac... I love when the leaves turn red in the fall. As if out of shame...And then they hastily fall off the branches. As if ready to fall through the ground

Autumn begins - the skirt lengthens.

A little about friends and strangers

Autumn weather forecast: if almost all your friends are online in contact, it means it’s raining, it’s very cold and it’s better not to go outside.

Autumn means giving up unnecessary people and lacking time for the ones you need. Just.

About mushrooms

Mushrooms are real gentlemen, they wear hats!

The gifts of autumn are always the brightest

In autumn, love is nourished not only by feelings, but also by mushrooms, berries and vegetables.

For those who don't like autumn

I don't like autumn. I don't like to watch them wither full of life leaves, having lost the battle with nature, higher power which they cannot overcome

I breathe in October. I inhale autumn, I inhale hatred, I inhale the resin of pine trees.

Autumn is what makes people bolder, rougher and drier, like fallen leaves.