Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian AdventureRiddle of the Sphinx. Egyptian adventure

Riddle of the Sphinx - solved.

Get out of the helicopter and head towards the tent camp, enter the far tent, this is Gil Jeffrey's tent.

In Gil's tent.

Turn to the right, open the box lying on the bed, look in Gil's wallet. Take out the third card on the left side of the wallet, under the card there is a note with numbers (R 6:10, L 15:24 R 8:25), write them down, take out the lowest card, write down its number (1007-72-33-1334). Look at the table to the left of the entrance to the tent, read the note, take the cassette and listen to it on the tape recorder. Pull out the tablet (it is above the top left drawer of the table) and copy the information from the sheet attached to the tablet (cassette No. 3: R 0105, cassette: L 0223, cassette No. 1: R 0031). Take the empty combination lock packaging from the box in the far corner of the tent and read the instructions for use on the back. Go to the nightstand next to the bed, take the Bible and find the passages under the numbers that Gil wrote down on the piece of paper you found in his wallet. The passage in 6:10 speaks of two doves and two doves, in 8:25 the age of 50 years is mentioned, in 15:24 there is one calf and one kid. You can also read Gil Jeffrey's book about Egypt in the bookmarked area, it talks about Rudolf Gantenbrink's discovery of a small door in the Cheops pyramid, as well as the King and Queen's quarters inside the pyramid. Lie down on the bed for a nap. When you wake up at night, light a candle using the matches that are on the nightstand, take the piece of paper out from under the pillow and read in the light of the candle what is written on it. Go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, light another match and, with the match in your hands, head to the back of the tent to the gas stove. Turn the gas knob and light the burner. A key will appear in the pan, take it. Use the key to open all four desk drawers. In a large desk drawer, examine a star chart dated 10,500 years before Christ, noting the constellation Orion in the center of the map. From the first and third drawers on the left side of the table, take three tape cassettes, they are marked with numbers 1 and 3 and an inscription. Set the tape recorder counter to zero, insert cassette No. 3, fast forward it to position 0105 (this is the number indicated on the sheet that you found earlier on the tablet), listen to Gil’s instructions. Repeat this procedure with two other cassettes, remembering to set the counter to zero each time before inserting the cassette into the tape recorder. All three of Gil's instructions contain mathematical operations that you must perform with numbers obtained from the corresponding Bible passages (6:10, 15:24 and 8:25). If you performed the calculations correctly, you will get three numbers: 12, 5 and 20. This is the code that opens the lock on the chest in the far right corner of the tent. You can return the cassettes to their place; you will no longer need them. Open the lock following the instructions you read on the lock packaging. Namely, first rotate the lock disk at least one full circle in any direction. Turn the dial clockwise to the 12 mark, then counterclockwise one full circle and on the second circle, stop at mark 5. And finally, turn the dial again clockwise to mark 20. The lock will open, pull back the two hinges and open the chest. From the chest, take the scroll (Translation Scroll) and the cassette with explanations for the scroll. Listen to the tape.

Exit the tent and turn right towards the excavation site. Walk along the platform to the end and go down to the ground. Turn left and walk around the Sphinx, stop in front of the scaffolding and read the date 2/17 carved on the board on the right, this is the date the scaffolding was completed, write it down. Go further, you will see a tunnel on the left, enter it and go to the end. The path at the end of the tunnel is blocked by a door with a design very similar to the design from the Translation Scroll. Return to the helicopter and head to the Cheops Pyramid.

The Pyramid of Cheops.

After exiting the helicopter, go to the tent. Take a can of gasoline. Look at the sand under the water tank, open the tap and hold it open for a while, look at the sand under the tank again, a Sacred Scroll should appear in the hole washed with water, take it. If the scroll does not appear immediately, then keep the tap open until you achieve the desired result. Go to the entrance to the pyramid, pour gasoline from the can into the generator tank, turn on the generator. Enter the tunnel leading inside the pyramid. Having reached almost the end, you will see stairs leading up, go up the stairs to the fork, look to the right, lift the grate and read Gil's note. The note says that the code to Gantenbrink's door can be obtained by adding Gil's ID number to the last four digits ( bottom card in the wallet from the tent) the date of completion of the construction of scaffolding around the Sphinx. 1334+217=1551. Go into the tunnel directly in front of you, it ends in a room with electronic equipment. There is a Cheoptronic research robot on the box to the right of the entrance, take it. Insert the robot into the hole in the wall above the equipment table. Look at the equipment on the table, it consists of three blocks, turn on all three in series, starting from the top. By pressing the buttons on the lower block, read the records contained in the device’s memory, from them you will learn how to control the robot. Press the button on the middle block. The image transmitted by the robot will appear on the display. Controlling the robot using two levers on the left side of the middle block (the right lever controls forward and backward movement, use the left one if the robot gets stuck in a tunnel), bring it to the closed door (this is the Gantenbrink door). Enter the door opening code (1551) on the digital keypad. A passage to the Queen's premises will open on the left. Go back to the fork where you found Gil's note under the grate and go up the stairs. You will find yourself in a room with a stone slab, click on one of the stone blocks in the wall behind the slab, a passage to the King’s premises will open. After walking along the passage, you will find yourself in a room with a golden sarcophagus.

The King's Rooms.

Climb under the sarcophagus. At the end of another tunnel you will find a golden cobra figurine. Turn left and follow the corridor to the first room. Go inside. In the far right corner on the floor you will see a pot, remove the lid from it and take the Heraldic Key. Look at the labyrinth map with Anubis on the back left corner of the room. Go to the adjacent room. Sit down on the throne, the statue in the corner of the room will move away, revealing a passage to a secret room. Enter the opened passage. Pick up the Royal Telescope lying on the floor. Look at the sign painted on the wall. It looks like a comb with six teeth, remember what the sign looks like or sketch it. Return to the corridor and move along it to the next room.

In the second room, open the wooden chest to the right of the stairs and take the Yacht Scroll. Next to the chest there is a pot of arrows, you will need two arrows in the future, but you can find them in the place where you need them, so you can not take the arrows now, so as not to load your inventory. To the left of the stairs there is a vase with a picture of a star map, at the bottom of the vase you will see a sign, you need to find a vase at the bottom of which the same sign will be depicted as on the wall in the King's secret room, on this vase the sign is different, so leave it in peace. Go up the stairs and take the Golden Dagger from the chest. Go out into the corridor and go to the next room.

As you enter the third room, look to the right. Take the Royal Trumpet and Flute Player's Scroll from the pot, note the images of the flute player, cobra and eight bags on the scroll. To the left of the door is another vase with a star map, but the mark on its bottom is again wrong. Nearby there is a table with some kind of game, open the table drawer, take the Linen Wick Key. In the far left corner of the room, take the Scroll of the Throne from the pot. Go behind the flute player statue, you will find an air duct with a hole and a wooden plug, insert the plug into the hole. Return to the middle of the room, notice the two panels on either side of the room. Place the Royal Trumpet on the stand, pointing it at one of the panels. Click on the pipe - the panel will break, rotate the Royal Tube 180 degrees in the direction of the other panel, click on it again. Behind one of the panels there is a room with cobras, behind the other there is a niche with a leather bag hanging on the wall. If you want to enter the room with cobras, first SAVE THE GAME. Time to remember what is depicted on the Flute Player's Scroll. Click on the leather bag eight times, the flute will play and the cobras will disappear, the path is clear, enter the room and take the Hathor Plate. The image on the plate exactly repeats one of the six drawings on the Translation Scroll. Return to the corridor and follow the direction to the next room, along the way you will pass by another hole, opposite which you will see a panel in the wall, do not stop here for now, you will return here later.

In the fourth room you will see six columns with doors in each. The doors open only in the second column from the right. But first, go into the niche in the left wall of the room and take the Reed Leaf Key from the box. In the niches in the right wall and in the wall opposite the entrance you will find two more vases with star maps, but the signs on the vases again do not look like the one you saw in the secret room. Approach the second column on the right (if you stand with your back to the wall without a niche), use the Golden Dagger to cut the rope and open the doors. Go upstairs and cross the bridge into the room with the crossbow. If you did not take the arrows from the pot in the second room before, then it is better to SAVE THE GAME. Take the burning arrow from the vase with fire, load the crossbow and, taking aim, shoot at one of the statues on the opposite side of the room. Then pick up another arrow, light its tip, and shoot the second statue. After you hit both statues, a bridge will appear. Walk across the bridge to the opposite side. SAVE THE GAME. Climb up the small ladder into the alcove and take the Anubis Slab, the one on the left of the two. Return to the crossbow and take the Arch Scroll from the niche in the pedestal. Go downstairs and go out into the corridor. Follow to the next, fifth, room.

In the center of the fifth room you will see a model of a yacht, you can move the yacht back and forth, it’s better to save first, my game froze here. In the corner to the right of the entrance, take the Column Key from the locker. Go to the corner of the room opposite from the entrance and take out the Sacred Amulet and the Sorcerer's Scroll from the chest. The scroll depicts a woman with an amulet opposite a cobra. Go out into the corridor and visit the last, sixth, room.

When you enter the sixth room, turn left. In the corner there are two more vases with star maps. At the bottom of one of them you will see a sign similar to the one you saw on the wall in the King's secret room, sketch the map from this vase (the map contains 9 stars). Go to the table at the back of the room and take the Ankh Key from the gold-topped pot. You have visited all the rooms in this part of the premises. Go back to the place where you saw the hole at the bottom of the wall and the panel in the wall opposite.

Squeezing through the hole, you will see a room with a model of a yacht in the center, a large wheel on the wall opposite the entrance and six statues, three on each side. Remember mutual arrangement yachts, wheels and statues and write down the colors of the statues' eyes. If you stand facing the wheel on the wall, these colors will be as follows: on the left - white, green, white, on the right - green, blue, red. Get out of the room into the corridor, open the panel in the wall opposite.

Go up the stairs, about halfway up, notice a lever with a star on your right and a star-shaped hole under the lever on the wall. Once you reach the top, you will find yourself in a room with two statues standing in front of a star map grid depicted on the wall. From the pot on the right side of the room, collect 9 stars with the symbol you saw on the wall in the King's secret room (a six-prong comb). Place nine stars at the grid points on the wall according to the design you copied from the vase. If you do everything correctly, the Star Scepter will fall from the hole in the wall onto the hands of the left statue and a passage to the royal observatory will open. You won't be able to go there because it's too dark. Take the Scepter and return to the lever with the star that you saw while going up the stairs. Insert the Star Scepter into the hole under the lever and pull the lever. Going upstairs again, you will see that it is now light in the observatory, go into the observatory.

Opposite the entrance you will see a lever, pull it and take the Scroll of Cosmos from the opened niche. In one of the corners of the observatory lies a skeleton, next to it are two identical slabs, this is the Thoth Plate. SAVE THE GAME. Take the Thoth Plate furthest from the skeleton. Lie down and get some sleep. When you wake up at night, use the Royal Telescope to look at the starry sky through the windows on each of the four sides of the observatory. Use the lever to open the exit from the observatory and move towards the exit from the King's premises. After leaving the King's premises, go to the room with electronic equipment, enter the passage leading to the Queen's rooms.

Queen's rooms.

After leaving the tunnel and finding yourself in the corridor, go into the small room on the left side behind the column and the image of the labyrinth above the entrance. Take the lever from the statue’s hand, turn around and insert the lever into the hole next to the entrance, pull the lever, the entrance to the room will be closed by a stone slab raised on chains, pull the lever to open the entrance. Pull the lever again, the rising slab will begin to close the entrance again, slide out until the entrance is completely closed. Continue down the corridor to a room with two sitting statues on your right. Opposite the statues, a passage opened into the Harp Hall. Follow the passage until you find yourself in a large hall with a column entwined with a huge golden snake. Climb up the snake, you will find yourself in a room with five harpists. If you look at their harps, you will find that one key is missing from the base of each. Remember now that you have five keys in your inventory: Reed Leaf, Ankh, Column, Linen Wick and Heraldic. Insert all five keys into the corresponding holes in the harp bases and work your way down to the base of the column. Go around the column and follow the corridor behind it. In the small room at the end of the corridor, take the Golden Harp Key from the pedestal.

Go out into the corridor and return to the room with one sitting statue. Push the statue and it will move away, revealing a passage in the wall. Go into the room behind the statue and go down the shaft. You will find yourself in a room with a large boat (yacht) in the middle and eight columns along the walls (four on each side). You have already seen a small model of this room in one of the King's rooms. If you climb the ladder onto one of the columns, you will see that the top of the column can be rotated and has four designs of a crocodile head with eyes of different colors (white, red, blue and green). On the remaining seven columns you will see the same thing. Go to the far side of the room (to the bow of the yacht), enter the arch and look at the panel on the wall. Some of the cobblestones framing the panel are missing. Write down the numbers of the missing stones (3, 7, 9, 12, 18, 20 - clockwise). Knock over the vase in the corner and pick up the Bolt (in the room where the yacht is located, you can find four or five more bolts different shapes in various vases, pots and baskets, but in the future you will need only one, the one you just picked).

Come out from under the arch and go to the corner under the stairs, covered in cobwebs. In the corner you will see a statue of an Egyptian god in the form of a crocodile. Open the Arch Scroll. In the picture of the scroll you will see that the stones surrounding the statue of the god are numbered; by summing up the number of sticks on each stone (horizontal sticks must also be counted!), you will get the number of this stone. By matching the numbers of the stones on the scroll with the numbers of the stones missing from the panel you saw in the back of the room, you can determine the stones that need to be pressed and the order in which you need to do it. You just need to do this in ascending order of numbers and this order is as follows - 12, 18, 20, 9, 3, 7. After you click on the necessary stones, the plate will rotate. You must be able to stand on the platform on the back side of the slab before the slab starts to turn back. Once on the other side of the slab, you will see a cave with crocodiles. Don't be afraid of crocodiles, they won't eat you, on the contrary, they will even help you get to the far side of the cave. At the opposite wall of the cave you will see two Sobek Plates. SAVE THE GAME. Take the right slab and exit the cave with the crocodiles.

Look at the Yacht Scroll. You will see four circles on each side of the ship, the circles represent columns, but only six of the eight circles (three on each side) have images of crocodiles. Remember one of the King's rooms, where you saw a model of a ship, a wheel on the wall and six statues of a crocodile god with eyes of different colors along the walls. By comparing the information you have, you can determine what color eyes should be on each of the eight pillars. If you stand with your back to the stairs along which you went down into the room (at the stern of the yacht), then you need to set the following eye colors for the crocodiles. Columns on the right: first - green, second - any, third - blue, fourth - red. Columns on the left: the first - any, the second - white, the third - green, the fourth - white. Having set the desired colors, go up the stairs to the large wheel at the back of the room. Look down and insert the Bolt into the hole to the right of the wheel. Turn the wheel and the ship will move forward, revealing steps under the stern that lead down. Go to the stern and go down the steps.

Once you go down, you will find yourself in a grotto with a small pool in the middle. Dive into the water, go down to the bottom, turn right and swim until you find yourself in a large cave. Turn right and go forward until you find yourself in another cave with four exits. Turn right and walk until you find yourself on a small piece of land. Move the stone to your left and swim until you find yourself in a small cave. Take the pickaxe, open the briefcase and read the notes. Climb the pillar behind you and collect the Horus Slab. Do not touch the slab in the hands of the skeleton under any circumstances. Return to the cave with four exits and go straight through it without turning anywhere. Walk until you hit a wall with drawings and a small crack in the center. SAVE THE GAME. Hit twice with a pickaxe to widen the crack. When you try to enter the cave that has opened behind the wall, a cobra will try to bite you. Use the Sacred Amulet on the cobra and the cobra will disappear. Walk forward to the image of a cobra, turn around and click on the left side of the screen, you will see two Tourette Plates. SAVE THE GAME. Take the left slab. Return to the cave with four exits, turn left and go to the end of the passage. You will find yourself in the abandoned Temple of Ra.

Get out of the pool and go outside through the large arch right in front of you. You will find yourself on the shore of the bay. Turn right and walk until you find yourself on the opposite shore at a small structure in the form of a stone arch in the water not far from the shore. Approach the arch and look up. You will see three balls embedded in a stone. If you click on each ball, you will find that they have different colors (from left to right - blue, yellow, red). Return to the shore, turn left and continue on. Be careful. After going through several locations, you will find yourself behind a rock casting a shadow. On the right side of the screen, next to the shadow cast by the rock, there is a metal ball, pick it up and move further towards the huge statues. When you reach the stairs, don't stop, go a little further to the head of the fallen statue. Take another metal ball from the statue's ear. Go back to the stairs, turn left and follow the passage between the statues to the very end. Take the Scroll of Ra. Turn around, exit the passage and, without going down the stairs, turn left. Walk along the base of the monument to another passage between the statues on your left. Climb the passage to the very top, three symbols are engraved on the head of one of the statues, sketch them. Return to the entrance to the Temple of Ra and go forward along the other side of the bay. Having walked first along the shore, then through the stone arch along the wooden flooring to the end, you will find yourself in front of the golden pyramid. Face the pyramid between two stone columns, turn around and take the third metal ball lying under the palm tree a little to the left. Return to the Temple of Ra. Upon entering the temple, turn right and go to the right wing of the temple to the end. You will see a stone statue with three figures of different colors painted on it and three circles on the leg, the middle of which is painted over. Sketch the shape of the figures, write down their color and go to the left wing of the temple. Climb to the very top. Once in the gallery with windows, turn around and look at another stone statue, sketch the shape of the figures depicted on the statue and their relative positions, mark the position of the filled circle on the statue's foot. Go through the balcony with the golden disk and enter the gallery on the other side of the balcony. There you will see a third stone statue. Again sketch the shape and location of the figures and the location of the filled circle and, leaving the gallery, go down the steps. You will find yourself in front of a strange-looking mechanism. Hang the three metal balls you have in their places. Now you need to turn the balls in the middle part of the mechanism to set the combinations that you saw on the three stone statues. These combinations are as follows (from left to right): top ball - red circle, green rectangle, blue circle; middle ball - red rectangle, green circle, blue circle; bottom ball - green rectangle, blue circle, red rectangle. Having set the correct combinations and started the mechanism, return to the balcony above the pool. Now, looking down, you will see four signs on the surface of the water: from top to bottom - a circle with a dot in the center, a cobra, a boat, wavy lines. Memorize or sketch them. Return to the golden pyramid. On the door leading inside the pyramid, place the combination of signs you saw from the balcony of the Temple of Ra. Go inside the pyramid. You will see images of six Egyptian gods on the three inner walls of the pyramid. Exit the pyramid and go around it. On three sides of the pyramid, closer to its top, there are golden disks, similar to the disk you saw on the balcony of the Temple of Ra. Above the discs are images of cobras mounted on balls, the colors of the balls correspond to the colors you saw on the stone arch on the other side of the bay. Remember the three symbols that you saw when you climbed onto the head of one of the gigantic statues, then unfold the Scroll of Ra. You can establish a relationship between the colors of the three balls, the three symbols and the animals corresponding to each symbol, and therefore the color. This dependence is as follows: the blue ball is a fish, the yellow ball is a turtle, the red ball is a flamingo. Now we need to place the images of these animals on the gold disks so that they are located directly under the cobra figures. Having displayed images of animals on golden disks, return inside the pyramid. Recesses appeared under the images of Egyptian gods. Place the six slabs you collected earlier into the recesses. Collect six scrolls: Giza Complex Scroll, Mayan Pyramid Scroll, Easter Island Scroll, Atlantean Scroll, Bermuda Scroll and Stonehenge Scroll. Return to the Queen's Corridor.

Go to the farthest end of the corridor and enter the room with the maze symbol above the entrance. Take the Cobra Wheel from the hill. Look at the maze diagram to the right of the room's entrance. Exit the room and place the Cobra Wheel on the high ground Pink colour in the corridor. Turn the wheel once. The entrance to the labyrinth will open. Enter the maze, go to the exit at the other end of the maze. You will come to a room with a huge golden ball in a recess. Place the Golden Harp Key on the pedestal to your right. The golden ball will open and a stretcher will appear. Go through the maze and exit back into the Queen's Corridor. Turn the Cobra Wheel one more time. If you now enter the maze, you will find that the exit at the other end is blocked, as shown on the map of the maze. Turn the Cobra Wheel again and enter the maze again. This time, leaving the other end of the maze, you will find yourself in a secret room. Take the Sacred Ladle from the stand and the Scroll of Water Stream from the skeleton's hand in the corner of the room. Go back, turn the Cobra Wheel again and enter the maze again. You will again find yourself in the room with the stretcher. Go to the left side of the room. Open the drawer and turn the mechanism lever inside the drawer. Go to the far right corner of the room. Fill the Sacred Ladle with sand, take it to the stretcher and empty the ladle into the bowl in front of the stretcher. Repeat this procedure five more times. Get on the stretcher and go downstairs.

Get out of the stretcher, go up the steps and push the stone panel in the wall, it will move, opening the way to Anubis's labyrinth (you saw a picture of this labyrinth in one of the King's rooms). Directly in front of you is a cobra, behind the cobra is a hole covered with a wooden lattice. The grille is locked with a latch from the inside. Turn right away from the cobra. Walk through the labyrinth until you see the image of Anubis on your left, turn to face Anubis and come close to him, turn right. Go straight until you see the image of Anubis again on your left, turn to face Anubis, get closer to him, turn right, go further through the maze until you see the image of Horus on your right (this is an ibis bird). Approach Horus, turn right and walk until you see Anubis right in front of you again. Go left and forward to another image of Anubis. Go to the image of Thoret (hippopotamus) and then to the image of Anubis directly in front of you. Here you will hear the murmur of water and you can move further, focusing on the sound. Go straight all the time (the sound of flowing water will intensify) until you see a passage to the pool on your left. Enter the room with the pool.

There are statues of Anubis around the pool. Approach each statue and push it, moving it deeper. Under each statue you will find a wheel with a symbol and a design to the right of the wheel depicting five balls, some of which are on a red background. Draw the symbols on the wheels and the number of balls corresponding to each symbol on a red background. Turn all six wheels and the water will drain out of the pool. Exit the room with the pool, turn left, then right, you will find yourself in front of tubes mounted on the wall and filled with water, inside each tube there are five balls. Each of the six tubes has two valves - at the top and bottom. By manipulating the valves, ensure that at the bottom of each tube, colored in red, there remain as many balls as you saw in the pictures under the Anubis statues in the room with the pool. The number of balls in the lower, red-shaded part of each tube should be as follows (from left to right): 1, 2, 3, 5, 0, 4.

Return to the pool room and go down the stairs to the bottom of the pool. There are six panels around the circumference of the pool. On each panel you will see a wheel with a symbol, at the bottom of the panels there are holes covered with rods. Turn all six wheels and the holes will open. Go through the tunnels behind each of the panels and collect six keys: Giza, Atlantean, Easter Island, Stonehenge, Mayan Pyramid and Bermuda. Climb out of the pool through the hole in its wall (after going through the pipe and opening the wooden grate, you will find yourself at the beginning of Anubis' labyrinth). Exit the Cheops Pyramid and head back to the excavations around the Sphinx.

Enter the tunnel at the side of the Sphinx and go to its end. Insert the six keys into the holes along the edges of the slab blocking your path, checking the scrolls to determine which key corresponds to which symbol. The order should be as follows (starting from leftmost, clockwise): Maya, Giza, Stonehenge, Bermuda, Easter Island, Atlantis. The slab will move aside, opening the way for you. Go inside, a panel with constellations will lower in front of you. SAVE THE GAME. Select the Orion constellation from the panel.

Queen's rooms.

After leaving the tunnel and finding yourself in the corridor, go into the small room on the left side behind the column and the image of the labyrinth above the entrance. Take the lever from the statue’s hand, turn around and insert the lever into the hole next to the entrance, pull the lever, the entrance to the room will be closed by a stone slab raised on chains, pull the lever to open the entrance. Pull the lever again, the rising slab will begin to close the entrance again, slide out until the entrance is completely closed. Continue down the corridor to a room with two sitting statues on your right. Opposite the statues, a passage opened into the Harp Hall. Follow the passage until you find yourself in a large hall with a column entwined with a huge golden snake. Climb up the snake, you will find yourself in a room with five harpists. If you look at their harps, you will find that one key is missing from the base of each. Remember now that you have five keys in your inventory: Reed Leaf, Ankh, Column, Linen Wick and Heraldic. Insert all five keys into the corresponding holes in the harp bases and work your way down to the base of the column. Go around the column and follow the corridor behind it. In the small room at the end of the corridor, take the Golden Harp Key from the pedestal.

Go out into the corridor and return to the room with one sitting statue. Push the statue and it will move away, revealing a passage in the wall. Go into the room behind the statue and go down the shaft. You will find yourself in a room with a large boat (yacht) in the middle and eight columns along the walls (four on each side). You have already seen a small model of this room in one of the King's rooms. If you climb the ladder onto one of the columns, you will see that the top of the column can be rotated and has four designs of a crocodile head with eyes of different colors (white, red, blue and green). On the remaining seven columns you will see the same thing. Go to the far side of the room (to the bow of the yacht), enter the arch and look at the panel on the wall. Some of the cobblestones framing the panel are missing. Write down the numbers of the missing stones (3, 7, 9, 12, 18, 20 - clockwise). Knock over the vase in the corner and pick up the Bolt (in the room where the yacht is located, you can find four or five more bolts of different shapes in various vases, pots and baskets, but in the future you will need only one, the one you only what they picked up).

Come out from under the arch and go to the corner under the stairs, covered in cobwebs. In the corner you will see a statue of an Egyptian god in the form of a crocodile. Open the Arch Scroll. In the picture of the scroll you will see that the stones surrounding the statue of the god are numbered; by summing up the number of sticks on each stone (horizontal sticks must also be counted!), you will get the number of this stone. By matching the numbers of the stones on the scroll with the numbers of the stones missing from the panel you saw in the back of the room, you can determine the stones that need to be pressed and the order in which you need to do it. You just need to do this in ascending order of numbers and this order is as follows - 12, 18, 20, 9, 3, 7. After you click on the necessary stones, the plate will rotate. You must be able to stand on the platform on the back side of the slab before the slab starts to turn back. Once on the other side of the slab, you will see a cave with crocodiles. Don't be afraid of crocodiles, they won't eat you, on the contrary, they will even help you get to the far side of the cave. At the opposite wall of the cave you will see two Sobek Plates. SAVE THE GAME. Take the right slab and exit the cave with the crocodiles.

Look at the Yacht Scroll. You will see four circles on each side of the ship, the circles represent columns, but only six of the eight circles (three on each side) have images of crocodiles. Remember one of the King's rooms, where you saw a model of a ship, a wheel on the wall and six statues of a crocodile god with eyes of different colors along the walls. By comparing the information you have, you can determine what color eyes should be on each of the eight pillars. If you stand with your back to the stairs along which you went down into the room (at the stern of the yacht), then you need to set the following eye colors for the crocodiles. Columns on the right: first - green, second - any, third - blue, fourth - red. Columns on the left: the first - any, the second - white, the third - green, the fourth - white. Having set the desired colors, go up the stairs to the large wheel at the back of the room. Look down and insert the Bolt into the hole to the right of the wheel. Turn the wheel and the ship will move forward, revealing steps under the stern that lead down. Go to the stern and go down the steps.

Once you go down, you will find yourself in a grotto with a small pool in the middle. Dive into the water, go down to the bottom, turn right and swim until you find yourself in a large cave. Turn right and go forward until you find yourself in another cave with four exits. Turn right and walk until you find yourself on a small piece of land. Move the stone to your left and swim until you find yourself in a small cave. Take the pickaxe, open the briefcase and read the notes. Climb the pillar behind you and collect the Horus Slab. Do not touch the slab in the hands of the skeleton under any circumstances. Return to the cave with four exits and go straight through it without turning anywhere. Walk until you hit a wall with drawings and a small crack in the center. SAVE THE GAME. Hit twice with a pickaxe to widen the crack. When you try to enter the cave that has opened behind the wall, a cobra will try to bite you. Use the Sacred Amulet on the cobra and the cobra will disappear. Walk forward to the image of a cobra, turn around and click on the left side of the screen, you will see two Tourette Plates. SAVE THE GAME. Take the left slab. Return to the cave with four exits, turn left and go to the end of the passage. You will find yourself in the abandoned Temple of Ra.

Get out of the pool and go outside through the large arch right in front of you. You will find yourself on the shore of the bay. Turn right and walk until you find yourself on the opposite shore at a small structure in the form of a stone arch in the water not far from the shore. Approach the arch and look up. You will see three balls embedded in a stone. If you click on each ball, you will find that they have different colors (from left to right - blue, yellow, red). Return to the shore, turn left and continue on. Be careful. After going through several locations, you will find yourself behind a rock casting a shadow. On the right side of the screen, next to the shadow cast by the rock, there is a metal ball, pick it up and move further towards the huge statues. When you reach the stairs, don't stop, go a little further to the head of the fallen statue. Take another metal ball from the statue's ear. Go back to the stairs, turn left and follow the passage between the statues to the very end. Take the Scroll of Ra. Turn around, exit the passage and, without going down the stairs, turn left. Walk along the base of the monument to another passage between the statues on your left. Climb the passage to the very top, three symbols are engraved on the head of one of the statues, sketch them. Return to the entrance to the Temple of Ra and go forward along the other side of the bay. Having walked first along the shore, then through the stone arch along the wooden flooring to the end, you will find yourself in front of the golden pyramid. Face the pyramid between two stone columns, turn around and take the third metal ball lying under the palm tree a little to the left. Return to the Temple of Ra. Upon entering the temple, turn right and go to the right wing of the temple to the end. You will see a stone statue with three figures of different colors painted on it and three circles on the leg, the middle of which is painted over. Sketch the shape of the figures, write down their color and go to the left wing of the temple. Climb to the very top. Once in the gallery with windows, turn around and look at another stone statue, sketch the shape of the figures depicted on the statue and their relative positions, mark the position of the filled circle on the statue's foot. Go through the balcony with the golden disk and enter the gallery on the other side of the balcony. There you will see a third stone statue. Again sketch the shape and location of the figures and the location of the filled circle and, leaving the gallery, go down the steps. You will find yourself in front of a strange-looking mechanism. Hang the three metal balls you have in their places. Now you need to turn the balls in the middle part of the mechanism to set the combinations that you saw on the three stone statues. These combinations are as follows (from left to right): top ball - red circle, green rectangle, blue circle; middle ball - red rectangle, green circle, blue circle; bottom ball - green rectangle, blue circle, red rectangle. Having set the correct combinations and started the mechanism, return to the balcony above the pool. Now, looking down, you will see four signs on the surface of the water: from top to bottom - a circle with a dot in the center, a cobra, a boat, wavy lines. Memorize or sketch them. Return to the golden pyramid. On the door leading inside the pyramid, place the combination of signs you saw from the balcony of the Temple of Ra. Go inside the pyramid. You will see images of six Egyptian gods on the three inner walls of the pyramid. Exit the pyramid and go around it. On three sides of the pyramid, closer to its top, there are golden disks, similar to the disk you saw on the balcony of the Temple of Ra. Above the discs are images of cobras mounted on balls, the colors of the balls correspond to the colors you saw on the stone arch on the other side of the bay. Remember the three symbols that you saw when you climbed onto the head of one of the gigantic statues, then unfold the Scroll of Ra. You can establish a relationship between the colors of the three balls, the three symbols and the animals corresponding to each symbol, and therefore the color. This dependence is as follows: the blue ball is a fish, the yellow ball is a turtle, the red ball is a flamingo. Now we need to place the images of these animals on the gold disks so that they are located directly under the cobra figures. Having displayed images of animals on golden disks, return inside the pyramid. Recesses appeared under the images of Egyptian gods. Place the six slabs you collected earlier into the recesses. Collect six scrolls: Giza Complex Scroll, Mayan Pyramid Scroll, Easter Island Scroll, Atlantean Scroll, Bermuda Scroll and Stonehenge Scroll. Return to the Queen's Corridor.

Go to the farthest end of the corridor and enter the room with the maze symbol above the entrance. Take the Cobra Wheel from the hill. Look at the maze diagram to the right of the room's entrance. Exit the room and place the Cobra Wheel on the pink raised platform in the hallway. Turn the wheel once. The entrance to the labyrinth will open. Enter the maze, go to the exit at the other end of the maze. You will come to a room with a huge golden ball in a recess. Place the Golden Harp Key on the pedestal to your right. The golden ball will open and a stretcher will appear. Go through the maze and exit back into the Queen's Corridor. Turn the Cobra Wheel one more time. If you now enter the maze, you will find that the exit at the other end is blocked, as shown on the map of the maze. Turn the Cobra Wheel again and enter the maze again. This time, leaving the other end of the maze, you will find yourself in a secret room. Take the Sacred Ladle from the stand and the Scroll of Water Stream from the skeleton's hand in the corner of the room. Go back, turn the Cobra Wheel again and enter the maze again. You will again find yourself in the room with the stretcher. Go to the left side of the room. Open the drawer and turn the mechanism lever inside the drawer. Go to the far right corner of the room. Fill the Sacred Ladle with sand, take it to the stretcher and empty the ladle into the bowl in front of the stretcher. Repeat this procedure five more times. Get on the stretcher and go downstairs.

Get out of the stretcher, go up the steps and push the stone panel in the wall, it will move, opening the way to Anubis's labyrinth (you saw a picture of this labyrinth in one of the King's rooms). Directly in front of you is a cobra, behind the cobra is a hole covered with a wooden lattice. The grille is locked with a latch from the inside. Turn right away from the cobra. Walk through the labyrinth until you see the image of Anubis on your left, turn to face Anubis and come close to him, turn right. Go straight until you see the image of Anubis again on your left, turn to face Anubis, get closer to him, turn right, go further through the maze until you see the image of Horus on your right (this is an ibis bird). Approach Horus, turn right and walk until you see Anubis right in front of you again. Go left and forward to another image of Anubis. Go to the image of Thoret (hippopotamus) and then to the image of Anubis directly in front of you. Here you will hear the murmur of water and you can move further, focusing on the sound. Go straight all the time (the sound of flowing water will intensify) until you see a passage to the pool on your left. Enter the room with the pool.

There are statues of Anubis around the pool. Approach each statue and push it, moving it deeper. Under each statue you will find a wheel with a symbol and a design to the right of the wheel depicting five balls, some of which are on a red background. Draw the symbols on the wheels and the number of balls corresponding to each symbol on a red background. Turn all six wheels and the water will drain out of the pool. Exit the room with the pool, turn left, then right, you will find yourself in front of tubes mounted on the wall and filled with water, inside each tube there are five balls. Each of the six tubes has two valves - at the top and bottom. By manipulating the valves, ensure that at the bottom of each tube, colored in red, there remain as many balls as you saw in the pictures under the Anubis statues in the room with the pool. The number of balls in the lower, red-shaded part of each tube should be as follows (from left to right): 1, 2, 3, 5, 0, 4.

Return to the pool room and go down the stairs to the bottom of the pool. There are six panels around the circumference of the pool. On each panel you will see a wheel with a symbol, at the bottom of the panels there are holes covered with rods. Turn all six wheels and the holes will open. Go through the tunnels behind each of the panels and collect six keys: Giza, Atlantean, Easter Island, Stonehenge, Mayan Pyramid and Bermuda. Climb out of the pool through the hole in its wall (after going through the pipe and opening the wooden grate, you will find yourself at the beginning of Anubis' labyrinth). Exit the Cheops Pyramid and head back to the excavations around the Sphinx.

Enter the tunnel at the side of the Sphinx and go to its end. Insert the six keys into the holes along the edges of the slab blocking your path, checking the scrolls to determine which key corresponds to which symbol. The order should be as follows (starting from leftmost, clockwise): Maya, Giza, Stonehenge, Bermuda, Easter Island, Atlantis. The slab will move aside, opening the way for you. Go inside, a panel with constellations will lower in front of you. SAVE THE GAME. Select the Orion constellation from the panel.

Egypt, 1932. An ancient evil has been awakened by human carelessness, and now nothing separates the world from chaos. Except for one thing - your resourcefulness and fearlessness. Together with the charming priestess, you will have to solve many puzzles and go through many interesting mini-games in order to find power crystals and fight the dark forces. Go for it!

Three thousand years ago, members of the sacred order of Egypt imprisoned universal evil deep underground, thinking that now the world was forever protected from dark forces. But human curiosity and carelessness changed everything: in 1932, evil managed to get rid of imprisonment and go free. You have to fight him and win!

To do this, you will need power crystals - the most reliable weapon against the forces of darkness. The game has four main locations: port, temple, oasis and pyramid. After completing each of them, a reward awaits you - the very crystal that can defeat universal evil. Decide logic puzzles, go through mini-games, for example, line up pictures in in the right order, find a way to open an old safe or arrange the weights so that the scales are balanced - and win.

Behind good game you get bonuses: trophies for completing chapters and colorful wallpapers. If you are confused, you can always use the hint or watch the game walkthrough. Good luck!

Ancient Egypt, the period of the reign of the pharaohs. A terrible darkness threatens the lands. Fortunately, the Order of Priests was able to control the evil energy and seal it deep underground. But after a 3,000-year sleep, during excavations, darkness breaks out again. Now only you can stop her. Travel to 1932 Egypt and collect all the pieces of the amulet to defeat evil once and for all. Riddles of Egypt is an exciting quest with HOG elements and a bunch of mini-games at every turn. One minus is that it is quite short, only 5th position.

Ancient Egypt, the Age of Pharaohs. A terrible Darkness threatens the land. Fortunately, the Order of Priests trick this evil energy and confine it deep underground, there to slumber in the eternal subterranean night. Egypt 1932, a time of adventure. After 3000 years, the evil is awakened, and this time only you can stop it. Journey to the Port, Oasis, Temple, Pyramid and finally the Sphinx itself to collect the pieces needed to defeat the Darkness once and for all.

Egypt, 1932. An ancient evil awakened by human negligence, and now nothing separates the world from chaos. Except for one thing - your resourcefulness and fearlessness. Together with the nice priestess you have to solve many puzzles and to go through a lot of interesting mini-games to find the crystals of power and enter into battle with the dark forces. Go for it!

Three thousand years ago, the members of the Holy order of Egypt has imprisoned evil deep beneath the earth, thinking that the world is now forever protected from the dark forces. But human curiosity and carelessness changed everything: in 1932, the evil managed to escape from captivity and escape to freedom. You have to join him in the fight and win!

This would require power crystals - the most reliable weapon against the forces of darkness. The game has four main locations: the port, the temple, the oasis and the pyramid. After completing each of them you will be rewarded - the same crystal that is able to defeat the universal evil. Solve logic puzzles, go through mini-games, for example, arrange pictures in the correct order, to find a way to open an old safe or to place the weights so that the scales were balanced - and win.

For a good game you rely bonuses: trophies for completing chapters and colorful Wallpaper. In the case of confusion you can always use the hint or look at the passing game. Good luck!

Ancient Egypt, the reign of the pharaohs. A terrible darkness threatens the land. Fortunately, the Order of priests was able to cope with the evil energy and seal it deep underground. But after a 3000-year sleep, during excavations, the darkness once again breaks out. Now stop it You can only. Go to Egypt in 1932 and collect parts of amulet to defeat evil once and for all. Riddles of Egypt is a fun quest with elements of HOG and a bunch of mini games at every turn. One drawback – it is quite short, only 5 place provisions.

Minimum system requirements:

Operating system Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8 / 10
- Pentium 1.4 GHz processor or equivalent Athlon
- 1024 MB RAM
- 300 MB of free hard disk space
- 3D video adapter with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0c
- Sound device compatible with DirectX 9.0c
- DirectX 9.0c

Walkthrough - Page 1

Walkthrough and saves for the official publication in Russia

from Akella company

Control: point-and-click. First person game. Movement is carried out by pressing the left mouse button (LMB) on the pointer of the modified cursor. For accelerated movement, the “rocket” (RR) mode is used, which will be discussed below. The abbreviation “RP” is an abbreviation for “turn mode”. In some places, the cursor takes the form of a circle, and we can turn in this place in any direction by holding down the LMB.

We put out the candle and go back to bed.

In the morning we get up, light a match and turn to the stove on the table. Turn on the burner, turn the knob, and light the fire with a match. When the water in the saucepan boils, take it out key. We turn to the table. We open locked drawers with a key. In the large box on the right we find constellation maps and plan excavation of the Great Pyramid.

In the upper left drawer of the table we find two cassettes and a sketch of a drawing of vessels found during excavations of the pyramid. The middle drawer contains an album with photographs and newspaper clippings. In the bottom drawer we find another cassette. We notice that there are inscriptions on the cassettes, the same as on the sheet of paper attached to the pull-out board of the table.

We take the cassette in the bottom drawer, numbered “Giza, film 1”. We install it in the tape recorder. Reset the footage counter. We rewind the cassette, rewinding the counter value - 0031, as indicated on the sheet.

Press the play button.

Gil’s voice bursts into the text spoken before, saying specifically for us: “The number of years is minus thirty.”

We remove the cassette and put it in place. We open the top drawer, take it, and alternately listen to the cassette “Artifacts” and “Giza, film 3”.

For us, the phrases sound: “Add the number of the day with the number of doves and add the number of doves” and “Add the number of young calves to five and subtract the lambs.” On the sheet where the footage of the film is marked, the number of each of them is preceded by the letters -RorL. The same letters mark the numbers in the note from the wallet.

Considering the numerous complaints, having experienced some difficulties myself at this point in the game, I suggest save “Tapes listened to” .

Having compared these data, we move to the bedside table and take out the Bible.

We perform simple calculations using Gil's hint on the tape recorder and the verse and line numbers in the Bible. Getting the values : R12 - L5 - R20 .

It looks like a safe code, with the cipher dialed by turning the handle right - left. We have a combination lock.

We approach the locked chest and approach the castle.

Using the instructions we reviewed, turn the dial as follows:

1) The cursor shows the letter T - set the disk pointer to 0, hold it down with LMB and turn it in any direction until the 0 division is reached.

2) The letter R appears on the cursor - hold down the LMB dial and turn it clockwise to the 12 mark.

3) There is a letter L on the cursor – hold down the LMB dial. Rotate it counterclockwise one turn up to 12, without releasing the disk, continue rotating, and set the value to 5.

4) On the cursor – the letter R – hold down the LMB dial and rotate it clockwise to the 20 mark.

The lock opens.

There is also a program failure here, when the lock does not open when the code is entered correctly.

We press the latches of the chest, take out from it the tape cassette (translation of the Scroll) and the Scroll of Translation itself, hidden in the book. We head to the tape recorder and listen to the tape.

Gil managed to decipher four lines of the Translation Scroll. We listen to his advice.

At the foot of the Sphinx

We leave the tent. We follow to the right, we pass along the wooden walkways leading to the ladder. We climb to the second tier of scaffolding, cross to the other side, and descend to the ground. We go left, heading into the passage under the scaffolding. On the right, on the board, we notice inscription- "Constructed 02/17". We pass under the scaffolding, follow forward, turn left into the passage. We move along the corridor to a round door, on which we see an image of a scarab and the same drawing as on the Translation Scroll. We return to the helicopter and sit in the cockpit. We fly to the pyramid itself.

It should be noted that when we follow a new path in one direction, upon returning, we may find a changed cursor arrow, launching the so-called. rocket mode. By clicking on this arrow, we automatically move to the starting point from where we came (the final point where we are going). This will help us not waste time in the future.