Traffic sign blue circle crossed out. Effect of the “No Stopping” sign – no stopping zone

Methods of regulating traffic on roads include road signs. One of them is Stopping Prohibited (3.27) - a road sign that indicates that there is a car stop along the entire length of the road section it defines. vehicle prohibited. It is also forbidden to park a car in front of it or immediately behind it.

Description and history

Road sign It has a round shape, a blue background with a red border around the circumference and red stripes intersecting at an angle of 90 degrees - a kind of cross. Thanks to this coloring (valid since 2013), the sign is clearly visible even from afar.

In the form we are accustomed to today, this road definition appeared in 1973 after the introduction of a standard in the territory Soviet Union. Before this event, the specified road sign was decorated in yellow colors. The rules have been and continue to be regularly amended, but after 2013 they have not yet addressed issues related to this sign. But the size of fines (administrative liability), to the chagrin of those who are not friends with the law, has increased significantly since 2013.

Interpretation of a road sign

Sometimes motorists are annoyed when they see that stopping is prohibited. Nothing is done for nothing, especially in approved traffic rules, including those as amended since 2013. This means that on these sections of the road, a stopped vehicle can become a serious obstacle, creating emergency situations when drivers of other vehicles will be forced to break the rules when passing (for example, in areas with busy traffic, on too narrow roads, if there is a sharp turn ahead).

In places indicated by this sign, not only stopping, but also parking (or parking) of vehicles is prohibited.

In more detail, before or behind the sign it is prohibited:

  • a planned stop of a vehicle for a duration longer than that required for exiting or boarding passengers, loading or unloading cargo, and, of course, parking or parking;
  • any previously planned stop lasting more than 5 minutes.

In this case, a forced stop or parking is possible if the vehicle breaks down or the driver feels unwell, as well as for other similar reasons. In this case, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights. You will also need and. If all these conditions are met, traffic police officers will not record a violation.

An exception is also provided for stopping route vehicles. These categories of participants traffic It is allowed to stop in places specially designated for stopping, but not in front of them.

At the same time, there is no provision for imposing a fine for stopping cars driven by disabled people, if the sign is supplemented with an appropriate plate (8.18) - graphically displayed disabled carriage crossed out with a red line.

Also, the driver should not pay attention to the installed road sign, if a representative of the traffic police slows him down - this will not constitute a violation. So, he is obliged to stop at the place indicated to him by the traffic policeman or traffic police inspector.

Zone where the traffic sign is valid

The territory covered by the prohibitory action of the road sign extends to:

  • intersection (this does not include a break in the dividing line, exits from courtyards in populated areas, as well as the exit of a small forest or field road);
  • the place where the settlement ends (if there is no road intersection before the corresponding designation);
  • a road sign has been installed that cancels all previously existing restrictions (3.31).

One more nuance: stopping (parking) is prohibited only on the side of the road where the sign is posted. For example, if on one side of the road (for example, on the right) with a one-way direction of movement, the driver paid attention to the “stopping is prohibited” sign, then this will not prevent him from stopping on its left side in an acceptable place. Parking here is not regarded as a violation and does not entail penalties.

Nuances of the sign's action

The coverage area of ​​road signs can be indicated by using signs together with a sign. So, if there is a sign 8.2.3 under the sign (an arrow that goes down), then this means that stopping before it is prohibited. If these signs are violated, a fine will be imposed on the driver who stopped immediately in front of these signs. But at the same time, stopping directly behind the sign is not prohibited and is not regarded by inspectors as a violation of the rules.

If there is a sign 8.2.2 under the sign (an arrow going up and digital symbols below it), then this sign indicates the distance within which stops cannot be made. For example, if a sign with a sign (i.e. an additional message with important information), which shows an upward arrow and the number 50 m, then stopping (parking) is prohibited at the indicated interval, starting from the installation site.

At the same time, it is not prohibited to stop directly in front of him - accordingly, a fine will not be imposed.

If there is a sign with a double arrow pointing up and down, then this is a reminder to motorists (if the period where the restrictions apply is long) that the ban is still in effect and you cannot stop. That is, parking is prohibited in the place in front of and behind this sign.

Markings yellow color along the curb or along the edge of the road (solid line) - 1.4, then this determines the coverage area of ​​the sign installed in front of it. This means that stopping and parking are allowed in front of it or after the end of the marking line. If you do not follow the indicated marks, this is automatically equated to a violation of the rules, which means a fine will follow.

The zone in which, according to the sign, stopping is prohibited, can be interrupted if there is a parking lot in this place, which is indicated by the corresponding sign (the name of the sign “Parking” was introduced in 2013).

Types of punishment for offenders

For violation of traffic rules in the part relating to the prohibition of stopping, the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine and detention of the vehicle or a warning (Articles 12.19 and 12.16). The 2013 edition of these articles increased the fine.

Novice drivers often confuse two signs that are very similar both in appearance and in meaning: Parking is prohibited and Stopping is prohibited. In fact, road sign 3.28 “Parking prohibited” prohibits parking, but not stopping.

What is the difference between a parking lot and a stop? It’s simple: if the car stops for no more than five minutes, or if its stationary state is associated with loading and unloading the car or with boarding and disembarking passengers, then this is interpreted as a stop, not parking, therefore, the indication of the “Parking Prohibited” sign is violated will not be.

Like other prohibitory signs, sign 3.28 has a round shape and a red border. However, its background is not white but blue. The circle of the sign is crossed out by a diagonal red line.

A very important aspect of understanding the requirements of sign 3.28 “No Parking” is an adequate assessment of its coverage area.

So, the effect of sign 3.28 begins directly at the place of its installation, and its prohibition applies to the following areas:

  • the next intersection in the direction of travel of the vehicle;
  • graduation settlement, marked with the appropriate sign;
  • sign 3.31, indicating the end of the zone of all restrictions;

The above sections of roads are generally accepted zones in which the majority of prohibition signs expire.

No Parking sign and additional information signs

After the above sections of the road have been passed, parking is automatically permitted if there are no other restrictions in force in this area, which are prescribed in section No. 12 of the Road Traffic Regulations.

The zone of influence of sign 3.28 can be clarified by installing plates and signs additional information, namely:

Thus, plate 8.2.2, installed together with sign 3.28, indicates the distance over which the action of the signs extends. In other words, parking will be allowed after exactly the number of meters indicated on the sign.

Sign 3.28 can be installed together with plate 8.2.3. This sign indicates the end of the sign's coverage area. Simply put, the arrow on the sign indicates that the “No Parking” sign is in effect in front of where it is installed.

If there is a sign 8.2.4 on the road, this tells the driver that he is in this moment located within the area covered by the “No Parking” sign. This sign is an additional indication of the current restriction on that section of the road where a previously introduced parking ban is already in effect and the ban has not yet been lifted.

Additional information signs 8.2.5 and 8.2.6 (separately or jointly), which can be installed together with the “No Parking” sign, are used to indicate parking restrictions near squares, buildings, etc. In this case, parking will be prohibited starting from the place where the sign is installed, in the direction in which the arrow points and at the distance indicated on the sign.

The coverage area of ​​sign 3.28 can be limited using information sign 6.4 “Parking space” and plate 8.2.1, which, if installed together, indicate the place permitted for stopping and parking.

The traffic rules assume the use of road sign 2.2.8 in conjunction with a broken yellow marking line 1.10, applied to the edge of the roadway, to the edge of the sidewalk adjacent to it, or on top of the curb. In this case, the markings do not simply prohibit stopping, but indicate the specific coverage area of ​​the “No Parking” sign. That is, the sign is valid only where there is marking.

The driver must remember that sign 3.28 “Parking prohibited” is valid only on the side of the road on which it is installed. This is important for those drivers who are looking for a place to park.

Sign 3.28 “Parking prohibited” does not apply to drivers with disabilities of the first and second groups, as well as to drivers of vehicles that transport such disabled people. Such vehicles must be equipped special signs"Disabled person".

Among other things, the sign does not apply to taxis that have a taximeter turned on, as well as to vehicles belonging to the Russian Federal Postal Service.

Road signs are an important tool for regulating traffic on roads. The most difficult groups of notations to understand are . Often, experienced car owners, along with driving school graduates, confuse their meanings, unwittingly violating traffic rules. One of these signs is the no parking sign.

The number of cars in Russia is growing rapidly. However, the situation on Russian roads leaves much to be desired. The narrow roads of some Russian cities, designed back in the Soviet Union, are not designed for such a large number of cars, the roadsides crowded with vehicles further complicate the movement of traffic.

That is why in many places within the city, as well as outside the city on certain sections of roads, you can see the “Parking prohibited” sign. But what does it mean, what types of symbols can be seen, where it is installed and what penalties are imposed for ignoring the requirements of this prohibitory road sign.

The “No Parking” sign is designed in the format of a rounded flat disk with a diameter of 600 to 1200 mm. The value may vary depending on the location of the sign. On a bright blue background of a disk with a red border along the edges of the canvas, an oblique red line is indicated. Due to this coloring it can be seen from long distance. This road sign may be accompanied by bright yellow intermittent markings (1.10), outlining the distance along which it operates.

Often, novice car enthusiasts and experienced drivers confuse this sign with another similar sign with two inclined red stripes in the shape of a cross. This is a 3.27 road sign.”

To understand their essence, you need to understand what the terms “parking” and “stopping” a vehicle mean in road regulations. The essence of the definition of these terms lies in the motives for stopping the driven vehicle and its duration.

According to the road regulations, the concept of “parking” of a vehicle implies a planned cessation of its movement for a period of five minutes or more, which does not imply the embarkation or disembarkation of vehicle passengers, as well as the performance of loading and unloading operations.

The concept of “stopping” a vehicle is interpreted as a complete stop in the movement of a vehicle for up to five minutes for the same purposes.

Sign 3.28 “Parking prohibited” main characteristics

According to the traffic rules, “Parking is prohibited” is a sign that allows the cessation of vehicle traffic for a period not exceeding five minutes, but prohibits parking itself.

The area of ​​effect of this sign extends only to the side of the road on which it is located.

Such signs are mainly installed in places where parking of vehicles may affect traffic safety or provoke non-compliance with the rules by other participants.

In addition to the main variation of the road sign, there are two more types of signs prohibiting parking:

  1. “Parking is prohibited due to even numbers month." This type of indicator has a straight white line on the bright blue background of the canvas, similar to the Roman numeral “I”.
  2. “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month.” Unlike the first one, it has two straight white stripes along the background of the sign.

It is necessary to understand that the powers of these road signs extend only to the side of the road on which they are located. Consequently, parking of any vehicle on a specific day of the month - even or odd - will be impossible only on one of the sides.

In a situation where road signs are installed simultaneously (on both sides of the roads), drivers are given a period of time from 19.00 to 21.00 to move vehicles to the other parking side. Roughly speaking, during this period, motorists have the right to park their car on the right and left sides of the road.

How to determine the coverage area of ​​a “No Parking” sign

Where the parking prohibited sign is located, the sign’s coverage area comes into force, and it ends after the first intersection that appears on the driver’s path.

However, here, as in any situation, there are certain nuances:

  • if there is a bright yellow line marked as a marking at the edge of the roadway, then the effect of the road sign ends at the end of the marking;
  • indicator 3.31 “End of the zone of all restrictions” automatically ends the action of indicator 3.28;
  • if you come across a sign on the road more than once, you should pay attention to the presence of an accompanying auxiliary sign under the sign - it may indicate the distance until the sign ends;
  • the white letter “P” on a bright blue background allows parking and cancels the powers of the prohibition sign;
  • if there are no intersections along the route, the sign will remain in effect until the end of the settlement;
  • the operation of the road sign is not interrupted at exits from adjacent areas.

It is important to know what the “End of all restrictions zone” road sign looks like. This is a round road sign with a white background, crossed out by three oblique black lines.

Additional signs greatly simplify the reporting process necessary information to the driver. They complement, clarify or limit the effect of the road signs with which they are used. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups.

The first group of information signs indicates the extent of the sign's coverage area:

  1. Up arrow (8.22) and numeric value distances. Specifies the distance during which the parking prohibition indicator will operate.
  2. Downward arrow (8.23). The area where the pointer is located with such an arrow ends with the length of its action.
  3. Double-sided arrow (8.24). Reminds the motorist that he is still in the area where the “Parking is prohibited” road prohibition sign is operating.
  4. Arrows pointing to the right or left (8.26 and 8.25). They are used to determine the prohibited zone for placing vehicles along city squares, facades of buildings or other buildings.

The second group indicates the type of transport for which parking is limited.

It can be:

  • motorcycles;
  • route transport;
  • trucks;
  • trucks with trailers and other types of vehicles.

The third group of additional signs warns about the days and times of day during which parking is prohibited:

  1. A bright red snowflake on a white rectangular plate (8.5.1). This sign will only work on weekends and public holidays.
  2. Two crossed hammers. The sign prohibiting parking will be relevant only on working days established by law.
  3. Name of the days of the week. The sign will be relevant only on those days of the week indicated on the sign.
  4. Time indication. The installed indicator will be relevant only for a certain time, reflected on the additional plate.

You can also find combinations of these auxiliary signs 8.5.6, 8.5.5.

Another version of a sign with a picture of a tow truck.

If a driver parks his car under a sign with this additional plate 8.24, his car may be

detain and evacuate to the impound lot. If there is no such additional sign, then evacuation is not threatened, but a fine will be imposed on the driver.

Most of the above signs can only be seen in combination with "No Stopping" and "No Parking" road signs.

In order to avoid large fines, the motorist must understand for himself in which places he cannot stop or park.

In addition to the areas where prohibition signs are located, there are also those where parking a car is a priori prohibited. Parking is also prohibited in areas where stopping vehicles is prohibited.

This ban applies on main roads outside populated areas, near railway crossings (closer than 50 meters).

It is possible to avoid punishment for incorrectly positioning vehicles. The main thing is to prove to the traffic inspector that this happened due to circumstances independent of the car owner.

Most common cause such a stop is a vehicle malfunction. In such a situation, the car owner must prove to the inspector that the car is really broken and its further movement is impossible.

Additionally, the driver is required to turn on the emergency lights and set the triangle.

If the fine is received by letter with an attached photo from a camera recording violations, it will be difficult for the car owner to prove his innocence.

There are several other circumstances under which a driver can avoid penalties:

If the inspector does not have evidence of prolonged parking, the car owner has the right to refuse to sign the protocol and challenge the fine in court.

Exceptions to the rules

The following categories of citizens and vehicle owners are exceptions:

  • Russian Post transport;
  • a passenger taxi operating under a license with the taximeter turned on (for example, while waiting for passengers);
  • disabled people of groups I and II;
  • vehicles transporting disabled people of groups I and II;
  • special vehicles performing official tasks (firefighters, ambulance, police).

Disabled people or citizens transporting people with disabilities, must remember that their car must be marked with a special “Disabled” sticker. This is a special 15x15 yellow sticker with a picture of a person in a stroller. It is installed in two places - on the rear and front window of the vehicle.

Illegal installation and use" threatens the violator with a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles and confiscation of the illegally installed sign.

Moreover, if the car owner is truly disabled (except for group III), he must be ready to provide a supporting document at the request of a traffic police officer. Otherwise, the driver will be fined 5 thousand rubles.

What fines are provided for car offenders?

In megacities with difficult road conditions and other populated areas, parking a car under a sign prohibiting parking can cost a motorist one and a half thousand rubles, in the capital of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg - up to three thousand rubles.

In Russian cities overloaded with transport, such penalties are simply necessary. Parking and unnecessary stops in areas not intended for this purpose significantly impede traffic on city roads. Registration of fines for the committed act is possible through photo and video recording.

The difficult situation with parking spaces and places for parking vehicles is relevant not only for the capital region, but also for small settlements in the Russian Federation. Ignoring prohibition signs causes a lot of trouble for law-abiding drivers and pedestrians. Large fines provided for such offenses hit the pockets of car offenders, but many of them simply do not know why the prohibition signs are installed and what they mean. Every driver should know the parking rules, no matter whether he is a beginner or an experienced driver.

The number of cars in our country is increasing every year, which is why there are numerous traffic jams on the roads, and parking in the city center is becoming a big problem. To find free place for parking, you have to spend a lot of time and not everyone has the patience for it. It happens that car owners in a hurry leave their car in the wrong place or grossly violate parking rules.

As a result of such actions, an obstacle is created for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, causing traffic jams and congestion. For such a violation of parking rules, a fairly large fine is provided, and the car is towed to the impound lot. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the stop sign and parking is prohibited to avoid material and moral costs.

If you email often notifications about payment of a traffic fine are received from the traffic police, then this is a reason to once again carefully study the requirements of traffic rules, as well as the location of parking spaces for stopping vehicles. In addition, it is advisable to remember where the “No Stopping” and “No Parking” road signs are located in the area of ​​the city where you visit most often. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to quickly find a suitable place to stop without unnecessary hassle.

Where is it prohibited for any vehicle to stop? Such places include:

The difference between the concepts of “stop” and “parking”

Not every car owner will be able to correctly explain the difference between terms such as “parking” and “stop”. Road The “No Stopping” sign looks very much like the “No Parking” sign., but differs from it in that it has an additional intersecting diagonal line. However, the meanings and requirements of such signs differ greatly. In the Rules, these terms are interpreted as follows: if the car stops at a short time(up to 5 minutes) is a stop, and if for a longer period, then a parking lot. In reality, things don't happen quite like that.

For example, a truck brought goods to a hypermarket or vegetable warehouse and while it is unloading it, it can stand on the road for quite a long time until the process is completed. According to According to the rules, this situation is interpreted as a stop., if the goods are unloaded continuously. But if the driver stopped near a store to buy cigarettes, but because of the long line at the checkout, stood there for 10 minutes, then the inspector assesses this situation as parking.

The rules of stopping and parking are interpreted as actions of the car owner, carried out both at will and at the request of the passenger. If the car was forced to stop due to a breakdown, at a traffic light, as a result of a traffic jam or an accident, then this is not considered a stop or parking because the driver did it unintentionally.

A forced stop is carried out in the place where the car owner is caught in an emergency or force majeure situation. In this case he certain actions need to be performed to ensure the safety of other vehicles. So, the driver must turn on the flashing alarm and park the car on the side of the road. If the stop is expected to be long, then it is necessary to install an emergency sign.

How to distinguish between “No Stopping” and “No Parking” signs?

To avoid getting fine for wrong parking, you must carefully study the Traffic Rules indicating where stopping vehicles is prohibited. Only after this can you confidently occupy a free space in the parking lot.

According to road rules, a parked car must:

  • do not interfere with the normal movement of vehicles and pedestrians;
  • do not create obstacles that force you to violate road rules other traffic participants;
  • not lead to a threat to the safety of public traffic.

In a place where standing vehicles can cause emergency situation, install “No Parking” and “No Stopping” signs. Even experienced drivers can confuse them, as they are very similar to each other.

They can be distinguished by the following signs:

It is not prohibited to stop:

  • postal vehicles;
  • transport for disabled people of groups 1–2;
  • taxis that wait for the client with the taximeter on.

Sign areas

The driver must always notice from which place the sign begins to operate, as well as the entire area of ​​its action and its completion. Let's consider this point in more detail.

Area of ​​operation of the “No Stopping” sign

Everyone knows that the effect of any sign begins from the place where it was installed. Therefore, if a car stops right in front of him, then a fine cannot be imposed in any case.

In accordance with traffic rules, effect of a sign prohibiting stopping, has its distribution only on the side of the road where it was installed. The length of its action varies:

  • to the intersection that is located next to the location of the sign;
  • to the place where the nearest populated area begins;
  • to the “End of all restrictions zone” sign.

In addition, there is another option for determining the coverage area: an information plate is installed under the sign, which indicates the length of the restriction. That is, it stops operating after the distance shown on the plate.

"No Stopping" sign with arrow, pointing downwards, means that the area covered by such a restriction ends immediately after its passage. On the roads you can also find a prohibition sign with an information plate showing two arrows, one pointing up and the other down. This means that the driver is driving through the restricted area at this time.

On additional signs Restrictions that apply to a specific type of transport may also be indicated. Their absence means that no one is allowed to stop, except for route transport and taxis with the meter on. Drivers who violate traffic rules and stop under a sign prohibiting stopping are punished with a fine.

Regarding disabled drivers, they can park or stop in the place where the sign is valid only when there is an information plate underneath it indicating that its effect does not apply to this category of citizens.

Area of ​​operation of the “No parking” sign

Necessary know the boundaries within which this sign operates. They start from the place where it was installed and continue to the following sections of the road:

As soon as these sections of the road are crossed, you can park your car.

Thus, we have understood such concepts as parking and stopping, as well as signs prohibiting doing this. You should be careful not to confuse these two signs, as inspectors like to impose a fine for this offense. Knowing the rules of the road eliminates many unpleasant situations.

It is no secret that today the streets of megalopolises and large cities are crowded with vehicles. Therefore, it turns out that car owners are forced to stop them in places where there is free space, and not where it is allowed, ignoring the effect of the Stopping Prohibited sign.

Road sign “No stopping” - basic requirements

“No stopping” is a round sign of blue color, where the crossed red lines are located. So, according to the current traffic rules on the territory of the Russian Federation, the sign “No stopping” indicates a complete prohibition of parking or parking, regardless of their cause or duration.

Most drivers, both experienced and newbies, mistakenly believe that stopping their vehicles on a busy highway is easy. This is not the case in real life, and the execution of such a maneuver is strictly regulated. specific rules and established road prohibition signs.

The effect of the “No Stopping” sign applies to all drivers without exception, because here we are not even talking about the priority of transport on the road, but about the safety of all traffic.

The owner of the car is obliged to make sure that stopping and parking in this part of the side of the road, road or highway is permitted. In addition, there are a number of places where stopping the movement of any vehicle is strictly prohibited. For example, stopping at an intersection and pedestrian crossing, cessation of traffic at railway crossings and tram tracks.

Road sign No. 3.27 – follow the letter of the law!

As written in the Russian Traffic Regulations, the coverage area of ​​the “No Stopping” sign has clear boundaries. It starts from the place where the sign is located and extends to the “End of restrictions” sign, to the first intersection in the direction of travel or to the first populated area. In other words, the sign's coverage area is measured by a specific section of the road; when you have passed it, stopping or parking is allowed again.

The “No Stopping” sign may sometimes be equipped with a special information plate. This sign is located immediately below the sign and measures the zone (in kilometers) to which the traffic stop ban applies. In this case, the presence of the “End of restrictions” sign is not necessary; the driver will already know how many kilometers he cannot stop.

If there is a “No Stopping” sign installed, which also has a down arrow, then the decoding means that the area covered by this restriction ends immediately after crossing the prohibitory road sign. That is, taking into account traffic laws, the effect of such a sign with an arrow down extends exclusively to its location and in reverse side.

Are you and your car ready for the coming winter? Modern gadgets will help you survive the winter comfortably:

If the “No Stopping/Parking” sign is located without additional signs, then there is a road markings in the form of a continuous yellow line. The area covered by this sign is limited only by markings and ends immediately after the road has crossed this area. Moreover, the area of ​​effect of the sign is determined by the side of its location and does not apply to the other side of the road.