Jupiter line. Special signs on the mount of jupiter

Leadership, pride, selfishness, self-confidence are the main qualities that are reflected by the cross on the hill of Jupiter. How pronounced they are depends on the size of the latter.

Hills in palmistry

Each hill on the hand corresponds to one of the 9 planets, since palmistry and astrology are closely related. It determines which qualities and skills a person is best developed from birth.

The meaning and shape of a hill are closely related.

  1. Tall and wide - a person is a specialist in the field in which he is engaged. It brings him pleasure and the desired profit.
  2. Narrow and low - a person does not like his work, he does not enjoy it. Works in the chosen field for the sake of income. Afraid to leave his comfort zone.
  3. Strongly elastic - the person is wise and has excellent knowledge in different areas of life. Constantly learns new things and easily finds application for his knowledge.
  4. A soft person is an intelligent person, but does not always understand how to use his knowledge. Likes to give useful advice, helping others.

It is important to know that they are located on the palm near the fingers, and additional ones are located near the wrist and in the center. They are separated by fields that make up the 6 main surfaces on the hand.

The meaning of the mount of Jupiter

The Mount of Jupiter is located on the palm. It is a small bulge (sizes vary individually). It is influenced by the Mount of Saturn.

The meaning of the Mount of Jupiter in palmistry.

  1. Well highlighted. Indicates well-developed leadership qualities. Such a person quickly makes decisions, thinks through all possible scenarios, and always has a backup plan of action. Doesn't stop in front of obstacles. Able to establish contacts with different people. People under her leadership complete even very complex tasks quickly and efficiently.
  2. Flat. This is an introverted person. He likes to work alone and does not tolerate working in a team. It is not typical for him to be a leader, a leader. But business ventures can be successful if a person works on himself.
  3. Smooth. Portends a successful, calm and happy life. For such a person, career and earnings will be in second place, since the priority is family. Excellent time management skills. Such a person knows how to combine family, relationships with friends, leisure and work. If the skin in the place where the Mount of Jupiter is located is wrinkled, then the person will have good luck in all matters.


A person’s success in different areas also depends on what figure the Mount of Jupiter resembles in the palm. In women it is clearly expressed. It denotes wisdom, feminine dignity, and well-developed intuition.

5 other signs on the Mount of Jupiter that stand out in palmistry.

  1. Lattice. Characterizes a person as self-absorbed and selfish. If the lattice is located on the left hand and has a pronounced intersection of lines, then such a person is looking for personal gain in everything, forgetting about the importance of his own reputation. Acts carefully and deliberately. He reaches his goal no matter what. When managing others, he uses harsh methods and an authoritarian management style. A person with a grid on the Mount of Jupiter, which is located on his right hand, finds it difficult to find a partner due to his character traits, so he is lonely.
  2. A man with a star sign on his right hand is always an attentive listener and an excellent conversationalist. Will help a person overcome depression and give good advice. Those who have a star on their left hand love to compliment girls and never be hypocrites. Women with a star sign on their left hand prefer to engage in creativity, which they do very well. Full of vital energy even after a hard day at work. They easily find a common language with both girls and guys. A person who has the Mount of Jupiter in the form of a star on his left hand, in most cases creates a strong family.
  3. Those with a triangle-shaped hill (left hand) are good organizers. They know how to motivate others and always take other people’s interests into account when distributing work. Those who have a triangle on the Mount of Jupiter on their right hand are distinguished by fairness and excellent self-organization. Before carrying out work, they draw up a detailed action plan.
  4. Circle. A person with the Mount of Jupiter in the form of a circle on his left hand will quickly move up the career ladder. Even when there is no hope for a better future at your place of work, circumstances will appear that will change everything for the better. Owners of the circle on the tubercle on the right value loved ones. They easily find a balance between rest and work.
  5. A person with a square-shaped Mount of Jupiter (right hand) has a huge amount of energy. May be in a depressed state for one reason: energy was not used in the required amount. Anyone who has the Mount of Jupiter on his left hand thinks through all his actions in advance. He is not afraid of defeat, considering it a new opportunity to prove himself. He has few friends, but values ​​them very much and always keeps in touch.

The cross on the Mount of Jupiter is a sign that carries positive energy. Denotes an excellent love relationship.

If a cross is found on a girl’s right hand, great and pure love awaits her. A man will greatly appreciate and respect her, take care of her and cherish her. Family life will be happy.

A cross on a girl’s left hand means fortunately in friendly relations with men. According to palmistry, she will have 1 or 2 faithful male friends who will come to the rescue at any time. The main thing is that there can be no love between them.

The cross on the right side of the hill for a man has the following meanings:

  1. his beloved woman will accompany him throughout his life;
  2. there will be no betrayal in his family (neither on his part nor on the part of his wife);
  3. children will grow up in love and joy.

If a man has a cross on his left hand, then there is a high probability that he and his wife will open a successful, profitable business. His feelings towards his beloved girl will never fade away and will only become stronger and stronger over the years.

People who have a pronounced cross on the Mount of Jupiter will never build a family of convenience. For them, the main thing in a relationship is sincerity, honesty, tenderness, and mutual respect.

Variations of the cross

The meaning of the cross on the Mount of Jupiter depends not only on which hand it is on, but also on the shape and size of the sign. If it is practically not visible on the tubercle, then the love relationship will be short-term and unsuccessful. In this case, the family will quickly collapse, feelings will fade away.

The transverse line at the bottom of the sign indicates difficulties that will need to be overcome in order to find happy love. If the obstacles are beyond the power of the lovers, their union will quickly fall apart.

If the cross on the Mount of Jupiter is located high in relation to the index finger, then little time will pass from the meeting of loved ones to their wedding. If it is low, then many obstacles will need to be overcome before the union is officially confirmed.


The cross on the Mount of Jupiter is a sign denoting sincere love and a happy marriage. Its location on the palm, size, and outline determine a person’s success in love affairs.

According to the science of palmistry, a star on the Mount of Jupiter speaks of the ability to manipulate people. Such a person knows the weaknesses of others and uses this well to achieve his goals. Hence the problems in building relationships with others. This symbol also indicates a happy career and great fortitude of the individual.

The meaning of the Mount of Jupiter

Tells about the richness of a person’s life, his determination and ability to achieve what he wants.

Developed Mount of Jupiter on the palm:

  • shows that the person will be famous and popular;
  • indicates success in the workplace;
  • predicts a meeting with a celebrity or person who will change your life.

Hill location

Located on a hill Can be high or low, flat or convex.

Near the Mount of Jupiter there are the Mounts of Saturn and when crossing they have an influence and have different meanings.

Main Features

A well-developed Mount of Jupiter is characteristic of people with leadership qualities. They can be company directors, politicians and speakers. They constantly improve themselves, strive to learn new things, delve into advanced technologies and develop new products themselves.


  • Flat hill. A person does not like to study and looks at the modern world with indifference. He doesn’t care about other people’s achievements, he is not envious and calm. A person can, if he wishes, develop leadership qualities, but he will have to step over his own self. The choice of such a life path will not be easy.
  • Weak, undeveloped tubercle. A fanatic of any cause, a deceiver and a rogue. Constantly cheats and lies. Such a person does not have long-term family relationships due to the inability to control emotions.
  • Well developed tubercle. Principled nature. He always lives by the rules and does not cheat, even in difficult situations. Doesn't fidget or get out of the way. Truth is above all.
  • A clearly visible bump on the palm, clear, tall and standing out against the general background. The planet patronizes the owner. This happens in cheerful and good people who have pure intentions, a good disposition and a sympathetic heart. A pronounced hill is found among food lovers, real gourmets.
  • Wrinkled and hard tubercle. The person is ambitious and unrestrained in his intentions. A depression instead of a hill. The owner of such a hand is an egoist. Cold, lazy and arrogant person. Such people are arrogant and find it difficult to find company.
  • Red tint. Boastfulness and pride in character. These traits prevail in any relationship. Personal ambitions interfere with life. People with a red lump are found among gamblers. They are wasteful and are never rich. They have a poor understanding of people, which leads to quarrels.
  • In men, the Mount of Jupiter is more developed than in women. Implying that a man is a breadwinner, a leader by nature and must provide for his woman, protect her and make important decisions.

Palmists examine both palms to make accurate predictions. The right hand is destiny. On the left hand there is something that can be changed.

Signs on the hill

To accurately decipher the code on your hands, you need to pay attention to the lines and patterns that are located next door or right on the hill. They significantly influence the prediction.

These signs include:

  • square;
  • rings;


This sign is called. It is located at the top of the Mount of Jupiter, surrounding it under the index finger. This sign indicates the wisdom of the owner.


Dots and scars are not very good marks, especially for a businessman - difficulties in business cannot be avoided.


Success in love predicts Sincere feelings, love, will gradually turn into passionate family relationships. If the sign of the cross is barely visible, then the marriage may not take place at the appointed time for compelling reasons. But gradually everything will calm down, and the loving couple will be able to be together.


The appearance of a grid is an indicator of an overbearing, self-centered nature. Indicates her narcissism and rudeness. A bad character interferes with work and personal life. An important meeting is disrupted due to intemperance towards business partners. It is difficult to create a strong family; the other half always feels psychological pressure and humiliation.

A large lattice grid speaks of the aggressiveness of the individual, his inconstancy and uncontrollability of actions.

Such a person flares up like a match because of any little thing. He is picky and unbearable in his jealousy. Gusts of anger destroy any connections.


It will bring good luck and success to its owner. Such a person finds it easy to organize events and celebrations.

This person is talented in many areas. There are many friends around, a strong family and loving children. In any team she is the center of attention. They say about these people [the soul of the company]. Reaching heights in work or art is not difficult.


It is easy for a person to reach the top of the career ladder, despite obstacles and rivals. He's ambitious. there is no risk of nervous breakdowns or worries. He perceives stressful situations as normal and easily copes with them. The choice of professional activity is dictated by fate; you need to listen to your inner voice.


If it is close to the index finger, there will be a happy and prosperous family, but effort must be made.

A mole indicates good organizational skills or indicates a difficult financial situation. It should be considered in conjunction with other signs and lines. It is important to pay attention to the size, color and shape of the mole, what line it is on and what else is on the hill.

Star sign

The general meaning of the star sign in palmistry is interpreted negatively. But you shouldn’t be immediately upset when you see such a figure on your hand. It is necessary to take into account many factors: take a close look at the other signs, determine its exact location, etc. The star may hint that the owner is about to undergo changes.

Planet Jupiter helps those who want to improve themselves. Despite how developed the hill is and what size it is, karmic lessons will be learned quickly by the owners of the star sign. The barriers that separate you from the truth will collapse on their own. Jupiter will reveal a new meaning to life to those who want it. If at some point a person is on the verge of death, falls into a coma, and then returns to the world, the star will illuminate his further path. Such people can completely change their destiny.

The individual will never again be tormented by fears of death and confusion before it. The star of Jupiter will teach concentration and focus on spiritual goals. You just have to open your soul to something new. The knowledge gained will expand your own consciousness. A person will be able to help others and benefit them. This will manifest itself as a powerful spiritual magnetism that will be impossible not to pay attention to.

- rich, irrepressible imagination. The sense of beauty makes such people artists, film directors and subtle psychologists. Such people are able to change the world for the better with their bright and strong energy.

  • The intersection of Mars and Jupiter - a person with this sign has a strong character and an unbending will to win. He can achieve heights in his military career, build a strong family and raise respectable children. The woman with the star on the Martian hill is obstinate and jealous. She cannot sit still and constantly changes her job and her surroundings.
  • Star - non-standard and creative individuals. Interesting things always happen around them, endowed with a mysterious and enigmatic meaning. Owners of this star are often prone to suicide and quiet madness. Natures are so delicate and vulnerable that an unexpected careless word leads to mental tragedy.
  • A star on the Mount of Jupiter indicates a highly moral person. His ambition helps him achieve success in business. Partners always trust him.

    • If the mound under the star is smooth, without wrinkles, then the owner is a happy person. He is characterized by a sense of self-esteem and moral satisfaction. A slight wrinkle under the star indicates that efforts must be made to achieve the goal. All obstacles can be overcome.
    • Religious inclinations in a person with a star on a moderately developed mount. He is an optimist in life, gets along easily with others and enjoys their trust. He is not selfish and is always ready to help for free.
    • A star on a flat, almost imperceptible hill says that the owner is selfish. He will live his life without achieving anything because of his laziness and passivity.
    • A star on a red background indicates the player. This type of person is capable of losing the latter.


    A star on the Mount of Jupiter is a sign of a successful and purposeful person who knows how to achieve what he wants and uses his capabilities. Strive for self-knowledge and self-development in order to maximize your potential.

    Palmistry allows you to learn about yourself and your possible future. What does the cross on the Mount of Jupiter mean? Does he predict happiness or future problems? You don’t have to turn to a palm reader; you can find the answer yourself.

    A cross on the Mount of Jupiter is a good sign

    Palmistry is a useful tool for finding out your possible future, and also the character of your interlocutor. the hills in the palm are associated with the planets of our system and each of them in a certain way influences the fate of a person, as well as each sign found on the hand. A cross on the Mount of Jupiter, for example, is usually present in a modest and polite person whose future can be called cloudless. He will meet good friends with whom he will share many joyful moments, and he will marry his loved one.

    The meaning of the mount of Jupiter

    Hills on the palm are found at the base of the fingers. If we are talking about the Mount of Jupiter, then it is located near the index finger. He is influenced by the nearby Mount of Saturn - they both work together.

    Pay attention to the size and appearance of the tubercles.

    1. If the tubercle stands out well, then this indicates developed leadership qualities. You have all the makings of becoming an excellent politician or entrepreneur. On the other hand, if the hill in the palm is large and red, this means that he is overly ambitious, ambitious, he often does not see the essence of what is happening, chasing after external brilliance. On the contrary, if the mount of Jupiter is flat and does not stand out, it means you do not have innate leadership abilities, although no one forbids you to develop them yourself;
    2. Gladky predicts a successful and happy life. Such a person will always be lucky. You are more ambitious if you have wrinkled skin on the Mount of Jupiter, but without a doubt, your endeavors will be successful;
    3. Palmistry claims that if the mound looks like a tip pointing to the center of the palm, this means that the person is talented and has enormous creative potential. The pale color of the tubercle indicates the weak character of its owner, that he cannot choose his path in life. The meaning of points on the mound is unfavorable. Despite leadership qualities, the life of a person with such qualities will not be easy at all. There will be many obstacles to achieving your goal.

    Cross, star on the mount of Jupiter, signs of Raja Yoga.

    20. Lesson on palmistry. Crosses on the hills. Crosses on the lines

    Fortune telling. palmistry cross on the hills

    Palmistry - Mount of Jupiter on the palm, lines, signs and influence (part 10)

    On a woman’s palm the tubercle is much smaller than on a man’s – that’s what nature decided. There is no need to be sad, because in women, instead of it, another hill is more developed - Venus. Even if the mound doesn't stand out that much, it still affects you. On the Mount of Jupiter, the Solomon Ring stands out - under the index finger. The meaning of this sign is wisdom. There are other signs on the Mount of Jupiter that are worth paying attention to.


    A tubercle with a cross is a very positive sign, especially in terms of love relationships. Relationships with calculation: not about him. If a person has a hill with a cross on his hand, this means that in his life he will certainly meet a soul mate with whom he or she will be happy. This is a symbol of sincere love and passion: get ready, perhaps soon feelings will flare up between you and your friend, this is also quite possible. This meaning is shown by a well-drawn cross.

    1. If the tubercle is distinguished by an almost invisible cross, this is a hint of a broken marriage and broken relationship;
    2. The transverse line at the bottom of the sign indicates the obstacles that will have to be overcome in order to win and maintain love. But if you manage to overcome the obstacles, then a happy and strong marriage awaits you.


    It won’t be easy for a person with a “bar”

    If a tubercle with a cross denotes a sincere and faithful person, then the lattice speaks of extreme selfishness. These people make bad diplomats and allies because they are willing to gamble on important meetings for their own benefit. He strives for a goal - by any means, although the goal cannot be said to be achievable. Look from the outside: it is almost always impossible to achieve your dream, and this increases the lack of confidence in one’s abilities.

    Therefore, unlike people with a cross on the Mount of Jupiter, it is difficult for a person with a lattice to find a partner in life and heart. They try not to mess with them. The sign takes on a particularly dangerous meaning if it looks like a net - the person who wears such a “decoration” on the palm is cruel, aggressive, quick-tempered and fickle. It's almost impossible to live with him.


    Palmistry favorably describes a person who has a star on his hand. A man or woman with this characteristic sign represents an excellent listener and interlocutor. It's always a pleasure to talk to him and he knows how to arouse people's trust in him. This is a very energetic person who infects those around him with his energy.

    He is a leader whom many are ready to follow, and therefore the star also predicts the creation of a strong family. There is no doubt that such a person will be able to achieve heights. Sometimes the signs intertwine with each other, so a star connected to a cross means for a woman marriage with a superior man.

    Geometric signs

    You can find a square, circle or triangle on your hand.

    1. The owner of a pronounced triangle is an attentive organizer. People under his management feel appreciated and happily get involved in their work. A person with a triangle is fair, and he is also excellent at drawing up plans that he strives to follow;
    2. A square on the Mount of Jupiter speaks of the enormous energy that resides in a person. Depression, illness and other unpleasant things happen to such a person due to the fact that he does not use his energy to the extent required. It is fortunate that the square protects its wearer from such unfortunate consequences and stress;
    3. The circle on the hill of Jupiter hints at a quick happy ending in life. A long-awaited reward awaits you for work that has long been considered unpromising.

    When interpreting signs, you need to determine their location, color, shape. The meaning changes if you see a cross on your right hand rather than your left. The same mole on the hand can mean both future success in family life and financial problems. Balzac once said: “A strong will is, if necessary, a victory achieved over instincts, over drives.” It is useful to find out the meaning of the signs on your hands, but you should not build your entire destiny around fortune telling. What you see on your palms only shows what you can become, but you are given the right to build your own destiny.

    The Mount of Jupiter reveals in a person: ambition, ambition, pride, arrogance, selfishness, lust for power, leadership, vanity, arrogance and power. Me and the human ego. All these character traits can vary from absence to pronounced expression. It all depends on the degree of development of this area and the palms as a whole.

    Most women are characterized by inflated self-esteem and overestimation of their strengths and capabilities in principle, which implies a developed Mount of Jupiter. Most men are characterized by average or low self-esteem, which is reflected in the normal development of the Mount of Jupiter. In the case when the hill is highly developed - the qualities acquire a tyrannical connotation - in addition to extremely pronounced egoism and lust for power, such a person will never take into account the opinions and principles of the people around him, but will always act in his own way.

    It is interesting to note that inflated self-esteem, which implies a developed Mount of Jupiter, is the strongest motivating factor in personal development - when working individually, in a team, the individual does not find a place for himself. Low self-esteem, which is reflected in the underdevelopment of the Mount of Jupiter, shows its abilities and qualities best in a team, and such people can easily become the soul of any company.

    When studying the Mount of Jupiter, it is necessary to pay attention to the line of the Heart if it ends on this hill. In this case, a person’s love acquires an idealistic connotation; it is the Mount of Jupiter that endows it with these qualities. Also, you need to pay attention to the beginning of the Head line - it can begin on this hill.

    Such a person has great ambitions and strives to realize his desires, is very conscious and dreams of becoming famous.

    But let's return to the Mount of Jupiter. I note that the qualities described above are most clearly expressed with a long and straight index finger. If the finger has a bend, then the qualities find a way out in a form slightly different from the usual form - for example, tilting the index finger towards the middle finger indicates great uncertainty in one’s abilities at crucial moments; in childhood, such people are highly dependent on the family and experience strong dependence throughout their lives from family. The other side of this inclination is perseverance and the desire to achieve what is planned, at any cost.

    The mount of Jupiter corresponds to the index finger and the Heart line.

    As a result, I note that this hill is key in assessing a person’s motivation, determination and orientation, as well as assessing a person as an individual and his leadership qualities in general.

    Signs on the Mount of Jupiter

    1. Lattice on the Mount of Jupiter: High self-esteem, but at the same time sensitivity. Such a person will not be happy in marriage, the desire to retire and move away from public and social life. At the same time - promiscuity.

    2. Square on the Mount of Jupiter: Sign of protection and guardian angel. Such a person is not afraid of life’s trials and illnesses; he is protected from above. The square protects against losses and conflicts during clashes of interests; a sign of a stable social position, which corresponds to the level of aspirations of the owner of the sign, protects against a person’s ambitions. Protection from disrepute. The Teacher Square is an innate talent to teach other people and explain the material clearly and intelligibly (with a clear line of Fate). Happy marriage. An expression of inner strength and resilience.

    3. Cross on the Mount of Jupiter: should consist of straight and clear lines. Unanimously recognized by palmists as a sign of happy love and marriage. The owner of a clearly defined cross on the Mount of Jupiter will be very happy in marriage. His chosen one (chosen one) will give him a very happy love. This sign can also indicate a monogamous person. A person has strong patrons, a happy marriage. Quiet, balanced, calm, family life. The owner of the sign is often gifted with smart, loving children, in whom he finds a continuation of his happiness. The wife of the cross owner has a good education or a good job.

    Relatives provide moral or material assistance.

    A large sign increases the period of validity of the sign and showers the owner with a large set of qualities. Small is not so generous with favors and is short-lived. If the cross is incorrect, crooked, wavy, torn, then the qualities are distorted and happiness will be inaccessible.

    4. Circle on the Mount of Jupiter: On a man's hand it indicates achievement of success as a result of perseverance, on a woman's hand it indicates the danger of premature birth.

    5. Star on the Mount of Jupiter: The star indicates a very happy career and gives the person very strong patrons. The star sign itself speaks of the ability to influence other people gradually. It is also one of the signs of prosperity. The person will gain great power and recognition and achieve a high position without any effort. If in the middle of the hill - meeting an outstanding person who will change your life. At the highest point of the hill - a high position in society, well-deserved success, honor and respect; in another place, entry into the circle of the powers that be.

    6. Triangle on the Mount of Jupiter: The triangle indicates a diplomatic career, the ability to make the right decisions and understand all sides of one problem. It also indicates high mental abilities.

    tagPlaceholder Tags: fortune telling, palmistry, signs, hill, jupiter

    • #1

      A type of ring such as the ring of Venus only on Jupiter, which means

    • #2

      Hello Aya! In this case, you are talking about the Ring of Jupiter.
      This ring is quite a rare sign. Located under the index finger. The ring of Jupiter is a sign that has an exclusively positive meaning. It is a sign of a person’s high professionalism and skill in his chosen business or profession.
      This is also a sign of a highly intelligent person, in addition, it is an indicator of a person’s wisdom and prudence.
      In addition, the ring of Jupiter is called the “teacher’s ring” or “mentor’s ring,” which is often confirmed in real life.
      But, of course, it is not necessary that a person with a ring on his finger is a teacher - this sign gives a person the ability to perfectly explain, manage and teach, and convince other people.

    • #3

      Hello Konstantin! Thanks for the answer, I have a double line and at a considerable distance, but I didn’t notice the makings of a teacher))

    • #4

      Hello Aya! It is quite possible that you have this talent hidden. Who knows? In general, a double line only enhances the effect. But you need to look at the sign itself in the photo. In any case - you don't have to worry - this line has only a positive meaning. Good luck!

    • #5

      Hello Konstantin! Thank you for the clarification, I’ll definitely send you a photo. Another question, do you also do corrections?

    • #6

      Hello Aya!
      Please contact. All information is in the “services” and “contacts” sections.
      Good luck!

    • #7

      Hello. I have a lattice and a star on the mount of jupiter. What does it mean?

    • #8

      Stars on both palms. On the hills of Jupiter, how can I explain this? On the left palm there is a square and 5 rays extend from it. And on the right there is a square and a separate star.

    • #9

      Good day, but...
      What if the ring is, as it were, “displaced” and comes out not between the middle and index fingers, but from the base of Saturn, ending in the center of Jupiter. And besides, another line runs from it to the life line in a semicircle... I can’t figure out what it is.

    • #10

      I have a square with rays coming out of it, but it doesn’t look like a lattice.

    • #11

      Hello, on my Mount of Jupiter there is something similar to a five-pointed star, what could this mean?

    • #12

      I have a star, but it is located closer to the outer edge of the mount of Jupiter. There is also a square, but one line cuts into it from below.

    A person turns to the signs on his hand to find out the future and characteristics of his character. Planetary hillocks are of great importance for fortune telling. One of them - the Mount of Jupiter - symbolizes power, authority, management and leadership abilities.

    The meaning of the mount of Jupiter

    The Mount of Jupiter on the hand is more common in men; women compensate for its influence with a well-developed

    Depending on the development of the sign, a person can be a tyrant or a weak-willed subordinate.

    More often, a developed hill can be observed in people with a cheerful and kind character, who are guided by good intentions; integrity does not allow them to deceive others. According to palmistry, its owners are distinguished by their love of delicious food in a beautiful environment. But this planetary hill can also be observed in people who are, to one degree or another, endowed with power - managers, leaders, rulers, politicians.

    Placement of the mount on the palm

    If you open your palm and straighten your fingers, you can see a tubercle under the index finger - the Mount of Jupiter. It is adjacent to which is responsible for the fate of a person and directly affects the Mount of Jupiter. The shape is of great importance and can strengthen or weaken the influence of the tubercle.

    Elevation Characteristics

    To give a correct assessment of a person’s fate and his abilities, it is necessary to study in detail the features that are expressed on the Mount of Jupiter:

    • Smooth and full hill. A sign of a happy, cheerful and calm life. A person with such a destiny manages to be successful in all areas, successful in work and in relationships. He knows what he wants and satisfies his needs properly.
    • Wrinkled or compressed bump. It is necessary to make every effort to become successful and obtain a high status.
    • Moderately developed upland. The man chose the spiritual path and spiritual rebirth. He is characterized by love, a cheerful character and ambition.
    • Lack of hill. Soullessness and selfishness. The bearer of such a symbol is lazy, does not like to take responsibility for his own actions, is proud and requires increased attention.
    • A large lump with a reddish tint to the skin. A boastful and proud person. He may be excessively gambling and wasteful, which sooner or later will lead to poverty and vegetation.
    • Weakly defined tubercle compared to the rest. Transfers primacy in influence to some other sign, without particularly influencing fate and character.
    • Small and neat elevation. Gourmet, lover of good food. In such people, the first phalanx of the index finger is noticeably elongated.
    • Inharmoniously developed Mount of Jupiter in the palm. The falsity of man. the prosperity and wealth that surrounds him is often a cover for bad taste and financial problems. He needs increased attention to his person.

    Lines and signs

    Many lines and signs can decorate the Mount of Jupiter.

    Consider the following combinations of lines on the hillock:

    • A thick and short line of Jupiter, starting at the top of a hill, descending to the inner hill of Mars indicates a person with a great future - a politician, a high-ranking official or a director of an enterprise.
    • The intersection of the Jupiter line with the life path line indicates the variability of its owner. He often has to make serious decisions to save the situation.
    • ending on the Mount of Jupiter, characterizes spiritual exaltation and enlightenment. Such a person is devoted to pure love, which often subsequently leads to him being used by other people.
    • The branch to elevation coming from the line of the mind speaks of the high spirituality of a person who is accustomed to being guided by reason. His work may be related to intelligence.
    • The branch extending from promises its owner an unexpected inheritance, enrichment, and a happy life.
    • originates on the Mount of Jupiter - speaks of great ambitions, common sense and prudence when making decisions. Such a person strives for success and receives rewards for his stubbornness.

    Like all hillocks and lines on the hand, this planetary mount can have specific signs.


    Have a successful love relationship. The higher the sign is located, the later the marriage will be concluded. Such a person takes his feelings seriously, and even his multiple relationships ended in victories and were built on mutual love. If there are additional horizontal lines under the cross, this indicates the presence of a long and happy marriage.


    On the hill is characteristic of a communicative and active person. He knows how to find a common language with everyone, quickly builds beneficial relationships for himself, and easily achieves recognition. Capable of achieving good results both in profession and in personal life.


    Is a symbol of success. The bearer of such a sign can be proud of his organizational skills. If he makes every effort, he can achieve a high standard of living and become an indispensable professional.


    The lattice indicates a selfish character. A person is not used to giving in to others and will more often go into conflict with loved ones than come to a compromise. If the lines on the Mount of Jupiter create a whole grid, one can observe manifestations of hidden internal aggression. Deep lines in the structure of the sign mean a tendency towards leadership; their bearer always tries to be the center of attention.


    Endowed teachers. The horizontal and vertical contours of the quadrangle are a security sign that protects ambitious people from stress, fatigue and anxiety. Holders of this symbol can help with professional identification.


    A circle on the Mount of Jupiter for women predicts a difficult birth, for men - the achievement of a difficult goal.


    On the hill they promise material well-being with an appropriate expenditure of effort. If the mole is located closer to the base of the finger, it can be argued that there are harmonious relationships in the family, built on mutual respect and mutual assistance.

    Ring of Solomon

    A peculiar line encircling the base of the index finger and directly influencing the Mount of Jupiter acquired the name This line begins at the inner edge of the palm, runs along the upper part of the Mount of Jupiter and ends between the index and middle fingers. Sometimes this line can be confused with the contour of empathy, which runs in the same place, but differs in appearance (a straight line crossing the hill in the part closer to the finger, while the ring has a semicircular shape). Rarely is the ring located on the back of the hand and closes in a circle.

    Solomon's ring is a rare sign. According to statistics, 10% of the entire earth's population has its partial elements, and only 0.002% of people have it clearly expressed.

    This sign means the presence of a witchcraft gift. Palmistry interprets the presence of abilities for magic and strong intuition, but all these talents need to be developed.

    Tough and vindictive owners of the Ring of Solomon are dangerous to others, because... Without controlling your gift, they can cause a lot of trouble.

    Distinctive features of the owners of the ring of Solomon:

    • They always know how to make others listen to their opinions and show them respect.
    • A bright line indicates the high position occupied by its owner in society, prestige. A born philosopher, he has a broad outlook, innate wisdom, and determination. He has self-esteem, strives for knowledge and knows how to share.
    • Social and philosophical interests for such people are abstract and not tied to reality. Typical vices of society do not matter to them, since the scope of their thinking and assessments is much higher. They are ambitious and love to be the center of everyone's attention.
    • Professions related to religion, philosophy, education, and psychology are suitable for ring owners. They feel and understand people perfectly, and are able to guide a person along the right path. If this sign is combined with a developed Apollo line, a person has every chance of becoming a famous talent in the world of art.


    In palmistry, the mount of Jupiter is responsible for the general well-being and recognition of a person in society, as well as the tendency to lead. The meaning also depends on the nearby lines and symbols. The most special sign on the Mount of Jupiter is the ring of Solomon, but it can also be observed on it