What are the different scientific styles? What are speech styles

In each language, depending on the situation, words of a certain style of speech are used. Functional speech styles and their characteristics are divided into areas of application. There are 5 of them in total: artistic, colloquial, journalistic, scientific, official.

In short, the characteristics of styles differ from each other in their terminology, the way information is presented, and acceptable words (verbal means of expression) for use for communication purposes.

Speech styles are classified according to their purpose and place of use; they are also called “genres of language.” Functional speech styles are divided into 5 types according to the conditions and purposes of communication:

  1. journalistic;
  2. scientific;
  3. official business;
  4. art;
  5. colloquial.

To understand the topic, we need to take a closer look at speech styles.

Scientific style

The scope of application of this genre of language is scientific activity. Used to convey information to students. General characteristics scientific style looks like this:

  • Used in natural, exact and human sciences.
  • Used for writing and printing articles, textbooks, abstracts and other research or narrative works.
  • All statements are made from one person, usually from the researcher.
  • There is a small set of language tools for use.

Scientific works use certain terminology, as a rule, it is taken from outdated and unambiguous languages, such as Latin, Greek, etc. In them, all words have the same meaning and do not allow the occurrence of inaccurate perception of information.

The scientific functional style of speech always has precise names and is further enriched with graphs, drawings, formulas and established symbols (chemical, geometric, algebraic, etc.).

Distinctive syntactic features:

  • All sentences have an unambiguous, emphatically logical meaning. There is no imagery, but the information richness of the sentences prevails.
  • Frequent use complex sentences, connected by unions (as a result of this, therefore);
  • Interrogative sentences are used to draw attention to information (why does lambdaism occur?).
  • The text is dominated by impersonal sentences.

Lexical features:

  • Scientific terminology (energy, apogee, rotacism, etc.) is often found in the text.
  • Words of abstract meaning are used: energy, projection, point. They cannot be visually represented in the real world, but they are actively used in terminology.
  • The use of nouns ending in -tel denoting the source of an action, instrument or auxiliary tool (engine).
  • The nouns with -nik, -ie, -ost are used to mean a sign of something (inertia, particularity, construction).
  • Use of mini-, macro-, graphic, etc. prefixes (macrometer, millimeter, polygraph).
  • Application of adjective with -ist. Refers to using something in small quantities in a mixture (watery, clayey, etc.).
  • introductory and clarifying structures;
  • short passive participles;
  • short adjectives.

When carrying out any scientific research a person sets a goal for himself - to gain new knowledge and tell about it to society or other associates. The most reliable way to preserve acquired knowledge is to record it in the form of a report or other printed material. In the future, such works can be provided as a reliable source of information.

Journalistic style

The scope of use of this genre is informational and influential texts. They can be found in news articles, posters, advertisements, etc. The purpose of such material is to attract public interest in something (product, promotion, incident, etc.).

Thanks to journalistic texts, public opinion and various influences are exerted on the person, instilling the correctness of the actions of the accused, etc.

Lexical features of the journalistic style are the use of:

  • a small number of words of a negative nature (disgusting, disgusting, etc.);
  • socio-political terminology and vocabulary (society, privatization, freedom of action, etc.);
  • speech stamps that give the text official style(at the current stage, in the period from ... to). They give the event a certain time frame.
  • motivating words and phrases “for the good of the future”, “die, but do not betray your Motherland”, etc.

Morphological features include the use of:

  • complex words and abbreviations (UN, JSC, CIS, highly effective);
  • suffixes and prefixes -ultra, -schina, -ichat. They betray emotional expressiveness to the word (to put on airs, fierceness, ultra-power);
  • personal pronouns 1st and 2nd person (I, you, we, you);
  • singular in the plural meaning (cherry - resinous tree).

Syntactic characteristics, sentences used in the text:

  • exclamation marks, homogeneous;
  • with rhetorical questions, introductory words;
  • with the reverse order of parts of speech;
  • one-piece;
  • clear and emotionally enhanced.

The text has a monologue presentation with information that is clear and understandable to all readers. After all, the main task is to communicate important information to a person and attract him to active participation in anything (the life of the country, purchasing goods, helping a project, etc.).

In order to interest the reader, the journalistic text has a good emotional coloring in order to play on the reader’s feelings. The most obvious example is information about a child’s illness with a request to send money for treatment.

There are four substyles journalistic genre, divided by more specific purpose use of information:

  1. propaganda;
  2. political-ideological;
  3. newspaper and journalistic;
  4. mass political.

The propaganda style was actively used during the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945). It had a patriotic character and motivational text. For enhanced emotional impact, it was additionally equipped with a photograph or drawing.

Formal business style

It is important to know the definition of this language genre and apply it correctly. It is most often used when drawing up business papers, contracts, and official documents.

Used during the trial of a defendant, when communicating between entrepreneurs or statesmen etc. Most important for administrative, public and legal figures.

The lexical characteristic of the official business genre is to use:

  • speech stamps (after a period of time, on the basis of an agreement, etc.);
  • archaisms (outdated words);
  • professional terminology (alibi, legal capacity, solvency, theft, etc.).

The material is narrative in nature, and all information is confirmed by verified or official sources (criminal code, constitution, etc.).

Morphological characteristics, frequent use:

  • compound unions;
  • verbal nouns in -eni (confirmation, assurance, application);
  • numerals;
  • compound words with two roots;
  • phrases in the infinitive (await the verdict, consider the situation).

There is also a predominance of nouns over pronouns in the texts.

Syntactic features, sentences have:

  • direct word order;
  • complex syntactic structure;
  • frequent participial phrases;
  • many homogeneous members;
  • phrases in the genitive case;
  • many passive structures (fees are charged, money is paid).

Such features of the genre are determined by the purpose of the business style. The main condition in it is to accurately convey the meaning without ambiguity. Language and speech have no emotional or figurative coloring. All information for readers and listeners is presented in a dry and concise form without unnecessary information.

Artistic style

Applicable in fiction. The main task of the text is to create accurate visual and emotional images in the reader when reading the material.

Divided into substyles:

  1. prosaic;
  2. dramatic;
  3. poetic.

All of them are characterized by the following morphological characteristics:

  • expressiveness;
  • the use of many tropes (metaphor, epithet, etc.);
  • use of figurative phrases.

Syntactic features include the use of:

  • deviations in sentence structuring;
  • many figurative stylistic figures;
  • all kinds of syntactic means expressiveness;
  • verbal speech studies (each movement is described in stages, creating tension in the situation).

Used for description, reasoning and storytelling. They can appear simultaneously in one text, changing through a paragraph. It is considered the most free to write, since it does not have a strict structure of the text, like official business, scientific or journalistic styles of speech.

Conversational style

Is the most common. It is used more in oral speech for communication between two or more people. This style of speech uses all linguistic structures (phonetic, lexical, phraseological, morphological, etc.).

Morphological means:

  • predominance of the verb over the noun;
  • frequent use of pronouns, interjections, particles and conjunctions;
  • use of the prepositional case;
  • application of genitive number plural nouns (potatoes, tangerines).

Lexical means:

  1. the use of suffixes -ishk, -ach, -yag, etc. they give words a colloquial-everyday sound (bearded man, little town, poor fellow);
  2. the use of verbs with - to beg (to beg);
  3. -pre is added to adjectives (most unpleasant, most kind).

Syntactic means are characterized by the use of:

  • interrogative and exclamatory sentences;
  • incomplete sentences;
  • pauses in speech;
  • frequent use of introductory words and phrases that do not make sense;
  • repetition of the same words and letters (ahh, yes, yes, yes).

The text takes the form of a dialogue, when one person asks and the other answers. Also, in a conversational style of speech, stress can be used incorrectly, which is unacceptable in other functional styles of speech.

It is important to know the Russian language well and correctly use its genres and functions to most accurately convey information to the reader and listener. The features of each functional style make it possible to most accurately convey the intended meaning of the author.

Inherent various types communication. Each style is characterized by its own set of speech means, is appropriate in a certain area, has its own genres, and purpose of use.

What are the different speech styles? Let's take a closer look at their classification.

Colloquial. This is the style in which we communicate on a daily basis. everyday life. He is characterized by colloquial vocabulary, a large set of emotionally charged words (for example, “boy”, “cool”, etc.). In colloquial speech, it is permissible to use incomplete sentences, the meaning of which is clear from the context, and informal addresses. Genres of style can be conversation or conversation (oral forms), notes, letters (written form).

Artistic style. Its purpose is to influence readers, shape their feelings and thoughts, using a variety of images. The genres of this style are prose, drama, poetry. In order to convey images, writers use all styles of speech, all the richness of the Russian language.

The scientific style is intended to explain scientific works, and its scope of use is research activities. Distinctive feature scientific speech is an abundance of terms - words that have a single, most precise, comprehensive meaning. Genres of science include reports, textbooks, abstracts, scientific works.

The official business style is intended for communication between citizens and institutions or institutions among themselves. For this purpose, protocols, official letters, laws, regulations, announcements, etc. are used. This style contains a lot of cliches (set expressions), business vocabulary, and official addresses.

Journalistic style has a strictly defined purpose. Translated from Latin, the word means “state”, “public”. It is needed for:

  • propaganda of ideas;
  • influence on public opinion;
  • transfers vital information with a simultaneous impact on humans;
  • instilling ideas, views;
  • incentives to perform certain actions;
  • agitation.

The sphere of use of this style is cultural, social, economic, and political relations. It is used in the media, public speaking, campaigning and political sphere. Features of the journalistic style of speech are:

  • consistency of the narrative;
  • imagery of speech means;
  • emotionality of performances;
  • narrative evaluation;
  • appeal of speeches.

It is quite natural that the emotional coloring of the style corresponds to no less emotional linguistic means. Political and social vocabulary is widely used here, the most different types syntactic constructions. The use of appeals, slogans, and incentive offers is allowed.

Genres of journalism:

  • interview;
  • essays;
  • reports;
  • articles;
  • feuilletons;
  • speeches (oratorical, judicial);
  • speeches.

To some extent, journalistic and scientific styles of speech are close. Both must reflect only verified facts, be reliable, strictly substantiated, and specific.

Some articles or speeches in journalism are even structured in the likeness of a scientific text. A thesis is put forward, followed by arguments, facts, and examples. Then a conclusion is drawn. But, unlike scientific journalistic style characterized by high emotionality, tension, and often a personal attitude to what is happening.

Unfortunately, modern journalists do not always fulfill the requirements mandatory for publicists. Often their articles are based on unverified data, and to create sensational material, some publicists use deliberately false information.

When constructing your speech, addressing someone, creating an artistic or scientific text, you need to remember: parts of speech were not invented by chance. The ability to convey one’s thoughts accurately and appropriately characterizes a person as an educated, cultural person.

Related materials:

  • Language styles and speech styles. Functional language styles
  • Styles and types of speech: table. What are the types and styles of speech?
  • Speech styles in Russian and their description


Conversational style.

The conversational style is used in everyday life, when sharing your feelings or thoughts with others in an informal setting. It contains colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. This style differs from others in its large semantic capacity, colorfulness, and it adds brightness to your speech.
Speech genres: dialogue, conversation, private conversation or private letters.

Language means: imagery, simplicity, emotionality, expressiveness of vocabulary, use of introductory words, interjections, repetitions, words of address.

Scientific style.

The main function of the scientific style is information, facts and their truth.

Speech genres: scientific article, monograph, educational literature, dissertation, etc.

Language tools: terminology, the presence of general scientific words, professionalisms, abstract vocabulary.

Style features: predominance of nouns in, logic, accuracy, evidence, unambiguity, generalization, objectivity.

Official business style.

Used to inform people in a formal setting. Official business style is used in the following documents: laws, orders, receipts, certificates, protocols, etc. The scope of application of this style is law; one can act as a lawyer, diplomat, lawyer or just a citizen.

Style features: accuracy, standardization, lack of emotionality, presence of speech cliches, use of terminology, abbreviations.

Journalistic style.

Journalistic style serves to inform people about the media mass media. This style can be used in reports, articles, interviews, essays, and oratory. Information conveyed in a journalistic style is intended not for a narrow circle of people, but for broad sections of society.

Style traits: emotionality, appeal, logic, evaluativeness.

Artistic style.

Used in fiction. Target artistic style- influence the reader, convey the feelings and thoughts of the author, him.

Style features: emotionality of speech, imagery, use of all the riches of vocabulary.

Video on the topic


  • how to change text style

The word journalism comes from the Latin publicus, which means public. The journalistic style is used to agitate and promote socio-political ideas in newspapers and magazines, on radio and television.


A scientific informative text is a creatively revised presentation of the primary material, completely coinciding with it in meaning. However, it does not contain all, but only basic information, only the most essential information about the subject. To write works in this genre requires the ability to work with scientific literature, evaluate sources and convey their content in a compressed form without distortion.

Other genres of scientific style of speech

In one large group Linguistic specialists often combine texts of scientific reference, educational and scientific and popular science genres of scientific style. These substyles are characterized by the focus of information not so much on specialists, but on those who are far from the specifics of the subject at the center of the publication. Not only the results of scientific research are important, but also the form.

In the educational and scientific genre they most often write teaching aids and lecture texts. The scientific reference genre, characterized by extreme clarity and conciseness, is typical for reference publications, scientific dictionaries, encyclopedias and catalogues. Texts composed in the popular science genre are less tied to special terminology. They are often used in books intended for a mass audience, as well as in television and radio programs covering scientific topics.

A person who uses never speaks in one manner in his life: with friends he speaks one way, during a scientific report he speaks differently. In other words, he uses different styles speech.

General concept

Style is fundamental element speech, its design, the way of presenting thoughts, events, facts. If we turn to a strictly scientific definition, then speech style is a system of various linguistic means of expression and methods of presentation. This means that a certain sphere of life is characterized by its own characteristics of conversation. For example, a person working in a factory will speak a little differently than an employee of a bank when communicating with a client. The stylistics of the Russian language are very diverse, let's find out what text styles there are and support the information with examples.


When communicating with their friends, people use the so-called conversational style speeches. It includes words, phrases and expressions that are characteristic of spoken rather than written language.

People conduct a dialogue, convey some information in an informal setting, therefore they use ordinary words, slang words, uncharacteristic, for example, for a bank employee. But if everything is clear with oral speech, then what about written speech?

How does the text of the court verdict differ from Pushkin’s work? Everything that does not relate to oral speech, but is called book style, in which include 4 more types of text.

Journalistic style

Many people call this style official.

Important! The journalistic style can be used not only in texts, but also in oral speech. For example, when reporting from a TV channel on the scene, reporters and correspondents use the journalistic style.

The main purpose of use is influence on the reader or listener, most often with the help of the media, to form a certain public opinion.

To better understand how to define a journalistic style, let us highlight its characteristic features:

  • Using distinctive emotion and imagery to create the desired atmosphere.
  • Speech is filled with confidence, value judgments, assumptions, and interest.
  • To ensure that incoming information does not appear unreliable, all statements are substantiated, argued, supported by facts and evidence.
  • Emotional words are used, set expressions And phraseological units. Depending on the audience, dialect or slang words may be used.
  • Use as many adjectives as possible, and .

For clarity, let's look at examples of texts: “In a veterinary clinic on street x, an act of cruelty was recorded animal handling.

The signal arrived this morning at 9:30 Moscow time. The police have already arrived at the scene of the events; a criminal case has already been opened against the criminals under the article ill-treatment with an animal. The defendants face up to 5 years in prison.”

It's also worth knowing that journalistic style is quite often combined with scientific, after all, some of their features are very similar.

Scientific style

Already from the name itself it is clear what the use of a scientific style implies. Such a text will tell about any scientific events, phenomena, facts, evidence, theories, discoveries, and so on. Let's take a closer look at how to determine the text style.

Attention! The style will not be scientific in the case when, for example, the media talk about something scientific: “Yesterday evening at the California Scientific University, a group of students conducted an experiment and discovered a new chemical element, never seen anywhere before.” This passage is more likely to relate to journalism than to science.

Characteristics for scientific style will be:

  • Scientific notes, memos, letters, processes and results of experiments.
  • Coursework or theses for an academic degree.
  • Various evidence for one or another statement. Scientific theories, hypotheses.
  • Existence not only in written form, but also in oral speech, because any scientific reports, lectures and discussions will also refer to it in the scientific style.

To summarize, we understand that scientific style is the result or report of any research activity. In order for the text to be more informative, it is provided with evidence, a description of the study, and a formal presentation of all the information. , annotations, reports - all this relates to this type.

Finally, let's look at text examples: “The force of inertia is a force the appearance of which is not due to the action of any certain bodies. The need for their introduction is caused only by the fact that the coordinate systems relative to which the movement of bodies is considered are not inertial, that is, they have acceleration relative to the Sun and stars.”

How to determine the style of the text indicated above is clear to everyone. Here and scientific terms, and definitions of scientific phenomena, and scientifically proven statements.

Artistic style

The most beautiful, easy to read and widespread text style in the Russian language. The functions are very simple - the most detailed and beautiful transmission of emotions and thoughts from author to reader.

The main distinguishing feature of this style is the abundance of literary means of expressing thoughts. It affects the imagination, fantasy, feelings, and makes the reader worry.

It is called the language of literature and art. Authors' way of expressing themselves- that's what artistic style is.

Let's look at its distinctive features:

  • Appears in poems, poems, plays, stories, novels.
  • Abundance literary devices– epithets, personifications, hyperboles, antitheses and others.
  • Literary means of expression, which are used in this style, describe artistic images, convey the emotions, thoughts and mood of the writer.
  • The order of the text is another characteristic feature. Division into chapters, actions, phenomena, prose, scenes, acts.

Important! The artistic style can borrow features of journalistic and colloquial style, since their use may lie in the creative intent of the author.

Examples of artistic style texts are absolutely any literary works.

Formal business style

In real life everyday life This style is much more common than, for example, artistic. Instructions, safety precautions, official documents– all this refers to the official business style.

The main purpose of its use is providing the most detailed information possible. If a person signs employment contract on new job, then he will receive a huge number of documents, because they reflect all necessary information. The stylistic affiliation of the text in this case is determined very easily.

Traits formal business style text:

  • Informative orientation, lack of verbal “water”.
  • No vague language. Precise, understandable, specific phrases.
  • It may be difficult to perceive and understand the text due to its administrative and legal nature.
  • Any emotionality, linguistic and literary means of expression are completely absent in such texts. Facts, conditions, reasonable hypotheses- this is what official documents should contain.
  • Speech cliches, language cliches, and set expressions are regularly used.
  • Sentences used in official business documents, in most cases, are complicated by various phrases and are quite voluminous.

Let's figure it out examples of texts: “I, Anna Ivanovna Petrova, 11th grade student educational institution"X", received fifteen copies from the library explanatory dictionary Russian language, and I undertake to return them within two weeks.”

“This document indicates that Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, on October 12 at 12:32 Moscow time, borrowed 1000 rubles from Igor Igorevich Igorev, and undertook to return this money within one month.”

What are the different speech styles in Russian, lesson

Overview of speech styles in Russian


Thus, to summarize all of the above, we can determine by distinctive features text styles in Russian, which come to our hand. Abundance of linguistic and literary means of expression? Definitely artistic.

Reporting from the media, the presence of value judgments? This is definitely a journalistic style. Facts, hypotheses, evidence, complex terms - obvious signs scientific text. Well, all official documents can be classified as official business text.