Related to the problem of using jargons. Reasons for using jargon in the speech of young people

Writers and journalists sometimes use slang and argot vocabulary as one of the means of speech characterization of the hero, to show the characteristics and morals of a particular environment. Thus, N. G. Pomyalovsky’s use of Bursat jargon, often explained in detail, in “Essays on Bursa” helped the writer convey the gloomy flavor of the Bursat situation. Game of tricks, piss on Lenten, pfimfa.

Professional jargon, along with terms and professionalisms, can participate in the reproduction of a certain professional environment, introducing the special realities of this environment and at the same time with the colloquial designations of special explanations common in it. For example, in the story “In August 1944,” the writer V. Bogomolov introduced readers to some military jargon: props (to portray something for some purpose), parsh (paratrooper agent), etc.

Professional jargon also serves the same function in the newspaper (introduced, as a rule, into the speech of the characters, in the speech of the journalist they are highlighted graphically): Then someone shouted: -Pistols did you forget? This surprised me. About what “pistols “is there a conversation going on? It turns out that this is the name of the tackle for catching gobies in the sea; I press the brake pedal and take the levers. Too sharp - machine “bites ”.

As for the use of other types of jargon, they are usually used as a means of speech characterization.

In the author's speech (except for those cases when they are necessary for a realistic display of any environment), jargon can be used as a means of ridicule, ionization, etc.: He needs the manuscript, just as an experienced autogenous apparatus needsSchiffer for opening fireproof cash registers; Unfortunately for us, there was a benefactor nearby who needed to drive the shaft according to his talents. And my friend and I fell into the category of young talents. Or in modern terms,into the vein .

7 Computer jargon

Computer technologies, which have been rapidly developing since the second half of this century, and especially the massive invasion of our personal computer market in the mid-80s, have introduced into the language a huge number of special words and expressions, a rich branched terminology, for example: network card, microprocessor, operating system, formatting, installation, hard drive, pixels, dialog box, object (objectDelphi3.0 for example) etc. Many of these terms are Anglicisms, but there are also a considerable number of words of “domestic” origin.

Along with computer-related science and production, virtual entertainment has also entered the market: computer games. A well-made game is a complex organism that requires a certain level of professionalism from the player. Games are divided into types that receive specific names; they often require many special terms and rules to designate various game processes (especially those with network capabilities, that is, the simultaneous participation of several people in the game): Quest, Strategy game, Flight simulator, multiplayer, deathmatch, frag etc.

As in any professional “language” among people who are in one way or another connected with computers, there are also unofficial designations for certain concepts, what can be called professional “argot” (or jargon).

Ways to form jargon:

A very common method (inherent in all jargon that stands next to certain terminology) is the transformation of a term, usually large in volume or difficult to pronounce. Here we can highlight 1) abbreviation: computer - computer, hard drive - screw, mac - mac.

2) Univerbation: motherboard - mother, strategy game - strategy, role-playing game - roleplayer, inkjet printer - inkjet,

Zd studio maxmax(the word is the name of the most popular program, not yet grammatically formed).

As in the professional language of computer scientists, there are many English borrowings in the jargon. These are often borrowed from English computer jargon:

Word Gamer- from English jargon Gamer(Professional computer game player). Smiley- a funny face, which is a sequence of punctuation marks (: - |). From eng. slang smiley.

Doomer –Doomer(fan of the game Doom).

The “fathers” of jargon can also be professional terms of English origin, which already have an equivalent in the Russian language: hard drive, hard drive, heavy drive –hard drive(hard drive), connect –to connect(join)programmer– programmer (programmer),user– user (user)to click– click (click. Although now “click” is starting to compete with “click”). The grammatical mastery of some borrowings by the Russian language is accompanied by their word-formation Russification. Zip (zip) - s ipovat, zipped, zipped, User (user) – user.

Interestingly, there is also the opposite phenomenon here. A jargon synonymous with the term appears, derived from a word that has long been entrenched in the Russian language: Vents - a contemptuous name for the operating systemWindows.

Borrowing, however, is by no means the only source of replenishment of the lexicon of a given lexical system. Some words come from the jargon of other professional groups, for example motorists: teapot (beginner user), engine (kernel, “engine”, programs. This word is also semantically equivalent to its English counterpart engine(engine)). Sometimes the computer processor is called motor, and the computer itself - by car. Word glitch And the word formation from it, widely used in youth slang, here receives the meaning of “unforeseen errors in the program or incorrect operation of the equipment.” Wed. “I have a printer

buggy,” or “Windows98 is a pretty buggy product.”

The method of metaphorization is very productive (which is widely used in all slang systems). With its help, words such as:

Crap - CD disk (already outdated).

Rat - Soviet-made mouse.

Reanimator – a specialist or a set of special programs to “bring back from a coma” a computer whose software is seriously damaged and it is not able to function normally.

Verbal metaphors are numerous: brake– extremely slow work program or computer demolish or kill - delete information from the disk.

An interesting number of synonyms is associated with the process of disrupting the normal operation of a computer, when it does not respond to any commands other than the reset button. They say about such a computer, then it hung, hovered, stood up, fell, collapsed. Although the word freezing (freezing occurred, in case of freezing) Now it can already be excluded from jargon - it is officially used as a term. This is not the only example of the presence of synonyms in the jargon vocabulary; it is also worth noting: computer - wheelbarrow - device - computer - car, screw - hard drive - hard disk - hard drive.

You can also find the method of metonymy in the formation of jargon using the example of the word iron - in the meaning of “computer, components of a computer.” Buttons – meaning “keyboard”.

You can find examples of phraseological units, the motivation of the meaning in which is understandable only to the initiated: blue screen of death (error message textWindowson a blue background before hovering), a combination of three fingers or send to three fingers (Ctrl- alt- delete– emergency removal of any running program), trample loaves (work on the keyboardbutton- buttons).

A special place in computer jargon is occupied by words that do not have semantic motivation. They are in a relationship of partial homonymy with some common words (morphophonetic coincidences).

Lazar – Laser printer(Lazarus and laser)

Wax – operating system VAX.

Pentyukh –Pentium.

Kwak - gameQuake

Many words of computer jargon are formed according to word-formation models adopted in the Russian language. The suffix k is a very common affix method.


Shot ka


(Subsequently, these words were replaced by the terms simulator, quest, 3D action).

In the words “sidyuk” (compact disk or compact disc reader) or pisyuk - (PC) there is a suffix -yuk, characteristic of the vernacular.

The peculiar folklore of computer scientists is interesting, in which terminological vocabulary is used in a broad figurative sense. (data from 1992).

Cantopen– refusal to fulfill any request. (Computer message that a file cannot be retrieved.)

Here is an example of an arrangement of a famous work:

How the Old Woman saw the Old Man -

I quarreled worse system massage:

“You fool, you simpleton!

I begged OS, you fool,

I don't want to be a systems programmer

I want to do whatever my heart desires

So as not to mess with the assembler,

And write in pure Pascal

Various beautiful things...

You can often come across jokes, anecdotes, and puns specific to computer scientists: here are examples from the famous game GEG: corporationMacrohard (pomerphemic antonym of the word Microsoft), Gell Bates– (inversion of the first and last name of the head of Microprose Bill Gates), “Harry was sleeping, but he knew that at the first click of the mouse he would wake up.”

Computer jargon is an actively developing dynamic system (due to the unusually rapid progress of computer technologies). This is one of the ways of penetration of Anglicisms into the Russian language (sometimes completely unjustified). Many words from computer jargon become official terminology. Jargon exists not only in oral speech, not only in numerous electronic documents, letters and virtual conferences, they can also be found in print, they are often found in reputable computer publications: “...Monitors with a diagonal of at least 17 inches, with a “motor” "not weaker than pentium120...PC World (A. Orlov, December 1997). And you can find them in abundance in magazines dedicated to computer games, for example: “And there are monsters strafe no worse than anyone dumera.”(italics are mine. Game world navigator March 1998, article - Underlight). A significant component of the vocabulary, distinguished by a colloquial, crudely colloquial coloring, expressiveness characteristic of youth slang, indicates that among computer scientists there are a lot of young people.

    Research results and discussion.

    Jargon - this is a special sociolect that arose from the language of peddlers, which is distinguished by specific vocabulary, phraseology and expressiveness of phrases. Two main varieties - this is professional jargon and youth slang. Jargons carry out three functions : communicative, expressive, contact - which contribute quick exchange information, establishing contact with the interlocutor and expressing one’s emotions. Except everyday speech, jargon is used in fiction as a means of creating an image, mostly negative. This was proven during a detailed study of some literary works of Russian writers, where I found examples of the use of jargon. People use jargon for different purposes, and most agree that there are both pros and cons of jargon (according to a survey I conducted).

    Pros: jargon promotes self-expression and emphasizes individuality; slang expressions shorten phrases while maintaining their meaning; emotionally color speech and promote the expression of feelings; help to establish contact with peers; Jargons do not require careful choice of words in an informal setting.

    Cons: jargon may not be understood by some groups of people; clog our speech, replacing literary expressions; cause a poor vocabulary; not applicable in all life situations; not acceptable in official language; Some people, not knowing the meaning of jargons, use them in the wrong way.

    Information about jargon, taken from Internet resources and literature on this topic, is confirmed by the results of a survey in which 44 schoolchildren, 40 adults and 20 teachers participated.

    As a result of the study, the following were made: conclusions: 1. Jargon can influence both positively and negatively different sides human life, which is confirmed by the information studied and the survey I conducted.

    2. Jargons enrich our speech and facilitate informal communication, but at the same time they distort speech and replace literary words, which explains why some people have a poor vocabulary and why they are so illiterate.


    First, are jargons really that bad, and should you really avoid using them? Yes and no. Having analyzed the functions of jargon and conducted surveys of the population, I came to the conclusion that jargon can influence both positively and negatively on different aspects of a person’s life. This means that in some situations their use should be avoided, but in others it is not necessary; sometimes their use is prohibited, and sometimes it is quite acceptable. The main thing is to feel the line between what is acceptable and what is not.

    Jargon is a special sociolect that arose from the language of peddlers, which is distinguished by specific vocabulary, phraseology and expressiveness of phrases. The two main varieties are professional jargon and youth slang. Jargons perform three functions: communicative, expressive, contact - which contribute to the rapid exchange of information, establishing contact with the interlocutor and expressing one’s emotions. In addition to everyday speech, jargon is used in fiction as a means of creating an image, mostly negative. People use jargon for different purposes, and most agree that there are both pros and cons of jargon.

    Conclusion: It is impossible to have an unambiguous attitude towards the influence of jargon on speech; it is pointless to prohibit the use of jargon, but it is also impossible not to see the dangerous tendencies of jargonization of the literary language.

View document contents
“The role of jargon in the Russian language (research work)”

IX Scientific and practical conference city ​​scientific society of students

Jargons in Russian

Section: Russian language

MBOU gymnasium No. 30, 10th grade A

G.Ulyanovsk, st. Generala Melnikova, 8 bldg. 1 sq. 114, 89278081078

Scientific supervisor:

Moskaeva Elena Alexandrovna,

MBOU gymnasium No. 30,

teacher of Russian language and literature




1.1. Types of jargon 5

1.2. Functions of jargons 6

2.1. Historical background. The emergence of jargon 8

2.2. Jargon in literature 9

3.1. Study of the speech of the population. Survey results 11

3.2. Pros and cons of jargon 13





Currently becoming actual problem the use of jargon in modern society. Every day, millions of people exchange information, share their thoughts and ideas. And this has long become an integral part of the life of any person. However, our speech is gradually being destroyed. Some people often stop understanding others or do not understand them as they should. One of the reasons is the appearance of so-called jargon in the Russian language. I decided to work on this topic and find the reasons for this problem. And first we need to define the words “jargon” and “jargonisms”.

So, jargon– this is a sociolect (social dialect); differs from the general spoken language in specific vocabulary and phraseology, expressiveness of turns and special use of word-formation means, but does not have its own phonetic and grammatical system. Slang words or expressions are called " jargon " Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following definition: “jargon is the speech of some social or other united common interests a group containing many words and expressions different from the common language, including artificial and sometimes conventional ones.” Continuing Education new social groups and societies means that the appearance of slang words in speech is an inevitable phenomenon, since the vocabulary of slang is built on the basis of the literary language through rethinking, metaphorization, redesign, sound truncation, etc., as well as the active assimilation of foreign words and morphemes, which in turn is a completely logical and natural process. This statement calls into question the problem of the negative influence of slang words on the speech of various social groups. The question arises: are jargons really that bad, and is it really necessary to avoid their use? Therefore, it is appropriate to make two assumptions here. First, jargon enriches our speech and promotes informal communication. Second, jargon distorts speech and replaces literary words, which explains why some people have a poor vocabulary and why they are so illiterate. So which assumption is correct?

Thinking about this question, I decided to start working on the project. And so I defined some characteristics.

Target: prove both negative and positive influence jargon in the speech of teenagers and representatives of other age groups.

To achieve this goal, I have identified several tasks:

    Define the concepts of “jargon” and “jargonisms”.

    Identify the types and functions of jargon.

    Study the history of the origin and emergence of jargon in the Russian language.

    Find examples of the use of jargon in Russian literature.

    Conduct a survey of people to find out their opinions on identified problems and issues.

    Identify the pros and cons of using jargon in modern speech.

Subject of research: youth slang and Russian literature.

Research methods:

    theoretical (studying material, electronic resources and literature on the topic);

    practical (survey and synthesis of results).


1.1 Types of jargon

At the moment, scientists and philologists identify many groups and types of jargon, and it is probably very difficult to list them all. However, it can be said that slang language is used by people from different social groups. These are people from the lower strata of society (the jargon of thieves, the jargon of criminals, etc.), and the so-called “cream of society” (the jargon of politicians, musicians, etc.). In addition, youth jargon (youth slang) also stands out, which combines the characteristics of many other types of jargon, and is now one of the most common.

Even in those distant times, when the literary language was just emerging, the main “producer and supplier” of jargon was youth. At all times, it was important for young people to have “their own language,” incomprehensible to the uninitiated. Language served as an identifier - yours or someone else's? Can you trust or should you be wary? In addition, when the child grew up and was actively involved in the life of society, he began to actively absorb professional jargon, depending on the business he was involved in. Thus, jargon is another type of jargon that has a great influence on modern language society. This is a type of jargon used by a group of people united along professional lines. Linguistically, professional jargon is characterized by expressiveness and the use of hypernyms instead of hyponyms ( car instead of "computer"), stylistic decline ( steering wheel instead of “rudder”), the use of new word-formation models. But still, the subject of my research is precisely youth slang, since it is precisely this that, according to many experts, has a detrimental effect on our speech. In any youth environment, slang is one of the ways of self-expression. Everyone goes through that age when the vocabulary becomes clogged with various “words” that have nothing in common with normal speech.

Most of the elements in youth slang are various abbreviations and derivatives from them, as well as English borrowings or phonetic associations. Characteristic feature What distinguishes youth slang from other types is its rapid variability, explained by the change of generations.

1.2 Functions of jargon

So, we found out that jargon has quite a lot of varieties. And they are united by what they have general functions. And in fact, they are the same as those of spoken and literary languages: communicative, expressive, contact.

The communicative function exchanges information, transmits information and facts. And in some cases it is easier and faster to do this in jargon rather than in official language.

The contact function aims to establish contact with the interlocutor. Some words youth slang They don’t even carry any specific information, but they help to find a common language and help start a conversation.

Comes to the fore in youth slang expressive function, which involves not only the exchange of information, as opposed to the communicative function, but also the exchange of feelings and emotions coming from the speaker. The popularity of using slang words with a bright emotional connotation is explained by the fact that with their help you can briefly and succinctly describe your physical, mental state and even the whole situation. And the variety of meanings of youth slang expressions can be explained by the desire of its speakers to diversify their language, make it more expressive and, finally, show their individuality.

Thus, having described the main functions of jargon, we have identified the reasons for their use: quick exchange of information, establishing contact with the interlocutor and expressing one’s emotions.


2.1 The emergence of jargon

The word jargon (French jargon) originated in French in the 12th century and originally meant “chirp.” Then it came to mean “incomprehensible language,” and even later, “corrupt language.”

In Russia, jargons have also existed for a long time. They arose in feudal Rus' on the basis of the Russian language in special historical and social conditions. They were spoken by people who belonged to some social group and whose goal was to hide something from others, for example, professional secrets. These include horse dealers, tailors, shapovals, tinsmiths, whose conventional languages ​​were preserved in late XIX century, and even at the beginning of the 20th century. From Vladimir Dahl’s dictionary of the Ofen language it is known that the jargon arose from the language of Ofen peddlers. Hence another name for the slang - fenya (talk about a hairdryer). The language of the ofeni - small traders - consisted of forms and words of the literary Russian language distorted beyond recognition. In this way, the Ofeni exchanged information not intended for other people's ears. These traders were a distinct caste that needed a special, unique language to protect themselves and their goods. Another suggestion is that slang owes its origins to the ancient nation of the Athenians. This people consisted of a dozen ethnic groups. Their encrypted language has been passed down from parents to children for centuries. And he liked it so much ordinary people, which gradually began to be used by absolutely everyone.

Nowadays, the synonym for the word “jargon” - “slang” has become very popular. In essence, this is the same thing, however, the first option among modern people is more associated with the vocabulary of the world of thieves, while slang is a developing and renewed language of youth. In any case, the name will not change the essence; jargon has been and will be the speech of a separate social or professional group, with a composition of words different from the commonly used one. Now he is gaining new life, as evidenced by the fact that every year more and more jargon words are included in official dictionaries. This is a kind of recognition by society of jargon as a “supplier” of neologisms for the official language. Despite all attempts to bring popular jargon into classical speech, slang is expanding its zone of influence through the media and social networks.

Over time, the pace of life of a modern person accelerates, and his vocabulary grows. New concepts arise, which quickly find a word and take root in people’s minds. Literary language does not have time to add everything, since this takes years, which in the modern world is an eternity. That is why more and more people are turning to the concept of “jargon”, trying to understand what it really is and where it came from in our lives.

2.2 Jargon in literature

Jargons are very unstable, they change relatively quickly and are a sign of a certain time, generation, and in different places the jargon of people of the same category can be different. Jargon is expressive, and therefore is sometimes used in fiction as a means of creating an image, mostly negative. Examples include some of the works of L. N. Tolstoy, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, V. M. Shukshin, D. A. Granin, Yu. M. Nagibin, N. G. Pomyalovsky and others. Jargonisms are widely represented in the works of N. G. Pomyalovsky “Essays on the Bursa,” which describes the students, that is, students of a religious educational institution; For example: "belendruchal"(played on lips) "lupetka"(face), "bond"(steal), etc. Also, examples of jargon, as well as examples of the use of profanity, i.e. obscenities, can be found in the poems of A. S. Pushkin, S. A. Yesenin. A copious amount of jargon is presented in the wonderful work of Mikhail Bulgakov “ Heart of a Dog" Already in the first paragraphs you can see examples: “Am I really I'll overeat Council of National Economy..." ( "I'll overeat"- volume); "Have you ever looked at him? I'm giving birth...» ( "face"- face). Other writers have also used jargon. V. M. Shukshin in his work “Distant Winter Evenings” gives the following example: “...noisy children from the early morning cut to grandmas" where "cut" means "plays". Even more quotes can be taken from another work by the same author, “Demagogues”: “The Breeze... made a fuss in the bushes" (that is, rustled), "Good girl was" ( "girl"- girl), “I answer him this, hear…" ("hear" means “you hear”). However, not all writers considered the use of jargon acceptable. Slang and argot words make up an insignificant percentage in relation to the vocabulary of the common language. Against widespread penetration into literature and colloquial speech The Soviet public has always fought against argot and slang vocabulary. Maxim Gorky was an ardent fighter for the correctness and purity of the Russian literary language.


3.1. Population speech research

To find out which of the assumptions put forward at the beginning of the work is correct, I conducted a survey of the population. (Appendix 1.) Among all respondents, I identified three groups of people: school teachers, teenagers (school students), students and the older generation. The purpose of the survey was to find out whether people use jargon in their speech, how they feel about the use of jargon, and what, in their opinion, is the reason for using jargon.

Survey results

Of the 44 students of the senior and high school the majority (66%) admitted that they use jargon. The remaining 34% claim that they do not use jargon or try not to use it. Of the 40 adults surveyed, 87.5% confirmed that they use jargon, and moreover, they cannot even imagine their speech without jargon. This phenomenon (the number of adults who use jargon is more than 20% higher than the number of children) proves the fact that professional jargon has a strong influence on the oral speech of people who have already decided on their choice of profession. Among the teachers I surveyed, exactly half (50%) resort to the use of slang, but, as they commented, they do this only in exceptional situations and only in the appropriate company of people. Directly to educational process their speech is strictly formal, as the students and myself can attest. (Appendix 2, 3.)

Opinions differ about the reasons for using these words. Moreover, if the difference in percentage between the answer options among the older generation is relatively small, then almost half of the representatives of the younger generation (49.1%) answered that jargon is used to overcome the lack of words. 26.4% think that jargons make spoken and written speech clearer, 13.2% use jargons only because it is fashionable, the remaining 11.3% use them not because of their special semantic meaning, but just for connection words Apparently, the majority believe that it is the lack of words that forces us to introduce new words into the Russian language and use youth slang. This means they understand the scale of the problem and the disadvantages of jargon.

Representatives of the older generation answered a little differently:

30% - jargon makes speech clearer,

15% is fashionable

32.5% - for a bunch of words,

22.5% - to overcome the lack of words.

Teachers, especially those who avoid jargon even in everyday life, believe that using slang helps teenagers understand each other better and makes it easier for them to exchange information. (Appendix 2, 4.) Several of the teachers even noted that slang is a language exclusively for young people and that it can only be used among them, since it is considered fashionable only among them.

Regarding the attitude towards jargon and its influence on the Russian language, the survey results are the same. Representatives of all three groups I identified (59.1% of adolescents, 55% of adults, 71.4% of teachers) agree that jargon is as positive as it is negative. 36.4% of children, 20% of adults and 28.6% of teachers see only the negative impact of jargon. The rest try to look at the situation optimistically and highlight exclusively the positive qualities of the jargon. It is important to point out here that none of the teachers answered the proposed question that jargon only has a positive effect on speech. (Appendix 2, 5.) This in turn says that this group of people is more responsible for solving such problems.

3.2. Pros and cons of jargon

Since the survey results showed that most people identify both positive and negative qualities of jargon and slang expressions, it is necessary to note the specific pros and cons of their use. Let's start with the positives. First of all, jargon promotes self-expression and emphasizes individuality. In modern society, this is extremely important, since everyone strives to stand out from the crowd, so as not to be like anyone else. In addition, in order to join any group, a special circle of people, you need to be able to establish contact with peers. This is precisely where jargon helps, emotionally coloring speech and facilitating the expression of feelings. Some of the teenagers who took part in the survey responded that they use slang because it is easier to communicate. Indeed, slang allows you to significantly shorten long phrases while maintaining their meaning. And most importantly, jargon does not require careful selection of words in an informal setting.

Now the disadvantages of jargon. They are obvious - slang clogs our language, making it incomprehensible to the older generation. Also, some words or expressions may be incomprehensible to people living in different cities or regions of the country, since jargon tends to spread across certain territories, sometimes without going beyond them. The clogging of our speech with slang causes another problem, namely the replacement of literary expressions. How more people use jargon, the less they speak literary artistic language. In turn, this leads to a certain problem: jargon is not applicable in all life situations. In certain circles of people you can only speak literary or official business language, where slang is not acceptable. There are other disadvantages too. For example, some people do not know the meaning of jargon and use it incorrectly. The main problem and significant drawback, in my opinion, is the poor vocabulary of some people. Over time, the vocabulary ceases to be replenished altogether. Young people, even among their friends with whom they have already established common language sometimes can't pick up the right words. But in general, the number of minuses and pluses is approximately equal.


So, at the conclusion of the work, I will return to the very beginning and answer the questions posed there, and also decide which of the assumptions put forward is correct.

First, are jargons really that bad, and should you really avoid using them? Yes and no. Having analyzed the functions of jargon and conducted surveys of the population, I came to the conclusion that jargon can influence both positively and negatively on different aspects of a person’s life. This means that in some situations their use should be avoided, but in others it is not necessary; sometimes their use is prohibited, and sometimes it is quite acceptable. The main thing is to feel the line between what is acceptable and what is not.

Secondly, which hypothesis is correct? The first, that jargons enrich our speech and promote informal communication, or the second, that jargons distort speech and replace literary words? I concluded that both are true. Having given examples of jargon from fiction, identifying the pros and cons of youth slang, I cannot say that my assumptions are not correct, or that only one of them is true. On the contrary, both hypotheses are true, but each in its own way.

Of course, not all features of the jargon were described in this work, because the topic is quite broad and varied, but I will try to summarize everything said above.

Jargon is a special sociolect that arose from the language of peddlers, which is distinguished by specific vocabulary, phraseology and expressiveness of phrases. The two main varieties are professional jargon and youth slang. Jargons perform three functions: communicative, expressive, contact - which contribute to the rapid exchange of information, establishing contact with the interlocutor and expressing one’s emotions. In addition to everyday speech, jargon is used in fiction as a means of creating an image, mostly negative. People use jargon for different purposes, and most agree that there are both pros and cons of jargon.

Conclusion: It is impossible to have an unambiguous attitude towards the influence of jargon on speech; it is pointless to prohibit the use of jargon, but it is also impossible not to see the dangerous tendencies of jargonization of the literary language.


    Bulgakov M. A. Heart of a Dog.

    Gorshkov A.I. Russian literature. - Moscow, 2002.

    Koporsky S.A. About the culture of language and speech of youth. Russian speech.-1991.-No. 1

    Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. – Moscow: LLC “IT TECHNOLOGIES”, 2003.

    Pomyalovsky N. G. Essays on the bursa.

    Samotik L.G. Vocabulary of the modern Russian language. Study guide.

    Sholokhov M. A. Virgin soil upturned.

    Shukshin V.M. Distant winter evenings.

    Shukshin V. M. Demagogues.


Appendix 1.

    Do you use jargon in your speech?

    Why do you use jargon?

    Jargon makes speech clearer;

    it is fashionable and modern;

    jargon is needed to connect words;

    Jargons help overcome the lack of words.


Barkinkhoeva Natalya

Municipal budgetary educational institution MBOU "Chernskaya Secondary School No. 2", 9th grade

Tula region, Chernsky district, Voropaevsky village.

Head: Natalya Anatolyevna Borzenkova, (teacher of Russian language and literature)

Looking for words to express myself,

Do not muddy the spring of living water -

From verbiage and degeneration

Protect your soul's tongue!

V. Saakova

Project goals:

In our work we tried:

1. Study and summarize articles by leading linguists on this issue

2. Identify the reasons for the trend of coarsening of the Russian language

3. Explore the ways in which jargon penetrates the literary language

4. Suggest ways to solve the problem

The language of any people is its historical memory, embodied in words. The man disappeared, but the word he created remained an immortal and inexhaustible treasury of the people's language. To know the expressive means of a language, to be able to use its stylistic and semantic riches in all their structural diversity - every native speaker should strive for this.

Russian language is one of the most commonly used languages ​​in the world. Its history has long passed the 1000-year mark. The language has a large vocabulary, which amounts to tens of thousands of words. Outdated words are being replaced by new words that are more understandable for the modern generation. Unfortunately, the Russian language, like many other languages, has its problems.

· I must say that modern era introduces a lot of new things into the Russian literary language of our days, especially in such areas as vocabulary and phraseology, combinability of words, their stylistic coloring, etc.

· In modern literary language, there is an intensive convergence of traditional book-written and oral means with everyday spoken elements, urban vernacular, social and professional dialects. However, a certain emancipation of literary norms should not lead to their weakening or stylistic decline. As a normal and inevitable process, such emancipation creates conditions for the richness and diversity of all means of expression and, consequently, for the improvement of speech culture. At the same time, we are well aware that

· modern oral and written speech is stylistically reduced and coarsened

· The language of science suffers from unnecessary complexity, an abundance of not always justified foreign language borrowings in the field of terminology

· Journalism sometimes suffers from verbosity, vagueness and lack of expression.

· The influence of Turkic dialects and others appeared.

But, in my opinion, among the many problems of the modern Russian language, the most pressing is the problem of the appearance in the press, in the speeches of many famous figures, television and radio presenters of argotic elements, monotonously used to “revive” texts. For example: download rights, in law (often in the headlines of articles), hang noodles on your ears, powder your brains , for free, hanging out, etc., which leads to its coarsening and clogging.

The flourishing of all genres of modern journalism, the development of mass media that directly reflect the breath of time, active processes occurring both in society and in language. Here it is necessary to say about the development of various types and genres of oral public speech, looking for support in the traditions of national Russian eloquence, in examples of oratory skills of the past and present

However, excessive saturation of artistic and journalistic works with scientific and technical terminology reduces the power of their impact and artistic value. Different from dialectal and professional terminological vocabulary are special words that certain social groups of people, due to their social status and the specifics of the environment, used to designate objects or phenomena that already had their own names in the common literary language. Such vocabulary is called slang (argotic).

It, just like dialect or narrowly professional words, is not part of the literary language and is a vocabulary of limited use.
Especially a lot of jargon arose in Tsarist Russia in the speech of the ruling classes, which is explained by an attempt to artificially create a special variety of language and thereby alienate people of their circle from representatives of other classes of society.
This is how, for example, the Russian-French salon jargon of the nobles, the merchant jargon, etc. arose. For example: pleisure in the meaning of “pleasure, amusement”, promenade - in the meaning of “walk”, sentiment - in the meaning of “excessive sensitivity”, etc.
Slang vocabulary appeared in educational institutions of pre-revolutionary Russia (for example, in bursas: slamzil, stibrill, whistled in the meaning of “stole”, obegoril in the meaning of “deceived”, fell asleep in the meaning of “failed the exam”, etc.).

But the greatest “flourishing” of slang vocabulary occurred at the turn of the century. After 1991, significant political and economic changes occurred in Russian society, which influenced the conditions for using the Russian language in oral and written speech. These changes in the conditions of language use were also reflected in certain parts of its lexical system.

· Many words that referred to the economic realities of the Soviet era and ideological vocabulary have lost their relevance and gone out of active use.

· The names of many institutions and positions were again renamed.

· Religious vocabulary has returned to active use,

· Many economic and legal terms have passed from the specialized sphere into common use.

· The abolition of censorship led to the appearance of spontaneous oral speech on air,

· democratization led to the participation in public communication of persons with different education and levels of speech culture.

Democratization and liberalization of the airwaves under the influence of the conversational element give not only positive results, they contribute not only to progress. Along with the liberation of the literary language from the constraints of totalitarian canons, the flow of distortions of correct and beautiful Russian speech has increased.

Violations of literary norms concern the ethical and aesthetic aspects of the culture of speech, the historically established and established rules of public speech in Russian culture, prohibiting the use of words that were previously called unprintable (now you can’t call them that) or obscene (also not modern, since censorship is now the main thing way own, internal to the speaker).

And as you know, young people love to speak and quickly “grasp forbidden words”

In the modern Russian language there are only a few words of “slang-colored” vocabulary, which are either related to the facts of professional speech (marashka among printers - “foreign imprint on a print”, goat (goats) among printers - “omissions of letters in prints”, goat among pilots - “an involuntary jump of the plane during landing”, a duck among pilots - the name of the biplane “U-2”), or are a sign inherent in the age community of a generation, mainly young (cheat sheet, counter, nickel (five) among schoolchildren; crusts, wheels (boots , boots), high (scandal), filonit (idle), brilliance, strength, iron, amazing (excellent), like a bayonet (exactly, necessarily) among students). The use of such vocabulary clogs the language and should be prevented in every possible way.

In the language of fiction, elements of slang (argotically) colored vocabulary are sometimes used in limited quantities to characterize the speech of some characters (see the works of G. Medynsky, D. Granin, V. Shukshin, Yu. Nagibin, V. Aksenov, etc.).
Young people are attracted to jargon by its unusual sound and emotional and expressive coloring. Most often, jargons are used for fun. Their occurrence is not associated with a special need for this; there is no secrecy or convention in them.

Every time we utter these words we pollute the Russian language, we make it rude.

Now, when we walk through the corridors of our native school, college or university, we can hear many new, youth words that a person, without a certain translation, will not always understand. This is the so-called youth slang.

Youth jargon is divided into industrial and household.

Students' production vocabulary is closely related to the learning process, and soldiers to military service. The general everyday dictionary is much wider than the industrial one; it includes words not related to the process of study, work or service. For example, the passion for computers introduced into the language such words as “comp”, “flash drive”, “insert brains”, “cut”, etc. The fact that everyone knows these words indicates the increasing activity of professional vocabulary, the use of which is not always appropriate, not always understandable and not always aesthetically pleasing.

Jargons of conscript soldiers and sailors: ‘liteha’ - lieutenant, ‘spirit’ - soldier who serves for the first six months; schoolchildren's slang: 'teacher' - teacher, etc.; student jargon: ‘war’—military training classes; common youth slangs: ‘; slang of informal youth groups: ‘hair’-hair (word borrowed from English ‘ hair ’-hair), the slang of musicians is very closely intertwined with the latter slang, because. the entire 'informal' culture is built on music.

The vast majority of musicians' slang words are borrowed from English language: ‘doom’ is one of the trends in music (from English ‘ doom '-fate), 'pop' - popular music (only the concept is borrowed from English: ' popular music ’), musicians associated with the criminal world have their own slang: ‘pull the blind eye’ - play at a funeral.

Today it has become fashionable to express disgust for one’s own culture, and consider everything foreign to be better. On all fronts there is an attack on the language of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, that is, on our Russian language.

Over the past 15-20 years, more than ten thousand have entered our language foreign words, mostly English. Some jargon “new-speak” appeared.

Russian and Soviet poems are not heard either on the radio or on TV; Russian folk songs, Russian cartoons and fairy tales are heard less and less often.

The Russian literary language must be protected from contamination with vulgarisms and jargon.

In order for the state of the tongue not to cause anxiety, each person must constantly think about what he is saying.

Methods for independently improving speech culture

· reading fiction classical literature(this is the most important and effective method);

· careful study of the necessary sections in grammar reference books;

· use of dictionaries;

· seeking advice from philologists;

· use of Internet resources.

In our work we tried:

· firstly, to identify a socially significant and cultural problem,

· draw public attention to its topicality,

· suggest possible methods for solving the problem.

Among the most significant reasons for the use of jargon in the speech of young people the following can be distinguished:

a) to achieve a certain social status in a group based on the acceptance of its social and moral values;

b) for fun and pleasure; c) to demonstrate the sharpness of your mind; d) in order to avoid the everyday banality of using words in a literary language, the desire for greater expressiveness of speech;

e) to attract attention to one’s own person;

f) to enrich the language, giving lexical specificity to certain phenomena and objects;

g) to accentuate one’s belonging to a particular school, craft, profession, to establish and maintain contact within a given social community;

h) to perform a secret function;

i) to create your own speech mask.

Replenishment of slang vocabulary

There are a large number of sources of youth slang. The modern generation uses slangisms to denote new realities, objects, and phenomena. The most developed semantic fields are “Person”, “Appearance”, “Clothing”, “Leisure”. Slang is a living, moving language that keeps up with the times and responds to any changes in the life of the country and society.

1. Development of computer technology

Many words and expressions come from computer slang. The Internet, its wide possibilities, and rapidly developing computer technologies attract young people. In this regard, many new jargons appear. Here are some of them:

Virus - computer virus, emoticons - funny faces in chats, system glitch, buggy - computer problems, soap - e-mail, RAM - operating system, mouse - computer mouse, user - computer user, gamer - player.

2. Modern musical culture

One of the hobbies of young people is music. It is part of the lives of young people. Modern music is a mixture of different cultures and musical styles. Youth jargon related to the field of music contains the names of various musical styles (pop, popsyatin - pop music, Dark - heavy music, Dream, house, drum, drum (Dram "n Base), trance) and compositions (svezhak - fresh, new music, release - a composition that has been released for sale, track - a musical composition, playlist - a list of musical compositions), names of musicians' actions (sbat - play).

Foreign music is now more popular among young people, and Russian performers and compositions are sometimes perceived negatively. Young people often come up with nicknames for musical groups and performers:

Asi-Basi, Jennifer Popez, Zhenya Lenin, Patricia Kvas, Pasha Makarov, Marmeladze, Bari Karabasov, Bari Alabastrov, Andrey Buben, Kretinushki International, Bolvanushki International, Mikhail Shukherinsky.

3. English, German and French languages.

In youth circles, English is considered the most “fashionable” and most promising language for learning. Therefore, many youth jargons are words that are borrowed from the English language. The interesting thing is that these slang words are understood even by those people who have never studied English in their lives, so slang words have become part of the modern speech. Anglicisms reflect new realities from the sphere of science, technology, economics, youth subculture.

Fifty-fifty (fifty-fifty) - 50 to 50, respect - respect, loser - loser, drink - drink, people - people, crazy (crazy) - crazy; best, bestovy - the best; love story - love story.

The writing of these slang words is free; you can use both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. For example:

No problems - No problems

Please, okay, sorry, fail

Some English words Russian elements of word formation are observed. For example, the following expressions:

Face on the table - face on the table (head against the wall), face - face.

Also, English affixes can be added to Russian stems: blinbl ​​(the word-forming suffix of the English language -able). With the help of the same suffix, new slang units are formed, only instead of the Russian word the English word appears, although in English this suffix cannot be attached to this word. For example, greatble, superbl.

Jargons using German and French not much.

I sprech in German - I speak German.

Pardon me - sorry.

4. Criminal vocabulary.

In vocabulary related to criminal sphere, the names of persons (authority, garbage - policeman), actions (soak, bang - kill, knock - report) are presented.

Some argotisms, having become youth slang, have significantly changed their semantics. For example: gopnik is a primitive, intellectually undeveloped and aggressive person (cf. corner gopnik is a street robber), loser is a person. Not worthy of respect, trust (cf. angle: a sucker is a victim of a crime, the one who is intended to be deceived, robbed or killed).

5. Slangisms related to drugs and alcohol

They are mainly divided into words that are the name of the drug addict, the names of the drugs, and words that denote actions related to drugs.

Addict, junkie, junkie, addict

Wheels - tablets

Drugs, coke, gerych, grass, hairdryer - drugs

Puffing, blowing, smearing, throwing up, smoking - actions related to drugs

Words related to alcohol can also be divided into small groups:

Alkash, alkanaut, bruise - alcoholic

Sinka, vodyara - alcohol

Ferment, drink, buzz - drink.

6. Computer games, videos, cartoons

A large number of slang words and expressions come into the speech of young people from computer games, but most often these words are specific in use, they are used by those young people for whom games are a hobby. Many words are borrowed from English.

Computer youth language has become very widespread lately.

Preved, bear! - traditional greeting

Handsome, bunny - a positive assessment of someone

Yatya Laf - I love you

Uzhs - horror; please - please

The last example shows that there is a tendency in computer language to shorten words and expressions to save time and also to improve typing speed.

The most expressive and memorable names of movie and cartoon characters become common nouns in youth speech.

Goblins, gremlins, simpsons, spongebob.

7. Hobbies and interests of young people

Young people have various hobbies to which they devote their free time. And the world of jargon associated with this or that hobby is bright and original.

The game of sox (sock) is a small rag ball. This game is reminiscent of the Russian game "Hot Potato", but in this game players kick the ball around with their feet. Now this game is less relevant, it is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Football has always been popular among young people, and in this regard, one cannot do without slang words (to feint, to chase feints).

This source can be attributed to the replenishment of youth slang with the help of anime, a subculture that is so popular these days. People who are interested in anime are called anime fans.

Anime is primarily the name of animated films that are produced in Japan. The first cartoons date back to the mid-twentieth century. It is interesting that anime fans, as a youth subculture, completely lack any ideology, but have a well-represented characteristic slang, replete with Japanese words, occasionally in the Russian manner (“kawaino”, “hentaino”, etc.). Today, explanatory dictionaries of modern anime culture are being created. Some units of anime slang have passed into spoken language. Tomsk students, who sometimes don’t even know what anime is.

Anime- related to anime.

Blanks- Blank discs for recording anime.

Kawaii, kawaii, kawaii - Japanese. kawaii "cute, lovely." 1. A subjective positive assessment of any object, person, phenomenon of reality as cute, pleasant and attractive, causing tenderness, is more often used as a noun. 2.An anime genre that features exaggeratedly cute characters.

Nya - 1. Meow; 2. Expression of positive emotions.

Nyashka is a female or male creature that evokes tenderness and strong sympathy within the limits of easy falling in love; The behavior or appearance of a cutie can be described by the word “kawaii”.

Nyashny - cute, adorable. Syn. kawaii.

Ways to form slang vocabulary

Expressive word-forming elements are involved in the formation of new jargons, most often these are suffixes: -uh-, -yak-, -on-, -lovo-, -ul- (veselukha, stipukha; krutyak, mattress, hilyak; vidon, lifon; mochilovo, rubilovo, kidalovo; lapulya, beauty). This method is one of the most common in the formation of new slangisms. Words without the above formants (fun, cool, beauty) can be used by a person belonging to any social, age group, that is, they are commonly used. It is specific suffixes that make it possible to create units of youth slang.

The tendency towards the formation of abbreviations and compound words: teacher, matan, antichka, zaruba, filfaker. Playful transformations of words with associative likening them to other lexical units: filoloh (contamination: philologist and loch), studen - student, kulek - college, university, academy of culture.

The verb “smile” as slang is used in the second person singular form. h. imperative mood- smile (face), which means smile.

Peculiarities of TSU student slang

Some words and expressions in the jargon of TSU students have a different meaning than those given in the dictionary. For example, in the dictionary: blow - 1. Narc. There is a special way to inhale and exhale when smoking anasha. 2. Give someone a cigarette. 3. Perform sexual intercourse with someone. 4. Scold, scold, punish someone. (dictionary). In the slang of TSU students, the most common way to cheat is to skip a couple of days, skip a class.

When studying the literature on this topic, not a single slang unit with the suffix - bl -(blinble, superble, shikarnble), which is now very popular in the formation of new jargon. This suffix is ​​of English origin. He became widely known after the TV show “Give Youth” on the STS channel (it is interesting to note that the participants in this program also studied at Tomsk State University).