Alain Delon admitted his hatred of the modern “fake era.” Delon's revelations ten interviews Old people become racists

The interview appeared in a special issue dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the great artist’s career. Reflecting on his life, his roles, friends and family, Delon explains his rejection of today's reality: “Life no longer brings me anything. I have already seen everything, experienced everything. But most importantly, I hate this era, it makes me sick.”

“I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. Every day, from morning to evening, we only hear about crimes. I know that I will leave this world without regrets,” says the actor.

Delon talks a little about the failures in his personal life, about difficult relationships with his family. About the women he loved and about friends who are no longer alive. According to him, special meaning The actor has dogs in his life. About fifty of his four-legged friends are buried in his garden in the suburbs of Paris, and it is with them that he wishes to be buried himself.

When asked about the place of women in his life today, Delon replies that he has not yet found “the one.” “I wouldn’t say that I don’t have enough candidates. I have about a dozen of them, but not one of them is suitable for living the rest of my life with. (...) I could only marry a woman if she was ready to accompany me until the end of my days,” explains Delon.

The actor's career is far from over: in an interview he talks about the latest film, which is being directed by Patrice Lecomte and in which the main roles are played by Alain Delon and Juliette Binoche. However, filming is constantly being postponed. Delon also says that he would like to return to the theater stage.

The last film in which Alain Delon played the role of Caesar, Asterix et Olympic Games"was released in 2008. In the theater he is in last time played in 2013 with his daughter Anouchka Delon, also playing the role of her father on stage.

“I am an artist, but not an actor, I did not graduate from the acting academy,” Delon recalls, speaking about his profession. “I didn’t do anything for this. At the age of 14 I left school and then joined the army. I am one of those artists like Jean Gabin, Lino Ventura or Burt Lancaster - strong personalities who were featured in films. And I can say, without excessive modesty, that I have succeeded in this profession.”

“I never dreamed of such a career, it happened by itself,” says Alain Delon. “I was not born to become Alain Delon. I should have died a long time ago. But it’s called fate.”

“Thank you to Alain Delon for the sincere interview for the special issue of Paris Match,” wrote Valerie Trierweiler on Twitter. Valerie Trierweiler‏Compte certifié @valtrier

Lost childhood, beauty and women, popularity and fatherhood, money, politics, religion and death... Alain Delon talks about everything in an interview with Valerie Trierweiler.

Paris Match: Everyone knows or thinks they know Alain Delon. But does your image match who you really are?

Alain Delon: Yes, definitely. It matches and has always matched who I am. I never tried to change, to become someone else. I am at peace with myself. Always been myself. I didn’t try to try on any role. I never pretend and say what is on my mind, even if someone may not like it. I couldn’t even imagine that I would have such a fate, that I would become what I became. I returned from the war, cinema came to me through women, but I was already what I still am. Also, don't you think this look has aged a little?

- Do you think you owe everything to the beauty with which you have shone all your life? At what point did you realize you had this power?

— Beauty has always been with me. Everyone kept telling me about her. Women and not only them. When I was offered to act in a movie, I thought: “Why me?” In response, they told me about this beauty. She was mentioned constantly. Still a mother in childhood. People on the streets stopped to say: “What a handsome son you have!” But she couldn't stand it when people touched me. When we walked with her in the park, she hung a sign on my stroller that said: “Look, but don’t touch!” Then the girls started looking at me. But if I had realized that this was a power, a weapon, I would not have started life as a butcher. Ultimately, everything was done not by me, but by women. I'm with early years I was crazy about women, especially those who were five to ten years older than me. When I returned from the army, I began to live in Pigalle. Some time later, several girls earned my living. They were crazy about me because, as it turned out, I was handsome. She gave me the opportunity to study cinema. If I had not become an actor, I would definitely have died.

— Did cinema allow you to take revenge on life?

- No, because it was fate. Be that as it may, I am grateful to my mother, because she gave me this appearance, and everything happened thanks to her. I got everything through beauty. So I say, “Thank you, Mom.” I'm a lot like her, she was great. I owe her at least this.

— Which woman played the first role in your life?

— Brigitte Aubert was the first to come into my life. In addition, she was the first to convince me to go into filmmaking. She wanted to drag me along with her. Brigitte told me: “Be yourself, talk the way you talk, move the way you move.” In fact, I never played, but lived. And I immediately realized that I would fall in love with this profession. Then I was taken under the wing of Edwige Feier. My career took off, although I didn’t feel like I had anything to do with it.

- Let's go back to your childhood. Deproge said: “I was unlucky not to have had an unhappy childhood.” Did your difficult childhood toughen you up?

“I definitely had an unhappy childhood.” This period was like preparation for life. How do you understand that your parents are getting rid of you when you are only four years old? They divorced and started building new life, and I ended up in a foster family as an orphan. I have never seen my parents together. Father on one side, mother on the other. Everyone is on their own shore, and I am like an island between them. One. Of course, I was not alone, because I ended up in a foster family with wonderful people, whom he loved very much and to whom he owed a lot. They were my favorite people and taught me respect. I experienced breakup, rejection and loneliness very early on. I realized that I could only leave it all behind by running away, and at the age of 17 I found myself in the Indochina War. Most were 21 at the time, but my parents signed the permission slip without hesitation, as if they wanted to get rid of me again. I'm angry at them for this. You can’t send a 17-year-old guy to war... 17 years old... I was only 17!

-Did you see them at that time? Did they come to you?

— Mom came sometimes. Father - never. They had a different life and other children. I wasn't their priority. I was 4 years old, but they abandoned me. I only have half-brothers and sisters. We still have close ties with Paul-Edith, my mother’s daughter. We sometimes saw each other stepbrothers, but I wouldn't call it a family.

-Have you ever talked to your parents about why they left you?

- No, never. My parents didn't give me gifts. Since they knew everything, why talk about it? When my mother died, I was almost 70 years old. I have never had the desire to dredge up the past. Why is this necessary? I missed her very much in my younger years, much more than my father. Both of them became closer to me after I became famous. They were proud to be the parents of Alain Delon. Suddenly they remembered that they had a son. The mother began to call herself Madame Delon, although her last name was Boulogne. She became a fan, not a mother. My father was more present at the end of his life. I still have a photograph with him from the filming of Monsieur Klein, in which he looks at me more attentively than a woman in love. He couldn't believe that he was my father. Still, none of this can bring back what I didn't have as a child, parental love. There is a void that cannot be filled. Even when I lived with a woman and loved a woman, I still felt lonely. I've always had this feeling. The roots of this constant loneliness undoubtedly go back to childhood. I was only four years old when I realized that you could be abandoned by those you love most.

- Has no one replaced your father? For example, Renault Clement?

- Probably, to some extent. But he was first and foremost my teacher. He taught me everything, I owe everything to him. There was almost nothing between us family ties. We were close until the very end, until his death in 1996. Despite the closeness, I was always on first name terms with him. As with Gabin, Melville and all the giants of cinema for whom I had great respect. They were my mentors.

- Your father was not around, almost completely... And what kind of father did you become?

— This question would be worth asking my children. Not sure what was for them good father and grandfather. Was I on top? Don't think. As for Anushka and Alain-Fabien, in terms of age I could be their grandfather. It's Complicated. In addition, for them I am not only a father, but also Alain Delon. It’s not easy to carry such a burden, especially since they themselves are in this profession. This was especially hard for Anthony to live with. He had to endure a lot. Fame isolates and alienates you from the rest of the world. Including from your own children.

— Has the appearance of your daughter changed you as a father?

“Like any father in any family, I was crazy about my daughter, just as mothers dote on their sons. I was lucky that I had a royal choice. This is wonderful. A daughter for a father is simply wonderful! As for Alain-Fabien, I can’t dismiss him. He looks so much like me that it’s immediately clear that he is my son!

- Anthony looks like you too. Do you feel like you're missing something?

- Yes, of course, but it’s not my fault. He suffered a lot in his youth. He says that he was not loved by his mother, but raised by Mireille Darc, and that his father, meanwhile, was indifferent and busy. I can understand some things. But not all. Yes, he had a hard time in his acting career. He couldn't find his place. For Anushka and Alain-Fabien, everything turned out differently. An entire generation separates them, and it has become easier for them to find their place. Anthony found it very difficult to be the son of Alain Delon. He had to abandon his film career and move on to other things. And he was angry with me, as if it was my fault. But it is what it is. It's hard to succeed in this business, no matter who you are.

“Don’t discount the fact that you separated from their mothers, Natalie and then Rosalie.” Isn't this always painful for a child? You yourself had to go through this...

— Yes, when my parents divorced, it caused me a lot of suffering. It was for this reason that I wanted to get married once for the rest of my life. When I married Natalie, I really thought that we would live with her until the end of our days, that nothing would separate us. This was my dream. In the end, nothing worked out, life changed. Natalie wanted a divorce, but I no longer decided on marriage. There is only one Madame Delon, with whom I have very strong ties. At the beginning of our relationship, I told Mireille that I would never marry her. She accepted it. We separated because she could not have children. I had problems, rather, with my daughter Anushka. When she was little, she really wanted her mother Rosalie and I to marry. I refused because I'm not one to change my mind just like that. Anushka was angry with me because of this. The future proved that I was right, as Rosalie and I separated.

— How did your relationship develop with those who claimed that they had sons from you?

— No way, because there were no other cases. It was a complicated story with Ari because my mother took care of it. She and her mother lost in court. Sometimes law enforcement agencies going too far. I was absolutely beside myself when I learned that Yves Montand was being pulled out of his coffin to take a DNA sample to establish paternity. I said to my daughter: “How could you treat Montand like that? I beg you, don’t let them do this to me when I die.” I hope this never happens.

— What period of your life was the happiest for you?

— Definitely, from 20 to 28 years old. I returned unharmed from Indochina, which in itself was a miracle. The army toughened me up. It was there that I fell in love with order and discipline and learned to respect management. At that moment, women and cinema opened their arms to me. It was the time of “In the Bright Sun”, the rise of my career, meeting Rene Clément and Romy, my first great love. This period forever left its mark on my memory and blood and made me who I am now. I was happy. This was the beginning of success.

— Were you afraid that one day this success would dry up?

- No, I have never had such fear in my life. I never dreamed of this career, everything happened naturally. Therefore, if it were all over, it would not be a tragedy for me. I was not created to be Alain Delon. I should have died a long time ago. Apparently this is fate. There is no luck, there is only fate.

— Was working with Luchino Visconti also destiny?

— Contrary to popular belief, Visconti appeared after Rene Clement. One thing led to another. He wanted to invite me to Rocco and His Brothers because he had seen the film In the Bright Sun. He called my agent and we set up a meeting. Everything was very simple, and he came up with the proposal. I repeat, I did not ask for anything and did not contact anyone.

— How did you perceive the rumors about the connection between him and you?

— There weren’t that many of them. They came from his German friend. That's how it was. Then there was Leopard, we became close, and this German idiot was jealous of the relationship between me and Visconti. He also taught me a lot, I owe him a lot.

— In those days, there was something feminine about you, which, apparently, was part of your image...

- Maybe. Men really told me: “You are as beautiful as a girl!” But then I was still very young, and all this was long behind me.

— Looking at you, I always got the impression that you went beyond the boundaries... In addition, in your first film “When a Woman Interferes” by Yves Allegre, you already got the role of a hooligan... Were these roles destined for you?

- Yes, I have always been either a policeman or a hooligan! I was asked to play hooligans. At first I didn't want to. I didn't want to play at all.

- Be that as it may, you were more likely to be a hooligan rather than a policeman, right?

- Yes, definitely. I was somewhere on the edge. I did stupid things, went to prison, ended up with a gun in my hands in Indochina at the age of 17. Yes, I was a petty bully. You know, as a child I constantly saw prison. My adoptive family lived in Fresnes near the prison. I played with the guards' children. We wondered what was hidden behind the walls. In addition, I still remember the whistle of bullets when Laval was shot in October 1945. I was nine years old then. Such an event leaves its mark on the child. My friends and I made up stories, imagined how everything happened and what Laval had done before. We acted out a skit. It turns out that what happened unconsciously directed me? It's possible.

— About the “cop or hooligan” plot. What kind of relationship did you really have with Jean-Paul Belmondo?

— We have always been friends and rivals. We have been running the 100-meter dash with him for more than 60 years. Sometimes he wins, sometimes I win. But we never ran away. I'm glad I was there. Otherwise our careers would have turned out differently. We competed and at the same time pushed each other. If it hadn't been there, it would have seriously crippled me. It was I who wanted him to star in Borsalino, and I had no reason to regret it.

— What about the film by Patrice Lecomte, in which you should play your last role? Are you still going to participate?

- Yes, but everything had to be postponed. I really want this because I would love to play with Juliette Binoche. We don't know her, but I think she's beautiful actress. Besides, I would like to go on stage for the last time.

— You have starred with all the greatest directors. What more would you like?

— Probably to star in a Luc Besson film. But he thinks I'm uncontrollable. In fact, I have never had a row with any of the directors. When I played for Visconti, Clement and Melville, I told them: “Guide me, tell me what you want, here I obey you.” I was a musician who needed a conductor. Working with them was absolutely wonderful.

— Why did you become a producer? What prompted you to do this?

“I had a need to create, to do something. In addition, I wanted, first of all, to be the boss, to decide for myself what I would do. When I became a producer, I chose the writers, directors and actors myself. I made all the decisions. I myself was neither an author nor a writer, and I seemed to compensate for this by choosing quality works by Jean Co or Jean-Claude Carriere. If my memory serves me correctly, I was a producer on 27 films, including “The Swimming Pool” and “Borsalino.” Not a bad result! The first was "Invictus" in 1964. Some came out without Delon in the credits, I did everything not only for myself.

— Is it possible to avoid dizziness from success if you are Delon?

- I think yes. I analyzed everything. I looked very carefully at everything that happened to me. I repeat, this is fate. I think I manage to keep my distance, although everything that happened is wonderful and extraordinary. Now I'm 82 years old, but I'm sitting here with you eating oysters! I'm glad that all this was in my life. I didn’t have to fight for such a life and career, but it is what it is, and all this sometimes amazes me. I am an actor by vocation, not by education, I did not study this. I didn't do anything for this. He left school at 14 and joined the army. I'm one of those actors like Jean Gabin, Lino Ventura and Burt Lancaster. A strong personality who was attracted to cinema. And I can say without false modesty that I have achieved success in this field.

— In your younger years you had difficult periods, but then you had money. What is your attitude towards them?


Old people becoming racist?

Atlantico 10/12/2013

Alain Delon on homosexuality: it is “unnatural”

Le Huffington Post 09/05/2013

Brigitte Bardot: fame crushed me

The Guardian 09.14.2012

80th birthday of Jean-Paul Belmondo

Atlantico 04/09/2013 — I fell in love with art. Money allowed me to buy it. At first I purchased drawings in London. I was crazy about the works of the 19th, as well as the 16th and 17th centuries. I was not alone in this; several people invested money. Then I began to buy Fauvist paintings, works by Delacroix, Géricault and Corot. Next, I spent money on artists of the Parisian school. I also became interested in Bugatti's bronze sculptures, which became famous, thanks in part to me. I had the best Bugatti collection in the world, but I sold some of it a long time ago. Be that as it may, I still have a love for art and many works. On my estate in Dushi I have a whole underground gallery. I often go there and look at them. This calms me down. I don't get tired of it. All this was made possible thanks to my money. I think I managed to become a recognized admirer and collector of art.

—Who would you call a great actor today?

— Among the young people there is one real actor who I really like, even though he is his father’s son. This is Vincent Cassel. Jean-Pierre was a completely different person, a big fan of Fred Astaire and musical comedies. I don’t know exactly what path Vincent had to go through, but I see that everything is going very well for him.

— At the beginning of your career, did you have a desire to become the best? To be at the top of the poster?

“I approached my career quite sensibly. At the same time, I understood that this was my calling. I was like a fish out of water. Don't forget that my fourth film was In the Bright Sun. All this is for a reason. Few actors, after three films, end up in the film “In the Bright Sun” or another big film. To put it simply, it was mine. Probably, at some point I wanted to become one of the best. But, I repeat, the main thing for me was to engage in the most beautiful profession in the world.

—Has politics ever attracted you?

- No, never. To do it, you need a certain education. As you remember, I had nothing like that. I have a certificate of primary education and a butcher certificate. How do you like it? Not a bad achievement! I was kicked out everywhere, from all boarding houses and schools, because I did nothing but stupid things. Ultimately, the school doors were closed to me, and I became a butcher. Far from politics! I had to somehow dodge. I had nothing but my face.

- Be an actordoes it mean to be a favorite of the public, like a politician among voters?

“I achieved success as an actor and was loved as a man all my life. Few people were loved as much as I was. I was loved like Signore Montana, he was revered as a god. Mireille loved me most of all; our story was simply fabulous. I miss her. I miss her very much.

— Which women played the biggest role in your life? Do we know all their names?

- The list is long! Among those I loved the most are Romy (Schneider), Nathalie (Barthelemy), Mireille (Darc) and Rosalie (van Bremen). There were others, including outside the cinema. Brigitte Aubert and Michel Cordou. She's already dead. So does Mireille. I hope she is happy up there in heaven now. She's been through too much.

— Do you believe in life after death?

— Unfortunately, I believe first of all in death. Someone is talking about the soul. The body dies, but the soul remains. But where is she going? I'd like to know. Nobody knows this, and those who say otherwise are just making things up. Do you know what will happen? It's sad, but I believe that a person becomes just a body that rots underground.

- Are you religious?

- Less than in my youth. I don't really believe in God, but I'm drawn to Mary. I love this woman and everything she has done. Of course, we know her son much better, but who was he really? I talk to Maria, tell her about different things, I ask questions. She brings me relief, gives me company that I no longer have. She's always there. She listens and comforts me.

—Have you tried psychoanalysis?

- A little. Several times when it was offered to me. When I was depressed. I went to two specialists during difficult times in my life. It was a long time ago. Be that as it may, I am not a proponent of this or an expert.

- Do you have any friends left?

— Having real friends has always been difficult. Besides, almost everyone is already dead. The first to leave us were Jean-Claude Brialy and Jean-Pierre Cassel. The five of us started our careers together, and now there are three of us left: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean-Louis Trintignant and me. Not much fun. My directors and actors have already died. I was the youngest, and there was no one left. I don't have any more women. We were great friends with Jeanne Moreau, but she also passed away. That leaves Brigitte Bardot.

- You had with her love story?

- Oddly enough, we were only friends. Nothing happened between us. For 50 years now we have had wonderful friendly relations. We did one hot scene, but nothing really happened. We often call each other. We both love animals very much. If it weren’t for her love for them, she probably wouldn’t be alive now. She would definitely commit suicide, like all the great sex symbols. It is very difficult for a woman to no longer see desire in the eyes of men. It's just terrible for her.

— Has old age brought you suffering?

- For men, everything is different. Age has its consequences: I have difficulty walking, I sleep a lot and I love to eat. But when I see my posters with photographs from “The Swimming Pool” in Paris, I tell myself that no one has surpassed me since then. Besides, as I said, I had everything.

— Do you have the feeling that you have been “swallowed up” by the public?

- If you are an actor, you need an audience. I know actors who dream of not being recognized on the street. I was able to avoid this. I am a loner by nature and always have been. Besides, I managed to survive thanks to my pets. Be that as it may, it was the audience that brought me success.

— At the beginning of the conversation, I asked you what period was the happiest for you. Which one was the saddest?

- Probably the current one. Now life gives me little. I have seen everything and known everything. Besides, I hate this era, it disgusts me. There are people I just can't stand. Everything around is false and deceitful. There is no more respect or attention to other people's opinions. Only money matters. All day long everyone talks about nothing but crimes. I can say for sure that I will leave this world without regret. I won't mind leaving at all. Everything is prepared, I have a grave in the chapel, six places. For now it is empty, deserted. Those whom I loved, and who have already left us, rest in other places. Let's see who will join me.

- So, you are not afraid of death? You talk about her with such ease.

- No, I’m not afraid of her at all. Death is the only thing in the world about which we can be sure. It's a matter of time. How many more years do I have left? I can live to be 90, 92 years old. It’s not me who decides, but up there. I can say for sure that I will not leave my dog ​​alone. This is my latest dog, a Belgian Shepherd who I love like a child. Her name is Lubo. I miss her when she's not around. If she dies before me, which I really hope she does, I won't get another dog. I had 50 dogs, but this one worked out special relationship. She annoys me because she doesn't want to go up the stairs and doesn't sleep with me. But there is still more to come. She has her own character, she doesn’t love everyone. The dog will turn three in January, which is the equivalent of 21 for a human. If I die before her, I'll ask the vet to make sure we leave together. He will give the dog an injection so that it will die in my arms. Better this than knowing that she will suffer and die on my grave.

- This leaves practically no room for a woman...

- I didn’t find her. I'm not saying there are no candidates. There are ten of them, but not one of them is suitable for spending the rest of her life with. Although I would be willing to do a lot to feel last love. Probably even give up what I have always said. I would be ready to marry a woman if she agreed to be with me to the end. It would make sense. 50 years after the beloved Natalie, the circle would be closed.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively from foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

January 13th, 2018 , 11:12 am

In an interview that appeared on Thursday, January 11, French magazine Paris Match 82-year-old Alain Delon sums up his life and career. Former companion former president, Valerie Trierweiler, who talked with the actor, called this meeting “I, Delon: an interview of my life.”

The interview appeared in a special issue dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the great artist’s career. Reflecting on his life, his roles, friends and family, Delon explains his rejection of today's reality: “Life no longer brings me anything. I have already seen everything, experienced everything. But most importantly, I hate this era, it makes me sick.”
“I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. Every day, from morning to evening, we only hear about crimes. I know that I will leave this world without regrets,” says the actor.

Delon talks a little about the failures in his personal life, about difficult relationships with his family. About the women he loved and about friends who are no longer alive. According to him, dogs are of particular importance in the actor’s life. About fifty of his four-legged friends are buried in his garden in the suburbs of Paris, and it is with them that he wishes to be buried himself.

When asked about the place of women in his life today, Delon replies that he has not yet found “the one.” “I wouldn’t say that I don’t have enough candidates. I have about a dozen of them, but not one of them is suitable for living the rest of my life with. (...) I could only marry a woman if she was ready to accompany me until the end of my days,” explains Delon.

The actor’s career is far from over: in an interview he talks about last movie, which is directed by Patrice Leconte and stars Alain Delon and Juliette Binoche. However, filming is constantly being postponed. Delon also says that he would like to return to the theater stage.

The last film in which Alain Delon played the role of Caesar, Asterix and the Olympic Games, was released in 2008. He last played in the theater in 2013 with his daughter Anouchka Delon, also playing the role of her father on stage.

“I am an artist, but not an actor, I did not graduate from the acting academy,” Delon recalls, speaking about his profession. “I didn’t do anything for this. At the age of 14 I left school and then joined the army. I am one of those artists like Jean Gabin, Lino Ventura or Burt Lancaster - strong personalities who were filmed in films. And I can say, without excessive modesty, that I have succeeded in this profession.”

“I never dreamed of such a career, it happened by itself,” says Alain Delon, “I was not born to become Alain Delon. I should have died a long time ago. But it’s called fate.”

Delon's revelations

Ten interviews

Alain Delon was not deprived of press attention. A dozen books, a bunch of articles have been written about him, and many interviews have been published. I have selected only a few of them to complement my story about the life and films of the French actor.

From the book Life of Ramakrishna by Rolland Romain

REVELATIONS OF SRI RAMAKRISHNA So you all babble: “prema” and “prema”, but do you know what this love is? Saint Chaitanya - he truly loved Ishvara the Lord, he already knew what “prema” was. That love has two characteristics. The first is that with her a person forgets about everything; from love to

From the book The Way of the Scumbag author Turtles Oleg

REVELATIONS FROM OLEG When I was little, for some reason, for some reason, I believed that I would grow up to the sun and become big-big, like the poplar that grew near my house, and maybe even bigger. I’ll become like the first cosmonaut on Earth, only I’ll fly to Mars and plant a red flag there. Banner,

From the book Smile of Fortune author Muge S G

Revelations Joseph Campbell released an album of drawings of peoples who lived on different continents in different historical eras, and did not have any ethnic and, especially, cultural ties among themselves. It turned out that in the art of every nation there was a certain cycle

From the book Odysseus by Paul McCartney author Bokarev Vladimir

From the book And in drought, immortelle flowers bloom... To the 80th anniversary of the writer Anatoly Znamensky: Memoirs author Rotov Viktor Semenovich

1. Some revelations In the writer’s office, everything is preserved as it was in his time: on the table is Sisyphus, rolling a block of stone up the mountain. On the wall hang on a nail, as a relic, several announcements about meetings between the writer and readers. The sofa on which he died... Sitting. AND

From the book Passion by Vysotsky author Kudryavov Boris

REVELATIONS And after his death, memories began. Volodya suddenly became the good boy he had never been! They make Volodya into some kind of “nice” person. But you have to be harsh and even cruel, because he paid with his life for the truth. Marina Vladi Igor

From the book Matisse by Escolier Raymond

“MY REVELATIONS” Regretting the golden age of Fra Angelico, Matisse once told his true friend Jean Puy: “I would like to live like a monk in a cell, if only I had something to write without worries and worries.” “All my life I have been influenced by an opinion that

From the book by Takeshi Kitano. Autobiography by Kitano Takeshi

19. Revelations on the tatami Since my mother passed away, I think about her all the time. I hear her voice. I pray for her every morning. I want to remain true to her memory. I guess I'm bewitched by my mother. Her death turned everything in me upside down. When I realized that she really

From the book We are a long echo by German Anna

This interview is like a confession Interview with Estonian journalist Ants Pai (April 1979) I don’t expect anything from life, And I don’t regret the past at all; I'm looking for freedom and peace! I would like to forget myself and fall asleep! But not that cold sleep of the grave... I would like to sleep forever like this, So that in my chest

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"I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. I will leave this m...
“I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. I will leave this world without regrets.”

82-year-old Alain Delon sums up his life and career.

In an interview in the French magazine Paris Match, 82-year-old Alain Delon sums up his life and career. The former president's former companion, Valerie Trierweiler, who spoke with the actor, called this meeting “I, Delon: an interview of my life.” The interview appeared in a special issue dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the great artist’s career. Reflecting on his life, his roles, friends and family, Delon explains his rejection of today's reality: “Life no longer brings me anything. I have already seen everything, experienced everything. But most importantly, I hate this era, it makes me sick.”

“I hate these people. Everything is fake, everything is fake. Respect no longer exists, no one keeps their promises. Only money matters. Every day, from morning to evening, we only hear about crimes. I know that I will leave this world without regrets,” says the actor.

Delon talks a little about the failures in his personal life, about difficult relationships with his family. About the women he loved and about friends who are no longer alive. According to him, dogs are of particular importance in the actor’s life. About fifty of his four-legged friends are buried in his garden in the suburbs of Paris, and it is with them that he wishes to be buried himself.

When asked about the place of women in his life today, Delon replies that he has not yet found “the one.” “I wouldn’t say that I don’t have enough candidates. I have about a dozen of them, but not one of them is suitable for living the rest of my life with. (...) I could only marry a woman if she was ready to accompany me until the end of my days,” explains Delon.

The actor's career is far from over: in an interview he talks about the latest film, which is being directed by Patrice Lecomte, and in which the main roles are played by Alain Delon and Juliette Binoche. However, filming is constantly being postponed. Delon also says that he would like to return to the theater stage.

The last film in which Alain Delon played the role of Caesar, Asterix and the Olympic Games, was released in 2008. He last played in the theater in 2013 with his daughter Anouchka Delon, also playing the role of her father on stage.

“I am an artist, but not an actor, I did not graduate from the acting academy,” Delon recalls, speaking about his profession. “I didn’t do anything for this. At the age of 14 I left school and then joined the army. I am one of those artists like Jean Gabin, Lino Ventura or Burt Lancaster - strong personalities who were filmed in films. And I can say, without excessive modesty, that I have succeeded in this profession.”

“I never dreamed of such a career, it happened by itself,” says Alain Delon. “I was not born to become Alain Delon. I should have died a long time ago. But it’s called fate.”

This is how Delon expressed his thoughts in his last interview, we hope that this is just the last one and the artist will continue to delight us with new works.

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