Reveal the meaning of Rosenthal’s statement: The use of expressive vocabulary creates opportunity (Unified State Examination in Russian). Functions of emotional-expressive vocabulary in the texts of rock songs

Expression in Russian means “emotionality.” Consequently, expressive vocabulary is an emotionally charged set of expressions aimed at conveying the internal state of the person who speaks or writes. It concerns exclusively the artistic style of speech, which is very close to the colloquial style in oral statements. But at the same time artistic style has several significant limitations compared to The author can say a lot, but not everything, if he wants to remain within the framework of literary norms.

Expressive coloring of speech

Many concepts contained in the Russian language mean not only the material or spiritual object itself, but also its assessment from the speaker’s position. For example, the word “Armenian” is simply a fact that indicates a person’s nationality. But if you replace it with the word “khach”, then the expression will be predominantly negative assessment person of this nationality. This word is not only expressive, but also colloquial; it does not correspond to literary norms.

The difference between colloquial expressions and expressive ones

Colloquial expressions are mostly characteristic of people who live in certain territory, have common hobbies, and may also be in the same age group. This is somewhat similar to dialects, although they are not specific to a particular ethnic group, but subcultural. For the most part, colloquial expressions are expressive, but cannot be reduced to them.

The same word "khach" is colloquial. But it also has an expressive coloring. However, even an ordinary word can be emotional in context. For example, if the ordinary word “Armenian” is used in a negative context, then it becomes synonymous with the word “khach”, although more literary. Colloquial expressions are very often a subtype of expressive vocabulary. But, for example, the word “blond” is quite literary, although it refers to emotionally charged expressions.

Are emotional and evaluative vocabulary the same thing?

In general, these are synonyms. Because expressive vocabulary always expresses a certain attitude of the speaker towards something. But in some cases, emotional words do not contain evaluation due to their contextuality. For example, people say “ah” both when something good and bad has happened in their life.

It also does not include words whose lexical meaning already contains an evaluation. The use of expressive vocabulary is the use of words that have an emotional component, and not containing only emotion. So, we need to draw one conclusion. A word becomes evaluative when an emotional component is superimposed on it by creating a certain context. At the same time, independence is preserved.

Using expressive vocabulary in life

In life, a person uses a lot of value judgments, the main links of which are emotional expressions. Expressive vocabulary is used in all areas of life, even in business. Examples - statements by Russian diplomats regarding other countries. Even the President recently used an expressive expression, which, after all, is also colloquial, at a recent conference.

Any word can be made expressive if you choose the right context for it. For example, take the sentence: “these citizens, if you can call them that, did not choose the best power.” If we take the word “citizens” out of context, this is the most common expression of a person’s belonging to a particular country. But here's the expressive coloring this concept in the above sentence it adds the part “if you can call them that.” The author immediately expresses his assessment regarding the actions of people living in a certain country. Now we should give a small classification of emotionally charged expressions.

Unambiguous words with a clear evaluative meaning

In some terms, the emotional connotation is so pronounced that whatever the context, it will still be clear what assessment the one who writes or speaks wants to give. It is incredibly difficult to use such words in any other meaning. For example, how can you say the word "henpecked" in a positive or neutral context. As a rule, such expressions are used only if a person wants to express a negative attitude. Otherwise, more will apply soft words and phrases like " good husband" and others.

“Henpecked” is a characteristic word. There are also terms containing an assessment of the action. Such are, for example, the words “to disgrace”, “to cheat”. The first means a person who made another feel shame, and the second implies deception. This word, by the way, also has a predominantly negative connotation.

Polysemantic words that take on emotional overtones when used as metaphors

It happens that only when a word is used as a metaphor, expressive vocabulary is formed. Examples - nag your husband (reference to the previous word), sing to your boss, miss the bus. In general, the word “sawing” means dividing wood into several parts using a special tool. But if you use it as a metaphor, then literally it will turn out to be something like “divide your husband into several parts.” That is, even with a literal interpretation of this metaphor, it is unlikely that anything positive will be found. So here's an example of a clearly expressive expression.

The use of expressive vocabulary creates the opportunity to express one’s attitude to certain phenomena or events. True, recognizing the expressive component of such metaphors requires the slightest intellectual effort if a person has not encountered such expressions before.

Words with emotional evaluation suffixes

This type of expression is very interesting because it can have different shades, which depend on the context. Expressively colored vocabulary of this type can have both a positive assessment (neatly), a negative assessment (baby), and a contextual assessment (buddy). For example, the latter can mean both tender feelings for a friend and an ironic statement towards an enemy.

What do suffixes have to do with it? But because with their help you can give a word a different assessment. For example, take the common word "table". If you add the suffix “ik” to it, you get “table”, and this is a positive assessment. If you add the suffix “isch”, you get “capital”, which carries a predominantly negative connotation.


Expressive-emotional vocabulary occupies a fairly serious position in our speech. If it did not exist, it would be impossible to fully express a person’s feelings. And in technologies for creating artificial intelligence, at this stage they have learned to force robots to convey emotions only through emotionally charged expressions.

Also, expressive vocabulary allows you to better express your own thoughts during online correspondence, when there is only a possibility and non-verbal language is not read. Of course, the latter plays an incredibly serious role in communication, but without the use of expressive vocabulary, even the most artistic nature would not show anything.

Expressive vocabulary is words that express strong manifestation feelings, experiences (affection, joke, irony, disapproval, neglect, familiarity, etc.). Daughter, son, silly, cop, rhymer, dunce, drunkard, talker.

Expressive or emotional-evaluative vocabulary expresses speaker's attitude towards the subject(small flower or tiny). Emotional coloring complements the lexical meaning of a word.

Emotional words are very powerful means of expression, so care must be taken when handling them.

Emotion words can be:

1. with a clear evaluative value (usually unambiguous):

Words-“characteristics” (grump, sycophant, slob, etc.),

2. Ambiguous words , usually neutral in basic meaning, but receiving a bright emotional coloring when used metaphorically.

· they say about a person: hat, rag, mattress, oak, elephant;

· in figurative meaning verbs are used: sing, hiss, saw, gnaw, dig, yawn, blink, etc.

3.Words with subjective evaluation suffixes , conveying different shades of feeling:

· concluding positive emotions- son, darling, neat, close

· negative - beards, brats, bureaucrats, etc.

In the latter case, evaluativeness is determined not by the nominative properties of the word, but by word formation. + can be simply divided into positive and negative evaluation (baby is a scam).

Accordingly, different speech styles, depending on their characteristics, allow the use of such marked words to one degree or another (or not at all). Let's look: the use of a variety of emotionally expressive means in different styles at the discretion of the author is not excluded and is of a private nature, not regulated by the rules. Distributed between book, colloquial and vernacular styles.

IN book style Most often, words are used that impart solemnity, emotionally expressive words that express both positive and negative assessments of the named concepts. In book styles it is used

- ironic vocabulary(beautifulness, words, quixoticism),

- disapproving(pedantic, mannerism),

- contemptuous(disguise, corrupt).

Separately, it should be noted that in artistic vocabulary, dialogues with direct speech are used to characterize characters, and expressive words are actively used.

Conversational style:

Affectionate (daughter, darling),

Joking (butuz, funny),

Words expressing a negative assessment of the named concepts (small fry, zealous, giggle, boast).

Vernacular- this is a haven for such words, the words cat are often used. are beyond the limits of the literary vocabulary. Among them may be:

Words expressing the speaker’s negative attitude towards the concepts they denote (crazy, flimsy, stale).

Of the book genres, he is most open to such words journalistic style .

But in official business they are extremely rare. But since the great and mighty lately develops due to the interpenetration of styles, then the whole thing gets mixed up and even the official business one is not protected. This happens when we're talking about about a situation that you can’t look at without tears (from an official letter: all funds are spent on mending holes in the budget).

IN scientific speech act to give greater persuasiveness. Linguistic means of creating an expressive, emotional tone scientific speech are: 1) forms superlatives adjectives expressing comparison ( the most prominent representatives of the species); 2) emotionally expressive adjectives ( Development, innovation, progresstruly remarkable phenomena); 3) introductory words, adverbs, intensifying and restrictive particles ( Pisarev even believed that thanks to this Russia could recognize and evaluate Comte much more accurately than Western Europe ); 4) “problematic” questions that attract the reader’s attention ( What is the unconscious?).

41.Question. The concept of speech culture. The system of communicative qualities of speech as the scope of the doctrine of speech culture

Speech culture is a relatively new discipline in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language

Subject of study of speech culture.

It is useful to start with some terminological notes. Collocation<культура речи>(synonym -<речевая культура>) is currently used in Russian-language literature in three meanings:

Speech culture is, first of all, some of its signs and properties, the totality and system of which speaks of its communicative perfection;

Speech culture is, secondly, a set of human skills and knowledge that ensures the expedient and easy use of language for communication purposes;

The culture of speech is, thirdly, the area of ​​linguistic knowledge about the culture of speech, as a totality and system of its communicative qualities.

It is not difficult to see the internal dependence between the culture of speech in the first meaning (let's call it objective) and the culture of speech in the second meaning (let's call it subjective): in order for the structure of speech to acquire the necessary communicative perfection, the author of the speech must have a set of necessary skills and knowledge; at the same time, in order to obtain these skills and knowledge, you need to have examples of communicatively perfect speech, you need to know its signs and patterns of its construction.

Assuming that the signs and properties of the linguistic structure of communicatively perfect speech allow generalization and, as a result, ideas about the communicative qualities of speech (correctness, accuracy, expressiveness, etc.) are developed, we get the opportunity to do it differently than what was just done. formulate two important definitions:

Speech culture is the totality and system of its communicative qualities;

Speech culture is the doctrine of the totality and system of communicative qualities of speech.

Taking into account the fact that the communicative qualities of speech are needed to influence listeners or readers, the subject of the culture of speech as a teaching, we can recognize the linguistic structure of speech in its communicative impact.

The communicative qualities of speech are objectively existing properties and characteristics of speech that determine the degree of its communicative perfection.

All communicative qualities of speech can be divided into structural and functional.

The structural communicative qualities of speech include such properties as correctness, richness and purity.

The functional communicative qualities of speech include its accuracy, consistency, expressiveness, accessibility, effectiveness and appropriateness of speech.

42.Question. Correct speech


Communicative quality of speech, compliance of speech with current language norms (norms of pronunciation, word formation, etc.). P.r. is the main indicator of literary language proficiency. In a broad sense, speech correctness is not limited to normativity, but also includes other characteristics, for example, the logic of speech. P.r. is an object of observation in language practice classes and an object of study in a stylistics course, functional styles speech, speech culture, modern literary language.

1. The main communicative quality of speech, based on compliance with the norms of the literary language. Speech errors give rise to deviations from pronunciation, word formation, morphological, syntactic, spelling, punctuation

2. Compliance of the linguistic structure of speech with current language norms.

Correct speech is compliance language norms modern Russian literary language. From the point of view of the norm, speakers and writers evaluate speech as correct (norm) or incorrect (error).
The norms in the modern Russian literary language are phonetic, lexical-phraseological, word-formative, morphological, syntactic, stylistic.

43)Question. richness of speech

One of the communicative qualities of speech, based on the variety of linguistic signs included in the structural unit of speech, is the maximum possible saturation of it with different, non-repetitive means of language necessary to express meaningful information.

richness of speech- the number and variety of linguistic means that a person uses (good vocabulary, usage set expressions, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms, emotionally charged words and other expressive capabilities of language)

44) Question. purity of speech

purity of speech- characteristics of speech based on its relationship with the requirements of morality and aesthetics. Pure speech is one in which there are no elements alien to the literary language for moral and aesthetic reasons.

No. 45Question Accuracy of speech
Accuracy is a communicative quality of speech, which manifests itself in the ability to find an adequate verbal expression of a concept.
Accuracy includes the ability to correctly reflect reality and correctly express thoughts and formulate them using words. There are two types of accuracy: substantive and conceptual.
Subject accuracy is created due to the correspondence of the content of speech to the fragment of reality reflected in it. It is based on the relationship between speech and reality. The main condition for subject accuracy is knowledge of the subject of speech;
Conceptual accuracy is based on the connection: word-concept and consists in the correspondence of the semantics of the components of speech to the content and scope of the concepts they express. Conceptual accuracy presupposes the ability to accurately denote the idea that has arisen with a word, as well as the ability to find the only correct word.
The accuracy of speech primarily depends on the correct use of words, on the choice of a word that best corresponds to the object or phenomenon of reality it denotes, the content of the statement and its intended purpose. When choosing a word, one should take into account its semantics, stylistic connotations, predominant sphere of distribution in the language and syntagmatic properties.
Accurate word usage presupposes knowledge of the system of lexical meanings. One of the main reasons for impaired speech accuracy is the use of a word not in strict accordance with the meanings assigned to it in the literary language system.
Reasons that lead to inaccuracy, ambiguity and ambiguity of a statement:
a) the use of words in a meaning unusual for the literary language;
b) inability to use synonyms, homonyms, paronyms, terms and polysemantic words.
d) violation of grammatical, stylistic and lexical compatibility;
e) speech redundancy (verbosity), in which such speech errors, as a tautology and
f) speech insufficiency (accidental omission of words necessary for the precise expression of thoughts).

No. 46 Question Logicality. Basic laws of logic. The main compositional and logical parts of speech, the role of the plan in preparing a speech.
Logic of speech- this communicative quality of speech is based on knowledge speaking laws the logic of constructing a statement and the ability to prevent a collision of two logically incompatible concepts.
Typical speech errors that reduce the logic of speech are associated with violations of the most important laws of formal logic, among them:
– law of identity (1),
– law of non-contradiction (2),
– law of the excluded middle (3),
– law of sufficient reason (4).
1. The law of identity: every thought in the process of reasoning must be identical to itself.
Most often the law of identity is violated due to the confusion of homonyms and different meanings ambiguous word.
Announcement in the eye department of the hospital. Bury all sick people at 7 a.m.(bury1 ‘drip into something’ – bury2 ‘cover with earth’).
2. Law of non-contradiction: two incompatible friend with a friend, judgments cannot be simultaneously true; at least one of them must be false.
At the linguistic level, a violation of this law is expressed in the lexical incompatibility of antonyms - words with opposite meanings.
The Bible was decorated with large miniatures(large – miniature ‘work fine arts small size’)
3. The law of the excluded middle: of two contradictory judgments, one is true, the other is false, and the third is not given. Two judgments are called contradictory, in one of which something is affirmed about an object, and in the other the same thing is denied about the same object.
They had no weapons at all, the five of them had two pistols and one grenade(they had no weapons is not true. You could say they had few weapons.)

4. The law of sufficient reason: every thought is recognized as true if it has a sufficient reason. The objective and sufficient basis is the cause, and the result of its action is the consequence.
Let's look at examples of violations of the law of sufficient cause.
It started to rain, so autumn came.
There are no sufficient grounds to consider the first part of the statement as the cause of the second, therefore the cause-and-effect relationship between the phenomena is broken here.

Basic compositional and logical parts of speech
A speech is a process of transmitting information, the main goal of which is to convince listeners of the correctness of certain provisions. The main part is the main compositional part of the speech, in which the main material is presented, the proposals put forward are consistently explained, their correctness is proven, and the necessary intermediate conclusions are given. The objectives of the main part are: to consistently explain the provisions put forward; prove their correctness; lead listeners to the necessary conclusions. The main part implements the logical sequence and orderliness of the presentation of the material. The speaker’s task is to skillfully arrange all compositional moments in order to have the desired impact on the audience through his speech. It is important that the material works for the main idea of ​​the speech, corresponds to the speaker’s intentions, and helps achieve his goal. To be more convincing, you must use at least three arguments in your proof. Conclusion is an important compositional part of the speech, where the results are summed up, conclusions are formulated on the main issue, the problem of the speech, and ways are outlined. further activities. Objectives of the conclusion: summarize what has been said; increase interest in the subject of speech; emphasize the meaning of what was said; set tasks. At the end of the speech, its main points may be briefly repeated and emphasized once again main idea and the importance of the developed topic for listeners, additional strong arguments can be used to increase the persuasiveness of the speech and leave a good impression of the speaker. Options for acceptable endings: quote; call to action; catchphrase; illustration; audience compliment; thanks for your attention. The conclusion of the speech should also be thought out. The conclusion is the result; here it is necessary to consolidate and strengthen the impression, motivate action, summarize what has been said, express wishes, and state the thesis in an accessible form.
Developing a speech plan. During the preparation process, it is very important to determine the order in which the material will be presented, i.e. make a plan. Speeches written without a preliminary plan, as practice shows, usually have significant compositional flaws. A speaker who has not thought through the plan for his speech often “goes away” from the main topic and does not fit into the time allotted for his speech. The plan should help reduce the material to the required minimum. After all, real eloquence consists in saying all the most important things without overloading the listener’s attention with unnecessary details and digressions. You need to be able to say the most important things at the moment of maximum concentration of the audience's attention.

Expressive shades are different for words belonging to different functional styles. On the one hand, words of the so-called high styles (bookish, oratorical, poetic) stand out, on the other hand, colloquial or extra-literary vernacular. Among the first - high words, among the second - vulgar and abusive.

Most often, expressive vocabulary is expressed in fiction, in journalistic works, in colloquial speech. Its role is twofold - to influence the reader emotionally and to characterize the characters from a linguistic point of view. In any case, they contribute to artistic expressiveness and figurative speech.

Expressiveness - expressiveness. Expressive coloring is layered with emotional and evaluative meaning. Showing degree of expressiveness of a word, we can distinguish groups:

words expressing a positive assessment (joking, approving)

words expressing a negative assessment (ironic, disapproving, abusive, dismissive, familiar)

Emotionally expressive words. These words are divided into book, colloquial and vernacular. Book vocabulary (high, solemn, disapproving, ironic). Colloquial vocabulary (joking, affectionate, disapproving, ironic, abusive). Vernaculars are used beyond the bounds of literary language (disapproving, ironic, abusive, familiar).

Emotional and expressive in language and speech. Language is an ordered system in which there is nothing random or individual. And speech is a manifestation of language, the implementation of a language system. Thus, what we say and write is speech according to the laws of language, in which we are faced with individual manifestations. Speech has a two-dimensional character: on the one hand, it belongs to style, and on the other, it has additional meaning (to speak, report, chat, declare).

Conversational style ______ its dynamism - the verbal function is communication. Conversational style is realized in oral speech. The bulk of colloquial vocabulary is synonymous in a neutral style. Within the colloquial vocabulary we can distinguish: colloquial-literary (semi-official) and colloquial-everyday vocabulary for informal communication.

The bulk of colloquial speech consists of commonly used words, but at the same time, in colloquial speech words with an emotionally expressive assessment are used, which are characterized by a greater or lesser degree of _________. Speech tends to be compressed: some phrases are redundant and they are shortened - it comes down to one word.

Colloquial speech is characterized by ____________ nouns or verbs based on phrases. The conversational style is characterized by the meaning of words. Conversational style refers to large number phraseological units. They also form ___________. To convey imagery and expressiveness, phraseological units can be used in a non-conversational style

The stylistic coloring of a word indicates the possibility of using it in one or another functional style (in combination with commonly used, neutral vocabulary). However, this does not mean that the functional assignment of words to a certain style excludes their use in other styles. The modern development of the Russian language is characterized by mutual influence and interpenetration of styles, and this contributes to the movement of lexical means (simultaneously with other linguistic elements) from one style to another.

The journalistic style is open to the penetration of foreign style vocabulary. In a newspaper article you can often find terms next to colloquial and even colloquial vocabulary, scientific vocabulary and even terminological vocabulary.

Of the book styles, only the official business style is impenetrable to colloquial vocabulary and emotionally expressive words. Although in special genres of this style it is possible to use journalistic elements, and therefore evaluative vocabulary (but from the group of book words). For example, in diplomatic documents (statements, government notes) such vocabulary can express an attitude towards the facts of international life under discussion: find a way out of an impasse, look with optimism, a gigantic evolution in relations.

A sign of the times has become the use outside scientific style terminological vocabulary in figurative meaning: another round of negotiations, a virus of indifference, new rounds of endless disputes, a coefficient of sincerity, the euphoria has passed (it became clear that there will be no easy solutions), etc. In this case, there is not only a metaphorical transfer of meaning, resulting in determinologization, but and stylistic transfer: the word goes beyond the boundaries of the terminology system that gave birth to it and becomes commonly used.

However, the use of foreign-style vocabulary does not always fit into the stylistic norm. Significant damage is caused to the culture of speech inappropriate use: 1) high book vocabulary (“Zhuravlev acted as a champion of saving building materials”); 2) far-fetched, artificial terms that create pseudoscientific speech (“One head of cattle feminine[T. e. cow!] should be used, first of all, for the subsequent reproduction of offspring"); 3) journalistic vocabulary in a neutral text, giving false pathos to the statement ("The staff of store No. 3, like all progressive humanity, went on a work shift in honor of May Day ").

A violation of the stylistic norm is: 1) an unreasonable mixture of different styles of vocabulary, which results in inappropriate comedy (“To obtain strong evidence of abuse of power, they took a photojournalist with them”; “The management of the enterprise clung to the rationalization proposal”); 2) the introduction of colloquial elements into book speech (“Sunday workers marked the beginning of the improvement of the regional center, but in this matter we still have a lot of work to do”; “Grain harvesting in the region was canceled, citing bad weather conditions”).

The bureaucratization of all forms of life in our society during the stagnant period led to the fact that the influence of formal business style. Elements of this style, unjustifiably used outside of it, are called clericalism. These include characteristic words and expressions (presence, for lack of, in order to avoid, due, above, in at the moment, period of time, to date and so on), many verbal nouns (taking, inflating, living, finding, withdrawing, absenteeism, walking, understaffing, etc.); denominate prepositions (in business, in part, for purposes, along the line, at the expense of, etc.).

Expressive or emotional-evaluative vocabulary expresses speaker's attitude towards the subject(small flower or tiny). Emotional coloring complements the lexical meaning of a word.

Emotional words are very powerful means of expression, so care must be taken when handling them.

Emotion words can be:

1. with a clear evaluative value (usually unambiguous):

Words-“characteristics” (grump, sycophant, slob, etc.),

2. Ambiguous words, usually neutral in basic meaning, but receiving a bright emotional coloring when used metaphorically.

· they say about a person: hat, rag, mattress, oak, elephant;

· in figurative meaning verbs are used: sing, hiss, saw, gnaw, dig, yawn, blink, etc.

3.Words with subjective evaluation suffixes , conveying different shades of feeling:

· containing positive emotions - son, sunshine, neat, close

· negative - beards, brats, bureaucrats, etc.

In the latter case, evaluativeness is determined not by the nominative properties of the word, but by word formation. + can be simply divided into positive and negative evaluation (baby is a scam).

Accordingly, different speech styles, depending on their characteristics, allow the use of such marked words to one degree or another (or not at all). Let's see: the use of a variety of emotionally expressive means in different styles at the discretion of the author is not excluded and is of a private nature, not regulated by rules. Distributed between book, colloquial and vernacular styles.

IN book style Most often, words are used that impart solemnity, emotionally expressive words that express both positive and negative assessments of the named concepts. In book styles it is used

- ironic vocabulary(beautifulness, words, quixoticism),

- disapproving(pedantic, mannerism),

- contemptuous(disguise, corrupt).

Separately, it should be noted that in artistic vocabulary, dialogues with direct speech are used to characterize characters, and expressive words are actively used.

Conversational style:

Affectionate (daughter, darling),

Joking (butuz, funny),

Words expressing a negative assessment of the named concepts (small fry, zealous, giggle, boast).

Vernacular- this is a haven for such words, the words cat are often used. are beyond the limits of the literary vocabulary. Among them may be:

Words expressing the speaker’s negative attitude towards the concepts they denote (crazy, flimsy, stale).

Of the book genres, he is most open to such words journalistic style .

But in official business they are extremely rare. But since the great and powerful has recently been developing due to the interpenetration of styles, the whole thing is mixed up and even the official business one is not protected. This happens when we are talking about a situation that you cannot look at without tears (from an official letter: all funds are spent on mending holes in the budget).

IN scientific speech act to give greater persuasiveness. Linguistic means of creating an expressive, emotional tone scientific speech are: 1) superlative forms of adjectives expressing comparison ( the most prominent representatives of the species); 2) emotionally expressive adjectives ( Development, innovation, progresstruly remarkable phenomena); 3) introductory words, adverbs, intensifying and restrictive particles ( Pisarev even believed that thanks to this, Russia could recognize and evaluate Comte much more accurately than Western Europe); 4) “problematic” questions that attract the reader’s attention ( What is the unconscious?).

When writing his work of art, the author always strives to express thoughts in a very vivid and emotional way, so that the reader can understand what his thought is and what sensations he experiences. To achieve this goal, the writer uses various ways. According to D. Rosenthal, by using expressive vocabulary, the writer achieves his goal.

Take, for example, Kaverin’s novel “Two Captains”. Its main character, named Sanya, unexpectedly realizes that the feeling he feels towards Katya is not just easy love. It turns out that he was visited by a sincere feeling of love - he loves the girl so much that he cannot imagine life without her. Katya has mutual feelings for the character. Out of stupidity, young people cannot be together, because they do not dare admit to themselves that they have a fiery feeling for each other.

In order to express this thought V.

Kaverin uses different visual means, including expressive vocabulary. The word “burdens” is used during the pronunciation of Nina Kapitonovna’s speech. It can be regarded as sublime, through which her attempts to come to an agreement with Katya are conveyed - such attempts for which even she herself does not predict success. She informs Korablev about this and compares the heroine with herself: “I... I will never tell.”

Sanya calls himself the word “fool” out of emotion, thereby showing his own remorse for his slowness. He could not understand Katya's feelings, as well as his own feelings. The author strives to focus attention precisely on this point, using the expressive word “fool”.

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