The norm presupposes the evaluative attitude of speakers. What is and how is the specificity of the speech ideal of a modern lawyer manifested? Culture of Russian speech

What is and how is the specificity of the speech ideal of a modern lawyer manifested?

Language and speech occupy special place in the professional activity of a lawyer. After all, a lawyer is a jurist. And law is a set of norms, rules of conduct, established and protected by the state, regulating public relations between people and expressing the will of the state. Forming and formulating legal norms, protecting them in various numerous procedural acts, a lawyer must have an impeccable command of the norms of language and protect them. Lawyers have a greater interest in speech culture than representatives of other social and professional groups. This is no coincidence, because it was in the sphere of justice that speech was formed and developed as an art since ancient times. All lawyers are unanimous in the opinion that it is very important to express one’s thoughts correctly and freely. It is not appropriate for a modern lawyer to justify his inability to speak professionally with the phrase “I speak as best I can.” Another communicative maxim should become the norm: “Speak not so that you can be understood, but so that you cannot be misunderstood.”

The main qualities of good speech: correctness, accuracy, aesthetics.

For a lawyer, such a problem as the morality of speech is of particular importance. There is a postulate in rhetoric according to which you can only address those people whom you treat kindly. A truly difficult psychological conflict arises: it is necessary to apply for duty, but how can one comply with the postulate of moral speech? What etiquette figures of speech allow you to get out of difficult cases of professional communication? And this is only part of the issues of the psychology of legal speech and the formation of professional communication skills of a lawyer.

Justice is a tight knot of problematic aspects social life, where an indispensable factor in verbal communication is compliance with traditional postulates developed over centuries: “be polite,” “avoid blasphemy,” “do no harm.” In this regard, justice can be correlated with medicine. In the past, books were published called “Speech as Medicine” for general practitioners. In legal practice, we deal with a person who comes to seek the truth. That is why the touchstone for a lawyer’s speech is its morality. Whatever the goal of speech, its practical purpose, we must not forget that behind all this there is a person, and therefore the ethical component of the culture of speech must be decisive. The main idea of ​​the culture of speech behavior is that the source of speech is the human personality, that is, it is not a person who speaks, but a person who speaks. The attention of those listening to a speech in court is focused, among other things, on the morality of the speech of the judge, lawyer, and on their cultural level. This is the thousand-year-old tradition of the speech ideal, which lives, perhaps at the subconscious level or at the genetic level, in every person.

The ethics of language is the basis of a lawyer’s speech. For in court one is convinced not only or not so much by arguments, references to the law, but by the speaking personality of the lawyer, the judge. As you know, you can put a lot into a speech more meaning than in written text. There is only one way to write an indictment, but dozens of ways to deliver an indictment. It is worth remembering Demosthenes' answer to the question: what is the main thing in speech? “The first,” he said, “is utterance, the second is utterance, and the third is utterance.” These words of the great rhetorician express the main difference between oral speech and written speech.

It is known that freedom of speech can be declared, but the ability to use this freedom entirely belongs only to the individual. Freedom of speech, if its boundaries are determined by humanistic morality, is invariably creative. Eloquence, devoid of a high moral purpose, becomes an instrument of destruction. With the growth of legal culture in society, mastery of speech becomes a necessity for a lawyer. Since the source of speech is always the human personality and speaking means revealing oneself, a high legal culture should include recognition of the human right not to engage in verbal communication. One more aspect of the close connection between speech culture and law can be highlighted. With an increase in the culture of verbal communication (including business negotiations), there is a possibility of a decrease in the number lawsuits. The ethical function of speech communication plays a very significant role in human communication.

The speech of a lawyer has always served as an example of clarity, logic and culture. Ideally, all speech is a cultural phenomenon, but the speech of a lawyer is especially so. But it is also obvious that in legal practice we are dealing with a special structure of speech and the conditioning of speech actions by specific conditions. A lawyer’s speech is more formalized by the use of legal speech formulas.

It is clear that a lawyer is not a philologist. He is not obliged to understand professional speech as the art of expressing thoughts, focused on deep knowledge of the levels of language structure: phonetic-stylistic or intonation-orthoepic (pronunciation), grammatical-stylistic, lexical-stylistic, syntactic-stylistic, the actual stylistics of speech. But orientation to the stylistic norm should be an indispensable part of his speech behavior if he cares about his personal and professional authority. Each of us himself determines to what extent his speech behavior is the “clothing” by which he will be met in society, and by what criteria he will be assessed as a linguistic personality.

An intelligent person is characterized by a more diverse stylistic range of speech behavior; he has more opportunities to compare his experience with the stylistic range of the listener. For a specialist in the field of justice, this kind of knowledge and practical skills of speech behavior are necessary, since he must be able to establish and constantly maintain the necessary connections with people of different social strata. But this does not mean that he can use the entire breadth of the stylistic range in his professional speech communication.

The investigator and the judge, before receiving the results of the examination, will say about the gold item “an item made of yellow metal”; the one who describes these products will say “red”; but in public speech it is always “gold”. You need to know all the style options, but it’s even more important to know where and when to say this or that word. The norm presupposes the evaluative attitude of speakers and listeners to the word: this is possible, this is not possible, this is correct, and this is incorrect. You need extraordinary caution, a subtle sense of language and love for language in order to be its creator, and not just its user.

The higher a person’s culture, the higher the culture of his speech. A person as a linguistic personality is constantly assessed by the people observing him, and judgments about him, which have an evaluative nature, are by no means accessible only to linguists. And therefore, with the realization that any speech error is an insult to the listener, the art of speech can only begin. You can hide a lack of professional knowledge, but the language will always betray its native speaker as a speech error. Any mistake in speech deals a blow to the professional reputation and authority of the speaker. Here are the roots of the confusion and uncertainty that a person experiences on the eve of public speaking. Any speech, and public speech in particular, is “ business card“not only the person himself, but also the community or professional corporation that he represents.

The cultural environment forms a special attitude towards the word. A wide stylistic range allows, for example, an investigator, a judge, a lawyer to overcome misunderstanding, that is, the social antinomy of the speaker / listener. Lawyers, as participants in a special type of verbal communication, need to develop a sustainable desire for cooperation, which is expressed in understanding someone else’s speech experience and in the readiness to adapt to it, to understand it. Finding a common language means succeeding in perfecting such a selection of words for utterance that indicates the speaker's ability to actualize skills equal to (or similar to) the skills and expectations of the listener. In this case, speech behavior manifests itself as a search for a common language in a communicative and stylistic variant. After all, each person, receiving information, passes it through “his own language,” thereby changing it. This problem of verbal communication is especially significant for legal practice.

Justice, according to Ulpian’s definition, is a constant and continuous will to give everyone their right. A high legal culture also implies the protection of the human person from the tyranny of speech. We see this close relationship between speech culture and law in countries with a high legal culture. The professional and cultural goals of justice must coincide with this aspiration of society. The formation of a legal culture in society is unthinkable without every lawyer recognizing the value of speech as a cultural phenomenon.


Without three most important concepts - fatherland, language and culture - it is difficult to imagine the unity of the people living in a civilized country. The word “culture” itself (Latin) denotes a certain level of achievement in the social, spiritual and industrial life of human society. In his book “The Culture of Language” G.O. Vinokur wrote: “A word is nothing more than culture in its specific expression.”

The term “culture of speech” as a special linguistic discipline appeared in the 20s of the twentieth century. Traditionally, there are 2 meanings:

1. Knowledge of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, grammar, stylistics), as well as the ability to use means of expression language in various communication conditions in accordance with the goals and content of speech;

2. A branch of linguistics that studies the problems of normalization with the aim of improving language as an instrument of culture.

In foreign linguistics in general meaning The term “culture of language” is used, but in domestic science there is a difference between the concepts of “culture of language” and “culture of speech”, associated with the need to distinguish between the concepts of “language” and “speech”. Language as a system of signs (spelling, grammatical, lexical) belongs to a certain social group and is the most important part speech activity, but does not coincide with it: language is not the activity of the speaker. The term “language culture” is used if we mean the properties of exemplary texts enshrined in written monuments, as well as the expressive and semantic capabilities of the language system, while “speech culture” is understood as the specific implementation of linguistic properties and capabilities in everyday and mass conditions. - oral and written communication.

The concept of speech culture in the first meaning includes two stages of mastering the literary language: correctness of speech, that is, adherence to literary norms perceived by speakers and writers as an ideal or generally accepted and traditionally protected model, and speech skills, that is, not only following the norms of the literary language, but also the ability to choose from coexisting options the most semantically accurate, stylistically and situationally appropriate, expressive.

The main aspects of speech culture are:

1.Normative, since speech culture includes mandatory knowledge and compliance with language norms, and the concept of norm is key in the theory of speech culture. Here we can talk about normative-historical aspect (the speech life of society in a certain era is studied) and normative-evaluative(a norm presupposes a certain evaluative attitude of speakers and writers to the functioning of language in speech: this is possible, but this is not possible; this is correct, and this is incorrect. This attitude is formed under the influence of literature (its authoritative figures for society), science, which describes and codifies norms .

2. Ethical. Every society has its own norms of behavior. They also apply to many aspects of communication. Ethical Standards(speech etiquette) consider such issues as addressing “you” or “you”, choosing the full or abbreviated form of a name, choosing addresses such as “mister”, “citizen”, “madam”, “madam”; way of saying hello and goodbye. We can talk about situations where the ethical aspect comes to the fore: talking about the weather with a stranger, foul language ( gross violation ethical standards).

3.Communicative. Its basis is the choice of linguistic means necessary for a given purpose of communication. Language performs different communicative tasks, serves different spheres of communication, which place their own demands on the language. For example, in the explanatory dictionary some words: toss around (with affairs), grumbler, at odds, to delve into, to the fullest, big-eyed, etc. - have a mark decomposition. - conversational style, indicating their predominant use in colloquial speech and undesirable use in written, book, especially official speech.

4.Ecological, considering the relationship between man and language.

In the theory of speech culture highest form The literary language is recognized as the national language, although the doctrine of speech culture also extends to those speech phenomena that are not included in the system of literary norms (vernacular, territorial and social dialects, jargons, etc.).

Literary language- the main, supra-dialect form of the existence of a language, characterized by processing, multifunctionality - covering all spheres of communication, stylistic differentiation. In terms of its cultural status, the literary language is opposed to vernacular and dialects. It has a written record and is characterized by increasing trends towards democratization and expansion social base- the composition of native speakers of the literary language, to the convergence of book-written and folk-spoken styles.

It is necessary to distinguish between concepts literary language And language of fiction. On the one hand, the works artistic word are written in a literary language, but, in accordance with the author’s intention, may include elements of vernacular, dialects, jargon, and profanity that are outside the boundaries of the literary language. On the other hand, literary language covers not only the language of fiction, but also language implementations in the field of journalism, science, public administration, as well as the language of oral presentations and colloquial speech.

For the culture of speech, the concept is important modern Russian literary language. For a long time it was believed that this is the language from the era of A.S. Pushkin to the present day. However, significant changes in both the composition of the vocabulary and the norms of word use have necessitated a revision of such chronologization. This question in linguistics does not have an unambiguous solution: researchers named the 90s of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century, the end of the 30s - the beginning of the 40s of the 20th century as the lower limit of the modern Russian literary language, therefore in textbooks on culture speech, the definition “language” is often found modern era, our days."

A distinctive feature of a literary language is the presence of norms that all speakers of a given language must follow. Compliance in speech with the norms of the modern Russian literary language is called correctness of speech. B.N. Golovin regards the correctness of speech as the main communicative quality that ensures its unity.

When assessing specific linguistic phenomena from a normative point of view (right - wrong), objective scientific information and data are needed. Before the emergence of scientific linguistics, reliance in this matter was on experience, on linguistic flair. The approval of norms took place spontaneously. The very concept of “norm” is interpreted differently in linguistic literature. One can even find indications of the existence of two systems of norms - a codified literary language and colloquial speech. The term “norm” is used in linguistics in two meanings:

1. Generally accepted use, regularly repeated in the speech of speakers ( actually the norm);

2. Prescriptions, rules, instructions for use, which are recorded in textbooks, dictionaries, reference books ( codification).

Codification may approach an objectively existing norm, but it always contains a personal attitude, a subjective beginning, therefore, a norm is an objective historical phenomenon, and codification is a normalizing activity.

A linguistic norm is a historically conditioned fact, a manifestation of historical patterns of language development, development trends typical for each era, which are supported and approved by society in its language practice.

Norm- a set of language means that are most suitable (correct, preferred) for serving society, emerging as a result of the selection of linguistic elements (lexical, pronunciation, morphological, syntactic) from among coexisting ones, formed again or extracted from the passive stock of the past in the process social assessment these elements.

From the point of view of the communicative approach to the culture of speech, one and the same phenomenon in one situation or genre can be perceived as completely adequate, and the same phenomenon in another situation can be perceived as a gross error. When determining the correctness and normativity of a phenomenon, the criterion of normative expediency is essential.

In the past, a norm was often viewed as a static concept. For this there were psychological reasons. First, language as a whole changes slowly, gradually. As a rule, one generation is not enough to make significant changes. The imperceptible development of language is sometimes compared to the visually imperceptible movement of the clock hand. Secondly, everything new, unusual, included in language practice, disrupts the automaticity of language use, causes temporary inconvenience and therefore causes a defensive reaction. The norm reflects the progressive development of language; Based on the requirement of “flexible stability,” it combines both taking into account productive trends in language development that are independent of our will, and caring for the capital of inherited literary and traditional speech skills.

Scientific codification occurs in the fight against two extremes - purism and anti-normalization. Purism(from the French “pure”) - rejection of innovations, changes in language, their outright prohibition. This characteristic phenomenon for the period of formation of national languages. Purism is based on the view of the norm as something unchangeable and stable. Purists do not accept borrowings, colloquial and dialect words.

Modern linguistics considers language as a living organism in which something constantly dies, fades away and is born. Sometimes what seemed destructive for the language later turns out to be necessary and correct. Positive aspects purism: sincere concern for the development of an original national culture, the purity of the Russian language; negative - subjective taste approach, lack of understanding of the objective laws of the historical development of language.

Anti-normalization- permissiveness in language. Anti-normalization is based on the denial of scientific normalization of language and the worship of spontaneity in its development. All linguistic phenomena (borrowings, jargon, dialectisms) should be immediately included in the dictionary and grammar. Positive aspects - acceptable enrichment of the literary language through extra-literary means, recognition of changes in the language; negative - loosening of the norm, clogging of the literary language as a result of permissiveness.

The norm appears in the minds of speakers unformulated, only as a habit. At all levels of the language system, there are norms that are mandatory for everyone who speaks a literary language. The norms are generally binding, but this, unfortunately, does not mean that all people who use the literary language have an absolute command of the norm. At the same time, we should not forget that it is a good command of the native language that gives an individual the opportunity to fully realize himself in the profession and creativity, and the quality language environment indicates the spiritual health of society.

Security questions

1. List the main aspects of speech culture. Open one of them.

2. List the main characteristics of the literary language, reveal one of them.

3. Name the boundaries of the concept “modern Russian literary language”.

4. What are purism and anti-normalization? Give examples of their positive and negative influence on the language.

5. What is a language norm?

6. Yu.M. Lotman wrote: “Culture is how we communicate.” Prove the validity of this statement.

Description (simultaneous signs)

subject place of condition

human environment

Narration (sequential, successive actions)

Reasoning (reasons for properties, phenomena)

proof explanation reasoning

Reasoning scheme: thesis -> arguments, evidence -> conclusion.

10. Write down, inserting missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Determine the speech style of the text.
Prepare to retell it. Choose synonyms for highlighted
new word.

In the narration... it seems (?) about successive actions, as it were (?) creates (?) a tape of frames. The world in such a text appears dynamic, in motion...

In order to emphasize the sequence of action in this text, words and phrases denoting time (then, after a while, etc.) verbs of movement of perfect participles are often used. Dina-mich(?)nost in the text, etc.. there are forms of the past tense verb.. no perfect form.

The (not) for nothing well-known Russian literary linguist V. Vinogradov noted that the past tense of the imperfect form (does not) move events. It is descriptive... The past tense of a very... kind is saturated with narrative dynamism.

Along with verbs of the perfect form of the past tense, other forms are also used, while verbs of the past tense of the imperfect form emphasize the duration of the action, the present - they allow you to imagine the action as happening ... before the eyes of the reader .

11. Write down, inserting missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Based on the previous material
For this exercise, prove that this text is a narrative.
Indicate the means of communication of sentences in the text. Pick up the blue
nyms by the way famous(caves). Determine which part
The highlighted word belongs to speech, make it more morphological
skiy analysis.

(During) three months... during his stay in Crimea, Griboedov visited the famous caves and the majestic Cha-tyr-Dag and the ancient ruins of castles and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, beautiful ..lines and bays of the (half) island. Having climbed (up) the rocky slope, he came to the Black Forest (?) and another steep pass and, rounding the nearest mountain, stopped in front of Balaklava Bay (from) where he continued his journey to Sevastopol. (According to P. Degtyarev)

12. Write down, inserting missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Determine the speech style of the text, indicating

live its signs. Prepare to retell the text. Give an interpretation of the highlighted word, select antonyms for it. Find a participle in the text and make it morphological analysis.

The content of the description of the reality around us (object, place, state, etc.). The world in this type of speech is presented as static. The description of an object, for example, talks about its features that can be seen immediately, all together (simultaneous features). In art, the description of... the subject is outstanding. ,are(?)its most striking signs which gradually..o complement(?)add..add(?)s. In the description of a place, the author lists objects, forcing the reader to look from one object to another.

This type of speech has its own linguistic features: the use of words and phrases with spatial meaning (left..ra..t..barks etc.), the saturation of the text with words and phrases denoting characteristics of objects, the use of verbs of the imperfect form of the past tense. In artistic descriptions, figurative language means are widely used.

13. Write down the missing characters by inserting the missing letters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Title the text. Define
type of speech, indicate its characteristics. Find different ways in the text
would be comparison expressions.

It was a late June night full of (un)changing... new, stunning beauty. The blooming bird cherry bushes in the gardens and front gardens looked like silver clouds. The earth and sky shimmered and shimmered with all colors. The slopes of the roofs (?) facing the moon were covered with green glass, and the opposite ones were black as freshly plowed arable land. The chimneys were whitening on them like snowmen. (K. Sedykh)

14. Write down, inserting missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Determine the main idea
hundred. What arguments does the author put forward to express it? How
does this characterize this type of speech? What word is spelled in
the highlighted sentence depends on the correct definition
its grammatical features? What part of speech is you
divided word? Give an example to make this word different
part of speech.

It seemed to me (and still seems) that Pushkin’s prose is a precious example from which writers of our time should learn(?)

Interest.. materiality, brevity and clarity of presentation.. sp.. efficient elegance(?) of form, irony, this is what makes Pushkin’s prose so attractive.

Of course, nowadays there should (not) be blind imitation of Pushkin. For he will receive(?) a lifeless copy torn from our time. But sometimes it’s make a copy in order to see what secret the great poet possessed in his skill and what colors he used to achieve(?) the greatest power.

In painting, ... in relation to ... copies, the situation is simpler. There it is enough to “write off” the picture to understand a lot. But copy in literature is much more complicated. Simple correspondence will show absolutely nothing. It is (necessary) to take some equal parts. ,y plot and using the master’s form to present the topic in his manner. (M. Zoshchenko)

15. Divide the text into paragraphs and title it. Copy by inserting missing letters, missing punctuation marks, opening parentheses. Determine the main idea of ​​the text, make a plan. Specify the type of speech. Give reasons for your answer.

Lomonosov and Derzhavin, Zhukovsky and Batyushkov also approached the living language. But the whole point is that the others were approaching. Derzhavin, just like Lomonosov, was too triumphant... high in style and style, Zhukovsky was too mellifluous, too subtle. Only Pushkin..took a re..step forward - (towards) meeting the spoken Russian language (ocean) and by entering this ocean he thereby gave the opportunity for his language (ocean) to enter... into your creativity and give new life to a new literary language, a new literature, a new book. And this is (not, not) any exaggeration on my part. Pushkin is the only great poet in the world (at) the beginning of whose work lies a fairy tale. Does the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila (not) speak about this? But here’s what Pushkin himself wrote (on) this occasion in a letter to his brother... in the evening I listen to fairy tales - and thereby compensate for the (in)abundances of my damned upbringing. What a delight these tales are! Each is a poem! And this note(?) is written by one of the most educated...

Dey Rossi... Pushkin not only seems to establish the equality of genres - fairy tales and poems. He considers it possible for a fairy tale to flow into a poem, a poem into a fairy tale, between them. Thus, Pushkin can be said to be (the) first to erect our great colloquial Russian language into a legal right of co-authorship in literature. (According to E. Isaev)


The most important feature of a literary language is the presence in it of strictly certain rules- normal; for example words kilometer, agreement must be pronounced with emphasis on the last syllable.

Norms are relatively stable rules for the use of linguistic units, accepted in society as exemplary ones. Following the norms is mandatory for all educated people.

The norms of a literary language cover different linguistic units; include rules of pronunciation and stress (orthoepic norms), rules for the use of words and stable combinations(lexical norms), rules for the formation of words (word-formation norms), rules for the formation of grammatical forms (for example, forms of gender, number, case) and rules for combining words and combining them into phrases and sentences (grammatical norms), rules for the use of linguistic means in accordance with style of speech (syllabic norms), finally, rules for writing words and placing punctuation marks (spelling and punctuation norms). Thus, the norms operate at all levels of the literary language.

16. Read the definitions of the standard of literary language belonging to different scientists. Compare them. What style do they belong to? Name the signs of the norm that are emphasized in each of the definitions. Make a plan “Signs of the norm of a literary language.”

1. The norm is recognized as what was, and partly what is, but not at all what will be... The norm is an ideal, once and for all achieved, as if cast for eternity. (A. M. Peshkovsky)

2. A norm is a set of language means that are most suitable (“correct”, “preferred”) for serving society, emerging as a result of the selection of linguistic elements... from among the coexisting ones... (SI. Ozhegov)

3. The norm combines the features of stability, on the one hand, and variability, on the other; it is characterized by the presence of options. (S. A. Vinogradov)

17. Read, copy and break the text into paragraphs, arranging
missing punctuation marks. Specify the means of communication proposed
marriages in the text. Name words in Russian that contain elements
cop ortho-.

The word orthoepy is international; it exists in many languages ​​and denotes the same system of pronunciation rules. Translated from Greek, orthos means straight, correct, and epos means speech; orthoepy literally - correct speech. The orthoepic norm is the only possible or preferred option for correct exemplary pronunciation and correct stress placement. Pronunciation norms of the modern Russian language developed in the first half of the 18th century. but initially - as norms of the Moscow dialect, which only gradually began to acquire the character of national norms. Russian literary pronunciation became entrenched and acquired the character of a national norm in the first half of the 19th century. (According to M. Khrymova)

18. Fill out the following table, indicating the names of the standards.

19. Read. Find violations of norms. What are the norms
shens in the above statements? Correct them.

1) Additional funds are needed to repair the school. 2) Young people who will live in the 21st century will be able to solve many problems. 3) The second story is funnier than the first. 4) The patient asked the doctor to pour himself some water. 5) Having read the story by I. S. Turgenev, I was first of all struck by its plot. 6) Lomonosov noted that the wealth of Russia will grow in Siberia. 7) A new tragedy awaits Pechorin everywhere. 8) Ranevskaya refuses the offer to cut down the garden. 9) We learned a lot of interesting language facts. 10) I will start the answer initially. 11) Katerina - protest to the “dark kingdom”.

20. Read. What in the given sentences does not correspond?
Does it correspond to the norms of the modern Russian literary language? Which
Is the property of norms manifested in this?

1) It used to be that he was still in bed, and they brought notes to him. (P.) 2) Running through the letter, his eyes sparkled. (P.) 3) New furniture from Moscow has appeared. (T.) 4) He [Epifanov] deliberately put on the dirtiest coat. (L.T.) 5) The wanderer in the house spoke a lot about the miracle of the universe. (Fet) 6) The word “film”... was feminine, they said: “adventure film.” (Pan.) 7) God does not give a horn to a carnivorous cow. (Ate.) 8) What are the eyelids? And people. (Ate.) 9) They said that a mouse jumped out of Nina Fedorovna’s shoe. (Ch.)

21. Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.
What causes the need for literary language norms? Do
parsing highlighted offer.

The norm presupposes the evaluative attitude of speakers and writers to the functioning of language: this is what they say, and this is what they (don’t) say; This is right, and this is (wrong). This attitude is formed under the influence of literature, science, school.

Norms are prompted by a persistent need for better mutual understanding. It is this need that encourages people to prefer some options and refuse others - for the sake of achieving the unity of the language system. (In)place with the growing need of society for that

unity strengthens the linguistic norm, reaching its highest development in the national literary language. The norm serves as a regulator of people's speech behavior. (According to B. Golovin)

22. Read a fragment of a student’s essay on the topic “City of Ka
Linov in A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm.” What are the norms of literature
Is the native language in it broken? Edit this essay.

The theme of the Volga in “The Thunderstorm” leads us to the description of the city of Kalinov. This is the main setting of the drama.

The city is fenced off from the outside world. The internal border for the urban man in the street is gates and fences: “Everyone has had their gates... locked and the dogs down for a long time.”

Power in Kalinov belongs to Dikiy and Kabanikha. Both of them love to show off those under their command. The names of these heroes emphasize that they are tyrants.

The city of Kalinov is based on the fear that the townspeople experience. Most of them are ignorant. Only Kuligin is trying to save the Kalinovites from fear, but his dreams do not come true. Kalinov can be called a “dark kingdom” in which oppression reigns.

23. Read the text, prepare to retell it. Define
his style affiliation. Write down the definition of ethical re-
Chevy norms. Specify the meanings of the words ethics, etiquette. Bring
examples of ethical and speech norms.

Ethical-speech norms are a set of rules of speech communication (behavior) that ensure the harmonization of the interests of those communicating. Golden rule communication ethics - “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” Ethical-speech norms presuppose such speech communication, which is based on basic ethical concepts, such as “good”, “duty”, “conscience”, “responsibility”.

Ethical standards require that verbal communication be friendly, sincere, laconic, and that there is no slander, gossip, or condemnation of one’s neighbor.

The field of speech ethics includes speech etiquette, the rules of which are based on the principle of respect for the interlocutor. (According to A.P. Skovorodnikov)

24. Read. What ethical and speech norms are violated in general?
meeting with the heroine of the text? Find sentences with direct speech.
Explain the punctuation marks in them.

I was getting out of a minibus one day, and immediately a tall man with a suitcase in his hands turned to me: “Mommy, how do I get to the Baikal Hotel?” She showed the way and turned into the yard to the laundry. There was a little old lady walking with her dog. “Daughter,” she asked me, “what time is it?” Having answered her question, I went about my business. And when I approached the stop, there were a lot of people there, and everyone rushed in a crowd to the trolleybus that appeared... “Move over, grandma!” - someone said from behind, pushing me through the door up the steps. Without even seeing the newly-minted “grandson,” I suddenly laughed... (A. Ivanova)

25. Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.
Formulate the rules of communication recommended by Russians
words and sayings.

1) (N..) kind word that the fire burns.. 2) Know more and speak less. 3) A kind silence is better than an empty silence. 4) (N..) saying a word means writing, and saying a word means laughing. 5) Arguing, arguing, but scolding(?) yourself is a sin. 6) For a joke (n..) get angry, but for an offense (n..) get angry. 7) From polite words the tongue (n..) withers..t. 8) They go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules (n..).

26. Prepare a short speech, the purpose of which is to
teach listeners that compliance with the rules speech etiquette necessary
we go in communication.

Language– a system of signs used for human communication, i.e. for communication and information transfer. In order for information to be transmitted, it is encoded with linguistic signs.

Coding of meanings in a language is carried out in several levels:

1) lexical– choice of words;

2) morphological– design of words to convey additional meanings and connect words in a sentence;

3) with intactical– selection of constructions and formation of sentences from morphologically formed words;

4) word-formation– formation of words to designate new objects and phenomena, to express an emotional-evaluative attitude, to include a word in a syntactic structure;

5) phonetic(in oral speech) – the sound form of speech (sounds, stress, intonation);

6) spelling And punctuation(in written speech) – image of the text according to the rules of graphics, spelling and punctuation of the given text, conveying intonation, expressing additional meanings.

For each level of coding of meaning in a literary language, there are rules that establish uniformity and ensure the effective transmission of information - language norms.

Under speech culture is understood as mastery of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written form, in which the selection and organization of linguistic means is carried out, allowing in a certain communication situation and subject to communication ethics to ensure the necessary effect in achieving the set communication objectives. (Russian language. Encyclopedia. - M., 1997. - P. 204.)

Speech culture has three aspects: normative, communicative, ethical.

1. Regulatory aspect Speech culture presupposes mastery of language norms. Language norm - this is a set of phenomena allowed by the language system, reflected and enshrined in the speech of native speakers and which are mandatory for all those who speak a literary language in a certain period of time.(Verbitskaya L.A. Let's speak correctly. - M., 2001. - P. 15.).

The norm is historical and may change over time in one way or another. Features of the norm of a literary language are relative stability, prevalence, common use, universal obligatory nature, compliance with use, custom, and the capabilities of the language system. The main sources of language norms include the works of classical writers and modern writers who continue the classical traditions; publications in the media; common modern usage; linguistic research data. The norms of a literary language include rules of stress, pronunciation, rules of word formation and grammatical norms (for example, forms of gender, number, case, degrees of comparison etc.), rules for combining words and combining them into phrases and sentences, rules for writing words and placing punctuation marks, and finally, rules for using words and stable combinations.

The norm may be imperative (lat. imperativus - choiceless) And dispositive (lat. dispositivus – selectable). Violation of an imperative norm is regarded as poor command of the Russian language. For example, ringing And t – no sound O nit, pr And nyal – didn’t accept I l, a chicken is not a chicken, according to what - not according to what. The dispositive norm allows options - stylistic or completely neutral: m A marketing and brand e ting (colloquial), b A rust and barge A(mors.), on vacation e(neutral) and on vacation at(colloquial).

There are different norms orthoepic, accentological, grammatical and lexical.

Orthoepic norms– norms of pronunciation of sounds and stress norms (accentological norms).

Grammar rules are divided into morphological and syntactic. Morphological norms require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech (forms of gender, number of nouns, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.). Syntactic norms prescribe correct construction basic syntactic units - phrases and sentences.

Lexical norms– this is: 1) the correct choice of a word from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or form; 2) using it in the meanings that it has in the language; 3) the appropriateness of its use in a particular communicative situation in combinations generally accepted in the language. Compliance with lexical norms is the most important condition for the accuracy of speech and its correctness.

2. Communicative qualities of speech – this is accuracy, clarity, conciseness and expressiveness.

3. Ethical aspect Speech culture is the speaker’s mastery of the norms of linguistic behavior accepted in a given society.

In order for speech to be correct, necessary:

1) know what linguistic units may have non-normative options;

2) follow the rules for using language units;

3) know which linguistic units are outside the scope of the literary language, and therefore they should not be used in business and scientific communication.


Speech styles

Spoken Book

(scientific, official business, journalistic, fiction style)

Features of speech styles

Function Scope of application Speech tasks Characteristics of the utterance
Conversational style
Communication An informal setting (with friends, acquaintances), dialogues, friendly messages, letters, conversations, etc. Exchange impressions, thoughts with loved ones or acquaintances Effortlessness, emotionality, evaluative nature of speech Emotional, expressive colloquial vocabulary, words with suffixes of subjective assessment; the use of incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles; repetitions; inversion, etc.
Scientific style
Presentation of scientific information Scientific works, speeches, reports, lectures, articles, books, textbooks, etc. Communication of information of scientific significance; explanation of the causes of phenomena; explanation of achievements of science and technology, communication about them Accuracy, logic, evidence; lack of emotionality, even some dryness of speech Book and special vocabulary, scientific terms; state category words; plural verb forms; gerunds, participles; direct word order; simple sentences, complicated by isolated and homogeneous members; introductory words indicating the order of thought, etc.


Function Scope of application Speech tasks Characteristics of the utterance Language means (lexical, grammatical)
Formal business style
Accurate transmission of business information Business papers (announcements, statements, reports, certificates, receipts, instructions, contracts, laws, instructions, regulations, etc.) Communication of information of business information value Strictness, precision, formality, dispassion - speech devoid of emotion The use of cliches, special business vocabulary, direct word order, the predominance of nouns over other parts of speech, the use of verbal nouns, verbs in the imperative mood; derivative prepositions, compound conjunctions; simple and complex sentences with dissociated members; SPP with subordinate conditions, connecting clauses, etc.
Journalistic style
Influence, agitation and propaganda Speeches, reports, debates, articles, brochures, etc. on socio-political topics (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, etc.) Transfer of information about current issues modern life with the aim of influencing people, shaping public opinion Appeal, passion, expression of attitude to the subject of speech, brevity with informative richness Using vocabulary from different layers; socio-political vocabulary; words with an emphasized positive or negative meaning; phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, quotes; figurative and expressive means of language (epithets, metaphors, comparisons, inversion, etc.), syntactic structures of book and colloquial speech, simple (complete and incomplete), rhetorical questions, appeals, etc.


Function Scope of application Speech tasks Characteristics of the utterance Language means (lexical, grammatical)
Fiction style
Artistic impact Artistic works: stories, tales, novels, plays, poems, poems, etc. Impact through verbal artistic depiction of life; conveying attitudes towards the environment, creating artistic images, etc. Imagery, expressiveness, emotionality, evaluative nature of speech A combination of linguistic means of different styles; widespread use of figurative and expressive language; using lexical and syntactic means of other styles for greater expressiveness, etc.

4. Read an excerpt from the book by N.P. Matveeva “Witnesses
history of the people”, addressed to high school students. Before
indicate whether the text belongs to the popular science style
chi. Determine the main idea of ​​the text, prepare to translate it
I'll tell you.

Everyone knows modern meaning words scrupulous:“strictly, down to the smallest detail, principled in relations with someone or in relation to someone.” But won’t the modern meaning prevent us from correctly understanding this word in Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”?

Everything that scrupulous London sells for abundant whims And carries to us along the Baltic waves For timber and lard... Everything decorated the Philosopher’s office at the age of eighteen.

At Pushkin's scrupulous meant something completely different: “refined, fashionable in clothes; committed to fashion." Why? It turns out that the word came into the literary language from a dialect where be scrupulous meant “to dress up, to be fashionable”, and pinch(from wood chips- trifle) acted in the meaning of “haberdashery”. From here scrupulous in the 19th century literally meant “to the last detail, taking care of his clothes to the smallest detail.” Fashionistas were popularly called squeakers. Now it becomes clear that modern meaning is the result of the development of language, a logical rethinking of the same concept from concrete to more abstract. It is easy to notice that it was cultural information that contributed to the understanding of this moment, making an incomprehensible word as if tangible, close to us.

5. Read an excerpt from the story by I. S. Turgenev “Pole and Ka-
linych." Specify the signs conversational style in dialogue.

Tell me, please,” I asked Polutykin at dinner, “why does Khor live separately from your other men?”

But here’s why: he’s a smart guy. About twenty-five years ago his hut burned down; So he came to my late father and said, let me, Nikolai Kuzmich, settle in your swamp in the forest. I tell you

I will pay a good rent. - “Why do you need to settle in a swamp?” - “Yes, indeed; Only you, father, Nikolai Kuzmich, don’t use me for any work, but give me the rent you know.” - “Fifty rubles a year!” - “If you please.” - “Yes, I have no arrears, look!” - “It is known, without arrears...”

6. Read the texts. Which common theme are they related? Determine the style of each text. Indicate the characteristics of these styles.

I. Give an interpretation of the word manifesto. In case of difficulty about
go to the dictionary. Find synonyms for the highlighted word.

Serfdom on peasants... and on serfs is abolished forever...

The allocation of land and other land to peasants, as well as subsequent duties in favor of the landowner, are determined primarily by voluntary agreement between landowners and peasants...

...Acquisition Peasants' ownership of field lands and lands allocated to them for permanent use is permitted only with the consent of the landowner.

Peasants who acquired ownership of land through a redemption operation are obliged to annually pay into the treasury, in return for the landowner's dues for this land, six kopecks per ruble from the redemption loan assigned by the government until it is repaid. Such payments are called redemption payments. (From the Manifesto 19 February 1861 G.)

II. Give an interpretation of the highlighted words. Extract from the text
anonymous. Choose synonyms for the word coming(generations).
Give 5-6 examples of words in which the spelling of prefixes
governed by the same rule as in the word with impunity,

The name of Alexander II now belongs to history... The beginning of the liberation of the peasants was done by him, future generations will not forget this!

But it does not follow from this that he could stop with impunity. No, no, let him complete what he started - let a full wreath cover his crown. Rotten, selfish, wild, greedy the opposition of stubborn landowners, their wolf howls are not dangerous! What can they oppose when power and freedom, the educated minority and the entire people, the royal will and public opinion? (A.I. Herzen)

7. Copy, insert missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, open the brackets. Determine the main idea and
style of each text. Indicate the characteristics of these speech styles.
I. Choose synonyms for the highlighted word.

Patriotism is not a right, but an obligation...albeit a blood honorable one, but a desirable duty...which, to the best of his ability and strength, every citizen of the land that is given to him must bear Fatherland... Let (not, nor) be delighted (?) but be proud (?) of every person belonging to his people (not) harm it at all. To an Armenian that he is an Armenian, to an Estonian that he is Estonian... to a Jew that he is a Jew, and to a Buryat that he is a Buryat. Let the Russian, too, be passionate(?) about this line of “free family.” He also has (some) merits to world culture and civilizations. (V. Rasputin)

P. Find antonyms in the text. Make a morphological analysis of the highlighted word. Write down, indicating the part of speech, two words a) with a zero ending; b) without ending.

I see my task as a writer in returning... to the Russian people the forgotten pages of their history... I (never) tire of repeating that the people are alive as long as their historical memory is alive. The memory ends(?) the nation ends(?) something else begins(?). So Polovtsian.. bye. The Mongolian tribes... us... surprisingly soon forgot even their national traditions and became essentially a different people. (D. Balashov)

8. Read and compare two texts about Emelyan Pugachev. Per
the first one was written by the historian V.I. Buganova, the second one is taken from the novel
V. Ya. Shishkova “Emelyan Pugachev”. Indicate the speaking style for each
th text and name its features.

I. The truth about Pugachev was known from himself. In a secret expedition of the Senate, he admitted: the Yaik Cossacks “knew for sure that he was not a sovereign, but a Don Cossack, for he himself did not hide his real name”...

They liked that a simple Cossack acted as an “emperor.” In addition, among them, as well as among all the people throughout Russia, there have long been rumors that Petra III were not killed in Ropsha; Another person, a soldier who looked very similar to the emperor, fell victim to the conspiracy, and he himself disappeared. Everyone was waiting for deliverance, hoping that he would help them. Therefore, the Yaik Cossacks accepted Pugachev.

P. - Don’t be angry, father, tell me the real truth, don’t hide it: are you a true sovereign?

Pugachev’s eyes sparkled terribly at Chika.

Don’t be afraid, father, I’m not very timid. It’s better to open up, because there aren’t many of us here, because there’s only two, you and me. Denis Karavaev told me...

What did he, the madman, say to you?

Otherwise he said that you are a Don Cossack,” the impudent Chika caught Pugachev.

Pugachev shook and shouted:

You're lying, fool! You're lying! - spat and walked quickly
step towards the river.

Chika hurried after him to end the conversation at once...

I took an oath to Denis Karavaev so that in secret
held... Well, so, I swear to you too, father, you believe
to me. And what kind of person are you - a Don Cossack or not, ve
Is there any benefit to me in this? And since we accepted you, father
ka, for the sovereign, it became - and the matter is over, it became - so be it

Pugachev came close to him and, gathering all his inner strength, said:

Well, Chika... You made me sweat with your speeches...
Let this die in you. Can you hear it? They called upon Christ the God
I know... Otherwise both your and my head will roll off your shoulders... Well, sya
Come on, let's talk. ...I'll tell you the truth... Know: I
there is a Don Cossack Emelyan Ivanov Pugachev.

9. Copy, insert missing letters, missing punctuation marks, open the brackets. Determine the topic of each text, indicate what style of speech they relate to. Name the characteristics of these styles. Underline the grammatical basics of the first sentences of each text. Determine the type of predicate in each of them. Select synonyms for the highlighted word, arranging them in decreasing order of attribute.

I. Sources of river nutrition: liquid precipitation, snow cover (high) mountain snow and glaciers, groundwater. There is almost (not) homogeneous feeding of rivers in nature; it is usually mixed. Depending on the feeding characteristics, the main phases of the water regime of rivers are distinguished: high water and flood.

For moderate zone Northern Hemisphere characterized by higher water content in spring. An extreme type of regime of rivers in the temperate zone, formed in conditions of sharp continentality (short) temporary spring flood... On the rivers of the Far East, under the influence of monsoons, summer floods of rain origin are formed. (From the Great Soviet Encyclopedia)

P. After a long and snowy winter, spring in Transbaikal is especially friendly... Stormy snow in the mountain taiga opens up (?) rivers and streams. Some small river that dries up in summer then becomes a mighty and formidable stream. Gulkoy spring night its disturbing (in)ceasing noise can be heard far away. It overflows its banks, flooding the riverside bushes and vegetable gardens, breaking through the mill dams and demolishing all its bridges. White with foam crazy and by the (un) sheltered river she flies into the sunny distance. Anyone who has ever seen its wild and cheerful outpouring will remember it forever... (K. Sedykh)

The texts are varied in their structure and content. The following main types of speech are distinguished, which are used in constructing texts: different styles: description, narration, reasoning.

Types of speech

Description (simultaneous signs)

subject place of condition

human environment

Narration (sequential, successive actions)

Reasoning (reasons for properties, phenomena)

proof explanation reasoning

Reasoning scheme: thesis -> arguments, evidence -> conclusion.

10. Write down, inserting missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Determine the speech style of the text.
Prepare to retell it. Choose synonyms for highlighted
new word.

In the narration... it seems (?) about successive actions, as it were (?) creates (?) a tape of frames. The world in such a text appears dynamic, in motion...

In order to emphasize the sequence of action in this text, words and phrases denoting time (then, after a while, etc.) verbs of movement of perfect participles are often used. Dina-mich(?)nost in the text, etc.. there are forms of the past tense verb.. no perfect form.

The (not) for nothing well-known Russian literary linguist V. Vinogradov noted that the past tense of the imperfect form (does not) move events. It is descriptive... The past tense of a very... kind is saturated with narrative dynamism.

Along with verbs of the perfect form of the past tense, other forms are also used, while verbs of the past tense of the imperfect form emphasize the duration of the action, the present - they allow you to imagine the action as happening ... before the eyes of the reader .

11. Write down, inserting missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Based on the previous material
For this exercise, prove that this text is a narrative.
Indicate the means of communication of sentences in the text. Pick up the blue
nyms by the way famous(caves). Determine which part
The highlighted word belongs to speech, make it more morphological
skiy analysis.

(During) three months... during his stay in Crimea, Griboedov visited the famous caves and the majestic Cha-tyr-Dag and the ancient ruins of castles and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, beautiful ..lines and bays of the (half) island. Having climbed (up) the rocky slope, he came to the Black Forest (?) and another steep pass and, rounding the nearest mountain, stopped in front of Balaklava Bay (from) where he continued his journey to Sevastopol. (According to P. Degtyarev)

12. Write down, inserting missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Determine the speech style of the text, indicating

live its signs. Prepare to retell the text. Give an interpretation of the highlighted word, select antonyms for it. Find the participle in the text and make a morphological analysis of it.

The content of the description of the reality around us (object, place, state, etc.). The world in this type of speech is presented as static. The description of an object, for example, talks about its features that can be seen immediately, all together (simultaneous features). In art, the description of... the subject is outstanding. ,are(?)its most striking signs which gradually..o complement(?)add..add(?)s. In the description of a place, the author lists objects, forcing the reader to look from one object to another.

This type of speech has its own linguistic features: the use of words and phrases with spatial meaning (left..ra..t..barks etc.), the saturation of the text with words and phrases denoting characteristics of objects, the use of verbs of the imperfect form of the past tense. In artistic descriptions, figurative language means are widely used.

13. Write down the missing characters by inserting the missing letters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Title the text. Define
type of speech, indicate its characteristics. Find different ways in the text
would be comparison expressions.

It was a late June night full of (un)changing... new, stunning beauty. The blooming bird cherry bushes in the gardens and front gardens looked like silver clouds. The earth and sky shimmered and shimmered with all colors. The slopes of the roofs (?) facing the moon were covered with green glass, and the opposite ones were black as freshly plowed arable land. The chimneys were whitening on them like snowmen. (K. Sedykh)

14. Write down, inserting missing letters, missing characters
punctuation, opening parentheses. Determine the main idea
hundred. What arguments does the author put forward to express it? How
does this characterize this type of speech? What word is spelled in
the highlighted sentence depends on the correct definition
its grammatical features? What part of speech is you
divided word? Give an example to make this word different
part of speech.

It seemed to me (and still seems) that Pushkin’s prose is a precious example from which writers of our time should learn(?)

Interest.. materiality, brevity and clarity of presentation.. sp.. efficient elegance(?) of form, irony, this is what makes Pushkin’s prose so attractive.

Of course, nowadays there should (not) be blind imitation of Pushkin. For he will receive(?) a lifeless copy torn from our time. But sometimes it’s make a copy in order to see what secret the great poet possessed in his skill and what colors he used to achieve(?) the greatest power.

In painting, ... in relation to ... copies, the situation is simpler. There it is enough to “write off” the picture to understand a lot. But copy in literature is much more complicated. Simple correspondence will show absolutely nothing. It is (necessary) to take some equal parts. ,y plot and using the master’s form to present the topic in his manner. (M. Zoshchenko)

15. Divide the text into paragraphs and title it. Copy by inserting missing letters, missing punctuation marks, opening parentheses. Determine the main idea of ​​the text, make a plan. Specify the type of speech. Give reasons for your answer.

Lomonosov and Derzhavin, Zhukovsky and Batyushkov also approached the living language. But the whole point is that the others were approaching. Derzhavin, just like Lomonosov, was too triumphant... high in style and style, Zhukovsky was too mellifluous, too subtle. Only Pushkin..took a re..step forward - (towards) meeting the spoken Russian language (ocean) and by entering this ocean he thereby gave the opportunity for his language (ocean) to enter... into your creativity and give new life to a new literary language, a new literature, a new book. And this is (not, not) any exaggeration on my part. Pushkin is the only great poet in the world (at) the beginning of whose work lies a fairy tale. Does the poem Ruslan and Lyudmila (not) speak about this? But here’s what Pushkin himself wrote (on) this occasion in a letter to his brother... in the evening I listen to fairy tales - and thereby compensate for the (in)abundances of my damned upbringing. What a delight these tales are! Each is a poem! And this note(?) is written by one of the most educated...

Dey Rossi... Pushkin not only seems to establish the equality of genres - fairy tales and poems. He considers it possible for a fairy tale to flow into a poem, a poem into a fairy tale, between them. Thus, Pushkin can be said to be (the) first to erect our great colloquial Russian language into a legal right of co-authorship in literature. (According to E. Isaev)


The most important feature of a literary language is the presence in it of strictly defined rules - norms; for example words kilometer, agreement must be pronounced with emphasis on the last syllable.

Norms are relatively stable rules for the use of linguistic units, accepted in society as exemplary ones. Following the norms is mandatory for all educated people.

The norms of a literary language cover different linguistic units; include rules for pronunciation and stress (orthoepic norms), rules for the use of words and stable combinations (lexical norms), rules for the formation of words (word formation norms), rules for the formation of grammatical forms (for example, forms of gender, number, case) and rules for the compatibility of words and combining them into phrases and sentences (grammatical norms), rules for the use of linguistic means in accordance with the style of speech (syllabic norms), and finally, rules for writing words and placing punctuation marks (spelling and punctuation norms). Thus, the norms operate at all levels of the literary language.

16. Read the definitions of the standard of literary language belonging to different scientists. Compare them. What style do they belong to? Name the signs of the norm that are emphasized in each of the definitions. Make a plan “Signs of the norm of a literary language.”

1. The norm is recognized as what was, and partly what is, but not at all what will be... The norm is an ideal, once and for all achieved, as if cast for eternity. (A. M. Peshkovsky)

2. A norm is a set of language means that are most suitable (“correct”, “preferred”) for serving society, emerging as a result of the selection of linguistic elements... from among the coexisting ones... (SI. Ozhegov)

3. The norm combines the features of stability, on the one hand, and variability, on the other; it is characterized by the presence of options. (S. A. Vinogradov)

17. Read, copy and break the text into paragraphs, arranging
missing punctuation marks. Specify the means of communication proposed
marriages in the text. Name words in Russian that contain elements
cop ortho-.

The word orthoepy is international; it exists in many languages ​​and denotes the same system of pronunciation rules. Translated from Greek, orthos means straight, correct, and epos means speech; orthoepy literally - correct speech. The orthoepic norm is the only possible or preferred option for correct exemplary pronunciation and correct stress placement. Pronunciation norms of the modern Russian language developed in the first half of the 18th century. but initially - as norms of the Moscow dialect, which only gradually began to acquire the character of national norms. Russian literary pronunciation became entrenched and acquired the character of a national norm in the first half of the 19th century. (According to M. Khrymova)

18. Fill out the following table, indicating the names of the standards.

19. Read. Find violations of norms. What are the norms
shens in the above statements? Correct them.

1) Additional funds are needed to repair the school. 2) Young people who will live in the 21st century will be able to solve many problems. 3) The second story is funnier than the first. 4) The patient asked the doctor to pour himself some water. 5) Having read the story by I. S. Turgenev, I was first of all struck by its plot. 6) Lomonosov noted that the wealth of Russia will grow in Siberia. 7) A new tragedy awaits Pechorin everywhere. 8) Ranevskaya refuses the offer to cut down the garden. 9) We learned a lot of interesting language facts. 10) I will start the answer initially. 11) Katerina - protest to the “dark kingdom”.

20. Read. What in the given sentences does not correspond?
Does it correspond to the norms of the modern Russian literary language? Which
Is the property of norms manifested in this?

1) It used to be that he was still in bed, and they brought notes to him. (P.) 2) Running through the letter, his eyes sparkled. (P.) 3) New furniture from Moscow has appeared. (T.) 4) He [Epifanov] deliberately put on the dirtiest coat. (L.T.) 5) The wanderer in the house spoke a lot about the miracle of the universe. (Fet) 6) The word “film”... was feminine, they said: “adventure film.” (Pan.) 7) God does not give a horn to a carnivorous cow. (Ate.) 8) What are the eyelids? And people. (Ate.) 9) They said that a mouse jumped out of Nina Fedorovna’s shoe. (Ch.)

21. Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.
What causes the need for literary language norms? Do
syntactic analysis of the highlighted sentence.

The norm presupposes the evaluative attitude of speakers and writers to the functioning of language: this is what they say, and this is what they (don’t) say; This is right, and this is (wrong). This attitude is formed under the influence of literature, science, school.

Norms are prompted by a persistent need for better mutual understanding. It is this need that encourages people to prefer some options and refuse others - for the sake of achieving the unity of the language system. (In)place with the growing need of society for that

unity strengthens the linguistic norm, reaching its highest development in the national literary language. The norm serves as a regulator of people's speech behavior. (According to B. Golovin)

22. Read a fragment of a student’s essay on the topic “City of Ka
Linov in A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm.” What are the norms of literature
Is the native language in it broken? Edit this essay.

The theme of the Volga in “The Thunderstorm” leads us to the description of the city of Kalinov. This is the main setting of the drama.

The city is fenced off from the outside world. The internal border for the urban man in the street is gates and fences: “Everyone has had their gates... locked and the dogs down for a long time.”

Power in Kalinov belongs to Dikiy and Kabanikha. Both of them love to show off those under their command. The names of these heroes emphasize that they are tyrants.

The city of Kalinov is based on the fear that the townspeople experience. Most of them are ignorant. Only Kuligin is trying to save the Kalinovites from fear, but his dreams do not come true. Kalinov can be called a “dark kingdom” in which oppression reigns.

23. Read the text, prepare to retell it. Define
his style affiliation. Write down the definition of ethical re-
Chevy norms. Specify the meanings of the words ethics, etiquette. Bring
examples of ethical and speech norms.

Ethical-speech norms are a set of rules of speech communication (behavior) that ensure the harmonization of the interests of those communicating. The golden rule of communication ethics is “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” Ethical-speech norms presuppose such speech communication, which is based on basic ethical concepts, such as “good”, “duty”, “conscience”, “responsibility”.

Ethical standards require that verbal communication be friendly, sincere, laconic, and that there is no slander, gossip, or condemnation of one’s neighbor.

The field of speech ethics includes speech etiquette, the rules of which are based on the principle of respect for the interlocutor. (According to A.P. Skovorodnikov)

24. Read. What ethical and speech norms are violated in general?
meeting with the heroine of the text? Find sentences with direct speech.
Explain the punctuation marks in them.

I was getting out of a minibus one day, and immediately a tall man with a suitcase in his hands turned to me: “Mommy, how do I get to the Baikal Hotel?” She showed the way and turned into the yard to the laundry. There was a little old lady walking with her dog. “Daughter,” she asked me, “what time is it?” Having answered her question, I went about my business. And when I approached the stop, there were a lot of people there, and everyone rushed in a crowd to the trolleybus that appeared... “Move over, grandma!” - someone said from behind, pushing me through the door up the steps. Without even seeing the newly-minted “grandson,” I suddenly laughed... (A. Ivanova)

25. Copy by inserting the missing letters and opening the brackets.
Formulate the rules of communication recommended by Russians
words and sayings.

1) (N..) kind word that the fire burns.. 2) Know more and speak less. 3) A kind silence is better than an empty silence. 4) (N..) saying a word means writing, and saying a word means laughing. 5) Arguing, arguing, but scolding(?) yourself is a sin. 6) For a joke (n..) get angry, but for an offense (n..) get angry. 7) From polite words the tongue (n..) withers..t. 8) They go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules (n..).

26. Prepare a short speech, the purpose of which is to
teach listeners that compliance with the rules of speech etiquette is necessary
we go in communication.



The word is the most important unit of language. With the help of words, all the diverse phenomena of the world around us are called (objects, their signs, actions, states). A word can fulfill this role because it has a certain meaning, a meaning called lexical meaning.

The lexical meaning of a word reflects people’s ideas about the essential aspects of objects, actions, and signs. For example, the word brochure has the lexical meaning of “a small book in the form of stitched or stapled sheets, usually without binding”; this meaning reflects our ideas about the essential features of this kind printed publications. Word calculate has the lexical meaning of “to make a calculation, to calculate something”; this meaning reflects our ideas about significant features such an action. Word lilac has the lexical meaning of “light purple, the color of lilac or violet”; This meaning reflects our ideas about the essential features of this color. The accuracy of word usage consists in compliance with the lexical norms of the Russian literary language, in the ability to use words in written and oral speech in full accordance with their established and fixed lexical meanings in the language.

To inaccuracy in the choice of words and speech errors leads the writer (speaker) to use words whose lexical meaning he either does not understand or does not understand quite correctly. Yes, word prance means "the art of riding", for example: Dashing daredevils are prancing around on horses(R.) Due to the writer’s misunderstanding of the differences in the lexical meaning of words go, ride(“to move, move on something”) and prance to-

There is a lexical error in the following sentence: Ionych prances on a chaise with a lazy coachman on the box. Naturally, it’s impossible to “prance on a chaise,” A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych” says that Doctor Startsev “... rides a troika with bells, and Panteleimon sitting on the goats."

Often inaccuracy of presentation, lexical errors associated with the incorrect use of foreign words. Yes, word galaxy has a lexical meaning of “a group of outstanding figures in any field in one era,” for example: One can only admire the will and skill shown in early XIX glorious century galaxy Russian circumnavigators.(T. C.) This word is used completely unjustifiably in the following sentence: IN galaxy Plyushkin is especially terrible at images of landowners(instead of the word galaxy Here one could use, for example, the word gallery- « long row anything"),

Often, errors are caused by insufficient differentiation by the writer of the meanings of words with the same root. Yes, word capital has the meaning “containing a title”, “indicating the character after whom a play, opera, film, etc. is named”, for example: I was entrusted capital role in a new production- in Don Quixote.(N. Cherkasov) The use of the word violates the lexical norms of the Russian literary language title in the meaning “main, main, most important”, for example: Capital the role in the comedy “The Inspector General” undoubtedly belongs to Khlestakov(should have used the word main).

When choosing a word, it is necessary to take into account its compatibility with other words that has developed in the language. Yes, word lion's in the meaning “biggest, best” is combined only with the word share, For example: The lion's share We found technical materials on site.(V. Azh.) A violation of the lexical compatibility of this word was committed in the following sentence: The landowners appropriated the lion's share peasant income(followed instead of the word lion's use the word big or better yet, the word Part replace with a word share).

Finally, among the speech defects associated with an inaccurate understanding of the lexical meanings of words is verbosity - the use of unnecessary words, without adding anything.

filling out what is already expressed in other words. For example, in the sentence Onegin first met Tatyana at the Larins' estate such an extra word is the word for the first time, because verb познакомиться already means “to enter into acquaintance.” Wed. in N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”: Right there[at a house party] he met the governor[Chichikov] with the very courteous and polite landowner Manilov and the clumsy-looking Sobakevich...

To use words accurately, you need to know their lexical meaning well and regularly consult reference books, especially explanatory dictionaries Russian language.

27. I. Read and indicate the lexical meaning of the highlighted
words Test yourself using school Russian dictionaries
language. Tell us what methods the compilers of the data use
a dictionary to reveal the lexical meaning of words. Write it down
those phrases.

Speak with a sense of self dignity, inspire for feats of labor, to show great courage, to solve difficult problem, design sports complex, creative work, useful initiative, fair requirements.

I. Select one single-root word for each word highlighted in paragraph I, make up phrases and write them down.

28. Copy it by inserting words that are necessary in their meaning instead of dots and
explaining (orally) their meaning.

I. 1) Laugh... laugh. Transfer... disease (contagious, contagious). 2) He was a retarded man, ... . Get sick... with tuberculosis (bone, inert). 3) Have... intentions. Have... character (hidden, secretive). 4) ... master. ... silk (artificial, skillful). 5) ... woman. ... word (offensive, touchy). 6) Stand in... pose. Take... measures against violators of discipline (effective, spectacular).

P. 1) Observe... the development of the plant. Move forward
di... (process, procession). 2) Fight for technical...................

Solve problems on... (progression, progress). 3) Turn out to be an ill-mannered person, .... It’s not enough to read, be ... (not-