Natural phenomena in winter in inanimate nature. Winter phenomena in nature

Natural phenomena characterize weather with seasonal changes in nature and are observed in certain seasons of the year. Each season has its own distinctive natural weather phenomena: flowering in the spring, thunderstorms in the summer, falling leaves in the fall and snow in the winter.

Winter phenomena in inanimate nature:
1. Thaw
2. Black ice
3. Snowfall
4. Blizzard
5. Frost.

Winter is a harsh time, especially in northern latitudes our hemisphere. Its calendar time is known, but it often happens that the first signs of winter come much earlier. The slushy November weather gives way to December frosts, freezing the reservoirs and covering the ground in a fluffy blanket of snow. The days become short, and the nights drag on tediously, waiting for the first ray of sun.

The shortest day occurs during the winter solstice. This is December 21 on the night of 22. The shortest day and the longest night. From this time the countdown begins and daytime increases, reducing nighttime.
The clouds descend lower, becoming heavy and gray with overflowing moisture. They are not light or compact; they cover the entire winter sky, filling the air with the smell of moisture and freshness. They are the ones who bring heavy snowfalls, covering the ground with meter-long snowdrifts.

Snow is winter precipitation. In winter, they cover everything around with a thick blanket, creating a kind of microclimate that helps plants and small animals survive the harsh cold. The lower the air temperature, the looser the snow flooring becomes, the harder it crunches underfoot and pricks when you touch it.

In calm weather, snow falls in large snowflakes; with increasing intensity, the snow turns into a blizzard - the most dangerous winter phenomenon of nature. It occurs when the first gust of wind appears. He picks up the snow cover and carries it, dragging it along with him. In nature, snowstorms are distinguished between high and low snowstorms, depending on the redistribution air masses. Typically, severe snowstorms occur in the middle of winter, at the peak of seasonal temperatures. The formation of a snowy landscape depends on this natural phenomenon: wind-blown snow takes on the bizarre shapes of snowdrifts.

Frequent travel companion winter weather- icy conditions. This is an ice crust that forms on any surface after a sharp temperature change. Wet snow, rain before severe frost can provoke its appearance. As a rule, it is black ice that binds the entire area of ​​small streams and other sources of moisture, so it does not necessarily have to rain for it to appear.
If there are severe, long-term frosts in winter, they freeze the deepest bodies of water, which freeze to very decent depths, and this is how ice freezes begin, paralyzing shipping. The ice will begin to move only with strong warming, when the rays of the sun begin to warm up its firmament.

Frosts refer to hazardous phenomena nature. They can be installed for a long time if a winter anticyclone dominates the area. As a rule, abnormal frosts are a rare occurrence. Deviation from the usual norm does not occur everywhere and not always. Low temperatures can cause significant damage to agriculture and provoke an emergency, so all public utilities are on alert in winter.

Another indispensable attribute of winter is an icicle - a cone-shaped piece of ice that hangs from any plane. During the day, the sun warms the snow, it begins to melt and leak, and at night the frost intensifies, everything around freezes. The mass of the icicle grows as the snow melts, then it collapses from its own weight and crumbles when it hits the ground.

It is with the melting of icicles that a smooth transition to spring begins, when the air temperature gradually rises, the days become longer, and frost patterns disappear, seeping melt water into the warmed ground.
Snow is a winter look atmospheric precipitation. It has its own crystal structure, which is based on frozen microscopic drops of water. When a drop passes through the cold atmospheric layers of air and falls to the ground, it freezes and becomes overgrown with its fellows, clinging to them, forming six-pointed snowflakes. This form is due to the physical laws of water freezing.

What is snow made of?
Each snowflake rarely exceeds 5 mm in size, but the openwork interweaving of the edges can be very diverse. It is not yet clear why each snowflake is different from each other, why each of them has perfect symmetry. Today it has already been proven that all snowflakes have clear geometric lines that are combined in a hexagonal format; it is the water molecule itself that has a hexagonal shape, therefore, freezing in the clouds and turning into an ice crystal, water is formed according to this principle, capturing other molecules along the chain, located in close proximity.

The bizarre shape is influenced by both air temperature and humidity. But no one today doubts that a snowflake is, in its essence, links in one chain of frozen water molecules. The contours of the snowflake itself are angular. The tips most likely resemble sharp points or needles. Moreover, they are all different, each snowflake has its own pointed pattern. Today there is no answer to the question of why this happens. Perhaps we will soon witness new scientific discoveries, which will reveal to us the secret of geometric symmetry and dissimilarity of snowflakes.

The presence of snow plays an important role. A blanket of snow covers the ground in a thick layer of white blanket. It keeps warm and prevents plants and small animals from dying. Without it, winter crops will die, there will be no harvest, and no bread will be born. Snow creates that necessary supply of moisture, which is so important during spring awakening. Therefore, the importance of snow cannot be overestimated.

We have collected for you interesting materials about winter, which may be useful both for schoolchildren when writing stories and reports about this time of year, and for teachers. primary classes to familiarize students with the topic “Winter. Winter months. Winter natural phenomena. Winter signs about the weather.", in this case the story can be presented as a presentation. It will turn out to be a wonderful lesson or extracurricular activity.

What is winter?

When the last colorful leaves finish falling and envelop the earth with their motley carpet, and gray raindrops give way to chilly cold and the first sparkling snowflakes, winter comes into its own. She reigns for three whole months: timid frosty December, snowy and festive January and, of course, February, famous for its severe cold. In winter, nature sleeps sweetly, wrapped in a blanket of snow and calmed by the discordant but melodic tune of the blizzard. However, this exciting time of year announces itself not only with a lush cap of snow-white snowdrifts and transparent icicles hanging from the roofs of houses, but also with a temperature that does not rise above zero degrees Celsius, and makes you chilly to wrap yourself in warm clothes.

Changes in nature in winter


December, which marks the arrival of winter, unlike the mild autumn of November, very rarely pampers nature with its thaws. He carefully and gradually prepares for the onset of cold weather and frosts, lowering the temperature on the thermometer and wrapping everything around with a warm blanket of snow. Thanks to such care, many small animals and plants can survive the coming cold, because it is warmer under the snow than outside. Sparkling snowdrifts often reach 30 cm and no longer surrender to the mercy of the timid rays of the sun. The lower the air temperature, the harder the snow and the more sonorous its melodic crunch becomes.

Gradually, the day begins to lose its ground, and the cold December nights become longer and longer. Short-term frosts are already beginning to show their harsh character and a thin crust of ice hinders the movement of winding rivers. Sometimes December indulges in slight thaws and a pleasant increase in temperature, but it can remind itself of sharp frosts, and the Arctic winds gradually bring more and more cold and freshness.

In the northern hemisphere, the night of December 22 is the longest of the year, and the day of December 22 is the shortest of the year. On the winter solstice, December 22, the sun rises to its lowest height above the horizon all year.

With the onset of December, there are many folk signs about the weather. Here are some of them:

  • If in December the sky is cloudy and the clouds hang low, it means you should expect a big harvest next year.
  • If thunder rumbles often this month, then in January there will be very severe frosts.
  • The lack of rain means that spring and summer will also be dry.
  • Lots of snow, frost and frozen ground signify a good fall harvest.
  • If bullfinches arrived this month, then winter will be frosty.

In Rus', at the beginning of December, they already began to build sleigh tracks and organized troika rides. From December 9th to evening time It was worth staying close to the houses, as the wolves began to approach closer to the village.

However, December marks not only the beginning of winter, but also the eager anticipation of the New Year. This holiday, celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, is one of the most wonderful days, because it symbolizes not only the beginning of a new year, but also a time of finding new hopes and aspirations, faith in positive changes and magical events. Every person on this holiday becomes a child and looks forward to the advent of a bewitching fairy tale and the fulfillment of all dreams. The smell of pine needles and unique taste tangerines awaken warm memories and make the heart beat faster in anticipation of miracles.


In January, winter fully comes into its own. She serenely reigns over nature and continues her snowy and frosty march. Epiphany cold and unique snow crystals create a magical winter's tale from the intricate patterns on the windows, they sing about her, whirling in a whirlpool of a blizzard, and boldly look into the cloudless blue sky. The bitter cold makes itself felt with clouds of steam from the mouth and a pleasant tingling sensation on the cheeks and nose. All this magic is supported by a temperature already established within -10-30 degrees Celsius. The days are gradually becoming longer, and the impenetrable darkness of frosty nights is gradually losing its position. However, the piercing light of the bright sun does not have time to warm the earth, so the stubborn cold asserts its rights even more firmly and makes the air piercingly frosty. Thanks to this, you can admire the night clear skies and sparkling diamonds of the stars. The wind is not as strong as in December and does not shake the trees dressed in snow, but only lovingly strokes their tops.

January is famous not only for its mesmerizing beauty, but also for the onset of... important event in the life of Christians - the Nativity of Christ. This bright holiday, celebrated on January 7, is solemnly celebrated by all believers, and their congratulations to each other merge together to the sound of bells.

The days from January 7 to January 19 are called Christmastide. They are illuminated by the light of the Nativity of Christ and are perfect for various games, fortune telling and carols. Most often fortune telling occurred on the night of January 13-14. Young girls wanted to find out who their betrothed would be, and married women wanted to find out what the weather would be like in the summer and whether they should expect a big harvest. Christmastide was also a period of noisy weddings. In Rus' these days they organized sleigh rides and all kinds of snow fun.

According to folk signs about the weather:

  • if the south wind blows on January 21, then the summer will be stormy, and if there is frost on the stacks on the 23rd, then the summer will be cool and rainy.


With the onset of February, the thick gray sky, which continues to cover the sleeping earth with a soft cap of a blanket of snow, gradually becomes a little kinder and allows the bright rays of the sun to often peek through the dense clouds. Winter still reminds us of itself with the discordant tune of a blizzard and a cheerful carousel of snowflakes swirling in a blizzard, but the premonition of spring is gradually beginning to revive everything around. Cheeks pink from the biting frost gradually begin to warm up with the timid warmth of the sun. The snow becomes covered with a thin crust and begins to slowly give way, anticipating the approach of spring. The days are getting longer, and the clear sky is increasingly pleasing the eye with its unique blue.

IN southern regions In Russia, buds appear on willows - the first harbingers of spring, and thawed patches, like messengers, carry the news of its approach. The frosty wind pleasantly pricks the face with small snowflakes, and the chilly frost alternates with long-awaited thaws. However, the mesmerizing snowstorms and stubborn cold will not soon surrender to the mercy of the beautiful spring.

There are many folk signs about the weather associated with February.

  • If the weather is very cold and frosty this month, then summer will be hot.
  • Little snow in February threatens a poor harvest.
  • If thunder rumbles, then you should expect strong winds.
  • Rainy February indicates the same spring and summer.
  • Bright stars predict frost, and dim stars predict thaw.
  • If the frosts in February are very severe, then the winter will be short.

Signs of winter

One of the first signs of winter is the appearance of dense, low-hanging clouds. They, like a fur blanket, envelop the sky and do not allow the sun's rays to break through their curtain and delight the earth with their warmth, and the sun is low and does not warm up so much. Such clouds are very different from summer, light and cirrus. The winter sky does not please with its colors, but it compensates for this with sparkling snowflakes, neatly, as if sparkling silver, covering everything around.

Thick blanket of snow is also an important sign of winter. Only at this time of year fluffy snowflakes do not melt under the timid rays of the sun, but, gradually adding to them, create a reliable snow cover.

Winter is also famous for its frosts. It's gradually getting colder. The thin needles of the first frosty winds begin to tingle your cheeks and nose and force you to wrap yourself more tightly in winter clothes. A warm jacket is complemented by its permanent companions - a hat and mittens.

Plants and animals are also actively preparing for the onset of winter. Trees and shrubs in anticipation of cold weather and cloudy days shed their leaves. However, this will not last long and in the spring the first small leaves will appear on the branches. Only coniferous trees do not want to part with their green needles and continue to delight them even in winter.

IN winter time there is little food, so some animals hibernate, and those that continue to stay awake grow fluffy and thick fur. The hare, for example, turns white, and the hedgehog and bear hibernate.

It’s also not easy for birds to tolerate cold and lack of abundant food, so many of them fly to warm regions , and the rest adapt to different types stern.

Natural phenomena in winter

At this time of year there are such interesting and unusual phenomena nature like:

  • Blizzard
  • Black ice
  • Icicles
  • Frosty patterns

A blizzard appears with the first gusts of wind and, boldly picking up the snow cover, carries it away into a mysterious winter dance. This is very harsh natural phenomenon, which it is better not to meet on the way. The blizzard boldly controls the snowy landscape and arranges fluffy snowdrifts at will. Most often this happens in the middle of winter, when frost and cold reign supreme.

Black ice, like a sweet winter dream, binds water bodies and covers not only the continuous flow of rivers, but also all roads with a thin crust of ice. This happens if, after rain or sleet, the temperature drops below zero. Ice on the rivers prevents navigation, but gives wide scope for all kinds of winter activities such as sledding, skating or skiing.

Another interesting winter phenomenon is icicles. They, like ice daggers, fall into the ground and crumble into hundreds of sparkling fragments. Icicles form when snow on roofs or other flat objects begins to melt, and the resulting water freezes at low temperatures at night.

Frosty patterns, like frost, are an incredible lace creation of winter. Their whimsical design and bewitching beauty leave a lot of room for imagination and immerse you in snow fairy tale. This becomes possible due to the formation of ice crystals settling on the glass irregularities. They overlap each other and create pictures of incredible beauty.

Winter is not only beautiful time year, but also very unusual. She is like a big mystery that has yet to be solved. For example:

  • snow is a real work of art and there are no two identical snowflakes in the world.
  • Snowflakes are 95% air, which is why they fall to the ground so slowly.
  • In Antarctica you can find purple, pink or red snow.
  • In different countries and parts of the world, ice has different temperatures. For example, the coldest ice is found in Antarctic glaciers and reaches -60 degrees Celsius, and the warmest (0 degrees) is on the tops of the Scandinavian mountains and the Alps.
  • More than half of the world's inhabitants have never seen real snow.
  • On February 18, 1979, snowfall was recorded in the Sahara Desert, which is one of the hottest places on the planet.
  • Enjoy yourself warm winter possible in North Sudan. There at this time of year the temperature rarely drops below +40 degrees.
  • One of the coldest and most uninhabitable places is Antarctica. In winter, the air temperature there averages -70 degrees. And at Vostok station, which is located in Antarctica, a temperature of -89.2 degrees was recorded.

Winter is a wonderful and fabulous time of year, when, despite the short days and frosty air, life does not freeze, but is filled with new light and sound. The snow-white blanket of snow and snowflakes sparkling in the sun, the unique patterns on the glass and the ice crust that binds rivers and lakes are endlessly pleasing to the eye. The prickly frost, lovingly touching your cheeks, reminds you of how many games there are fresh air conceals this time of year and makes you freeze in anticipation of the New Year holidays.

Winter is an amazing time of year. This season presents people with many surprises - unusual weather phenomena. Some of them cause a lot of trouble, others are surprising. We'll tell you what it is freezing rain and are there thunderstorms and rainbows in winter...

freezing rain

Freezing rain - unusual precipitation, falling out at negative temperature air from 0 to -15°C in the form of solid transparent ice balls with a diameter of 1-3 mm. Inside the balls there is unfrozen water. Freezing rain forms when a layer of warm air in the atmosphere gets caught between two layers of cold air. The moisture frozen in the upper cold layer melts, entering the warm layer. Continuing to fall, raindrops near the ground end up in a layer with a temperature below zero, but they do not turn into snow or ice, but into a special state of water. Falling from a height, the balls break, water flows out and forms an ice crust. For Russia, freezing rain is a rare occurrence. The heaviest freezing rains hit North America each year.

The layer of ice that covers everything after freezing rain can cause serious damage to nature and humans. When covered with crust, each tree branch is “sealed” and becomes very fragile, similar to crystal. Often large branches break under the weight of the ice, creating problems for cars and pedestrians in the city. This phenomenon is also dangerous for power lines, as it leads to their breakage. And ice on city streets causes injuries, car accidents and road collapses.


On December 25, 2010, freezing rain fell over middle lane Russia. There were numerous power line breaks in Moscow and the Moscow region. More than 400 thousand people were left without electricity, Domodedovo Airport was completely cut off. Due to falling branches and entire trees, 27 people were injured and one died. As a result of the ice, 1,350 people were injured over two days. There were cases of freezing rain and ice in other regions of Russia. In the Ural city of Troitsk, schools were closed for two days due to ice. A huge traffic jam formed on the M5 highway in the Zlatoust area due to the fact that heavy trucks could not climb the slope.

On December 26, 2010, freezing rain covered and Western Europe. In Poland, thousands of people were left without electricity due to icy wires. Electric transport has stopped working in some directions. In Germany, road patrols recorded hundreds of accidents, and serious traffic jams occurred on highways.

snow squall

A winter hurricane during which wind speeds reach 56 kilometers per hour is called a snow squall or storm. The area of ​​distribution of a snow storm can be arbitrarily extensive. If the wind speed during a squall exceeds 60 kilometers per hour, it is given its own name.


Most recently, on December 22, 2013, a snow squall swept across the United States. According to news agencies, at least 600 people were killed and five more were seriously injured as a result of the consequences of the snow storm. Almost 300 thousand homes were left without electricity in Michigan. 100 thousand buildings - in the states of New York and Maine. More than 500 flights were canceled at US airports. The next day, a snowstorm accompanied by freezing rain and wind reached Canada. Here, 400 thousand people were left without electricity, hundreds of flights were canceled at the airports of Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and other cities. This snow storm was the worst in Canada in the last 15 years of recording.

If for northern latitudes snow storms are a common phenomenon, although they cause a lot of trouble, then for the southern regions of our planet they are a real cataclysm. On December 11 and 12, 2013, there was continuous snowfall in Israel, which paralyzed traffic. Snow fell in Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Upper Galilee and Mitzpe Ramon. Due to abnormal weather conditions were closed educational institutions. According to meteorologists, 72 mm of rain fell on Jerusalem in a few hours.

Severe frosts

Abnormally severe frosts were observed in Russia in December 2012. According to meteorologists, such cold weather has not occurred in our country for 74 years. They lasted for two weeks - in the Central region of Russia in 2012, a record was recorded for the duration of abnormal cold weather. But it was hardest for residents of Siberia, where thermometers showed minus 50. Due to the frost, school classes were canceled for a week in several regions.

In 2012, in Moscow alone, the number of victims of the abnormal cold numbered dozens: 21 people died, 271 people suffered from hypothermia and frostbite.


In the last century the most low temperature air on Earth was recorded in Antarctica, at the Soviet Vostok station on July 21, 1983, when a platinum thermometer showed -89.2 degrees Celsius. But just recently, scientists from the American National Ice and Snow Information Center announced a new temperature record on our planet - minus 91.2 degrees! A new record also comes from the southern continent, only now the pole of cold has become a mountain near the Japanese Antarctic station “Fuji Dome”. True, the Japanese measured the temperature from a satellite.

The lowest temperature recorded in Russia is minus 78 degrees Celsius. This abnormally low temperature was observed in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River, which is considered to be the pole of cold Northern Hemisphere.

winter thunderstorm

It is generally accepted that thunderstorms are exclusively summer phenomenon nature. But sometimes they also happen in winter, when daytime temperatures rise only a few degrees above zero. Such thunderstorms are called snow thunderstorms. This phenomenon is quite rare. The average frequency of such thunderstorms is once every 5 - 10 years. Only for very deep and fast moving cyclones humid air from sea latitudes, arriving on the continent in large masses and to high speed, causes strong electrification of the air, which gives rise to thunderstorms.


On December 24, 2013, residents of St. Petersburg observed a winter thunderstorm with snowfall. Meteorologists attribute the anomaly to warm weather, which is in the Northern capital this December - plus five degrees Celsius. Another surprise from nature: after a thunderstorm, a winter rainbow hung over the city.

winter rainbow

Winter, in addition to frosts, snowstorms and ice, also has pleasant natural phenomena. For example, a winter rainbow. This is the refraction of light rays on tiny ice crystals hanging in the air. A winter rainbow is akin to such a rare atmospheric phenomenon as a halo. The difference is that a halo occurs when ice crystals, receiving an electrical charge, line up in in a certain order. But for a winter rainbow, it is necessary that the crystals, on the contrary, do not have any charge and are randomly oriented. Three components of a rainbow in winter - bright sun, severe frost and high humidity - most often coincide when the weather changes, for example, with the approach of a snowstorm or frost. And one more thing - if in the summer we see a rainbow-arc, then in the winter there is a chance of seeing a rainbow, which is a closed ring.


A winter rainbow was observed this December by St. Petersburg residents after a winter thunderstorm. And on December 6, 2012, residents of Novokuznetsk were lucky enough to admire this rare winter phenomenon. In the city of Koltsovo, Sverdlovsk region, on December 10, 2012, a round rainbow was seen around the sun.

Giant snowflakes

An ordinary snowflake rarely exceeds 5 mm in size and weighs 4 mg. But there are exceptions. So in Siberia, people had to observe snow flakes 30 cm in diameter. The growth of snowflakes directly depends on air temperature and humidity. To make snowflakes neat and regular in shape, an air temperature of -5 to -20 degrees Celsius is required. At temperatures below 30 degrees, snowflakes fall in the form of “diamond dust.” Large snowflakes are formed when high humidity air, they can more often be seen near bodies of water, since the evaporation of water creates the most favorable conditions for their education.


The largest snowflakes in our country were observed by residents of Moscow in 1944. They were the size of a palm and resembled ostrich feathers. Scientists explained this phenomenon this way: from areas close to North Pole, a wave of cold air descended, and snowflakes began to form in the clouds. But they could not fall to the ground right away: they were supported by rising warm air currents from the heated earth. Snowflakes floated in the air and stuck together, forming flakes. By evening, the air near the ground cooled, the rising jets weakened, and an amazing snowfall began.

And the largest snowflake in the world was recorded in America; it was 38 cm in diameter and 20 cm thick. Such giant snowflakes fell in the city of Fort Keogh, Montana, in 1887.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in autumn, winter, spring and summer: description.

Autumn is the golden time of the year, which comes immediately after the hot and sunny summer. Little children notice dramatic changes, both in the weather and in their attitude towards themselves. With the onset of autumn, the scorching rays of the sun replace rainy days, the trees begin to shed their leaves, and the grass turns yellow. Thus, nature is preparing for the onset of cold weather and winter.

Autumn signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature: list

For many schoolchildren, autumn is associated with the beginning of a new academic year, at this time the children meet with their friends and classmates, and dressed in school uniform go to gain new knowledge.

There are the following signs of the onset of autumn:

  • Surely the kids noticed when autumn came, the sun had disappeared somewhere, and the sky was covered with clouds. Even in sunny weather, it is no longer so warm outside (you can tell by the way people start dressing). Light T-shirts and dresses are replaced by jackets and jeans, and with the onset of October-December, many people wear coats and jackets.
  • Despite the fact that summer is hot, there are, of course, windy weather. But it’s more pleasing, because when a warm breeze blows, it’s refreshing. But strong gusts of wind in autumn are not so pleasant, because the cold wind blows with such force that it tears leaves from the trees.
  • Autumn is characterized by frequent fogs, and mothers begin to monitor weather changes, because in autumn the weather often changes, and dressing correctly is very important at such a time, because... It's very easy to get sick. By the way, with climate change, many children begin to get sick colds, something you rarely see in the summer.
  • The coming autumn can be seen in the plants, for example, how grapes or currants turn red, chestnuts and many other trees and shrubs turn yellow. In September it is already possible to collect fallen maple leaves. They are often used to make appliques or various bouquets. But to determine the offensive by coniferous trees autumn period impossible, because such trees are green both in summer and winter.
  • You can determine weather changes by watching animals. For example, most birds hide from the cold by flying to warmer regions. Of course, there are those who are not afraid of the cold - these are pigeons, crows and sparrows. But the heat-loving birds, sensing the advance rainy autumn They immediately fly away with their chicks far to the south.
  • There are animals that hibernate, such as bears, raccoons, badgers, hedgehogs and many others, especially those that live in minks. The hare, fox and squirrels change their color, making it easier for them to camouflage themselves from predators. As you know, squirrels are very thrifty - so they prepare a lot of nuts and acorns for the winter, which they will feed on throughout the cold weather. And they collect food in the fall, when nuts and acorns are ripe. This can also be observed.
  • Pesky flies, mosquitoes and many insects also hide with the onset of the slightest cold weather.
  • Why has the day become shorter? This also characterizes autumn. If the sun sets earlier than usual, then you can expect the onset of cold days. This is a sign of autumn in inanimate nature.
  • Getting closer to winter, you can see frost in the mornings. These are small particles of dew that have frozen on the leaves and surfaces in an uneven, prickly layer.
  • There is even ice in the fall; this often happens at the end of November, when the air temperature reaches sub-zero values. By this time people are already wearing hats, gloves and scarves. The weather promises that winter is just around the corner.

Autumn is a very bright and beautiful time of year, the roads are covered with a golden “blanket”, you can watch beautiful landscapes and birds flying away to warmer climes. Despite the fact that autumn reigns rainy weather, it gives us the opportunity to observe the beauty of nature.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in autumn: description of observations

On the territory of our country one can often observe changes in the weather and nature, which “adjusts” to the coming changes. Many of the phenomena that we observe are associated specifically with the seasons and are therefore called seasonal. One of the most beautiful times of the year is autumn.

During this period, nature is painted with golden colors, all animals and plants are preparing for the cold winter and you can observe the most amazing changes and phenomena. Autumn is characterized by the following main changes:

  • Fogs. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the earth heats up during the day, and at night the temperature is already below zero, so fog, dew and even frost are observed with sunrise
  • Shower. Autumn is associated with rainy weather, and it is during this period that heavy rains- in other words, rain
  • Wind. It is in the fall that when you go outside you can encounter strong gusts of wind, which are often accompanied by rain or even hail.
  • It gets dark earlier
  • Cloudy weather
  • You can see thin ice on ponds and puddles, but standing on it, much less playing on it, is very dangerous; it’s better to wait until winter
  • The onset of winter can also be characterized by “Indian” summer. During this period, a heavy milky fog falls to the ground, filling the air with dampness.
  • At the end of autumn, rainy weather is diluted by light snowfall, after which there is often ice

This is a characteristic of inanimate nature that can be observed in the fall, but changes in living nature include:

  • Animals such as fox, squirrel and hare change their color
  • Many animals hibernate in late autumn
  • Birds fly to warmer climes
  • Insects also hide from the cold weather; you will no longer see butterflies and ladybugs, the whistle of grasshoppers cannot be heard, bees do not buzz and do not pollinate plants, mosquitoes and flies are also becoming less common
  • Leaf fall. This is the first sign of what's coming golden autumn. The castings turn yellow, and with a strong gust of wind trees and bushes are freed from them. All roads are covered with a beautiful golden carpet

Autumn is a wonderful time of year that prepares nature and people for the cold frosty winter. This time gives us a break from the hot and stuffy summer days. But the first ones who begin to respond to climate changes are plants. Berries and vegetables are fully ripening, and the trees are dressed in golden foliage.

Winter signs of winter in living and inanimate nature: list

In anticipation of the New Year, many children know that the luxurious time of year has arrived - winter. Gifts, holidays and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are not all indicators that winter has come. Of course, it comes a month earlier - December 1st. This is a fabulous time when you can play in the snow and sculpt a Snow Woman, we see stunning drawings on the windows, and there is beautiful snowy weather outside.

In anticipation of the onset of winter, we are all waiting for a fairy tale, wish fulfillment and magic. This is how we associate cold winter. But these are not all the indicators by which one can determine the onset of such a wonderful period:

  • Firstly, everyone dresses warmly enough. A down jacket or fur coat is used as outerwear, people wear warm gloves and hats, and in very “severe” weather - huge scarves and thermal underwear. It is very important to dress as warmly as possible in such cold weather, because you can easily catch a cold and miss the entire winter holidays
  • Snowfall is also the main characteristic of the winter period.
  • The winter sky is quite heavy and seems to hang right above your head. There is moisture and frosty freshness in the air
  • Ice. Walking or driving in winter is very dangerous; for convenience, many people wear snowshoes, and their cars are “changed” to winter tires. After all, it’s very easy to slip, and worse, hurt your leg or arm.

  • If a strong wind blows and snow falls, it becomes a blizzard. It’s very exciting to watch such weather from the window, but if you get caught in a strong wind with snow, it’s quite unpleasant
  • As children, we all really loved icicles. And this is another sign of winter. In other words, an icicle is a cone-shaped piece of ice that can most often be found on roofs or trees.
  • Animals, birds and insects, unfortunately, can be found very rarely, because birds fly away to warmer climes, animals hibernate, and insects hide from the severe frosts that are typical for winter
  • Days are much shorter than nights

Despite the cold temperatures and snowstorms, winter is a wonderful time; many games can only be played thanks to the snow that only falls in winter. Skiing, sledding, snowboarding, playing snowballs or sculpting various figures out of snow - these are very exciting and educational activities that are possible only in winter. Therefore, the winter holidays should not be spent sitting in front of a computer monitor, but rather have a great free time with friends or family.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in winter: description of observations

Nature is everything that surrounds us and is created by human hands. Conditionally, nature can be divided into living and nonliving. The first group includes plants, animals, fungi, humans, and microbes. But to inanimate nature: the sun, air, stars, soil, precipitation, etc.

In winter, summer, autumn and spring, all phenomena change smoothly, and this is how we can determine the seasons of the year. Winter is the coldest time of the year, but this is also the most beautiful time. In winter, the season of fun snowball fights opens, children ride on slides and sleds, make a snow woman, and most importantly, everyone is looking forward to a fabulous New Year. This time can be determined by the following signs:

  • Snow is more often observed in the form of precipitation. Snowflakes fall to the ground either independently or in flakes. And also only in winter you can see snowfall - this is heavy snowfall
  • Blizzard and blizzard
  • Ice. Of course, all kids love to skate, but this activity is quite dangerous, so you can only play on the ice if accompanied by adults
  • Icicles can be found on the roofs of houses and tree branches. Therefore, you need to be careful, and it is better not to walk under houses, because if the temperature gets higher, the icicle can easily melt and fall
  • Santa Claus decorates the windows with beautiful patterns
  • All rivers and lakes are covered with a thick layer of ice, which is called freeze-up

The following changes can be found in living nature:

  • Many animals change their color, such as the hare, squirrel and fox
  • Bears and hedgehogs hibernate
  • Bullfinches and tits arrive and replace the bulk of the birds
  • People dress in warm clothes

When the snow begins to melt and the patterns on the windows disappear, the sun begins to warm up, and the days become longer - then winter begins to gradually transition into another season - spring. What other signs of the spring season there are are described in the next paragraph.

Spring signs of spring in living and inanimate nature: list

Spring is associated with new life, because during this period the earth wakes up from winter hibernation, nature begins to bloom, the first still very green petals and bunches appear. This is the most wonderful time, the sun is brighter and the sky is clear, and there is freshness in the air.

You can understand exactly when spring begins very easily, there is large number phenomena and processes that characterize such a season, for example:

  • The first green flowers appear
  • Animals wake up from hibernation
  • Bunnies, squirrels and foxes again change the color of their coats, so they camouflage themselves with their environment. Many animals begin to shed
  • Buds appear, and from them - flowers
  • You can hear the singing of birds returning from warmer climes
  • Spring is the time for the birth of a new generation in animals
  • Birds begin to build nests

From inanimate nature:

  • The first is the melting of snow
  • Streams begin to gurgle
  • In winter there are practically no thunderstorms, but in spring you can encounter such a phenomenon
  • Ice drift - this phenomenon occurs because the ice begins to melt and smoothly moves along the rivers

If you watch what people do, you can also see changes. Spring is considered the time of cleaning, because after winter it is worth cleaning your home. Also, preparations are underway to plant a vegetable garden, especially if a person lives in a rural area.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in spring: description of observations

After cold winter, everyone is looking forward to warmer days. Literally from the very first days of spring, the sun's rays begin to warm up, and at the same time flowers appear, the grass turns green, trees bloom, and birds begin to sing. In other words, the Earth comes to life again and wakes up.

  • The first sign is the snow is melting. The icicles are melting and the beautiful patterns on the windows are gradually disappearing.
  • The day is getting longer.
  • If in winter there are often leaden clouds, and the sky is gray and dull, then in spring the sky becomes lighter, the clouds disperse and the sky becomes clean and clear.
  • Plants also react to the arrival of spring and demonstrate this by the appearance of green leaves, buds, spruce and alder trees blooming young cones. Flowers gradually bloom, bees and other insects appear.

  • Spring is also associated with the fluffy “seals” of the willow tree; they are carried to church on Palm Sunday. Also, one of the most important holidays Spring is March 8th. This is International Women's Day, and flowers such as tulips are considered a symbol.
  • The birds are flying home again, and this can be heard from the beautiful singing. Swallows begin to build nests and have offspring.
  • Animals change their warm clothes to lighter ones. At the same time, the color of the coat itself.
  • People also change their wardrobe, hiding fur coats, warm hats and boots until next winter.

Vienna also has more exciting activities, for example, closer to May holidays, many go fishing, pick mushrooms, start grilling kebabs and relax a lot in nature, enjoying the beautiful nature.

Summer signs of summer in living and inanimate nature: list

Of course, all children know when summer begins, because... After a hard school year, the long-awaited summer holidays are coming. That's why summer is the best favorite time per year. Many go to visit their grandmothers or to a resort with their parents. The sea, the beach and a lot of fun await every child. But this is not the only indicator that summer has come; there are also such changes in living and inanimate nature, for example:

  • Weather conditions. The wind is dry, the temperature is high, so even the nights in summer are quite warm. But if the day is very hot and the sky is clear as a tear, at one moment it can start raining with a thunderstorm, after which you can often see a rainbow
  • In the morning you can find dew on the leaves and grass
  • Winds can be strong with variable gusts and frequent changes of direction

The hot days of summer are diluted by rainy weather, and summer rain is divided into several types:

  1. Ordinary
  2. Short term. It is also called blind or mushroom, accompanied by sunny weather
  3. Shower. It starts suddenly. For very short time A large amount of water falls out. Accompanied by wind and thunder
  4. City-shaped. Along with the drops of water, hail particles also fall out. They flow powerfully and quickly, which consequently negatively affects agriculture
  • The grass is bright green
  • In summer, berries and fruits ripen, flowers bloom
  • Already at the beginning of summer you can collect mushrooms after the rain

In summer, people dress quite lightly, wear sunglasses and hats that protect from hot weather sun rays. IN agriculture Summer is a very important period; agronomists and landowners are cultivating the soil, looking after their gardens, picking berries and preserving them for the winter.

Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature in summer: description of observations

Using the textbook “The World around us”, children starting from the second grade can become familiar with various anomalies and changes environment. All these changes change smoothly along with the seasons of the year, which is why they are often called seasonal.

The main objects and phenomena that can be encountered in the summer are:

  • Hot weather
  • Strong gusts of warm wind
  • Rains, after which you can collect mushrooms
  • Thunder is a sound phenomenon that is often accompanied by lightning
  • After the rain a rainbow appears
  • In the morning you can observe such a phenomenon as dew.
  • The plants are dressed in green petals, there is a scent of flowers, and the fruits are ripening
  • You can hear birds singing, bees buzzing and crickets ringing
  • The day is longer than the night and you can watch the beautiful stars through the clear and clear sky.

Each season of the year is unique and beautiful in its own way:

  • In autumn, all nature, plants, animals and people prepare for the cold. Trees turn yellow and shed their leaves, animals make provisions for the winter, change color, and some are preparing for hibernation. Birds fly to warmer climes, and insects hide. People take out warm clothes and umbrellas, collect ripe fruits and wait for frost.
  • Winter is the time for snow-white fairy tales and fun games in the snow. The entire surface of the earth is covered with a thick layer of snow and ice. With the beginning of winter, children and adults are looking forward to the New Year holidays.
  • In spring, the earth wakes up from its winter sleep, everything around blossoms, and a fresh aroma soars in the air. Birds return, animals also change their coats and crawl out of their burrows and continue their offspring. You can already find insects, birds and midges. And people are slowly planting vegetable gardens and orchards and preparing for the hot summer.
  • Summer is my favorite time of year, because... The long-awaited vacation begins. Finally, you can enjoy warm days, soak up the sun and swim in the sea. Already at the beginning of summer you can savor delicious berries and fruits. In the summer you can pick mushrooms, go to the forest to pick flowers and relax in the fresh air.

Video: Living and inanimate nature - objects and phenomena, educational for children

One of the most beautiful times of the year is certainly winter. Both children and adults look forward to it, because frosty snowy weather in winter always lifts the spirits.

Classification of natural phenomena: examples

Climate anomalies are classified according to the nature of their origin, impact, duration, scale and regularity. They themselves represent any natural meteorological change.

By origin they are geomorphological, biogeochemical, cosmic and climatic. The most common are the latter (rain, typhoon, etc.). And the most beautiful of them are winter natural phenomena (examples: snow,

In Asia and America lately cases of geomorphological phenomena (tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes) have become more frequent.

Based on their duration, meteorological anomalies are divided into instantaneous, short-term and long-term. The first includes an earthquake, the second - flood, rain, squall, and the third - drying out of a river or climate change. As for regularity, according to this criterion, natural phenomena can be seasonal or daily.

The greatest danger to human life is posed by natural meteorological phenomena - tornado, typhoon, lightning. These may include winter snow squalls and abnormal frost).

There are quite interesting rare phenomena in the world around us. Among them we can highlight lunar rainbow, halo effect, star rain, aurora and many others.

What is winter characterized by: examples

It is rightfully considered the harshest period in northern latitudes. It is worth noting that closer to the equator, winter begins in June-July. This is due to tropical climate and the polarity of the planet.

One of the first signs of approaching winter is light frosts and short daylight hours. The winter weather in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere, especially in Russia and Scandinavia, is sometimes striking in its mercilessness. For example, in Norway the air temperature can drop to -45 degrees, and in Siberia even down to -70 degrees. But how beautiful nature is in winter (see photo below)! This is especially true wild forests and high mountains.

In addition, as this time of year approaches, winter natural phenomena such as low clouds, lack of wind, and frost are observed. The most common climatic anomalies from mid-December are snow, blizzards, snowdrifts, sleet and others.

Winter phenomena: frost

At this time of year in northern countries very worth it cold weather. In winter, frosts there can reach a threshold of -60 degrees and below. In countries with temperate climate weather conditions are more tolerant and soft (down to -20 o C).

Frost as a natural phenomenon can be divided into categories:

  • weak (down to -3 o C);
  • moderate (up to -12 o C);
  • significant (up to -22 o C);
  • fierce (up to -43 o C);
  • extreme (up to -54 o C);
  • abnormal (below -55 o C).

It is worth noting that frosty weather in a dry climate is much easier to tolerate than in a humid climate.

Winter phenomena: snow

Precipitation in frosty weather occurs in the form of crystallized drops of water. As they pass through the cold, the moisture particles freeze, stick together, and fall to the ground. This phenomenon is called snow. It is considered the most common in terms of probability of occurrence in winter period after frost.

It is worth noting that each snowflake does not exceed 5 mm in diameter. However, exceptions (up to 30 mm) have been repeatedly observed in nature. Snowflakes differ in shape from each other. First of all, this concerns the interlacing of edges. Despite this, they all have perfect symmetry and clear contours. Each snowflake is a hexagon. This formation format is determined by the shape of the water molecule, which has 6 faces. That is why, as a result, ice crystals, connecting and growing in the atmosphere, create a perfect hexagon. Humidity and air temperature also affect the shape of a snowflake. The higher the first indicator and the lower the second, the larger and more bizarre the contour will be.

Snowfall in winter plays a very important role. The snowdrift flooring retains heat well, preventing plants and insects from dying in severe frost. Snow also creates a sufficient supply of moisture so that the flora can awaken in time in the spring.

Winter phenomena: snowstorm

This natural phenomenon is the transfer of snow from the surface by strong winds. At the moment, there are 3 types of snowstorms: blowing snow, general snowstorm and drifting snow.

Snow storms (see photo below) lift ice particles to a certain height from the surface of the earth, which significantly reduces visibility. If the vertical layer of cover is about 2 meters, such a snowstorm is called a blowing snow. With it, horizontal visibility is practically zero. On the other hand, the sky and clouds are clearly visible. The wind speed during a ground storm is about 10 m/s.

During a general snowstorm, snow is transported in the surface atmospheric layer. The movement of frozen water particles occurs kilometers upward. In this case, horizontal visibility can reach more than 2 meters. Define celestial bodies there is no possibility. The wind speed during such a snowstorm exceeds 12 m/s.

Drifting snow is the transfer of snow cover up to a meter. At the same time, there is excellent both vertical and horizontal visibility. This phenomenon occurs most often during snowfall. Wind speed varies from 4 to 6 m/s.

Winter phenomena: ice

This natural anomaly is directly related to precipitation. It should not be confused with black ice. These are two different concepts.

Ice is a layer of frozen water (when snow melts or after rain). Appears only when the temperature drops noticeably. It forms even at 0 degrees.

Ice is the formation of an ice crust on trees, ground, and wires, which is associated with precipitation on a frozen surface. This phenomenon occurs most often during sudden warming in upper layers atmosphere.

Ice is considered one of the most dangerous meteorological phenomena on earth, since it is associated with severe injuries and car accidents. Nevertheless, such winter natural phenomena are especially interesting and long-awaited for children, because they can skate and sled on the ice, like on a skating rink.

Ice buildup occurs in a matter of hours. But its destruction is proceeding extremely slowly. Most often, this process drags on for several days.

Winter phenomena: freeze-up

This process occurs only in reservoirs. Its duration varies depending on the landscape area and air temperature. Freeze-up is the formation of a frozen layer of water. The cover begins to form when the temperature in the river (lake) drops to zero degrees. It is worth noting that in shallow water it forms much faster. Optimal conditions For the formation of an ice layer are low air temperature and lack of wind. During a blizzard, cover forms only near the coast.

Such winter natural phenomena are very dangerous for humans. The cover can crack at any moment, and the likelihood of tragedy is especially high during ice drift. This process occurs on fast-flowing rivers. The water begins to erode the ice and carry its fragments further from the shore. Gradually, frozen debris builds up due to the collision and forms thick hummocks.

Winter phenomena: frosty patterns

Often, with sub-zero air temperatures, strange patterns appear on the windows, as if painted with white paint. The structure of these formations is always tree-like. In meteorology, they are often called dendrites.

Frosty patterns appear on glass in the form of frozen water molecules when the outside temperature drops below 2 degrees. This is a kind of layer of loose, opaque ice. It is worth noting that microcracks and scratches on the glass play an important role in the formation of patterns.

Dendritic crystallization always begins at the bottom of the window because the water molecules are acted upon by gravity. Scientists have proven that when relative humidity and a sharp change in temperature from plus to minus, such patterns are capable of covering 1 square meter of glass in just a couple of hours.

Winter phenomena: snowdrifts and icicles

Significant precipitation in sub-zero temperatures always entails large snow covers. In most cases, snowdrifts are formed as a result of a long snowstorm. Sediment occurs on any obstacles - be it a wall, a fence or a small stump. Snowdrifts resemble sand dunes, but are much looser and more lush. Formed from an obstacle.

An icicle is a piece of ice that hangs from an object (roof, branch, wire). Usually it has a cone shape. Formed when snow melts or water flows. The droplets quickly freeze under the influence of low air temperatures, forming the final shape of an icicle.

Such winter natural phenomena are extremely dangerous for people with the onset of above-zero air temperatures. Icicles can also fall down under the influence of their own gravity. In addition, thick ice formations often cause downed wires and broken tree branches.

Rare winter natural phenomena

One of the most amazing climatic anomalies associated with this time of year is a snow storm. This phenomenon happens once every 10 years. Snow thunderstorms occur due to a sharp increase in daytime air temperatures. Fast-moving deep cyclones drive moist, electrified air, which descends to cold ground large masses with peals of thunder and lightning.

Another rare phenomenon is a snow rainbow. This anomaly once again makes you wonder how unpredictable and wonderful nature can be in winter (see photo below).

A rainbow occurs due to the refraction of the sun's rays on ice crystals suspended in the air. This requires 4 conditions: high humidity, bright sun, no wind.

A snow squall is considered a very rare but extremely dangerous winter phenomenon. Although in recent years, with climate change on the planet, this anomaly is becoming more common. A squall means a strong snow storm with wind speeds of more than 60 km/h. Such a storm is always marked by loss of life and serious destruction.