Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday holiday When is Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is a moving holiday (depending on the date of Easter) - and this year the date of its celebration falls on April 8. Palm Sunday is celebrated 6 days before the crucifixion of Christ and a week before Easter.

What is the meaning of Palm Sunday, and what is its history?

History of Palm Sunday

The holiday of Palm Sunday is associated with the famous entry of Christ into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, which is where his suffering on the cross began. Accounts of this event can be found in the Gospels of all four evangelists - Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.

The holiday of Palm Sunday is so important for all believers because Jesus' entry into Jerusalem symbolized the beginning of his voluntary suffering for the sake of people. And his entry into the city on a donkey was connected with the fact that in the time of Christ all earthly kings and victors entered Jerusalem on donkeys or horses, and the people greeted them with shouts and waves of palm branches. But Christ entered not as a conqueror or an earthly king, but as the king of the kingdom of heaven and the conqueror of sin and death. And he knew what awaited him, consciously going to death for the sake of all living.

In Rus', this holiday was called Palm Sunday, because its symbol is the first blossoming branches - branches of willow, willow or willow (willow plants). What customs associated with the Palm Sunday holiday were there in Rus'?

Palm Sunday holiday: customs

The branches of willow plants (usually willow) on Palm Sunday symbolize those branches with which the Jews greeted Christ during his entry into Jerusalem.

On Palm Sunday, willow branches are blessed in the church and placed at home next to the icons until the next Palm Sunday. In Rus', it was believed that illuminated willow branches have mystical powers and help drive away evil spirits from the house, its inhabitants and livestock. A willow twig was a sure remedy against the evil eye, damage, attacks by predatory animals and various other troubles of life.

In general, a lot of signs and customs were associated with willow and the Palm Sunday holiday. For example, such “entertainment” was considered useful: after the morning service, children, acquaintances and relatives were lightly hit with a consecrated willow with the words: “Whip the willow, hit them until they cry.” I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as a willow." Before the first pasture, the cattle were given several willow branches to eat, and a few more willow branches were placed in the barn. It was believed that such rituals bring good health and ward off evil spirits. And unmarried girls or those who had just gotten married were struck with a blessed willow so that they would have many healthy children. By the way, the willow was not chosen for this by chance - in Rus' it was believed that the willow was one of the most tenacious and strong trees. There was even a belief that no matter what soil and no matter how you stick a willow branch, it will still take root and grow. Therefore, what, if not the willow, could give health and well-being?

Willow on Palm Sunday also helped to solve important problems and matters. To do this, it was enough to eat 3 willow buds, illuminated in the church on Palm Sunday, and wash down the “meal” with holy water with thoughts about a matter in which luck is needed. True, it was not recommended to often resort to the help of willow - once again there was no need to disturb higher powers in order to avoid problems.

Willow on Palm Sunday could even help in love affairs. It was believed that if from the very morning on Palm Sunday a girl began to think about her loved one, who, unfortunately, in turn, did not pay attention to her, then in the evening he would come to her house and invite her for a walk. Perhaps the fulfillment of a wish on Palm Sunday is somehow connected with the power of the willow, but perhaps this is another manifestation of the thesis that thought is material. But, one way or another, on Palm Sunday, wishes come true faster!

Willow was sold in Rus' at willow bazaars, which children loved very much. After all, in addition to willow branches, you could buy interesting toys, books or goodies at palm markets on Palm Sunday. And a figurine of an angel - a willow cherub - was necessarily tied to a bunch of willow trees.

On Palm Sunday, despite fasting, it was allowed to eat fish. In addition, on Palm Sunday they cooked porridge, adding palm catkins.

Signs for Palm Sunday

Many different signs were associated with willow and Palm Sunday. For example:

“Cattle are driven into the field for the first time (on Yurya) with willow on Palm Sunday”,

“If Palm Week is a great week, with matinees, then the yari will be good”,

“In the palm frost, spring bread will be good”,

“The willow is leading to muddy roads, driving away the last ice from the river”.

And if suddenly on some day after Palm Sunday a thunderstorm began, people took an illuminated willow branch standing near the icons and placed it on the windowsill. It was believed that in this way one could protect the house from being struck by lightning.

The Palm Sunday holiday has an interesting history and is rich in customs and signs. And its significance in the series of Orthodox holidays is not in doubt. By the way, the Palm Sunday holiday is another reason to go with the whole family to the forest for palm branches or just take a walk in the park and breathe fresh air!

, Palm Sunday(Old Glory. Week Vaiy, lat. Dominica in Palmis de passione Domini) - a Christian holiday celebrated on the Sunday ("Week") preceding Easter Week, that is, the sixth Week.

Every sixth Sunday of Lent, exactly one week before the holiday, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday.

Story. The history of Palm Sunday marks the day of Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem for the Christian world. The rumor about the resurrection of Lazarus at the hand of Jesus spread throughout all the cities, people saw in Jesus the solution to their problems, their new ruler, the king whom they would like to see on the throne. In those days it was a custom for the ruler to ride into the city on a donkey, showing that he came in peace. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People greeted him with palm branches, and the entire path of the Messiah's progress was covered with flowers. The palm tree in Judea was considered a symbol of virtue and closeness to God. Only kings were greeted this way. Jesus Christ knew that he was bringing people not an earthly kingdom, but a path to the salvation of their souls - the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus also knew the price he would have to pay for this.

Why then a willow and not a palm tree? Not all countries where Christianity is practiced have palm trees. Therefore, in countries they are replaced with tree branches, which are the first to bloom in the spring. Therefore, Orthodox Christians replaced palm branches with willow. In addition, among Orthodox Christians, the willow symbolizes virtue, renewal and new life.

Orthodox Christians began to call Palm Sunday, but Catholics still have the name Palm Sunday.

Signs, customs and rituals for Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, people bring willow branches to church to bless it. The consecrated willow branches, which are brought into the house after church, on this day are a symbol of the fact that people, just like the Jews in their time, meet Jesus Christ. Blessed willow is kept for a whole year.

Since ancient times, willow branches have been attributed healing and magical properties. The consecrated willow was considered a talisman for the whole family - they touched loved ones with a twig, wishing them health and happiness. There is a ritual when, after a church service, people come home, beat each other with willow branches and say: “I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as water and rich as the earth” or “Whip the willow - hit until you cry. Be healthy like the willow.” " and others. The meaning of the ritual is to wish a loved one health and well-being. And people simply believe that after such rituals, health, strength and prosperity will come to a person. Palm branches decorate the icons in the house. This ritual should bring happiness, prosperity and health to every inhabitant of the house.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to pat little children with bunches of willow that were blessed in the temple so that they do not get sick throughout the year and grow up healthy.

Swallowing palm buds on Palm Sunday was known in Ukraine, where children ate the buds “so that their throat wouldn’t hurt.”

It is also believed that the water in which the branches of the consecrated willow stood had healing properties - they bathed sick children in it and believed that the disease would thus recede. On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases throughout the year. In the old days, this was how many diseases were treated.

On this day, men wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength to a young man, and girls wore willow buds to help them conceive a child.

Traditionally, on this day you can enjoy delicious dishes and please the kids with sweets. But, since the holiday falls during Lent, dairy and meat products should not be placed on the holiday table. On this day you can eat fish and drink a little red wine.

According to ancient legends, on this day no one drove cattle out into the street, as they believed that evil spirits would definitely spoil them. And the girls on Palm Sunday always combed their hair, saying: “Water, go to the ground along with your headache.” And then they put the comb in water and watered the willow with this water.

Palm Week, especially its last days, has many signs associated with the weather and the future harvest. In the old days they believed that whatever wind blows on Palm Sunday, it will be like that all summer, and if the weather is warm and clear on that day, then the whole village was preparing to harvest a good harvest of fruit. If “it’s frosty on Verbnaya, spring bread will be good.”

On Palm Sunday you cannot work, swear or be offended.

Photo: iStock/Global Images Ukraine

Palm Sunday is the holiday preceding Easter, celebrated by Christians on the sixth Sunday of Lent. It is accompanied by a long service, and the main tradition in Russia is the lighting of willow branches.


On this day, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated, about which all four evangelists write - Matthew (21 chapters), Mark (11), Luke (19) and John (12). The point is that in those days, on the eve of Easter, thousands of pilgrims flocked to Jerusalem from all over the Middle East, and then a rumor spread that Jesus raised Lazarus. People were waiting for Jesus of Nazareth, the savior of Israel. They believed that the Messiah would appear to the people on Easter.

(Giotto di Bondone - Jesus entry into Jerusalem)

The Son of God rode into the city on a donkey, which meant a symbol of peace (on a horse - a symbol of war). They say that the gate through which he entered still exists, but has been tightly walled up for many centuries. The people greeted him with exclamations of “Hosanna (glory) to the son of David!” and each one touched Jesus lightly with a palm branch, expressing devotion and love. These are the roots of the modern tradition of hitting loved ones with a consecrated willow, while saying: “I don’t hit - it’s the willow that hits! The willow whips - it hits you to tears!”

The Lord's entry into Jerusalem is the second coming, when he appeared as the King of the World and Judge. The first time he appeared before people as the Redeemer of the sins of the human race.

Why is it called "Verbnoye"

The people greeted the coming of the Tsar with palm branches - this is what the residents of the Middle East and countries where this tree grows use. In those parts the holiday is called “Palm Sunday”. The use of willow in the Russian tradition is very easy to explain - there are simply no palm trees. That is why the church traditionally uses the willow, which is the first to greet spring. Willow and willow twigs are also sometimes used.

Willow branches are the main attribute of the holiday. On this bright day, people come to church with twigs to honor the Tsar, the victorious death and sin. The clergy wear green vestments, which are a symbol of the rebirth of life.

In the pre-Petrine era there was a kind of ritual. The Patriarch rode "on a donkey" - a white horse "disguised" as a donkey - as a symbol of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. From the Place of Execution he presented blessed willow branches to all those gathered. Gifts were given in turn, according to status - first, the twigs went to the tsar, then to bishops, boyars, Duma clerks, and finally to the common people.

Palm Sunday traditions

Orthodox Christians keep blessed willow branches for a whole year. There is a tradition of decorating icons and red corners with them. Many owners, coming from church, first of all planted a couple of branches near their house, and only then began to frame the icons.

What is allowed by tradition and what is not:

On this day you can’t work, you can’t comb your hair, and you can’t take your cattle out to pasture. Also, traditions prohibit cooking hot dishes, so it’s better to take care of this in advance. As for food in general, heavy, fatty foods are not consumed, but fish and vegetables are allowed.

Some folk weather signs that fall on this day are also associated with this holiday:

  • If it rains, expect a bountiful harvest.
  • If the sun is shining, there will be a rich harvest again, and even a warm summer.
  • If a strong wind blows, this means a cool and windy summer.

Palm Sunday

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Russian icon.
Type Christian, church
Officially Vai week
(according to church charter)
Also Palm Sunday
Meaning memory of the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on a donkey's foal
Noted Orthodox, Catholics and many Protestants
date 6th Sunday of Lent, one week before Easter
In 2008 April 20 (in Orthodoxy)
March 16 (in Catholicism)
In 2009 April 12 (in Orthodoxy)
April 5 (in Catholicism)
Celebration worship
Traditions blessing of tree branches, in Russia - willows

in Orthodoxy:
relaxation of fasting for fish;

Associated with Holy Week and Easter

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Week Vaiy, Palm Sunday, Palm Sunday(lat. Dominica in Palmis de passione Domini ) is a Christian holiday celebrated on the Sunday (Week) preceding Easter Week, that is, the sixth Week of Lent.

Event being celebrated

  • The Gospel of Matthew (21:1-7) tells that the apostles, at the direction of Jesus, take a colt and a donkey in Bethany (according to Jesus, the owners do not interfere with them).
  • Jesus rides on a donkey into Jerusalem, where the people met him, laying clothes and palm branches on the road, shouting: “ Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel!"(John 12:12).
  • In the Temple of Jerusalem, Jesus overturns the tables of the money changers and livestock sellers, saying " It is written, My house will be called a house of prayer; and you made it a den of thieves"(Matthew 21:13), which displeases the ministers, but they do not dare take it, fearing the people.
  • After this, the blind and lame come to Jesus and he heals them (Matthew 21:14).
  • Jesus leaves Jerusalem and spends the night in Bethany.


The holiday symbolizes, on the one hand, recognition of the mission of Jesus Christ, and on the other, a prototype of the entry of the Son of Man into Paradise.


During the all-night vigil on the feast of the Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem, those praying seem to meet the invisibly coming Lord and greet Him as the Conqueror of hell and death, holding willow branches, flowers and lighted candles in their hands. At Matins (the second part of the vigil), a special prayer is read for the blessing of “vai” (i.e. palm branches, replaced in Slavic countries by willow branches). Usually after this, the willows that the worshipers hold in their hands are sprinkled with holy water.

Orthodox Christians have a custom of keeping blessed willows throughout the year and decorating icons in the house with them. In some areas, there is a pious custom of placing consecrated willows in the hands of the dead as a sign that, through faith in Christ, they will conquer death, be resurrected and meet the Savior with the consecrated branches.


Before the start of the service, a procession is traditionally held around the temple or in the temple itself. Participants in the procession hold branches in their hands (in the southern countries - palm branches, in the northern ones - palm trees or others) and lit candles. During the procession, festive antiphons and a hymn to Christ the King are sung. The procession symbolically represents the people who came out to meet the Savior during the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

The rite of the Mass of this day includes the reading of the Passion of the Lord, which is read apart from this day only on Good Friday. The branches consecrated at the service are kept in the homes of believers until the next Lent. There is a tradition of obtaining ashes for the Ash Wednesday service by burning these branches.

Folk traditions in Russia

V. G. Schwartz “Procession on the donkey of Alexei Mikhailovich” 1865.

In pre-Petrine times, on the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the so-called “procession on the donkey” was performed - a ritual borrowed from the Byzantine tradition. After the festive service in the Entry of Jerusalem chapel of the Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral), a special procession took place from Red Square to Cathedral Square of the Moscow Kremlin, depicting the very event of the celebrated holiday. The Patriarch followed in it, sitting astride a horse (dressed up as a donkey), which was led by the bridle by the king walking on foot. In a number of Russian cities, until 1678, a procession on a donkey was also held with the participation of the local bishop and governor instead of the patriarch and the tsar, respectively. In 1697 the ritual was abolished.

A common custom among the people was to lightly hit each other with a willow. After matins, to which small children were not taken, parents returning home from church never missed the opportunity to raise their children from their beds with light blows of the willow, saying: “Whip the willow, beat them to tears.” I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as a willow."

The common people give the blessed willows a special cleansing power, they believe in saving livestock from damage, disease, the evil eye, predatory animals, from evil people and evil spirits. This is evidenced by various kinds of “willow” rituals that are still preserved in some areas of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. For example, in the Kostroma region, the folk custom of baking bagels for Palm Sunday is preserved, consecrating them in church and bringing them home, feeding them to livestock to protect them from diseases, and on Yuryev (Yegoryev) day, peasants dip the willow stored throughout the year in holy water and then they sprinkle the livestock collected in the yard; with a willow in their hands, they accompany the cattle to the pasture for the first time.

The willow and its earrings were credited with healing powers. They ate nine willow catkins, considering it a cure for fever. It was advised to eat the buds of the consecrated willow for infertile women, and also as a preventive remedy against other diseases. They put willow in the water in which sick children were bathed. They baked earrings into bread, and in some villages they baked cookies in the shape of willow buds.

Many believed that a consecrated willow could stop a summer thunderstorm, and that thrown into a flame could help in a fire. Every coward who wants to get rid of his shortcoming must, upon returning from church on Palm Sunday, drive a peg of a blessed willow into the wall of his house - this means, if it does not turn the coward into a hero, then in any case should drive away natural timidity.

But planting willow was considered a bad omen. They said: “Whoever plants a willow prepares a spade for himself” (that is, he will die when a shovel can be hewn out of the willow).

Palm bazaars were considered a special feature of Palm Week. They were especially loved by children, as they presented a wide selection of children's toys, books, and sweets. They also bought willow tied in bunches there. A decoration - a paper angel - was tied to the bundle. He was called the “willow cherub.”

There are many sayings and omens associated with the willow: “On the eve of Palm Sunday, St. Lazarus climbed for the willow,” “Cattle are driven into the field for the first time (on Yury) with the willow from Palm Sunday,” “If Palm Week is a windy week, with matinees, then Yari they will be good”, “In the frost of the willow, the spring grain will be good”, “The willow leads to muddy roads, drives away the last ice from the river”, “It is not the willow that beats, but old sin.”

On Palm Sunday, fasting is lightened and it is allowed to eat fish and vegetable oil. In times long forgotten, they cooked and ate willow porridge with willow catkins (buds) on this day.


In the Russian Orthodox tradition

Troparion, tone 1

The general resurrection / before Your passion, assuring / You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God. / In the same way, we, like the children of victory bearing the sign, / cry out to you, the Conqueror of death: / hosanna in the highest, / blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.


We magnify You, / Life-giving Christ, / Hosanna in the highest, / and we cry to You / Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.

Troparion, tone 4:

Having been buried in You through baptism, O Christ our God, / we have been made worthy of immortal life by Your resurrection, / and we cry in song: / Hosanna in the highest, / blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.

Kontakion, tone 6:

On the throne in heaven,/carried as a lot on earth, O Christ God,/thou hast received the praise of angels and the hymns of children, calling unto Thee: Blessed art thou, who cometh to call Adam.

In Latin Rite Catholicism

Entrance chant:
  • Lift up your heights, O gates, and rise up, O eternal doors, and the King of glory will enter!
  • Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory.
  • Hosanna in the highest! Blessed are You, Who comes according to Your great mercy.

Almighty, eternal God, in order to give people an example of humility, by your will our Savior took flesh and ascended to the cross. Let us understand the meaning of His suffering and be worthy of participating in His Resurrection. We ask You through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.


  • (article in the Orthodox Encyclopedia)
  • Vai week. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Orthodox rite of worship

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


As Palm Sunday approaches, signs become especially important and significant. At this time, it is customary to make forecasts almost a year in advance about the weather and the future harvest.

Lazarev Saturday

Another holiday celebrated on Saturday of Palm Week is the Resurrection of Lazarus.

They sent news to Jesus that his friend and associate Lazarus from Bethany was seriously ill, and they asked him to hurry. It was not clear why Christ was in no hurry. And only after the news that Lazarus had died did he set off.

When he arrived in Bethany, four days had already passed since his death. The relatives and friends of the deceased were in deep sorrow. Jesus prayed earnestly near the cave where Lazarus was buried.

He cried out to God to perform a miracle. After the prayer, the stone blocking the entrance was moved away, and those present saw the miracle of the resurrection. 4 days ago Lazarus turned out to be alive.

Christians have been celebrating Lazarus Saturday since the 4th century. Three and a half centuries later, a certain canon for holding services on this day was developed. Chants during the service do not indicate an accidental miracle, but an important symbol of strengthening faith.

After sunset, during the evening service, willow branches begin to be blessed. This is the beginning of the celebration of Palm Sunday.

Palm Sunday holiday

As already written above, Palm Sunday, according to church canons, begins on Saturday evening. But the main services and the blessing of the willow are held on Sunday.

Among other things, in Rus' this holiday symbolizes the awakening of nature after a long winter. It is not for nothing that the northern Slavs chose the willow as a symbol of this day. The tree is a harbinger of spring. As soon as the sun warms the air, fluffy lumps hatch into the light. They are the ones who give faith in warm days to come.

Orthodox Christians joyfully celebrate Palm Sunday. How is this day celebrated in Russia? People of any age go to the nearest church on Sunday morning to bless willow branches. Churched parishioners stand at the service, performing prayers and participating in chants. Upon returning home, it is customary to lightly whip the household with willow with wishes of health and grace.

Blessed branches are placed next to icons, braided into braids, made into amulets, and nailed to outbuildings. A year later, on the eve of a new holiday, the willow is burned.

If you know the exact date of the celebration, you can prepare in advance. How to calculate what date Palm Sunday will be celebrated in a given year? To determine the date, you need to know what day Easter will be. Exactly one week before the Resurrection of the Lord, the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem is celebrated.

What not to do

Palm Sunday is a significant holiday for Christians. Any work on this day is undesirable. Some don't even recommend cooking. In the modern world, everything has become much simpler. There are services and professions that require daily work, regardless of calendar dates. But if there is no particular need for something, then it is better, of course, to postpone it.

In the old days, women were forbidden to comb their hair on this day, just like on the Annunciation. It is clear that this is hardly possible now. Although owners of long curls can observe the ban. Hair braided into a braid, covered with a scarf on top, can easily go a day without combing.

What other prohibitions exist on Palm Sunday? What is completely unacceptable is to indulge in gluttony. The end of the sixth week of fasting does not imply a rich feast. A little wine, Lenten dishes cooked with vegetable oil, fish - these are the basis of the festive table.

Holiday traditions

The main and main tradition of the holiday is the blessing of willow branches. It is believed that there should be exactly as many of them as there are people in the family. Some peoples use these branches to weave family amulets. Their strength is great. They protect the house from unkind people and fire, save from hurricanes and floods, from poverty, despondency and disease.

On Palm Sunday, signs for the weather and harvest are especially reliable. They are supported by families for generations. This is especially important for residents involved in agriculture.

The tradition of putting coins in bread comes from Belarus. In this way, you can determine who will have good luck and prosperity all year long.

In some areas, it is customary to place consecrated branches in the coffin of the deceased. This tradition goes back to the very beginning of Christianity. It is believed that thanks to the willow you can enter the gates of heaven and greet the Savior there. Among other things, the willow tree is a symbol of life and awakening.

Palm markets are traditional. Children especially love this entertainment, since the main product is sweets. In addition, pleasant little things for the household are offered and the same willow, collected in bouquets and decorated with ribbons and paper angels.

A tree grown from a blessed branch increases wealth in the house. Therefore, bouquets brought from church are placed in water and carefully monitored to see if roots appear.

Rituals and customs

Many folk signs on Palm Sunday have long grown into rites, customs and rituals.

If you live near a river, try lowering a willow branch into the water. If it floats away from you, then in the near future an increase in wealth in the house is expected.

Branches attached to the roof will protect the inhabitants of the house from illness and mental anguish.

Whipping children with branches on holiday is the most common ritual. With every blow, a wish for health is spoken.

Here is another custom for increasing wealth. Even if there is a complete ban on doing anything on this day, it is still recommended to plant a houseplant with thick round leaves. If the flower is accepted and grows rapidly, you can be sure that wealth will come to the house.

Rituals on Palm Sunday are traditions that go back centuries. Whether to believe them or comply with them is something everyone decides for themselves. For some, this is a principle of life, and for others, it is just a beautiful addition to a day off.

Use of consecrated willow in folk medicine

It has long been believed that willow contains enormous healing power. Sprinkling with holy water increases it several times. How can you use twigs brought from church on Palm Sunday? What to do with them to improve health? Here are some examples of the use of willow for medicinal purposes:

  • By taking a decoction of the branches, you can get rid of headaches, fever, temperature, and insomnia.
  • Rubbing the decoction into sore spots relieves rheumatic pain.
  • Willow infusion with vodka will help cope with intestinal infections and disorders.
  • The leaves are capable of healing wounds.
  • Swallowing consecrated blossoming buds helps with infertility.
  • Babies sleep more peacefully after bathing in water infused with willow branches.

Willow is used in folk medicine wherever it grows and enjoys well-deserved respect.

Folk signs

Folk signs for Palm Sunday have long come into use. They are passed down from elders to younger ones and become part of our lives.

Calm, sunny weather promises a warm, windless summer and a rich harvest. A strong wind promised cool weather.

A cold but clear day gave hope for spring crop yields.

A frost-free Palm Sunday increases the chance of an abundance of fruit.

The number of blossoming earrings also served as an indicator of the future harvest.

And on this day it is customary to mentally call on your loved one, and the meeting will definitely take place.

Every year for many centuries in a row, the church opens its doors to everyone who believes in salvation. Palm Sunday is a holiday symbolizing the power of faith and its revival. Willow branches and bouquets bring peace and protection to the house. Following the first rays of sunshine, hope for the best arises in our hearts. And even if this day is fraught with a lot of sadness, it is still a harbinger of the Bright Resurrection of Christ and the salvation of all mankind.