Where is the coldest place in the world? Find out where the coldest place on earth is

Many people begin to complain about the unbearable cold when the temperature outside drops below 0. However, there are places on our planet where it can be much colder. And, most amazingly, some of these places are inhabited by people! From this article you will learn about corners globe, the temperature in which is almost the same as in the most powerful freezing unit.

Vostok station

The coldest place on our planet is rightfully considered Antarctic station"East". The research station is located near the south geomagnetic pole and is located at an altitude of 3.5 kilometers above sea level. In the summer of 1983, a temperature of -89 degrees was recorded here.

Even in this “weather” there is active activity at the station. Scientists are exploring the climate of Antarctica and its unique nature, as well as Lake Vostok, located under four kilometers of ice.

Station "Plateau"

This US-owned station was used for only three years in the early 60s. At the moment, the station is not operational, but it is possible that in the future it will again meet brave Antarctic researchers.

There were 4 scientists and 4 military personnel working at the station, who initially had to devote only two years to their activities. However, the work dragged on for another year: the results of the research interested the US government and it was decided to leave naturalists at the station for a longer period. True, information about what interested scientists so much and why the military were with them on the “Plateau” is still not known to the general public.

Average annual temperature at the station reached -18.3 degrees: this is even lower than at the Vostok station. And the lowest indicator was the thermometer value -86.2 degrees.

Oymyakon city

This city, located in Yakutia, is considered the coldest locality planets. Oymyakon is located beyond the Arctic Circle at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. In addition, the city is built in a lowland, as a result of which icy air collects near houses at night. Due to the peculiar geographical location the difference between day and night temperatures can reach 20 degrees.

The lowest temperature recorded in Oymyakon was -64 degrees Celsius, but there is evidence that in 1938 the thermometer dropped to -78 degrees.

Naturally, it is impossible to grow fruits and vegetables in such conditions. Food products are brought to Oyamyakon by air. True, this can only be done in summer: in winter, the runway freezes over and does not function.

Surprisingly, translated from the Yakut language, “Oymyakon” means “non-freezing water.” This paradox is connected with the fact that not far from the city there are springs with burning water that really do not freeze even in the most severe cold.

Icemitte station

Ismitte - polar station of Alfred Wegener's expedition. The station is located on the Greenland Ice Sheet.

The name of the station is translated from Greenlandic as “middle of the ice.” And this is not surprising. After all, all the premises of the station are made of snow and blocks of ice.

In the early 1930s, an expedition was sent to the station, whose members were supposed to record temperature indicators and engage in meteorological research. It was possible to find out that the temperature in this point of the globe drops to -65 degrees. However, this knowledge came at a considerable price. Alfred Wegner himself, as well as one of his colleagues Rasmus Villumsen, died from the cold. Another researcher had to amputate frostbitten toes without using painkillers, which, unfortunately, were not available at the station. Perhaps this is why the research was not continued and the station is currently abandoned.

Mount McKinley

Mount McKinley is located in Alaska. The mountain received its current name in honor of the 25th American President William McKinley. The height of the mountain is 6194 meters. When the mountain belonged to the Russian Empire, it was called Bolshoi.
McKinley is considered the coldest mountain on the planet. The temperature at its top is winter time can drop to -55 degrees.

“Poles of cold” are those places on earth where the lowest temperature was established. This is the Vostok station in Antarctica ( Southern Hemisphere), the city of Verkhoyansk and the village of Oymyakon (Northern Hemisphere).

Vostok station is located on a large ice dome at an altitude of 3488 meters above sea level. Average winter temperatures here – 60°C, in summer – 20°C.

In 1983, the lowest temperature was officially recorded in July - 83°C. And in 1997, scientists witnessed a decrease in temperature to -91°C.

Living conditions at the station are more than harsh. The polar night lasts 5 months in a row - i.e. almost six months. People suffer from very rarefied air and lack of oxygen. Here you cannot move quickly, much less run, and you cannot breathe deeply. Sometimes polar explorers cannot go outside for more than 10 minutes a day.

All residential buildings become icy and covered with ice growths. Felt boots here are worn on a platform - the sole is sewn together in several layers so that the feet do not freeze. Water is obtained by melting snow. To do this, it is sawed and placed in special snow melters.

The station can be reached by train, but only in the summer, and the rest of the time sleigh-caterpillar trains run here.
Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon are on the other hemisphere. And the lowest temperatures here are slightly different from Vostok station. In February 1933, a temperature of 67.7°C was recorded in Oymyakon. The same temperature was set in Verkhoyansk back in 1885.

Pole of heat on earth

There are many hot places on planet Earth. There are even ratings of the most warm places on different continents. Of course, the hottest is Africa. But the official hot spot is the famous Death Valley in the USA.

Death Valley is located in the Mojave Desert in Big Basin, California State. This is the lowest point North America– 86 meters below sea level. In 1913, the most heat air on earth - + 56.7°C.

The city of Al Azizia in Libya (Africa) is also considered a hot spot. Here, on September 13, 1922, the temperature was set at + 57.7°C. And the record for the hottest average annual temperatures was broken by the village of Dallol in Ethiopia in the 60s. Average annual temperatures were recorded here - + 34°C.

At the end of last year, many of us were yearning for winter and snow. However, it is unlikely that anyone would want this winter to be like the winters in those parts of the world where it is really cold. I suggest you find out a list of places where the scale of a standard thermometer is not even enough to measure temperature in certain periods
Roger Pass, USA
The place, rising 1710 meters above sea level, is located in American state Montana. Roger Pass recorded the most cold temperature in the United States outside of Alaska. In January 1954, the thermometer dropped to −57 °C.

Fort Selkirk, Canada
The village was founded in 1848 as a trading post for the Hudson's Bay Company. Until the 20th century, people lived here constantly, until the last inhabitants left it in 1950 due to extreme conditions. weather conditions. The record minimum temperature for this place was -58.9 °C.

Prospect Creek, Alaska, USA
The site was inhabited during the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. After construction was completed, most of the population moved. In January 1971, the lowest temperature in the United States was recorded here, which varied at around -62 °C.

Snow, Canada
For a village located 25 km. south of Beaver Creek, characterized by long and harsh winters. The coldest month is January. The temperature during this period can drop to - 63°C.

Ismitte, Greenland
The area is completely covered with ice. During the coldest months, temperatures can drop to -64.9 °C

Northais, Greenland
The former polar research station of the British North Greenland Expedition is located on the Greenland Ice Sheet, at an altitude of 2345 m above sea level. In 1954, the station recorded the lowest temperature in North America - 66.1 °C.

Verkhoyansk, Russia
Despite one of the largest temperature differences between summer and winter on Earth, 1,173 people permanently live in Verkhoyansk. The place is also called the Pole of Cold of the northern hemisphere. The lowest temperature recorded in this place is −69.8 °C.

Oymyakon, Russia
According to a number of parameters, this village in Yakutia is considered the harshest place on Earth in which people permanently live. The population is 462 people. The average January temperature is −46.4 °C. In 1924, the expedition of geologist S.V. Obruchev in Oymyakon recorded a temperature of −71.2 °C.

Plateau, East Antarctica
The US Plateau Research Station ceased operations in 1969. The lowest temperature recorded at the station is -73.2 °C.

"Vostok", Antarctica
In the area of ​​the only inland Antarctic used by Russia scientific station some of the harshest conditions on Earth. The polar night lasts 120 days a year here, the average annual wind speed reaches 5 m/sec and only two months a year average monthly temperature air exceeds -40 °C. In this place an absolute temperature record among the lowest temperatures on the planet from all weather stations in the 20th century: the thermometer recorded −89.2 °C.

Many people complain about severe frosts in winter. Yes, it happens here that the temperature drops to -30°C. It is really cold, but there are such frosts in which it seems impossible to survive. And yet there are people who live in such places all their lives. In this article we will talk about places where the temperature drops below -55°C.

Vostok station

The coldest point on earth is in Antarctica, or rather at Vostok station. The frosts here are severe: temperatures range from -32°C to -68°C, depending on the time of year. The most warm months at this point - December, January. At this time, the temperature remains in the range of 30-40°C. The station is coldest in August: the temperature drops to -65-68 °C. The record low temperature was recorded in 1923 -89°C. In January 2002, December was very warm -12°C. The ice thickness in this place reaches 4 meters.

Scientific research is carried out at this station. Scientists study nature, the properties of this place, its climate. The composition of researchers in winter does not exceed 25 people, in summer – 40. “Vostok” works all year round and in any weather. Even if the temperature drops to the very minimum -80°C.

Since it is impossible to get to this place in the winter season, shift changes occur in the summer. Also at this time of year, food and necessary supplies are delivered. scientific work materials.

Products are delivered by plane and by special train on a sleigh-caterpillar track.

It is very difficult to be at Vostok station. Not only severe frosts interfere, but also thin air and a small amount of oxygen. Acclimatization of new arrivals is accompanied by such symptoms as: dizziness, flickering in the eyes, nausea, sleep disturbances, joint and muscle pain, nosebleeds, loss of appetite and weight, suffocation, ear pain.

There is no life at this point, everything is so frozen. The water also lacks minerals and microorganisms. It is impossible to melt snow and drink it, since it does not quench your thirst. To get food for themselves, scientists drilled a well.

Scientists arriving at the station take quite a long time to get used to the new conditions - two months.

Frost in other places

But not only Antarctica is famous for its extreme cold. There are several other points on earth where temperatures reach 77°C below zero. They are in different parts world: Russia, Northern and South America, Canada, Oceania, Australia, Antarctica. People also live or have lived in them.

The Russian village of Oymyakon is considered the second coldest point in the world. It is located next to Yakutia. The climate here is cold all year round: it never gets warmer than 30°C below zero. On average, people live at -46 °C. The record for frost was set in 1938: the mercury column of the thermometer dropped to -78°C.

About 500 people live in this village. They cannot grow food here, so food is delivered to them by plane. True, only in the warm season. In winter, the weather in this village is so terrible that it is impossible to fly here.

In winter, the runway freezes and is dangerous to use.

In the Yakut language, “Oymyakon” means “water that never freezes.” Indeed, there are several hot springs near the village. There is practically no heating in this village. There is no gas supply here, so people heat their homes with wood. There is no cell phone service or other amenities that exist in other cities, but everyone has Wi-Fi.

The most interesting thing is that such severe frosts in Yakutia only occur in winter. In summer it is really hot here: the temperature rises to +46°C. Unlike Antarctica, living creatures are still found here, albeit in small numbers.

Residents of Oymyakon are engaged in livestock farming: they raise deer and horses, and sometimes fish

"Plateau", Antarctica

The third coldest point on Earth is Plateau Station in Antarctica. It is owned by the United States of America. In the 60s of the 20th century, scientific research was carried out here. The tests took place for exactly 3 years. Eight people lived on the “Plateau”: four scientists and the same number of military men. The government later banned research in this region. However, for what reason, no one knows yet.

The frost record for this place is -72°C


Another cold place in Russia is the town of Verkhoyansk. The thermometer dropped to its lowest point here in 1982 -70 °C. 1200 people live in this town. The average temperature in this region is 45 degrees below zero. Together with the village of Oymyakon, it is competing for the title of “The coldest city in the northern hemisphere.”

For citizens Central Russia The winter frosts of Verkhoyansk seem prohibitively cold. But the residents of this city themselves tolerate the cold well. For them, frost is 55 degrees below zero.

The most interesting thing: daylight hours last only 1-5 hours a day. Residents calculate the beginning of sunrise and sunset in advance in order to schedule such important events, like graduation, wedding and so on.

It is extremely difficult to get to this place. Tourists do not come here; sometimes journalists do reports in this city. It’s expensive to fly to this point: 32,600 rubles for a 2-hour flight. In summer it is also impossible to get to Verkhoyansk due to bad roads: there is so much mud that even KAMAZ trucks cannot pass.

North America

After 1954, the North Ice research station began to be considered the coldest point in this region. It was located in Greenland. Temperature minimum at this point it reached -66 °C. Before this, the coldest place in North America was the city of Snag. The thermometer dropped to -63 °C.

This is another cold spot in Greenland. Here was the station of the scientific expedition of the famous scientist Alfred Wegener. It was unusual, since all the rooms for living and working were completely built of ice.

In the 1930s, a group of scientists headed by Alfred Wegener went to this place. Her task was to study the climate of this area and meteorological features. Winters at this point are especially cold: temperatures can reach -65 °C.

The name of the station Eysmitte translates as “in the middle of the ice”

Scientific research Greenlandic ice sheet were obtained at too high a price. Two scientists (Rasmus Villumsen and Alfred Wegener) died from hypothermia. Another researcher lost his toes. The amputation had to be done in severe frost without painkillers. There simply weren’t any of these medications at the station.

After this tragic incident, research in this place was stopped. And no one else came to Icemitt. Today this station is completely destroyed.


There is another very cold place on our Earth - Mount McKinley. It is located in Alaska. Previously, when this land belonged Russian Empire, it had a different name - Big Mountain. No one lives here, but McKinley is the coldest mountain on our Earth.

It is located at the same latitude as the Vostok station. Located in Norway. In winter, the thermometer drops to -43°C. But unlike Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon, living conditions here are much better. It is difficult to get to this city by car, so the main intercity vehicle- airplane. Inside the city they use a helicopter and a snowmobile.

1100 people live in Longyearbyen

We talked about the coldest spots on the planet. Not all of them are livable, but in many cities people live their entire lives. People in such conditions eat mainly meat, since it provides a lot of energy and is quickly absorbed. Therefore, the main occupations of residents of the coldest cities are animal husbandry and cattle breeding.

Such places actively attract journalists and tourists. They have developed such types of entertainment as: helicopter and airplane flights, sledding and dog sledding. In some cities you can bathe in a hot spring. For extreme sports enthusiasts there is such entertainment - underwater fishing. You can also ski from the mountains and take photographs unusual nature.

First, let's look at the question "Why is it cold in winter?" Our planet, as we know, revolves around the Sun and many would be right in linking the change of seasons and this movement of the Earth. But this is only half the truth. The second half of it is that the change of seasons is also influenced by the rotation of the Earth around its axis.

As a result, these two rotations give the following result: the planet not only moves away from the Sun or approaches it, but also “exposes its sides” to the sun’s rays at different angles. At the equator, for example, the angle of incidence sun rays always the same and therefore it is always warm and light there. But closer to the poles the angle is different and the seasons change there regularly.

In addition, with the approach of winter, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, which prevented heat from escaping, decreases, and falling snow reflects most of the sun's rays, preventing ground objects from absorbing them and heating up.

North and South Poles

Many people will say that the poles are the coldest places on the planet. And they will be right and wrong at the same time. And, oddly enough, it is warmer at the North Pole than at the South Pole. Let's explain why.

We need to start with how the poles differ in addition to their geographical location. The Arctic - the North Pole - is an ice-covered expanse of the North Arctic Ocean. With the onset of summer in the northern hemisphere of our planet, this ice partially melts. In addition, a significant role in temperature conditions Warm currents also play in the region, the Gulf Stream, for example. All in all, average temperature in the Arctic in winter it is approximately -34°C, and in summer it is even warmer there.

Things are completely different on the other side of the planet. Antarctica is not just the southernmost continent. It is also one and a half times larger in area than Europe and twice that of Australia, and, in addition to everything, it is covered with a non-melting ice shell. Yes and especially warm currents does not pass nearby.

In geography lessons they always teach that it is always colder on the mainland than on the sea. Add to this the eternal ice cover, reflecting almost 95% sunlight, absence of warm currents and here is the complete picture. According to scientists, the average temperature southern continent is -49°C.

Where is it coldest

If we start compiling a ranking of the coldest places on our planet, the picture we get is as follows: the permanent leader will be Antarctica, followed by the coldest places Northern Hemisphere. Here are the top five of these regions.

Antarctica. Station "Vostok", Yuzhny district Magnetic Pole Earth.

The Vostok-1 research station was founded on December 16, 1957 by the outstanding Soviet scientist and polar explorer V.S. Sidorov, who later long time was the station chief.

The lowest temperature was recorded at the station on July 21, 1983 and was -89.2 degrees Celsius. And the warmest day during the entire operation of the station remains the day of its foundation - December 16, 1957. Then the thermometer showed -13.6°C.


The capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), a port on the Lena River. The city was founded by a detachment of the Yenisei centurion P. Beketov in 1632. The largest city in terms of population in northeast Russia. Yakutsk is considered the coldest city on earth. The average annual temperature here is +10°C. The average January temperature is -41°C. And the absolute minimum in history meteorological observations–64°С degrees. Is it true, last time Such frosts were recorded as early as 1946.


Verkhoyansk is a settlement in Yakutia, located within the Arctic Circle. Historically, Verkhoyansk was a place of exile for political prisoners. The first to be exiled to Verkhoyansk was the poet Puzhitsky, a participant in the Polish uprising. January 15, 1885 exile S. Kovalik on the equipment meteorological station recorded the minimum air temperature in the entire history of observations -67.1°C. In 2005, a memorial plaque was unveiled in honor of the 120th anniversary of the recording of the absolute minimum temperature in the northern hemisphere.


A village in the Oymyakonsky ulus (district - editor's note) of Yakutia, on the left bank of the Indigirka River. In the Sakha language it means “non-freezing water”, and is associated with warm spring among the permafrost. On January 26, 1926, a temperature of -71.2°C was recorded here. Such temperatures are associated with the location of the city - in a bowl between the mountains, where cold air collects. Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon still claim to be the pole of cold of the Northern Hemisphere. Today the palm is given to Verkhoyansk.


Not only Russia can boast of regions with very low temperatures. Denmark, oddly enough, too. After all, it is this state that owns Greenland - the largest island in the world, located in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. The area of ​​Greenland is over 2 million square kilometers. The ice reserves are so impressive that if they melt, the level of the world's oceans will rise not much, not less - by 7 meters. And if we talk about the temperature regime on the island, then in the center of Greenland the average February temperature does not rise above -47°C.

Despite such harsh conditions, even in the coldest places on our planet people live. And they definitely deserve a lot of respect. After all, not everyone is able to live and work in such conditions. Perhaps there will also be thrill-seekers eager to “feel” the severe frosts. Be that as it may, nature, as aptly observed, does not have bad weather.