Gerda in the Snow Queen. Gerda from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

The fairy tale The Snow Queen, written by Hans Christian Andersen, will be interesting to read for children of all ages. This is a story about two poor children who loved each other like brother and sister, and their names were Kai and Gerda. When the friends were playing outside and sledding, the Snow Queen suddenly appeared and took Kai with her. Gerda goes in search of her friend, but many adventures await her along the way. Reading a fairy tale about the Snow Queen is a pleasure. Therefore, we recommend that you read it to the very end.

Read online fairy tale The Snow Queen

Mirror and its fragments

Well, let's begin! When we reach the end of our story, we will know more than we do now. So, once upon a time there lived a troll, furious and despising; it was the devil himself. Once he was in a particularly good mood: he made a mirror in which everything that was good and beautiful was greatly diminished, while everything that was worthless and ugly, on the contrary, stood out even brighter and seemed even worse. The most beautiful landscapes looked like boiled spinach in it, and the best of people looked like freaks, or it seemed that they were standing upside down and had no bellies at all! The faces were distorted to the point that it was impossible to recognize them; If someone had a freckle or mole on their face, it would spread all over their face. The devil was terribly amused by all this. A kind, pious human thought was reflected in the mirror with an unimaginable grimace, so that the troll could not help but laugh, rejoicing at his invention. All the troll's students - he had his own school - talked about the mirror as if it were some kind of miracle.

Now only, they said, you can see the whole world and people in their true light!

And so they ran around with the mirror; soon there was not a single country, not a single person left that would not be reflected in him in a distorted form. Finally, they wanted to reach heaven in order to laugh at the angels and the Creator himself. The higher they rose, the more the mirror twisted and writhed from grimaces; they could barely hold it in their hands. But then they got up again, and suddenly the mirror became so distorted that it tore out of their hands, flew to the ground and broke into pieces. Millions, billions of its fragments have caused, however, even more trouble than the mirror itself. Some of them were no larger than a grain of sand, scattered throughout the world, sometimes fell into people’s eyes and remained there. A person with such a splinter in the eye began to see everything inside out or notice only the bad sides in every thing - after all, each splinter retained a property that distinguished the mirror itself. For some people, shrapnel went straight to the heart, and that was the worst thing: the heart turned into a piece of ice. Among these fragments there were also large ones, such that they could be inserted into window frames, but it was not worth looking through these windows at your good friends. Finally, there were also fragments that were used for glasses, but the only problem was if people put them on in order to look at things and judge them more accurately! And the evil troll laughed until he felt colic, the success of this invention tickled him so pleasantly. But many more fragments of the mirror were flying around the world. Let's hear about them.

Boy and girl

In a big city, where there are so many houses and people that not everyone can carve out even a small space for a garden, and where most residents therefore have to be content with indoor flowers in pots, there lived two poor children, but they had a garden larger than a flower pot. They were not related, but they loved each other like brother and sister. Their parents lived in the attics of adjacent houses. The roofs of the houses almost met, and under the ledges of the roofs there was a drainage gutter, located just under the window of each attic. Thus, as soon as you stepped out of some window onto the gutter, you could find yourself at your neighbors’ window.

The parents each had a large wooden box; roots and small rose bushes grew in them - one in each - showered with wonderful flowers. It occurred to the parents to place these boxes at the bottom of the gutters; thus, from one window to another stretched like two flower beds. Peas hung from the boxes in green garlands, rose bushes peered into the windows and intertwined their branches; something like a triumphal gate of greenery and flowers was formed. Since the boxes were very high and the children firmly knew that they were not allowed to climb on them, the parents often allowed the boy and girl to visit each other on the roof and sit on a bench under the roses. And what fun games they played here!

In winter, this pleasure ceased; the windows were often covered with icy patterns. But the children heated copper coins on the stove and applied them to the frozen glass - immediately a wonderful round hole thawed, and a cheerful, affectionate peephole looked out into it - each of them watched from his own window, a boy and a girl, Kai and Gerda. In the summer they could find themselves visiting each other in one leap, but in the winter they had to first go down many, many steps, and then go up the same number. A snowball was fluttering in the yard.

These are white bees swarming! - said the old grandmother.

Do they also have a queen? - the boy asked; he knew that real bees had one.

Eat! - answered the grandmother. - Snowflakes surround her in a thick swarm, but she is larger than all of them and never remains on the ground - she always floats on a black cloud. Often at night she flies through the city streets and looks into the windows; That’s why they are covered with ice patterns, like flowers!

We saw it, we saw it! - the children said and believed that all this was true.

Can't the Snow Queen come here? - the girl asked once.

Let him try! - said the boy. - I’ll put her on a warm stove, so she’ll melt!

But grandma patted him on the head and started talking about something else.

In the evening, when Kai was already at home and almost completely undressed, getting ready to go to bed, he climbed onto a chair by the window and looked into the small circle that had thawed on the window glass. Snowflakes fluttered outside the window; one of them, a larger one, fell on the edge of the flower box and began to grow, grow, until it finally turned into a woman wrapped in the finest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars. She was so lovely, so tender, all dazzling white ice and still alive! Her eyes sparkled like stars, but there was neither warmth nor meekness in them. She nodded to the boy and beckoned him with her hand. The boy got scared and jumped off the chair; Something like a large bird flashed past the window.

The next day there was a glorious frost, but then there was a thaw, and then spring came. The sun was shining, the flower boxes were all green again, the swallows were nesting under the roof, the windows were opened, and the children could again sit in their little garden on the roof.

The roses bloomed delightfully all summer. The girl learned a psalm, which also spoke about roses; the girl sang it to the boy, thinking about her roses, and he sang along with her:

The children sang, holding hands, kissed the roses, looked at the clear sun and talked to it - it seemed to them that the infant Christ himself was looking at them from it. What a wonderful summer it was, and how nice it was under the bushes of fragrant roses, which seemed to be blooming forever!

Kai and Gerda sat and looked at a book with pictures of animals and birds; The big tower clock struck five.

Ay! - the boy suddenly screamed. “I was stabbed right in the heart, and something got into my eye!”

The girl wrapped her little arm around his neck, he blinked, but there seemed to be nothing in his eye.

It must have jumped out! - he said.

But the fact of the matter is, no. Two fragments of the devil’s mirror hit him in the heart and in the eye, in which, as we, of course, remember, everything great and good seemed insignificant and disgusting, and the evil and bad were reflected even brighter, the bad sides of each thing stood out even more sharply. Poor Kai! Now his heart had to turn into a piece of ice! The pain in the eye and in the heart has already passed, but the very fragments remain in them.

What are you crying about? - he asked Gerda. - Uh! How ugly you are now! It doesn't hurt me at all! Ugh! - he suddenly shouted. - This rose is being eaten away by a worm! And that one is completely crooked! What ugly roses! No better than the boxes they stick out in!

And he pushed the box with his foot and pulled out two roses.

Kai, what are you doing? - the girl screamed, and he, seeing her fear, snatched another one and ran away from cute little Gerda out of his window.

After that, if the girl brought him a book with pictures, he said that these pictures were only good for infants; If the old grandmother told anything, he found fault with the words. Yes, if only this! And then he went so far as to imitate her gait, put on her glasses and imitate her voice! It turned out very similar and made people laugh. Soon the boy learned to imitate all his neighbors - he was excellent at flaunting all their oddities and shortcomings - and people said:

What a head this little boy has!

And the reason for everything was the fragments of the mirror that got into his eye and heart. That is why he even imitated cute little Gerda, who loved him with all her heart.

And his fun has now become completely different, so sophisticated. Once in winter, when it was snowing, he appeared with a large burning glass and placed the hem of his blue jacket under the snow.

Look through the glass, Gerda! - he said. Each snowflake seemed much larger under the glass than it actually was, and looked like a luxurious flower or a decagonal star. What a miracle!

See how skillfully it's done! - Kai said. - This is much more interesting than real flowers! And what accuracy! Not a single wrong line! Oh, if only they didn’t melt!

A little later, Kai appeared in big mittens, with a sled behind his back, and shouted in Gerda’s ear:

I was allowed to ride large area with other boys! - and ran away.

There were a lot of children skating around the square. Those who were bolder tied their sleighs to peasant sleighs and thus rode quite far. The fun was in full swing. At the height of it, large sleighs painted in white. A man sat in them, all covered in white fur coat and the same hat. The sleigh drove around the square twice: Kai quickly tied his sleigh to it and rolled off. The large sleigh rushed faster and then turned out of the square into an alley. The man sitting in them turned around and nodded in a friendly manner to Kai, as if he were an acquaintance. Kai tried several times to untie his sled, but the man in the fur coat nodded to him, and he rode on. So they left the city gates. Snow suddenly fell in flakes, it became so dark that you couldn’t see anything around. The boy hastily let go of the rope, which had caught him on the big sleigh, but his sleigh seemed to have grown to the big sleigh and continued to rush like a whirlwind. Kai screamed loudly - no one heard him! The snow was falling, the sleds were racing, diving in the snowdrifts, jumping over hedges and ditches. Kai was trembling all over, wanted to read the “Our Father,” but only the multiplication table was spinning in his mind.

The snow flakes kept growing and eventually turned into large white chickens. Suddenly they scattered to the sides, the large sleigh stopped, and the man sitting in it stood up. She was tall, slender, dazzling white woman- Snow Queen; both the fur coat and the hat she was wearing were made of snow.

We had a great ride! - she said. - But are you completely cold? Get into my fur coat!

And, placing the boy in her sleigh, she wrapped him in her fur coat; Kai seemed to have sunk into a snowdrift.

Are you still freezing? - she asked and kissed his forehead.

Uh! There was a kiss colder than ice, penetrated him through with cold and reached his very heart, and it was already half icy. For one minute it seemed to Kai that he was about to die, but no, on the contrary, it became easier, he even completely stopped feeling cold.

My sled! Don't forget my sled! - he realized.

And the sleigh was tied to the back of one of the white hens, who flew with them after the big sleigh. The Snow Queen kissed Kai again, and he forgot Gerda, his grandmother, and everyone at home.

I won't kiss you anymore! - she said. - Otherwise I’ll kiss you to death!

Kai looked at her; she was so good! He could not imagine a more intelligent, charming face. Now she didn’t seem icy to him, like that time when she sat outside the window and nodded her head at him; now she seemed perfect to him. He was not at all afraid of her and told her that he knew all four operations of arithmetic, and even with fractions, he knew how many square miles and inhabitants there were in each country, and she only smiled in response. And then it seemed to him that he really knew little, and he fixed his gaze on the endless air space. At the same moment, the Snow Queen soared with him onto a dark lead cloud, and they rushed forward. The storm howled and moaned, as if singing ancient songs; they flew over forests and lakes, over seas and solid land; cold winds blew beneath them, wolves howled, snow sparkled, black crows flew screaming, and above them a large clear month. Kai looked at him all the long, long winter night - during the day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen.

Flower garden of a woman who knew how to cast magic

What happened to Gerda when Kai didn’t return? Where did he go? No one knew this, no one could say anything about him. The boys only said that they saw him tie his sled to a large, magnificent sleigh, which then turned into an alley and drove out of the city gates. Nobody knew where he went. Many tears were shed for him; Gerda cried bitterly and for a long time. Finally they decided that he had died, drowned in the river that flowed outside the city. The dark winter days dragged on for a long time.

But then spring came, the sun came out.

Kai is dead and will never come back! - said Gerda.

I don't believe it! - answered the sunlight.

He died and will never come back! - she repeated to the swallows.

We don't believe it! - they answered.

In the end, Gerda herself stopped believing it.

Let me put on my new red shoes. “Kai has never seen them before,” she said one morning, “but I’ll go to the river to ask about him.”

It was still very early; she kissed her sleeping grandmother, put on her red shoes and ran alone out of town, straight to the river.

Is it true that you took my sworn brother? I'll give you my red shoes if you give it back to me!

And the girl felt that the waves were nodding at her in a strange way; then she took off her red shoes, her first treasure, and threw them into the river. But they fell just near the shore, and the waves immediately carried them to land - it was as if the river did not want to take her jewel from the girl, since it could not return Kaya to her. The girl thought that she had not thrown her shoes very far, climbed into the boat, which was rocking in the reeds, stood on the very edge of the stern and again threw her shoes into the water. The boat was not tied down and pushed off from the shore. The girl wanted to jump onto land as quickly as possible, but while she was making her way from the stern to the bow, the boat had already moved a whole yard away from the beret and was quickly rushing along with the current.

Gerda was terribly frightened and began to cry and scream, but no one except the sparrows heard her screams; The sparrows could not carry her to land and only flew after her along the shore and chirped, as if wanting to console her: “We are here!” We are here!

The banks of the river were very beautiful; Everywhere one could see the most wonderful flowers, tall, spreading trees, meadows where sheep and cows grazed, but nowhere was a single human soul to be seen.

“Maybe the river is carrying me to Kai?” - Gerda thought, cheered up, stood on her bow and admired the beautiful green shores for a long, long time. But then she sailed to the big one cherry orchard, in which there is a house with colored glass in the windows and a thatched roof. Two wooden soldiers stood at the door and saluted everyone who passed by with their guns.

Gerda shouted to them - she took them for alive - but they, of course, did not answer her. So she swam even closer to them, the boat came almost to the very shore, and the girl screamed even louder. An old, old woman in a large straw hat, painted with wonderful flowers, came out of the house, leaning on a stick.

Oh you poor baby! - said the old lady. - How did you end up on such a big fast river and climb so far?

With these words, the old woman entered the water, hooked the boat with her hook, pulled it to the shore and landed Gerda.

Gerda was very happy that she finally found herself on land, although she was afraid of the strange old woman.

Well, let's go, tell me who you are and how you got here? - said the old lady.

Gerda began to tell her about everything, and the old woman shook her head and repeated: “Hm! Hm!” But then the girl finished and asked the old woman if she had seen Kai. She replied that he had not passed here yet, but that he would probably pass, so the girl had nothing to grieve about yet - she would rather try the cherries and admire the flowers that grow in the garden: they are more beautiful than those drawn in any picture book and they can tell everything fairy tales! Then the old woman took Gerda by the hand, took her to her house and locked the door.

The windows were high from the floor and all made of multi-colored glass - red, blue and yellow; because of this, the room itself was illuminated with some amazing bright, rainbow light. On the table there was a basket with ripe cherries, and Gerda could eat them as much as she liked; While she was eating, the old woman combed her hair with a golden comb. The hair curled and the curls surrounded the girl’s fresh, round, rose-like face with a golden glow.

I have long wanted to have such a cute girl! - said the old lady. - You'll see how well we'll live with you!

And she continued to comb the girl’s curls, and the longer she combed, the more Gerda forgot her sworn brother Kai - the old woman knew how to cast magic. She was not an evil witch and cast spells only occasionally, for her own pleasure; now she really wanted to keep Gerda with her. And so she went into the garden, touched all the rose bushes with her stick, and as they stood in full bloom, they all went deep, deep into the ground, and there was no trace of them left. The old woman was afraid that when Gerda saw her roses she would remember her own, and then about Kai, and would run away.

Having done her job, the old woman took Gerda to the flower garden. The girl’s eyes widened: there were flowers of all varieties, all seasons. What beauty, what fragrance! In all the world you couldn’t find a more colorful and beautiful picture book than this flower garden. Gerda jumped for joy and played among the flowers until the sun set behind the tall cherry trees. Then they put her in a wonderful bed with red silk feather beds stuffed with blue violets; the girl fell asleep and had dreams such as only a queen sees on her wedding day.

The next day Gerda was again allowed to play in the sun. Many days passed like this. Gerda knew every flower in the garden, but no matter how many there were, it still seemed to her that one was missing, but which one? Once she sat and looked at the old woman’s straw hat, painted with flowers; the most beautiful of them was just a rose - the old woman forgot to erase it. This is what absent-mindedness means!

How! Are there any roses here? - said Gerda and immediately ran to look for them, but the whole garden - there was not a single one!

Then the girl sank to the ground and began to cry. Warm tears fell exactly on the place where one of the rose bushes had previously stood, and as soon as they wet the ground, the bush instantly grew out of it, as fresh and blooming as before. Gerda wrapped her arms around him, began to kiss the roses and remembered those wonderful roses that bloomed in her house, and at the same time about Kai.

How I hesitated! - said the girl. - I have to look for Kai!.. Do you know where he is? - she asked the roses. - Do you believe that he died and will not return again?

He didn't die! - said the roses. - We were underground, where all the dead lie, but Kai was not among them.

Thank you! - said Gerda and went to other flowers, looked into their cups and asked: - Do you know where Kai is?

But each flower basked in the sun and thought only about its own fairy tale or story; Gerda heard a lot of them, but not one of the flowers said a word about Kai.

What did the fire lily tell her?

Do you hear the drum beating? Boom! Boom! The sounds are very monotonous: boom, boom! Listen to the mournful singing of women! Listen to the screams of the priests!.. An Indian widow stands on the fire in a long red robe. The flame is about to engulf her and the body of her dead husband, but she thinks about the living one - about the one who is standing here, about the one whose gaze burns her heart stronger than the flame that is now going to incinerate her body. Can the flame of the heart go out in the flames of a fire!

I don't understand anything! - said Gerda.

This is my fairy tale! - answered the fiery lily.

What did the bindweed say?

A narrow mountain path leads to an ancient knight's castle proudly rising on a rock. The old brick walls are thickly covered with ivy. Its leaves cling to the balcony, and a lovely girl is standing on the balcony; she leans over the railing and looks at the road. The girl is fresher than a rose, airier than an apple tree flower swayed by the wind. How her silk dress rustles! “Will he really not come?”

Are you talking about Kai? - asked Gerda.

I tell my tale, my dreams! - answered the bindweed.

What did little snowdrop say?

A long board is swinging between the trees - this is a swing. Two little girls are sitting on the board; their dresses are white as snow, and long green silk ribbons flutter on their hats. The older brother is kneeling behind the sisters, leaning on the ropes; in one hand he has a small cup of soapy water, in the other there is a clay tube. He blows bubbles, the board shakes, the bubbles fly through the air, shimmering in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. Here is one hanging at the end of a tube and swaying in the wind. A little black dog, light as a soap bubble, stands on its hind legs and places its front legs on the board, but the board flies up, the little dog falls, yapping and angry. The children tease her, the bubbles burst... The board shakes, the foam scatters - that's my song!

She may be good, but you say all this in such a sad tone! And again, not a word about Kai! What will the hyacinths say?

Once upon a time there lived two slender, ethereal beauties, sisters. One was wearing a red dress, another was blue, and the third was completely white. They danced hand in hand in the clear moonlight by the quiet lake. They weren't elves, but real girls. A sweet aroma filled the air, and the girls disappeared into the forest. Now the aroma became even stronger, even sweeter - three coffins floated out of the thicket of the forest; The beautiful sisters lay in them, and fireflies fluttered around them like living lights. Are the girls sleeping or dead? The scent of flowers says they are dead. The evening bell rings for the dead!

You made me sad! - said Gerda. - Your bells smell so strong too!.. Now I can’t get dead girls out of my head! Oh, is Kai really dead too? But the roses were underground and they say that he is not there!

Ding-dang! - the hyacinth bells rang. - We are not calling over Kai! We don't even know him! We ring our own little song; we don't know the other one!

And Gerda went to the golden dandelion, shining in the shiny green grass.

You, little clear sun! - Gerda told him. - Tell me, do you know where I can look for my sworn brother?

Dandelion shone even brighter and looked at the girl. What song did he sing to her? Alas! And this song didn’t say a word about Kai!

Early spring; The clear sun shines welcomingly on the small courtyard. Swallows hover near the white wall adjacent to the neighbors' yard. The first yellow flowers peek out from the green grass, sparkling in the sun like gold. An old grandmother came out to sit in the yard; Here her granddaughter, a poor servant, came from among the guests and kissed the old woman deeply. A girl's kiss is more valuable than gold - it comes straight from the heart. Gold on her lips, gold in her heart. That's it! - said the dandelion.

My poor grandmother! - Gerda sighed. - How she misses me, how she grieves! No less than I grieved for Kai! But I'll be back soon and bring him with me. There is no point in asking the flowers anymore - you won’t get anything from them, they only know their songs!

And she tied her skirt higher to make it easier to run, but when she wanted to jump over the daffodil, it hit her on the legs. Gerda stopped, looked at the long flower and asked:

Perhaps you know something?

And she leaned towards him, waiting for an answer. What did the narcissist say?

I see myself! I see myself! Oh, how I smell!.. High, high in a small closet, right under the roof, stands a half-dressed dancer. She either balances on one leg, then again stands firmly on both and tramples the whole world with them - she is, after all, just an optical illusion. Here she is pouring water from a kettle onto some white piece of material that she is holding in her hands. This is her corsage. Cleanliness is the best beauty! A white skirt hangs on a nail driven into the wall; the skirt was also washed with water from a kettle and dried on the roof! Here the girl gets dressed and ties a bright yellow scarf around her neck, highlighting the whiteness of the dress even more sharply. Again one leg flies into the air! Look how straight she stands on the other, like a flower on its stem! I see myself, I see myself!

Yes, I don’t care much about this! - said Gerda. - There’s nothing to tell me about this!

And she ran out of the garden.

The door was only locked; Gerda pulled the rusty bolt, it gave way, the door opened, and the girl, barefoot, began to run along the road! She looked back three times, but no one was chasing her. Finally she got tired, sat down on a stone and looked around: the summer had already passed, she was standing in the yard late autumn, but in the old woman’s wonderful garden, where the sun always shone and flowers of all seasons bloomed, this was not noticeable!

God! How I hesitated! After all, autumn is just around the corner! There's no time for rest here! - said Gerda and set off again.

Oh, how her poor, tired legs hurt! How cold and damp it was in the air! The leaves on the willows turned completely yellow, the fog settled on them in large drops and flowed down to the ground; the leaves were falling down. One thorn tree stood covered with astringent, tart berries. How gray and dull the whole white world seemed!

Prince and Princess

Gerda had to sit down to rest again. A large raven was jumping in the snow right in front of her; He looked at the girl for a long, long time, nodding his head to her, and finally spoke:

Kar-kar! Hello!

He humanly could not pronounce this more clearly, but, apparently, he wished the girl well and asked her where she was wandering around the world alone? Gerda understood the words “alone” perfectly and immediately felt their full meaning. Having told the raven her whole life, the girl asked if he had seen Kai?

Raven shook his head thoughtfully and said:

Maybe, maybe!

How? Is it true? - the girl exclaimed and almost strangled the raven with kisses.

Quiet, quiet! - said the raven. - I think it was your Kai! But now he must have forgotten you and his princess!

Does he live with the princess? - asked Gerda.

But listen! - said the raven. - Only it’s terribly difficult for me to speak your way! Now, if you understood crow, I would tell you about everything much better.

No, they didn’t teach me this! - said Gerda. - Grandma understands! It would be nice for me to know how too!

Well, nothing! - said the raven. - I’ll tell you as best I can, even if it’s bad.

And he told about everything that only he knew.

In the kingdom where you and I are, there is a princess who is so smart that it’s impossible to say! She read all the newspapers in the world and already forgot everything she read - that’s how smart she is! One day she was sitting on the throne - and there’s not much fun in that, as people say - and humming a song: “Why shouldn’t I get married?” “But indeed!” - she thought, and she wanted to get married. But she wanted to choose a man for her husband who would be able to answer when they spoke to him, and not someone who could only put on airs - that’s so boring! And so they called all the courtiers with a drumbeat and announced to them the will of the princess. They were all very pleased and said: “We like this! We recently thought about this ourselves!” All this is true! - added the raven. “I have a bride at court, she’s tame, she walks around the palace, and I know all this from her.”

His bride was a crow - after all, everyone is looking for a wife to match themselves.

The next day all the newspapers came out with a border of hearts and with the princess’s monograms. It was announced in the newspapers that every young man of pleasant appearance could come to the palace and talk with the princess: the one who behaves completely freely, like at home, and turns out to be the most eloquent of all, the princess will choose as her husband! Yes, yes! - repeated the raven. - All this is as true as the fact that I am sitting here in front of you! People poured into the palace in droves, there was a stampede and a crush, but nothing came of it either on the first or on the second day. On the street, all the suitors spoke well, but as soon as they crossed the palace threshold, saw the guards all in silver, and the footmen in gold, and entered the huge, light-filled halls, they were taken aback. They approach the throne where the princess sits, and they repeat only her last words, but that’s not what she needed at all! Really, they were all definitely doped with dope! But upon leaving the gate, they again acquired the gift of speech. From the very gates to the doors of the palace stretched long, long tail grooms. I was there and saw it myself! The grooms were hungry and thirsty, but they were not even allowed a glass of water from the palace. True, those who were smarter stocked up on sandwiches, but the thrifty ones no longer shared with their neighbors, thinking to themselves: “Let them starve and become emaciated - the princess won’t take them!”

Well, what about Kai, Kai? - asked Gerda. - When did he appear? And he came to get married?

Wait! Wait! Now we have just reached it! On the third day, a small man appeared, not in a carriage, not on horseback, but simply on foot, and directly entered the palace. His eyes sparkled like yours; His hair was long, but he was poorly dressed.

It's Kai! - Gerda was delighted. - So I found him! - and she clapped her hands.

He had a knapsack on his back! - continued the raven.

No, it was probably his sleigh! - said Gerda. - He left the house with the sled!

Very possible! - said the raven. - I didn't get a good look. So, my bride told me that, entering the palace gates and seeing the guards in silver, and the footmen in gold on the stairs, he was not at all embarrassed, nodded his head and said: “It must be boring to stand here on the stairs, I’d better go into the rooms!” The halls were all flooded with light; nobles walked around without boots, delivering golden dishes - it couldn’t have been more solemn! And his boots creaked, but he wasn’t embarrassed by that either.

It's probably Kai! - exclaimed Gerda. - I know he was wearing new boots! I myself heard how they creaked when he came to his grandmother!

Yes, they did squeak quite a bit! - continued the raven. - But he boldly approached the princess; she sat on a pearl the size of a spinning wheel, and around stood the ladies of the court and gentlemen with their maids, maids' maids, valets, valets' servants and valets' servants. The farther someone stood from the princess and closer to the doors, the more important and arrogant he behaved. It was impossible to even look at the servant of the valets, standing right at the door, without fear, he was so important!

That's fear! - said Gerda. - Did Kai still marry the princess?

If I weren't a raven, I would marry her myself, even though I'm engaged. He entered into a conversation with the princess and spoke as well as I do when I speak crow - at least that’s what my bride told me. He generally behaved very freely and sweetly and declared that he had not come to get married, but only to listen to the clever speeches of the princess. Well, he liked her, and she liked him too!

Yes, yes, it's Kai! - said Gerda. - He's so smart! He knew all four operations of arithmetic, and even with fractions! Oh, take me to the palace!

It’s easy to say,” the raven answered, “but how to do it?” Wait, I’ll talk to my fiancée, she’ll come up with something and advise us. Do you think that they will let you into the palace just like that? Why, they don’t really let girls like that in!

They'll let me in! - said Gerda. - If only Kai heard that I was here, he would come running after me now!

Wait for me here, at the bars! - said the raven, shook his head and flew away.

He returned quite late in the evening and croaked:

Kar, kar! My bride sends you a thousand bows and this little loaf of bread. She stole it in the kitchen - there are a lot of them, and you must be hungry!.. Well, you won’t get into the palace: you’re barefoot - the guards in silver and the footmen in gold will never let you through. But don't cry, you will still get there. My bride knows how to get into the princess's bedroom from the back door, and she knows where to get the key.

And so they entered the garden, walked along long alleys strewn with yellowed autumn leaves, and when all the lights in the palace windows went out one by one, the raven led the girl through a small half-open door.

Oh, how Gerda’s heart beat with fear and joyful impatience! She was definitely going to do something bad, but she only wanted to find out if her Kai was here! Yes, yes, he's probably here! She so vividly imagined his intelligent eyes, long hair, a smile... How he smiled at her when they used to sit side by side under the rose bushes! And how happy he will be now when he sees her, hears what a long journey she decided to take for his sake, learns how everyone at home grieved for him! Oh, she was just beside herself with fear and joy.

But here they are on the landing of the stairs; a lamp was burning on the closet, and a tame crow was sitting on the floor and looking around. Gerda sat down and bowed, as her grandmother taught her.

My fiancé told me so many good things about you, miss! - said the tame crow. - Your vita - as they say - is also very touching! Would you like to take the lamp, and I will go ahead? We will go straight, we won’t meet anyone here!

And it seems to me that someone is coming after us! - said Gerda, and at that very moment some shadows rushed past her with a slight noise: horses with flowing manes and thin legs, hunters, ladies and gentlemen on horseback.

These are dreams! - said the tame crow. - They come here so that the thoughts of high-ranking people are carried away to the hunt. So much the better for us - it will be more convenient to see the sleeping people! I hope, however, that by entering in honor you will show that you have a grateful heart!

There is something to talk about here! It goes without saying! - said the forest raven.

Then they entered the first hall, all covered in pink satin woven with flowers. Dreams flashed past the girl again, but so quickly that she did not even have time to see the riders. One hall was more magnificent than the other - it simply took me by surprise. Finally they reached the bedroom: the ceiling resembled the top of a huge palm tree with precious crystal leaves; From the middle of it descended a thick golden stem, on which hung two beds in the shape of lilies. One was white, the princess slept in it, the other was red, and Gerda hoped to find Kai in it. The girl slightly bent one of the red petals and saw the dark blond back of her head. It's Kai! She called him by name loudly and brought the lamp right up to his face. The dreams noisily rushed away: the prince woke up and turned his head... Ah, it was not Kai!

The prince resembled him only from the back of his head, but was just as young and handsome. The princess looked out of the white lily and asked what happened. Gerda began to cry and told her entire story, mentioning what the crows had done for her.

Oh, you poor thing! - said the prince and princess, praised the crows, declared that they were not at all angry with them - just let them not do this in the future - and even wanted to reward them.

Do you want to be free birds? - asked the princess. - Or do you want to take the position of court crows, fully supported from kitchen scraps?

The raven and the crow bowed and asked for a position at court - they thought about old age and said:

It’s good to have a faithful piece of bread in your old age!

The prince stood up and gave up his bed to Gerda; There was nothing more he could do for her yet. And she folded her little hands and thought: “How kind all people and animals are!” - closed her eyes and fell asleep sweetly. The dreams again flew into the bedroom, but now they looked like God’s angels and were carrying Kai on a small sleigh, who nodded his head to Gerda. Alas! All this was just a dream and disappeared as soon as the girl woke up.

The next day they dressed her from head to toe in silk and velvet and allowed her to remain in the palace as long as she wished. The girl could have lived happily ever after, but she only stayed for a few days and began to ask to be given a cart with a horse and a pair of shoes - she again wanted to go looking for her sworn brother around the world.

She was given shoes, a muff, and a wonderful dress, and when she said goodbye to everyone, a golden carriage with the coats of arms of the prince and princess shining like stars drove up to the gate; the coachman, footmen and postilions - she was also given postilions - had small gold crowns on their heads. The prince and princess themselves seated Gerda in the carriage and wished her bon voyage. The forest raven, who had already gotten married, accompanied the girl for the first three miles and sat in the carriage next to her - he could not ride with his back to the horses. A tame crow sat on the gate and flapped its wings. She did not go to see Gerda off because she had been suffering from headaches since she received a position at court and ate too much. The carriage was chock full of sugar pretzels, and the box under the seat was filled with fruit and gingerbread.

Goodbye! Goodbye! - the prince and princess shouted.

Gerda began to cry, and so did the crow. So they drove the first three miles. Here the raven said goodbye to the girl. It was a hard parting! The raven flew up a tree and flapped its black wings until the carriage, shining like the sun, disappeared from sight.

Little robber

So Gerda drove into the dark forest, but the carriage shone like the sun and immediately caught the eye of the robbers. They could not stand it and flew at her shouting: “Gold! Gold!" They grabbed the horses by the bridle, killed the little postilions, coachman and servants, and pulled Gerda out of the carriage.

Look, what a nice, fat little thing. Fattened with nuts! - said the old robber woman with a long, stiff beard and shaggy, overhanging eyebrows. - Fatty, like your lamb! Well, what will it taste like?

And she pulled out a sharp, sparkling knife. What a horror!

Ay! - she suddenly screamed: she was bitten on the ear by her own daughter, who was sitting behind her and was so unbridled and willful that it was funny!

Oh you mean girl! - the mother screamed, but did not have time to kill Gerda.

She will play with me! - said the little robber. - She will give me her muff, her pretty dress and will sleep with me in my bed.

And the girl again bit her mother so hard that she jumped and spun around in one place. The robbers laughed:

Look how he jumps with his girl!

I want to get into the carriage! - shouted the little robber and insisted on her own - she was terribly spoiled and stubborn.

They got into the carriage with Gerda and rushed over stumps and hummocks into the thicket of the forest. The little robber was as tall as Gerda, but stronger, broader in the shoulders and much darker. Her eyes were completely black, but somehow sad. She hugged Gerda and said:

They won't kill you until I'm angry with you! You're a princess, right?

No! - the girl answered and told what she had to experience and how she loves Kai.

The little robber looked at her seriously, nodded her head slightly and said:

They won't kill you, even if I'm angry with you - I'd rather kill you myself!

And she wiped away Gerda’s tears, and then hid both hands in her pretty, soft and warm muff.

The carriage stopped: they entered the courtyard of a robber's castle. It was covered in huge cracks; crows and ravens flew out of them; Huge bulldogs jumped out from somewhere and looked so fiercely, as if they wanted to eat everyone, but they did not bark - this was forbidden.

In the middle of a huge hall, with dilapidated, soot-covered walls and a stone floor, a fire was blazing; the smoke rose to the ceiling and had to find its own way out; Soup was boiling in a huge cauldron over the fire, and hares and rabbits were roasting on spits.

You will sleep with me right here, next to my little menagerie! - the little robber said to Gerda.

The girls were fed and watered, and they went to their corner, where straw was laid out and covered with carpets. Higher up there were more than a hundred pigeons sitting on perches; they all seemed to be asleep, but when the girls approached, they stirred slightly.

All mine! - said the little robber, grabbed one of the pigeons by the legs and shook it so much that it beat its wings. - Here, kiss him! - she shouted, poking the dove right in Gerda’s face. - And here are the forest rogues sitting! - she continued, pointing to two pigeons sitting in a small recess in the wall, behind a wooden lattice. - These two are forest rogues! They must be kept locked up, otherwise they will fly away quickly! And here is my dear old man! - And the girl pulled the antlers of a reindeer tied to the wall in a shiny copper collar. - He also needs to be kept on a leash, otherwise he will run away! Every evening I tickle him under the neck with mine sharp knife- He is afraid of death!

With these words, the little robber pulled out a long knife from a crevice in the wall and ran it across the deer’s neck. The poor animal kicked, and the girl laughed and dragged Gerda to the bed.

Do you sleep with a knife? - Gerda asked her, glancing sideways at the sharp knife.

Always! - answered the little robber. - Who knows what might happen! But tell me again about Kai and how you set off to wander the world!

Gerda told. Wood pigeons in a cage cooed quietly; the other pigeons were already sleeping; the little robber wrapped one arm around Gerda's neck - she had a knife in the other - and began to snore, but Gerda could not close her eyes, not knowing whether they would kill her or leave her alive. The robbers sat around the fire, sang songs and drank, and the old robber woman tumbled. It was scary for the poor girl to look at it.

Suddenly the forest pigeons cooed:

Kurr! Kurr! We saw Kai! The white hen carried his sleigh on her back, and he sat in the Snow Queen's sleigh. They flew over the forest when we, the chicks, were still lying in the nest; she breathed on us, and everyone died except the two of us! Kurr! Kurr!

What are you saying? - Gerda exclaimed. -Where did the Snow Queen fly to?

She probably flew to Lapland - there is eternal snow and ice there! Ask the reindeer what's tied up here!

Yes, there is eternal snow and ice, how wonderful it is! - said the reindeer. - There you jump in freedom across endless sparkling icy plains! The Snow Queen's summer tent will be pitched there, and her permanent palaces will be North Pole, on the island of Spitsbergen!

Oh Kai, my dear Kai! - Gerda sighed.

Lie still! - said the little robber. - Otherwise I’ll stab you with a knife!

In the morning Gerda told her what she had heard from the wood pigeons. The little robber looked seriously at Gerda, nodded her head and said:

Well, so be it!.. Do you know where Lapland is? - she then asked the reindeer.

Who would know if not me! - answered the deer, and his eyes sparkled. - I was born and raised there, I jumped across the snowy plains there!

So listen! - the little robber said to Gerda. - You see, all our people are gone; one mother at home; a little later she will take a sip from a large bottle and take a nap - then I will do something for you!

Then the girl jumped out of bed, hugged her mother, pulled her beard and said:

Hello my little goat!

And her mother hit her on the nose, the girl’s nose turned red and blue, but all this was done with love.

Then, when the old woman took a sip from her bottle and began to snore, the little robber approached reindeer and said:

We could still make fun of you for a long, long time! You can be really funny when they tickle you with a sharp knife! Well, so be it! I will untie you and set you free. You can run away to your Lapland, but for this you must take this girl to the palace of the Snow Queen - her sworn brother is there. You, of course, heard what she was saying? She spoke quite loudly, and your ears are always on top of your head.

The reindeer jumped for joy. The little robber placed Gerda on it, tied her tightly for the sake of caution, and slipped a soft pillow under her to make it more comfortable for her to sit.

So be it,” she then said, “take back your fur boots - it will be cold!” I’ll keep the muff for myself, it’s too good! But I won’t let you freeze; Here are my mother’s huge mittens, they will reach your very elbows! Put your hands in them! Well, now you have hands like my ugly mother!

Gerda cried with joy.

I can't stand it when they whine! - said the little robber. - Now you need to look fun! Here's two more loaves of bread and a ham for you! What? You won't go hungry!

Both were tied to a deer. Then the little robber opened the door, lured the dogs into the house, cut the rope with which the deer was tied with her sharp knife, and said to him:

Well, it's alive! Look after the girl!

Gerda extended both hands in huge mittens to the little robber and said goodbye to her. The reindeer set off at full speed through stumps and hummocks, through the forest, through swamps and steppes. The wolves howled, the crows cawed, and the sky suddenly began to roar and throw out pillars of fire.

Here is my native northern lights! - said the deer. - Look how it burns!

Lapland and Finnish

The deer stopped at a miserable hut; the roof went down to the ground, and the door was so low that people had to crawl through it on all fours. There was an old Laplander woman at home, frying fish by the light of a fat lamp. The reindeer told the Laplander the whole story of Gerda, but first he told his own - it seemed much more important to him. Gerda was so numb from the cold that she could not speak.

Oh you poor things! - said the Laplander. - You still have a long way to go! You'll have to travel more than a hundred miles before you get to Finnmark, where the Snow Queen lives in her dacha and lights up blue lights every evening sparklers. I will write a few words on dried cod - I don’t have paper - and you will take it to the Finnish woman who lives in those places and will be able to teach you better than me what to do.

When Gerda had warmed up, eaten and drunk, the Laplander wrote a few words on the dried cod, told Gerda to take good care of it, then tied the girl to the back of the deer, and it rushed off again. The sky exploded again and threw out pillars of wonderful blue flame. So the deer and Gerda ran to Finnmark and knocked on the Finnish woman’s chimney - she didn’t even have a door.

Well, it was hot in her home! The Finnish woman herself, a short, dirty woman, walked around half naked. She quickly pulled off Gerda's entire dress, mittens and boots - otherwise the girl would have been too hot - put a piece of ice on the deer's head and then began to read what was written on the dried cod. She read everything from word to word three times until she had it memorized, and then she put the cod in the cauldron - after all, the fish was good for food, and the Finnish woman did not waste anything.

Here the deer first told his story, and then the story of Gerda. The Finnish girl blinked her smart eyes, but didn’t say a word.

You are such a wise woman! - said the deer. - I know that you can tie all four winds with one thread; when the skipper unties one knot, a fair wind blows, unties another, the weather gets worse, and unties the third and fourth, such a storm arises that it breaks the trees into splinters. Would you make a drink for the girl that would give her the strength of twelve heroes? Then she would defeat the Snow Queen!

The strength of twelve heroes! - said the Finnish woman. - Yes, there is a lot of sense in this!

With these words, she took a large leather scroll from the shelf and unfolded it: there were some amazing writings on it; The Finnish woman began to read them and read them until she broke out in a sweat.

The deer again began to ask for Gerda, and Gerda herself looked at the Finn with such pleading eyes, full of tears, that she blinked again, took the deer aside and, changing the ice on his head, whispered:

Kai is actually with the Snow Queen, but he is quite happy and thinks that he couldn’t be better anywhere. The reason for everything is the fragments of the mirror that sit in his heart and in his eye. They must be removed, otherwise he will never be human and the Snow Queen will retain her power over him.

But won't you help Gerda somehow destroy this power?

I can't make her stronger than she is. Don't you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! It’s not up to us to borrow her power! The strength is in her sweet, innocent childish heart. If she herself cannot penetrate the palace of the Snow Queen and remove the fragments from Kai’s heart, then we will certainly not help her! Two miles from here the Snow Queen's garden begins. Take the girl there, drop her off near a large bush covered with red berries, and come back without hesitation!

With these words, the Finnish woman lifted Gerda onto the back of the deer, and he began to run as fast as he could.

Hey, I'm without warm boots! Hey, I'm not wearing gloves! - Gerda shouted, finding herself in the cold.

But the deer did not dare to stop until it reached a bush with red berries; Then he lowered the girl, kissed her right on the lips, and large shiny tears rolled from his eyes. Then he shot back like an arrow. The poor girl was left alone, in the bitter cold, without shoes, without mittens.

She ran forward as fast as she could; a whole regiment of snow flakes was rushing towards her, but they did not fall from the sky - the sky was completely clear, and the northern lights were glowing on it - no, they ran along the ground straight towards Gerda and, as they approached, they became larger and larger. Gerda remembered the big beautiful flakes under the burning glass, but these were much bigger, more terrible, the most amazing views and forms and all living things. These were the vanguard of the Snow Queen's army. Some resembled big ugly hedgehogs, others - hundred-headed snakes, others - fat bear cubs with tousled hair. But they all sparkled equally with whiteness, they were all living snow flakes.

Gerda began to read the “Our Father”; it was so cold that the girl’s breath immediately turned into a thick fog. This fog kept getting thicker and thicker, but small, bright angels began to stand out from it, who, having stepped on the ground, grew into large, formidable angels with helmets on their heads and spears and shields in their hands. Their number kept growing, and when Gerda finished her prayer, a whole legion had already formed around her. The angels took the snow monsters onto their spears, and they crumbled into thousands of snowflakes. Gerda could now boldly move forward; the angels stroked her arms and legs, and she no longer felt so cold. Finally, the girl reached the palace of the Snow Queen.

Let's see what Kai was doing at this time. He didn’t even think about Gerda, and least of all about the fact that she was standing in front of the castle.

What happened in the halls of the Snow Queen and what happened next

The walls of the Snow Queen's palace were covered in a blizzard, the windows and doors were damaged by violent winds. Hundreds of huge halls illuminated by the northern lights stretched one after another; the largest extended for many, many miles. How cold, how deserted it was in these white, brightly sparkling palaces! Fun never came here! If only on rare occasions there would be a bear party here with dancing to the music of the storm, in which polar bears could distinguish themselves with their grace and ability to walk on their hind legs, or a game of cards with quarrels and fights, or, finally, a conversation over a cup of coffee little white chanterelles - no, this never happened! Cold, deserted, dead! The northern lights flashed and burned so regularly that it was possible to accurately calculate at what minute the light would intensify and at what moment it would weaken. In the middle of the largest deserted snowy hall there was a frozen lake. The ice cracked on it into thousands of pieces, marvelously even and regular. In the middle of the lake stood the throne of the Snow Queen; She sat on it when she was at home, saying that she sat on the mirror of the mind; in her opinion, it was the only and best mirror in the world.

Kai turned completely blue, almost blackened from the cold, but did not notice it - the kisses of the Snow Queen made him insensitive to the cold, and his very heart became a piece of ice. Kai tinkered with the flat, pointed ice floes, arranging them in all sorts of ways. There is such a game - folding figures from wooden planks, which is called “Chinese puzzle”. Kai also made various intricate figures from ice floes, and this was called “ice mind games.” In his eyes, these figures were a miracle of art, and folding them was an activity of the first importance. This happened because there was a piece of a magic mirror in his eye! He put together whole words from ice floes, but he could not put together what he especially wanted - the word “eternity”. The Snow Queen told him: “If you put this word together, you will be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and a pair of new skates.” But he couldn't put it together.

Now I'll fly to warmer lands! - said the Snow Queen. - I’ll look into the black cauldrons!

She called the craters of the fire-breathing mountains Vesuvius and Etna cauldrons.

And she flew away, and Kai was left alone in the vast deserted hall, looking at the ice floes and thinking and thinking, so that his head was cracking. He sat in one place - so pale, motionless, as if lifeless. You would have thought he was frozen.

At that time, Gerda entered the huge gate, made by violent winds. She read evening prayer, and the winds subsided, as if they had fallen asleep. She freely entered the huge deserted ice hall and saw Kai. The girl immediately recognized him, threw herself on his neck, hugged him tightly and exclaimed:

Kai, my dear Kai! Finally I found you!

But he sat still as motionless and cold. Then Gerda began to cry; Her hot tears fell on his chest, penetrated his heart, melted his icy crust and melted the fragment. Kai looked at Gerda, and she sang:

Roses are blooming... Beauty, beauty!
Soon we will see the baby Christ.

Kai suddenly burst into tears and cried so long and so hard that the shard flowed out of his eye along with the tears. Then he recognized Gerda and was very happy.

Gerda! My dear Gerda!.. Where have you been for so long? Where was I myself? - And he looked around. - How cold and deserted it is here!

And he pressed himself tightly to Gerda. She laughed and cried with joy. Yes, there was such joy that even the ice floes began to dance, and when they were tired, they lay down and composed the very word that the Snow Queen asked Kaya to compose; having folded it, he could become his own master, and even receive from her the gift of the whole world and a pair of new skates.

Gerda kissed Kai on both cheeks, and they bloomed like roses again, kissed his eyes, and they sparkled like her eyes; She kissed his hands and feet, and he again became vigorous and healthy.

The Snow Queen could return at any time - his freedom letter lay here, written in shiny icy letters.

Kai and Gerda walked out of the deserted icy palaces hand in hand; They walked and talked about their grandmother, about their roses, and on their way the violent winds subsided and the sun peeked through. When they reached a bush with red berries, a reindeer was already waiting for them. He brought with him a young female deer, her udder was full of milk; she gave it to Kai and Gerda and kissed them right on the lips. Then Kai and Gerda went first to the Finnish woman, warmed up with her and found out the way home, and then to the Laplander; she sewed them a new dress, repaired her sleigh and went to see them off.

The reindeer couple also accompanied the young travelers right up to the very border of Lapland, where the first greenery was already breaking through. Here Kai and Gerda said goodbye to the deer and the Laplander.

Have a nice trip! - the guides shouted to them.

Here in front of them is the forest. The first birds began to sing, the trees were covered with green buds. A young girl in a bright red cap and with a pistol in her belt rode out of the forest to meet the travelers on a magnificent horse. Gerda immediately recognized both the horse - it had once been harnessed to a golden carriage - and the girl. She was a little robber; she was bored with living at home, and she wanted to visit the north, and if she didn’t like it there, she wanted to go to other places. She also recognized Gerda. What a joy!

Look, you're a tramp! - she said to Kai. “I would like to know if you are worth having people run after you to the ends of the earth!”

But Gerda patted her on the cheek and asked about the prince and princess.

They left for foreign lands! - answered the young robber.

And the raven and the crow? - asked Gerda.

The forest raven died; The tame crow remains a widow, walks around with black fur on its leg and complains about its fate. But all this is nonsense, but tell me better what happened to you and how you found him.

Gerda and Kai told her everything.

Well, that's the end of the fairy tale! - said the young robber, shook their hands and promised to visit them if she ever came to their city. Then she went her way, and Kai and Gerda went theirs. They walked, and spring flowers bloomed on their road and the grass turned green. Then the bells rang, and they recognized the bell towers of their hometown. They climbed the familiar stairs and entered a room where everything was as before: the clock ticked in the same way, the hour hand moved in the same way. But, passing through the low door, they noticed that during this time they had managed to become adults. Blooming rose bushes peered from the roof through the open window; their children's chairs stood right there. Kai and Gerda each sat down on their own and took each other's hands. The cold, deserted splendor of the Snow Queen's palace was forgotten by them, like a heavy dream. Grandmother sat in the sun and read the Gospel loudly: “If you do not become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven!”

Kai and Gerda looked at each other and only then understood the meaning of the old psalm:

Roses are blooming... Beauty, beauty!
Soon we will see the baby Christ.

So they sat side by side, both already adults, but children at heart and soul, and outside it was a warm, blessed summer!

Snow Queen is a fairy tale about friendship, love and faith, which you can read on this page. This is a story about the unbroken spirit of one little girl who goes a very long way. The path seems not only endless, but also hopeless for the sake of saving the person dear to her heart. She meets different people and characters, discovers a huge and sometimes very dangerous world, but always finds help and support along the way, and despite any obstacles, does not give up.

Fairy tale Snow Queen is like a labyrinth, which the more you read, the more ornate it becomes. You can break it up into several stories and each one will become a special lesson for your child.

Life romanticism in a fairy tale.

Faith can move mountains, hope dies last, and love allows you to create real miracles, even melt icy hearts and tears. In the image of Gerda, a little girl, the author invested the power of these three postulates, fearless character, will - what a woman should have modern woman to gain and maintain your happiness. And then no Snow Queen will destroy it.

The fairy tale by H.H. Andersen is dedicated to Jenny Lind, a very famous opera actress in the 18th century. She had phenomenal range. She was applauded by Berlin, Paris, London and Vienna. Her voice was admired, and her performances were sold out.

Andersen was captivated to the depths of his soul by her beautiful voice. Lindh and the writer met in Copenhagen. Literally at first sight, he fell in love with the singer. Whether this feeling was mutual is unknown. But she really appreciated his writing talent.

Andersen couldn’t speak beautifully about his love, so he decided to write about it and confess his feelings. Having sent a letter with Lind's confession, he did not wait for a response. This is how the famous fairy tale was born, telling about the touching love that Gerda and Kai felt for each other.

Prototypes of heroes in a fairy tale

Two years later, Lind and Andersen met. The actress invited Andersen to become her brother. He agreed (since it was better than being a nobody), thinking that Gerda and Kai were also like brother and sister.

Perhaps in search of a real feeling, Andersen spent a lot of time traveling, trying to escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen, which for him was Copenhagen. In life, everything is not like in a fairy tale. The image of Kai and Gerda, invented by Andersen and personifying him and Lind, was just as pure. In his life, Kai was never able to make Gerda fall in love with him and escape from the kingdom of the Snow Queen.

Brief analysis of the tale

H. H. Andersen is the first Danish writer whose works were included in world literature. The most famous fairy tales are “The Little Mermaid” and “The Snow Queen”. They are familiar to almost all of us. The fairy tale “The Snow Queen” tells about good and evil, love and oblivion. It also talks about devotion and betrayal.

The image of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale was taken for a reason. Before his death, Andersen's father told him that the Ice Maiden had come for him. In his fairy tale, the writer personified the Snow Queen precisely with the Ice Maiden, who took his dying father with her.

The tale at first glance is simple and does not contain deep meaning. Delving deeper into the process of analysis, you understand that the plot raises some of the most important aspects of life - love, devotion, determination, kindness, the fight against evil, religious motives.

The story of Kai and Gerda

This is a story of touching friendship and love between two fairy tales by Andersen. Gerda and Kai had known each other since childhood and spent a lot of time together. In the fairy tale, it is Gerda who has to prove the strength of friendship, who went on a long and difficult journey after the boy who became a prisoner of the Snow Queen herself. Having charmed Kai with a piece of ice, she turned him into a callous, spoiled and arrogant boy. At the same time, Kai was not aware of his changes. Having managed to go through many difficulties, Gerda managed to find Kai and melt him ice heart. Kindness and faith in her friend’s salvation gave the girl strength and confidence. The fairy tale teaches you to be faithful to your feelings, not to leave a loved one in trouble, to be kind and, despite difficulties, to strive to achieve your goal.

Characteristics of Kai and Gerda

Andersen's fairy tale describes to us a kind, attentive and sympathetic Kai. But after challenging the Snow Queen herself, he turns into a rude and angry boy, capable of offending anyone, even Gerda and his grandmother, whose fairy tales he loved to listen to. One of Kai's pranks ended with him being captured by the Snow Queen.

In the palace of the evil queen, he became a boy with an icy heart. Kai kept trying to make the word “eternity” out of ice floes, but he couldn’t. Then she promised to give him skates and the whole world. Kai's desire to comprehend eternity indicates his lack of understanding that this cannot be done without true feelings, without love, having only a cold mind and an icy heart.

Having lost all human feelings, Kai, in fear, wanted to read a prayer, but could not. All he could think about in his head was the multiplication table. Frozen figures correct geometric shape - this is the only thing that delighted him. Kai tramples his once-beloved roses and examines snowflakes with interest through a magnifying glass.

The image of Gerda is a contrast to the character of the Snow Queen. To find Kai and rescue him from the ice castle, the girl sets off on a long and difficult journey. In the name of her love, a brave little girl sets off into the unknown. The obstacles encountered along this path did not make Gerda angry and did not force her to turn back towards home and abandon her friend in captivity of the Snow Queen. She remained friendly, kind and sweet throughout the entire fairy tale. Bravery, perseverance and patience help her not to become discouraged, but to humbly overcome all failures. Thanks to this character, she managed to find Kai. And love for him was able to melt his icy heart and cope with the spell of the evil queen.

The description of Gerda and Kai may be a prototype in life real people and similar stories. You just need to take a closer look around.

Characteristics of the Snow Queen

The Snow Queen, Blizzard Witch, Ice Maiden is a classic character in Scandinavian folklore. Lifeless and cold space, snow and eternal ice- this is the Kingdom of the Snow Queen. A tall, beautiful ruler on a throne located on a lake called the “Mirror of the Mind”, she is the embodiment of cold reason and beauty, devoid of feelings.

Growing up of fairy tale heroes

Having visited the kingdom of the Snow Queen, the heroes become adults. The motive of growing up takes on moral meaning. Children get older when faced with harsh life's trials, overcoming which Gerda managed to save her loved one, resisting the difficult quests and intrigues that the Snow Queen arranged for them. Kai and Gerda, despite growing up, retain their childlike spiritual purity. It’s as if they were born again for the purpose of a new adult existence.

Christian motives in a fairy tale

Andersen's tale is imbued with Christian motifs. This is rarely seen in Russian publications. In the episode, when Gerda tries to enter the Queens, the guards do not let her in. She was able to get into it thanks to the fact that she began to read the “Our Father” prayer. After which the guards, turning into angels, paved the way for the girl.

While Gerda and Kai return to their home, the grandmother reads the Gospel. After the meeting, the children all begin to dance around the rose bush and sing a Christmas carol, which is how the instructive tale ends.

And this mysterious journey from the world of good to the land of evil began with a fragment that fell into Kai’s eye. The mirror broke because trolls (that is, demons) reflected everything in the world in a distorted form. Andersen explains this by saying that the demons in the lying mirror wanted to reflect the Creator. God, not allowing this, made the mirror escape from the hands of the demons and break.

The image of Hell is reflected in the word “eternity”, which the Snow Queen instructed Kai to compose. Icy eternity, not created by the Creator, is an image of hell.

In the episode where the deer asks the sorceress to help Gerda and give her the strength of twelve heroes, she replies that she cannot make the girl stronger than she is. Her strength is small loving heart. And God helps her anyway.

Contrast between cold and heat

From the prologue of the fairy tale, Andersen begins to write that for some people, shards of ice fall into the heart, which freezes, becomes cold and insensitive. And at the end of the tale he describes how Gerda’s hot tears fall onto Kai’s chest and the shard of ice in his heart melts.

Cold in a fairy tale is the personification of evil, everything bad on earth, and warmth is love.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Snow Queen, Andersen sees the absence of warmth, the presence of coldness and insensibility.

2012-07-06 at 03:15

oh. I have a lot of them.

You have become quite an adult, my little Kai.
I have two months left - don't get used to it,
To my lips, to the smell of my skin...
Your Gerda and I are not at all alike -
They have already sent me a summons to heaven,
So now I’m either a palace or a barn...
I have no more strength, no more tears,
In my kingdom there is only snow and frost,
You go back to your warm-blooded one,
To your Gerda, love her evenly,
She will forgive everything when she gets over it.
I, dear Kai, have two months left...
(c) Winter

You see, baby, the girl's name was Gerda.
Boy - Kai.
This is how a night branch rustles in the wind.
Heart, don't be silent.
The boy's name was Kai.
Sleep. Nobody cares about these old
Del. And she wandered home through the snow.
What are you hiding there? Glass? Strange. Give it to me.
The boy's name was May...
His name was mine
Darling... What a blizzard today again!
Did I say? The boy's name was Laughter.
Why are you laughing? There's nothing funny.
Death separated them? What is death!
No, my child, death cannot separate.
No - no one, no one. Even two children
Stupid, distant and infinitely sweet...
The boy's name was Shadow.
They were separated by something called duty.
Do you know this word?.. Paths in the snow
No one paved it. Her journey was long.
The girl's name was Eternity. Boy... Sleep.
(c) Olga Rodionova
Tired children, witnesses of fate,
They look dispassionately with childish melancholy
Through the thickness of centuries, like mortal people
In the search for paradise they find peace.
Eras are passing, the remains of empires
Scattered in dust over the eternal earth.
Not people, not gods - tired children
They do not feel fear and do not know pain.
Their icy hearts do not warm their souls,
Their nights are days without morning, without evening.
And the stars above them are immortal, like time,
And it seems as if time is them.
Forever embraced by the cold firmament
They won't melt. Not life and not death.
Tell me, guys, do you believe in Gerda?
What did you manage to warm Kay’s heart?
Like cold soldiers, they surround
Ice-crowned royal throne.
Tell me guys, do you believe in Kai?
Do you believe that he went with Gerda?
Andrey Sochinyalkin
Gerda smashes ice figures into dust,
the faces of his queens are heartily broken,
hearing the second “I”: “You’re just a fool!
Kai won't come back, he'll never recognize you..."
Gerda loses her mittens along with the pain,
knowing that he no longer needs someone like that,
sprinkles white salt on the wounds of memory,
angry and that he is not needed, convincing himself.
Gerda screams, there are hundreds of needles in her voice -
and for some reason she suddenly becomes silent.
Something stabbed me in the eye, probably a shrapnel...
No, it’s not destiny to live without Queen Kayu!

2012-07-06 at 03:16

to hell with morality - all the gods have gone offline
the world is given to us, and there are no prohibitions
Gerda crumples a thin cigarette in her fingers
Gerda forgot what Kai looked like as a child (c)
Snow Queen! You fucked Kai up so much.
That he, like a mongrel, throws himself at the feet of every Gerda.
In the hope of getting the piece of ice you gave me out of my heart.
Attempts are in vain, because the ice does not melt, and your winter is endless.
O Queen! You know, your Kai is dying. Without the right to warm up in the hot summer.
But you don’t hear any moans or quiet sobs, because Kai doesn’t cry. This is wild for him.
Only cigarettes poison the heart and soul. He wants someone to listen to him.
And he doesn’t fucking need eternity without you.
© Kai Pitersky
The better the intimacy feels
Him and his sister.
Memories of his whims
And a feeling of gratitude for
That she didn’t see a challenge in them,
But the cry of a walker from a narrow cornice.
Kai drinks dark beer and watches football with friends.
Gerda treats a sore throat, wrapped in a warm blanket.
On the table are cigarettes, a tattered volume of poetry,
Aspirin and a box of more Christmas chocolates.
Gerda loves flowers, except red-bloody roses.
Sometimes on the way he buys himself a bouquet.
Kai has long outgrown the candy-flower period.
He's been giving her a credit card for the past few years.
Gerda has been preparing a scarf for Kaya in the hallway this evening.
I once knitted for him myself for over a year.
Kai usually puts the gift in the closet in the morning.
"Minus ten in total! What the hell is winter here?!"
Gerda warms her palms on a mug with a large elephant.
Kai flips through the magazine without hearing her question.
For Gerda, the past seems like a strange, distant dream.
Where is the boy from childhood, from the spicy smell of roses?
And someday at night, only the city will be covered in darkness,
Suddenly Gerda thinks, despairing and emboldened:
Maybe she took on too much
Suddenly believing that his queens would become more needed...
Natalya Pospobina
The stars are falling on their faces -
Paradise before the Queen:
The Little Prince is not a prince
Small, like Kai...
The pallor of chiseled faces,
The boys are warmed by ice.
The little prince is no longer
There is frozen honey in the veins... -
Stretches into the snowy region -
In frost, the fragility of eyelashes
New name "Kai"
The Little Prince is not a prince...
(c) Julia Step
Yes, you didn't know.
I kept looking for him.
Naive, stupid girl.
this unfortunate Gerdochka.
She plotted against ice and blizzards
They are in the heart of a brother,
We didn’t have time to fall.
While I was getting there,
I dreamed about summer.
Empty hopes
they are still children.
There will be no summer
The snow still doesn't melt.
Kai is frozen.
Kai dies.

Gerda, tell me, why do you need a heart?
Kai still won't be able to get warm.
He doesn't care about "chalk under the windows"
he is not passionate about you, but about the business.
Why, explain, there are hugs by the fireplace?
he has all year round ice apathy.
he is doomed, but he is sure that somewhere
From the word "eternity" we get "summer"
He has hopes, but he himself is hopeless.
Know, Gerda, Kai is destroyed for you.
If you still want to get there,
It's eternally cold here and -120
maps have not been created, carriages do not travel.
and between the seas and continents.
So, girl, stay home.
Drink tea while flipping through the pages of the album.
Your brother is fine, even if your body is cold
It’s not your fault, it’s all the Queen.

2012-07-06 at 03:17

Thank you very much))

2012-07-06 at 03:18

and there are about 10 more pieces. If needed, of course

2012-07-06 at 03:24

Born out of character

This is a song, not poetry, but still.

Mister, tell me what happened to us,
The servants have been bustling around since the morning.
Even those skeletons that were gathering dust in the closet
We pulled him out of the corner.
The windows are like rock crystal.
Fluffed feather beds made from snow.
- Girl, I'm busy, leave me alone.
My Queen is coming.

Sir, our castle has been transformed again.
Crooked mirrors await the heroes of the day.
And a horned deer wanders near the dungeon,
It seems he is looking for me.
But the eternal ice sparkles.
The dead tree turns silver...
- Girl, I'm busy, go away.
My Queen is coming.

Sir, have you really made up your mind?
You are now subject to Eternity traits.
And there is not a drop of blood in the stern face,
And in the eyes there is a stamp of emptiness.
There is a breath of ice in the sky,
The wind changed course to the North.
- This means that here
My Queen is coming.

Kai, what's going on? Where am I? What's wrong with you?
The heart was frozen by an icy castle...
You are addicted to this scary game!
Well, let's go home.
We need to leave quickly
After all, a housewife in anger is terrible!
- Gerda, get off! Now it will be mine
Snow Queen!

2012-07-06 at 03:24

2012-07-06 at 03:26

Kai is very sick. Kai plays with silence -
I can’t sleep through the night in silence;
Eternity looks at him and stealthily melts,
Kai is too busy with himself, silence and dreams,
To notice how the world has turned into a grain.
You look so much like him - like unfortunate Kai
(or happy): the same features - like a prince.
Children of the rain - that’s what they call you, it seems;
Some hate, some love, and some despise
(the ice under your feet sparkles desperately and brightly).
Kai remains silent, choosing a sweeter non-echo:
The sea of ​​silence flows, dreams are cold.
At these moments my heart beats faster,
Everything here becomes puppet, unreal -
Only the eyes look at the real sky.
...At dawn the cold abyss will drag you away,
After leaving only the color of silver rain.
The winds are howling over the snowy plain,
The lights in the sky move back and forth.
For five thousand years Gerda searched for Kai,
And the word "eternity" is still made of ice.
The curtains have decayed, the ball gown is worn out,
There is a draft from the windows and a draft from under the doors.
For five thousand years the prince cherishes the crystal shoe,
And Cinderella’s hands, as always, are covered in dirt.
Plans, hopes, masks are poured into the pantry,
Good intentions, a few stupid ideas.
Five thousand years King Arthur reads fairy tales
About faithful women and worthy friends.
The feather is worn out. The books were leafed through excitedly.
On Milky Way Your star is somewhere too.
All fairy tales lie. All fairy tales are the holy truth.
...And Kai's heart is still made of ice.
the bell rings. Gerda hits the alarm clock and continues to sleep.
Kai will come to wake you up, Kai will give you flowers, make you laugh, invite you to go for a walk,
he is beautiful, like a god, like Adonis, invented a thousand years ago.
Gerda melts when she touches him. Only the pieces of ice in his eyes do not melt.
the queen will put on a transparent dress, touch her wrist with a needle,
she likes boys so much. she takes some with her.
the queen plays dangerous games, but her blood is so cold,
the queen does not need anyone, and she is never alone.
get high he has heroin in his blood, and peace in his eyes,
Kai sings with a guitar about childhood dreams, about his separated brother and sister.

Just for fun today he made an ETERNITY out of white powder.

The deer's knees broke, and, screaming, the gerda fell into the snow.
Kai plays his blues, the queen drinks whiskey with ice and looks out the window,
she was a little bored with the plot, but overall she liked the movie.
Gerda is sleeping. her pain subsides. it is surrounded by a snowy paradise,
well - almost a happy ending. Only Gerda doesn't need God. Gerda needs Kai.
You returned alien and dead to our kingdom of flowers and roofs.
The fact that the threads of love are frayed is visible only when you sleep.
There is warm light in this room, but it still looks like a corpse,
you smile barely noticeably from the very edge of your pale lips.
Why do you never look away from shame when you get up every day?
I know, I know exactly who you dreamed about now.
You will laugh - your carelessness amuses me to tears.
Or make me the word “eternity” from the stems of New Year’s roses.
From flowers or sharp pieces of ice and mirrors - is that really the point?
This was mine, my fight, not yours or anyone else’s.
I crawled on my knees into the mountains, forgot about you completely,
I learned to extinguish discord and be strong - tell me, why?
I hesitated from step to run, you obediently followed her,
playing with snow in ecstasy and kissing her hem.
And it seems to me that you will slip through your fingers like ice, there’s no way to hold it back.
Oh, how the gentle, snowy, table-like enemy sometimes loves to laugh!
Yes, everything will be different later, it will be summer... don’t hide it, don’t hide it...
But now just sleep, my boy.
Sleep, my dear lost Kai.
(c) Svetlana Galkina
Your fingers get cold, but the ice doesn’t melt because your heart doesn’t beat.
This heart itself has become a piece of ice - silent, bloodless.
And biting my lip, with the caution of a tightrope walker
He, like a puzzle, puts together the only correct word.
And she is somewhere where the snowstorm mixed up the paths, -
He repeats in delirium, under some kind of drowsy anesthesia:
“Do you remember how it was - on a sled and down a hill - cool?
Do you remember how our roses bloomed on the window in May?..."
He forgot. And flowers, and colors - only white remains here.
Don’t look, don’t look for your bosom friend among the snow...
But she was not - neither risky, nor strong, nor brave...
It’s just now... Now it’s howling along with the blizzard:
“Do you remember me? Do you remember at least half a line about us?
From a long-worn book, read in childhood?..
They are placed there - do you believe me? - both accents and points,
The wise storyteller foresaw everything - well, do you believe it, do you believe it?.. -
She just needs to look him in the eyes again.
And hug and cry, kissing frozen cheeks...
But the pieces of ice are almost already folded into the cherished word.
Days, weeks and years - he probably lost count...
His fingers are freezing, but he doesn’t feel the cold, really -
For some reason I'm tired. And the blizzard gets you drunk.
...A pair of new skates is actually a good reward.
Unless you know that there is something more important in the world.
Gerda is silent, does not howl, does not fight in hysterics without ceasing
Gerda comes to the bar and watches Kai's back behind the counter
without demanding anything
without begging
without touching it. without panicking at all.
absolute hallelujah.
Gerda looks seventeen - this is a success, at her tired twenty-three.
given her lifestyle, with a regular level of alcohol in her blood,
with the amount of nicotine inside,
again bars, betting
and bet.
Kai seems to be twenty-five, and he looks surprisingly good.
he says cryogenic medicine. although most likely a lobotomy.
electric shock
Dresses not for the weather: sneakers, purple scarf and hood.
Gerda sees Kai - and he looks a little funny to her,
She knitted this saffron for him.
the scarf is tied - and he doesn’t need it.
Walking into her favorite bar, Gerda sees Kaya, but keeps up her courage -
orders tea with lemon, mint and thyme.
drinks, and out of habit tries to reach out to the bartender,
for whiskey with ice,
in old fashion with a thick bottom
legs are weak and don’t obey
fingers don't bend
they pretend they don't know each other. or they don't notice.
her pupils are wild with hatred -
she imagines him cumming into this snowy woman at night.
another whiskey
another whiskey and tea.
Thoughts are like flocks of birds...
I wanted to ask you:
Will he be able to leave Kai?
Snow Queen?
Statue of sadness
Ice and dry wind...
You didn't know me well
I'm just dressed like that -
Mask. You too, right?
Like everyone else. What will happen?..
My plane is delayed.
I smile a little - fate.
I sleep once every four nights -
It's scary to get lost in dreams.
I trace the lines with my finger
Fairy tales that did not come true.
And after dawn - everyday life.
I'm dialing your number.
It's all too difficult...
This is all too painful...
I write clearly along the edge
Life with a piece of chalk:
“Kaya won’t be able to quit
The Snow Queen."
As a child, I saw a picture in a fairy-tale book:
A little boy was putting something out of ice cubes

Pale woman Snow like a Queen
I suddenly thought - he misses the boy Kai
Warm, gentle, kind... in general - DIFFERENT
Someone told her: “You can’t be so dear”
Someone chimed in: “And Clarra is right, dear!”
Gerda set off on the same cloudy evening
To find out what frosty eternity is
There were rumors that Gerda was stolen by ravens
Those who served for the good of the Cold Crown
Years later I accidentally saw a picture:
The boy continued to lay out pieces of ice for an eternity
And sat on the marble throne on the left,
The girl who became Queen for him
under the glow of the spotlights - the northern stars - the queen plays the role
and she is perfect, as can death be, from which pain has been taken away
takes love intravenously, laughs, spurring his horses
there is nothing you can’t part with to stay with her forever
get high he has heroin in his blood, and peace in his eyes
kai sings with a guitar about childhood dreams, about his separated brother and sister
the feelings are the same, only the sun is becoming less and less common in his poems
Just for fun today he made an ETERNITY out of white powder
Gerda gallops north, but the north is not found, it is swept away by a blizzard
the bell rings. where are you, boy, why are you going to her bed?
I lose myself every time she touches your tender eyelids..
the deer's knees gave way, and, screaming, Gerda fell into the snow
Kai plays his blues, the queen drinks whiskey with ice and looks out the window
she was a little bored with the plot, but overall she liked this movie
Gerda is sleeping. her pain subsides. it is surrounded by a snowy paradise
well - almost a happy ending. Only Gerda doesn't need God. Gerda needs Kai
My dear Kai, I see your heart,
Cold, frozen in captivity.
I really want to help him warm up,
But how can I not freeze myself?
I firmly believe that the night is not eternal.
But loneliness is such an evil essence,
When you walk, - Sadovoye, in the oncoming lane, -
And you know that you chose the wrong path.
But that's different. Listen, don't be scared.
You will understand me when the time comes.
Whenever you want, come back right away,
And let the other Gerda wait for you.
And let the other one meet you, smiling,
Even though I didn’t follow you,
Although she was not the one who was sad, afraid,
That he will no longer hear your answer.
I won't say anything. Why should I be upset?
The one who led my heart into the snow?
My generous patience
He will stubbornly believe in you.
(c) Elu
“Unhappy Gerda... Alone... Alone as always.
Listen to me, I’m your beloved Kai.
My queen... she is as pale as snow.
Well, why are you crying like a fool? Get used to it!
When I left, my home became an ice palace
I made eternity out of dreams that you didn’t weave..."
Snowflakes stuck, mutilating your face,
And I reveled in the insignificance of this beauty
“She will give me the whole world, and also skates...”
You reach into your pocket for matches... “I said, don’t you dare!”
So, what would you choose: forest or stumps?
I chose. And I stay not with you, but with her
Unhappy Gerda... You can't understand...
I’d rather learn from roses how to let out thorns.”
And you still stood and silently looked at me
And suddenly it split into sparks of ice and dust
© Julber

2012-07-06 at 03:26

Now she also drinks scorching whiskey and asks for more ice,
She now thinks a thousand times before she says yes
She no longer believes in the words “forever” and “forever”:
Gerda hides her eyes behind the plastic of her dark glasses.
Instead of a heart, he now has a huge crystal like this:
Kai even stopped laughing after a couple of days.
It seems to him that he has made up for something lost -
As in childhood, holding the best of all nets in his hands:
He catches all her butterflies released outside the window.
Her house is now unexpectedly empty, cold and dark.
Gerda is waiting for some miracle, a mystical “yes, but...”
And inside, behind the ribs, something pricks like a needle.
Kai sees himself as something else: he is a tiger, or maybe a lion.
He lives so freely, as if he has overcome some limit.
And I lost count of the number of Snow Queens in my bed.
Gerda sees him, completely different, and, crying, laughs until she colics.
He drinks in one gulp mint tea, hopes: maybe poison?
Kai promises himself to return to Gerda seven times in a row this week.
It's so unpleasant for him to hear people talk about her,
And he is already remembered almost dashingly.
She reaches for a cigarette, still clutching her notebook:
It contains the first entry in his handwriting: “Life teaches us to choose...”
Gerda clicks her lighter. She wants to scream like that
So that the neighbors go deaf, and then so that it becomes quiet.
She is sick without him - as if in withdrawal without heroin.
Gerda's life without Kai seems to be simply lost in the old ruins.
When she dreams of him - in the arms of strangers Marina, Christina, Karina -
Gerda dreams so much that life becomes just a dream.
Kai is looking for her, lost in this city of all winds.
He no longer remembers where, at what time and with whom he messed up so much,
But it feels as if I once shared my home with her.
Recognizes her street, house, entrance and floor with difficulty.
Gerda’s curtains are still closed, but the balcony is wide open.
She hasn’t eaten for five days now, putting her life on the line.
She turned off all the lights and in the dark reads Sholokhov’s “Quiet Don”...
Kai for courage in the nostrils - last time- powder.
He is on his knees, and the fingers of both hands are trembling slightly.
Kai, more than ever, is now shackled, timid and constrained in front of her.
Gerda almost doesn’t believe that he’s coming to her three floors
Climbed, flew, arrived:
“Someone up there wanted me to find you again.”

The Tale of the Snow Queen: cold war good and evil

The main characters of the fairy tale are inseparable friends Kai and Gerda - a boy and a girl living next door. The children loved to take care of the roses growing on the windowsill, play together on the street and listen to exciting fairy tales that Gerda's grandmother told the children.

Kai was always fascinated by the snowflakes that fell in slow flakes from the sky when winter came. One day he asked his grandmother how many snowflakes the Snow Queen had and whether there were enough to cover the whole city with them. And the grandmother told about the secret of the Snow Queen, who flies across the sky on a sleigh and covers houses and alleys with snow.

The Snow Queen takes Kai away

During the story, the boy felt something sharp prick him in the eye, and then in the heart. It was the Queen who found out that the boy was interested in her. But since she was evil, she decided to make our hero cruel and heartless. He became unfriendly, often insulted Gerda and her old grandmother, and stopped enjoying flowers and every new day. He spent all his time carefully examining snowflakes.

One day, while at the skating rink, he accidentally noticed an unusual sled and, without thinking twice, tied his sled to it and rolled it. Gerda, noticing that Kai was being taken away, rushed to help, but the sleigh soared high into the air. It was the Snow Queen's sleigh. Arriving at her palace, she put her fur coat on the boy and, kissing Kai on the forehead, completely froze his heart. He stopped thinking about his grandmother and Gerda.

Search for a castle

Relatives grieved for Kai for a long time, and Gerda decided to go in search of him. She wandered through the forest for a long time, asking its inhabitants if they knew the way to the Snow Queen. But no one had heard of her.

One day Gerda came across a house in the forest in which a girl, the daughter of an ataman, lived. She immediately asked Gerda what she would give her if she helped her get to the Snow Queen's castle. Our heroine promised her a fur coat and mittens. Then the girl became kinder, and even introduced Gerda to the reindeer, who was inspired by the heroine’s story about Kai and hurried to help. No matter how much the little chieftain felt sorry to part with Gerda and the deer, she still let them go in search of Kai. But this is far from the girl’s last adventure.

Returning home

Meanwhile, Kai, living with the Queen, did not remember who he was and that he had loved ones who were looking for him. He spent time in the ice room, making the word “eternity” out of pieces of ice.

When he puts this word out, the queen will give him skates and show him her icy domain. Thanks to the reindeer, Gerda finds the Snow Queen's castle and, having overcome obstacles, gets inside, where she finds Kai in one of the rooms. But the boy pushes Gerda away and continues to fold the pieces of ice. Having burst into tears on Kai's chest, a tear penetrates his cold heart and drowns the icy shackles, the boy immediately recognizes his girlfriend, and they both rush away from the castle. What will the Snow Queen do? Will the guys be able to return home safe and sound? This is what the little viewer has to find out.