Is it true that Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov secretly got married? Blue wars and eternal secrets.

According to the confessions of Sergei Lazarev, his son Nikita is 2.5 years old, and in this regard, it is not difficult to understand with whom Lazarev shared the care of the child.

Sergei Lazarev is generally a very secretive young man. Only his affair with Lera Kudryavtseva was public, but in that situation it could not have been any other way. Sergei had to prove to his fans that he was a guy, which was necessary, and Lera, at that time, did not have a normal man to marry him and live with a normal family.

Baskov and Fedorova had a similar situation, but this is a completely different story.

As is already known, paparazzi suddenly catch Sergei Lazarev with a small child at the exit from the temple, but the most interesting thing is that later in a telephone conversation he confirms that this is his son Nikita. Lazarev said nothing about the baby’s mother. But we can assume that this “same girl from circles far from show business” about whose presence he assured everyone a year ago.

True, a year and two years ago there was no girl next to Sergei, but his good friend Dmitry Kuznetsov was always with him. For those who are not among his squealing fans, it has long been easy to figure out that the guys spend maximum time together. Their photos appear at the same time in the same place.

That's just joint photos they practically do not, since each of them, in the light of Russian laws, prefers not to advertise their relationship. Moreover, even being “friends” in social networks, they prefer to pretend that their acquaintance is rather superficial.

For some time now they have been united not only by friendship, but also by business relations. Dmitry, who has been seriously involved in business for a long time and was listed as the General Director of the Sky Jet company, became the General Director of his Poodle Strudel dog confectionery. And Sergei never advertised this fact, saying in an interview that this project was exclusively his brainchild.

(pictured Dmitry Kuznetsov with Daisy)

So, it wasn’t difficult to sort things out with Sergei Lazarev’s significant other, but who is the child’s mother? big question. Apparently, she, like the mother of Philip’s children, is somewhere nearby, but no one has ever seen her.

In the gay music community they are sure that the singer has a family and a child, whom he hides due to superstitions

IN end past year 34- summer Sergey LAZAREV dumbfounded public news, What more two With half year back at him was born son Nikita, whom He from everyone hid. Many Then singer Not believed And counted, What This another PR. "To me Seems, If would Lazarev really became father, We would found out about this straightaway, A Not through two With half year, - spoke us V interview open homosexual - musical critic Sergey NEIGHBORS ( ). - Quicker total, this history, How And novel With Leroy KUDRYAVTSEVA, He came up with, to Nothing Not talked about his sexy orientation". After this singer, apparently wanting convince everyone V reality his paternity, started periodically lay out V "Instagram" photos With son. Is it true, faces boys He Not showed. IN frame were present only legs or hands child. A If appeared head, she was fully closed with a hat or hooded. IN result This Not only Not dispelled doubts, A vice versa, gave birth to succession new rumors And speculation.

Version 1

For example, in the show party they started talking about a secret child whom Lazarev showed in parts, you could see the whole thing and with open face on Instagram from the director of the department for working with artists of the Muz-TV channel - a 27-year-old Nicholas Popova. This young man, who came to Moscow from Vologda several years ago and quickly made a career on television, began posting pictures with a cute fair-haired baby on his page only this year. And he didn’t answer anything when the subscribers wondered who his child was - a son, a nephew or someone else. But judging by other pictures on his profile, recent years Nikolai quite often spent time in the company of Lazarev. And even more often with his close friend and business partner - 32-year-old Dmitry Kuznetsov. Moreover, he was photographed with him not only sitting decorously in drinking establishments, but also taking fancy acrobatic poses against the backdrop of palm trees. The increased attention to Kuznetsov even brought the wrath of some radical fans of Lazarev to the Muz-TV employee.

Seeing the new tattoo on LAZAREV’s neck, many decided that it was in honor of his son. Photo:

Nick, I understand everything, you like Dimka, but maybe you won’t take him away from Serenya? - wrote under one of the joint photographs of Popov and Kuznetsov Julia Samoilova(juliyasamoylova9292). - They're family. Don't touch a married man! Find yourself someone else! You follow him everywhere. He loves only Seryozha!!! Don't take it to heart! You are also very cool guy, but they are very dear to me!!!

Those same cars and a child's hand. Photo:

If anyone doesn’t know, Dmitry Kuznetsov is a successful businessman, co-founder and director of SkyJet, SkyPoint and Air Catering companies, which organize and provide private air travel for VIP clients. Two and a half years ago, together with Lazarev, he opened a confectionery shop for dogs and cats, Poodle-Strudel. And last fall he headed a catering company for people - the Riga Coffee company. It is curious that its founder, according to according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities(One state register legal entities), the 46-year-old director of the Center for Political Conjuncture spoke Alexey Chesnakov, formerly deputy head of department domestic policy Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the Party " United Russia" As Alexey Alexandrovich once stated in an interview with the Russian News Service, he also had a stake in the SkyJet and SkyPoint companies, but he abandoned it. In general, no one would mind having a partner with such serious connections as Kuznetsov.

Native legs are so nice. Photo:

Who says that I’m taking pictures with Lazarev’s son? - Popov, to whom we turned for clarification, was surprised. - This is incorrect information. And whose child is in the photographs with me... Who cares! As for statements about my relationship with Dmitry Kuznetsov... I’m just not very comfortable talking.

Seryozha photographed this baby the other day during a flight to Cuba. Photo:

Version 2

The child from Nikolai Popov’s Instagram was not the only candidate for the role of Lazarev’s son. Other children found on the pages of people from his close circle were also declared as such. They even found a boy, whose name, like the singer’s heir, was Nikita. True, he had very real parents - a guitarist from the Lazarev band Edward Sharonov and his wife Anastasia. But this did not bother the hunters to reveal Lazarev’s secret. And they're on blue eye They suggested that it was the guitarist’s son who was allegedly captured in the photographs with Sergei.

Dima and Kolya have a great time together. Photo:

Edik sometimes takes his wife and son on tour, assured a fan of Lazarev Nina Sovranskaya, who wrote to our editor. - Recently they went with him to Turkey. And after that, a photograph of Lazarev appeared on the beach with children’s hands on his stomach, holding a toy car. Yes, Edik’s son was born not more than two years ago, but much later. But it’s unlikely that they carry a whole crowd of little Nikitas with them.

Nikolai POPOV doesn’t want to worry about who this cute tomboy is to him. Photo:

Unfortunately, attempts to find out what Eduard Sharonov thinks about all this were unsuccessful. At first, guitarist Lazarev willingly responded to our appeal on one of the social networks. But when the essence of the issue was explained to him, he fell silent, like a partisan under interrogation. One could only guess whether his silence was a sign of agreement with the above or whether there was no answer from him for some other reason.

Eduard SHARONOV with his wife and son

Version 3

One could believe in the version with the guitarist’s son only if he and Lazarev would have made this Nikita together, that it would have been their common creation,” the PR manager stood up for the singer Ivan Irbis, ex-lover Ivana Shapovalova And Enrique Iglesias. - I don’t think that Sergei would pass off someone else’s son as his own. If he didn’t have any child, it would be impossible to hide this for a long time. This is not a relationship with Leroy Kudryavtseva invent. And Lazarev even got a tattoo on his neck in the form of the first letter of the name Nikita. I am convinced that he really has a son. Most likely, it was created with the help of a surrogate mother. This technology is usually used by men who love men and therefore do not have women. Vaughn Cristiano Ronaldo surrogate mother I have already given birth to three children. Every person wants to procreate. And Lazarev is no exception. Perhaps he doesn’t show the boy’s face because he’s superstitious. Like all artists.

    You shouldn't pry into the personal lives of stars. They are people too and have the right to their personal life. I don’t know how Sergei Lazarev’s sexuality is, but recently information appeared on the Internet that Sergei Lazarev has a son, Nikita, whom he hid from the public for almost 2.5 years. The truth about his son’s mother Sergei Lazarev did not give a single comment.

    Because same-sex marriage is currently prohibited in Russia, the answer to this question can only be in the realm of speculation. So, the following is written about this couple.

    I think that these rumors about the wedding of Lazarev and Kuznetsov are from the same series as the rumors about the alleged wedding of actors Astakhov and Mironov several years ago. Just my opinion. December 24, 2016.

    each of us has an instinct of self-preservation, for a talented performer his work is life, but sex for a young and handsome man in life there is. Three facts that speak in favor of Sergei Lazarev’s homosexual orientation. He is not suicidal; to admit his orientation, to admit to a performer that he is gay means to kill himself as a performer in our country; they can only forgive him after death, like Tchaikovsky. Serey Lazarev, in my opinion, is very, very talented and in himself as a person has all the advantages. Gay or not, your singing will not get worse and your talent will not go away. Gays are people too, and I'm not a fascist. Nothing is known about the wedding, nothing is known about his personal life, except for his affair with Lera Kudryavtseva. But people would quickly find out about Lazarev’s personal life if they didn’t divide people and were more tolerant of gays or could divide cutlets and flies.

    It should be noted that rumors about the non-traditional sexual orientation of the popular Russian singer Sergei Lazarev have been circulating for a long time, and his relationship (friendly or otherwise) with Dmitry Kuznetsov has been talked about for two and a half years. Here you can read discussions about Sergei’s possible preferences in terms of choosing a partner, however, no one held a candle, as they say, so everything set out in this material should be treated with a certain degree of irony and distrust... As for the conclusion of an official marriage between Lazarev and Kuznetsov, then there is no such information, so the answer will be negative.

    I don’t understand why say such things without evidence; if these guys got married, then all the media would have spread such news a long time ago. After all, there would be a bomb for them. Maybe guys millet good friends, and they were already credited with marriage and love. Only time will tell what is actually true.

    How similar they are, these guys in the photo in the question, right? And before, when they were not yet friends (whatever this word meant there), there was no such similarity, Dmitry did not wear such haircuts and Lazarev stubble.

    Of course, anyone who follows the lives of stars (for example, a whole blog dedicated to the couple) cannot help but notice that the friendship between Lazarev and Kuznetsov is especially warm.

    But nothing has been written about the wedding yet. They will probably be the first to write on the above blog.

    Perhaps it was to Dmitry that Sergei dedicated his song at Eurovision. Russian commentators translated the title You are my only one, but those who know English will tell you that the translation You are my only one will be just as accurate.

    All rumors and, as always, stupid. Sergei Lazarev will not be allowed to live in peace, he hid his child from everyone, but people will not calm down, they keep prying into the personal lives of the stars. He is a normal guy, and even if his orientation is not standard and he skillfully hides it, well, that’s his business. But about the wedding of Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov, again rotten jokes from journalists.

    Yes, whenever I watched Sergei Lazarev’s performances, I kept a box of napkins nearby. Apparently Dmitry Kuznetsov also liked them. Look into their happy eyes, isn't this the best proof?

    There is no evidence that S. Lazarev and D. Kuznetsov officially got married. And I suppose it cannot be.

    In the Russian Federation, such marriages are not allowed.

    Well, abroad, where this is possible, there would always be some kind of witness who would testify to the whole world about this historical fact, especially for euros or bucks.

    After all, Sergey Lazarev is not an ordinary man in the street, but, one might say, a Eurovision star. Let us remind you that the audience voted for him!

    So there is no reason to talk about this wedding.

    It is known that Dmitry Kuznetsov and Sergey Lazarev are friends and business partners. But this does not provide grounds for making such statements. Guessing doesn't count.

Famous Russian singer Sergei Lazarev is trying his best to hide the truth about his sexual preferences, after his own fans brought the artist to the surface.

That's what fans are for, to follow the life of their favorite star, that's why he's a star, so that they can discuss him from head to toe.

After an unexpected breakup with TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, the ironic reason for which was Lera’s wedding, the singer’s personal life was a mystery to everyone for several years, until the artist himself let slip that he was in a relationship. Sergei’s eyes could no longer hide inner happiness and love burned in them. Sergei’s life proceeded quietly and peacefully for several years without scandals and he began to reveal, without fear of a catch, his true emotions and feelings. That text, invented many, many years ago, which he memorized and constantly repeats to us, “I’m married on stage, I don’t have time for a personal life,” was somehow forgotten in Lazarev’s head. In general, a similar phrase was still relevant in the 2000s, when there was such a concept that it was difficult for artists to combine the stage and personal life, but today 90% of artists (who are more successful than Sergei!) have long started families with several children and this the concept of incompatibility has gone into oblivion! Moreover, Sergei is not female and he does not have a contract with the producer, which contains a clause prohibiting having a family and children. He is his own master in all matters and does not depend on anything or anyone, except for a situation in which he clearly has to pretend to be a person (from some parallel universe invented by Sergei himself) who can do without sex and cannot find a wife for the sake of the stage. If we didn’t know what all this was for, and more specifically for the sake of a boyfriend, then from the outside it might seem that living until the age of 32 and not falling in love, not wanting to date and already getting married is a little abnormal for a person in his 40s. Seryozha wants to marry, but whoever he wants is impossible in our country, so we have to “pull back.”

Recently, on Instagram (lazarevsergey), the artist himself posted a photo of a dish (casserole) that he himself prepared. In his caption to the photo, Sergei wrote: “beloved half” in bed.Note (!), not a GIRL, but a “beloved half,” which is strange... The artist does not specify the gender of his passion, so as not to offend this most mysterious “half.” Any straight guy would never think of using another word instead of “my girlfriend” or “beloved.” After this photo with the casserole, the fans were covered like a wave, people got excited and asked the question:

“Who is Lazarev dating??????!!!” .

And why doesn't he show his passion publicly? After all, he always brags about his female entourage.

The girls in love with Seryozha deny any rumors about the unconventionality of their favorite artist, but they simply have not heard of other possible orientations other than the usual one ( where a boy loves a girl, “stamen and pistil”), and if they have heard, then for them it is something distant and somewhere out there, exists on another planet. They don’t even suspect that gays are much closer to us: they are someone’s doctor, someone’s classmate, someone’s brother, or even more so, a show business artist.

Why is it that Sergei is labeled as “gay”?

Not without reason... After all, as they say: there is no smoke without fire. They say that Sergei’s “unconventionality” was the reason why he was thrown out of the group “Smash!!” at the peak of popularity, with a scandal. Any relationship between the Topalovs and Lazarev instantly ended.There was no point in sullying the Topalov family’s name with homosexuality.

Meet your other half


Who gets these burnt casseroles in bed in the morning? Who rekindled this fire of happiness in those famous brown eyes?

The smile did not leave Lazarev’s face for a minute, and every now and then he threw all his attention on his cell phone, waiting for messages from his passion, apparently. It was stupid to believe that someone so handsome and talented and without a relationship... After all, Lazarev was lusted after by half the country, all that remained was to choose a match.

Finding the real soul mate of Sergei Lazarev was not difficult, you just had to subscribe to both guys on Instagram and how all the puzzles became one common picture over time:New boyfriendSergei Lazarev - general manager company " Sky Jet » 30 year old Kuznetsov Dmitry Sergeevich .

His company is engaged in business aviation and offers its wealthy clients private jets to anywhere in the world.

/Dima can be found as Sergei’s friend on his social networks./

Couple formed happened about 2.5 years ago.
It was Dmitry who helped Seryozha realize the idea of ​​a joint business, and that’s how desserts for cats and dogs from Poodle-Sturdel recently appeared.

(in the photo: Sergei’s dog - Daisy and Dmitry’s cat - Skya, they became the first tasters of the new business)

According to official data, Dima is the general director of this company, but in all interviews Sergei does not even mention it, saying that the business is his. He is afraid, even in this case, that someone will find out about Dima once again.

Despite the fact that the guys have many friends, including the best ones, they spend all their vacations only together. And they only hide their acquaintance.

Kuznetsov (Instagram: kuznetsovdmitr), loves taking selfies on vacation, while hiding who is next to him (of course, in Russia you can’t boast of this to friends and relatives), but often does not pay attention to the fact that people are wearing his glasses looking at the reflection of Sergei Lazarev sitting opposite. Fans always recognize their favorite artist!

There were many such photographs, but unfortunately, not all were saved.

Parents and relatives (!!!) of both sides are already actively monitoring both boys in social networks(comments can often be seen on post entries). This once again confirms that the relationship of this couple is more than serious and will be resolved by marriage.

Dima takes care of his loved one, etc.Now he takes his Seryozha on tour with his private jets.(this photo is from Dima’s Instagram)

Seryozha benefits from the romances attributed to him with girls, but for some reason he always chooses married ladies.Photo with his PR woman Olya Alekseeva:the mistake followed immediately - Dima also posted something similar, which confirmed his frequent presence nearby at the same time in the same place.
This is how the new prepared pseudo-romance with Olga ended, alas...

Friends of Sergei -

Now Dima’s friends, and vice versa.

It’s strange, isn’t it, Sergei says that he’s in a relationship, and at the same time allows himself to hug (and even kiss lightly!) with other ladies. This only confirms that both sides have no complaints against each other in this regard, Lazarev is not dangerous, he is gay, and Sergei has a boyfriend who is also not jealous of the opposite sex. Everything is quite understandable and logical: if Sergei had a girlfriend, it is unlikely that she would have tolerated such antics with other women. Such all-forgiving women do not exist in nature.

(in the photo: Dima and Sergei’s favorite dog - Daisy)

Screenshot from Kuznetsov’s social network, any fan will recognize the familiar silhouette of Lazarev walking ahead. Moreover, those same tattoos are visible on the legs. The comments only highlight what they saw. This was their vacation in Miami 2014.

Dima is almost always nearby; with a height of 189, he can easily be seen in the crowd not far from Lazarev. But he is always somewhere behind, why does he need extra flashes in front of the cameras, like other ordinary friends.

January 2015, the guys vacationed together, first in Miami, and then continued in the Bahamas.Dima photographed Sergei during breakfast, on their joint vacation, but the guys did not notice the falling shadow from Dima’s hat. Unfortunately for them, there were many sighted Russians on Instagram who noticed this mistake. Due to "RANDOM CIRCUMSTANCES" both guys ended up in the Bahamas in January.

Walking along Miami Beach: we decided to take a photo for each other’s Instagrams. The usual thing: First Dima takes a photo of Sergei on the ocean shore, and then Sergei takes a photo of Dima. Every year there are many vacationers from Russia in Miami and there were eyewitnesses who saw the guys together. Yes, yes, now you know who takes all these photos of your favorite artist on his Instagram;)

More photos from the “Miami” January holidays. Dima in a striped T-shirt and denim shorts, which were reflected in Sergei’s glasses. That same large stripe and a male silhouette on the seat next to it.

Why don't the guys spend their holidays with their beloved halves, which they talked about, but just the two of them? So everything is clear: they are each other’s halves.

Lazarev shares his food on his blog, we see breakfast on a white table with stains. At the same time, Dima posts his photo, which shows the same white table with stains. Another 1/1000000 coincidence? Of course not, the lovebirds just didn’t notice again: a good guy, Lazarev, will first take a photo of his beloved, and then his breakfast.

In this photo, Dmitry is celebrating his birthday (October 23), Seryozha prepared a surprise for his beloved in the form of a concert (you see it in the background of the birthday boy’s selfie), but that evening they carefully tried to hide Sergey from photographers among the guests.

Sergei wrote congratulations to Dima in the comments on this day, as if he had learned about the holiday for the first time. The guys absurdly pretend that they know little about each other. Although Sergei announced the concert the day before the event. They even came up with the unfortunate idea of ​​unfollowing each other from time to time, thinking that at least this would keep them away from each other.

Suspicions about their fruitful acquaintance.

If they were just friends, would there be such a fear of showing their acquaintance? Sergei values ​​this relationship very much and tries in every way to hide it. But, sooner or later, everything secret becomes clear.

These are the screenshots short video from the Instagram of Olya Alekseeva (Sergei’s PR manager), it was filmed by Sergei on his phone (Sergei, mocking Olya, is clearly visible). This is on the island of Crete, where they flew to film the video "Breaking away"

Dima was there too, of course, but as always he was cropped out in all the photographs :))

Here is a photo of Dima in the same place.

No, no, don’t think that the guys are being completely stupid and posting the same photos at the same time! :) No. They keep a temporary distance.

While the stars are being photographed at one of the evenings, happy Kuznetsov also accidentally ends up in a nearby photo lens.

Screenshot of Serezha's first open jealousy in the comments.

Dima attends Sergei’s concerts and performances, and it doesn’t matter what city or country they are in, and what time he watches them, the main thing is to be nearby.

At the Muz-TV awards, Dima hid among the guests not far from his beloved. But still, you can always spot him in the hall.

Dima had to celebrate the New Year, like other holidays, together with Seryozha on tour, because after all, it was family holiday And loving people need to be close. And since Dima, according to him, has love (and Sergei too) - then everything comes together, they are together again. Photos from New Year's Eve. First, Dima takes pictures of his sleeping boyfriend, and then he doesn’t forget about himself, his beloved, sitting opposite.


Surely you noticed the external similarity between Dima and Sergei. This just became a popular joke among the couple’s friends. As they say, halves become alike over time.

But before there was no similarity.

Before and Afterrelations with Lazarev.

Sergei clearly forces his lover to take care of himself and look like a star. Sergei's tastes are reflected in Dmitry's appearance, which is why external resemblance: same hairstyle, Dmitry started wearing stubble, visiting beauty salons, etc., etc., I wonder if Dima will start singing at the end of the upgrade? ;)

Now Dmitry is not inferior to his partner in anything.To such a beautiful, smart and to a successful man a queue is already forming, the girls even often began to compare Dima with the main character of a boring vanilla novel" 50 Shades of Gray" - Christian Gray.

On this topic, “about painful things,” Dmitry himself once mentioned:

Fashion designer Lazarev - Dmitry Loginov now sews for Kuznetsov.

The couple often flies abroad together for weekends. After all, on the other side of the world you can not be ashamed of your non-traditional relationships and not be afraid of recognition.

Cheating with photographs and trying to mislead is a common thing for guys. Especially Dmitry, who often posts old repeated photos, covering up traces of his location, but does not notice that, for example, his haircut changes from photo to photo or the fact that “Early” Dmitry is different from Dmitry “Current” in appearance :)

at one of the celebrations, Dmitry’s friend managed to take a photo with a friend... well, a friend of a friend, even though Seryozha avoided taking photos. Together again, close again.

We would post a lot more evidence that Dmitry is WITHOUT A DOUBT in a relationship with Sergei, but then this article would be endless... :)


Well, who doesn’t know about Lazarev’s former long and touching relationship with his director, Mikhail? Only a hedgehog in the forest (oh yes, and young, all-denying fans).People were discussing this sweet couple, who even exchanged clothes with each other, giving out one wardrobe for two and living together. The fans who were guarding the artist at the house said then that when Misha and Sergei lived together, the guys even left the entrance separately, so Sergei was afraid for his reputation. We all know how much Sergei trembles about his positive reputation and, in general, how much he values ​​his career. For him, a career is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in life, and God forbid that someone gets in with their “samovar” and spoils all his happy plans planned for 30 years in advance.

And yes, girls, a hetero man and an openly gay man will not only live in the same square under no circumstances, but will not be friends, especially the best ones. It's like fire and water...And you still wear rose-colored glasses and call black white.

One of Mikhail's friends I said that Misha fell in love with this “dark one from Smesha” when he saw him on TV. At the presentation of the album of the Tatu group, Misha approached Sergei and left his phone number. They say andIt was precisely because of Misha that Sergei was thrown out of the group, pproducer "Smash!!" (father of Vlad Topalov) gave an ultimatum: Either the group or Mikhail Dvoretsky.
Sergei was left with nothing at that moment. One. Uthe guy had no one nearby to whom he could turn for help, he grew up even without a father in a poor family... and Sergei took a risk... with Mikhail.

Misha was the closest person. He showed Sergei a new adult life, outside his mother’s house, gave him faith in himself, support, and helped with the first financial contributions for promotion.
Misha doted on his artist. He practically became his guardian. Together all the time, close all the time. He gave himself completely to Sergei and raised him to suit himself.
Sergei himself openly says that no one then took his songs to more than one radio, after the collapse of " Smash!!».

That's where the Butler came in handy. Or did you think that Serezha’s songs suddenly started playing on the radio for “ beautiful eyes"? Everyone somehow missed this fact.

Why clarify, because the majority of “lazarites” (fans) consider Lazarev to be their God, and as “God” told them, that’s how it is.

The official position of “concert director” was invented for Misha, so that people wouldn’t have the question “Who’s hanging around Lazarev all the time?”

Deceiving people for the sake of PR and a positive mask is one of the traits of Sergei Lazarev. Being a member Smash !!, he, with a calm soul, looking into his eyes, lied to you and me that Vlad Topalov was supposedly his brother. Remember this, right? Then Sergei lied that Yulia Volkova (lead singer of the Tatu group) was his sister. Many years later, Sergei himself admitted that then he simply deceived you and me, although at that time, if you look at the interview, he furiously proved “foaming at the mouth” the fictitious relationship.
Fans are accustomed to the positive image of Lazarev, which he himself imposes on us, and if somewhere somewhere does not correspond to this bright and positive image, for example, facts about him gay, - then these are immediately rumors and slander! It turns out funny: All the people who know Sergei personally are telling the truth, the meaning of which was this article, and all those who see Sergei only on TV and do not even have the slightest idea about real life an essentially unfamiliar person - they blindly believe the opposite.


Sometimes Serezhino’s “guts” still come out and are reflected in his work. His outfits speak for themselves. He is his own “master” (producer), therefore, all ideas are his. And now pImagine if some straight artist came up with an ideaperform in similar costumes.

He looks up to the foreign openly gay singer Adam Lambert. Adam himself appreciated the stallion Sergei and his “saddle” at one of the interviews in Moscow, which Seryozha was delighted with.

Naked guys on a ball - and why didn’t such a creative idea in the video come to Timati’s mind, for example? :)

In one of his videos, Sergei drinks in a gay club, against the backdrop of guys kissing, nothing surprising, right? EVERYTHING IS FINE! ;)

For those who didn’t see it well, Seryozha is doing a repeat, don’t worry.

In the video, Lazarev slept with a transvestite. Again, everything is usual for a heterosexual video of a hetero singer.

Lazarev tries to support “his own kind.” At the beginning of his career, he gave dj sets in gay clubs as dj Superlazer and posed for a gay magazine, which he was very proud of.

To this day he often visits and performs in gay clubs,

but doesn't advertise it.

On his Instagram (lazarevsergey) Sergei posted photos in support of sexual minorities: he wrote under the photo that American Apparel is a very popular youth clothing store and asked fans if he should buy himself such a T-shirt.

Here are more photographs that he also published, but how different, because this topic is close to Seryozha...


They figured out THREE.

(For those who believe in true love Sergei to Lera to this day)

And from an unrecognizable actress from a series about cops, she rose to the most sought-after presenter on central channels, and Sergei had heterosexual alibi.

The pseudo-couple pretended to be romantically alone only in public and for press photographs, allegedly the two of them spent romantic holidays on the ocean shore. This suited both of them in the “pseudo-couple”.

Their photographs were bought with a bang. Although, they omitted the fact that SOMEONE third took these photographs of them together - this person was Mikhail Dvoretsky.

First, a photo of a “pseudo couple” for sale to magazines,And then real relaxation in the circle of Serezha's lovers. (The butler in the photo is to the left of Lera).


Everything would go well with this “romance”, until one day, unexpectedly for everyone, Lera married her real one young man- Igor Makarov.

Unfortunately, the singer was unable to come up with anything original or plausible about the breakup in order to somehow get out of the way in the face of society.

Undoubtedly, Sergei has feelings for Lera, but this is not the love of a man for a woman, but reverent loved ones friendly relations, no more.