Correct sentence construction in Russian. Construction of sentences

A sentence is constructed from words or phrases related to each other through agreement, control, or adjacency. These types subordinating connection are well known to us, but in speech we do not always know how to use them. Remember how Griboyedov’s Skalozub constructs the phrase: I am ashamed as an honest officer. One should say: I, as an honest officer, am ashamed- however, the speaker violated the agreement of the members of the sentence. Such errors are called syntactic construction shifts: the beginning of a sentence is given in one plane, and the end in another. In poets, a shift in construction sometimes conveys excited speech, which does not seem to fit into strict grammatical norms. For example:

When with threats and tears in your eyes,

My cursing century,

lost in the feasts,

She drove me...

However, in prose the shift in construction will surprise us. Thus, in the autobiography of V. Mayakovsky we read: I'm a poet. This is what makes it interesting. This is what I am writing about. Do I love, or I'm a gambler, about the beauties of Caucasian nature also - only if it is expressed in words . This was written about himself by a man who was not afraid to shock the reader and even demonstrated his disdain for certain traditions... This is not permissible for us.

Errors in the structure of sentences also arise due to the incorrect use of the participial phrase, which should always indicate an additional action of the subject (subject). This is sometimes forgotten when constructing phrases like this: Precious time is lost at work, listening to stupid conversations; Idleness- This is a relative concept, but sitting at home, it doesn’t happen; You don't have a headache trying to understand all this gobbledygook?

It is unacceptable to violate the order of words when using a participial phrase, which can appear before or after the word being defined, but never includes it in its composition. Incorrectly constructed phrases: Given facts the report shows great success graduates; Arrived delegates You are invited to the hall for the congress. Such errors can distort the meaning of a statement, for example: Accepted program successfully completed at the conference(program adopted at the conference).

Significant difficulties arise when using constructions with prepositions ineptly except, besides, instead of, along with, which must always depend on the predicate. The rupture of this grammatical connection leads to the fact that the phrase introduced by the named prepositions “hangs in the air”: Instead of Latsis streets and Freedom buses headed along the newly built section of Planernaya Street; We, besides chickens, intend to start raising turkey poults. Eliminating such errors usually requires significant reworking of sentences; The buses have headed not on the streets of Latsis and Svoboda, and on a new route, opened on Planernaya Street; We intend to grow not only chickens, but also turkeys.

There are errors in the use of conjunctions and prepositions with homogeneous members of the sentence: Built in the city not only new school, hospital, and also drama theater and library(should have written: Not only school... but also theater); Need to pay attention not only on students' knowledge, but also their practical skills(should: but also on their practical skills, the preposition must be repeated). With such unions, word order is especially important when using homogeneous members of the sentence. For example, it is broken in this case: In the new premises it will be possible carry out not only circus performances, but also to arrange big concerts, sporting events...(Right: not only performances, but also competitions or: not only conduct, but also arrange). Union not only, but also connects the compared objects or actions, and therefore the corresponding parts of speech: a noun - with a noun, a verb - with a verb.

Opposing alliances ( A, but, however) As a rule, identical parts of a sentence are connected. This rule is violated in this construction: Speakers in the debate no objection against the main provisions of the report, however they believe its incomplete(connected circumstance [ participial phrase] and predicate). Words that denote only comparable objects can be used as homogeneous members of a sentence; you can't say: Congratulations with all my heart And on my own behalf.

Homogeneous members should not include specific and generic names: Our square- favorite place rest residents villages youth and children.

A common mistake is the incompatibility of one of the homogeneous members (or several) with the word in the sentence with which all the other homogeneous members are associated. We illustrate this with examples (corrected sentences in the right column):

brought up in youth Love to travel, dreams about the conquest of space. 1. Reading fantasy novels brought up in youth Love to travel, gave birth to dreams about the conquest of space.
2. Special help and personal participation The head of the depot and the chairman of the trade union committee assisted in holding the Spartakiad. 2. Large help in holding the Spartakiad provided head of the depot and chairman of the trade union committee, which themselves participated in competitions.
3. Police collapsed on youth with batons, tear gas grenades, firearms. 3. Police collapsed for youth clubs, grenades with tear gas, used a firearm weapon.

As we can see, to correct such errors it is necessary to introduce new words into the text, eliminating lexical inconsistencies; sometimes a radical reworking of the sentence is required, a refusal to use homogeneous members (as in the second example).

When using homogeneous members of a sentence, there are also errors in control, if the words combined in a composed series control in different forms: The teachers will teach the children understand and instill in them a love of painting, literature, music (should: understand painting, literature, music and instill a love for these types of art).

You can avoid many mistakes when using homogeneous members if you are more strict about the choice of case forms of nouns in a composed series of words. So, the sentence needs stylistic editing: According to the program, students must learn to perform operations such as sawing out jigsaw plywood products, drilling, assembly And finishing of parts. All homogeneous nouns must be in the nominative case (such as... drilling, assembly, finishing). It is unacceptable to use generalizing words and homogeneous members in different case forms: The director said: “We are currently working on two productions: « Cherry Orchard» Chekhov and play Volodin “Don’t part with your loved ones”(the title of the first performance should also be used in the instrumental case).

A serious mistake is the grammatically different expression of homogeneous members of a sentence, for example:

The assistant group leader is obliged to assist the leader in training and educating students:

Know exactly the number of listeners in the group;

Timely report to the group leader about the requests and wishes of students;

Assisting the group leader in working with low-performing students.

The structure of a sentence is also disrupted when one of its members and a subordinate clause are combined. You cannot put, for example, an addition and subordinate clause: The Prime Minister spoke about reducing inflation and that salary delays there won't be any more. The combination of a participial phrase and a subordinate clause is also illegal: People deserve mercy who acknowledge criticism and who correct their mistakes. The subordinate clause should be replaced participial phrase (correcting their mistakes) or instead of a participial phrase, use a subordinate clause (who admit...).

There are many difficulties encountered in the structure of a complex sentence. Sometimes it is not justified to use two unambiguous conjunctions side by side: Your recommendations are worth considering but nevertheless it is not yet possible to implement this project; He claims that it seems the plane was filled with substandard fuel. There is also an incorrect choice of union: Your assumption will be confirmed only then If will be proven...(instead of If we need an alliance When, correlative with the word Then in the main clause). A complex sentence is spoiled by inappropriate repetition of a particle. would, in the subordinate clause (If these measures had been taken, everything would have ended well). The repetition of conjunctions or allied words with the sequential subordination of subordinate clauses gives the phrase heaviness.

Let's look at examples of stylistic editing of such sentences.

In the first example, replacing the subordinate part of a complex sentence with a participial phrase not only simplified the construction, but also clarified the word being defined (not mountains, A vertices), in the second - clarified grammatical connections (the first definition refers to the word logics, second - by the way science). By getting rid of the repetition of allied words and stringing together identical subordinate clauses, the editor transformed a complex sentence into a simple one.

Let us remember the humorous lines of S.Ya. Marshak, who translated the English poem:

Here's a dog without a tail

which pulls the cat by the collar,

which scares and catches a tit,

which deftly steals wheat...

Chapter 5

Literary pronunciation

What is orthoepy

For the success of a speaker's speech, the expressiveness of speech is essential, which is achieved by clear, clear pronunciation, correct intonation, and skillfully placed pauses. Special attention should be given to the pace of speech, the strength of the voice, the persuasiveness of the tone, as well as the requirements oratory: posture, gestures, facial expressions. An important role is given to literary pronunciation and stress, which are studied in a special section of the science of language - in orthoepy.

In a text, an isolated thought or a complete one is a sentence. It is a combination of words that are grammatically and intonationally designed. So they act as a statement or an exhausted thought. In Russian, the order of words in a sentence will help to correctly pose a question, encourage action, and simply inform. The intonation of pronunciation will indicate the need for punctuation.

What is a unit of language

The main unit of the Russian language is the sentence, since it is communicative. Construction occurs according to a certain principle. A sentence consists of words, each of which, when used separately, loses its linguistic essence. They are considered syntactic constituents, which subsequently become members and are linked by constituents.

Regardless of whether the text is written or used in conversation, adhere to of a certain order words in a sentence in Russian. If this is not done, the interlocutor or listener will not be able to understand what they want to talk about. In some situations there is a double meaning.

Subject and predicate

The sentence contains the main and minor members. Without the main units of language, a language cannot exist. Secondary ones may be absent. The subject is necessary to name an object or phenomenon. Acts as any part of speech that answers the question “who?” or "what?"

  • I'm walking in the park. (The subject is expressed by a pronoun.)
  • The trees stand in gold. (Noun.)
  • Learning is our task. (Verb.)
  • Several minutes passed like this. (Phrase combination.)

A one-part noun sentence includes a subject indicating the presence of phenomena. However, more often there is a predicate next to it. This is the second component of the main members. The part is necessary to indicate the action of the object: “The sun has risen.” In some cases, it indicates the sign: “The bread was warm.” Most often, the predicate acts as a verb. If it is present in a sentence in one word, it is called a simple verbal predicate; if it consists of two words, it is called a compound verbal predicate.

Simple sentence

Depending on the number of grammatical bases, a sentence can be simple or complex. Minor members are present or absent, which indicates such characteristics as prevalence and non-prevalence. A prime consists of one or two main terms. A one-part sentence is a simple sentence with one word.

There are several varieties:

  1. Vaguely personal: “He was asked to leave.”
  2. Generalized-personal: “You can’t hide an awl in a bag.”
  3. Impersonal: “The smell of spring is in the air.”
  4. Definitely personal: “I stand and think.”
  5. Infinitive: “Stop! We need to think.”
  6. Title: "Spring!"

Word order in a simple sentence is a certain arrangement of members in in the usual form or the reverse, which is called inversion. The first type is most often used in business speech, in scientific articles. The second is necessary for literary and artistic works, in colloquial speech.

In a two-part simple sentence the options are the same. It has a subject and predicate, secondary members in the form of an addition, a definition and circumstances. “We are talking about a new book. The sun came out from behind the clouds. Tomorrow I will go on vacation."

Complex sentence

A complex sentence contains two or more simple ones. They are connected intonationally and in meaning. This means that there will be as many grammatical bases as there are sentences. They are connected by punctuation marks and conjunctions. Hence the name non-union.

There are two types:

  1. Complex. Consist of several parts that are independent and grammatically related. They are connected using conjunctions a, yes, but, and, however, but. This also includes complex conjunctions neither... nor...; then..., then...; not that..., not that... “He left, and I was upset. The plane stopped and the passengers walked towards the exit. Either mom whispers quietly, then dad calls loudly.”
  2. Complex subordinates. Two simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions. Among them, one part is subordinate to the other in grammatical and semantic terms. In Russian, the order of words in a sentence is the same as in the first form. It is distinguished by the use of subordinating conjunctions if, when, therefore. Used with complex allied words due to the fact that; thanks to the fact that. “I can help if you tell me everything. We got it done quickly thanks to the help we had.”

There is a type of sentence in which parts are connected using punctuation marks. In the non-union form they are grammatically independent, but unequal in meaning. There are no conjunctions or allied words here: “The sun was warm, the birds were singing. I spoke, she was silent."

How to put words together

Word order in a sentence is a specific arrangement of parts of speech that are related grammatically. It is considered free, that is, there is no assigned place for each member of the sentence. “The cook spent a long time decorating the cake yesterday” - the words can be rearranged several times, which will allow you to get different options construction.

Direct and reverse word order depends on the structure of the sentence and the use of members in context. The reverse - inversion - is necessary in a literary text. It should be distinguished from spoken language, in which special offers are built according to special rules. Business and official style implies the use of direct order. The communication of an idea to another person must correspond to what is written so that the facts are not distorted.

Setting the subject and predicate

The order of words in a sentence and intonation differ when choosing the stylistic direction of the text. The main members matter. The subject indicates who is most important, the predicate indicates what he is doing. They are placed in random order. It is important not to disrupt or distort the transmitted data.

In declarative sentences, the subject often comes first. “Mom said she was going to a meeting with her classmates.” Another setting is also possible: “Mom looked first, and then dad decided to make sure.”

  1. In the author's words during direct speech. "Let's go to the cinema!" - Dad said decisively.
  2. When the subject is a natural phenomenon, and the predicate is being, the flow of action. “Autumn has come. The weather was sunny."
  3. In a story when using description. “The leaves are dancing, the moon is winking.”
  4. As an inversion. “The job of a rescuer is difficult.”
  5. If at the beginning, use an adverbial word. “Guests have arrived from the Caucasus.”

In interrogative sentences, the predicate is put first: “Will he save me?” Incentives are distinguished by the presence of an order, advice, so they are categorical. First they put the subject. Otherwise, the tone is softened. “You finish sorting the vegetables today. Finish sorting out the vegetables today.” In colloquial speech, the connective of a nominal predicate is used before the subject: “I was impatient, capricious.”

Definition and its statement

What word order in a sentence in Russian is necessary to know, since minor members also have their own meaning for conveying information. The agreed definition comes before the associated noun: verified data, inaccessible mountains. If there are several, the order depends on the morphology.

The pronoun comes to the fore: on this joyful day, your further actions. This also includes qualitative adjectives: early light spring. Inconsistent definitions are placed after the word being defined. When the personal pronoun has a possessive meaning, it is written before the main word: “No one heard his objections.”

Addition to offer

Among the minor members, the addition occupies an important place. It is represented by a pronoun, a noun. When writing, they put it after the control word: watch TV, ready for dialogue. It is important to pay attention to the transmission of certain information.

The proposal can be written in several ways.

  • I liked the work.
  • I liked the work.
  • I liked the work.
  • I liked the work.
  • I liked the work.

In impersonal sentences, the object is placed before the control word. “He will have to go outside in the rain. The girl is not feeling well.” If there are several additions, they all refer to the same control word. In Russian, the order of words in a sentence suggests several options. First comes the direct view: “Explain your behavior to everyone present.” The indirect version in the dative case, on the contrary, is written before the direct case: “Tell us your wishes regarding the holiday.”

Setting up other members of the sentence

Before the predicate, an adverb with - o and - e is used: “We will definitely go to the skating rink.” Some words are combined in reverse order. The circumstances of the course of action depend on other minor members: “The tourists walked slowly. The tourists walked slowly along the steep path.” If measure and degree are implied, they are placed before the word on which they depend. Temporal words are used before predicate verbs. The circumstances of the place are written at the beginning of the sentence, then the predicate and subject: “A beautiful red sun was falling on the left.”

Introductory words, particles and prepositions are not parts of the sentence. They are used in free form. “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come. Unfortunately, I will not be present." The address is also placed freely, however, it is most often used at the beginning of a sentence. This can be seen in the example: “Vanya, let’s go for a walk. Let's go, Vanya, let's look at the peacocks. We won’t be able to come to you today, Vanya.” Particles are placed before the word they refer to. The preposition cannot be separated from the controlled noun.

It is not difficult to compose sentences, since free expression of thoughts is allowed. The definition of “word order in a sentence” must be known in order to convey a specific meaning. Changing and incorrect construction leads to distortion of facts, so the listener may not understand what is being communicated to him.

In Russian, word order (more precisely, the order of sentence members) is considered free. This means that in the sentence there is no strictly assigned place for one or another of its members. For example, a sentence consisting of five significant words: The editor carefully read the manuscript yesterday– allows 120 options depending on the rearrangement of sentence members.

There is a difference in the direct order of words, determined by the type and structure of the sentence, the method of syntactic expression of this member sentences, its place among other words that are directly related to it, as well as speech style and context, and vice versa
order, which is a deviation from the usual order and most often performs the function
and n e r s i i , i.e., a stylistic device for highlighting individual members of a sentence by rearranging them. The direct order is typical for scientific and business speech, the reverse is widely used in journalistic and literary works; The reverse order plays a special role in colloquial speech, which has its own types of sentence construction.

The determining factor in the arrangement of words in a sentence is the purposefulness of the utterance, its communicative task. Associated with it is the so-called actual division of a statement, which involves the movement of thought from the known, familiar to the unknown, new: the first (the basis of the statement) is usually contained in the initial part of the sentence, the second (the core of the statement) is in its final part. Wed:

1) On April 12, 1961, the Yu flight took place. A. Gagarin into space, the first in human history(the starting point, the basis of the statement is an indication of the date, i.e. the combination April 12, 1961, and the core of the statement is the rest of the sentence, which is logically emphasized);

2) Flight Yu. A. Gagarin into space, the first in the history of mankind, took place on April 12, 1961(the basis of the statement is a message about the historical flight of Yu. A. Gagarin, and the core of the statement is an indication of the date, which is logically emphasized).

§ 178. Place of subject and predicate

  1. In declarative sentences, the subject usually precedes the predicate, for example: Wires stretched from tree to tree...(Azhaev); Some people left the village to earn money...(Gladkov); The earth revolves around the sun.

    The relative position of the subject and predicate may depend on whether the subject denotes a definite, known object or, conversely, an indefinite, unknown object. Wed: The train has arrived(definite). – The train has arrived(undefined, some).

    The reverse order of the main members of a sentence (first the predicate, then the subject) is common in the following cases:

    Placing the subject in front of the predicate in such cases was found in old texts, for example: – Tell me, gossip, what is your passion for stealing chickens? - the peasant said to the fox when he met her(Krylov); – Do you know grandpa, mom? - the son says to the mother(Nekrasov); the rhythm of the verse is also taken into account;

    3) in sentences in which the subject denotes a period of time or a natural phenomenon, and the predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of being, becoming, the course of an action, etc., for example: A hundred years have passed...(Pushkin); Spring has come(L. Tolstoy); It was a moonlit night(Chekhov);

    4) in descriptions, in a story, for example: The sea sings, the city hums, the sun sparkles brightly, creating fairy tales(Bitter);

    5) as a stylistically specified device and inversion, with the aim of logically highlighting one of the main members of the sentence, for example: Bear hunting is dangerous, a wounded animal is terrible, but the soul of a hunter, accustomed to dangers since childhood, is brave.(A. Koptyaeva).

    When placing adverbial words at the beginning of a sentence, the subject often comes after the predicate, for example: There was noise coming from the street...(Chekhov). However, in these conditions there is also a direct order of the main members of the sentence, for example: Uvarov and Anna arrived at the base at the hottest time of the day(A. Koptyaeva).

  2. In interrogative sentences, the predicate often precedes the subject, for example: Won't my grandfather or aunt stand up for me?(Pushkin); So will I give you this short, dear little wish?(A. N. Ostrovsky).
  3. In imperative sentences, subject pronouns preceding the predicate verb strengthen the categorical nature of the order, advice, motivation, and following the predicate, they soften the tone of the order. Wed: Just give me a peep(A. N. Ostrovsky). – Don't crush me, old woman(Turgenev).
  4. In colloquial speech, the copula is often placed first, for example: I was young, ardent, sincere, intelligent...(Chekhov).
  5. Placing the nominal part of the predicate in front of the subject serves the purpose of inversion, for example: The dark thickets of forests and the depths of the seas are mysterious and therefore beautiful; the mysterious cry of a bird and the crack of a tree bud bursting from the warmth(Paustovsky).

    A means of highlighting the predicate is also the placement of the nominal part before the copula, for example: ...Both remained hungry(L. Tolstoy); Bor became deaf and gloomy(Seifullina). The same in a compound verbal predicate when placing an infinitive before an auxiliary verb, for example: So, why didn’t you even think about sowing?(Sholokhov).

§ 179. Place of definition in a sentence

  1. The concordant definition is usually placed in front of the noun being defined, for example: interesting plot, proofreading, verified quotations, third edition, our publishing house.

    Placing an agreed definition after the qualified noun serves the purpose of inversion, for example: The mountains are inaccessible on all sides(Lermontov).

    Postpositive definition (i.e., a definition that comes after the word being defined) was often found in the works of writers and poets of the 19th century c., for example: She had a strong influence on me(Turgenev); Participation and unfeigned love were visible on Anna’s face(L. Tolstoy); A lonely sail whitens in the blue sea fog(Lermontov); There is a short but wonderful time in the original autumn...(Tyutchev).

    Postpositive definitions are common, referring to the noun repeated in a given sentence, for example: This idea of ​​a reflex is, of course, an old idea...(Academician I.P. Pavlov); Voropaev remembered his first meeting with Goreva - a meeting amazing and rare in its unique front-line beauty(Pavlenko). Wed. in journalistic and business speech: Such plans, bold and original plans, could arise only in our conditions; This decision is certainly a wrong decision and must be reversed.

    In stylized speech, postpositive definitions give the story the character of a folk narrative; Wed from Neverov: The moon came out on a dark night, looking lonely from a black cloud at the deserted fields, at distant villages, at nearby villages.

    Definitions expressed possessive pronouns, being in the position after the defined noun, can give the statement an expressive coloring, for example: I remember your hands from the moment I began to recognize myself in the world.

    In neutral styles, postpositive definitions expressed by demonstrative pronouns are not uncommon, for example: This stop... was surrounded by a double rampart made of thick pine logs(Kazakevich).

    The means of semantically highlighting the definition are:

    a) its isolation, for example: People, amazed, became like stones(Bitter);

    b) separation of the definition from the defined noun, for example: Rare stars swayed in the ashen dawn sky(Sholokhov).

    A detached definition is usually postpositive, for example: publication of letters received by the editor; exhibition of paintings nominated for the prize. Placing such common definitions (without separating them) in front of the word being defined is perceived as a kind of inversion; compare: publication of letters received by the editor; exhibition of paintings nominated for the prize.

  2. If there are several agreed upon definitions, the order of their arrangement depends on their morphological expression:

    1) definitions expressed by pronouns are placed ahead of definitions expressed by other parts of speech, for example: on this solemn day, our future plans, all typos noted, every fourth Tuesday. Placing pronoun-qualifiers after adjective-qualifiers is an inversion, for example: At this silver-opal hour in the morning the whole house slept(Fedin); The tankman struggled with his slow and long pain(L. Sobolev);

    2) attributive pronouns precede other pronouns, for example: all these amendments, every comment you make. But the pronoun most comes after demonstrative pronoun, For example: the same possibilities, the same case;

    3) definitions expressed by qualitative adjectives are placed ahead of definitions expressed by relative adjectives, for example: new historical novel, warm woolen linen, light leather binding, late autumn;

    4) if heterogeneous definitions are expressed by qualitative adjectives alone, then the one that denotes more is placed closer to the defined noun. stable sign, For example: huge black eyes, a pleasant light breeze, an interesting new story;

    5) if heterogeneous definitions are expressed by relative adjectives alone, then, as a rule, they are arranged in order of ascending semantic gradation (from a narrower concept to a broader one), for example: daily weather reports, antique bronzes, specialty bookstore.

  3. An inconsistent definition is placed after the noun being defined, for example: expert's conclusion, leather-bound book, novel with a sequel. But definitions expressed by personal pronouns as possessives come before the word being defined, for example: his objections, their statements.

    Statement of an inconsistent definition, expressed by a noun, ahead of the word being defined is the inversion, for example: average size bear(Gogol); General Zhukov's yard(Chekhov).

    Prepositive inconsistent definitions, i.e. those standing in front of the word being defined, have become entrenched in some stable phrases, for example: watchmaker, guard senior lieutenant, kind-hearted man.

    Consistent definitions usually precede inconsistent ones, for example: high mahogany bed(L. Tolstoy); old tobacco-colored eyes(Sergeev-Tsensky). But inconsistent definition, expressed by a personal pronoun with a possessive meaning, usually precedes the agreed definition, for example: his last performance, their increased demands.

§ 180. Place of addition in a sentence

  1. The complement usually follows the control word, for example: proofread manuscript, correct typos, ready to type.

    An object (most often direct) expressed by a pronoun (personal, indefinite) can precede the control word without creating an inversion, for example: I liked the book; This sight amazed him; The mother noticed something in her daughter's expression; I'm glad to see you.

    Placing an object in front of a control word usually has the character of inversion, for example: Maybe we'll see the pharmacist(Chekhov); The soul reaches for something high(V. Panova). Wed. in lively conversational speech: Someone is asking you; They forgot all their friends; Can you fix the TV?

    Preposition of an object with the meaning of person is common in impersonal sentences, for example: He needs to talk to you; My sister is not feeling well; Everyone wanted to relax.

  2. If there are several additions related to one control word, different word orders are possible:

    1) usually a direct object precedes other objects, for example: Take the manuscript from the proofreader; Discuss the issue with your employees; The newcomer extended his hand to everyone present.;

    2) the indirect complement of the person, standing in the dative case, usually precedes the direct complement of the subject, for example: Tell us your address; The mother gave the child a beautiful toy; This woman saved Bekishev’s life...(V. Panova).

    Exactly the same genitive with the meaning of an actor (inconsistent definition) precedes another case (as a complement), for example: son’s arrival to his parents, author’s memo to the editor.

  3. The direct object, which matches the form of the subject, is usually placed after the predicate, for example: Mother loves daughter; The oar touched the dress; Laziness breeds carelessness; Courts protect laws. When the subject and object are rearranged, the meaning of the sentence changes ( The daughter loves the mother; The dress hit the paddle) or ambiguity arises ( Carelessness breeds laziness; Laws are protected by the courts). Sometimes in such cases of inversion the necessary meaning is preserved, resulting from the lexical meaning of the named members of the sentence ( The bicycle crashed into the tram; The sun was covered by a cloud), but the correct understanding of such sentences is somewhat difficult, therefore it is recommended either to maintain the direct word order, or to replace the actual phrase with the passive ( The bicycle is broken by a tram; The sun is covered by a cloud).

§ 181. Place of circumstances in a sentence

  1. Circumstances about the activity, expressed by adverbs in -o, -e , are usually placed before the predicate verb, for example: The translation accurately reflects the content of the original; The boy looked at us defiantly; Gavryushka blushed deeply and protested violently...(Gladkov); The station was moving faster and faster...(G. Nikolaeva); The pavement was smoothly white(Antonov).

    Some adverbs that combine with few verbs are placed after them, for example: walk, lie prone, walk barefoot, fall backward, walk.

    Usually postpositive are the circumstances of the manner of action expressed by a noun in an adverbial meaning, for example: scatter in waves, disperse in circles.

    The place of the circumstance of the course of action may depend on the presence or absence of other minor members in the sentence; compare: The climbers walked slowly. – Climbers walked slowly along a steep path.

    A means of semantically highlighting the circumstances of the manner of action or measure and degree is to place them at the beginning of a sentence or to separate them from the words to which they are adjacent, for example: In vain Gregory tried to see Cossack lava on the horizon.(Sholokhov); Nikita experienced this feeling twice(Fedin); Yes, we were very friendly(L. Tolstoy).

  2. Circumstances of measure and degree are prepositive, for example: The announcer repeated the numbers given in the text twice; The director is very busy; The manuscript is fully prepared for typesetting.
  3. The adverbial circumstance usually precedes the predicate verb, for example: There was little conversation at dinner(Turgenev); A month later, Belikov died(Chekhov); In the evenings the doctor was alone(V. Panova).

    Often, however, the adverb of time is postpositive, which contributes to its semantic emphasis, for example: My sister got up early; I arrived before dawn.

  4. The adverbial adverbial of place is usually prepositive, and often appears at the beginning of a sentence, for example: It was restless at the factory...(Bitter); A cloud was coming from the west(Sholokhov).

    If the adverbial adverbial place is at the beginning of a sentence, then it is often immediately followed by the predicate, and then the subject, for example: To the right rose the white hospital building...(Garshin); Unfamiliar smells of herbs and flowers were coming from everywhere...(Serafimovich). However, under these conditions, a direct order of the main members of the sentence is also possible, for example: Over the gray plain of the sea the wind gathers clouds(Bitter).

    Setting the adverbial place after the predicate is the norm in those combinations in which the presence of the adverbial is necessary for the completeness of the statement, for example: The house is located on the outskirts of the city; His parents live permanently in the south.

    If a sentence contains an adverb of time and an adverbial place, then they are usually placed at the beginning of the sentence, with the adverbial of time in the first place and the adverbial of place in the second, for example: Tomorrow in our city it is expected warm weather no precipitation; By evening everything calmed down in the house. Placing two circumstances side by side emphasizes their semantic role in the sentence. Their other placement is also possible: the adverbial of time is placed first, then the subject, followed by the predicate and, finally, the adverbial of place and other members of the sentence, for example: At the beginning of April, the river opened up along its entire length; Yesterday I met my old friend on the street.

  5. Circumstances are cause and purpose and often come before the predicate, for example: Due to rough seas the ship arrived late(Chekhov); Two girls cried out of fear(V. Panova); A man with a bag on his back... pushed another with his shoulder for a laugh(Malyshkin).

    Placing these circumstances after the predicate verb usually leads to their semantic isolation, for example: She woke up in fear; He does not go to work, allegedly due to illness; The train was sent to the depot for annual repairs..

§ 182. Location of introductory words, addresses, particles, prepositions

  1. Not being members of a sentence, introductory words are freely located in it if they relate to the sentence as a whole; compare: He seemed to have fallen asleep. – He seemed to have fallen asleep. – He seemed to have fallen asleep.

    At the same time, it should be noted that the semantic load of the introductory word in the given options is not the same: in to a greater extent it is noted in the first of them, where at the beginning of the sentence the word it seemed in meaning it approaches a simple sentence as part of a non-union complex sentence; the last two options are equivalent.

    If the introductory word is connected in meaning to a separate member of the sentence, then it is placed next to it, for example: A real bird began to appear, game, as the hunters put it(Aksakov); Our dilapidated boat bent over, scooped up and solemnly sank to the bottom, fortunately, in a shallow place(Turgenev).

    You should not put an introductory word between the preposition and the word that the preposition controls, for example: “The matter was in seemingly right hands” (instead of: The matter seemed to be in the right hands).

  2. Addresses are also freely arranged in a sentence, however, for their semantic and intonation highlighting, the place they occupy in the sentence is not indifferent: the address at the beginning or end of the sentence is logically emphasized. Wed: Doctor, tell me what's wrong with my child. – Tell me, doctor, what's wrong with my child?. – Tell me what's wrong with my child, doctor.

    In appeals, slogans, appeals, orders, oratory, official and personal letters, the appeal is usually placed at the beginning of the sentence.

    The same is true in poetic speech, and the appeal is often isolated into an independent sentence, for example: A pale young man with a burning gaze! Now I give you three covenants(Bryusov); My dear mother earth, my forest side, a land suffering in captivity! I will come - I just don’t know the day, but I will come, I will bring you back(Tvardovsky). Wed. broken treatment with the main part at the end of the sentence: For blood and tears, thirsty for retribution, we see you, forty-one(Shchipachev).

  3. Particles, as a rule, appear before the word to which they refer in meaning. Wed:

    A) This book is difficult even for him (we're talking about about difficulties for a qualified person);

    b) This book even difficult for him(the unexpectedness of the difficulty is emphasized);

    V) Even this book is difficult for him(we are talking about an unprepared reader).

    Particle -yes postpositive ( quite, insisted), but to emphasize the meaning, sometimes in colloquial speech it is placed before the verb, for example: Although the State Councilor disappeared himself, he still killed his comrade(Gogol); Elena remained silent, and I finally locked her this time too.(Dostoevsky).

  4. The separation of the preposition from the controlled noun in constructions like: “I’ll come with a few more comrades” is unsuccessful (instead of: I'll come with a few more friends); “The volume of exports has decreased from approximately...; increased to approximately..." (instead of: ...decreased by approximately...; increased to approximately...).

    You should not put two prepositions in a row, for example: “In one of the letters I received from you...” (instead of: In one of the letters received from you...); “Pay attention to work that is outstanding in all respects” (instead of: Pay attention to work that is outstanding in all respects).

    In combinations of a noun with a numeral, denoting an approximate quantity, a preposition is placed between the named parts of speech ( in ten minutes, twenty paces), and not before the whole combination (“in ten minutes”, “in twenty steps”).

In order to express your thoughts in English, it is not enough just to learn a list of words. These words must be placed correctly in a sentence. Knowing the structure of the English sentence is simply necessary, because each member of the sentence has specific place, and this order cannot be violated. Therefore, let's look at how sentences are constructed in English in order to avoid misunderstandings and errors in speech and writing.

To construct a sentence in English, you need to know its members. As in Russian, English members of a sentence are divided into main and secondary. Let's look at each type separately:

  1. The main members of the sentence are the members of the sentence, thanks to which the grammatical center is formed. In simple words, without them the proposal will not make sense. The main members include the subject and the predicate.
  • The subject is usually expressed by a noun or pronoun. The noun is used in the general case, that is, in its standard dictionary form in singular and plural:

Note that the article may change to a definite article or no article at all, depending on the thing/person being implied.

If we talk about pronouns, then personal pronouns are usually used in nominative case. Table of all pronouns in this group:

we We
you you/you
he He
she she
it this/it
they They

And also some uncertain and negative pronouns, For example:

The subject usually comes at the beginning of the sentence before the predicate.

  • The predicate is expressed by a verb. This part of speech is key when composing a sentence in English, because it shows at what time the action happened, is happening or will happen. There can be two verbs in a predicate:
  • An auxiliary verb is a verb that is used to express time. It does not have such a meaning in itself and is not translated into Russian in any way. However, his presence is necessary if the temporary form requires it. For example:
  • A main or semantic verb is a verb that expresses an action performed by the subject:
  1. Secondary members of a sentence are members that explain the main or other minor members. Without them, the sentence will still make sense, since the minor members are not the grammatical center of the sentence. The secondary ones include:
  • A definition that answers the question “which?” and “whose?” It can be expressed by almost any part of speech. Let's consider only the most popular cases:
  • Adjective:
  • Communion:
  • Participial phrase:
  • Numeral:
  • Personal pronouns in the objective case:

The definition expressed by the participial phrase usually comes after these members of the sentence:

  • Indirect - an addition that answers all other case questions:
  • Circumstance denotes place, reason, time, manner of action, etc. The adverbial clause is related to the predicate, but it can be used either at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. The first option is perhaps less common. The circumstance most often expressed is:


or a noun with a preposition:

How sentences are built in English: English sentence structure

Having studied all the members of the sentence, you can move on to constructing the sentences themselves in English. Constructing a sentence in English is quite simple because, as mentioned earlier, it is done in a fixed order. What does this mean? For example, in Russian we can freely change the order of the parts of a sentence. The meaning will be preserved, because the sentence will not lose logic. English language is stricter about order. So, if a sentence begins with a subject, it cannot be rearranged with a predicate. Example for clarity:

As you can see, the whole is 5 possible options expressions of the same thought in Russian are contrasted with only one phrase in English.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are 3 types of English sentences, namely affirmative, negative and interrogative. Each has its own version of constructing an English sentence.

How to construct affirmative sentences in English

Compilation affirmative proposal requires direct word order. Direct order means that the subject comes first in the sentence, then the predicate, then the object and adverbial. Diagram for clarity:

Sometimes an adverbial clause can begin a sentence.


  • I forgot to do the English exercises. — I forgot to do my English exercises.
  • Yesterday I bought a Lego construction set to my nephew. — Yesterday I bought my nephew a Lego set.
  • We'll go home after training. — We'll go home after training.
  • He is trying to find this spelling rule. — He's trying to find this spelling rule.
  • I have no idea how to learn to play the guitar. — I have no idea how to learn to play the guitar.

How negative sentences are constructed in English

English sentences also have direct word order when negated. The only difference is that to write a negative sentence you must use negative particle not (not). Such sentences always have an auxiliary verb, so the particle is placed after it.


  • I don't know how to draw up a contract. — I don’t know how to draw up an agreement.
  • We don’t study at the university. — We don't study at the university.
  • Jane will not be there. - Jane won't be there.
  • He is not working at the moment. — It is not working at the moment.
  • I haven’t done sport exercises today yet. — Today I haven’t done any sports exercises yet.
  • I was not aware of the situation in Paris. — I didn’t know about the situation in Paris.

How to write a sentence containing a question

Unlike the other two types, for interrogative sentences In English you must use reverse word order. In reverse order, the part of the predicate, namely the auxiliary verb, comes first, and after it comes the subject. The semantic verb and minor members of the sentence remain in their places. Accordingly, the use auxiliary verb in questions is also a necessity. Scheme:


  • Do you like this album? — Do you like this album?
  • Did they go fishing the day before yesterday? — Did they go fishing the day before yesterday?
  • Have you been to Moscow? — Have you been to Moscow?
  • Are you listening to me? -Are you listening to me?

If the sentences contain question word, it is used at the very beginning:

But to make a proposal with dividing question, you will have to deviate from the standard scheme. Such a question is constructed using an affirmative or negative sentence in the first part and quick question in the second:

That's all. We hope you have learned how to write sentences in English. Essentially English sentences as a designer, you just have to choose the right parts. To consolidate the material, do exercises on the topic. And most importantly, communicate with native speakers, because no exercise will give you as much knowledge as people who speak this language.

Hello two-students. I was recently wandering around the Internet and came across a textbook on the Russian language. I remembered this school, which I had to go to every day and sit through my pants. Even though I always studied well... Let’s say it’s good, I wouldn’t want to repeat this experience. I found a lesson in the textbook about how to correctly structure sentences. And I decided to write an article about this, so that you, caught by nostalgia for your school days, or, suddenly, by necessity, would not wander around looking for textbooks on the Russian language, but would come to my blog. And here’s a quick check for you:

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  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 10

    1 .

    Find the structure [ __ and __ ====== ] among the sentences presented.

  2. Task 2 of 10

    2 .

    Find the structure [│О│,…] among the sentences presented.

  3. Task 3 of 10

    3 .

    Find the structure [│ВВ│,…] among the sentences presented.

  4. Task 4 of 10

    4 .

    Find the structure [│DO│, X...] among the sentences presented.

  5. Task 5 of 10

    5 .

    Find the structure [X,│PO│,…] among the sentences presented.

  6. Task 6 of 10

    6 .

    Find the structure “[P!]” - [a] among the sentences presented.

  7. Task 7 of 10

    7 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure “[P..,│O│!] - [a]. - [│BB│,…P..].”

  8. Task 8 of 10

    8 .

    Find the structure […..], and […..] among the sentences presented.

  9. Task 9 of 10

    9 .

    Find among the sentences presented the structure […..], (that….).

  10. Task 10 out of 10

    10 .

    Find among the sentences presented the structure […..], (which….).

Someone will object: “School is over long ago, let’s write without diagrams.” This point of view is quite fair. For those who communicate via SMS and game chats. So, today the topic of our lesson is: “How to create a sentence diagram?” Moreover, if you are a copywriter or want to become one and earn more than your teacher, knowledge of sentence patterns, unfortunately, is necessary.

The procedure for drawing up a proposal outline

To draw up a diagram you will need graphic symbols. Equivalent clauses within a complex sentence are denoted by square brackets. The subordinate together with the conjunction is in parentheses. The main word from which the question is asked is a cross.

Simple sentence diagram

Let's look at an example right away. Let's start with the easiest task for elementary school.

This is a simple two-part sentence. A distinction is also made between one-part sentences, when the main members of a sentence are expressed by one subject or one predicate. Simple sentences can be common, as in our case, or uncommon, for example:

Let's pay attention to the predicate. It can be simple or complex:

  • Simple: " Michael composed ».
  • Compound verb: " Misha wanted to write on the sofa».
  • Compound nominal: " Misha was a friend for me».

A simple sentence may include:

Ivan, sit in the left row. The proposal outline is as follows


It is important to highlight the address with commas in the same way as introductory words.

Unfortunately, this happened quite often


Don’t forget to find and highlight the adverbial or participial phrases.

The dog looked at her without taking his eyes off

[│DO│, X...].

The view that opened before him was like an enchanted kingdom of cold.


Direct speech is often found in literary texts and reasoning texts.

“Don’t go into the yard!” the stranger shouted loudly.

“[P!]” - [a].

“Hurray, brothers!” he shouted. “It seems like our business is starting to improve.”

“[P..,│O│!] - [a]. - [│BB│,...P..].”

So, an English teacher. Imagine I got all A's (80 percent), I'm going to a college with honors, Olympiads, conferences - everyone knows me. And this...... well... the woman gives me a hard time. I tell her: aren’t you normal, look at my grades, what are you doing? And nothing - supposedly a principle. Although what the hell is the principle when she gave fours to athletes who did not come to classes at all and gave fives for a can of coffee. And everyone told her this: Pasha needs to give at least a four. In short, it's tough. Already at the defense of the diploma, the director himself intervened and she gave me a 4 after the defense, but the honors diploma was lost.

Complex sentence diagram.

There are several types of complex sentences. Let's look at them in order.

A compound compound is two simple ones equal offers, connected by a coordinating conjunction.

The walls of the tunnel moved apart, and the travelers found themselves in a huge sublunar grotto.

The scheme here is simple […..], and […..].

In a complex sentence, one part is main, the second is subordinate, accompanies the first.

The individual columns were so huge that their tops reached right up to the vault.

[…..], (What ….).

The air around him was much cleaner than what he breathed at home.

[…..], (which….).

Subordination in such sentences occurs with the help of subordinating conjunctions.

A non-union sentence is similar to a compound sentence, but does not have a conjunction.

The television studio offered a ridiculously small amount - Miga got angry.

[…..] — […..].

In our example, Migi's dissatisfaction is caused by the actions performed in the first part of the complex sentence. But there is no conjunction; it is replaced by a dash.

Don't get confused when drawing up a diagram with different types communications. Break such offers without losing main idea, it can be very difficult.

The bottom of the tunnel went down, so it was easy and simple to walk: it seemed that someone was pushing in the back, and the light would soon turn on ahead.

[…..], (therefore….): [│BB│,...], and [....].

Complex sentence may have several subordinate parts arising from one another. This is consistent submission.

The children were informed that tomorrow there would be a holiday that would end with a carnival procession.

(which ….).

There are also parallel subordination. From the main sentence different questions are asked to subordinate clauses. In this case, subordinate clauses can become separate simple sentences almost without change.

When the photographer arrived, Serenky wrapped the stock in a handkerchief to hide it in his bosom.

↓ when? ↓ why?

(when ....), (to ....).

In the Russian language, homogeneous subordination is distinguished. This listing simple sentences. They are asked the same question from the main part, and they are connected by the same union.

Watching nature in the spring, you can notice how birds fly in, how tender leaves appear, how the first flowers bloom.

↓ what? ↓ what? ↓ what?

(like ....), (like ....), (like ....).

The main types of proposals are considered. When reading and analyzing the text, carefully look at sentences that are large in construction. Highlight main information. Mentally ask questions from the main word or main part to the subordinate or subordinate clause. This will help you grasp the essence and place punctuation marks correctly.

Good luck to everyone! Well, find 10 differences in these pictures and write how long it took you to do it.

Find 10 differences