Not with indefinite and negative pronouns. Spelling of pronouns in Russian

Equatorial forests occupy the territory of the Congo river basin and the Gulf of Guinea. Their part is approximately 8% of total area continent. This natural area is unique. There is not much difference between the seasons here. Average temperature stays at approximately 24 degrees Celsius. The annual precipitation rate is 2000 millimeters, and it's raining almost every day. The main weather indicators are increased heat and humidity.

The equatorial forests of Africa are wet rain forests and are called "hylaea". If you look at the forest from a bird's eye view (from a helicopter or airplane), it resembles a lush green sea. In addition, several rivers flow here, and all of them are deep. During floods, they overflow and overflow their banks, flooding large area sushi. Hylaea lies on red-yellow ferrallitic soils. Since they contain iron, it gives the soil a red tint. Nutrients there is not much in them, they are washed out by water. The sun also affects the soil.

Hylaea flora

IN equatorial forest Africa is home to more than 25 thousand species of flora, of which a thousand are just trees. Lianas entwine them. The trees form dense thickets in the upper tiers. Shrubs grow at a slightly lower level, and even lower - grasses, mosses, and creeping plants. In total, these forests have 8 tiers.

Hylea is evergreen forest. The leaves on the trees last for about two and sometimes three years. They do not fall at the same time, but are replaced one by one. The most common types are:

  • bananas;
  • sandalwood;
  • ferns;
  • nutmeg tree;
  • ficus;
  • palm trees;
  • mahogany;
  • vines;
  • orchids;
  • breadfruit;
  • epiphytes;
  • oil palm;
  • nutmeg tree;
  • rubber plants;
  • coffee tree.

Fauna of Hylaea

Animals and birds are found in all tiers of the forest. There are a huge number of monkeys here. These are gorillas and monkeys, chimpanzees and baboons. In the treetops there are birds - banana-eaters, woodpeckers, fruit pigeons, as well as a huge variety of parrots. Lizards, pythons, shrews and various rodents. A lot of insects live in the equatorial forest: tsetse flies, bees, butterflies, mosquitoes, dragonflies, termites and others.

In the African equatorial forest, special climatic conditions. There is a rich world of flora and fauna here. Human influence here is minimal, and the ecosystem is virtually untouched.

Africa is an amazing continent where it combines large number geographical zones. In no other place are these distinctions so noticeable.

The natural areas of Africa are very clearly visible on the map. They are distributed symmetrically relative to the equator and depend on uneven precipitation.

Characteristics of natural areas of Africa

Africa is the second largest continent on Earth. It is surrounded by two seas and two oceans. But the most main feature- this is its symmetry in position in relation to the equator, which divides Africa into two parts along the horizon.

In the north and south of the continent there are hard-leaved evergreens rain forests and shrubs. Next come deserts and semi-deserts, then savannas.

In the very center of the continent there are zones of variable humid and constantly rain forests. Each zone is characterized by its own climate, flora and fauna.

Zone of variable-humid and moist evergreen equatorial forests of Africa

The evergreen forest zone is located in the Congo Basin and runs along the Gulf of Guinea. More than 1000 plants can be found here. These zones have predominantly red-yellow soils. Many types of palm trees grow here, including oil palms, tree ferns, bananas, and vines.

Animals are placed in tiers. In these places fauna very diverse. The soil is home to a huge number of shrews, lizards and snakes.

The humid forest zone is home to a huge number of monkeys. In addition to monkeys, gorillas and chimpanzees, more than 10 species of individuals can be found here.

Dog-headed baboons cause a lot of concern to local residents. They are destroying plantations. This species is distinguished by its intelligence. They can only be frightened by weapons; they are not afraid of a person with a stick.

African gorillas in these places grow up to two meters and weigh up to 250 kilograms. The forests are inhabited by elephants, leopards, small ungulates, and forest pigs.

Good to know: The tsetse fly lives in the eucalyptus zones of Africa. It is very dangerous for humans. Its bite infects the deadly sleeping sickness. The person begins to experience severe pain and fever.

Savannah zone

About 40% of the entire territory of Africa is occupied by savannas. The vegetation is represented by tall grasses and umbrella trees towering above them. The main one is baobab.

This is a tree of life that is of great significance to the people of Africa. , leaves, seeds - everything is eaten. The ash of the burnt fruit is used to make soap.

In dry savannas, aloe grows with fleshy and prickly leaves. During the rainy season, the savannah has very abundant vegetation, but during the dry season it turns yellow and fires often occur.

The red soils of the savannah are much more fertile than those in the rainforest zone. This is due to the active accumulation of humus during the dry period.

On the territory African savannah large herbivores live. Giraffes, elephants, rhinoceroses, and buffalos live here. The savannah area is home to predators, cheetahs, lions, and leopards.

Tropical desert and semi-desert zones

Savannahs give way to zones tropical deserts and semi-deserts. Rainfall in these places is very irregular. In certain areas there may be no rain for several years.

The climatic features of the zone are characterized by excessive dryness. Occur frequently sandstorms, strong temperature differences are observed throughout the day.

The relief of deserts consists of scattered rocks and salt marshes in places where there once were seas. There are practically no plants here. There are rare spines. There are types of vegetation with short term life. They grow only after rains.

Zones of evergreen hard-leaved forests and shrubs

The outermost zone of the continent is the territory of evergreen hard-leaved leaves and shrubs. These places are characterized by wet winters and hot, dry summers.

This climate has a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil. In these places it is very fertile. Lebanese cedar, beech and oak grow here.

The highest points of the continent are located in this zone. On the peaks of Kenya and Kilimanjaro, even in the hottest period, there is constant snow.

Table of natural zones of Africa

Presentation and description of all natural areas Africa can be visualized in a table.

Name of the natural area Geographical location Climate Flora Animal world Soil
Savannah Neighboring zones from equatorial forests to the north, south and east Subequatorial Herbs, cereals, palms, acacias Elephants, hippos, lions, leopards, hyenas, jackals Red ferrollite
Tropical semi-deserts and deserts Southwest and north of the mainland Tropical Acacias, succulents Turtles, beetles, snakes, scorpions Sandy, rocky
Variably humid and humid forests Northern part from the equator Equatorial and subequatorial Bananas, palm trees. coffee trees Gorillas, chimpanzees, leopards, parrots Brown-yellow
Hardleaf evergreen forests Far North and Far South Subtropical Strawberry tree, oak, beech Zebras, leopards Brown, fertile

Position climatic zones The continent is very clearly demarcated. This applies not only to the territory itself, but also to the definition of fauna, flora and climate types.


7th grade

Lesson No. 14

Topic: Spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns.

Purpose of the lesson : develop the ability to distinguish between indefinite and negative pronouns; practice spelling skills of pronouns, develop attention and memory, stimulate children's creative activity

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, handouts (answer sheet for test work, reference materials)

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational moment. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, today we will go on a sea voyage through the vast expanses of the Russian language. Many secrets and mysteries lie hidden in the depths of every language. The purpose of our journey will be to find answers to the questions:

    how to distinguish a negative pronoun from an indefinite one?

    How to write pronouns correctly?

    Updating knowledge:

Sailors often face dangers while sailing, so each crew member must be confident in their abilities. Let's test our ingenuity and ability to make the right decision.


1. The pronoun is independent part speech that

1) names objects, characteristics, quantities
2) indicates objects, signs, quantities
3) denotes objects, signs, quantities

2. Indicate the row in which the error was made:

1) pronouns-nouns: someone, with someone, to him
2) pronouns-adverbs: where, nowhere, ever
3) pronouns-adjectives: yours, yours, none

3. Find the indefinite pronoun:

1) nothing
2) someone
3) yourself

4. Pronouns are written with a hyphen, if any.

1) prefix PO and suffixes OMU-EMU

5. In this row, all words are written with a hyphen:

1) (some) where, acted (in) my own way
2) someone, any
3) someone’s, did (according to) his own plan

Result: “Go ahead, LUCK awaits you!”

    In search of treasures"

Target: repeat spellings related to the spelling of pronouns.

Vocabulary dictation (one person at interactive whiteboard; verification is carried out by a student-expert). An additional task for the expert is to indicate pronouns.

A one-legged sailor on a wooden leg, a sailor's chest, a map of some island, participate in solving a mystery, sailing on a schooner, a ship's cook, gentlemen of fortune, searching for someone's treasure, someone will explore the inaccessible rocks, adventures on land and sea , something had a pirate flag flying.

    Island of Explorers." Learning new material.


some island

swam somewhere

met someone

saw something

met someone

    no island

    didn't swim anywhere

    haven't met anyone

    there's nothing to remember

    no one met


    Find similarities and differences

    How to distinguish indefinite pronouns from negative ones?

    Why do some pronouns have a prefix?NOT , while othersNI ?

    WhyNOTHING written together, butwith NO ONE separately?

    Watch the cartoon and formulate a rule. Finish the diagram

Memory poem

Learn this carefully:
In negative pronouns,
When the preposition is inside,
We write not one word, but three.

Emotional result of the work: “Yes, every time you become convinced that NO ONE can EVER do without KNOWLEDGE, which brings LUCK.”

Note . After the children have formulated conclusions, they are given reference materials.

    Game “Catch the Pronoun”.

Find the pronouns, determine the category, explain the spelling.

Exercise. Catch the pronoun and put it in your boat.

    A lonely, sad, unknown pirate wandered around the island.

    Something told him: there was no need to leave the water anywhere.

    There was no one and nothing to blame the pirate for: he got what he deserved

    After some time, a ship appeared in the distance.

    The pirate decided to hide somewhere so that no one would discover him.

    Some of those who arrived on the ship had something amazing in their hands.

    Harbor of miracles."


    explain spelling;

    make sure the pronoun is written separately

    there is nothing to be upset about - there is nothing to be upset about

    don't ask anyone - don't ask anyone

    there is no boat - there is no boat

    no one to come - no one to come to

    nothing to connect with - nothing to connect with

    Sea tales”

Exercise . Come up with captions for the drawings

    Who should a sailor talk to? - The sailor had no one to talk to, because there was no one on the island.

    On which island did Flint see his ship? - Flint did not see his ship near any island.

    Where did the pirate expect help from? - The pirate had nowhere to wait for help.

    Dictation with self-test.

Preliminarily explain the spelling of pronouns and not with verbs, the placement of punctuation marks. Then close the curtain. Additional task: find other pronouns.

Once upon a time there was nothing.
Nothing was good.
It walked back and forth
And he didn't talk to anyone.
Didn't notice anyone
She considered herself the best.
Nothing about that
And say something
I. Mikhailov

How did you understand the meaning of the poem?

Additionally. R Working with the program “Russian language lessons “Cyril and Methodius” 6th grade.” Pronouns. Morphological analysis of pronouns. Slide “Spelling of negative and indefinite pronouns”

    Summing up the lesson.

Our journey has come to an end. We are again in our native harbor.. What did we learn in class today?

    How to distinguish a negative pronoun from an indefinite one?

    What do you need to know to write pronouns correctly?

Eliminate unnecessary things:

    THAT, either, either, something with indefinite pronouns written (continuously, with a hyphen)

    Under stress in a pronoun it is written (NOT-NI), without stress – (NOT-NI)

    If there is a preposition between SOME, NOT, NOR and the pronoun, then we write (in one word, in two words, in three words

1. In indefinite pronouns the prefix some and suffixes -this, -either, -something written with a hyphen, for example: something, some, someone, someone, something.

Note. In some spelling reference books the prefix some and suffixes -this, -either, -something traditionally called particles.

If after the prefix some If a preposition follows, it is written separately, for example: with someone (cf.: some one), with someone (cf.: some one).

2. In negative pronouns (nobody, nothing, no, no one’s, no one, nothing) under stress it is written Not, without accent - neither, for example: no one to ask - no one to notice, no need to worry - no answer.

If there are prepositions in indirect cases with negative pronouns, then Not And neither written separately: no one to find out from, no one to consult with, not to hide from anyone, not to talk about anything, to return with nothing.

3. It is necessary to distinguish between phrases none other than; nothing more than; no one else; nothing else.

Combinations none other than and none other than used in sentences where there is no other negation. Particle Not in these combinations it is written separately, since it is not part of the pronoun and after it a rearrangement of words is possible (no one else but - no other who but). These combinations have the meaning of particles exactly, only and therefore are not members of the sentence, for example: It was none other than our cooper Vavila. (T.) (Cf.: It was none other, but our cooper Vavila.)

Combinations no one else And nothing else used in sentences where there is usually already a negation; the conjunction is not used after them How, but as part of a sentence it is possible to use a preposition except. In these combinations neither is written together, as it is part of a pronoun, so there can be no rearrangement of words in them. Pronouns nobody And nothing are subjects or objects in negative sentences, for example: 1) No one else but you will do this; 2) Apart from music, nothing else interested him,” 3) He is not interested in anything else.

Instead of different, different words can be used in all four combinations other, other; none other than; nothing else, etc.

267. Write it off. Underline indefinite pronouns with one line, negative pronouns with two. In indefinite and negative pronouns with Not or neither indicate the emphasis.

1) Masha imagined some kind of noise behind the door. (A.N.T.) 2) In the living room, something small fell from the table and broke. (Ch.) 3) You are not able to act from any personal motives. (Fed.) 4) But, perhaps, (in) something he was right. (Shol.) 5) There is (no, no) anything to breathe. (Ch.) 6) There was (not, not) anything more to talk about. (Shol.) 7) There was (no, no) hurry. (A.N.T.) 8) They were silent because they had (not, not) anything to tell each other. (Gonch.) 9) The guest was (not, not) someone else like our venerable Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. (G.) 10) Nozdryov, after (not, not) some time, met again with those friends who were pestering him, and met with them as if (not, not) nothing had happened. (G.) 11) I am used to (not, not) deviating from civil laws in anything. (G.) 12) (No, not) there was nothing terrible about her [Ulenka]. (G.) 13) (Not, not) she would not be afraid to reveal her thoughts to anyone, and (not, not) no force could force her to remain silent when she wanted to speak. (G.)

268. Write it off. Explain (orally) the spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns.

I. 1) Tarantiev was a man of a lively and cunning mind; (n..) who can judge better than him some (n..) general everyday question. (Gonch.) 2) He was never embarrassed by (n..) someone’s presence and did not go to his pocket for a word. (Gonch.) 3) Panteley told (something) more. (Ch.) 4) No one came to his call. (Ch.) 5) His crazy, mocking look (n..) (at) did not stop. (Ch.) 6) She [Anna Sergeevna] was seen (n..) by Odintsov. (T.) 7) (N..) No matter what means and efforts it was impossible to find out what his [Plyushkin’s] robe was made of. (G.) 8) The doorman was given the strictest order not to accept (n..) at what time and (n..) under what guise Chichikov. (G.) 9) The officials, to put it simply, went crazy and quarreled (n..) (for) what. (G.) 10) No one noticed him [Raskolnikov] (n..), and no one came towards him (n..). (Adv.) 11) He (n..) didn’t think about anything, but some kind of melancholy worried him and tormented him. (Adv.) 12) Princess Marya in Moscow (n..) had someone to talk to, (n..) someone to confide in her grief. (JI. T.) 13) Everyone was sure that he [Dubrovsky], and (n..) whoever else, led the brave villains. (P.)

II. 1) The proposed article is (n..) nothing more than an introduction to the article about Pushkin itself. (White) 2) Something happened. (Some) of the summer residents went out the gate. (A.N.T.) 3) (N..) whoever in the class does not yet know (n..) who did it, (n..) what guided this student. 4) The neighboring dacha is not yet occupied by anyone. 5) I don’t know (n..) who rented this room, (n..) what the people who occupied it do. 6) This failure is (n..) nothing more than an extinct crater. (L.) 7) Startsev visited different houses and met many people, but (n..) (with) did not get close to anyone. (Ch.) 8) There was (n..) no one around. (M.G.) 9) There was (n..) something to talk to him about, and he was (n..) talkative. (Boon.)

269. Complete the sentences with negative pronouns.

1) I didn’t meet... . 2) I haven’t met... . 3) There was a meeting.... 4) Didn't listen.... 5) There was a listen.... 6) ... couldn't be heard in the room. 7) I didn’t say... . 8) There was a conversation... and... .

270. Include combinations in sentences no one else (as), nothing else (as) or no one else but in the required cases.

1) The blue stripe sparkling in the distance was... like a river. 2) ...except for the old hunter, I didn’t know these places so well. 3) The passenger who entered the carriage turned out to be... like our old acquaintance. 4) This village is famous... for its skillful bone products. 5) ..., except for Philip Nikitich, could not explain the difficult question so simply and clearly. 6) The house in the forest turned out to be... like a forester’s dwelling.

271. Write it off. Check your spelling using a spelling dictionary. Make up phrases using the highlighted words.

Forty..ruble, forty..leg, millennium, centenary, honor (someone), participate (in something), lack of initiative, agricultural technology, gas..fication, electrification, pan..frame, reader, inventory, im..tation, caricature, destroy, p..rodia, not uninteresting, exam..tor.

272. First write down sentences with indefinite pronouns, then with negative ones. Verbally explain which pronouns require spelling checking. In what ways can this be accomplished?

1) What happiness there is is to live to an old age and not bow, even when your back bends, to anyone or anything... (Prishv.) 2) Rudeness does not honor anyone. (Paust.) 3) Lunch, apparently, was not the main thing in Nozdryov’s life; the dishes did not play a big role: some were burnt, some were not cooked at all. (G.) 4) We are so poor in laughter that we need someone to straighten our wrinkles. (S.-Shch.) 5) The Tyachkovsky peasants probably don’t even need a street at all, because there’s nothing to ride on it: in Tyachkovo no one has a single cart. (M.-S.) 6) When in my hands new book, I feel that something new, living, speaking has entered my life. (M. G.) 7) No one in Zaporozhye got excited about anything or kept anything for themselves: everything was in the hands of the kuren ataman. (G.) 8) There are many such examples in the world: no one likes to recognize themselves in satire. (Kr.)

273. Read and determine what type of speech this text belongs to. What role do pronouns play in establishing connections between sentences and their parts? Give reasons for your answer. Write it down using punctuation marks. Do morphological analysis highlighted words.

School is just starting with... kindergarten but (not) ends(?) never ends. Her lessons last a lifetime. Whether it's a working engineer or an academician, everyone who truly loves their job equally... participates in the endless quest... for knowledge.

Education is a workshop where the mind is sharpened and tempered. But knowledge (not) related to citizenship..responsibility to society (n..)what(not) worth it. (Therefore) the most important school the lessons are lessons in citizenship...of high culture. The moral storehouses of literature, music, and painting of life itself are inexhaustible. The main thing is to communicate with spiritual world Fatherland, live in the same breath with your people, be consistent.. and ardent., a patriot in all your thoughts. h..stvakh and actions. (A. Kirsanov)

Objective of the lesson: develop the ability to distinguish between indefinite and negative pronouns; practice spelling skills of pronouns, develop attention and memory, stimulate children's creative activity

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, handouts (answer sheet for test work, reference materials)

  1. Organizational moment. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, today we will go on a sea voyage through the vast expanses of the Russian language. Many secrets and mysteries lie hidden in the depths of every language. The purpose of our journey will be to find answers to the questions:

  • how to distinguish a negative pronoun from an indefinite one?
  • How to write pronouns correctly?
  1. Game “Catch the Pronoun”.

Find the pronouns, determine the category, explain the spelling. (Sides 20-26)

Exercise. Catch the pronoun and put it in your boat.

  1. A lonely, sad, unknown pirate wandered around the island.
  2. Something told him: there was no need to leave the water anywhere.
  3. There was no one and nothing to blame the pirate for: he got what he deserved
  4. After some time, a ship appeared in the distance.
  5. The pirate decided to hide somewhere so that no one would discover him.
  6. Some of those who arrived on the ship had something amazing in their hands.

Checking on the interactive whiteboard.

  1. “Pier of Miracles.”


  1. explain spelling;
  2. make sure the pronoun is written separately (slide 27)
  • there is nothing to be upset about - there is nothing to be upset about
  • don't ask anyone - don't ask anyone
  • there is no boat - there is no boat
  • no one to come - no one to come to
  • nothing to connect with - nothing to connect with
  1. “Sea Tales”

Exercise. Come up with captions for the drawings (slides 28-30)

  • Who should a sailor talk to? - The sailor had no one to talk to, because there was no one on the island.
  • On which island did Flint see his ship? - Flint did not see his ship near any island.
  • Where did the pirate expect help from? - The pirate had nowhere to wait for help.
  1. Dictation with self-test.

(Slide 31)

Preliminarily explain the spelling of pronouns and not with verbs, the placement of punctuation marks. Then close the curtain. Additional task: find other pronouns.

Once upon a time there was nothing.
Nothing was good.
It walked back and forth
And he didn't talk to anyone.
Didn't notice anyone
She considered herself the best.
Nothing about that
And say something
I. Mikhailov

How did you understand the meaning of the poem?

Additionally. R Working with the program “Russian language lessons “Cyril and Methodius” 6th grade.” Pronouns. Morphological analysis of pronouns. Slide “Spelling of negative and indefinite pronouns”

  1. Summing up the lesson.

Our journey has come to an end. We are again in our native harbor. (Slide 32). What did we learn in class today?

  • How to distinguish a negative pronoun from an indefinite one?
  • What do you need to know to write pronouns correctly?

Eliminate unnecessary things:

  • TO, either, either, something with indefinite pronouns are written (continuously, with a hyphen)
  • Under stress in a pronoun it is written (NOT-NI), without stress - (NOT-NI)
  • If there is a preposition between SOME, NOT, NOR and the pronoun, then write (in one word, in two words, in three words)


  1. Volina V.V. Fun grammar. – M.: Knowledge, 1995.

Appendix 1. Presentation in PowerPoint 2007 format

Appendix 2. Explanations for working with the presentation.

Appendix 3. Reference materials “Spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns”