This means you dream about rats and mice. Why do you dream about rats and mice? Interpretation of dreams with rodents in various dream books

When women see mice, they squeal and jump onto a chair or somewhere higher. Psychologists explain the fear of rodents by genetic memory. When a man went hunting, and the keeper of the hearth had to protect the home from enemies, and food gray thieves. We’ll find out why we dream about rats and mice by looking through popular dream books.

The rat as a symbol of fertility, profit or death

If you dreamed of a rat, then expect deception from your neighbors; quarrel with business partners. The dream also serves as a signal about a large concentration of enemies in your environment; they will be sources of anxiety and aggression.

If you are in love now, then the rat signals the appearance of a rival on the horizon, serious in his intentions and ready to captivate your girlfriend. Another popular interpretation of the image is as a reflection of the fear of losing loved one and a feeling of being useless to society.

In a dream you kill a rat, which means that in life you will emerge victorious from a difficult situation. If you grab an animal by the tail, you will have to participate in a battle with human baseness, but you will come out of the fight with dignity.

Freud's dream book interprets fleeing rodents as a signal of the need to change your place of residence for a couple of weeks.

A gnawing animal warns of your frivolous behavior and the need to stock up on food. Hordes of rats devouring the harvest foreshadow environmental disaster and famine. Surprisingly, this is one of the few Freudian interpretations without sexual overtones!

If If a woman saw a rat in a dream, this indicates that she will be deceived at work, one of the employees is ready to “sit on” you. Once you receive a warning, you will be able to expose this "rat" deception. A man had a dream about an animal - a sexual relationship will probably happen with a friend from his youth.

Mouse is a sign warning of dangers

Miller's dream book interprets the image of a mouse in a dream as a warning about future difficulties in business, the possibility of deception from close friends.

When an animal sits on your suit and jumps onto the hem, this portends the risk of getting into scandalous story. You may have to play the main role in it.

Aesop's dream book represents the mouse as a symbol of dexterity and intelligence. If you saw in a dream how an animal runs away from a cat, it means you received a sign that you will avoid serious danger. Feeding a mouse from your hands - be more lenient in your relationships with people, soon you will need the help of your friends.

According to the interpretations of the White Magician dreaming about a mouse is a sign of great trouble. After such a dream, be careful when communicating with strangers, do not start unnecessary conversations, limit communication.

Freud's dream book interprets the image in a unique way. Dreaming of mice means the interference of enemies and slanderers in your endeavors. Their goal is to destroy the balance and harm the plan.

At the same time, small gray mice are interpreted as a life in poverty, major failures in business, an unhappy marriage and problems with children’s obedience.

Hearing a mouse squeak in a dream means there is a high probability of robbery

If you have a mouse in your mouth, your loved ones will support you in a moment of danger; they will also help you create balance and harmony in the surrounding reality.

Dreamed mouse gray symbolizes hidden fear, fear, constant expectation of trouble. If you saw yourself in the guise of a gray mouse, perhaps your life lacks bright emotions and impressions.

It seems to you that you are a calm, inconspicuous person, whom others do not notice, and life passes you by.

A black mouse also does not foretell changes in life, but it means gossips and intriguers behind your back.

The most favorable image is a white mouse. This is a favorable omen good sign. All your difficulties will be resolved positively, your marriage will be harmonious.

Many mice in a dream - expect war, death and famine. So said Nostradamus. Animals that scatter around the corners of the room can be viewed in two ways. On the one hand, it means that you are mired in petty squabbles and fuss, on the other hand, you will disperse problems to different corners, like timid mice.

There is one good newslarge number Rodents dream of money, major financial success.

A dead or dead mouse symbolizes possible difficulties in financial matters, the consequences of which you can overcome with great effort. In addition, such a dream promises difficult relationships in the family, scandals and intrigues among relatives, spouses and children.

Bat in symbols

Seeing in a dream bat- this is a reminder from the depths of the subconscious that it’s time to learn to adapt to circumstances surrounding life. In the future, this skill will help you avoid dangers and failures in life.

If an animal hunts, it is a sign of future happiness, good luck in trade and respect from others. Calmly following the flight of a flying predator means the fulfillment of long-held hopes, despite gloomy forebodings, everything will end well.

If you encounter a wounded bat in a dream, in reality beware of walking in the dark, there is a possibility of an attack for the purpose of robbery.

When a girl dreams of mice, this is a warning about secret ill-wishers or enemies, operating secretly.

Quarrels, squabbles with neighbors, conflicts with colleagues, dissatisfaction with oneself—such a bouquet of negativity is promised by dream books if mice and rats are seen together in a dream. Add to this you can have disagreements with business partners, bosses, and misunderstandings in the family.

  • 1 Interpretation in different dream books
  • 2 Why do you dream about living and dead rodents?
  • 3 Seeing a lot of mice and rats in a dream
  • 4 Rodents that bite
  • 5 Catch mice and rats
  • 6 In a dream, catch, poison, kill rodents
  • 7 What does a dream mean for a woman, a man

It is no secret that rodents often act as a symbol of meanness and disgust, as they lead a rather unclean lifestyle. Despite this, from an esoteric point of view, dreams with their fate can be interpreted in relation to different areas of human activity. Therefore, before drawing conclusions from the dreams you have seen, you need to understand why rats and mice dream.

Interpretation in different dream books

Seeing mice and rats in a dream is not always pleasant, since they evoke a feeling of fear in most people. Almost all sources of dream interpretation are inclined to believe that mammals often symbolize old enemies, whose actions are always full of deceit and meanness.

However, some dream books think differently:

  1. Miller's dream book offers an interesting interpretation of dreams with rodents. According to his opinion, rats come to a person in a dream on the eve of a serious showdown with neighbors or business partners. In this case, the dreamer should reconsider relationships with people around him. Entrepreneurs are advised to limit communication with unfriendly partners, and a person in love should take a closer look at his object of adoration.
  2. In Loff’s dream book, rodents who tried to steal food from a sleeping person in a dream foreshadow the opportunity for him to expose the hypocritical person standing next to him. According to this interpretation, they can spread gossip behind their back and also plot against the dreamer.
  3. A similar interpretation is offered by Tsvetkov, who indicates that mice in a dream represent secret enemies. They often stay close to the person and also pretend to be his friends. Therefore, their actions often ruin the dreamer’s plans, which is why he will not be able to realize himself in society.
  4. Freud said that dreams of rats often indicate hidden dissatisfaction with one's sex life. Often the dreamer real life got used to blaming the partner, which is why the relationship is in family circle far from the best. Although on a subconscious level he understands everything and wants to find a solution to the current problem, no decisive action is observed.
  5. Miss Hasse is sure that the mouse, which was present in the sleeper’s visions, promises a meeting with enemies. All dreams where rodents felt comfortable in an environment are considered a bad omen. If the dreamer managed to emerge victorious, catch, or kill her, then in reality the enemies will be defeated.

Why do you dream about living and dead rodents?

At the moment of the dream, it is necessary to remember whether the rodent was alive or dead, since this factor is important for obtaining a reliable interpretation:

  1. When you dream about living mice and rats, the dream directly indicates the presence of insidious people in the dreamer’s life. It is quite possible that among your friends there are insufficiently honest and open people. There are often cases when even an old friend who has been trusted for a long time can let you down and betray you in difficult times.
  2. Dead rats in dreams symbolize not only problems, but also obstacles to achieving goals. If the dreamer has seen a lot of dead rodents, he should prepare for inevitable quarrels and disagreements between the couple. This means that difficult life situations will begin that will take away your strength and nerves. From another point of view, dead mice promise victory over enemies and ill-wishers.

Seeing a lot of mice and rats in a dream

In the case where you dreamed about a lot of rats and mice, then the dream should be regarded as a serious warning about possible conflicts and quarrels with loved ones. At the same time, misunderstandings with each other should be considered to be to blame for all future troubles. To avoid these conflict situations in the family hearth, it is necessary to talk openly with all family members.

Rodents that bite

It is also important to take into account the behavior of the rodent. A dream in which a mouse wanted to bite the dreamer is considered a pleasant omen of a successful streak in life.

A dream is successful if the rat still manages to bite a person. In this case, you need to notice where the bite was. If you bite the hand of a sleeping person, the dream indicates the onset of a favorable moment in life to meet your soulmate. Such visions always promise pure love. When a rat bites your clothes, the dream foretells the achievement of all goals and plans, as well as a reward for the work invested.

However, one should not exclude a negative interpretation of such visions, because a bite by these mammals can foreshadow a separation from a loved one and quarrels in the family. In some cases, a bite promises financial problems.

Catching mice and rats

There are dreams when you have to catch a mouse. In this case, dreams foreshadow success in life, as well as good luck and confidence that plans will be realized. The offers that will be made to the dreamer will be beneficial for both parties. A vision where a person uses mousetraps or traps to hunt rodents indicates an entrepreneurial nature. Therefore, after seeing the picture, you should try to open your own business.

In a dream, catch, poison, kill rodents

It is also important to take into account the plot of the dream, since the final interpretation will depend on it:

  1. If the sleeper manages to catch a rodent, the vision promises him great luck, which will help in solving minor difficulties and problems. When the dreamer is just chasing an animal, but cannot catch it, the dream speaks of the danger that awaits him if he does not deal with his enemies.
  2. A dream where a person killed and poisoned rats is considered a favorable sign, because in this way the dream promises him victory over his worst enemies and confidence in his abilities. Such night dreams promise good luck and victory in any situation.

What does a dream mean for a woman, a man?

It should be noted that the interpretation of one dream with rodents will differ depending on the gender of the dreamer:

  1. For a woman, seeing rats does not bode well. Often, after what she sees, quarrels and betrayal await her. It is possible that the dream indicates the betrayal of a spouse. If a woman managed to cope with rodents in a dream, the interpretation for her will be positive. This suggests that she will be able to act wisely in difficult situations, as well as regain her former relationship with her husband.
  2. For men, such dreams foreshadow the opportunity to profitably realize themselves as an entrepreneur, as well as improve financial situation. The more rats there are in the vision, the more profitable the business will be. However, if a rat was able to bite the dreamer, he should take a closer look at his companion, because in real life he can easily betray his partner.

Dreams with rodents cannot be ignored, otherwise you may make mistakes and not notice how your life will gradually collapse. Despite the fact that almost all interpretation options have negative value, they should be regarded as a warning about troubles. Therefore, it is advisable to correctly interpret the dream in order to predict the development of events.

It is impossible to imagine at least one person who would like to see not entirely pleasant plots in dreams. However, it is not always possible to see colorful pictures, even in moments of night dreams. Who wants to see rats and mice? Dream books of various authors are filled even with such interpretations. What if this isn't such a bad sign?

According to Kananit

What can be found in the dream book of the Greek apostle Simon the Canaanite. There, such a dream means that in real life this person has secret dangerous enemies and if you do not deal with them, there is a risk of being “eaten.” The same meaning if you see a mouse in a dream.

Difficult moments are also foreshadowed by many tailed rodents who decided to “participate” in the dream. Looking for rats or mice is a bad sign. Probably someone is encroaching on the property of the sleeping person and wants to appropriate it. If the rodent was caught, success in the planned affairs will happen in reality. For a woman to see a white mouse in a dream means a successful marriage and strong marital relationships.

According to Miller

Rats and mice in the dream book of the famous American psychologist Miller have their own interpretation, in some places similar to the opinion of the Apostle Canaanite. According to him, observing an unpleasant-looking rodent promises deception and attacks with fists from cunning people living in the neighborhood or work colleagues. Dead rats and mice in a dream foreshadow reprisals against ill-wishers and great success, especially if they are strangled by the hands of the sleeping person.

According to Zhou Gong

According to the Chinese dream book, rats and mice do not foretell any unpleasant events in reality. On the contrary, seeing a huge rat running past means that a happy time is soon approaching. An animal grabs a sleeping person by an element of clothing - to successfully achieve your goals. A white rodent is a sign of support from the environment or a valuable find.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Seeing a lot of mice and rats in a dream means that the person who sees this plot in reality is dissatisfied with himself, those around him and his whole life in general. A thirst for relaxation from everyday worries.

A black rodent means that there is probably an envious person and a hypocrite among those close to you. Gray - to danger, betrayal.

Killing a rat in a dream means a worthy victory over an ill-wisher.

Running after rats means overcoming troubles.

Feeling a rat bite on your hand means a quarrel in reality. If the wound bleeds, a conflict with parents is possible. A rat chewing on your leg is a sign of intrigue weaving behind your back.

Modern interpretation

If mice or rats - in reality he should be prepared for difficulties and dangerous situations. Eating these animals is considered a bad sign. Falling into a rat trap means theft. An empty rat trap means avoiding gossip and communicating with dubious people. Set a trap - find out about the intrigues and bad thoughts of your rivals. Seeing a mouse in a dream means changing your home in reality. Animal white symbolizes minor fuss, pain in the teeth. Psychoanalysts interpret such a dream as giving in and cowardice in front of life's difficulties. Seeing a lot of rats in a dream means wealth, income, financial well-being.

According to Freud

Rats and mice in Sigmund Freud’s dream book mean the sleeper’s thirst to try hard and unconventional ways of having sex. For virgins, such dreams are interpreted by a psychologist as a fear of losing their innocence.

General value

The dream of rats and mice running is a warning about a conflict with familiar people.

To catch a rodent is to defeat an enemy.

Strangling an animal in a dream means successfully dealing with problems that have piled up.

Seeing a mouse in a young girl’s dreams symbolizes that she will soon get married. If an animal ran near a single friend, she should be married. The same meaning is if a rodent appeared in a dream to the mother of a lonely daughter.

A pregnant woman sees a fat rat in a dream - a sign of the birth of a healthy baby or twins. If another person sees such a huge beast, in real life he will be very lucky. There is a chance to get a large sum money and spend it wisely.

What does a mouse and a rat mean in a dream, if it is black - it is a symbol of betrayal of a dear person, an unpleasant road, theft, bad time for registration important documents. The redhead warns of possible adversity and anxiety from a competitor of a loved one. Bald - auspicious sign: the enemy will surrender and will no longer be able to harm the sleeping person.

The sleeper discovered a rat's tummy - in reality he will come up with the idea of ​​​​changes in his home. If she gives birth to cubs, this is a bad symbol, indicating the appearance of an insidious ill-wisher.

If you dream of rat meat cooked in a frying pan, you should not get involved in dubious matters.

Feeding a toothy animal is a reasonable approach to life and resolving confusing and difficult situations.

Petting a rat means that the cunning person will want to gain the trust of the sleeping person, after which he will annoy him.

Feeling a rat bite on your hand means unfavorable times can take you by surprise. On the finger - it will not hurt the sleeper to understand himself, analyze the mistakes of both himself and those around him, and “see through” his secret enemy. On the leg - to a scandal and squabbles in the family or with a friend.

A cat strangling a mouse or rat in a dream means financial victories.

To shudder from a mouse is a fear of marital relations after marriage.

Running away from a rodent is a sign of refusal to marry.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a horde of mice runs out - a warning sign. Possible robbery. To the one who saw similar dream need to be alert.

An obedient rat dreams of a peaceful married life, a way out of a crisis and good luck in the work field.

Dead rats and mice - a dream means victory over difficulties and offenders.

Other books of interpretation

According to spring, lunar and Old Russian dream books rats and mice dream of failure and tears. According to Azar and the Ukrainian interpreter, this is a sign of anxiety, losses, ailments, everyday worries, as well as danger from ill-wishers. A cat plays with a mouse or catches it - in real life, gossip can cause trouble.

The French book of dreams says: eating a piece of rat meat in a dream means overcoming all bad things and defeating enemies. Mice and rats in Fedorovskaya’s dream book are a symbol of waste of money. According to the summer interpreter, being afraid of this animal or showing disgust means in reality you should be selective with new acquaintances. There is a risk of meeting unpleasant person, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of.

In the Russian dream book, a mouse seen foreshadows slander, which evil-tongued people can spread to the sleeping person in reality. The dream interpreter warns to stay away from an immoral woman, otherwise her offensive jokes will not be beneficial, but will only upset you. What do rats and mice mean in a dream based on Aesop’s book? This is a sign of vulnerability of character to certain circumstances or resourcefulness. The whole squad According to the Tarot, mice mean crisis, devastation and war.

As a rule, we do not like these animals; they evoke feelings of hostility and even fear. They do a lot of damage. In dreams they also do not foretell anything good.

In dreams and They differ only in that they foreshadow troubles of different scales. Rats mean big troubles, and mice mean small ones.

They are an exception; they are harbingers of good events.

Lots of rats and mice in the house

If you had such a dream, it means that your enemy is a frequent guest in your home. If you managed to drive away or, then in reality you will bring your hidden enemy to. To eat a killed rat means in reality to win victory over all enemies and get out of conflict situations without losses.

Seeing in a dream, means facing petty ill-wishers. If rodents are on the table, then in real life you will have an enemy that you alone cannot defeat; you will need the support of friends.

Rats and mice that bite

you in a dream, symbolize upcoming quarrels and scandals in the family and at work. If they bite your legs, then this means betrayal on the part of friends.

If you were bitten, you could be betrayed. If you see how rats bite another person and he is your friend, then he will be the one who will get into trouble. to the fact that hidden enemies will reveal themselves openly.

Rats, mice and cats

Such a dream is interpreted ambiguously. On the one hand, rats also foreshadow all sorts of troubles and suffering, and on the other hand, cats are the enemies of mice.

Such dreams foreshadow difficult times, you will have to fight hard for yourself and for your happiness. If in this battle of rats and mice with a cat the rats win, then a series of heavy defeats awaits you.

But if the cat wins, then change for the better is just around the corner. But such changes will be very difficult. Cat carrying a mouse or rat in its teeth takes away good luck from you.

If there is a mouse in a cat's teeth, then there is little luck. And if there is a rat in your mouth, then great luck is running out, perhaps this is the profit you missed. If you take away a cat's prey, you will give back its luck.

Rats and mice in someone else's house

Such dreams warn you of an imminent quarrel with your neighbors. This will be a series of conflicts, either subsiding or flaring up with renewed vigor. Such conflicts will entail a lot of costs, both moral and material.

If you have seen rats and mice bite people in the house, this means that one of your friends or relatives is ill. Furniture and walls damaged by rats in the house portends that you will have to solve other people's problems or pay off debts for other people.

Lots of dead rats and mice

This is a good sign, it portends that " black stripe" in your life will end. Seeing a lot of mice means that you will defeat your enemies. - ward off trouble from yourself or your loved ones.

Kill a large rodent for a great victory. When an animal was killed, it meant the arrival of relatives with good news. Walking through mice means rightfully earning respect and honor among people.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a rat in a dream means being cruelly deceived in reality by your business partners or friends. Conflict with neighbors is also possible. Grab or even kill a rat in a dream, means to get out of a difficult situation with honor, perhaps even gain profit or benefit.

To see is to receive a noticeable blow from hidden enemies. Seeing a mouse on the table means that you yourself are welcoming your enemy into your home, and he will soon reveal himself.

holding a mouse in its teeth, tells you about lost luck and lost profits due to delays on your part. Running away from rats is a symbol that you are faced with a difficult choice.

Dream book of the soothsayer Mary

Rats and mice in your dreams have a clearly negative meaning. Just seeing rats, then such a dream foreshadows a sign of danger for the dreamer. Caution should be exercised, especially on the road. Mice dream of deception, which will greatly undermine you, since these will be people you trusted.

Or a rat to victory over all unpleasant circumstances. Watching for mice that hunt mice - expect important decision influential people about you. If the cat caught a rodent, then the decision is in your favor.

If the small animal managed to escape, then the decision will not be made in your favor. This may mean that in reality you are preparing for an important interview. - means an enemy pretending to be a friend is very close.

Big dream book

Many mice and rats in a dream as in life, they are very unpleasant creatures and nothing good can be expected from them. To see many rats behaving aggressively means to meet a very dangerous people who want to harm you.

To run away from them or kill them means to protect yourself from troubles or survive them with minimal damage to yourself. If the rats are hungry, then your neighbors may deceive you. Mice in a dream mean a series of failures.

If rodents fight among themselves, and you look, then health problems await you. symbolize great sorrow probably or serious illness one of the family members.

Kill a black rat for a quick recovery acquaintances or relatives.

Ukrainian dream book

A rat or mouse seen in a dream portend varying degrees losses, quarrels with neighbors and other adversities. or the cat caught the mouse, it means that luck has run out from under the nose.

Seeing mice and rats in someone else's house indicates that trouble will bypass your home. The attackers are preparing the dreamer for a meeting with very dangerous and strong enemies; the outcome of such a meeting is not clear. Killing a rat means being able to get rid of troubles and sorrows.

At the same time there was blood, this is for the recovery of relatives. Eating a killed rat means winning a great victory over ill-wishers, prosperity and happiness for many years.

Lunar dream book

Rats and mice in dreams are a sign of impending troubles and adversity. Also, such dreams promise many dangers in real life. Mice in dreams foreshadow the unfortunate loss or theft of your property. If you are in a dream, then you may have health problems.

Rats and mice in your house, if they are on the table, warn that your friend will turn out to be an enemy and a traitor. Kill a rat, especially a black and large one - to meet with good person, which will help you solve your problems.

The cat hunts the mouse - Intrigue awaits you. If the mouse escapes from the cat, then what seems to be a success will turn out to be a failure. Running away from rodents means trying to make an important decision in life, the correctness of which will affect your life.

Modern dream book

Rats appearing in a dream portend bad news, grief, sadness and other bad moments in life. Rats biting in a dream foretell deteriorating health or bad news.

Aggressive black rats mean that a “ball of friends” is rallying around you to deliver a significant blow. Kill a rat - win a convincing victory in life over ill-wishers. Mice to a series of minor troubles and disappointments in business.

Family dream book

Rats in a dream are a bad sign. It portends great difficulties in business due to the fault of ill-wishers. Mice foreshadow empty chores, waste and other delays.

Killed animals portend victories and success in business. And to kill a black rat means to protect your home from uninvited guests.

To drive away rats means that you take your friends to clean water and thus you can avoid major deception.

Run and hide from rats means to look for an answer, to be in search of an important decision.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Rats in your dreams promise you troubles, quarrels with loved ones and great dangers. Seeing a lot of mice is a sign that there is a danger of becoming a victim of scammers.

Big black rats This means that your friends will turn into enemies at a difficult moment. Kill the rat, emerge victorious from the fight. Escape from a flock of aggressive rodents - get away from dangerous moments in your life.

Seeing a cat catch a mouse means that you are on the right path to wealth and prosperity. Drive away mice and rats- come to victory over all ill-wishers.

Many people, wondering why rats and mice dream, associate such a dream exclusively with unfavorable events that may happen in the future, but in reality everything is not quite like that. In real life, people associate rodents with various unpleasant sensations, but the appearance of this image during a night’s rest can portend success in various areas of life. Often, if a person dreams of mice and rats, unprecedented success awaits him in all his endeavors. Only under certain conditions can these animals indicate possible failures in business and personal life.

Many people, wondering why rats and mice dream, associate such a dream exclusively with unfavorable events that may happen in the future, but in reality everything is not quite like that

In most cases, a dream about pasyuk is a harbinger of an imminent career growth, as well as unexpected wealth. When small rats appear in a dream, you should put in a little more effort so that everything works out perfectly. in the best possible way. If a person has been working for many months to achieve some goal in the professional field, perhaps it is after the appearance of the rodent that he will be able to achieve results. These creatures can be dreamed of in different settings and situations.

Why do you dream about rats (video)

At the same time, a large number of rats and mice sitting on the table are a harbinger big money, so it is very important not to miss the moment that will definitely present itself in the future. Considering that rodents are a symbol of cunning and achieving set goals, the appearance of these creatures in night vision promises the approval of people around you, both work colleagues and superiors, as well as from friends and relatives.

IN modern dream book mice and rats are also interpreted as harbingers of an improved personal life. When rodents hiding in a hole appear during a night's rest, a person will meet a companion for the rest of his life. In addition, a dream where large rats are sitting nearby can portend happiness and prosperity. Particularly positive is a vision in which these animals eat grain, as this portends the strengthening of the family and the enrichment of the home.

In the modern dream book, mice and rats are also interpreted as harbingers of an improved personal life

If you dreamed of a rodent, when interpreting the dream you should take into account the whole situation. For example, if you had to kill mice and rats in a dream, it means that failure in the work sphere is possible in the near future. It will be the result of a missed opportunity to prove yourself.

Why do mice dream (video)

At the same time, rodents do not always portend positive changes in life. For example, if in a dream an animal is running fussily around the room, a rift may occur between the spouses due to a minor domestic quarrel, and even a complete break in the relationship cannot be ruled out. In addition, if the dreamed mouse or rat is wounded and bleeding, this may foreshadow the imminent breakdown of the family due to the departure of one of the partners.

The appearance of these animals in night visions may portend:

  • quarrels with neighbors;
  • theft of property;
  • intrigues on the part of ill-wishers;
  • strong remorse;
  • unsuccessful purchases.

If you dreamed of a rodent, when interpreting the dream you should take into account the whole situation

If rodents bite in a dream, a person will have to endure several minor failures or trial. When, during a night's rest, you see a lot of mice and rats leaving the house, this is not very good. Such a dream suggests that in the near future a person will get involved in an unsuccessful or illegal transaction, and this will lead to the flight of partners and other consequences that will be very difficult to correct. Dreaming of rodents can portend both dizzying success and the imminent onset of an unfavorable period. It is very important to remember all the details of the vision in order to accurately determine whether it portends trouble or happiness.