Why do you dream that they brought a coffin? Why do you dream of a dead grandmother in a coffin? Interpretation in the Old Russian dream book of sleep Coffin

  • If you dreamed of an empty coffin, such a dream predicts a long life;
  • Seeing the coffin of the dead in a dream means trouble;
  • The dream book interprets a closed coffin as a surprise;
  • Seeing a funeral procession carrying a coffin in a dream means money;
  • Seeing yourself lying in a coffin means illness or even death;
  • Dig up a coffin - those around you will find out about your secret;
  • Carrying a coffin according to the dream book is a profitable business;
  • Seeing a familiar person in a coffin means his death;
  • Filling up a grave with a coffin means you will get rid of an old problem;
  • A black coffin is unpleasant news;
  • White coffin - financial success awaits you.

Dream book of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova

  • For those born from January to April, a coffin in a dream means a long life;
  • For those whose birthday falls from April to August, seeing an empty coffin in a dream means purchasing real estate;
  • If you were born from September to December, then a coffin with a deceased person in a dream means a funeral.

Coffin according to Vanga's dream book

  • See the funeral procession in which the coffin is carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - You need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age;
  • Dream interpretation of an empty coffin - internal emptiness and mental hardships;
  • Walking in a funeral procession and carrying a coffin - you will commit an ugly act that will bring a loved one a lot of troubles and troubles;
  • Forcefully hammering nails into the coffin lid - you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses;
  • A fallen coffin is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous catastrophe;
  • A coffin covered with earth is the presence of a terrible, incomparable evil.

Coffin according to Miller's dream book

  • Seeing - bereavement, early departure of a dear relative;
  • Strewn with flowers in a church - an unsuccessful marriage;
  • For the peasant - crop failure, livestock diseases;
  • For business people– failures;
  • For young people - an unhappy marriage;
  • A moving coffin - illness, marriage, overshadowed by previous events;
  • Lying in a coffin yourself or sitting on it means quarrels, serious illness, repentance for actions.

Coffin according to Miller's dream book

Coffin according to Miss Hasse's dream book

  • Seeing him is an obstacle;
  • Lying in it means long life;
  • With ropes - a case of death;
  • Seeing them carry - sad circumstances and bad news;
  • Digging a hole for a coffin is a reasonable marriage;
  • A buried coffin is a disease;
  • Open - a fun celebration.

Coffin according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

  • I dreamed of a coffin - success in business;
  • A friend in a coffin - news about his successes;
  • For young people - for a wedding;
  • For families - to profit, monetary success.

Coffin according to Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book

  • For older people - death;
  • For family - profit;
  • For the young - wedding and long life.

Coffin according to women's dream book

  • The coffin is a sad symbol. The appearance of a coffin in a dream can foreshadow heavy losses, the early death of a loved one;
  • Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage;
  • An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and mental hardship;
  • Lying in a coffin means quarrels await you;
  • Carrying a coffin in a dream means you will commit an ugly act.

Velesov's dream book

  • Dream of a coffin - joy, success in business, profit, longevity, wedding (for young people);
  • Sleeping in a coffin is fun;
  • An open coffin means death;
  • Empty - long and happy life;
  • A friend in a coffin - hearing about his success.

Coffin according to the Ukrainian dream book

  • Open coffin - death in the family;
  • A closed coffin means a long and happy life;
  • If you dream of coffins in a cemetery, then this is bad;
  • Lying in a coffin is a joyful celebration.
  • If you dream of a coffin, poverty and humiliation await you;
  • If the coffin is large and heavy, fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house;
  • Golden coffin - portends success that will come to you from afar;
  • Making coffins in a dream means hard work that will yield great rewards;
  • Buying coffins in a dream means prosperity and harmony in the house.

Coffin according to the French dream book

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • I dreamed of a coffin - for the old - death; for family - profit; for the newlyweds - a wedding;
  • Seeing him is an obstacle;
  • Lying in it means long life;
  • A coffin with ropes is a case of death;
  • Seeing the coffin being carried means sad circumstances and bad news;
  • Digging a hole for a coffin is a reasonable marriage;
  • A buried coffin is a disease;
  • Open - a fun celebration awaits.

Coffin according to the gypsy dream book

  • Usually this good sign. According to the interpretation of the gypsies, seeing someone in a coffin means that you will live to see the time when the children grow up and start their own families;
  • Seeing yourself in a coffin means you will have excellent health all your life.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Deceased relatives in a coffin are a mortal danger.

New dream book

  • Dreaming of a coffin means financial success.

Ancient dream book

  • A coffin seen in a dream marks a change in state; sleeping in a coffin foreshadows death for a sick person, and an obstacle in business for a healthy person.

Dream book of lovers

  • A coffin standing in a church and covered with flowers promises an unsuccessful marriage;
  • For lovers, seeing a coffin in a dream portends separation.

Dream interpretation is a form of divination based on the visions of a sleeping person. Essentially, it is an interpretation system that uses dreams to predict the future. Dreaming is a normal phenomenon of every psychologically healthy person. Such a dream is not always a harbinger of trouble.

This article will tell you about what it means to see a coffin in a dream, as well as various types interpretation of magical visions.

The essence of dream interpretation

Dream interpretation is a thousand-year-old esoteric and magical practice, preserved in written records dating back over 3,000 years. Some existing human societies and indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australia (for example, several Amazonian peoples such as the Shuar and Achuar) incorporate this practice into their belief systems and social organization.

While deciphering dream symbols in ancient times sought a divine message. But at the beginning of the 20th century, in connection with the theoretical development of psychoanalysis, dream interpretation is focused on identifying the unconscious contents of the brain and becomes a clinical technique and part of various aspects of clinical psychology.

General meaning

Why see a coffin in a dream? The importance of death is the main meaning of such a dream. When a coffin appears in a dream, a person remembers the frailty of existence. Such a symbol in a dream is used to recognize the importance of death and the rituals associated with it. Perhaps the person successfully went through the stage of death of a loved one. Now he can overcome the feeling of loss - this is the general interpretation of the dream.

Seeing a coffin in a dream is also a call to bury the past so that you can make your life more carefree.

If you are lying in a coffin, this is a prediction of good luck, but you should not expect much.

An empty coffin is a symbol of unnecessary worry.

Coffin in a dream: meaning

Seeing in is a typical upside-down dream that promises favorable events, despite the terrifying subject of the dream. From a career perspective, a dream about a coffin indicates that the person will have excellent performance at work and will be appreciated by the boss with a promotion.

From an economic point of view, the dream suggests that the person who dreamed of this gloomy object will have additional money and a thriving business.

Explanation from the point of view psychological analysis says that a coffin in a dream is a metaphor for rebirth, as well as advice to get rid of unhealthy bad habits or leave your old habitat, or change your occupation.

British dream books

What does it mean to see a coffin in a dream? Many people who saw this attribute of mourning in their dreams ask in panic. British dream books also have their own version of dream interpretation.

Seeing a closed coffin in a dream indicates possible profit and wealth. The original British dream book states the following regarding such a dream - a new grave and coffin symbolize deliverance from grief.

The coffin located in the tomb symbolizes good luck and prosperity in the future.

A dream where the dead come out of the coffin means that you will be visited by uninvited guests.

Seeing a dead person in an open coffin means bad luck.

A dream that several dead people come out of a coffin means that a person will receive great wealth.

Dreaming of a coffin floating on water symbolizes good luck or great joy.

Interpretation in folk beliefs

What do the people say?

Psychological meanings

There are some common signs and visions that may appear in sleep. If the coffin is richly decorated, this may symbolize that the person is experiencing an important turning point in his life and would like to bring clarity to this situation. If a gloomy attribute closes something, then this is the personification of farewell to the past.

It may also happen that the dreamer closes his consciousness and thoughts from negative feelings and kills a part of himself. Seeing a coffin closed in a dream is a symbol of farewell to a person (more likely parting with a loved one) or professional burnout. And this is inevitable. If you dream of a boat on the water with a coffin, something has scared you very much.

Seeing a coffin with a deceased person in a dream means that perhaps you want to stop being friends with a loved one or even break up with your loved one. This may also indicate divorce. If you are lying in a coffin, then you should forget the past and build only a new future.

Arabic (Islamic) dream book

It is a bad sign if you see a coffin in a dream - this means that you will experience many failures. This is a sign indicating great trouble or suffering. Long life you are promised a dream when you yourself are lying in a coffin. It can also mean solving all problems in life, especially financial ones.

If you dream that someone is lying in a coffin, this symbol indicates that the death of a person will bring you pain and sadness. You should also consider difficulties in business settings or family matters. Illness promises you a dream if you see an empty coffin in a dream. This is an indicator that you are sick, but you are not getting better or are not being treated. If you want to avoid illness, then it's time for you to get some rest.

Hindu dream book

In Hinduism there is large number sacred dream books and their interpretations. It's a good sign if you see a coffin in a dream. This means that sick people will get better, and for healthy people a long happy life is guaranteed.

If you are lying in a coffin in a dream, then this is an indication that you will have changeable and unstable luck.

In general, Indians take a philosophical approach to death. Hindus even have the concept of samsara - the cycle of birth and death in worlds that are limited by karma. This is one of the main terms in Indian esotericism: a soul that is drowning in the sea of ​​samsara, striving for liberation (moksha) and getting rid of the results of its past actions (karma), which are part of the networks of samsara. This is one of the basal and dominant concepts in Indian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism).

Any of these esoteric traditions gives their own interpretations of this mystical term. In many religions in India philosophical schools samsara is considered an unfavorable situation from which one must escape.

Interpretation of context

Seeing a coffin in a dream - this symbol may mean great wealth. The coffin may mean the death of some part of you. This could be hope, feelings related to relationships, lustful behavior or habits. It also shows that you have buried your past and are now ready to create a new future.

Being in a coffin in a dream is a symbol that appears when you think about your mortality. Maybe you are wondering what you have done in your life and also what you will leave behind. You may feel trapped by worries and problems. You are stuck and can't find a way out.

A dream in which you see a coffin with a deceased person, and if it is your mother, father, ex-friend, ex-girlfriend, partner, relative - may mean that you are afraid for the health of this person. It may also show that you need more attention. to a certain person who appeared in a dream. You are afraid of losing contact with him. But sometimes it can indicate the end of a relationship. Your subconscious is showing that it is time to separate and bury the past.

You are hiding something in a coffin in a dream - these actions show that you want to hide from your enemies or are worried about your future life. You are trying to hide yourself from unpleasant things. It may also represent that you want to hide your shame or bad behavior from other persons.

If you dream of coffins of different colors

When a white coffin appears in a dream, this symbol indicates that you have already buried everything negative thoughts, habits and now you are clean to create new relationships and new life. This will bring you prestige and prosperity.

The black coffin symbolizes that you want to hide some bad habits or even your unacceptable behavior. You want to bury your shame so that no one will ever know about it.

Seeing a red coffin in a dream - such an object signifies illness or health problems. Your body and mind are sending you a signal to finally take care of your health because you may develop a serious illness.

Gray coffin - this symbol appears when a person step by step gets rid of painful feelings and thoughts. His mind becomes clearer.

European dream book

Seeing an empty coffin in a dream means that your unconscious part of your personality wants to change your thoughts or life completely. You may have started creating new identity and get closer to yourself, to your desires.

A coffin with a child appears in a dream when a person has a desire to have children, but it is impossible to conceive them due to illness. And with this dream, the woman will bury the desire to get pregnant. It may also happen that a person has a fear of losing children or a child that he already has.

Seeing a closed coffin in a dream can be interpreted as the end of something. This could be the loss (not just the death) of a friend, partner or professional position. This is a sign that there are no opportunities for renewal of life.

A coffin with a dead person in a dream

Unlucky family life and business losses await you if you could see a coffin with a dead person in a dream.

When a coffin is located next to a body in a dream, this indicates an unhappy marriage and poor, unhealthy offspring. It also symbolizes unhappiness in a marriage or partnership. On the professional side, you will experience failures or losses.

A dream in the form of your own coffin promises troubles - this is an indicator of approaching family worries, as well as defeats in business or at work.

Happiness if you see yourself lying in a coffin. This is a very good omen. Your dream promises to come true and bring real pleasure.

Check your behavior if you are sitting on a moving hearse in your dream. If the hearse moves, this is a serious but not fatal disease for close relative. It may also be associated with homosexuality. You should reconsider your behavior with a friend or relative, because we must love people for who they are.

Happiness and sadness at the same time are symbolized by a coffin that moves on its own. This dream shows that joys and sorrows will replace each other.

A streak of bad luck or just a warning for dreamers

Let us assume that such dreams in themselves cannot cause you any harm. The symbols are only warnings on our life path. Nevertheless, we have to agree that some dreams leave an unpleasant aftertaste on the soul. For example, Yes, the same ones in which people are buried, although in a dream they may be empty. Miller's dream book directly calls such a dream a bad sign, indicating losses of various kinds. In particular, it means the passing of people close to you, relatives.

Don't sit on coffins in your sleep

So you are having a dream. A coffin on which you are also sitting. Or lie in it. Miller’s already mentioned dream book says that such a sign warns of troubles and quarrels. It is possible that you will have to repent of some previously committed actions. But the source of dream interpretation, Miss Hasse, says that lying in a coffin in a dream is very useful. I mean, in reality you will be guaranteed not only joy, but also many years of life. Here - in Hasse's dream book - it talks about why an empty coffin is dreamed of. It turns out that such a sign is not bad at all. You will have fun and take part in some special event.

What else will Miss Hasse’s dream book tell you about?

Why do you dream of coffins that you just see in a dream? You will probably have to face some obstacles in reality. It is quite possible that you will be able to successfully overcome them. If the symbol looks already buried, then you can get sick, and if you dig a hole for it, then your marriage will be successful. It turns out that you can dig a hole, but you shouldn’t bury a coffin in it in a dream.

Freud's dream book directs dreamers' attention to only one topic

Why do we dream of coffins, according to Freud? The repertoire does not change here. The dream symbol in question is associated with the female genital organs and the uterus. If in a dream he looks expensive and beautiful, then in reality the dreamer will be healthy and fertile. But why do you dream of old, broken or even rotten coffins? Such a dream, on the contrary, symbolizes infertility.

Complete misfortunes are foreshadowed by a source, from reading which it is better to refrain

The fact is that sometimes, after reading about upcoming troubles, a person subconsciously prepares for them. In fact, problems can be attracted to those who expect them. Why do we dream about coffins in the light of interpretations? General Dream Book? There is not a single positive moment here. Sleep in all its manifestations promises trouble. In particular, a person who is engaged in business will have debts, and lovers will be unhappy in their marriage. In this book, everything is bad in connection with our symbol, and I don’t even want to scare the dreamers.

And yet success and prosperity

But Tsvetkov’s dream book promises success and prosperity. Why do you dream of coffins? If you are a family man, then your financial situation will improve significantly. Young dreamers who dreamed of such a symbol should prepare for a wedding. It will be nice to see your friend in the coffin. This will be a message that luck will turn to face him, and he will become successful person. We wish the same for you.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a coffin/

Coffins, funeral processions in dreams - all these terrible and unpleasant phenomena that have a depressing effect on us. Sometimes we walk around under the impression of a terrible dream all day long. However, dream books offer us different meanings such painful dreams.

Why do you dream of a closed coffin?

Often people are sure that seeing coffins in a dream means troubles, big troubles, and even death. To figure out what awaits you in the future when you see such an ominous and sad object, remember exactly how you dreamed about it: color, circumstances, your actions.

If the coffin you saw in a dream had a closed lid, this may mean the following:

  • The current phase of your life can be considered completed, and you have a responsible step into the future.
  • You need some rest to think about your next steps. If possible, take time off to reflect, explore yourself, and discover your true path.
  • For newlyweds, such a sign promises a comfortable, prosperous life.
  • Mystical and incomprehensible events may await you
  • the French dream book interprets a closed coffin as financial losses and poverty in the near future.
  • Nostradamus believed that a closed, decrepit coffin indicates the physical inability to have a child.
  • interpretation according to Freud - a rich closed coffin predicts a new addition to the family, and a poor one means that the person has very low self-esteem.
  • many esotericists are sure that an empty closed coffin in a dream symbolizes spiritual emptiness from the dreamer. There are too many experiences in your life.
  • If you close the coffin yourself, it means you want to hide something from others or forget some event forever.
  • but dreams where you open a closed coffin indicate that in reality you are tormented by some unsolved mystery, giving no rest.

Why do you dream of an empty coffin?

An empty coffin in your dreams, according to the compilers of the dream book, may represent the following events:

  • purchasing real estate.
  • if the empty coffin is closed, a fun meeting with friends or a love date awaits you.
  • The lid of the empty coffin is open - a long and happy life awaits you.

  • For people who travel frequently, an empty coffin can predict danger and anxiety.
  • Often such a dream indicates your feeling of inner emptiness, and that mental hardships are overwhelming you.
  • seeing an empty coffin falling in a dream means that higher powers will help you and you will avoid major troubles.
  • a gloomy object in a dream is covered with earth - expect unexpected sad news that may stun you.

Why do you dream about the coffin lid?

To predict what awaits you when you see a coffin lid in your night dreams, remember what this object looked like and where it was located:

  • lid black colors - disappointments and resentments await you.
  • another interpretation is more pleasant - under any circumstances you will maintain your position. Please note: if the lid is upside down, you will be helped and protected, but if not, you will cope with all the difficulties yourself.
  • a mild illness may overtake you
    the lid is in the entrance of your house - expect financial losses.
  • The Chinese believed that a dream about a coffin lid is an omen of promotion and career growth.
  • if in dreams a friend gives you a lid, he will provide you with moral or financial support.

Why do you dream of an open coffin with a dead person?

Dreams in which you see a coffin are always unpleasant. It is especially painful when there is a dead person in it. Many supporters of esoteric knowledge believe that such a dream is always a warning from higher powers, which are very important to listen to:

  • don't start new things. First you need to deal with old problems and finish everything you started earlier.
  • Poverty and humiliation for your family lie ahead. But if the coffin is closed, then you don’t have to worry - everything will end well.
  • sometimes a coffin with a deceased person predicts the death of blood relatives.
  • according to other interpretations, seeing such a dream means good luck - success awaits you in all your endeavors.

Believe in good omens, and good luck will definitely accompany you.

Why do you dream of an unknown dead person in a coffin?

In cases where in a dream the deceased lying in a coffin is not familiar to you, then, according to the dream book:

  • your subconscious mind tells you that you must urgently reconsider your social circle - there are clearly individuals in it who are interfering with the achievement of your goals and pulling you back.
  • take a closer look at your surroundings
    Minor troubles await you, which, however, will not greatly affect your life and will not seriously harm
    You should not start any important things - they are not destined to come true. Wait until better times.

Why do you dream of a revived dead man in a coffin?

The living dead remind us of scary scenes from horror films. And such dreams are quite painful. Often such a dream speaks of the following:

  • if the revived dead person is your close or very well-known person, then this means that he suffers from a lack of your attention. You should devote more time to him. Try to show this person how important he is to you and how much you value him.
  • to see a dead person rising from the coffin means that very soon you will meet uninvited guests.
  • A dream in which you suddenly start talking to a dead man who has come to life in a coffin is considered a bad omen - very big troubles await you

Why do you dream of a coffin with a living person?

The interpretations of dreams in which you saw living people in a coffin depend on who exactly dreamed:

  • stranger - You will live a long, long time, and you will also attend the wedding of your great-grandchildren.
  • Your living friend is an excellent sign for him and for you: your friend will live in wealth and will always be able to provide you with financial assistance.

Seeing a living person in a coffin in a dream means a long and happy life
  • just a familiar person - your subconscious indicates that you need to finally resolve matters with him. Do not hide from the problems that have arisen, they will not go away, but will only grow like a snowball. There is another interpretation - very soon you will hear about the success of this person.
  • Such a dream takes on a different meaning if you are talking to a living person who is lying in a coffin. This means that illness or major troubles await this person, and it is you who can help him.

Why do you dream of seeing yourself in a coffin?

Many people have seen bad dream: at the funeral procession they were horrified to find themselves in the coffin. According to interpreters, such a dream may mean the dreamer’s problems on a psychological level:

  • life tells you that you need to complete things that have been started for a long time.
  • If in a dream you see yourself lying in a closed coffin, then mental hardships and even depression await you. You may need the help of a psychologist.
  • something in your life is going wrong. It's time to change it.
  • in a dream you unexpectedly fell into a coffin - higher powers say that you are too proud, and this can greatly harm yourself. “Get down” to the ground, and troubles will bypass you.
  • Perhaps you did a bad thing and will regret it very soon.
  • another interpretation - in the coming days you will face conflicts with management and financial losses.
  • if in a dream you climb into a coffin yourself, this means that in reality you lack strong emotions and impressions.

Seeing yourself in a coffin means financial losses

However, such a dream does not always mean something bad. Some dream books interpret the phenomenon when you saw yourself in a coffin differently:

  • A fun gala event awaits you. It might even be an unexpected wedding.
  • seeing yourself rising from the grave is a good sign:
  • lost strength will return to you, and, finally, you will find peace and confidence.
  • sit in a coffin - quarrels await you, followed by repentance. But things will get better soon.

Seeing a loved one in a coffin in a dream

It is always scary to see a loved one lying in a coffin in a dream. Interpretations various dream books sometimes they contradict each other. However, according to psychologists, such dreams are caused by your excessive concern for this person and the fear of losing him.

But it happens that our subconscious senses upcoming misfortunes or illnesses of our loved ones and warns us about this in dreams. Such a gloomy dream can predict for your loved one:

  • serious illness
  • danger
  • accident

Seeing a loved one in a coffin means a serious illness

There are other interpretations, diametrically opposed, according to which a person close to you, seen in a coffin, is waiting for:

  • great happiness
  • stunning success
  • huge profit

But it can also be interpreted as quick profit and success

As you can see, you should not be upset by painful dreams. Perhaps they are a good sign.

Why do you dream of a child in a coffin?

It is especially scary to see dreams in which a child lies in a coffin. But don't be alarmed. Often dream books interpret such a dream as coming changes.

However, it is still worth paying attention to your feelings. After all, sometimes our subconscious, through night dreams, indicates what is worth paying attention to:

  • if your child lying in a coffin talks to you, illness may await him in reality. Examine his health and spend as much time as possible with your baby.
  • Perhaps the relationship with your child will change, as he has matured and wants to be independent.
  • someone else's child in a coffin symbolizes the collapse of new plans and subsequent severe disappointment.
  • such a dream may warn you that you have hidden illness. Be sure to see a doctor.
  • Chinese dream books indicate that quarrels or misfortunes will occur in your family.
  • and Muslims believed that a coffin with a child promised good news.

Why do you dream of a coffin with a deceased relative?

As a rule, dreams in which people see their deceased relatives mean longing for loss. You need to come to terms with your grief, let it go and move on with your life. Sometimes such dreams warn us about some impending events:

  • dead Brother lying in a coffin indicates that someone needs your help. Give this person support, and the good you have done will more than pay off.
  • relatives in the coffin give you advice - be careful. Perhaps by following it you will avoid troubles and accidents.
  • relatives who have risen and risen from the grave predict that very soon you will be subject to bad influence and will not receive support from your friends.
  • hugs with a deceased relative mean upcoming changes in your life.
  • if in a dream you kiss a deceased relative, get rid of your fears.
  • when the deceased gives you something, expect profit, and if you give it away, losses are possible.
  • Sometimes a deceased relative lying in a coffin predicts the appearance of unexpected guests in your home.

In any case, if you dream of a deceased relative, remember him in a church or cemetery.

Why do you dream of a dead father in a coffin?

Dream interpreters believe that seeing a dead father in a coffin in a dream is a very important sign, which is interpreted depending on the accompanying circumstances:

  • V financial sector Your life is in chaos. It's time to put things in order there.
  • refrain from adventurous activities. Rest assured, the risks will not be worth it.
  • Perhaps you are tormented by remorse. Ease your soul and ask for forgiveness.

  • Perhaps disasters will soon await your family. You need to unite and support each other.
  • if the coffin with the father is followed by a long funeral procession, many pleasant events will happen in your life.
  • a father revived in a coffin warns of the appearance of important guests in your home.
  • when your father cried in a coffin in a dream, it means that something very sad will happen in your life.
  • similar dream, dreamed by a woman, suggests that she is following the wrong path and choosing the wrong goals.

Why do you dream about mom in a coffin?

Mom is the most dear and close person for everyone. And to see a dream in which she lies in a coffin is very painful. But dream books interpret such a dream simply as a sign indicating some life circumstances:

  • troubles in the personal sphere. You need to take a closer look at your chosen one and, perhaps, change your attitude towards him
    It's time to get rid of your fears and look confidently into the future.
  • this dream warns you of possible problems with children. Keep a closer eye on them.
  • Probably, a person will appear in your life for whom you will experience maternal feelings.

  • such a dream may be a harbinger of illness. Pay attention to your health. It would be good to undergo a medical examination.
  • It is likely that good news awaits you soon.

Why do you dream about a woman in a coffin?

Almost all dream books interpret dreams in which you see a woman in a coffin as an unkind sign:

  • On the way to implementing your plans, you will encounter great obstacles. You will have to put in a lot of effort and show great perseverance to achieve what you want.
  • A whole series of troubles may also await you.
  • such a dream suggests that in the near future you will become the subject of intrigue and gossip. You shouldn’t trust others too much during this period.

But don’t be upset when you see this dream. Consider this as a warning that will allow you to cope with difficulties with minimal losses.

Why do you dream of a dead grandmother in a coffin?

A dream in which you see your deceased grandmother lying in a coffin can be interpreted in different ways and mean the following:

  • Soon you will be involved in solving serious issues.
  • If your grandmother told you something, try to remember what it was. Perhaps her advice will save you from misfortunes.

Be sure to remember what your grandmother told you in your dream
  • a smiling, joyful grandmother symbolizes the successful completion of work begun long ago.
  • if the grandmother comes to life in the coffin and cries, conflicts and quarrels will soon occur in the family. Try not to aggravate relations with your family, it will be bad for everyone.
  • Hearing a bell ringing during the burial of your grandmother is a sign that you will soon receive very sad news.

Why do you dream of other people’s coffins and funerals?

Someone else's funeral procession seen in a dream may have different interpretations. In order to interpret a dream correctly, you need to remember its details:

  • If you watch someone else’s funeral from the sidelines, a difficult but not terrible period in life awaits you.
  • someone has a strong dislike for you.
  • take a closer look at those around you and analyze your behavior. Maybe you inadvertently offended someone, and this person harbored a grudge against you.
  • if the funeral in a dream is very magnificent and pompous, this is not a very good sign for you - your reputation may soon suffer, and you will lose the trust of people.
  • poor coffins and modest funerals promise you good luck in business.
  • grieving inconsolable people at someone else's funeral is a symbol of peace and tranquility in your life.
  • a dream in which you yourself grieve greatly and cry at someone else’s funeral means spiritual cleansing and a new beginning.

  • For single young people, such a dream can promise a quick wedding.
  • a long funeral procession means that you will encounter obstacles on the way to your goal. And what more people at a funeral, the longer the delay in realizing your dream will be.
  • clear weather at someone else's funeral is a symbol that your financial situation will improve significantly.

Why do you dream of a red coffin?

The color red has always been and remains a symbol of success. And the dream about coffins is no exception. It is believed that see a red coffin in a dream:

  • to great luck and joy. You will be successful in all your endeavors, no matter what you undertake. Therefore, think carefully and start making your dreams come true.
  • You will take part in a grand celebration, where you will make useful contacts.
  • material well-being will visit your home very soon.
  • Some secret will be revealed to you, and you will receive answers to questions that have long interested you.

It is believed that a red coffin dreams of success.

However, according to the opinions of some esotericists, a red coffin in a dream can predict:

  • disappointments in love or its loss.
  • severe resentment and mental trauma.

Why do you dream of a black coffin?

But to see a black coffin in a dream, according to the interpretations of many dream books, leads to:

  • to mental anguish and long melancholy. To avoid severe disappointments, do not place high hopes on your surroundings.
  • to the death of an old blood relative.
  • soon the blues will come over you. A loved one can help you out of it.
  • to the breakup of a long-term relationship or a difficult divorce.
  • to loneliness and despair.

But don't be upset. After all, a black coffin in a dream can also mean joyful events:

  • for unmarried virgins - a quick meeting with your lover and a wedding.
  • good luck in material matters.
  • career takeoff.

Why do you dream about so many coffins?

Do you see a lot of these gloomy objects in your dreams? The Universe is showing you that:

  • There is too much fuss in your life. Very often you take on new things without completing the previous ones.
  • stop for a moment and rethink your life. Think about what you need to complete and what you need to put effort into.
  • such a dream may mean that you are freeing yourself from your problems, “burying” them. And very soon you will find peace of mind.
  • if in your dream there are multiple black coffins, it means that you are surrounded by many enemies. Think about it and be vigilant. Perhaps now is not the time to trust your surroundings.
  • a dream in which coffins break out of the ground and open is a sad sign that many troubles await you ahead. You need to be careful in your actions and think through every step.
  • a lot of closed coffins standing in strict order means that your memory wants to get rid of painful memories.

Why do you dream of carrying a coffin with a dead person?

A dream in which you take active participation and carrying a coffin with a deceased person is a symbol of the following upcoming events:

  • You will experience stunning success in money matters.
  • Soon you will commit an ugly act that will bring trouble to your loved ones.
  • in the case when you bring a coffin into your home - to unexpected profit.

Carrying a coffin in a dream - take a closer look at your activities
  • it is possible that you will take on someone else's troubles or debts. Or maybe you will take responsibility for someone else’s guilt.
  • If other people are carrying the coffin next to you, you will not be left alone with your problems, they will help you.
  • the subconscious mind indicates that you are participating in a dubious enterprise that will not end well. Stop before it's too late.

Why do you dream of ordering a coffin?

Sometimes we dream that we are ordering a coffin for a funeral ceremony. Such a dream does not mean anything terrible and can have several interpretations:

  • peace and prosperity will come to your home.
  • Soon you will experience a career take-off and improvement in money matters.
  • For married couples, such a dream promises harmony in personal relationships.
  • Choosing a coffin for a long time in a dream means that you will soon meet a person who is very unpleasant to you.
  • It is likely that unplanned expenses await you ahead.

Why do you dream of a small coffin?

Almost all dream books interpret those dreams in which there is a small coffin, like bad sign. Such dreams may mean that the following await you in the near future:

  • failures in business.
  • danger to your life.
  • major quarrel with a child.
  • serious illnesses.
  • ill-wishers will try to piss you off or harm your loved ones.
  • Children dream of a small coffin signifies serious nervous shocks.

  • For a man, such a dream promises complications at work, and for a woman, problems in the family.
  • rare interpretation - success in minor, minor matters.
  • according to Freud, such a dream means dissatisfaction in the sexual sphere; you cannot liberate yourself and realize yourself.

Why do you dream of a coffin in water?

A dream in which you see a coffin floating on water always has a good meaning - it portends great unexpected wealth. And if there are several of these objects in the water, then a stunning state will fall on you.

This is probably the most pleasant interpretation of dreams about coffins. In any case, numerous dream books do not predict anything bad.

Coffin in water - to stunning wealth

However, we want to say that no matter what interpretation you read about dreams with coffins, do not give them of great importance. These are just dreams.

You can think about them and draw some conclusions. But under no circumstances focus on sad omens. Be the master of your life and remember that your success depends only on you.

Video: Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a coffin?

Thanks to this page you will learn why do you dream of a coffin in a dream according to the dream book.

A dream in which a coffin appears somehow always serves as a harbinger of misfortune and big losses. For business people, such a dream is an important warning that you should not get into debt. You will not have the opportunity to give them away.

A dream in which you see your own coffin promises you to suffer major, irreparable losses, both in business and in your personal life. If in your dream you are lying in a coffin, then all your endeavors will turn into dust.

A dream in which you are being transported in a hearse, and you yourself are sitting in a coffin, portends experiencing a serious and protracted illness. A moving coffin is always a harbinger of illness and disappointment in love.

Why do you dream of a coffin according to Miller?

According to Miller, what the coffin means in a dream cannot give you many positive moments. So you need to be very careful with such dreams. If you just look at this item, you may soon lose someone from your family. Moreover, the person will leave while still young. It is unusual if you walk into a church and near the altar you see a coffin, which is decorated on all sides with different flowers. Such pictures hint at a future wedding. But do not rush to rejoice, as your union will not last long and will end rather sadly. For people associated with working on the land (vegetable garden, garden, fields), this is a bad sign, since the land this year will not bring a big harvest, and animals on farms may catch serious illness. The same goes for business people. There is no need to get involved in new projects. It's better to cover your rear. The box on the hearse also speaks of the wedding. But everything will turn out badly here too. Of course, the celebration will be successful, but before it you will have time to get very sick and perhaps even quarrel. So there will be a heavy aftertaste in my soul. You can have a big row with your family or get seriously ill (and with complications) if you decide to lie down on the lid.

Why do you dream about Vanga’s coffin?

Vanga also didn’t see anything good in what the coffin meant in dreams. If you approach a lid or monument and notice that your name is written on it, then this is an important turn in fate. You are given a second chance, and now it’s up to you how much you can put off scary moment of his death. And Vanga calls the reason none other than yours bad habits. Change your lifestyle and you can change the scenario. Otherwise, the picture will come true very soon. An empty grave speaks about your inner experiences. You are filled with torment, and you cannot get rid of some kind of moral emptiness. It's a bad sign if you want to take part. If you are burying someone or carrying a dead person, you will soon commit a very bad act. And the consequences will affect someone close to him and bring him a lot of trouble. But it’s very good if you suddenly decide to help drive in nails. Then all is not lost. You know that you have significant shortcomings that cause pain to you and others. And you decided to fight them. If you hammered nails, then in reality you will cope with your essence. You have a very good angel, and the coffin suddenly fell to the ground. Then at the very dangerous moment it will protect you from imminent death.

Why do you dream of a coffin according to Freud?

Freud did not see the dream of the coffin as any omens of sudden death. He did not at all connect such dreams with the image of an old woman with a scythe, which everyone is so afraid of. Since the psychoanalyst specialized in the sexual side of our lives, he offers a rather original approach to such scenes. But this will be of interest primarily to the female half, since for Freud the coffin personified the female genital organs. First of all, the uterus. To understand what he meant, it is important to remember appearance dreamed box. If it looks luxurious, they spent a lot of money on it, and you like it, then you're good. You are not sick with anything, and you should not have any problems if you want to continue the family. But a broken one, with rotten boards, holes, or shabby will always hint at infertility. Self-esteem can be judged by its high cost. If it seems cheap to you, without painting or upholstery on the inside, then you don’t have a very high opinion of yourself. It's bad to see a coffin made of zinc. This promises various dangerous diseases, but the main blow will be on sexual life. So schedule a visit to your gynecologist.

Why do you dream about the coffin according to Nostradamus?

Nostradamus reassures those who do not understand why the coffin is dreamed of. Such dreams may talk about the end, but not in terms of life cycle. Often this means that you are ready to complete some task that is significant to you. And don't expect the worst. Because on the contrary, you will experience joy when you say goodbye to this task, and it will be like liberation. Moreover, after this there will be a number of serious changes in fate that will bring you only joy. But, sometimes it can be an indicator of your condition. It may be that you have begun to feel fear of this world. Or you have lost trust in your work colleagues and friends. Do not be alarmed when you see yourself in the place of the deceased. This is not a hint of death, but just a signal for future changes. But if you fell asleep inside at all, then soon there will be a reason for wild fun. It’s bad if you see such pictures when you are sick. This is a hint that your illness will take root even deeper, and it will be more difficult for you to rid your body of it. But if you do get out of it, you will be able to cope with everything. And it’s also bad if you decide to sit in it. Then your relatives will start arguing a lot. And everything will happen because you did something in a hurry, without thinking.