Venerable Paisius the Holy Mountain is the seal of the Antichrist. "Signs of the Times"

We present to your attention the original version of how this brochure was published. It is a copy of the manuscript of Father Paisius. In this form it was published with the blessing of the Elder in the Big Meteora Monastery. Father Paisius's handwriting.

"Signs of the Times"

Book chapter M., 2001
Translation by Hieromonk Dorimedont

What was collected in this chapter was spoken or written by the Elder in the period from 1981 to 1994.

About the Antichrist

- Geronda, tell us something about the Antichrist.

- Let's talk about Christ now... Let's be as close to Christ as possible. And if we are with Christ, then why should we be afraid of the Antichrist? Or maybe there is no antichrist spirit now? One way or another, the spirit of the Antichrist creates evil. And if the monster Antichrist is born and does various crazy things, then in the end he will [still] turn out to be a laughing stock. However, many things will happen. It is possible that you too will have to experience much of what is said in the Apocalypse. Little by little, a lot is coming out. And I, unfortunate one, began to cry out many years ago! The situation is terrible, insane! Madness has crossed [all] boundaries. Apostasy has arrived, and now all that remains is to come "son of perdition"(2 Thess. 2, 3). [The world] is in a madhouse. There will be complete chaos, in the midst of which each state will begin to do whatever it pleases. God grant that the interests of those who make big policies will be in our favor. Every now and then we will hear something new. We will see the most incredible, craziest events happen. [The only good thing] is that these events will succeed each other very quickly.

Ecumenism, a common market, one big state, one religion, tailored to their standards. These are the plans of these devils. The Zionists are already preparing someone to be the Messiah. For them, the Messiah will be a king, that is, he will rule here on earth. Jehovah's Witnesses are also waiting for an earthly king. The Zionists will present their king, and the Jehovah's Witnesses will accept him. They will all recognize him as king, they will say: “Yes, it is he.” There will be great turmoil. In this turmoil, everyone will want a king who could save them. And then they will put forward a person who will say: “I am the imam, I am the fifth Buddha, I am the Christ for whom Christians are waiting, I am the one whom the Jehovah’s Witnesses are waiting for, I am the Messiah of the Jews.” He will have five selves.

The Evangelist John says in his First Epistle: “Children... the Antichrist is coming and now there are many Antichrists”(John 2:18). He does not mean that the expected Antichrist will be like the persecutors Maximilians and Diocletians, but that the expected Antichrist will be, so to speak, the incarnation of the devil. He will appear to the people of Israel as the Messiah and deceive the world. They're coming hard times, great challenges await us. Christians will suffer great persecution. Meanwhile, it is obvious that people do not even understand that we are already experiencing the signs of the [end] times, that the seal of the Antichrist is becoming a reality. It's like nothing is happening. Therefore, Holy Scripture says that even the elect will be deceived. Those who do not have a good disposition will not receive enlightenment from God and will be deceived during the years of apostasy. Because the one who does not have Divine Grace does not have spiritual clarity, just as the devil does not have it.

— Do the Zionists, Geronda, believe in the Antichrist and what is connected with him?

- They want to rule the world. In order to achieve their goal, they use witchcraft and Satanism. They look at the worship of Satan as a force that will help in the implementation of their plans. Therefore, they want to control the world with the help of satanic power. They don't take God into account. However, will God bless them? From all this God will bring forth much good. The old satanic theories held sway for seventy years, but these will not last even seven.

- Geronda, hearing about the Antichrist, I feel fear in myself.

-What are you afraid of? That he will be more terrible than the devil, or what? He's human. There Saint Marina beat the devil, and Saint I Justina has slain how many demons! But [we must remember] the most important thing: we did not come into this world to get comfortable.

Earthly King of the Jews

A sign that the fulfillment of prophecies is approaching will be the destruction of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. It will be destroyed to rebuild Solomon's Temple, which is said to have stood in its place. In the restored temple, the Zionists will eventually proclaim the Antichrist as the Messiah. And I heard that the Jews were already preparing to build Solomon’s temple.

- Geronda, why are the Jews, reading Old Testament, do not believe in Christ?

- Why don’t you go and tell them this? Jews have always had fanaticism. They understand, but they are blinded by selfishness. If they had been a little more careful, none of them would have remained Jews.

- How did they interpret what they read?

- How did they interpret it and how do they interpret it? They transform spiritual meanings into material ones. [Go], for example, see how they interpreted the words of the prophet Isaiah “The desert of Jordan will flourish”(Isa. 35:2). In order to show that the desert “prospered,” they turned some kind of river, made terraces, gardens, planted bananas, lemons, oranges, landscaped everything, so now they say. “The desert has flourished!” And they all explain it this way. Meanwhile, these words of the prophet refer to the revival of the world through Holy Baptism- “bath of rebirth.”

- Now they are waiting for the earthly king?

- Yes, the Antichrist. The rabbis know that the Messiah came and He was crucified. I learned from one person that when a Jew is dying, a rabbi comes to him and says in his ear:

"The Messiah has come." You see, their conscience denounces them, they feel guilty, but do not humble themselves.

- What is the benefit of saying these words to a dying person?

- None. They say this simply because their conscience tempts them. They think that once these words are said, then everything is in order.

- Don’t others hear these words?

- No, this is said in the ear. And Jewish youth rebelled against the rabbis. “The Messiah,” they say, “has come, what kind of messiah are you looking for?” In America, a group of young people studying the Holy Scriptures from a historical point of view publishes a magazine in which it is written: “The Messiah has come. To anyone who does not believe that the Messiah has come, we will send the real magazine free of charge so that he will believe. If he believes, then let him subscribe to the magazine so that we can send it to others and they too will become believers.”

-Are they Jews?

- Yes, Jews.

—And became Christians?

- Eh, now at least the fact that they believed already means something.

—Can rabbis be secret Christians?

- Rabbi and secret Christian? Will a person remain a rabbi after becoming a Christian? Then what, will he teach the Jews that the Messiah has not yet come, and when they die, will he begin to tell them that He has come?

Print 666

- Geronda, how soon will all these events happen?

“They are delayed for your sake and for my sake, so that we may acquire a good spiritual dispensation.” God tolerates us because if all this happened now, you and I would be lost. The teachings of Christ do not mention a specific time anywhere, but the Holy Scriptures say that the arrival of these events will be foreshadowed by the signs of the times. We will always be ready, and when this time approaches, we will see. Then we will be more confident. Saint Andrew of Caesarea says: “Time and experience will reveal this to those who are sober.”

I came across one book with three big sixes on the cover. These are shameless people! They do this in order to present the number six as beautiful and to accustom people to it. So little by little the seal will come.

- Geronda, and fasteners for clothes are sold on cardboards with the number 666 on them.

- Yes, damn you, devil! Three sixes have long been put on credit cards, and now they’re also on clasps! Many people put “666” as a brand name so that their products are preferred. One supports the other. That is, "666" [it's like a password, it] accepts "666". It is written that when the emblem of a snake devouring its own tail spreads, it will mean that the Jews have enslaved the entire world. Now this sign has been placed on some banknotes. The number “666” is already spreading in both China and India.

- Geronda, how do they know this number to put it on things?

- Evangelist John knew what the devil would do, just as the prophets foretold that Christ would be sold for "thirty pieces of silver"(3ah. 11, 1-13) , that He will be given vinegar to drink (Ps. 68:22), that His garments will be divided (Ps. 21:19). Two thousand years ago in the Apocalypse it was written that people would be sealed with the number 666. “Whoever has understanding, let him respect the number of beasts: for the number is human, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six"(Rev. 13, 18). 666 is a symbol of economics for Jews. As the Holy Scripture says, the Jews imposed a specific tax on the peoples they conquered in various wars. The annual tax was equal to 666 talents of gold (1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chronicles 9:13). Now, in order to conquer the whole world, they are again introducing their old tax number, which is associated with their glorious past. That's why they don't want to replace this number with another. That is, 666 is the symbol of mammon. It was taken from measures of gold. They did not know what Saint John the Theologian was talking about, but mammon remains mammon. “You can’t work for God and mammon”(Matt. 6:24) .

Everything is going as usual. Dogs were photographed in America. Through a transmitter they emit radio waves, and they are found, they know where each dog is. Stray dogs that do not have a tag are killed with laser beams. And then they will start killing people too. Entire tons of fish were captured and they were observed from satellites in which sea they were located. And now another disease has appeared, against which a vaccine has already been found. It will be mandatory, and when a person is vaccinated, he will also be given a stamp. How many people in America have already been imprinted with laser beams: some on the forehead, others on the arm. And subsequently, anyone who is not imprinted with the number 666 will not be able to sell or buy, or take out a loan, or get a job. My thoughts tell me that with this system the Antichrist wants to subjugate the whole world. People - be they red, black or white - being outside this system will not be able to work and will become social outcasts. Thus [the Antichrist] will be imposed through a system that controls the world economy, and only those who accept the seal - the mark with the number 666 - will be able to enter into trade relations.

How, however, the people who accepted the seal will suffer! One specialist told me that laser beams are very harmful to humans. People who accept the seal will “absorb” into themselves sun rays and they will receive such harm that they will bite their tongues from pain (Rev. 16:10). Those who do not accept the seal will be better off than others, because Christ will help them. And this is not a trivial matter...

- When will He help them, Geronda? After?

- No, exactly then.

- Geronda, but how will they be better than others, since they can neither sell nor buy?

- You'll see. God knows how. And I know too. Such and such matters... This question interested me very much, and God sent me... a telegraph message. How God cares for us! ABOUT!..

- Why, Geronda, is a seal called an “inscription”?

- Because it won’t be superficial. “Draw” - what does it mean? Draw deep straight lines, right? The seal will be an inscription that will first be placed on all goods, and then people will be forced to have it placed on their forehead or hand. Two years ago I told a doctor in Toronto about printing, and now he told me that he read in the newspaper how they now require a handprint instead of a credit card. They are moving forward, but it is impossible to say that this or that will happen. Some televisions brought to Greece recently have a special device that monitors who is watching TV. Soon those who have TV will be watching it, and at the same time others will be watching them! People will both observe and be observed. Their whole life, everything they say, everything they do - everything will be controlled by a computer. Do you see what kind of dictatorship the devil has planned? In Brussels, a whole palace with three sixes was built above the [central] computer. This computer can control billions of people. Six billion is almost the entire world. Confession at the touch of a button! Some Europeans have protested because they fear a worldwide dictatorship. And we, Orthodox Christians, oppose this because we don’t want the Antichrist and, of course, we don’t want dictatorship either. [Serious] events await us, but they will not last long. Just as Orthodoxy supposedly “disappeared” under communism, so it will “disappear” now.

New ID cards

- Geronda, one person said: “What about a banknote of five thousand drachmas? She has three sixes on her and we use her? The same will be on the ID card."

- Five thousand drachmas is banknote. The English pound also has Queen Victoria on it, but that doesn't bother me. "What is Caesar's is Caesar's." However, [it's a different matter] when we're talking about about ID. This is not money, but something personal. The word “tavotita” has a literal meaning, that is, a person is identified with what he declares. So they are palming off the devil, and I am signing that I accept him? How can I do this?

— Geronda, what is the connection between the new ID and the seal?

— The new ID is not a stamp. This is the introduction of the seal.

— People, Geronda, ask what they should do in connection with the imposition of new certificates.

- If they ask, then you better recommend that they consult with their confessors and be patient to see how the Church behaves, because many ask questions, but few understand the answers. In the booklet "Signs of the Times" I write about everything very clearly. Let everyone act according to his conscience. Of course, there are those who say: “Oh, this is the opinion of one monk. This is not the position of the Church." However, the opinions I expressed were not my own. I just stated the words of Christ, the words of the Gospel, since we must submit our own opinion to the will of God, which is expressed in the Gospel. And others say the opposite of my words [and, hiding behind my opinion], claim that Father Paisius said this. And still others, listening to this, do not take into account the fact that these questions are extremely serious, do not ask whether I really said this, but take it on faith. I'm not afraid, I speak without hesitation. Some people come to my kaliva and throw sixes into the box. It's all right, no matter what. But one day they threw one cardboard behind the gate. I thought that someone came, did not find me at home and wrote “He is not there” for others. Then I read and see this!.. Such a nasty curse that even a worldly person would not hear! There will come, there will be a cleansing for all this dirt, but we will get through the storm. People have already risen to fight. We also need to rise up with a lot of prayer.

Some people worry about the ID card problem, while others take advantage of it and create difficulties. The Church must take the right position, it must speak and explain to the believers so that they understand that their acceptance of the new certificate will be a fall. And at the same time, the Church must seek from the state that the new identity card, at least, is not mandatory. If the position taken by the Church is serious, if respect is shown for the freedom of believers and whoever wants will take a new certificate, and whoever does not want will remain with the old one, then only a few people of strong convictions will not accept three sixes. They will be tested because others will turn against them. Most people will accept an ID with the number of the beast. Those who want peace and comfort will accept the new IDs, but the unfortunate, reverent people will remain with the old documents, and therefore they will be tormented.

Now the minister’s promise that 666 will not appear on ID cards, either explicitly or hidden, also means something. Let's be patient, time will tell. Their words that there will be no three sixes is already something. They began to refuse themselves. Let's see what will be put on the certificates in the end. And before the time when new certificates begin to be distributed, the wrath of God may break out. And then, after all, not in twenty-four hours everyone will receive new certificates. The first cards will appear, they will be examined, and if the minister turns out to be a liar, then the fight will be righteous. And if we continue the protests now, then those who are running it all will say: “Look, the Orthodox are causing trouble. The question hasn’t even arisen yet, and they are bawling and protesting.” A good watchdog barks when a thief comes. When the thief runs away, he stops barking. If a dog barks continuously, then he cannot be called a good watchman.

- And also, Geronda, it was said that since we have religious tolerance, religion will not be indicated on the new certificates.

- Yes, they are not interested in this, but it interests me because it is my identification. It says where I'm from and what kind of person I am. If there is no religion, then problems will arise. For example, someone will come to the marriage office. If his ID says “Orthodox,” it doesn’t matter what type, then everything is fine. If religion is not indicated, then how will he be given permission to marry? This will cause confusion for the Church. But if they begin to write down religion at will, then it will also be like a confession of faith. Europe is Europe. We have a different schedule.

An insidious way to introduce a seal

Little by little, after introducing cards and identity cards, that is, compiling personal dossiers, they will slyly begin to apply the seal. With the help of various tricks, people will be forced to accept the seal on their forehead or hand. They will give people a hard time and say, “Only use credit cards, money will be abolished.” In order to buy something, a person will give a card to the seller in a store, and the store owner will receive money from his bank account. Anyone who does not have a card will not be able to sell or buy. And, on the other hand, they will begin to advertise the “perfect system”: the number 666, invisible to the eye, on the forehead and hand. At the same time, they will show on television how someone took someone else’s card and received money from the bank using it. They will say nonstop: “Printing with laser beams on the forehead or hand is more reliable, since only its owner knows the number of the seal. The seal is the most perfect system: a thief will not steal your head or hand, nor will he be able to spy your number.” Therefore, bandits and villains are now given the opportunity to act freely. On Athos, around Karyes, fifteen cells were robbed, and one monk was killed during the robbery. In this way, everyone will have the opportunity to appropriate someone else’s property and steal whatever they want. Let’s say someone decides to fraudulently acquire land at Godier. He will say that it supposedly belonged to his grandfather or that he himself once rented this land for pasture. Try it and figure it out! And then the authorities will say: “Unfortunately, we cannot control them. Control can only be carried out using a computer.” And they will begin to imprint. The computer will display whether you are captured, and depending on this, they will or will not serve you.

Three and a half years will be difficult. Those who do not agree with this system will have a hard time. They will try to put them in prison, constantly finding some new reason for this. A year will pass, and they will be taken for interrogation to another city, so that the case will be considered in another court, and from that city they will be taken to a third. And then they will say: “Sorry, you are innocent. If you were imprinted, we would check you in one minute. And now we were unable to exercise control.”

- Geronda, won’t they be able to put a seal by force?

“They won’t go that far out of politeness.” They will be correct, as befits Europeans. They will show the highest nobility! They will not torture people, however, without a seal, a person will not be able to live. “You suffer without the seal,” they will say, “but if you accepted it, you would have no difficulties.” Even if a person has gold coins or dollars, he will not be able to use them. Therefore, by accustoming yourself now to a simple, moderate life, you will be able to survive those years. Have a little land, cultivate a little wheat and potatoes, plant a few olive trees, and then, keeping some cattle, a goat, a few chickens, [a Christian] will be able to feed his family. Because stocks are also of little use: food does not last long and quickly deteriorates. But, of course, these oppressions will not last long: three, three and a half years. For the sake of the elect, the days will be shortened (Matt. 24:22; Mark 13:20), they will not even notice how these years will pass. God will not leave a person without help.

— Geronda, will Christ intervene in what will happen in these difficult years?

- Yes. Here you see how saints often appear to a person with a good disposition, but subject to insults, Holy Mother of God, Christ in order to save him. How much more will the Lord help now that unfortunate people are in such a difficult situation. Now one thunderstorm will break out, a short dictatorship of the Antichrist-Satan will begin. And then Christ will intervene, give a good beating to this entire Antichrist system, evil will be trampled upon by Him, and He will ultimately turn it into good.

Seal equals renunciation

Despite the fact that the holy evangelist John the Theologian writes very clearly in the Apocalypse about the mark (Rev. 13, 16 et seq.; 14.9 et seq.; 16.2 and 20.4), some do not understand this. And what do you tell them? Unfortunately, one hears an awful lot of "nonsense from the mind" of some modern "Gnostics." “I will accept a certificate with three sixes and draw a cross on it,” says one. Another echoes: “And I will take a seal on my forehead and mark my forehead sign of the cross" And they repeat a whole bunch of similar nonsense. They think that they will be sanctified in this way, while such opinions are delusion. One Bishop told me: “On my ID, where I will sign, I will draw a cross. I do not renounce Christ: I am just a user of the system that serves me.” “Well, okay,” I tell him, “here you are the Lord, and in view of your special position you put a cross in front of your name. The other is an archimandrite, his position is also special, and he also puts a cross in front of his name. What do you tell people to do?” Dirt is not sanctified. Clean water accepts Grace and becomes holy water. But urine cannot become holy water. The stone miraculously turns into bread. But they do not accept the impurity of sanctification. Consequently, the devil, the Antichrist, being in the form of his symbol on our identity card, on our forehead or hand, is not sanctified, even if we put a cross there. Strength Holy Cross- we have this Holy Symbol, the Divine Grace of Christ only when we keep the Grace of Holy Baptism, in which we deny Satan, are united with Christ and accept the holy seal - “the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.” And they, you see, explain everything with [such simple] logic!.. They put a cross next to it - and everything is in order! But we see that the holy Apostle Peter outwardly renounced Christ, but this was also a renunciation. They, accepting the seal of the Antichrist, renounce the seal of Christ given to them in Holy Baptism, and also say that they have Christ in them!

- What if, Geronda, someone accepts the seal out of ignorance?

- Say it better, out of indifference. What kind of ignorance is there when everything is clear to the limit? Yes, even if a person doesn’t know, he should take an interest and find out. Let us suppose that we did not know and therefore accepted the seal. But then Christ will tell us: “You hypocrites, you know how to reason with the heavens, but you cannot tempt the signs of the times?”(Matt. 16:3). Having accepted the seal, even out of ignorance, a person loses Divine Grace and accepts demonic influence. Look, when the priest at Baptism immerses a child in the holy font, he, without understanding it, receives the Holy Spirit, and then Divine Grace dwells in him.

Interpretations of prophecies

— Geronda, some say: “What is destined to be from God, will be.” What do we care about this! How should we feel about this?

“Yes, my dear, they say they say it, but in reality it’s not so!” I also hear from some: “The Jews are not such fools as to expose themselves with three sixes, since the Evangelist John writes about this in the Apocalypse. If this were so, they would have arranged everything more cleverly and secretly.” Okay, so didn’t the scribes and Pharisees know the Old Testament? Didn’t Annas and Caiaphas know better than anyone else what was written that Christ would be betrayed for "thirty pieces of silver"(Zech. 11, 1-13) ? Why did they [give Judas] not thirty-one or twenty-nine pieces of silver, but thirty? But they were blinded. God knew that everything would happen exactly like this. God foreknows, but does not predetermine. It is only the Turks who believe in fate, in kismet. God knows that events will happen in such and such a way, and man, out of his stupidity, does what God knew in advance. Not because God commanded something; no, He sees to what extent the anger of people will reach, and He knows that they will not change their opinion. This does not mean that God predetermines events.

And others are busy with prophecies, to which they give own interpretations. At least they don’t make a reservation: “That’s what my thoughts tell me,” but they say: “It’s so!” And they bring a whole bunch own opinions. There are also those who interpret prophecies as they wish in order to justify their passions. So, for example, about the words of St. Cyril: “It is better that the signs of the Antichrist do not occur in our era” - a person who wants to justify himself, his cowardice, will say: “But you see? Saint Cyril was afraid that he would recant! But am I taller than St. Cyril? Therefore, even if I renounce Christ, there is nothing wrong with that!” Meanwhile, the saint says: “It’s better that things don’t happen,” so that his eyes don’t see the Antichrist, and not because he was allegedly afraid. Do you see what the devil is doing?

Unfortunately, some modern “Gnostics” also swaddle their spiritual children like babies, supposedly so that they do not worry. “It doesn’t matter,” they say, “it’s okay, as long as you have faith within yourself.” Or they lament: “Don’t talk about this topic - about certificates, about the seal, so that people don’t worry!” Then what if they tell people:

“Let’s try to live more spiritually, be close to Christ and not be afraid of anything, because at most we will become martyrs,” they would at least somehow prepare them for the difficulties ahead. Having learned the truth, a person will think and shake off the dream. He will feel pain about what is happening, he will pray and be careful not to fall into a trap.

What is happening now? Not only do such “interpreters” comment on prophecies in their own way, but they themselves are also cowards, like worldly people. And they should show spiritual concern and help Christians, instilling in them good concern so that they would strengthen their faith and feel divine consolation. I wonder: doesn’t everything that happens make them think? And why, after the interpretations given by them from their minds, do they not at least put question mark? What if they help the Antichrist with his seal and drag other souls into destruction?! Speaking in the Gospel “Even if it is possible to deceive even the elect” (Mark 13:22), What the Lord means is that those who interpret the Scriptures from their minds will be deceived.

So, for the “perfect credit card system”, for computer security there lies a worldwide dictatorship, there lies the yoke of the Antichrist . “...Let him give them a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, so that no one can buy or sell except someone who has the Mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. There is wisdom here. Let him who has understanding respect the number of beasts: for the number is human, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six” (Rev. 13:16-18) .*

*In 1997, the book “The Seal of the Antichrist in Orthodox Tradition” by His Eminence Metropolitan Meletios of Nikopol and Preveza was published in Greece. And in 2001, its translation into Russian was published in Moscow by the Sisterhood of the Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth.

By the reverent clergy, monastics and God-loving laity of Greece Orthodox Church the book was received negatively. In the reviews that followed the book, it was indicated that His Eminence the author, perverting the Holy Scripture and patristic sources, came to conclusions that contradicted the general church assessments set out in the District Messages of the Holy Synod of the Greek Church dated April 7, 1997 and February 9, 1998, Addresses of the Holy Cinema of the Holy Mount Athos, as well as the opinion of the blessed Elder Paisius. The most complete and successful theological refutation of the book of Metropolitan Meletius was published by the monks of the Holy Meteora Mountains: “ΠΑΡΑΧΑΡΑΞΗ ΤΟΥ ΧΑΡΑΓΜΑΤΟΣ”, ΑΝΑΙΡΕΣΗ των θεσεων τ ου Σεβασμιωτατου Μητροπολιτου Νικοπολεος και Πρεβεζης κ. ΤΟ ΧΑΡΑΓΜΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ ΣΤΗΝ ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΗ Π ΑΡΑΔΟΣΗ", ΕΚΔΟΣΗ ΙΕΡΑΣ ΜΟΝΗΣ ΜΕΓΑΛΟΥ ΜΕΤΕΩΡΟΥ, ΑΓΙΑ ΜΕΤΕΩΡΑ 1997. Cm.:

Book chapter Elder Paisius of the Holy Mountain of Blessed Memory Words, Volume II, Spiritual Awakening. M., 2001
Translation from Greek by Hieromonk Dorimedont


HOLY MOUNT ATHOS Elder Paisiy Svyatorets osigns of our times

Excerpt from a tape recording of a conversation that took place in 1992. Cell Panaguda. Athos.

Elder: Now, in this difficult time, we are all taking an exam... And I see different things... We do not want to know that there will be a Second Coming, because it upsets us: do you see what is happening? Previously, let's say, people hear about the approach of some comet, and everyone comes to strong excitement. They say to you: maybe we will die? Let's get ready: let's repent, let's do good deeds. And people begin to prepare... And if rumors about war were being prepared... And now, just so as not to hear about the Second Coming, just not to know that the Antichrist will come before him. And all this to indulge in entertainment. That's why they don't want to hear what upsets them...

Question: All these changes in Europe, father, how do you see them?

Elder: Look! These changes... The Lord turns some things for good... Here is the European Economic Community(EEC). Behind this lies the dictatorship of the Zionists themselves. But the Lord will turn this into good. And they won't achieve their goal. The communists were in power for so many years and could not hold on. Ruled (Russia) for 72 years. And the Zionists, do you know how many years they have been working on this? 250! But they won’t last even seven years.

Question: If we, believers, firmly adhered to the Orthodox Tradition, could we influence them?

Elder: You see what’s happening... They won’t leave you so easily, everything is too twisted... They will tell you: “Believe as you want.” And they themselves will put you in their basket and take you wherever they want. It turns out: I’ll take you wherever I want, and you believe what you want. This is their satanic system, and behind it lies the dictatorship of the Zionists. The Zionists worked for years to take over the whole world, the Masons and others...

Now they need sixes, three sixes. But doesn’t the Holy Evangelist John say that this is the number of the Antichrist? Every believer who has the right dispensation will understand what is happening. And for them, 666 is a symbol of the economy. There is an indication of this in the Old Testament: “The weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold. Moreover, the ambassadors and merchants... and all the kings... brought gold and silver to Solomon" (2 Par. 9, 13-14). And now they are going to take the entire economy into their own hands. The computer in Brussels "The Beast" serves the same purpose. They themselves call him a beast. It can contain information for six billion people. Now there are 4-5 billion in the world, and he still has a reserve.

Having a dossier on every person, the entire economy in their hands, with the help of the press they take control of us. Already now they can notice from a satellite a thirty-centimeter fish and where it is located. Moreover, they will be able to track any person, knowing all his data, knowing his economic situation. Do you understand what's happening? Only the devil could have thought them up to such a dictatorship that they are going to establish. In the end: either get slapped or go to the end. Three and a half years will be difficult, three and a half years will be easy. What fell from the cart was lost...

Question: After 1992 there will be these three and a half years, father?

Elder: It is not given to us to know the timing... But these three and a half years will be difficult. In America they are already putting stamps on dogs, and you can always track them, because these stamps also serve as sensors. You can always determine where each dog is, and you can kill it whenever you want. The same will happen to people! What did you think? Having put a stamp on your hand or forehead, they will know about everyone, and where you are, and all your data, and all your income and expenses... Only the devil could teach such a dictatorship.

And this code system (credit card). You cannot, as Evangelist John says, neither sell nor buy. Money will also be cancelled. Are you working? Here's the button, here's the score. Then they will refuse cards. They will say that a credit card can be lost, that it can be stolen... Much better on your head or on your hand!

Question: That is, simply put, father, in general, all mechanisms are evidence of the coming of the Antichrist?

Elder: No. You see, they are the ones using the mechanisms to strangle the entire world. They want to put the seal of the Antichrist so that all people can be registered. Just like during a war, all mules and horses are counted and stamps are made with a hot iron.

Question: That is, printing makes their work easier; Can they always register whoever they want?

Elder: This is where renunciation occurs. By accepting the seal, a person renounces God. It's the same with passports. If my signature were not required, but, say, they would give me some paper and say: here is your passport - and that’s all, then this would be a different matter. But when the passport has the symbol of the devil, and I myself sign that it is my personal passport, this is no longer a trifle. Therefore I approve of this renunciation.

But those, says Evangelist John and the Holy Fathers, those who do not accept the seal, cannot be tracked down, cannot be found.

Question: Can any number really be so important for a person’s salvation?

Elder: Eh, my child. If this is a symbol of the devil, as Evangelist John says about it; What can you talk about then! Did we ever attach any importance to all this before? But now, when we see what is happening... what they are preparing for... So, 2-3 years ago, I talked with one university professor from America... I told him something, wrote something. And now he writes to me: “I returned from some congress in Europe, and just arrived in Toronto, I remembered what you told me 2-3 years ago. Now we are already opposed to credit cards, they demand the introduction of stamps on the forehead and a hand"... You understand what is happening.

Eh, my child. This is the devil's seal! By accepting it, you renounce the Seal of Holy Baptism, you put another seal: you deny Christ and accept the seal of the devil.

Geronda, tell us something about the Antichrist.

- Let's talk about Christ now... Let's be as close to Christ as possible. And if we are with Christ, then why should we be afraid of the Antichrist? Or maybe there is no antichrist spirit now? One way or another, the spirit of the Antichrist creates evil. And if the monster Antichrist is born and does various crazy things, then in the end he will [still] turn out to be a laughing stock.

However, many things will happen. It is possible that you too will have to experience much of what is said in the Apocalypse. Little by little, a lot is coming out. And I, unfortunate one, began to cry out many years ago! The situation is terrible, insane! Madness has crossed [all] boundaries. Apostasy has set in, and now all that remains is to come" son of perdition"[The world] will turn into a madhouse.

There will be complete chaos, in the midst of which each state will begin to do whatever it pleases. God grant that the interests of those who make big policies will be in our favor. Every now and then we will hear something new. We will see the most incredible, craziest events happen. [The only good thing] is that these events will succeed each other very quickly.

Ecumenism, a common market, one big state, one religion, tailored to their standards. These are the plans of these devils. The Zionists are already preparing someone to be the Messiah. For them, the Messiah will be a king, that is, he will rule here on earth. Jehovah's Witnesses are also waiting for an earthly king. The Zionists will present their king, and the Jehovah's Witnesses will accept him. They will all recognize him as king, they will say: “Yes, it is he.” There will be great turmoil. In this turmoil, everyone will want a king who could save them. And then they will put forward a person who will say: “I am the imam, I am the fifth Buddha, I am the Christ for whom Christians are waiting, I am the one whom the Jehovah’s Witnesses are waiting for, I am the Messiah of the Jews.” He will have five selves.

The Evangelist John says in his First Epistle: " Children... the Antichrist is coming and now there are many Antichrists"He does not mean that the expected Antichrist will be like the persecutors Maximilians and Diocletians, but that the expected Antichrist will be, so to speak, the incarnation of the devil. He will appear to the people of Israel as the Messiah and will deceive the world. Hard times are coming, great times await us tests.

Christians will suffer great persecution. Meanwhile, it is obvious that people do not even understand that we are already experiencing the signs of the [end] times, that the seal of the Antichrist is becoming a reality. It's like nothing is happening. Therefore, Holy Scripture says that even the elect will be deceived. Those who do not have a good disposition will not receive enlightenment from God and will be deceived during the years of apostasy. Because the one who does not have Divine Grace does not have spiritual clarity, just as the devil does not have it.

And Zionists, Geronda, do they believe in the Antichrist and what is connected with him?

They want to rule the world. In order to achieve their goal, they use witchcraft and Satanism. They look at the worship of Satan as a force that will help in the implementation of their plans. Therefore, they want to control the world with the help of satanic power. They don't take God into account. However, will God bless them? From all this God will bring forth much good. The old satanic theories held sway for seventy years, but these will not last even seven.

Geronda, hearing about the Antichrist, I feel fear in myself.

What are you afraid of? That he will be more terrible than the devil, or what? He's human. Look, Saint Marina beat the devil, and Saint Justina slayed how many demons! But [we must remember] the most important thing: we did not come into this world to get comfortable.


1) Άποστασία - retreat, falling away (Greek). - Approx. lane
2) 2 Thess. 2, 3.
3) In. 2, 18.
4) By saying “the Antichrist will be, so to speak, the incarnation of the devil,” the Elder means that the Antichrist will be a man - the bearer of all the devil’s energy, an obedient instrument for the implementation of satanic plans. The Holy Fathers agree that the Antichrist will be a man. Above and below, Elder Paisios directly says that the Antichrist will be a man. Thus, his opinion on this issue is in complete agreement with the patristic. - Approx. lane
5) See: Matthew 24, 24. Mark. 13, 21.


In place of the demonic storm

Divine peace will come.

Behind the worldly spirit of modern "freedom", lack of respect to the Church of Christ,
to the elders, parents and teachers,
who have the fear of God, lies
spiritual slavery
, confusion and anarchy ,
people are at a dead end spiritual and
physical catastrophe

Also for
perfect system of “convenient cards”
", computer security,
hiding world dictatorship,
enslavement to the Antichrist
. Revelation of John the Theologian, ch. 13, art. 16,
says the following: “And he will do what... will be marked on the right
their hand or on their foreheads, and that no one will be able to buy or sell,
besides the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here
wisdom. He who has intelligence, count the number of the beast, for it is a human number;
its number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

Saint Andrew of Caesarea writes the following: “O
bad name of the Antichrist. Careful trial
numbers (print)
, as well as everything else written about him, will reveal to those who are sane and awake
time of temptation
... Divine grace did not deign to
This destructive name was written in the Divine book... When studying the word
you can find many names corresponding to this number...” (St. Andrew
Caesarea "Commentary on the Apocalypse", ch. 38).

What is strange, however, is that many spiritual people
not only give their own interpretations, but experience worldly fear of
computer dossier that will be opened on them, while should be concerned spiritually and help Christians with this good
concern, and strengthen them in faith, to
they felt divine comfort

Marvelous! Are they left indifferent?
all these events? Why do they not doubt the correctness of their
conclusions? How can they not just promote
Antichrist in regard to the seal, but also to lure other souls into destruction
This is what it means to “deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Mark 13).

a similar logic existed during the time of the Holy Martyrs among some “ smart guys" who tried to convince those
who went to suffer
, as Basil the Great writes about this in his Commendation
words to the Martyr Gordius: “...Many spoke nonsense, trying to convince the Martyr to renounce only in words and maintain faith in
, internal disposition, because God does not pay attention to the tongue,
but on the mood.

But Martyr Gordius remained adamant and
answered: “Can the tongue created by Christ utter anything against
Creator!.. Do not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. He judges us with our lips
(Luke 19:22). By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37).

It was the same under Decius, whose decree demanded
profess pagan faith. Those Christians,
who went for it and sacrificed to idols, received a testimony and avoided
. Not only them renounced
Christ, but also those who gave money to the pagans, commissions, and took testimony,
without formal renunciation, the so-called “slanderers
", and their Church
considered them to be apostates - fallen.

When we have as many examples as, say,
the miracle of St. Feodor, whose memory we celebrate annually on Saturday 1st
weeks of Great Lent. "Julian Apostate,
knowing that Christians purify themselves most of all by fasting in the 1st Holy Week
why do we call this week clean, wanted to desecrate it right then them, for
which is what I secretly ordered these days deliver
products contaminated with blood sacrificed to idols are brought to market

But Martyr Feodor, by the providence of God
appeared in a dream to the then Archbishop of Constantinople Eudoxius and
who told about what happened, commanded him immediately, on Monday morning,
call the believers and ban them
use these products, disadvantage
the same necessary food temporarily reimburse with koliv...

Thus, the intentions of the Apostate were
destroyed, and pious people
kept himself undefiled
..." (Great Book of Hours, p. 446*). Abstaining from things sacrificed to idols requires
Rule of the Holy Apostles
. Acts of the Apostles, ch. 15: “Apostles and Elders
gathered to consider this matter... To abstain from sacrifices to idols, and
blood, and strangulation, and fornication..."

And despite all this, how many, unfortunately,
one has to hear nonsense born from the minds of some modern
"Gnostics". One says: "I I'll take it
ID card with three sixes and put the sign of the cross on it
another: “I will take a seal with the number 666 on my forehead and sign it with a cross” - and many
such absurdities, thinking that they would thereby be sanctified, while how lovely is this.

Only that which receives sanctification is sanctified.
For example, the water receives consecration and
becomes Agiasma (holy water). Urine does not accept consecration
. Stone
miraculously becomes bread. There is no impurity
receive consecrations
. Therefore, the devil Antichrist, present with his symbol in our passport, or on our hand,
or on the forehead, is not consecrated, even if a Cross is applied

We we have
the power of the Holy Cross
, Saint Symbol,
The Divine Grace of Christ only when we remain with one
the only Saint Seal of Baptism,
during which renounce Satan and
unite with Christ and receive the Holy Seal - “Seal of the Gift of the Spirit


May Christ give us good enlightenment. Amen.

Holy Mountain, Kutlumush cell “Panaguda”, 1st
Saturday of Lent 1987

With much pain and love of Christ, monk

Athonite schemamonk Paisius (Eznepidis, 1924-1994),

“Such saints as Father Paisius, God
sends to earth once every 400 years!” - another great man once said about him
the ascetic of our time, Hieroschemamonk Porfiry (Bairaktaris).

Paisius possessed the gifts of reasoning and theology.

Touching upon theological issues, explaining
the most important events of our pre-final era, he never spoke on his own, but
I asked God for clarification.

It was precisely because of this inspiration from above that in 1987 he
the article “Signs of the Times, 666” was written, in which the godly Athonite
responded to the campaign launched in Greece to introduce new electronic
documents with anti-Christian barcode symbols and criticized
modern apostasy "theology".

On the back cover - photo
envelope in which one of the believing members of the Greek parliament sent
Afonite a sample of a new electronic passport with a barcode.
"Woe!!!" - written on the envelope by the hand of Father Paisius. And three
exclamation points speak for themselves...

In our evil days they applaud the Jesuit
"flexible response" tactics. Admire the anti-Christian strategy
"reasonable compromise". Any departure from the Orthodox tradition, even an obvious
theological and ecclesiastical apostasy is justified with amazing ease
the demands of the time or the all-forgiving Divine mercy - oikonomia.

But we should
serve not time, but God
“,” emphasizes St. Athanasius the Great. " Works of faith do not allow oikonomia, - teaches
Saint Mark of Ephesus. - Never, O man, then, what pertains to the Church is not resolved through compromise" Job
The elder brilliantly confirms this immutable patristic truth.

Paisiy Svyatogorets
- About the Antichrist

You may have to experience much of what is said in the Apocalypse. Little by little, a lot is coming out. The situation is terrible. Madness has crossed all boundaries. Apostasy has arrived, and now all that remains is to come" son of perdition"(2 Thess. 2:3).

The world will turn into a madhouse. Confusion will reign, among which each state will begin to do what it pleases. We will see the most incredible, craziest events happen. The only good thing is that these events will follow each other very quickly.

Ecumenism, a common market, a global state, one religion tailored to their standards - these are the plans of these devils. The Zionists are already preparing someone to be the Messiah. For them, the false messiah will be a king, he will rule here on earth.

There will be great turmoil. In this turmoil, everyone will want a king who could save them. And then they will nominate a man who will say: " I am the Imam, I am the fifth Buddha, I am the Christ whom Christians await, I am the one whom Jehovah's Witnesses await, I am the Messiah of the Jews".

Hard times are coming, great trials await us. Christians will suffer great persecution. Meanwhile, it is obvious that people do not even understand that we are already on the threshold of the last times, that the seal of the Antichrist is becoming a reality. It's like nothing is happening. Therefore, Holy Scripture says that even the elect will be deceived...

The Zionists want to rule the world. In order to achieve their goal, they use witchcraft and Satanism. They look upon the worship of Satan as a means of gaining power to help them carry out their plans. They want to control the world with satanic power. They don't take God into account.

A sign that the fulfillment of prophecies is approaching will be the destruction of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. It will be destroyed in order to restore the Temple of Solomon, which was located in its place. In the rebuilt temple, the Jews will eventually proclaim the Antichrist as the messiah.

The rabbis know that the true Messiah came and He was crucified. They understand, but they are blinded by selfishness and fanaticism.

Two thousand years ago in the Apocalypse it was written that people would be sealed with the number 666. As the Holy Scripture says, the ancient Jews imposed a tax on the people they conquered in various wars. The annual tax was exactly equal to 666 talents of gold (See 1 Kings 10:14 and 2 Chronicles 9:13). Now, in order to conquer the whole world, they are again introducing their old tax number, which is associated with their glorious past. That is, 666 is the symbol of mammon.

Everything is going as usual. This number has long been set on credit cards. And subsequently, anyone who is not imprinted with the number 666 will not be able to sell, buy, take out a loan, or get a job.

My thoughts tell me that with this system the Antichrist wants to subjugate the world. It will be imposed on people through the system that controls the world economy, for only those who accept the seal - the mark with the number 666 - will be able to enter into trade relations.

The seal will be an inscription that will first be placed on all goods, and then people will be forced to have it placed on their forehead or hand. Little by little, after introducing cards and identification cards with three sixes, after compiling personal dossiers, they will slyly begin to apply the seal.

In Brussels, a whole palace with three sixes was built above the central computer. This computer can control billions of people. And we, Orthodox Christians, oppose this because we don’t want the Antichrist and we don’t want dictatorship either.

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets of blessed memory

About the Antichrist

- Geronda, tell us something about the Antichrist.

– Let’s talk about Christ now... Let’s be as close to Christ as possible. And if we are with Christ, then why should we be afraid of the Antichrist? Or maybe there is no antichrist spirit now? One way or another, the spirit of the Antichrist creates evil. And if the monster Antichrist is born and does various crazy things, then in the end he will [still] turn out to be a laughing stock. However, many things will happen. It is possible that you too will have to experience much of what is said in the Apocalypse. Little by little, a lot is coming out. And I, unfortunate one, began to cry out many years ago! The situation is terrible, insane! Madness has crossed [all] boundaries. Apostasy has come, and now all that remains is for the son of destruction to come (2 Thess. 2:3). [The world] is in a madhouse. There will be complete chaos, in the midst of which each state will begin to do whatever it pleases. God grant that the interests of those who make big policies will be in our favor. Every now and then we will hear something new. We will see the most incredible, craziest events happen. [The only good thing] is that these events will succeed each other very quickly.

Ecumenism, a common market, one big state, one religion, tailored to their standards. These are the plans of these devils. The Zionists are already preparing someone to be the Messiah. For them, the Messiah will be a king, that is, he will rule here on earth. Jehovah's Witnesses are also waiting for an earthly king. The Zionists will present their king, and the Jehovah's Witnesses will accept him. They will all recognize him as king, they will say: “Yes, it is he.” There will be great turmoil. In this turmoil, everyone will want a king who could save them. And then they will nominate a person who will say: “I am the Imam, I am the fifth Buddha, I am the Christ for whom Christians are waiting, I am the one whom the Jehovah’s Witnesses are waiting for, I am the Messiah of the Jews.” He will have five selves.

The Evangelist John says in his First Epistle: “Children... the Antichrist is coming, and now there are many Antichrists” (John 2:18). He does not mean that the expected Antichrist will be like the persecutors Maximilians and Diocletians, but that the expected Antichrist will be, so to speak, the incarnation of the devil. He will appear to the people of Israel as the Messiah and deceive the world. Hard times are coming, great trials await us. Christians will suffer great persecution. Meanwhile, it is obvious that people do not even understand that we are already experiencing the signs of the [end] times, that the seal of the Antichrist is becoming a reality. It's like nothing is happening. Therefore, Holy Scripture says that even the elect will be deceived. Those who do not have a good disposition will not receive enlightenment from God and will be deceived during the years of apostasy. Because the one who does not have Divine Grace does not have spiritual clarity, just as the devil does not have it.

– Do the Zionists, Geronda, believe in the Antichrist and what is connected with him?

– They want to rule the world. In order to achieve their goal, they use witchcraft and Satanism. They look at the worship of Satan as a force that will help in the implementation of their plans. Therefore, they want to control the world with the help of satanic power. They don't take God into account. However, will God bless them? From all this God will bring forth much good. The old satanic theories held sway for seventy years, but these will not last even seven.

– Geronda, hearing about the Antichrist, I feel fear in myself.

-What are you afraid of? That he will be more terrible than the devil, or what? He's human. Look, Saint Marina beat the devil, and Saint Justina slayed how many demons! But [we must remember] the most important thing: we did not come into this world to get comfortable.

Earthly King of the Jews

A sign that the fulfillment of prophecies is approaching will be the destruction of the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. It will be destroyed to rebuild Solomon's Temple, which is said to have stood in its place. In the restored temple, the Zionists will eventually proclaim the Antichrist as the Messiah. And I heard that the Jews were already preparing to build Solomon’s temple.

– Geronda, why do Jews, reading the Old Testament, not believe in Christ?

- Why don’t you go and tell them this? Jews have always had fanaticism. They understand, but they are blinded by egoism. If they had been a little more careful, none of them would have remained Jews.

– How did they interpret what they read?

– How did they interpret it and how do they interpret it? They transform spiritual meanings into material ones. [Go], for example, look at how they interpreted the words of the prophet Isaiah “the desert of Jordan will flourish” (Is. 35: 2). In order to show that the desert “prospered,” they diverted some river, made terraces, gardens, planted bananas, lemons, oranges, landscaped everything, so now they say: “The desert has prospered!” And they all explain it this way. Meanwhile, these words of the prophet refer to the rebirth of the world through Holy Baptism - the “bath of rebirth.”

- Now they are waiting for the earthly king?

- Yes, the Antichrist. The rabbis know that the Messiah came and He was crucified. I learned from one person that when a Jew is dying, a rabbi comes to him and says in his ear: “The Messiah has come.” You see, their conscience denounces them, they feel guilty, but do not humble themselves.

– What is the benefit of saying these words to a dying person?

- None. They say this simply because their conscience tempts them. They think that once these words are said, then everything is in order.

– Don’t others hear these words?

- No, this is said in the ear. And Jewish youth rebelled against the rabbis. “The Messiah,” they say, “has come, what kind of messiah are you looking for?” In America, a group of young people studying the Holy Scriptures from a historical point of view publishes a magazine in which it is written: “The Messiah has come. To anyone who does not believe that the Messiah has come, we will send the real magazine free of charge so that he will believe. If he believes, then let him subscribe to the magazine so that we can send it to others and they too will become believers.”

-Are they Jews?

- Yes, Jews.

– And became Christians?

- Eh, now at least the fact that they believed already means something.

– Can rabbis be secret Christians?

– Rabbi and secret Christian? Will a person remain a rabbi after becoming a Christian? Then what, will he teach the Jews that the Messiah has not yet come, and when they die, will he begin to tell them that He has come?