Why do you dream about 2 cows? Maly Velesov dream book

Animals love to visit our dreams, and it is difficult to find a person who would not at least occasionally, periodically meet some representatives of the fauna in the world of dreams.

They appear in dreams for a reason, and often carry very important signs. But finding them in a dream, understanding and deciphering them is an art that dream books will teach us to master. One of the most mysterious animals in a dream is a cow or a bull. Horned creatures familiar to everyone, which do not cause surprise.

However, it is not always easy to understand why a cow or a bull is dreamed of - this is an ambiguous symbol. From time immemorial, wise Hindus believed (and are still convinced) that this is a sacred animal, one of the seven mothers of humanity. And in general, in their culture these are symbols of fertility, life, and earth.

In many other cultures, the cow is considered a symbol of clan, wealth, and well-being. And some sources show this animal as a symbol of endurance and health (it is not without reason that they say about a person that he is as healthy as a bull).

In a dream, a herd of cows or one animal can carry news of danger or a favorable period, depending on the details of the dream.

To decipher what a cow is dreaming about, to understand the meaning of what he saw, it is worth remembering everything: her appearance, whether she was red, black or spotted, character and habits, whether she was alone, or a whole herd, with a calf or a bull, with or without horns, and what she did. The most common options in dreams are:

  • You dream of an ordinary, unremarkable cow.
  • You dream of whole herds.
  • You see in a dream a very well-fed, fat or, conversely, skinny cow.
  • You dreamed of a dead or killed cow.
  • You saw a cow attacking you, chasing you.
  • She tries to butt you or bite you.
  • In your sleep you hear her mooing.
  • In your dream you had a chance to milk a cow.
  • you drink cow's milk.
  • You are herding or leading a cow.
  • You ride on it.

These are the most common cow dream scenarios, and each has its own special meaning. Let's find out why a cow dreams and what to expect in reality?

See a cow, hear a moo...

The cow is a kind, patient animal, she is considered a nurse. Therefore, in most cases, dreams of a cow are for good - it simply cannot portend a big misfortune.

Although it may warn of some danger and give advice. Let's consider dreams in which you had to see this animal or a whole herd, but you had no personal contact with them.

1. If you just saw a cow in a dream - be it black, spotted, red, but it just appeared like a vision - this good sign, which does not foreshadow any big events. But rather promises calm, peaceful life in abundance in the coming months.

2. If you hear a cow mooing in a dream, but don’t see an animal nearby, this is an alarming symbol that can warn of disappointment or slight sadness, most likely for no particular reason.

3. If you see cows mooing, sadness awaits you due to some event. You may have to endure a small loss or insult, but don't be alarmed, it will just be a short period of sadness.

4. A dream in which a cow dreams of being very well-fed, with fat sides, and large is very good, as you might guess. It portends wealth, prosperity, there will be “ full bowl» for a long time. But don't be greedy, otherwise you will lose everything!

5. If, on the contrary, you have a dream in which a skinny, bony, barely alive cow stands, this promises need and poverty. Perhaps this will only be a period that should teach you frugality and smart living.

6. If you dream of two cows or two bulls butting each other, or even many butting animals, Miller’s dream book interprets this as a symbol of an imminent happy event. Fate is preparing a pleasant surprise for you!

7. A gloomy, black cow, sad or unkind, promises losses or losses. Such a dream - a black cow - warns and advises you to be careful with property and money.

8. A red or yellow cow in a dream foretells wealth, a lot of money and the joy of profit. Your efforts will be highly appreciated, and you will receive a worthy reward for your honest work!

9. And if you already had a dream where a cow is calving, expect the fulfillment of your most cherished desire, the fulfillment of your hopes and plans. Everything you wish for will soon become a reality in reality, thanks to luck and your efforts.

10. To see in a dream a lot of cattle, a large herd grazing on the lawn - a happy dream. According to Miller's interpreter, a large herd symbolizes profit, promotion and the settlement of complex and troublesome matters that you thought would never be settled.

Soon your troubles will not only be completed, but with great profit and benefit for you. So don't give up!

11. As the dream book says, a cow or bull climbing a mountain or hill promises great prosperity to the sleeper. Whatever you do, success and recognition await you - don’t give up what you started!

12. But if you dream of a cow that is dead or killed by someone, this is bad. Of course, you should not expect or be afraid of any tragedy or great misfortune, but there is a possibility that you will abandon the work you have started due to weakness or loss of faith.

You may not get the help you expect, or you may simply face obstacles on your path to success. But these are everyday difficulties, without which you cannot achieve success, so do not be afraid of obstacles and do not give up!

What did you do with the cow?

A cow is a domestic animal, rural areas she lives in many houses as a favorite and nurse. He lives for people, and cannot live without human care.

A person always communicates with a cow, feeds and waters it, milks it and takes care of this kind animal. In dreams, contact with her could be anything, and not always friendly. Remember what you had to do with the cow and decipher the message of the dream.

1. If you dream of cows or bulls standing calmly, waiting for you, and in your dream you approach the animal to milk, feed, and so on, this is very good dream, which certainly promises you the fulfillment of your dreams or hopes for something very good and desired. You will get what your heart wants.

2. If you had to milk a cow in a dream, what does this mean? Milking a cow in a dream, seeing warm milk is a very kind symbol. According to Miller’s dream book, he promises great unexpected joy, good news, pleasant surprise.

If a woman with children had a dream in which a cow is milked, this means that joy and wonderful news will be associated with her child.

3. You might have dreamed of a cow butting or trying to bite. This does not mean anything very terrible - if a cow butts in a dream, expect a guest in reality. Perhaps the guest will be dishonest, not very pleasant, or have some evil intentions.

Remember the dream - if a cow painfully butted or bit you, be especially careful with this guest; it is better to avoid meeting you altogether. If in the dream she failed to harm you, do not be afraid of this person - he will not do anything to you.

4. If there was a dream in which a cow was chasing you, or even a whole herd was trying to catch up with you - according to Miller’s dream book, this also means an enemy, an ill-wisher, a competitor.

If in a dream you managed to escape and hide, then in reality there is nothing to be afraid of. If you are nevertheless caught up with horned ones in a dream, be careful - the enemy may have power against you.

5. According to the dream book, a cow that you lead or graze in a dream promises you wealth. Expect a promotion at work, or rewards for your efforts!

6. A dream in which you are riding an animal foreshadows some joyful event.

7. But if you dream of searching for missing cattle, this is a dream for mothers, which warns of problems in communicating with the child. Your child may be losing trust or respect for you, especially if you have a teenager.

8. Milk in a dream is a very bright and kind symbol. Drinking it and treating others always leads to health, goodness, prosperity in the home, and well-being in the family. But if you spilled milk in a dream, beware of diseases and take care of your health.

It is believed that after “milk” dreams it is very useful to drink warm milk for some time at night. This way you will strengthen your health not only physically, but also spiritually.

9. If you had to chase a cow in a dream, this promises enmity or a quarrel with one of your loved ones. Avoid conflicts, show tolerance and kindness (these are the qualities that a cow demonstrates).

Cow, bull, milk - wonderful symbols, and if they appear to you in dreams, rejoice - this alone indicates that higher powers support you and take troubles away from you. It is in order to protect and help you that they send you such dreams. Author: Vasilina Serova

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Seeing a Cow in a dream

They stand calmly waiting for milking - the fulfillment of many desires, the fulfillment of hopes.
Also see Boar, Cattle (herd), Calves.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Cow mean?

A cow is chasing - to an unexpected inheritance;

Seeing far into the field is a good sign.

Also see Beef.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Seeing a Cow in a dream

To see - you will know a lot of happiness; fat - wealth; thin - free life; milking yourself is an inheritance

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

What does a Cow mean in a dream?

If you dream that a cow is chasing you, it means that you will have an enemy.

If in a dream you manage to escape from her, it means that this enemy will not be afraid of you.

You will become noticeably rich if you dream that you are milking a cow.

If a woman sees a cow calving in a dream, then it is very possible that her own birth will be difficult.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Meaning of Cow dreams

Seeing a herd of cows: someone you know has committed an offense against you, which you are not yet aware of.

To the person about whom we're talking about, he is very ashamed of what he did, but he cannot yet tell you about it, fearing that you will consider his action a betrayal.

If you saw one cow, it means that you have some difficult task ahead, to which you will devote a lot of time, but, alas, it will be wasted.

It is better to wait until the problem resolves itself, without your futile efforts.

A cow chewing grass: symbolizes your passivity towards some person who has certain hopes for you.

Perhaps you just don't want to take on unnecessary problems.

But still, you must understand that you cannot achieve anything without making any effort.

Take action! Herding cows: a dream means that soon you will have to face people who will envy you.

It may well be that this does not affect you.

However, the envy of ill-wishers is associated with gossip and rumors, so quarrels and conflict situations are possible.

Milking a cow: reconciliation with a person dear to you.

If you are not vindictive and do not, at the first opportunity, reproach your friend for the fact that there is a disagreement between you, then the peace will turn out to be durable, the rust of irritation will not corrode the metal of love.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep Cow

Cow - the symbol is directly related to home life and home; for men it may indicate not very smart woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

Cow - soon your parents will receive a salary or rich relatives will unexpectedly come to visit you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Cow

Seeing a fat, calm, healthy, well-groomed cow is a sign of wealth, worries about the household, fulfillment of desires and fertility.

For childless people, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of a child.

Skinny, dirty, sick, running away, lost cows in a dream foreshadow illness, humiliation, loss of wealth, financial losses, failure of plans, and family breakdown.

For patients, such a dream predicts a deterioration in their condition, and sometimes death.

Especially if the cow dies in her sleep.

Milking cows in a dream means that your instincts will not let you down and you will successfully complete a profitable business.

Sometimes such a dream predicts the receipt of an inheritance.

A cash cow in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity and family happiness.

A dream in which you see someone milking a cow means that someone is looking at you as the source of their wealth.

This dream warns that someone is using you for personal gain.

A dream in which you saw a cow chasing you tells you about receiving an unexpected profit or inheritance.

Seeing a herd of cows grazing in a field in a dream is a sign of prosperity in the house. See interpretation: milk, animals.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does a Cow dream predict?

From strangers, profit, care, you will be a guest // death, tears (“to roar”), illness, for worse, enemy, captivity, trouble;

Sell ​​– loss; thin - worries;

White - for good // death;

Red – fire; black – illness, death, danger;

If you drive out a black one, it means death;

Milking - tears, good, joy, winning, surprise, talking about good things, profit or acquisition, profitable business;

Milked - trouble;

Not milked - meeting with friends;

Bodnet - guests will arrive with bad intentions;

Well-fed - good, profit, wealth;

Thin - poverty;

Calving - to the appearance of offspring (for a man) // misfortune;

Ironing - self-interest, profit on the farm;

She left the yard - death was in that yard;

A herd of cows - whoever dies in the family means a fire;

You graze cows - snow, rain;

You graze the reds - good weather, frost (in winter).

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

The meaning of the dream Cow

This animal personifies the nurse, because in hard times many families survived only on cow's milk. The symbol of the cow is directly related to home life, children and home.

Seeing a large, beautiful cow in a dream, but completely hornless, is a symbol of the fact that on your way you will meet a very capricious person, whose unpredictable actions can throw you off balance and disrupt the harmony in your home.

To see a dream in which a cow in an apron treats you to dinner - pay attention to your other half, do not let your household get bored and suffer from idleness.

Holding your cow by the horns so that it can be milked by people who come to you from the street - this dream foreshadows losses, a difficult financial situation in the family, or a house robbery due to your oversight.

Seeing a cow with a star on its forehead in a dream is a symbol of the fact that someone you have been waiting for a long time, someone you have been thinking about lately, will come to visit.

Seeing a large herd of cows means profit for the house, the establishment of affairs that seemed to have no end.

Looking for a cow means solving a problem with a child who, for some reason, has lost interest in your opinion and began to demand complete independence.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

See a Cow in a dream

If you dream of a cow that needs to be milked, this promises the fulfillment of your desires and a meeting with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Cow dream prediction

Seeing a cow standing in her stall in a dream means profit and prosperity. Cows grazing in a meadow are a harbinger happy life, in which your dreams and hopes will come true. Well-fed, fat cows mean wealth, thin cows with protruding bones mean poverty.

Dark cows foretell prosperity through hard work, light cows - a free life without worries and hassle. Seeing cows being milked means an unexpected event or news; milking a cow means receiving a significant inheritance. A mooing cow indicates that the undertaking will not be completed soon, but will be successful. A cow lying down and chewing cud means that you will receive a completely empty and thoughtless proposal.

A slaughtered cow portends losses and failure in business. Cooking beef in a dream means that in reality you will receive significant financial assistance. Drink cow's milk - you will take have a good trip and be enriched by impressions.

Herding a herd of cows in a dream means leading a small but close-knit team. Take care of the cows livestock farm- you will soon experience unusual circumstances from which you will benefit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Why do you dream about a Cow?

Cows standing calmly awaiting milking portend the fulfillment of long-standing desires and the fulfillment of hopes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Seeing a Cow in a dream

“Sacred cow” is something non-egoistic, giving.
"Cash cow" is a source of selfish consumption.

“Like a cow licking its tongue” the complete disappearance of an object.

"Cow" o plump woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Seeing a Cow in a dream

Indicates bad or good years.

Fat cows are fertile and fruitful years, and thin cows are barren and lean years.

And whoever sees in a dream that he eats cow meat will increase his wealth and power.

A wild cow is a beautiful wife.

Milking a cow in a dream is a sign of success and joy that will accompany you.

Touching the horns of a cow means well-being for you.

Sitting astride a cow in a dream means getting rid of troubles and earthly joys.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Dream about a Cow

If you saw in a dream a cow standing calmly waiting for milking, the fulfillment of many of your desires and the fulfillment of your hopes lies ahead.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does a Cow mean in a dream?

An ancient and very favorable symbol, signifying your well-being.

If the cow is beautiful and well-fed: this is a sure sign that your business is either already going well or will soon improve.

Milking cows in a dream: very good sign, suggesting that if you do your business with love, then the success of your business is guaranteed.

Skinny cow: encourages you to pay increased attention to the state of your affairs. Perhaps you neglected them too much or overlooked something important.

Feeding or watering a cow: a sign that you can improve the course of your affairs if you put in enough effort and effort.

A lively cow: this is a warning that your ardor and emotional intemperance can greatly harm you and have a negative impact on your wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Meaning of Cow dreams

Seeing a fat, well-fed cow means good news.

Just seeing a skinny cow means you have to eat and drink deliciously.

A cow is butting - expect a guest with bad intentions.

Cows butt each other - good luck awaits you.

Milking a cow in a dream means joy, prosperity, a pleasant surprise, joy from children, and receiving honors.

Hearing a cow moo means trouble or new responsibilities and worries.

A black cow dreams of illness or danger, of losses.

Milking a black cow means tears.

Seeing a milking cow means trouble.

You saw a milked cow - a date with friends.

If you saw a milkmaid, you will encounter the hostility of a woman you sympathize with.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does a Cow mean in a dream?

A herd of well-groomed, fat cows standing in a meadow is a symbol of fulfilling desires, hopes, and making a profit.

Skinny cows signify poverty, mistrust, and disease.

If one cow follows you, as if chasing you, you will receive an inheritance.

Selling or slaughtering cows means losses and failures.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Cow

A lonely cow - to prosperity in the house, comfort, love, mutual understanding between family members.

Cows are grazing - the fulfillment of a basic desire, including those related to your health. Peace, moderation and meditation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Cow

A fat, well-fed cow is a blessing.

Skinny is a lack in the house, a need.

Just seeing a cow means eating and drinking deliciously.

You have to milk a cow - joy / surprise / joy from children.

Hearing a cow moo is unlucky.

A cow butting is a guest with bad intentions.

Cows butting each other is a happy accident.

To see a black cow - a year of losses awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

What does a Cow predict in a dream?

They personify the natural essence of a person with an emphasized gender characteristic.

If a cow appears in a woman’s dream, it means that she is treated as a consumer. She acts as a “cash cow”.

IN men's dreams a cow can also symbolize a woman whom the dreamer does not love.

In men's dreams, it symbolizes women for whom the dreamer feels disdain.

For women, it reflects the feeling that the dreamer is underestimated.

A large, fat cow means health and a new acquisition.

Skinny cow - your efforts will be useless.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see a Cow in a dream?

Associated with the cat style of a woman’s image, elegance, but at the same time cunning.

Witch archetype.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream involving a cow can foreshadow a variety of events in various fields life. Taking into account all the circumstances of the dream, you can find the maximum exact interpretation. Why do you dream about a cow?

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If a woman dreams that she is milking a cow, in reality her relationship with her children will improve; Pregnant women dream of a cow giving birth as a harbinger of a difficult birth.

Large and healthy animals promise wealth and prosperity, emaciated and thin ones - troubles and serious illnesses.

If you dreamed that a herd was attacking you, then in reality expect betrayal from a close friend.

Maly Velesov dream book

A cow in a dream is a sign of profit and advantageous offers from strangers. If you dream about selling a cow, in reality you will face losses. A well-fed and healthy animal is an omen good news and prosperity.

Petting a cow is a sign of prosperity and wealth in the home.

An animal killed in a dream means trouble in new endeavors; you may not have the strength to complete an important task.

Aesop's Dream Book

Seeing a healthy but hornless cow in a dream means meeting a stubborn and domineering person; his actions can disrupt your harmony and way of life.

A cow in an apron in a dream indicates that you spend little time with your family and your significant other.

Finding a cow is a sign that you will be able to establish a trusting relationship with your child.

A large herd of artiodactyls is dreamed of before improvement material well-being, and also means a quick fix for household chores.

Holding a cow while strangers are milking it is an omen of financial difficulties and large losses.

Interpretation of sleep according to Yuri Longo

According to the white magician's dream book, a cow means finding a way out of a difficult problem. If you start rushing into a decision, you will never be able to find the right path. Just wait a little and the issue will resolve itself.

Milking a cow marks reconciliation with a friend. This dream indicates that you should not persist in your pride; If you dream about how you herd a herd of these animals, then be prepared to face envious people in reality. Unkind people will not harm you directly, but they may start spreading dirty rumors to tarnish your reputation.

A cow chewing grass is a symbol of your passivity. Perhaps someone is counting on you and believes in your strength, but you do not strive to live up to expectations.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

If a bull goes uphill in a dream, you will soon experience good luck and prosperity in all matters;

Blood stains on the horns of a buffalo are a symbol of your imminent achievements in the field of government.

If you dream of a bull entering a house, then your family may be in mourning.

The birth of a calf is a good sign. This dream means the fulfillment of all desires. Entering the city on a bull is a symbol of a happy event.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Wealth and prosperity - this is what fat and healthy cows dream of; a thin animal is a prediction of losses and poverty.

A mooing cow acts as a warning about minor troubles and grievances that will soon be forgotten.

If you dreamed of a cowshed, then you will soon have a successful marriage or receive a promising job offer.

Modern dream book

Seeing a horned animal in a dream is a sign of a tasty and rich feast.

If a cow tries to cripple you, in reality you may encounter betrayal from a loved one. If cows fight each other, expect great luck.

If you dreamed about a milkmaid, be prepared for evil actions from a woman you trust.

A black cow means illness or loss; if you milk it, you will not avoid sadness and tears.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If this animal follows you in a dream, then in reality a rich inheritance awaits you.

Pleasant news and joy about her child - this is what a woman with children dreams of about a cow; such a dream is especially favorable if the animal is being milked. If you saw a cow on the horizon, you will soon receive good news.


If you dreamed of a cow waiting to be milked, then pleasant little things will begin to rain down on you as if from a cornucopia.

If an animal in a dream is snow-white and does not have a single spot, be careful, big trouble awaits you.

Butchering cow meat is surprisingly good sleep. It means material well-being.

If you drink milk in a dream, in reality you will not avoid health problems, but you will quickly recover.

A brown-red cow is often interpreted as a harbinger of a fire in the house.

Most often, this animal symbolizes satiety and well-being, so we can consider it positive sign from a dream. But sometimes even such a good-natured image can become a warning for the sleeping woman. Modern dream books will help you figure out why a woman dreams of a cow.

Dream Interpretation: a woman dreamed of a cow

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a cow always turns out to be a sign that the sleeping person is underestimated in real life. She feels useless and unsuccessful. She misses compliments and praise from loved ones. To fix this, you need to be open with others and directly talk about your needs. Otherwise, they are unlikely to be able to independently understand what a girl lacks to be happy.

Miller suggests that you should first of all pay attention to the appearance of the dreamed animal. The exact interpretation of the dream depends on this. If the cow turns out to be large and well-fed, it means that it portends health and well-being for the woman. If she is very skinny, then she can be considered a symbol of useless labor.

In the Vedic dream book of Sivananda, the pursuit of a woman by a cow foreshadows an open attack by her enemies. You need to be prepared for the fact that enemies will begin to actively act and hinder the achievement of the sleeping woman’s goals.

I dreamed of a whole herd

A whole herd of cows symbolizes new perspectives. Soon the woman will make a completely unexpected decision that will surprise everyone around her. This is what will change everything real life women and will open up new opportunities for her. The larger the herd, the more worthy the emerging prospects will be.

If you see a cow with calves in your dream, this is a very good sign. Such symbols usually appear in a dream as encouragement for the sleeping woman. After seeing the plot, the girl can be sure that she is on the right way and if he continues to move along it, he will definitely achieve his goal.

Attitudes towards livestock differ in different countries, but everywhere Burenki enjoy great reverence. Why do you dream about a cow? The meaning of what you see depends on many nuances, but according to most sources, you shouldn’t expect any special troubles from the “mother-nurse,” as she is sometimes called.

Dream Interpretation: seeing a cow in a dream

According to the interpretation of the dream book Miller calm cow in a dream - lucky sign. She foretells that all dreams will come true. A well-fed brownie symbolizes wealth, and even a skinny animal promises freedom from conventions.

Interpretation of the Bulgarian fortune teller Wangi encourages you not to rush to take any action after dreaming about a cow. Difficult situation will be resolved with minimal effort on the part of the dreamer. However, the sale of an animal conveys that in reality, due to one’s own short-sightedness, it is possible to lose a large sum money.

Freud's Dream Book says that a cow is dreamed of as a symbol of readiness for procreation. For older people, a dream means a craving for pleasant games with the younger generation.

Women's dream book positively interprets the dreamed cow. Finally, ideas will become reality.

Ukrainian dream book not so optimistic. A cow portends lack of freedom in action and ill-wishers. The herd predicts disease.

Calving a cow warns of trouble, but milking - auspicious sign quick profit.

Russian option says that the cow is a symbolic personification of the hearth. Accordingly, the more well-groomed the animal, the better the atmosphere in it.

If a man dreams of a cow, it means that in his environment there is a not very tactful and stupid woman.

Dream Interpretation of Veles interprets the cow as the dreamer's visit.

But if a cow with horns attacks in a dream, on the contrary, you should wait for visitors to your home. At the same time, the intentions of the arrivals will not be the most friendly.

Herding cows in dreams is a sign symbolizing changes in weather and precipitation.

According to Hasse's dream book A cow in a dream means heartfelt affection. Milking a cow - meeting an influential person.

Esoteric dream book interprets the cattle as a transformation of the dreamer, a new stage in life.

Buying a cow promises a raise financial well-being and joy for the family. For single people, such a plot predicts a successful marriage in the near future.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book You will have to find out about an unexpected inheritance if you happen to run away from a cow. To see one cow - you will have to worry about something. A herd grazing in the distance portends a prosperous period.

A cow in a dream has a special meaning for ladies.

If you dream about a cow girl, not yet tied by marriage, in reality she will soon receive a marriage proposal

Cow giving birth pregnant for a woman in a dream is a warning sign. Labor may begin earlier than the date expected by the obstetrician.

A life filled with prosperity is very close if a woman dreams of a cow in the house. A brown cow walking around the yard is also a very auspicious sign. This is absolute luck.

However, a warning sign is if a woman dreamed childbirth cows. Planned activities will have to be postponed due to external circumstances. An unmarried girl a dream about calving calls for staying away from adventures. This is radically different from the interpretation for representatives of the stronger sex. For men, such an event in a dream means profit.

If a woman dreams of a cow butts the dreamer, in reality she needs to be on her guard. Her rival planned an evil intrigue against her.

Why do you dream about a herd of cows?

Also, when deciphering a dream, it is advisable to remember the number of cows and their mood. Two peace-loving cows symbolize excellent chances of success. If they butt each other, someone will ruin the dreamer's opportunity to advance in business.

See many cows are a favorable dream. Joyful events await you in reality. However, if they pass by the dreamer, this plot prompts you to act more decisively. Due to delay, you can miss a great opportunity.

Excellent prospects await the sleeper when he dreams of a herd of cows in the meadow. There is a real opportunity for promotion ahead, and problems that have been tormenting for a long time will finally be successfully resolved.

To find out exactly what happened graze a herd of cows in a dream, it is worth paying attention to the details. Obedient cows portend the ability to benefit from any activity. Stubborn or scattering animals symbolize disappointment and misunderstanding with loved ones.

An attempt to avoid dangerous situations symbolizes a dream in which I had to run away from a herd of cows. Attacking animals mean that it is worth paying attention to the observance of the rules of decency in reality. Seeing from the outside how they attack someone else in a dream is a warning. It is advisable not to take bank loans or borrow money from friends in the next week.

Why do you dream of milking a cow?

You can expect favorable news in reality when you dream of milking at night my cow. It is advisable to remember what the quality of the milk was. A pleasant aroma and snow-white color symbolize significant profits. If the milk immediately turns sour and curdles right in the milk pan, in reality you will be disappointed with the result of your labor. Helping to hold your own cow while someone else is milking her is a warning sign. In reality, it is likely that someone will try to deceive the sleeping person.

But milk someone else's a cow in a dream is a wonderful sign. You will be able to take advantage of the free help of colleagues in implementing the project and receive excellent financial rewards.

Cow and other animals in a dream

Positive changes in fate are foreshadowed by well-fed cows and bulls. For those who are unwell, this is a sign get well soon. Unmarried ladies are pleased with the dream by the possibility of receiving an offer from wealthy man. Improvement awaits representatives of the stronger sex financial situation. For family dreamers, the dream foreshadows harmonious relationships. If animals are engaged in mating, this signals a lack of intimate pleasures in the sleeper, or dissatisfaction with their quality.

A cow is dreamed of as a sign indicating newly opened prospects with a calf on a green meadow. This is a harbinger of success in business and happiness in your personal life.

When you dream of a cow and pig, it is worth planning projects more carefully. Short-sightedness and insidious people around can ruin even a seemingly win-win business.

Interpretation of sleep based on the type and color of the cow

Depending on which cow you dreamed about, the meaning of the dream changes. The gender of the dreamer also influences the interpretation.

Seen in a dream black The cow warns of the need to more closely monitor the safety of your wallet and property. For married ladies, the plot foreshadows the appearance of an unprincipled rival, ready to do anything to take possession of her beloved.

A positive omen is white cow in a dream. Stroking a cow of this color is a symbol of the dreamer’s kindness and mercy.

The dream has a dual meaning black and white cow. This is achieving career heights through the machinations of rivals.

As a harbinger of triumphant success in society, dreams redhead cow for the fair sex. For men, such a dream promises the achievement of an excellent level of material well-being.

Extraordinary red Burenka directly indicates the danger of fire in the home. It is necessary to monitor possible sources of fire and take precautions. Another meaning of this dream is the possibility of conflicts with powerful people.

Dead a cow in a dream signals a sad outcome of the matter. In reality the dreamer is very unsure about own strength, and is close to abandoning the implementation of started projects.

Dead Buryonka also means a lack of support from relatives and friends. This will bring to reality negative emotions and resentment.

grazing pregnant a cow in a meadow foreshadows a comfortable existence. The dreamer need not worry - in the near future he will be guaranteed financial security.

For busy people agriculture, young the cow is a positive omen. Ahead is a good harvest and excellent health of the cattle.

Signals a threat from a certain woman mad cow in a dream. She is capable of seriously poisoning existence with her machinations, and dealing with the problems that arise will not be easy. Perhaps the motive for vile actions is the jealousy of this person.

If you dreamed big a cow is a very positive sign. All plans will be brilliantly implemented, and dreams will become reality.

A skinny animal portends a difficult period. You'll have to save money.

When you dream of a cow, this is a rather surprising story for city dwellers, but the symbolism of what you see is mostly favorable.