Love compatibility according to the horoscope: which signs will be happy in marriage? Family horoscope: your happy marriage according to your Zodiac Sign.

The location of the planets during the birth of a child lays down in him not only character traits, but also the possibility or impossibility of building happy marriage with one or another representative of the zodiac pantheon. And if people thought more often about astrological compatibility, there would be many more happy marriages. Today we’ll talk about which signs are best suited to each other.

Lucky combinations of zodiac signs

The mutual attraction that arises between some zodiac signs is not yet a guarantee of a harmonious marriage. And we often fall in love with those who are completely unsuitable for us. So, for example, Leo is magnetically drawn to Pisces, but a happy family life between them is possible only in one case - if Pisces indulges Leo in everything and never looks the other way. And Cancers often fall in love with Sagittarius, but are extremely unhappy when they manage to throw in their lot with these “eternal wanderers.”

So, what signs are great for each other?

An ideal union between Aries And Leo . Leo generates ideas, and Aries brings them to life. These two are never bored with each other, as their “fiery” essence does not burn at half strength. Outbursts of jealousy add spice to relationships, but rarely become the cause of a real quarrel, since these two are so confident in their uniqueness that they seriously do not allow the idea that they can cheat.

A successful union between two Aquarius . And indeed, who else besides the representatives of their own sign can understand the contradictory and at the same time subtle nature of Aquarius. These two have a well-developed sense of duty, so they do not arise everyday problems like someone who washes the dishes or takes out the trash. They also have similar views on raising children, and their joint desire for everything beautiful pleasantly diversifies their leisure time.

Another option for a harmonious marriage between representatives of the same sign is Gemini the Twins . In general, it is difficult to get along with Geminis. Their character is too difficult. And two Geminis under one roof are like fireworks in a powder warehouse. They both receive the whole gamut of emotions in the family, so they are no longer drawn to the side. Geminis need scandals - for them it is self-expression and play. And two Geminis turn the showdown into a show, after which it’s so sweet to make peace.

A happy family can be built with Gemini And Scorpios . The basis of such a marriage is sexual relations and, paradoxically, independence. These two lead their own separate lives. They come together under one roof in order to feel at home for a moment, rejoice in the fact that they have a place to return to, and then plunge back into their business. And at the same time, they miss each other and value their family much more than if they constantly spent time together. And this is the key to their happy family life. They never get bored with each other, and every meeting is like a first date.

Happy together Aquarius and Taurus . Despite the fact that they belong to different elements, these two harmoniously complement each other. The down-to-earth Taurus deals with their “daily bread”, that is, making money, while the airy Aquarius arranges their life so that it is cozy, beautiful and tasty. And it doesn’t matter which of them is a man and which is a woman. The main thing is that each of them feels needed, respected and, of course, loved.

They make a good couple Pisces and Capricorn . They both know how to set a goal and achieve it with all their might. accessible ways. And if this goal is common, then there is no force that can stop this tandem. The romanticism of Pisces softens the pragmatism of Capricorns. They are both laconic, do not like to admit their feelings often, but they prove their love through their actions.

A happy union is achieved between Pisces and Scorpio . The intuitive perception of life and at the same time the difference in temperament makes the life together of these signs interesting, sometimes mysterious, but most often harmonious. Pisces extinguishes Scorpio's outbursts, and these two can compete in sarcasm from morning to evening. In general, Scorpios are difficult people, and it is quite difficult to adapt to them. Pisces, with their angelic patience, does this wonderfully. And they, in turn, receive from Scorpios those bright emotions that they lack in everyday life.

A wonderful marriage awaits Libra and Leo . Libra's tactfulness neutralizes Leo's emotionality, and Leo, in turn, gives Libra vitality. The ever-doubting Libra simply needs the impenetrable optimism of Leo. And Libra cooks so deliciously... But Leo is a recognized gourmet. True, there is one “pitfall” in such a marriage: these two are eternal children, so they will periodically share “toys”. But they buy them together, without reproaching each other for unnecessary spending.

Sagittarius , despite their love of freedom, gain family happiness With Aries . However, it is worth considering the explosiveness of both characters, otherwise the scandals that initially stimulated the relationship can become traumatic. However, if each of them finds a worthy occupation in life, and there is no time left to sort things out, then they will live to see the golden wedding. Moreover, “soul to soul.”

Virgo-Leo – a happy couple with excellent chances of living a long life family life. Despite the seemingly huge gap, these two can literally turn into Siamese twins over time, especially if they don’t kill each other in the first year of their life together. Virgo will make Leo more disciplined, and Leo will teach Virgo to love life as only he can. The main thing in this couple is to take the best from the partner.

Get along well with each other Taurus and Cancer . It is important for both of them that the house always has everything that should be there. Together they organize their lives, work with children, and maintain family traditions. True, from the outside, such a marriage may seem boring, but these two have their own value standards, so they can quietly have fun on the side, but at the same time they will never hurt their other half.

In general, it must be said that Cancers are almost an ideal partner for marriage. Almost all representatives of the zodiac pantheon find family happiness with them. The only exceptions are those signs for which family values are not fundamental. So, for example, Leos, with all their respect for Cancers, howl with them out of boredom, Sagittarius are constantly trying to escape from obsessive nepotism, and Aries are furious from suffocating love. We talked about Cancer in such a general way so as not to return to this sign again. They are the best family men. And period.

But let's return to happy marriages between representatives of other zodiac signs.

The couple has an excellent chance of living a long and happy family life Aries-Capricorn . These two are ambitious, active, not accustomed to resting on their laurels, and at the same time attach great importance to their social status. Therefore, they always have something to talk about with each other; their home, as a rule, full bowl, and the careers of a man and a woman in such a union are much more successful than when they build a family with representatives of other zodiac signs. Capricorn and Aries spur each other on, and the element of some competition adds spice to the relationship.

By the way, despite the fact that it is quite difficult for Capricorns to choose a mate, they are very well suited to Virgo and Libra as a marriage partner. However, Capricorns (as well as Aquarius and Gemini) get along best with representatives of their sign. Two Capricorns – one of the most harmonious and happiest couples in the zodiac pantheon. Capricorns are “born as adults” and only with time begin to “get younger.” That is why they start a family quite late. But then they make up for lost time. And it is best to do this with a person who has the same unique property.

Naturally, we did not mention all favorable combinations, we simply identified the most harmonious of all possible ones.

Ideal couples according to the eastern horoscope

In general, as practice shows, for a happy and harmonious marriage one zodiac compatibility sometimes it's not enough. The character is influenced by both the year of birth of a person and the planets that were in one or another sign at the time of his birth. Combinations of planets in the natal chart are the domain of personal astrology, that is, an individual horoscope must be drawn up for each person. So let's just list which signs eastern horoscope perfect for each other.

Ox-Rat - an excellent union, everyone gets what they want.

Rooster-Ox complete harmony, The Rooster shines, the Bull provides the rear.

Monkey-Rat – love and forgiveness on the part of the Rat will make the marriage happy.

Rabbit-Monkey - all life is a continuous holiday.

Dragon-Monkey - a wonderful union - the Dragon will protect, the Monkey will advise.

Tiger-Dog – they will not get bored in each other’s company.

Dog-Pig – mutual respect and understanding.

Snake-Rabbit – they value relationships and admire each other.

Rat-Rat - a wonderful couple, they love each other dearly.

Horse-Horse – they are very good together, but they do not strangle each other. This is why they are strong.

It is worth adding that if representatives of the same zodiac sign are not so often happy together (with the exception of Gemini, Aquarius and Capricorn), then people born in the same year almost always make up a harmonious couple. Naturally, in the presence of other favorable indicators. The only exceptions, perhaps, are Roosters and Goats (Sheep).

In general, according to by and large, any representatives of the zodiac and eastern horoscope can get along together and be happy. The main thing is to take into account the astrological characteristics of your partner’s character and have a desire to compromise. However, it is not easy. And only true love is able to overcome the contradictions inherent in us by the stars.

Nadezhda Popova especially for

When starting a conversation about which zodiac signs are most compatible and, therefore, happy in marriage, it is necessary to make one important caveat.

The fact is that synastry (a branch of astrological science dealing with issues interpersonal relationships) clearly believes: the degree of success of each marriage, whether registered or “civil,” depends not so much on the zodiac signs of the spouses, but on their individual horoscopes and their combinations with each other. In other words, for an unambiguous and complete answer to the question of how suitable a couple of people are for each other as possible spouses, the astrologer needs to compile and analyze the birth horoscopes of each of them, and most importantly, by “overlaying” them, see the points and ways of interaction between these people.

In many ways, it is for this reason that people, reading popular books and articles about the compatibility of zodiac signs, sometimes wonder why they are so happy in marriage, although their signs say the opposite, and vice versa.

However, the fact remains indisputable that compatibility various representatives Zodiac signs based on their signs are a kind of starting point in deciding the prospect of their union and, under a certain set of circumstances, can provide sufficient grounds for concluding whether their marriage will be successful, mediocre or unhappy.

Now, having understood the above, I propose to move on to the question of the most “recommended” marriage and love unions by astrology according to the signs of the Zodiac.
These are marriages between people born under the signs of the so-called “sextile”, here they are:

  • Gemini and Aquarius are suitable for Aries,
  • Taurus - Cancer and Pisces,
  • Gemini - Leo and Aries,
  • Cancers - Virgo and Taurus,
  • Leo - Libra and Gemini,
  • Virgos - Scorpios and Cancers,
  • Libra - Sagittarius and Leo,
  • Scorpios - Capricorns and Virgos,
  • Sagittarius - Aquarius and Libra,
  • Capricorns - Pisces and Scorpios,
  • Aquarius - Aries and Sagittarius,
  • Pisces - Taurus and Capricorn.

All these signs are interconnected amazing combinations characters and goals: where necessary they will complement each other, and where necessary they will be so similar that they will enhance the desired effect of interaction to the limit.

By the way, their compatibility is very symbolically and clearly demonstrated, among other things, by the nuance that among these pairs there are combinations of the elements either “Fire-Air” or “Earth-Water”. It is not difficult to grasp all the symbolism of such a union: fire cannot live without air, and earth does not give birth to life without water. However, this is only one of the points of compatibility of “sextile” signs.

Now, I propose to turn to the main features on which each of the above unions is based.


This couple is distinguished by its warm inner fire, childish enthusiasm and enterprise. In each other they see sincerity of feelings and a willingness to go hand in hand even to the ends of the world. And for those around them, these two become the embodiment of youth, excitement and restlessness.


This is a “classic” quiet, absolutely stable married couple, living their own life for the sake of the house and children (of which they may have many!). The fire of their love is not too bright, but it burns slowly, like a candle, extinguishing only after the death of both spouses.


Perhaps the brightest couple of the Zodiac. The brilliance of this couple is capable of blinding those around them, who, seeing them together, can only quietly envy. But the most important thing is that behind their external image lies, on the one hand, the Gemini partner’s honest adoration of his “king or princess” and, on the other hand, the Leo partner’s understanding that he will never be able to live without his cute, talkative Gemini.


This typical couple of homely family men, rarely appearing in society, and are increasingly busy with their family affairs, arranging an apartment or summer cottage. Sometimes they seem petty and overly withdrawn to others, but in reality they simply don’t need anyone other than themselves. By the way, this couple makes up the best educators in the Zodiac.


Also, undoubtedly, very beautiful couple. They literally emanate charm and kindness towards the whole world. And usually they are the most welcome guests of their friends and relatives. It is very important that in this pair Libra managed to find the key to taming their self-centered Leo, which, in turn, gave their partner the determination and self-confidence that was so necessary for them.


A couple who perceives life sensibly, is ready to be critical and, most importantly, to adequately perceive each other’s shortcomings, the mutual correction of which they, without losing strength, spend their entire life together. As a result, over the years, an amazing, loving union of a devoted Virgo and a passionate Scorpio who has forgotten jealousy emerges.


Once they meet and tie their lives by marriage, these people never stop learning from each other or doing something together for a day. Distinguished by the same, positive perception of the world, they become a reliable support for each other. And most importantly, they discover in themselves previously unfamiliar desires: Sagittarius - to become more “domestic” and take care of their gentle Libra, and Libra - to forgive their flighty Sagittarius for their excessive love of freedom, learning to wait for him as long as necessary.


The couple is unparalleled in its inner strength. These guys stand up for each other and, if one of them is offended, they are capable of turning into a “terminator” in order to help their other half out of trouble, and most importantly, to take revenge. In general, those people who want to become enemies of this couple are unhappy. Peace and harmony reign inside their family, since Capricorn promptly extinguishes Scorpio’s overflowing emotions, and he makes the life of his partner much more saturated with the colors of feelings and carnal pleasures.


This couple is not so easy to find at home: either they are busy implementing joint ideas somewhere in China, or they are simply going on another joint cruise. Their desire for the new and unknown carries them along the waves of life together in the same boat. And the mutual desire for freedom makes them understand each other’s possible affairs, after which both spouses will definitely return home, with an understanding of how dear each other is.


This union of a realist with a romantic turns out to be surprisingly harmonious for the reason that Pisces brings into the life of their serious partner a fairy tale and the boundless love he so needs, while Capricorns give Pisces a solid material foundation, protection and confidence in the future. Sometimes such unions can resemble arranged marriages, but this is not so, because “behind the eyes” this couple demonstrates childish love. Well, if a Pisces woman gives an heir to her Capricorn man, he will carry her in his arms for the rest of his life.


A couple who is not looking for easy ways goes their own way and they don’t care about those who say that their family looks unusual. In this union, in addition to love, there is rare mutual respect, which is a rare occurrence for a pair of such individualists. Try to tell one of the spouses something unpleasant about their partner - you will immediately learn a lot of “new things” about yourself (from Aquarius) or get hit in the face (from Aries).


These are spouses who revel in each other's beauty, be it external or internal. As a rule, Taurus plays the role of the head of the family in this couple and provides its material side, while Pisces takes care of the spiritual content of their marriage. This is where their harmony comes from. By the way, such unions are typical for happy marriages of people of art or avid collectors of some antiques.

Discussion of the article “Compatibility Astrology: the happiest unions of the Zodiac signs”


Nice article everything is written correctly

04.12.2018 (12:37)


How do Aries and Pisces get along?

05.09.2018 (13:04)


Scorpio (f) - Capricorn (m): DARKNESS! I can't stand Capricorns (m).

21.08.2018 (10:15)


Libra husband Aries, 12 years of marriage

12.07.2017 (11:26)


I wouldn't say it's true. I'VE NEVER GET GOOD WITH LIONS. In general, I can’t stand their proud nature and their excessive pride. Libra and Sagittarius. Of course there was such an alliance. But they demand quite a lot from their partner, and Libras do the same. Although the union is filled with colors, it is boring and pasty. Libra and Aquarius - here good union. Both strong and throwing signs can understand each other at a glance. In general, it also depends on the person.

03.02.2017 (23:36)


Wtf what??! Lion? No, I have never had a relationship with a lion in my life. This is too much for me, I want to note that Libra and Aquarius are the opposite. And it’s interesting that in my life for some reason I meet too many Scorpios.

27.12.2016 (13:51)


Complete nonsense

30.11.2016 (22:46)

Solar Aquarius

This all depends not only on the sun signs, but also on the moon, Venus and Mars in the natal chart.

25.08.2016 (14:41)


Aries and Gemini? Are you serious:? This is the most terrible union. I'm an Aries and I've never gotten along with a Gemini EVER. My father is a Gemini, so we don’t get along with him, we fight or swear. In general, this is complete nonsense.

17.08.2016 (12:41)


Having met Aries, I wouldn’t say that there is much in common, they are interesting, but Aries, as a rule, are used to dominating, and Aquarians are more freedom-loving and often wander around, and there are many more opposites... but Sagittarius + Aquarius, yes.
In fact, quite a few facts influence this: what kind of energy a person has, what year sign according to Chinese calendar, what sign was in the moon at the time of birth. and many other facts, sometimes not always a certain Sagittarius, for example, should look like a Sagittarius.
is this crazy, since dividing the ecliptic sector by 12, all people should be divided by 12, according to their character?
Moreover, every person has the power to re-educate himself.

Today, synastric astrology has become incredibly popular. She determines the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by studying the location of the Sun, stars, Moon and other planets at the time of birth of both partners. According to astrologers, thanks to such knowledge, you can create truly harmonious relationships, find an approach to any person, and build a strong family.

Astrologers advise studying the marital compatibility horoscope at the stage of meeting your prospective future spouse. It will definitely help you better understand the person who is next to you, recognize his strengths and weaknesses, check how well you fit together.

As a rule, most people note that horoscopes quite often coincide with reality. And it would be nice to read and even study them before taking such an important step in life as marriage. The compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage plays an important role in future life together. However, you should not completely rely on the astrological forecast. It will be better if you take this important decision in life, as a choice of spouse, you will trust your heart. Even the ideal compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage does not give us a complete guarantee that such a union will be happy. On the other hand, the most difficult zodiac signs in terms of compatibility can create an ideal family and will demonstrate best compatibility married.

Now let's take a closer look...

Aries (21.03-22.04) is a sign of Fire. These people have rich emotions and increased activity. They get along well with Leo, Libra, Aries, Gemini, and are in no way compatible with Capricorn and Pisces.

Taurus (04/21-05/21) is an Earth sign. These people are devoted to their family, their spouse, eternal values and ideals. An ideal partner for you could be Cancers, Pisces, Capricorns, Virgos. There is no mutual understanding with Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.

Gemini (05/21-06/24) is an Air sign. These are windy and reckless people who always live somewhere behind the clouds. They have nothing in common with Capricorns and Cancers. They feel the greatest attraction to the signs of their native element - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. The connection with Leos and Taurus will be strong. But they have no mutual understanding with Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo.

Cancer (06/22-07/20) is a water sign. These are quiet people of conservative views. The most valuable thing for them is their children. Cancers will ideal partners for Scorpio, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. But an alliance with Capricorns, Libra and Virgo will be unsuccessful.

Leos (07.23-08.25) are a less temperamental sign of Fire, compared to other representatives of this element. Leo will be a wonderful soul mate for Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries, but a connection between Leo and Aquarius and Taurus is unlikely.

Virgos (08/24-09/20) are quite difficult individuals, especially men. You will need to learn to make concessions with them. Virgos will get along well with Virgos and Scorpios, but are incompatible with Aquarius, Libra and Cancer.

Libra (23.09-21.10) fully lives up to its name. They constantly doubt, carefully think about everything before making a choice, which is why they need self-confident travel companions for life. Libra is compatible with Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini. But relationships with Capricorns, Cancers and Taurus are almost impossible for Libra.

Scorpios (10.24-11.20) are extremely excitable, ambivalent and difficult people. They do not tolerate comments directed at themselves. It will be difficult for two Scorpios together; they will suffer from each other’s bites. Scorpios get along well with Virgos, Pisces, Capricorns and Cancers, but a marriage of Scorpio with Aquarius, Aries and Leo is hardly possible.

Sagittarius (11.20-12.24) are hot, headstrong natures, always defending their opinion in everything. They are ideal for Cancers, Aries, Scorpios, Leo and Aquarius. He will be restrained by a partner-friend with a great sense of humor, a lover of life who recognizes the freedom of Sagittarius.

Capricorns (12.24-23.01) - constancy itself. Because of this, Leos will not find mutual understanding with them. Capricorns are on the same level as Virgos, Taurus, Scorpios and Pisces. But they will not be able to get along in marriage with Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer and Aries.

Aquarians (21.01-21.02) are subtle natures, for whom in the first place they seek harmony in the internal ideals of the soul. They are not friendly with Pisces and Capricorns, who are very utilitarian in family life. An impeccable union will be with Cancer, Libra, Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius. A deeply contradictory alliance with Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.

Pisces (20.02-21.03) are very difficult natures. They combine well with the signs of their environment, but even the similarity of the signs of one element will not give confidence in ideal union. Pisces is suitable for Scorpios, Taurus, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Not compatible with Aries, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Libra.

Today, checking for compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage is an integral step when getting married. Therefore, trust the knowledge of the ancient science of astrology, and forward to a happy future!

Zodiac in marriage

The stars, regardless of whether a person believes in astrology, influence everything without exception. It's a shame that the reputation of this science went down after publications and other media began to broadcast small daily forecasts for the zodiac signs. Of course, one day cannot be the same for every Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. Many people consider horoscopes to be nonsense precisely because of this. However, there are those who are concerned about such a topic as the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage. It is worth considering it in more detail.

The benefits of a horoscope

I would like to say that knowledge of such a topic as the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage has many benefits. Knowing your sign and the one to which your partner belongs, you can study all the similarities and opposites. With the help of such knowledge it is much easier to smooth out conflicts and avoid quarrels.

Important Details

But you need to know that relationships are not built on horoscope alone, and you cannot make any radical decisions based on astrology alone. This will already seem like an extreme. For example, Sagittarius is incompatible with Cancer. However, this is not a reason to think about breaking up and fall into deep depression. You cannot rely on a marriage compatibility horoscope drawn up by someone.


These are people of the fire sign, they are always full of feelings, energy and emotions. Individuals born under this sign will get along well with people like them - passionate and energetic. These are all signs of Fire. Or they will fit well air signs, which can stabilize the energy of Aries, as well as direct it into the right direction. But Aries will never get along with Capricorn or Pisces.


The marriage compatibility horoscope indicates that these family-oriented, reliable, faithful partners will do well with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer or Pisces. But his relationship with Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius will not work out. Because these signs are too categorical; harmony in relationships is extremely important for Taurus.


Loyal, stable and predictable individuals. A wonderful union will develop with Libra, Aquarius and your own sign. They seem to be attracted to each other. Relationships with Cancers and Capricorns will be good. Freedom is important to them in relationships. An alliance with Scorpios, Sagittarius and Leos will not succeed.


Zodiac sign compatibility in marriage will be good with Taurus and Pisces, but the best one is with Cancer. Thanks to common hobbies and interests, as well as reliability, you will get a long-lasting and strong union.


Pairs perfectly with Aries and Sagittarius. Perhaps with Pisces, but Leo will have to become more tolerant. Not much will work with Capricorns and Virgos, because common language will be extremely difficult to find.


These are complex natures. They get along best with their own sign or with Scorpio. It will be very difficult for Virgo to keep in touch with the rest. If you want to live your life with a Virgo, you need to learn to calmly accept frequent caustic comments from her.


They suffer from loneliness and need harmony and balance in relationships. Compatibility in marriage with Gemini, Taurus or Aries will be good. They do not get along well with Leos and Cancers, because the former are arrogant, and Libra hates this quality.


Complex natures do not like criticism and always “sting” in response. They need a partner who won't let them explode. And this is Sagittarius. It is with this person that Scorpio will have a strong marriage.


Wayward and ardent people. They cannot find a common language with any of the other signs. They can more or less get along with Leos, Aries and Scorpios. They will never get along with Pisces, because this is their complete opposite.


The personification of stability, who will do well with Virgo, Taurus or Pisces, thanks to similar life values.

Aquarius and Pisces

No wonder they are united. These are complete duals, refined natures. They will have a great relationship with each other because they want the same thing from life - spiritual contact and harmony.