Air signs of the zodiac. Water element horoscope signs

This article collects basic information about the air signs of the zodiac and presents all known information about them with answers to frequently asked questions.

What are the air signs of the zodiac and their compatibility with other signs

The air signs of the zodiac include: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini. The relationship between air and fire is ambiguous; they can experience constant conflicts and at the same time strengthen their relationship.

The best compatibility is considered to be between water and air; this is an ideal pair. Air and air have good compatibility, which improves over the years. Air and earth have average compatibility.

Zodiac signs of the air elements: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra and their brief characteristics

- Twins
Geminis are changeable and ambiguous. They can give off a cold feeling, and after half an hour they literally glow with passion.

- Aquarius
Aquarians are cheerful and energetic, which allows them to constantly be in a state of brainstorming.

- Scales
Libras belong to those people who are overly calm and balanced. They can lead crowds and convince people.

Air zodiac signs prefer light foods, which are distinguished by their tart and astringent taste. Harmonious mixing of different aromas and tastes is also good.

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The element of Air represents movement, ascent, freedom, optimism, expansion. Its strength makes itself felt mainly in the mental sphere. The element of Air endows a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility, receptivity, omnipresence, limitlessness, curiosity. The air is independent, free. It is responsible for the basic processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transmission of life. The invisible spirit that protects the element Air is the sylph. This spirit lives in gardens and prefers a lot of light and air. The greatest advantage of people of this element is the ability to contact the outside world, the ability to connect people and circumstances, and the greatest danger is mental and spiritual fragmentation, which often causes unnecessary worries and disappointments.

Air element symbol

Trigon of the element Air is designated in astrology by a triangle facing upward. The Air Element Triangle has a line in the middle, as if crossing out the triangle.

Astrological characteristics of the signs of the element of Air

In general, any sign of the Zodiac element Air has only one clear feature - it constantly changes, many times a day. His opinion is very vague, and it is quite easy to convince him of something, but there is no guarantee that in an hour he will not be convinced of the opposite. Air signs are the most difficult to negotiate with; it is very difficult for them to keep their word.

Man Element Air

People of these signs are distinguished by their sociability, talkativeness, liveliness, cheerful character, and quick wit. Air type loves interesting company and is very sociable, does not miss the opportunity to take part in any discussion. Although representatives of the Air element are sociable, due to their characteristic lack of emotionality, they feel more comfortable in superficial communication, and therefore prefer non-committal conversations. These people are talkative and love to exchange their ideas with others, although they sometimes tend to have their head in the clouds.

Advantages of the Air element: common sense, objectivity, sense of collectivism, desire to be useful, desire to resolve conflicts, find compromise, impartiality and love of freedom.

Representatives of the Air element are always ready to help and show generosity. The thinking of people with air signs is distinguished by clarity, clarity, objectivity and impartiality. They are accustomed to operating mainly with logic and reason in situations where others listen to their hearts and feelings. Children of Air not only think clearly, but also express themselves clearly, clearly, have a good style and good oratory skills. They are easy-going and very active, but this does not apply to their principles and ideas. Representatives of the air signs of the Zodiac value structure and system; everything must be subject to the laws of logic, otherwise it seems unviable to them. To understand something, they must approach the issue logically. They are objective and reasonable, able to put themselves in the shoes of others, and therefore are rarely biased. They do not like to take risks and are often cautious. They usually always have in stock several ready-to-implement ideas and scenarios for the development of the situation.

Calling people of the element of Air

People of the Air trine have the greatest success in the field of science, technology, the world of art, especially literature. And journalism is simply their element. The best helpers These people in their work are their constant desire for more and more new impressions, new experiences, continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with the people around them and their ability to establish quick connections and contacts. Their ideal is to be at the center of all events. They are inspired by mental work and research. They show curiosity and interest in the world around them and are confident in their ability to find common language with others, they strive for knowledge. Routine, bureaucracy, dogmatism and conservatism are contraindicated for them. In the absence of a change in impressions and a change in types of activities, they will not be able to work as usual, when a person is obliged to serve the required hours at work and everything in work is familiar and known. Representatives of the Air element are more likely to prefer unstable income to a good regular salary in a boring job.

  • People of Air choose friends, partners, lovers from their Air environment or a related element.
  • Air is compatible with, if it is not afraid of the wind, but Water can displace Air from any space.
  • The air can be compatible with, if it is not against the wind, but there is a danger that the wind will blow away the fertile soil, turning the green oasis into barren desert, and the Earth itself is not a gift for Air, unless they are connected by karmic debts.

Thinking is such a dominant force in the lives of air signs that they feel threatened if other people ignore their opinions or treat their intelligence with disdain. The ideas of air signs can be discounted by water and earth signs, since these ideas usually do not meet the criteria of emotional depth or practicality that water and earth signs insist on. For their part, air signs do not want to be shackled by the restrictions of earth, and also do not want their easy freedom to be saturated with the feelings and reservations of water signs.

Suitable conditions for people air element

It is best for people of the Air element to live in open, windy areas. At a minimum, their home should have at least air conditioning. At the workplace, they should choose a table by the window. We must take advantage of every opportunity to be outside. Sylph - an invisible spirit that protects and patronizes this element - lives in gardens, fields, i.e. in spaces where there is more than enough air.

Element of Air (Zodiac signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Air signs of the zodiac - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. The main feature of this group is intelligence. These signs are associated with easy, unburdensome mental and sensory processes; their connections are not strong and changeable. In order to maintain their sexual interest, they need to meet a person with the same mentality (they require a person of the same intelligence as them). Each has in the other, a partner who is ready to experiment in all areas of life. People in this group get bored easily. Among them we find masters of their craft: writers, scientists, doctors, inventors, actors, singers, dancers. Keyword of this group - INTELLIGENCE. All three signs love mental work, rarely giving themselves completely to it. They can take advantage of water signs' depth of feeling and their strong emotions.
In sexual relations, people of these signs belong to experimenters and will definitely try everything. They say that their feelings are deep, but usually they are controlled by the mind. People and events outside their world are represented to them by theater actors and a play. Their slogan: CAN YOU AND WILL YOU HELP ME FORGET MYSELF?

People of the zodiac signs of the Air element have a resourceful, cheerful, energetic nature, are talkative, sociable and avoid the influence of feelings.
The characteristic distinctive properties of the zodiac signs of the Air element are natural, reasonable arguments and interpretations, and therefore people of this element are perceived as individuals endowed with remarkable thinking, as well as the ability to think creatively and fantasize. They live in a world of ideas and reflections, love to use logical evidence, and have unclouded, intelligible thinking.
The most compatible in love and friendship for people of the zodiac signs of the Air element are considered to be the zodiac signs of the Air element and the Fire element. The zodiac signs of this element are suitable for relationships with both water and earth in the case when the former is not afraid of the wind, and the latter extends with the wind.
Positive qualities of the zodiac signs of the element Air: reasonable mind, justice, sense of the principle of community, ability to get used to any, even unfamiliar, environment, willingness to assist, impartiality, prudence, desire for independence, pleasant conversationalist.
Negative qualities of the zodiac signs of the element Air: intransigence, excessive self-confidence, insincerity, frivolity, excessive talkativeness, a tendency to spread gossip, callousness and the search for profit, submission to one’s whim, indiscipline.

Signs of the zodiac. Characteristics and associations with air:

– dispassionate, balanced, concentrated. The basic and most important skill is persuasion;
- frozen, exposed to air. A person of this sign is characterized by seething thoughts and many ideas;
- fickle, unstable air, it can be hot, cold, and at times has the properties of both. This zodiac is distinguished by the ability to use the mind and, when necessary, charm.
The talisman of the zodiac signs of the Air element is Sylph.

Astrology fascinates with its predictions and predictions. Many people believe that their lives and character are influenced by their zodiac signs. Aries or Pisces, Scorpio or Virgo - fans of the mysterious sciences carefully read the descriptions of the constellations and compare their successes in career, love and friendship against them. Each sign belongs to a specific element: fire, earth, water or air. They also have an influence on a person’s actions and his internal emotional state. For example, the element air. The zodiac signs she patronizes are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. It is about them, just as windy and weightless, that we will talk about in this article.

Air element: general characteristics

Signs that belong to this category have a lively, cheerful character. They love to communicate and be the center of attention in a huge crowd. Their thinking is clear, they always operate with logical conclusions and ironclad facts. They come to conclusions easily, are able to explain any situation and justify their actions. They do not like to openly express their feelings, and if they do this, there is always some sarcasm in it. And you will never understand whether they are joking or not.

The advantages of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are: ability to adapt, clear mind, objectivity, volunteer inclinations. They adore freedom and love new acquaintances. Zodiac signs belonging to the element of air also have disadvantages: duplicity, strict calculation and coldness. Sometimes the love of freedom leads them to promiscuity.

Representatives of the air sphere are better off living in open areas and enjoying its vastness. If they have settled in a metropolis, it is recommended to frequently ventilate the rooms in order to gain access to the sip they need. fresh air.

and career

A very dual zodiac sign. He never really knows what he really wants. "I'm thinking!" - this is the credo that Gemini carries throughout their lives. Their zodiac sign, air element and other astrological influences make them agile and fickle. They love chatting so much that they are ready to sit in the company of people for days on end. Such people must be the center, otherwise they will get bored and run away. In the truest sense of the word. After all, Geminis fly and rush around, but do not walk at all. They are very mobile, restless, trying to be in all places at the same time and do all the things at once.

The thirst for everything new manifests itself in their careers. They never will office workers, littered with papers and yawning from routine. Only a profession where communication and partying are in the foreground will be to their liking. Geminis make good advertising agents, real estate sellers, and journalists. They are able to extract something interesting even from dull and insipid events, so being a writer is their calling. The air element endowed them with a love of languages. Which zodiac signs are also capable of learning new things on the fly? foreign words? Only Gemini. Thanks to this, they become successful polyglot translators.

What are Geminis like in love? Their health

Representatives of this zodiac sign have no time for sports at all, as they are constantly at work. Despite this, Geminis usually have good immunity and excellent health the envy of everyone. Sometimes they suffer from insomnia and neuroses due to their increased workaholism. Sedentary work provokes the development of arthritis and rheumatism. They cannot smoke, since the element air has given them weak lungs. Zodiac signs of other elements are not able to diet as patiently and courageously as Geminis do. They are lovers of vegetarianism and separate meals.

They are indecisive in love. A man will never make the first move and make you doubt his attitude. Instead, he constantly craves attention. To please him, a woman must be very smart, able to talk on any topic and be able to wisely respond to his fickleness and constant disappearance for a day. Usually, zodiac signs belonging to the air element are fundamentally frivolous. And this quality is clearly demonstrated by the Gemini woman. If she gets married in mature age, no one is surprised. She needs a companion who can tolerate her eternal marathon through life and will force her to take a break sometimes.

Restrained and moderate Libra. Their promotion


This zodiac sign is very peaceful and demands the same from others. Always ready to reconcile everyone, loves discussions and a respectable environment. Libras love freedom, movement and travel, and this is not surprising, because their element is air. Which zodiac signs love light so much in every sense of the word: in people's minds and indoors? Only Libra. They do not tolerate poorly educated people, although they are able to find an approach even to them. They know how to charm and flatter. But no one is as hospitable and welcoming as Libra. They will always support and offer a helping hand in any situation.

Libra always hesitates, cannot make the right decision, and this also manifests itself in their career. After graduation, they cannot choose a specialty for a long time, and usually become one life path, which their parents point out to them. They do not make leaders, since they do not know how to point out and quickly solve problems. But they are excellent auditors, consultants, fashion designers, hairdressers, sellers and agents.

Libra: health and love

They are influenced by the element air: the zodiac signs of this group have problems with the nervous system. Therefore, Libras are prone to stress and depression. Their skin speaks about their state of health; it can be used to determine their well-being and even their mood. The weakest point is the kidneys, so Libra needs to protect themselves from alcohol. Although it is this sign that most often drinks too much, since it does not know moderation either in alcohol or in the use of salt, pepper and spices. Such people are very useful herbal teas and infusions, seafood and cereals.

Libras are rationalists, especially men. In love, they seem to accept you for who you are. But then they’ll just bombard you with tips for improvement. All this can be tolerated, especially considering the fact that they are ideal lovers. Libra men are always in search of an unavailable life partner. As for women, representatives of this sign love partnerships. She, like no one else, will be interested in her husband’s hobbies, accept active participation in his entertainment and cooperate with him in all walks of life.

Aquarius: his and profession

If we consider the winter signs of the zodiac, the element of air here patronizes only one of them - Aquarius. In life he is very responsible, the sense of duty prevails over all others. “I know” is Aquarius. They are experts at getting into unpredictable situations and getting out of them with dignity. Very curious, strive to be aware of everything in the world. They are also versatile people, and at the same time they know how to maintain individuality and self-expression.

Character leaves an imprint on the profession. Aquarius is able to work in any field. Usually he is too absorbed in his responsibilities, which is why his family suffers first of all. Discipline and versatility are two characteristics of the Aquarius worker, which the element of air has endowed them with. Winter months the sign represents from the position of endurance and careerism. He knows how to earn money, but is not able to accumulate capital. Despite this, being an entrepreneur is a profession that is most suitable for Aquarius.

Aquarius as a lover. Weaknesses in it


This is not the strongest sign that the zodiac represents. The elements of air and the winter months could not give him excellent health; he gets sick quite often. Doctors do not like these patients because they are not able to maintain a daily routine and follow the instructions of doctors. Aquarius gets sick instantly, and many of his illnesses often become chronic. Weaknesses: nervous system, stomach and limbs. They should not eat processed foods or foods “stuffed” with chemicals.

Regarding intimate relationships, then in order for an Aquarius man to like her, there must be a “mystery” in a woman. This sign loves extraordinary, interesting ladies. He plays cat and mouse with them, not revealing his feelings until the wedding. He can't be rushed. Instead, representatives of this sign, on the contrary, are too frivolous in love. They have many connections and are tired of boring traditional relationships. To win such a woman, you need to give her complete freedom and not put pressure on her with your views on life. If we consider the winter signs of the zodiac, the element of air here extends its influence only to Aquarius, therefore, unlike Capricorn and Sagittarius, he is more unpredictable in love.

Air sign compatibility

The light and transparent element is air. She endowed the zodiac signs with the same character traits. They never quite know who they want to be with or how long it will last. Within the elements they are able to find their mate. So, good alliances will become: Gemini man - Libra woman, Libra man - Aquarius woman, Aquarius man - Gemini woman. While all variations of air signs are accepted, they go well together due to their similar personalities. They will understand each other, or at least try to do so. Certainly, perfect marriage may not work out due to the inconstancy and desire for change that is characteristic of air signs.

As for representatives of other elements, Gemini will be happy with Leo; you should avoid Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. The best companions life for Libra will be Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, there will be no mutual understanding with Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Sagittarius is suitable for Aquarius; instead, difficult relationships should be expected from Cancer, Virgo and Aries.

Interesting facts. Air zodiac signs

Nowadays, people increasingly believe in the horoscope. The elements air and its characteristics, and their health, water and its impact on their career sometimes worry them even more than the realities of life. They read forecasts for tomorrow, for the next month and even for the year ahead. Although they never even think about where the name of the signs came from, who invented them.

History tells that Gemini, for example, began to be called that way because of a legend. According to her, Zeus and Leda gave birth to twin sons Castor and Pollux. Thanks to them, the constellation in the sky was named, and accordingly the zodiac sign. Libra, meanwhile, is the only inanimate representative of the zodiac circle. His dominion falls on Hence the equality that the cups symbolize measuring instrument. As for Aquarius, the Nile usually flooded in February. This is where the name of the dominant constellation during this period came from.

Astrology is an ancient and not fully understood science. And even if you don’t really believe in its truths and dogmas, reading them is still interesting and instructive.

Love compatibility can be assessed not only by the Zodiac Signs themselves, but also by their elements. This will be useful for those who are interested in more detailed information- after all, every nuance is important in feelings.

Many people prefer to find out their love compatibility before starting a relationship to save their precious time. Of course, situations cannot be excluded when perfect couples fell apart, but this is already human factor, because the Universe has not given everyone the ability to carefully preserve the gifts of Fate. There are also people who create strong and happy marriages, despite the lack of horoscope compatibility.

Air Sign Compatibility

Air is Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. These Zodiac Signs are characterized by some frivolity. This doesn't mean they will cheat all the time. It’s just that people born under the auspices of Air know what freedom is and value it above all else. Freedom does not prohibit marriage. This looseness is more of an emotional nature. When you hold back representatives of the air element, they begin to act contrary.

You don’t have to agree with them on everything and follow their lead—it’s enough to just understand them. Astrologers say that best compatibility possesses with air Fire. However, lovers who represent the union of these elements must be extremely careful: the combination of fire and air can be explosive. This love will be passionate but requires a lot of control if you want to get married and create strong family. Great passion requires discretion.

Air and Earth- This perfect combination to start a family. The emotional component in such relationships will be reduced, so separation is possible in the early stages. However, if the lovers successfully overcome possible problems, they will create a truly happy union.

Air and Water They may also encounter many difficulties on their way, but such a marriage will make Air “sink”, adding caution and prudence to it.

Air with Air They will be good friends, but the family is unlikely to be strong. Frivolity in family life does not lead to good, so one of the lovers will have to change their principles and character for the sake of such love.

Water Sign Compatibility

From the very beginning of their adult lives, Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces are looking for a place for mental and physical peace. “Water” people want to find solid ground under their feet, but they cannot achieve this on their own. That's why they early years thinking about marriage and family. Their methods of testing a person's suitability for love and long-term relationships can be difficult and even cruel. They are incredibly demanding, not of themselves, but of others.

WITH Earth Water is easiest because water seeps into the soil and becomes one with it. Water Signs always respect and even admire the Earthly, their perseverance, wisdom, patience, intelligence and beauty of the soul. This perfect union both for some and for others, but even here it is not without reservations. They consist in the fact that Water Signs, when they feel some firmament under their feet, begin to relax and change. This frightens those who belong to the Earth element. For Water, everything is cloudless and beautiful.

Water and Water- This explosive mixture. Can you imagine how two Scorpios would live together? These people are simply not made for each other, but not everything is so bad. Sometimes such families, on the contrary, become indestructible, successful and lucky, but this will require enormous work on both sides.

Water and Air They don’t go well together, but over time the connection strengthens. That is why the passion that flared up between two such people will last for decades.

But Fire stewed with water. In the case of such love or marriage, it is better to give Leo, Sagittarius or Aries more freedom.

Fire Sign Compatibility

Oddly enough, Sagittarius, Leo and Aries go well with all other people under certain conditions. Fire is emotions and sensuality. In love, these qualities can be considered the main ones.

Air Signs are lucky talismans for Fire people. The key is to show them their importance to you. They need to feel that they are needed. If Fire Signs If they can do this, they will be very lucky in life, not only in love, but also in their career.

WITH By water It is better not to meet Fire if you do not know how to express your wishes and negotiate. It is better for Fire not to try to defeat the power of Water. Be restrained and build your strategy carefully.

Fire+Fire- this is something. Such unions almost never last long if there is no control in the relationship. It's like trying to control a car flying down Mount Everest.

Fire-Earth a union is exactly what can give two people happiness. If you learn something important from each other, you will never be apart. Do not ignore what the Earth Sign says, then even some of your antics will be forgiven.

Earth Sign Compatibility

Earth is fortitude. This is wisdom and incredible endurance. This is modesty, logic, kindness, as well as integrity, bordering on cruelty. These people do not like to be deceived or bossed around without their permission. They know how to admit mistakes, but hate groundless reproaches.

The Earth must control everything and be confident in the future. This desire is satisfied in union with By water. However, when it comes to marriage, Earth Signs stop - after all, their half was at first flexible, and then suddenly became different.

WITH By air Virgos, Capricorns and Taurus have exactly 50/50 chances. To Earth Signs, the frivolity of Air Signs often seems like stupidity and lack of principles. They don't tolerate this. A little control wouldn't hurt here.

Terrestrial+Earthly- this is true strength. The only thing that will suffer in this case is monetary well-being. Such couples save and save and save, but cannot invest money correctly because they are constantly afraid of something. However, this is not such a strong minus.

The last ones we will talk about are Fiery legion. Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns can find them incredibly difficult to interact with. Here, unfortunately, everything will not depend on the Earth Signs. If Leos, Sagittarius and Aries can suppress their selfishness and discern the virtues of the Earth Signs, then this union will give both of them happiness.

May good luck in love accompany you, regardless of which element you were born under. Love is born from the ability to meet halfway. The stars and astrology will help you save your personal time if you are not ready to make concessions. If you are full of desire to find your true love, let her storm obstacles, fall down and fly up. Trials strengthen a family, so don't be afraid of them. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and