Which tanks are better in world of tanks. Choosing a nation in WOT - tanks that beginners should download

Which nation should I download? Who is better? We hear and see such questions very often. This could be yours

Which nation should I download in wot? Who is better in world of tanks? We hear and see such questions very often. This could be your friend who has just recently registered and is just getting to know tanks, or it could be a question asked in random.

We will try to find out what we can advise and how not to make mistakes in our tips. To do this we need to know:
1) How to choose the branch that is suitable for you
2) What will each nation give us?
3) What is required for a particular nation.

There are 6 nations in the World of Tanks game. These are England, China, USSR, France and the USA. So, in order to choose the right branch, you first need to understand the capabilities of some of them.

Probably, many people have a Soviet tank in their hangar, but when you bought it several thousand battles ago, you didn’t even think about what would happen after this or that tank? Some decided to download Soviet equipment only because he is a patriot, or has some kind of hatred for fascist technology. But then, having reached higher levels, they thoughtlessly sell their tank, then regret it and buy it again...
To prevent this from happening, you should first study this thread. We look at the USSR branch, study all the tanks, starting at least from the fifth level. If you, for example, liked the IS-7, this does not mean that this is the branch from which you will enjoy. After all, it will take a lot of time to get to level 10. View all tanks, study their armor, their guns, speed and dynamics.
If you are satisfied with everything, only then can you begin this branch of development.

Tanks USSR mainly distinguished by their good dynamics, including heavy and medium tank And.
Medium tanks of the USSR have good armor for their class. The most striking example of this is the ST level 9 T-54. Perhaps one of the most armored tanks at its level, and the most among the tanks of other nations.

Having chosen the branch of medium tanks of the USSR, you should be prepared for negative traits tank data, such as poor TT dynamics (T-150, KV-3, KV-4, etc.), mediocre ST armor (T-34, T-43, T-62A), as well as positive ones that you need to get used to much easier, for example, to BL-10 already at level 8 of the USSR ISu-152 tank destroyer. The worst thing about Soviet tanks is their gun depression, the same T-54 and T-44, they are quite bad, so be prepared for not the most comfortable game. Soviet heavy tanks are divided into two branches. If you are a fan of speed and dynamics rather than armor, then it would be better to choose tanks from the IS series. The second branch, along its entire length, has best armor, but the speed and dynamics are mediocre.

Do you like good damage and breaching gun? - in this case, tank destroyers of the USSR will please you with this.
In other words, choosing certain tanks Soviet Union, know its advantages: speed and dynamics and good armor, and disadvantages: poor air defense and mediocre penetration and accuracy of the gun.

American tanks, as it seems to me, are the least armored, since their lower armor sheet is very cardboard and is made from many guns. What sets this nation apart is their strong tower. American tank destroyers have a turret that turns with difficulty, but still turns.

French people, some of the most interesting tanks in the game. They are unique, they have everything except armor. You must be able to play very quickly, and know where and at whom to discharge your drum, without counting on a ricochet or not breaking through.

Germans owners of the best fluff. Most German TTs are often used for defense due to their armor. The guns are distinguished by their accuracy and good penetration (not counting the E-100 and some other tanks). But I, playing on the Tier 7 German TT Tigre, was disappointed in it, because this tank is from positive quality It only has a cannon, with a penetration of 203 mm and good alpha damage of 240 units; if it gets penetrated into the lower armor plate, there is a risk of catching fire, as well as breaking the engine or concussing the driver.
There is no armor at all, it even penetrates the edges of the tower from level 5-6 guns. But the tank is capable of dragging through battles.

One way or another, all nations are in the game with distinctive features. Keep in mind that having made your choice, having reached large levels, it will be too late to change it, or rather stupid. Each branch is specific in its own way. And among evils there is a choice. When choosing what to download, consider everything! Good luck to you!

Good day. Today we would like to dive into research on the above topic.

Good day. Today we would like to dive into research on the above topic. This is a question, the answer to which is obvious to many players, and if it is voiced in the presence of several experienced players, then, believe me, serious controversy will immediately unfold among them. This is because our favorite game is very diverse, much of it is perceived subjectively and individually. Not in World of Tanks absolute values, after all, even the spread of damage to a gun by a shell varies within 20 percent.

From the very beginning, I would like to note that the tenth level is the quintessence of development, the top “ the food chain“Therefore, it is the path to the tenth level that lies at the basis of our research.

What advice should we give to novice players, what kind of jungle of suffering should they be driven into? Yes, precisely suffering, because practically any tank in the initial, basic configuration, as they say “stock”, does not cause any positive emotion. And only the hope for the best, for a new turret, a gun or a powerful engine, warms us up with the hope of quick revenge on all those people who had an advantage over you and forced us to fall asleep with the thought that tomorrow I will “bend.” And now the long-awaited moment comes - “MS-1” is elite, but, alas, there are nine more “circles of hell” behind it. Again there will be “stock” turrets, “harps”, engines, and the further, the longer, the bigger and more terrible. All in order to get the long-awaited tenth level and ride it into battle. There you are always in the “top”, you really play for fun.

Now we must answer this question, give advice to the beginner. Why let’s try to come up with some kind of value system and try to evaluate it possible options ways of our progress.

The World of Tanks game features four main classes of vehicles: heavy tanks, medium tanks, anti-tank self-propelled units and artillery. There is also a class of light tanks, but we will not take them into account, because there are no tanks of this type at the tenth level.

We can definitely recommend that you upgrade your first tank to a heavy tank. Leveling up this type of equipment allows you to understand the mechanics of the game, while you will be forgiven for some mistakes. Moreover, you need to upgrade three or four heavy tanks, and then move on to other types of equipment. It’s very difficult to argue with this, I remember the old ones, good times, when some “Christmas tree” writes in the chat: “art immediately reduce the candle to the base,” and when “Bat-Shat25t” does this? Forty seconds - obviously not best time life of a “top” medium tank in a random battle. When playing on a heavy tank, you do not have a high maximum speed, and this will allow you to survive in battle a little longer than our “ololo Bat-Shata25t”. The class of heavy tanks is the most widespread in the game, and it will be easier for a new player who is not yet very familiar with maps and does not know all the cover and terrain to choose the right position. In most cases, he can't go wrong if he just rides with the other heavy tanks. It is much worse if medium tanks ignore their direct responsibilities and interfere with the “heavies” somewhere on the “Himmelsdorf banana”.

About anti-tank self-propelled guns, we can only say that this class is good and powerful, but it’s still not worth starting with it, due to the limited use of it, especially since any other class can play in “pt mode.” Artillery is represented in abundance in the game, but there is a completely different gameplay and you definitely can’t start with it, but everyone should play with artillery, if only in order to understand how to counteract that same artillery.

We have decided on the type of tank, now we need to choose the nationality of the first beauties of our hangar. Guided by public opinion, with statistics on the availability of tanks among the population and their relevance in clan wars, we will cross out the branches that are currently the least relevant. You can definitely cross out the tanks of China, Japan and Great Britain. We also exclude France. From Soviet branch Let's remove the IS-4, remove the Maus from the Germans, and T57 Heavy from the USA.

Let us explain, the branch for the T57 Heavy requires an increased use of premium shells and consumables, which may not be affordable for a novice player. Yes, and these drum strings are not “classics of the genre.” Let's leave pumping them up to more experienced comrades.

We have three finalists! Meet us at IS-7, E100, T110E5, respectively, the USSR, Germany and the USA. All these tanks should be in the hangar of any self-respecting tanker, especially a clan fighter. But we are choosing the best way to level up, so we need to look at what is down there in terms of levels for each of them.

The game has a huge number of tanks in each of the branches and we are simply not able to evaluate them all here - we will only consider a few of them. The World of Tanks game consists of more than just random battles. There are various clan wars, company and team battles, where certain equipment is used and applied.

Going through low levels, “sand”, it is equally difficult for a beginner to play in any of the branches. Imagine how little sea turtles get into open ocean, full of dangers, and beginners often become victims of “sand sharks”, the so-called “pedobears”. These are experienced players playing in the sandbox on optimal machines, equipped with all the necessary modules and a good crew. Beginners, as a rule, are deprived of the opportunity to buy expensive modules with bonuses to visibility and camouflage. A beginner does not have the experience to counteract them, so we recommend staying at low levels as little as possible and, by hook or by crook, moving to the fifth.

Here, above all the abundance of tanks, a Soviet heavyweight rises like a mountain. KV-1" This tank has practically no competitors at its level. Rumor has it that the KV-1 is the most popular tank in World of Tanks. However, after update 0.9.3, newcomers playing for the USSR will have to go through 2 fifth levels, which, on the one hand, is not bad, because it allows you to approach high levels With big amount combat experience. The KV-1 is followed by the KV-1S, once a giant, an “alpha” male who suffered for his ambitions. At the fifth level it looks harmonious and pleasant to play. Germany is represented by the VK3001H walk-through tank. The tank is not bad, but not good at the same time. The USA has a choice of 2 tanks, “T1Heavy” and “M4”, which, in my opinion, takes an honorable 2nd place among our “trinity”. Let's rate the USSR 3 points, the USA 2 points, Germany will receive 1 point.

Next comes level 6. Tier 6 tanks participate in “medium format” companies and fortified areas. Here, the formidable “KVAS” once ruled without limits, which is now just a faded shadow of itself and, in general, has changed its orientation to the “KV-85”, however, the tank is still not bad, but no more. The USA is asking us to switch from M4 to JUMBO. Again, the tank is good in almost everything, but the low one-time damage raises questions. Germany offers us another “ VK"and this time" 3601H». Heavy tank with the legendary Konik gun, which today takes 1st place among the presented “sixes”. Let's rate the USSR at 2 points, the USA at 1 point, and Germany at 3 points.

The seventh levels are equally good, but " Tiger“Germany is still one step ahead, thanks to a good weapon, dynamics and strength points, and IS brings up the rear. We will not dwell on the “sevens” for a long time, since this level is passing and is not tied to anything, but, according to many players, playing at the seventh levels is the most comfortable in the current balance. Let's give the USSR 1 point, the USA 2 points, Germany 3 points.

“Eights” are already the most interesting. There is equipment for team battles and the championship format. “IS-3” wins everyone today, “T32” is silver, but I wouldn’t say that “Royal Tiger” is any worse. All three cars are very worthy, each of them has its own unique style of play and victory " IS-3"is due to the presence of the BL-9 gun. The IS-3 is today the main tank of the “champion format” and amateur team battles. Let's give the USSR 3 points, the USA 2 points, Germany 1 point.

At level 9, E75 reigns - a real heavyweight, capable of much. M103 America is one of the best DPM tanks at the level of a kind of universal soldier. “IS-8” is liked only by experienced players; it has a good weapon, but in terms of play style it is closer to medium tanks, hence the extremely low performance and general dislike. And yet, it will be easier for a beginner to play on the M103; we give the victory among the “nines” to the USA. Let's give the USSR 1 point, the USA 3 points, Germany 2 points.

Summarize: USSR 10 points, USA 10 points, Germany 10 points - draw!!!

We are announcing an additional round and as an argument we will put on the scales the 1st level of the USA - wedge heel " T1" This is the best device at level 1, it is very loved and respected by fans of team battles, and yes, it is in demand in champion companies.

The champion has been determined victory goes to the American heavy tank T110E5. The victory came in a difficult and fierce struggle, the competitors were strong and dangerous, each had their own unique features and benefits. "IS-7" is one of the most armored tanks in the game, "E100" is one of the most durable, their advantages can be listed for a very long time.

However, objectively, our champion is the tank with the best dynamics and the best gun, it is equally pleasant to play both in random battles and to participate in clan life. He is a welcome guest in an absolute company, fortified areas, not to mention random battles. Its gun will not put you into debt, as happens on the E100 or IS-7, but will allow you to comfortably shoot and penetrate the enemy in close combat and at long distances.

In conclusion, I would like to say that at level 10 there is no bad tanks. If something doesn't work out for you, it doesn't mean the car is bad. Look at reviews of famous VOD makers, read the forum, change modules, adjust your playing style and victories will come! Win...

The article will talk about the five most inconspicuous and bending tanks from Games World of Tanks. By upgrading them, you will be able to play very effectively from disguise and shoot a lot of damage in each battle. Let's begin!

Fifth place

Chinese tanks have always been famous for their camouflage. 121 is no exception: the tank has an excellent camouflage coefficient and a very powerful 122 mm gun. Because of large caliber 121 glows a little better than others when fired, but in a stationary position the tank can be invisible for a long time, and only after a powerful shot at the enemy will it perhaps light up. But the “Chinese” is nimble and can always leave on time.

The 121 has the highest alpha strike of any tier 10 medium tank, which is quite impressive. The gun is not as accurate as Soviet tanks, but it is always enough at any distance. In addition, this gun has good DPM and excellent penetration. We must not forget that the “Chinese” is a rather tough nut to crack for a medium tank. Its frontal hull is well armored, and its turret can be used to deal damage well.

The only thing that doesn't make me happy is the terrible UVN. The cannon goes down very poorly, and you have to get used to it. The rest of the tank is very good.

Fourth place

In fourth place is the stealth tank, Object 140. It is worth noting that the T-62 can be used instead. They are similar in style, although the T-62 has slightly poorer camouflage. Object 140 is a small tank with a low silhouette. With upgraded camouflage and purchased camouflage, a tank can often and for a long time disappear from enemy radars. At the same time, thanks to the small caliber of the gun, the 140th can shoot enemies without glowing.

The undoubted advantage of the tank is its high DPM, remarkable accuracy and good stabilization of the gun. In addition, the gun is quite punchy. The tank is very agile, nimble and fast, which allows it to be the first to occupy the most convenient bushes.

The tank attacks well with relatively weak armor. Although the turret sometimes reflects enemy shells, it is also often penetrated, and the hull is easily “sewn.” In any case, the Object 140 is a great tank and is perfect for most players who want to play carefully from camouflage.

Third place

Third place in the top of the best medium tanks in World of Tanks is Object 907. This is an auction tank, it is difficult to get, but you can upgrade Object 430 instead, they are similar.

Object 907 has very good camouflage and is excellent for ambush tactics and reconnaissance. The Object 907 has the best dynamics among all Soviet medium tanks. It quickly picks up speed to 55 km/h. The tank is small in size, has a fancy design; the shape of the turret may resemble a flying saucer to some. Due to this specific shape, the Object 907 is often punched into the turret, which is one of the disadvantages of the vehicle.

But the body is at a good angle and often reflects enemy shells. Like other Soviet medium tanks, this tank has a fast-firing, accurate, penetrating gun, allowing it to effectively shoot damage over long distances. In general, the emphasis in the Object 907 is on camouflage and driving performance, while playing it aggressively is not so easy, but possible.

Second place

In second place is the 8th level tank Object 416, essentially half-PT, half-ST. This vehicle has better camouflage than other medium tanks in this TOP. At level 8, many enemies have poor vision. Therefore, being in the first lines, Object 416 turns on invisibility and bombs enemies from the bush.

Incredible camouflage is not the only advantage of this tank. Object 416 has a level 9 weapon! This usually only happens on tank destroyers, but here on a medium tank. The gun is really impressive! Good penetration with the main type of projectiles and excellent penetration with gold. The gun has good accuracy and fast aiming, high DPM and decent alpha. The tank is very fast, agile and dynamic, but there is one drawback: the turret only partially rotates. Therefore, Object 416 is not in the best possible way manifests itself in attack.

But he is an excellent ambush fighter who can quickly change his positions to fire at the enemy.

First place

The best medium tank for the game World of Tanks against camouflage and bending of enemies - french tank Bat.-Chatillon 25t. An excellent camouflage coefficient allows this tank to occupy the most risky positions on the map without being visible. High maximum speed, excellent dynamics will be useful in any battle, for example, for occupying key points on the map or for retreating to a safe place. “The Frenchman” has a drum for 5 shells, which is especially useful at the most critical moments of the battle, for example, when an ally needs help.