I click play and it doesn’t open World of Tanks. Why is World of Tanks thrown out of the game?

World of tanks is a popular online project that has won the love of many users. More than a dozen updates and additions have already been released for this exciting game, and every day players are increasingly asking one question - why they throw out Games World of tanks? Well, this problem occurs quite often and there is no exact answer why this happens, but today we will try to answer this question, and also identify the main recommendations for resolving the problem.

So why is WoT crashing?

Some gamers suggest that this problem in the game is caused by mods that players like to install in order to simplify and speed up gameplay.

There are also frequent cases when a malfunction occurs in the game client itself. Today, both the creators of the game itself and gamers are puzzling over how to get rid of crashes, but, unfortunately, there is no 100% solution to all kinds of crashes.

It is important to know: if you have mods installed for the game, then the main evil lies in them, so it is recommended to completely remove them from your gaming device.

Throws it on the desktop

This crash occurs even if you do not use mods. To solve this problem, you can try to completely remove the game client from your computer, since it is possible that a serious malfunction in its operation can lead to a similar case.

It is important to know: on the Internet you can find many versions of the client for World of tanks, as well as other patches. For reliable operation of the application, it is strongly recommended to download and install the client from the official website of the game.

If you have reinstalled the client, but the problem is not solved, then you can try another more complex and long way. You can manually delete Java scripts that store information about the old version of an application. In order to do this, go to the Control Panel, then Programs and Features (starting with Windows 7, this menu item is called – Add or Remove Programs), find Java and completely remove it. Now you will need to download the new version of Java again and install it on your personal computer.

Crashes on startup

This crash is due to the presence of mods for the game. Below is a list of mods that disrupt the program (if desired, they can be updated or completely removed from the computer’s file system):

  1. XVM mod - you don’t have to delete it, since a newer build has been released. Important: Before installing updates, completely clear the application cache.
  2. Jove Modpack - you can also refrain from deleting it, because the developers quickly released an update that eliminates game crashes.

Simply download and install the new version, first deleting the old one.

It is important to know: even if you use any other mod that is based on Jove Modpack, and you have problems with crashes, you can also update this mod and continue to use the game safely.

You already know the solution to the problem - just remove them or update them, and your favorite game will begin to function fully again.

Throws out during battle

This is not related to bad work client and not with any mods. Most likely, the problem lies in an intermittent or missing Internet connection; this factor is critical for any online game. To resolve this problem, do the following: disconnect and reconnect your Internet cable, after which the connection will be established (if this does not help you, then contact the provider that provides you with these services).

Also, an overly high graphics level may be to blame for crashes and brakes. It is enough to delete the preferences.xml file, which is responsible for WoT settings, including graphic options. After deleting and starting the game for the first time, all your settings will be reset, so it is recommended to make a backup copy of the file (in case the crashes do not disappear).

You can find this file in the following directories:

Windows 7: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\preferences.xml

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\preferences.xml

Crashes after update

Often, patches are released to fix game bugs and add new features. But there are times when updates only bring disappointment in the form of crashing from an online game. Similar things can be found in World of tanks. In order to get rid of this problem you need to remove already installed client and reinstall the game. Please be patient and wait for the latest update.


As you can see, there are many problems that can ruin the gaming experience, but there are also many solutions that can fix this or that problem.

It's always like this when you want to play your favorite game World of Tanks and the client starts to crash, especially after long-awaited updates. Usually, when entering the game, immediately after entering your login and password, then when loading a battle, then when entering the hangar, then right in battle (the most infuriating thing, isn’t it 😉) you should never put up with this! Take care of your nerves 😉 How to cope with crashes, read on...

First, let's figure it out, does WoT crash when you double-click on the game launcher?

That is, after launching the launcher, nothing happens or a white window pops up, and then, according to the developers’ idea, the game client should start, but nothing happens.
If you have just such a problem, then, since in this article we will talk about client crashes after the launcher, in other words, starting from the authorization window (login and password).
Well, let's go...

WoT crashes when starting the client

So, we launched the launcher:

entered your username and password, pressed the “ LOGIN"and here it is - crash... You are back at your desk, full of anger and disappointment... but this is not the time to sigh and be sad we are struggling -> here it will help us clearing cache, if this is your case of a client crash, then go clear the cache, read more about clearing in the article
Well, if this is not your case, read the article further...

And in order not to waste your time, we will start with removing mods. Thus, we will establish the reason for the crashes, and here there are only two reasons, either the mods are to blame, or something is wrong with your computer (drivers, hardware). Deleted??? Let's launch and see... the crashes are gone? MODS are evil, they are to blame, how to fight, read. If the crashes remain, then read the article further or after 3 paragraphs.

Well, what can you do... first, try reinstalling the games, maybe the files are damaged, and your playful hands could have done this 😉 or some kind of virus (for example, after installing a mod pack from the left resources) especially if you magically got all kinds of Yandex browser , mail services, etc. Personally, I would immediately go download Dr.Web CureIt!® and then put my trusty hardware to check installed antivirus. Of course it's up to you, you can get away with simply reinstalling the client.
This should help, but if this is not your case, you are welcome to read the article further...

If there are sound problems, install the latest drivers for your audio card from the manufacturer's website:

Install latest version DirectX for your operating system from the official Microsoft website:

If you do not have the following libraries installed Visual C++, then be sure to install them from the official Microsoft website.

Everyone has probably encountered the following situation. For example, you decide to play on a level seven tank. We're in a pretty good mood rare meetings You can still fight with nines and eights, but with seventh levels and below you will prove yourself. Click “Battle!” and... you get to the ninth levels. Okay, it happens, but the next fight is also with the ninth. It’s already unpleasant, but you go into battle again. Now there are no nines, but most of the enemy team consists of eights. It's a little easier to play, but still hard. And in the next battles you are thrown back to the nines. The mood is spoiled; in such battles it is difficult to really influence the outcome of the battle. Want to know why you keep getting pushed to the bottom of the list?

Some, either jokingly or seriously, recall some kind of “oppression mode” in World of Tanks. They say that if you donate enough, then problems will begin in the game: shells will constantly fly to the edge of the aiming circle, and opponents will pierce you from any angle, and you will constantly be thrown to the bottom of the list. It is impossible to prove the opposite point of view, because it is possible to prove presence, not absence. By the way, it is also impossible to prove the existence of such a “regime of oppression.” But common sense dictates that the developers would hardly create such complex mechanisms: the game already has enough problems.

The game has the following rule: if you have fought two battles with tanks at two levels higher than your vehicle, then in the third battle this situation will not happen again. Did you play sevens and nines twice in a row? This is guaranteed not to happen in the third fight. Although there may be a fight with a large number eights. You may even be the only seven in a team of eight. Just bad luck. But in the next fight you may be thrown back to the nines. And then again.

World of Tanks rating

The reason for constantly ending up at the bottom of the list could be simple bad luck. Over the course of a long series of battles (two hundred, three hundred or more), you will be thrown approximately equally into different levels fights But over the course of twenty fights (and it’s difficult to play more in an evening), he will be thrown almost exclusively to the very bottom of the list. Just bad luck. But the next day you will be lucky and you will play almost exclusively in the top.

The point here is that a person remembers bad things much better than good ones. We rarely just notice the pleasant and good. Were you hit a couple of times on the move from a long distance? We may not even remember this. But we will remember for a long time the miss at point-blank range with full mixing. This is how conspiracy theories about the notorious “regime of oppression” usually arise: the player remembers only unsuccessful moments and begins to look for their cause. And in fact good times there is a lot in the game.

But not everything can be explained by luck; sometimes there may be other reasons for getting to the bottom of the list. First of all, we're talking about on the distribution of tanks by level in a specific period of time. For example, in given time a large number of players leave at ninth levels. The balancer is trying to adapt to this and creates a large number of battles of the ninth level in order to quickly send everyone into battle. And you want to go into battle on a level seven tank, naturally, you will most likely be thrown into battle with the nines. Because the balancer creates the most battles at this level.

Once upon a time, the battle waiting menu indicated the number of tanks by level that were waiting to enter the battle. Then this was removed (only the number of vehicles by vehicle class remained), since, according to the developers, unscrupulous players, with the help of special mods, got to the top in almost every battle. No one has seen these mods anywhere, so apparently the developers here were not completely honest. The problem, most likely, was not in the mythical mods, but in something else.

Then there was a large number of tanks of the eighth level; there could be several times more nines and tens of them in the queue. You pressed “Battle!” on some eight, waited a couple of minutes and... you were thrown into the battle to the tenth levels, although there was simply a huge number of eighth levels in the queue. Why not make a battle of only level eight tanks, so that everyone can quickly go into battle?

Because Tier 8 tanks are balanced against opponents two tiers below and above them, constant battles with same-tier opponents would make them very easy to play. A player on a level eight tank should spend approximately the same number of battles at the top, bottom and middle of the list. So the table with tank levels when waiting for a battle was removed so that players would not become irritated.

But the problem has not disappeared; it is also aggravated by the presence large quantity premium tanks of the eighth level with a preferential level of battles. They “take places” in battles of the eighth and ninth levels, so pumped-up eights more often end up at tenth levels. This problem is also not easy to solve, but the developers plan to gradually withdraw from sale all premium tanks with preferential battle levels.

In short, there can be several reasons for constantly ending up at the bottom of the list: from banal bad luck to imbalances in the balance of the game and the peculiarities of the balancer’s work. If you are constantly thrown to the bottom of the list on this tank, then try to change the level, most likely, you will start to be thrown to the very top of the list, the game will become much more comfortable.

Don't forget what is more effective. You can find on our website always updated, virus-checked.

Other interesting news on topic

Many avid WoT players, after a certain number of battles played, want to diversify the gameplay with the help of various amateur modifications. There are many resources by going to which you can download both individual mods and entire assemblies (called “modpacks”) that add various game content - sights (including additional information circles, penetration indicators, etc.), voice acting, textures displaying penetration zones or various graphical changes designed to optimize the game on weak PCs. It should be remembered that some mods provide a tangible advantage over other players, and therefore are prohibited by the game developers (violation of the ban is often punishable by a ban). However, most mods are completely legal and anyone can use them. Often, after the release of a new patch for WoT, mods stop working, and sometimes the game starts to crash or does not even allow you to enter the client. This article will help you figure out why fashions fell off and how to deal with it.

For WoT games, as for the vast majority of others online games, updates are regularly released that add new gameplay features, various content (tanks, maps) or improve the game graphics. The size of these updates depends solely on the content and can range from several hundred megabytes to 1-2 gigabytes. Immediately after the update is released, you can find many messages on forums dedicated to World of Tanks: “mods are missing”, “help, the game does not see mods” or similar ones. Quite often, amateur modifications of the game are not compatible with the new version of tanks, and therefore either do not work at all, are displayed incorrectly, or do not allow you to enter the game at all. What to do when tank mods disappear after an update?

First of all, you need to go to the folder in which the game files are stored, find the res_mods folder in it and go into it. The path is something like this: C:\Games\World of Tanks\res_mods. This folder stores files named according to game patch versions:, 0.9.21, 0.9.22, and so on. Most likely, the folder with the current game number is empty; you need to copy the contents of the folder corresponding to the older version (on which the mods worked) into it. However, you should understand that this option also does not always work, because mods are also updated and adapted to work with new game files, since their older versions stop working.

Sometimes WoT mods don't work due to micropatches being released. These updates are extremely lightweight, so if you launch the client and are distracted by something, you can easily skip their installation. Micro-updates are indicated by two digits, after the number of the main update, for example 0.9.21. You can fix the error in the same way as in the case of a major update (paragraph above).

Also, you need to remember that WoT client may not start due to incorrect installation of the game itself, or errors in the operation of any software components (for example, DirectX). This can happen due to a virus infection of the computer, or accidental deletion of important components of the game; fashion most often has nothing to do with it. In this case, you will have to reinstall the entire game, including additional software. It is also important to use mods from developers who have proven themselves in this field of activity, since many crude and unfinished modifications often lead to malfunctions of the game.

Many well-known modpacks include a program that is responsible for automatically updating other assembly mods. This is a fairly useful option that allows you to maintain the functionality of modifications and update them regularly. In case such automatic update is not provided, or you have deliberately disabled it, you should periodically check for availability new version favorite mods to ensure they work properly.

Let's look at another common problem: many players write: “The mods stopped working after reinstalling the system. What to do?". In this case, the following can help - you need to cut out the folder containing mods from the game folder, and then paste it in place. Sometimes this method helps, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes, mods restored in this way are not displayed correctly and significantly spoil the gameplay. In most cases, you still can’t do without re-installing mods, since they are downloaded free of charge and quickly.

Sometimes problems arise during the installation of mods for WoT. Mods are not installed due to the incorrect path to the game folder (if the modpack is equipped with an installer) or, if there is no installer, by placing the files in the wrong folder. Many mods without an installer are downloaded as an archive - it is important to remember to unzip them before placing the files in the res_mods folder of the current version.

What mods do you use? Write in the comments!