Baby Hazel games online. Games baby hazel Educational games for children girl hazel

Hazel looks very harmless, however, like all children, she cannot sit still. If the heroine doesn't get something the first time, she may start crying. Believe me, it will not be so easy to calm her down. You’ll have to keep an eye on her, have fun and calm the baby down if she doesn’t like something. Sometimes patience can run out, but at the slightest glance at your ward, you will immediately melt. After all, her cute eyes and smile will not allow you to show any negative emotions.

These games will not let you get bored for a single day. You will be her nanny constantly and must always be able to maintain her positive attitude. For example, even if you take her to the dentist, you need to be as careful as possible. After all, the baby can’t stand doctors and will start crying. This cannot be allowed, so try to distract Hazel and help the dentist do everything quickly and painlessly. Every evening you will need to put the girl to bed. But, as you can imagine, children like Hazel don't like to go to bed early. Try reading her a story or singing a song to help baby Hazel fall asleep faster. You will also need to look after the girl: bathe her, take care of her hair and skin. This is very important for a child!


Do not forget that the girl will need to not only be looked after and looked after, but also entertained. Although at this moment you can have fun with her. In your free time, take your little one to the beach. Here she will find a lot of entertainment and fun for herself. She will build sand castles, dive and collect pearls from shells. You can spend time creatively at home. Hazel loves to draw and do new things. Now she has already sculpted a small pot and is ready to paint it. Help her with this! The girl really loves going to the water park, because there is a lot of entertainment here. Ride a slide together, swim in the pool and just sunbathe with a glass of delicious juice. And the zoo is Hazel’s favorite place. Here you can run around, have a lot of fun, meet new animals and other children. In winter, you need to go for walks with your girl often. She loves to roll in the snow, make a big snowman and sledding. You definitely need to take your baby to visit her friends. They have many common topics of conversation and a lot of games. After all, it’s always more fun with company! Surely you will like the game where a girl ends up in a big haunted castle. You have to help her get out, have fun and find new friends. A little later, the baby will grow up and she will need to go to school. Get together for classes, do your homework, and be sure to play in your free time! There is also an application where a girl can already choose a profession for the future. Here she will understand what she wants to become and will improve in this area.

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Features of gameplay in games about baby Hazel

It happens that baby Hazel needs to be fed, given water, and even her diaper needs to be changed. But all these circumstances do not at all prevent young Hazel from taking part in Halloween celebrations or persuading her beloved uncle to go fishing. The girl also loves to go for walks, and the little one is never averse to visiting someone. In general, in the company of little Hazel, no one will be bored; the mischievous, cheerful girl simply will not allow this.

All games featuring a young blond girl with huge brown eyes have several levels. As they progress, the task assigned to the players changes. There is a game in which you need to help feed and water the baby, then change her clothes and let her play with her favorite toys. When performing certain procedures, you need to pay attention to the prompts all the time. So, for example, without using a sterilizer for a bottle, pouring baby food into it simply won’t work, and Hazel will start shedding tears in two streams at any hitch. But he will certainly give the players a happy smile if they successfully complete the task. Games about baby Hazel have the same controls, which are carried out using the mouse.

The girl has a great, friendly family. The baby’s mother devotes a lot of time to raising her, but at the same time does not limit her daughter’s communication with friends. Players will be able to take part in choosing a wardrobe for the party, then in eliminating the consequences of this choice, and go with Hazel to the party itself, consisting of a dinner party, participation in competitions and a dance program, all during the same game. This bet will need to be managed not only by the actions of the baby. The player is fully involved in everything, and there are many guests at the party. At the table, each of them wants to choose different sweets, and to participate in competitions they need to approach the venue one by one.

The world Hazel lives in

It is clear from everything that the baby is lucky with both her relatives and her friends. The girl from the game is very sociable and precocious, and all this is thanks to her perseverance, tenacity and curiosity. A girl learns a lot from her mother; it is this attentive and caring woman who teaches her daughter order, introduces her to table manners and much more, often showing her by personal example how and what to do.

It turns out that you can easily go fishing with your uncle if you persuade him a little before, and Hazel knows how to do this. And it doesn’t matter that the girl’s first catch was a shoe drowned by someone, but she had a lot of fun playing with the turtle and had a wonderful time with her uncle. Well, it wasn’t always possible to behave more quietly because of the mass of new impressions, and not out of malice; in the end, the little one liked the rest, and it seemed like the uncle did too. Just think, the catch is not too big, but for the first time it’s not even bad.
Like all children, Hazel loves Santa Claus very much, and, of course, always tries to behave well and be smart. Everyone knows that on New Year's Eve you need to try especially hard, because the distribution of gifts is just around the corner. This is where you need to try to pick out a carnival costume, decorate the Christmas tree, and help the mother from the game prepare dinner.

It is always useful to be in the company of a baby

Together with Hazel, and sometimes taking care of her, you can learn a lot of interesting things. There are games in which the blond owner of wonderful ponytails learns to put toys away or put things away, and there are those where she does her morning exercises: wakes up, washes her face, brushes her teeth.

In games with baby Hazel, you can learn how to properly care for babies, and in others, for example, cook something with your beloved mother or learn the rules of etiquette while eating. Moreover, all information is given in a very accessible playful form. And by repeating all the actions after a caring mother and an inquisitive daughter, you learn everything very quickly. Agree that information on how to use cutlery correctly will not be superfluous for anyone. And even if this happens in the virtual world, but in the real world, when you suddenly find yourself at a table set according to all the rules of etiquette, you will know exactly how to properly use a knife and fork or sugar tweezers.

Even for organizing a real party, you can find something interesting here, because virtual competitions in which the little one and her friends take part can easily be held among friends in real life. You may not believe it, but catching an apple without touching it with your hands is not so easy. Hazel did it great, but you have yet to try it. All the new Baby Hazel games are very interesting to play, they are all made of very high quality, so by playing them you will have fun and acquire new knowledge. Believe me, it won't be boring.

One witty saying says that children are the flowers of life. They are innocent, pure in soul and wonderful in their essence. They brighten up our boring, monochrome adult existence, always giving great fun and love! But the phenomenon under the guise of “children” also has a downside to the coin. Did you guess it? Exactly, sometimes it can be quite difficult with them! Their moods are fleeting and change at the speed of light, and the reason for this is lack of attention. That's exactly what you'll do in these real Baby Hazel games, which you can play online and play for free!
In these games for girls Baby Hazel you have to look after angelic creatures and fulfill all their children's whims. The Baby Hazel games are about a girl with red hair, a kind of Pappi Longstocking in the flesh, who is unable to sit in one place for a second and constantly gets into some kind of troubles in life.
Before the start of the Baby Hazel games, you will watch a short video as a background to the upcoming adventure: you will see a bathtub with rose petals, in which the heroine of the Baby Hazel games for girls is happily splashing, and next to her mother, who is trying to wash her and at the same time throws petals into the bath . A menu appears before the player’s eyes with five items that are important for the game: game, general information, credits, instructions and other Hazel games - after all, they will certainly interest you, because you can play them for free!
To start the game process, you need to click on “Play” - Game. And as if by magic, you find yourself in a nice room in which there are two delightful children and their equally wonderful mother. Just a baby - one of the children - is still lying peacefully in the stroller, and the second child should be familiar to you - this is the same Hazel. In one of the Baby Hazel games, you have to, for example, serve objects that our little ones will ardently desire at a given millisecond.
But what makes Baby Hazel games for girls so attractive and therefore popular? Maybe there is something unique about them that makes them stand out from other games for girls that can also be played for free and online? Everything is ridiculously simple! The Baby Hazel games are so beloved by the public because they are delightfully bright, amazingly colorful and, one of the most important properties, deeply educational, unlike most games for girls!
But we cannot exclude another important factor in the success of the Baby Hazel games! It is hidden in the incredible charisma of... Baby Hazel herself! Yes, undoubtedly, this favorite of thousands of children on the planet, who has given them hundreds of unforgettable minutes of joy, happiness and fun, is precisely the backbone of all Baby Hazel games! And therefore, devoted children again and again follow their old friend from game to game, experiencing with her the brightest moments of their cheerful childhood. By caring for her, they learn kindness, justice, love and care for their neighbors.
In all games without exception, Baby Hazel needs to be looked after, only the method of care changes! In one game you will have to take care of the snow-whiteness and health of her teeth, in another - about the beauty, smoothness and silkiness of her delicate skin, and in other games - about everything at once, while the little minx will be in Disneyland or kindergarten. But it’s worth remembering that all the games for girls in this series are very colorful and entertaining, and you can play them for free online!
The Baby Hazel games take the young lady into the world of motherhood, and the maternal instinct in girls manifests itself very early, hence the annoying requests from kids for a younger brother or sister, and it’s good if a new addition to the family is really in sight! What if not? Then all that remains is to torment the already bored dolls. No, the doll, of course, can be put to bed, cured of a cold, or even fed, but you won’t get any response from them, so expected by all girls. It's a good idea to play online games for girls!
So, it turned out that the possibilities of a virtual baby are almost limitless. Caring for Baby Hazel will teach young ladies the basics of caring for infants! A useful skill for a girl from a young family, because no one knows what the final composition of the family will be in the future. And anyone can see for themselves that taking care of babies is not such a difficult task! The devil is not as scary as he is painted! And it’s not for nothing that grandmothers on park benches call children like Hazel little devils, oh, not for nothing!
There is no way to not only brush baby Hazel’s hair, but simply feed her! She fidgets, spins in all directions, which incredibly slows down all the processes carried out on her by her madly loving mother. But there is not the slightest point in being angry with her, because you can only blame her for wanting to get more attention, love and care, and small children have absolutely no ability to concentrate on one even important thing! And they can be understood, because adults sometimes get bored too!
It must be said that if the task assigned to the player fails, the childishly sensitive little one will be extremely upset. Games for girls teach kindness, not sadism, therefore, you should not allow Hazel to be abandoned, broken and disappointed.
As a standard for Baby Hazel games, graphics in the form of an animated cartoon are used, so they will be doubly interesting for children and even adults. The items have a very good design, which will leave you no chance of misunderstanding its function. Playing online games Baby Hazel means experiencing all aspects of virtual motherhood, and in this situation the sound effects perfectly convey the atmosphere, among which there are very realistic crying and contagious, loud children's laughter!
Baby Hazel games, available to play for free, will make you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a family with small children. You will fully experience all the complexity and at the same time pleasant responsibility when raising a child and will be able to prove yourself as a caring parent, and also have a good time passing the time! What is especially pleasant is the fact that you will have to play online and play completely for free!