Rules of the game in World of Tank. What are the rules of the World of Tanks game? Using the Game in ways not provided for in the License Agreement and Game Rules

World of Tanks is the most popular multiplayer game project, which is associated with the use of military equipment of the Second World War. This development has captured the interest of many fans of interactive entertainment, and to this day it is gaining popularity around the world, allowing new users into its virtual battlefields. Accordingly, the first question they ask is: “How to play World of Tanks correctly?” It’s not surprising, because absolutely every game has its own rules, capabilities and main goal, which you need to know to achieve success. Therefore, we will now look at what this game project is and what needs to be done in it.

Game conditions

So, first of all, World of Tanks is a multiplayer combat arcade game. Before answering the question of how to play World of Tanks correctly, it is worth understanding the conditions of the game. In it, users must fight in groups of 15 people.

Both teams achieve their goal: destroy all opponents or capture the base. This can be done in any way, using tactics, the power of technology and cunning in combat. But you shouldn’t think that everything is so simple, because each player is an integral part of a virtual battle that can change the outcome of the battle. You should always remember this and not relax. Know that victory can only be achieved through team action. Therefore, the first answer to the question of how to play World of Tanks correctly is the intention to be active in the team. No solo runs or heroics. Act to help your allies, and they will respond in kind, and together you will achieve victory in any battle.

Main task

The main goal of this game project is to enjoy fighting and collecting military equipment. There is no ending provided, the game has a collectible and competitive bent, so there is no need to rush anywhere. You have the opportunity to open vehicles, ride them, play, fight for territories on the global map, join clans and much more.

Have fun, enjoy new technology and keep track of your statistics, they serve as virtual The second answer to the question of how to play World of Tanks correctly is the following statement: spend time having fun, and you will succeed.

Basic rules

But we should not forget that even in virtual worlds there are rules. They allow you to maintain order and interest in what is happening. The rules of the game in World of Tanks are quite simple: you must do everything to win, do not interfere with others, achieve the goal (meaning allies) and behave appropriately, without violating the norms of communication. All these requirements are specified in the user agreement of the project, which you can review at any time. It is not recommended to break the rules, as this is punishable and entails not so serious, but unpleasant consequences.

Help from developers

To learn to feel confident on the battlefield, destroy several opponents at once and be able to properly handle the most difficult battles, you should contact the developers themselves, or rather, their official website.

Are you interested in the World of Tank project? How to play? The developers actively support this direction, and today the company has dozens of specialists involved in creating videos who can not only teach how to play any technique correctly, but also organize an excursion into history, tell various tricks of combat and simply provide invaluable experience. which is directly related to this game project. Watch videos, learn and become a professional virtual tanker. You will definitely succeed!

Good day to all those who dream of recognition of their skills in online games! Dreams of recognition are right, no one wants to be a noob who gets yelled at in team chats and gets thrown out of the group. But everyone dreams of getting to the top and looking down on their teammates. Of course, you can forget about manuals and earn a reputation for yourself by getting bumps on your own head, but this reputation will not always be “the same.” What makes a good player first and foremost is a passion for guides, and if you want to be a good player (not a bad player, or even just a player), read our blog. Today we are addressing those who are interested in how to play World of Tanks. After all, since this is one of the most masculine toys, it is advisable to hit your face in the dirt as little as possible.

WoTman: the beginning

First of all, it's a freebie. Because you can register and play completely free. However, practice shows that it is a rare experienced player who has never spent real money on premium or any other goodies. Yes, investing money in the game is provided, but in reality you can do just fine without it; having a premium account does not affect the directness of your hands in battle.

Secondly, this is, of course, a war game! And any normal guy loves such games since childhood. It’s the girls who just need The Sims or some browser-based Fixies. A man needs a game in which he can win or lose.

Thirdly, World of Tanks has some elements of “realness”, which is, in principle, characteristic of simulation games. All tank models presented in the game exist in reality. There is a mode historical battles, in which only certain equipment can participate. Tanks, as expected, require a hangar in which they are kept and repaired. Each tank contains a crew that needs to be trained and who, depending on experience and rank, provides significant influence for the success of the battle.

Finally, fourthly, you can play WoT with a friend, and even more than one. You can gather a whole platoon, play well, talking through the game chat, and become a thunderstorm for all randoms, and this is already quite pleasant.


Our short review is intended to to a greater extent for beginners - an experienced player no longer needs any arguments, he already knows what it costs. Plus, the game is not so easy to master, so it’s still worth learning at least something about it before launching the launcher.

So, general meaning The game is the same as all other games - going through certain stages of development, completing one or another task in order to get cool and, of course, the most fun thing - participating in battles. That is, in reality, you buy a certain tank, upgrade it (improving its characteristics and increasing your own combat skills), and then, at your own discretion, you can sell the upgraded tank to buy another, or you can leave it in the hangar and, if you wish, ride it.

The tanks in the game are different, and their tactics are also different. There are light, medium and heavy tanks, as well as self-propelled guns (art) and tank destroyers ( anti-tank artillery). Controlling any equipment requires remarkable attention, manual dexterity and speed of thinking - the “brake” is doomed to be the first to fly out of the battle, and inattention sometimes leads to such funny mistakes that you are amazed.

I’m very pleased with the graphics and the ability to customize them – of course, with high resolution you can see everything in the world, even the dust under the tracks, but if your video card is dying, it’s better not to anger it and make the quality lower. By the way, the speed of image transmission to the monitor depends on the load on the video card, and this is a parameter that affects the effectiveness of the battle.

World of Tanks allows you to install the most different fashions(i.e. game modifiers). This is additional software that optimizes the interface, sound, terrain and other game aspects to your taste. For example, if you are interested in how to install skins of some valuable colors (and camouflage, by the way, plays an important role), then there are plenty of mods with skins on the Internet.

The rules of the game prohibit the use of some mods that affect gameplay– for example, an automatic fire extinguisher. The thing, by the way, is awesome - you just carry a fire extinguisher in the tank, and if a fire starts, you can put it out by pressing a couple of buttons. But, importantly, such a wonderful mod is prohibited. Players, however, manage to use it on the sly, but discovery of such a gadget is punishable by a ban.

And not only

The game is a good thing, and it becomes even better from the realization that you can earn extra money on it. Of course, not all players are ready to work purposefully in the direction of obtaining benefits, but few people refuse such a thing, for example, how to receive a gift from developers. Gifts are given for various things - for participation in promotions and competitions, on holidays, for completing particularly difficult tasks, and the game also provides a referral system. That is, than more people you invite to WoT, the more money will run into your pockets.

Of course, this description is far from complete - if we collect everything detailed instructions on World of Tanks and put together, it would turn out to be a normal little book of three hundred pages. Especially if you remember that more and more new things are appearing in WoT. And these are not only new tank models, but also new skills, terrains and interface features. And our answer to the question about the rules of the game in WOT today may lose relevance in just six months. And the one who today ranks first in damage in all battles, after a break of several months, is forced to master the game again, or simply watch replays of battles completed a long time ago and feel nostalgic for past battles.

Of course, an experienced player, even after a long break, will get involved in the process much easier and faster than a beginner. Nevertheless, beginners are also different. In the end, directness of hands opens almost all game doors, even if you are still just a schoolboy and make several mistakes in the word “tank”. But even straight-armed players need guides, and they can be found in our blog updates. So subscribe yourself and recommend us to your fellow players, there will be many more detailed guides about all the games in the world. In the meantime, good luck to you and see you again!


If you are just starting to play WOT, be sure to familiarize yourself with the terminology of the game. If you come across an unfamiliar or unclear word, stop, look it up in the tanker's dictionary, a simple dictionary, or any search engine in the context of WOT, then continue reading.

      IMPORTANT What do you need to know before you start playing tanks in general?
    1. Don't get ahead

      • Never get ahead. Under no circumstances should you climb forward. Even if you really want to climb forward, and there shouldn’t be anyone there, don’t climb forward. The cost of any mistake at low levels is very high. Especially in close combat.
      • Never be in the forefront, even if you are on a well-armored tank, but do not know how to play. You will still be killed, but it will be a few seconds later. Don't just leave.
      • It's better to stand than to drive. All other things being equal, there is more advantage in standing not on the front line of battle than in moving. Great speed in inept hands is a disadvantage. Low speed in inept hands is almost an advantage.
    2. Survive Law of Tank Conservation

    3. Deal Damage How to Deal Damage Effectively

      • The only real benefit you can bring if you don't know how to play is damage. Therefore, you should apply it from the safest possible place, without exposing yourself if possible. This does not mean that you should stand stupidly in the middle of an open field. You have to hide, but on the back line. Or not in sight at all.
      • The maximum effect brings fire concentration, because the rate of decrease of enemy trunks increases in proportion to the number of yours.
      • IMPORTANT Reduce the number of trunks. Any living tank shoots. All other things being equal, kill those with less HP.
    4. Concentrate your strength How to effectively deal damage

    5. Only real gaming experience Easy to Learn, Hard to Master

    6. Gameplay for a beginner tanks and/or gameplay for a beginner: artillery and anti-tank guns

      Artillery And slow PT. You don’t need to be at the forefront of the attack (receiving potential damage from the enemy), you more or less stand still (artillery) or calmly move behind the battle line in the second row (PT), causing damage from a safe distance, gradually understanding the intricacies of combat operations , features of maps, tactics and strategies for playing on different maps, etc. At the initial stage, this is the most important thing.

      Perks for personal leveling in order of learning:

      • Movement of artillery across the battlefield following the progress of the battle. Designating targets and informing allies about their actions (reloading, confirming assistance, designating an attack, etc.) and bringing these actions to automation.
      • Game from the PT: placing the tank at the correct firing points, distant from the front line of battle and fire support. Stealth. Excerpt. Calm. Iron nerves. Using the minimap to move on the edge of the circle of light as close to the enemy as possible.
      • Targeting weak areas of opponents (recommended mod: penetration indicator is standard). Study the armor of vehicles and the principles of operation of various projectiles. There is equipment that is very difficult for classmates to destroy head-on, and there are simply stupid machines. Example AT 2.
      • Control of an advancing tank (front line tank). Movements, exits to firing positions, hiding the body, approaching the enemy from cover. A smart retreat. Switching to/from sniper mode different situations. Shooting on the move, using first gear. Tempo, first elements team game. Firefly control: nerves of iron and endurance, precise movements between shelters, retreat. If possible, try not to twist enemies: this requires serious skill.
      • Tanking. Leveling out the weak areas of your tank. Use of terrain.
      • First elements tactical combat- moving around the map to take a more advantageous position: crossfire, entering the enemy’s side/back, etc. Fire concentration. A closer look at the features of the cards.
      • Team tactical game in random.

      Game balance

      In general, all tanks in the game are balanced. Each of them has their own strengths and weaknesses. true for life too You must know them and use them strengths, leveling the weak. Well, or at least use the strong ones correctly.

      Artillery and anti-tank vehicles are a common vehicle class in the game (and in life). They are neither bad nor good in themselves. Any player (and watermaker) who considers these classes unworthy, cheating, etc. (including swearing) is stupid (hypocritical, vain), no matter how strange it may sound, regardless of his gaming achievements and level of fame.

    7. Analyze the results and draw the right conclusions

      • Record and analyze the causes of defeats. In subsequent battles, try not to make these mistakes. Often specific errors are tied to maps/respawns. Remember, the head is very easily turned off by the excitement of battle, and the price of a mistake is very high. The law of two bangs has not been repealed, especially at low levels. Focus on own mistakes, and not on team errors. By writing down, you will see which mistakes you make more often. true for life too
      • Analyze the reasons for victories. This is no less important than lesion analysis. true for life too
      • Usually, reasons for victories not at all in you, but in:
        • a successful team and randomly formed tactics,
        • personal skill of one or more allied players,
        • low overall skill of the enemy,
        • luck aka FBR.
      • Basic types of errors:
        • climbed forward/went too far/fast forward and was left without cover,
        • low tank control skill,
        • incorrect position / incorrect movements,
        • impatience / lack of restraint / nerves.
      • If you have a deer meter aka DeerOMeter, then take a closer look at how experienced players play. Analyze their mistakes too. Each person has their own playing style, you will need to find yours. Rough division: those who cutting edge, and who is not at the forefront. In any case, at the beginning you need to play not at the forefront.
      • Smart play on difficult/bad tanks increases your skill, because... you will be forced to strive to compensate for the tank's shortcomings with your skill. Playing on a bad tank differs from playing on a good one only in the area of ​​application. You must survive () and deal damage () as much as possible on this tank. No bad tanks, there is an inability to apply them as correctly as possible. true for life too
      • Learn to lose correctly. You are obliged to fight until the very last moment of the battle, bringing maximum possible benefit. Sometimes a good loss is the same as a victory and your opponents will thank you for a great fight.
      • Develop your strengths more than your weaknesses. true for life too
        Strength to strength, weakness to weakness.
        Example If you like to tank (and you can do it), and not deal damage from the bushes, tank, learn. If, on the contrary, you can’t tank, but it’s much more interesting to shine and rush into the rear - swing with a firefly. Don't download what doesn't suit you. Only experienced players can play productively on any type of equipment, but even they admit that one or another type suits them better.
        You must understand your playing style, which depends on many factors (temperament, ability to think quickly, ability to make quick decisions, motor skills, lack of restraint, etc.). This will determine how you need to play a particular technique and which technique “suits” you best.
        IMPORTANT Trying to go beyond your limits comfort zone“(Example of switching from artillery to a firefly) on the one hand gives a very good experience, but on the other hand it is very “energy-consuming”. You will not achieve high results under very serious emotional stress, turning into fatigue, apathy and depression. Do this in very limited portions, keep your condition under control, do not force your psyche. true for life too
      • Remember, in the vast majority of cases you lose not to the enemy from the red team, but to yourself. The enemy is just showing your weaknesses. And he doesn't deserve bad words addressed to him.
      • Be skeptical of the famous water makers. In most cases, they use WOT in one form or another to show how awesome they are or entertain the audience with an exciting video (to watch in the morning at breakfast), rather than actually teach them how to play. The best training is analysis lost battles / bad game moments With detailed analysis, not epic victories and personal ability to drag. Only mistakes allow you to truly understand what's what. It is more important not so much to learn to play well as to learn not to play poorly. That. good training- analysis of a winning strategy for playing on a tank/map/etc and analysis of the main mistakes. The ability to drag directly depends on gaming experience and the ability of the head, based on this experience, to accept instant right decisions in conjunction with straight arms, allowing minimum quantity errors aggravated by FBR. This skill is nice to look at, but it gives practically nothing for training. You need your own experience, which you don’t have.
      • If a leader (authority) criticizes a team for losing money, then he is an unimportant player and will never reach truly great heights in the game. He will be a good player with decent stats, but nothing more. WOT is a team game, even in a random setting. The team does something anyway, even if it doesn't cause a single unit of damage. Everything is interconnected. Example While an ally dies under enemy fire, other allies do not fall under this fire, having the opportunity to inflict damage. Ignoring this is a failure to understand the basic principles of war and concentration of power.
      • Look different waters from different water producers. It's good for the brain. But remember:
        • Not all water makers are equally useful. There are star-studded inadequate people who will spend more of your time swearing, nonsense and whining about how deer interfere with the game. Example Murazor, Jove.
        • Pay attention special attention watermakers who teach at the intersection of play and life, i.e. understand the game more broadly. This really pumps up the brain and helps in reality. Example AceWOT.
        • Don't think that you can immediately bend at level 3, inspired by the victorious battle of level 10. In general, forget the word and concept “bend over”. There is no bending. There are only FBR, team and skill.
        • It’s more useful to watch fights of your level, rather than top fights.
        • Famous water makers rarely note and concentrate on their mistakes. But they do them quite a lot and quite often. Be sure to analyze these errors as your own if you notice them.
      • IMPORTANT The main ultimate goal of the game is not to cause damage, but to win the battle. You shouldn't be too happy about a lot of damage if your team loses.
    8. Use your experience wisely

      • Study the research tree and see where the “unnecessary now” modules will be used. During the time between pumping out the next tank and buying it on sale, you will have enough time to pump up these modules. This is also good because you are already playing well on this tank, if only it is a complete hat (Example).
      • Use free experience wisely. It is awarded at a rate of 5% of experience per tank. That. For every 10k experience you get 500 free experience. Calculate how much experience you need to pump out the next tank, and you will get the amount of free experience that you can immediately spend on research, because... it will be restored during the pumping process. Other than that equal conditions, you should pump out what brings the most benefit in battle. Usually these are tools. A top weapon will do more good (more damage). But often the weapon requires a reinforced chassis (you cannot install a top-end weapon on a stock chassis).
      • If you see that there is not much time left before pumping out a perk, pump it out on the current tank, then transfer and retrain the crew. It makes sense to upgrade crew perks from level V on non-premium vehicles.
    9. Game economy Proper purchase and sale of tanks / equipment / consumables

      • Buy equipment, train the crew only on promotions. And in general, do everything according to promotions.
      • Be sure to stock up additional equipment/ shells for shares. Calculate how much you need. Sales happen quite often. Use modules wisely. Premium equipment does not make sense at levels below V. Use camouflage by buying it in bulk (monthly) for a time or during a promotion. Permanent camouflage only makes sense on tanks that you do not intend to sell.
      • Have a certain amount of silver in reserve: 0.5-1 million. true for life too :)
      • At low levels, it makes sense to buy silver rather than gold if you don't want to farm. This silver is used to purchase the necessary additional equipment (nets, rammers, etc.), which allows you to better deal damage and survive.
      • Premium tank VIII level(and it doesn’t make sense to buy others for farming at the beginning of the game) farms over 50,000 for average fight and over 100,000 for a good one. If you decide to buy, then it should be Löwe or T34.
      • IMPORTANT If you want a premium tank, then (according to paragraphs 1, 3 and 6) take the PT. For example, SU-100Y.
        Do not take heavy/medium tanks, because... their gameplay is one of the most difficult (head-on collisions and tanking), and high levels battles differ from low levels in their protracted nature, i.e. you will have time to make a lot of mistakes, which is undesirable, unlike the possibility of one-shots or causing critical damage on the SU-100Y, despite the fact that you will not have time to get to the center of the thick of things, where you should not be.
        Do not take light tanks, because... Besides the ololo light and drain in the first minutes, you are unlikely to be capable of anything. Light is a complex thing that is understood in the process of playing for the one who implements it and requires good knowledge of the area and direct hands. Don't ruin your statistics.
    10. Game gold Use game gold/money wisely

      • Gold doesn't make you a good player, it gives you the opportunity to better (or faster) express your capabilities. If there are no opportunities, there will be no effect from gold. A premium tank in the wrong hands is no more effective than a regular tank.
        A premium tank is the same as a non-premium tank, only premium. ©
      • Buy gold only by shares.
      • Do not buy premium tanks of a level higher than yours until you have played 2k battles. Buy premium tanks only with promotions and only with additional modules. Understand why you need this or that tank and what its strengths/weaknesses are.
      • Train the crew for gold up to 100%, only if you understand that you play well on this tank, then the waste of gold will not be in vain. Do not train crew for gold on tanks below level V. There are promotions for retraining. Use it.
      • Premium account cost for a year: 0.25$/day, for half a year: 0.3$/day, for a month: 0.32$/day, for a week: 0.7$/day, for a day: 1$. If you are going to play constantly, then there is no point in buying premium for less than a month.
      • If you really like the game, pay the developer in any form. He deserves it and, perhaps, will make the game even better, i.e. the deal is mutually beneficial. true for life too