Minecraft creating modifications. How to create a mod for Minecraft in different ways

This is the second lesson on creating modifications Minecraft by using Forge. In this lesson we will create the first mod files, analyze the main functions and work with Forge API, and also create a mod directory with all the nuances. If you haven't seen the first part on creating modifications, be sure to check it out at the link below. Link to the first part - .

Let's start creating our first mod.
  • Modification name
    You need to give your mod a name. For example, denchikmod. It is necessary to indicate the name of your mod in Latin, without indicating punctuation marks or other symbols. It is advisable to start the name of the mod with a Latin letter. Numbers and the underscore (_) can also be used in the title.
  • Design and location of the mod in the Minecraft structure
    There are certain rules for coding. In Java, it is common to structure packages as follows: domain.product or domain.company.product
    What do domain, product and company mean?
    1. domain is a domain similar to the one indicated at the end of the site (ru, com, org, etc.)
    2. product - the name, in our case, of the Minecraft mod. Usually the product value = the name of your mod
    3. company - the name of your organization. If you are alone, then a regular nickname is enough
  • Type of design of Minecraft, Forge and FML code
    Minecraft, Forge and FML have a domain.product structure. That is, I should do the following - click on src/main/java and select New → package. Write “com.denchik51rus.denchikmod”, case sensitive. This will create a directory in which we will work. That's it, then you can start creating the mod itself.
  • Base (Main class) fashion
    To begin, you need to click on the modification directory and select the Class subsection in the New Section, entering the name of the class. This is your main file, don't forget to indicate this in the name, for example Main_denchikmod (This is in my case). And then click Finish. Well done, we have the first and main class of fashion.
  • Writing the code itself in the main and other classes
    Well, now the sweetest part - Writing code B)
    1) Write the following above the line public class...: @Mod (modid = "denchikmod", name="Denchik Mod", version = "1.0"). With this line we specified that the name of our mod is Denchik Mod, and its version is 1.0. But errors may occur in the development environment, so we need to import the library that we need. Therefore, after the line package denchik51rus.mods.denchikmod, we write: import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;. And everything will be cool!
    2) Next, in the body (in curly brackets) we write:
    public void preLoad(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)

    If errors appear, then you need to use import cpw.mods.fml and then choose according to the situation, but often you can not register them if the development environment already knows the class paths and where they are located.

End. The base of the mod is complete. You can also launch Minicraft (Client button at the top) and see your own mod in the list.
In the next lesson we'll look at creating a block in our mod! But remember that self-development and work are important! The mod a la Forestry or IC2 did not write itself!

Many players dreamed of a program that could create modifications. Thanks to developer Pilo, anyone can download MCreator for Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.7.10 and start creating their own mods without deep programming knowledge. Create new blocks, things, achievements, new types of existing blocks, mobs, biomes, food, tools, plants, cars and more. Any idea can be easily implemented using the MCreator 1.7.10/1.7.2 program.

Create different types of mods

This program allows you to create various types of modifications, including overlays (like in the mini map mod), cars, structures, dimensions, tool sets, weapons (swords, guns) and more.

Intuitive interface

MCreator offers a convenient way to place items in a menu. The developer just needs to move things and elements onto the work surface using the mouse.

Crafting recipes and drops

Write recipes and drops as easily as crafting in the game. Use filters to search through a huge list of things in Minecraft. MCreator can export pictures of recipes so that they can be placed on the site.

For experienced developers

Experienced developers will love the ability to edit mod source code in an easy-to-use interface. The MKreator program editor has syntax highlighting, auto-completion and other things that are pleasant for the programmer. Integration with Eclipse is supported.

Hello, dear friends! With this article I give a start to writing material on creating Minecraft mods. Of course, you can't wait to start working on some epic and original mod, but there's no need to rush. Before you begin, you will need to install the necessary software.

What do we need:

  • Java JDK
  • MinecraftCoderPack
  • Minecraft
  • ModLoder
  • NotePad++
  • Eclipse

*Don’t worry, even though the list consists of as many as 6 points, in reality everything is much simpler than it seems.

First you need to install Java and pure Minecraft (preferably licensed), of course you already have this, but still... To avoid errors, or if any appear, refer to the video tutorial “Installing Java JDK”, which is available at the bottom of the page. There you can also find a video on installing Minecraft Coder Pack (MCP).

MCP installation

Today the current version is MCP 7.23. This version is suitable for game 1.4.5

Download, unpack to any folder ( example: “mcp” folder on the desktop).
We will need clean Minecraft 1.4.5. To do this, launch the game and click “Force update”.

Let's go along the path: “C:\Documents and Settings\YourUser\Application Data\.minecraft”

*You can follow this path by pressing the Win+R key combination and then entering in the field: %appdata%

Download the latest version of ModLoader (1.4.5) and install it. Installation lesson ‘and you can always find it without my help, but I hope you can do it.

Let's create a backup just in case minecraft.jar.

Copying folders bin And resources to the “jars” folder of our mcp.
Let's launch decompile.bat, upon completion, press any key. If during decompilation the computer gave you a couple of errors, then do not worry about this.

Installing Eclipse

Where will we work with code, create and edit our mods? In the Java editor, of course! I prefer Eclipse, but you can also use NetBeans. Honestly, almost any text editor will do, but it’s more convenient to work in special programs.

Installation of this software is quite simple. Now we launch and specify the path:
“C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\mcp\eclipse”

NotePad++ editor will also come in handy. With its help, you can also edit the necessary files, and act very quickly and conveniently.

*Attention, do not forget to copy exactly 2 folders ( bin And resources). This is not mentioned in the video!


I also advise you to familiarize yourself with the Quick Installation of Minecraft Coder Pack. You just need to repeat all the steps after me.

The popularity of the Minecraft game is only growing every year, partly due to the players themselves, developing mods and adding new texture packs. Even an inexperienced user will be able to create his own modification if he uses special programs. In this article, we have selected for you several of the most suitable representatives of such software.

First, let's look at the most popular program for creating mods and textures. The interface is made very convenient, each function is located in a corresponding tab and has its own editor with a set of specific tools. In addition, you can connect additional software, which you will need to download in advance.

As for functionality, MCreator has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, there is a basic set of tools, several operating modes, and on the other hand, the user can configure only a few parameters without creating anything new. To change the game globally, you need to go to the source code and change it in the appropriate editor, but this requires special knowledge.

Linkseyi's Mod Maker

Linkseyi`s Mod Maker is a less popular program, but it provides users with significantly more options than its previous representative. Working in this software is implemented in such a way that you need to select certain parameters from pop-up menus and upload your own images - this only makes the program more convenient and simpler.

You can create a new character, mob, material, block and even biome. All this is combined into one mod, after which it is loaded into the game itself. In addition, there is a built-in model editor. Linkseyi`s Mod Maker is distributed free of charge and is available for download on the official website of the developers. Please note that there is no Russian language in the settings, but even without knowledge of English, it will be very easy to master Mod Maker.

Deathly's Mod Editor

Deathly`s Mod Editor is very similar in functionality to its previous representative. There are also several tabs in which a character, tool, block, mob or biome is created. The mod itself is formed into a separate folder with its component directories, which you can see on the left in the main window.

One of the main advantages of this program is the convenient system for adding texture images. You don't need to draw the model in 3D, you just need to load images of a certain size into the appropriate rows. In addition, there is a built-in modification testing function that allows you to detect errors that could not be identified manually.

There weren’t many programs on the list, but the representatives present perfectly cope with their tasks and provide the user with everything they need when creating their own modification for the game Minecraft.

How to create a mod for Minecraft?

In order to create mods in Minecraft, you must have at least basic knowledge of working with applications and programming in general.

You can create mods for Minecraft using the API or without it. API is an application programming interface that allows you to work with ready-made classes, functions, procedures, structures and constants for use in other programs. The most popular API for Minecraft is Minecraft Forge. Using Forge to create mods in a game requires the use of this API for the game itself, which significantly complicates the gameplay itself, but at the same time allows you to install applications without conflicts with your modifications and with the mods of other players. It is impossible to achieve this without an API.

Preparing to create mods in the game is as follows:

  1. Download the latest version of Java.
  2. Install Java SE Development Kit.
  3. Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and place a copy of it on your desktop.
  4. Download Minecraft Forge.
  5. Move all programs into one folder on your desktop and run install.cmd.
  6. After starting Eclipse, specify the folder you created earlier as the workspace.

After this, you can proceed directly to creating the mod. You will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Creating a base file that specifies the name, id and version of the mod;
  2. Creating a block;
  3. Creating a drop;
  4. Block generation;
  5. Creation of versatile structures;
  6. Multiblock structures;
  7. Crafting items;
  8. Creation of tools, etc.

By starting small, you will gradually understand the basic principles of how to create mods for Minecraft, and you can even add your own mods to the server in order to show them to your friends. If creating mods is not up to you yet, read the article