Can pregnant women drink coffee? The benefits and possible harms of invigorating coffee for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. A cup of coffee for the expectant mother: why not?

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The usual morning cup of an invigorating drink is an integral part of our lives. It teases with aroma, gives a boost of energy and helps you wake up. However, coffee has obvious fans and ardent opponents. Disputes between them about the benefits and harms of the product do not stop.

It definitely improves performance and mood, but increases blood pressure and activates the pulse. Is it worth taking the risk of drinking coffee during pregnancy at different stages? Let's try to figure it out.

How does caffeine work?

Caffeine is the main active substance released from coffee beans. The percentage of its content depends on the type of coffee. At its core, we drink the drink precisely for this alkaloid. Its presence in the blood stimulates the functioning of the nervous system and heart muscle. Caffeine easily penetrates the blood almost immediately after drinking the drink.

Should you drink this invigorating drink during pregnancy?

Even a slight concentration of the substance is enough for the brain centers to react to the presence of the stimulant. The body responds to this clearly:

  • The nervous system is activated. General arousal increases, apathy and drowsiness disappear, reactions accelerate, and performance increases.
  • Contractions of the heart muscle become more frequent. At the same time, the heart rate increases. The heart reacts more actively to other stimuli: medicines, stressful situations. At unfavorable conditions this may lead to tachycardia.
  • The vasomotor centers are activated. This reduces the lumen of the arteries carrying blood. Blood pressure increases.
  • The brain activates the respiratory center. Breathing becomes shallow and quickens.
  • The process of iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract slows down.

Drinking several cups in a row increases the concentration of caffeine in the blood. Nervous excitability and pressure increase proportionally. Insomnia may occur.

Comparing a drink made from freshly ground bean coffee with its soluble alternative, we get significant differences in taste and aroma. But the caffeine content in both cases will be approximately equal.

How does coffee affect the body of a pregnant woman?

The first trimester often becomes a test for a woman. Poor health, dizziness, nausea prevent you from thinking with pleasure about your new condition. Some people believe that a cup of coffee is early stages pregnancy will help cope with the manifestations of toxicosis. But a completely different picture is observed:

  • Spasms of blood vessels impair blood circulation. Toxic substances accumulate in the body.
  • The lumen of the vessels supplying nutrition to the placenta decreases. Placental insufficiency is provoked.
  • The risk of anemia increases.

Women suffering from hypotension believe that they can take coffee during pregnancy to stabilize blood pressure. In part, this is a justified desire. However, unwanted side effects can negate all benefits.

Low-quality coffee, which is widely available on retail shelves, may contain harmful substances. This is a consequence of processing cheap raw materials with chemicals to make them consumer attractive. Such a drink, taken with sufficient frequency as food, can lead to disturbances in the development of pregnancy and intrauterine defects of the fetus.

There are a number of absolute contraindications for pregnant women to drink coffee:

  • Presence of tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Diagnosed arterial hypertension.
  • Presence of toxicosis.
  • Increased nervous excitability, tearfulness, frequent headaches.
  • Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep.
  • Anemia.
  • Anomalies in the development of the placenta.

In all of these cases, a pregnant woman should stop drinking coffee until the time of birth.

There is a whole list of clear and categorical contraindications for drinking coffee during pregnancy.

The effect of coffee on the fetus

Caffeine is quickly absorbed into the blood through the walls of blood vessels, into the placenta, which means it has direct access to the fetus. The child in the womb feels the negative effects of the alkaloid:

  • Poor quality coffee hinders development internal organs: kidneys, liver, skeleton.
  • The risk of developing diabetes mellitus increases.
  • There is a risk of placental insufficiency, which leads to various developmental anomalies.
  • The undeveloped nervous system of the fetus suffers.
  • The frequency of contraction of the heart muscle changes.
  • The risk of having a baby born prematurely increases.

The first trimester is fundamental for everyone's life. important systems the body of the future human being. To reduce the risk of disorders, it is better to avoid drinking coffee in early pregnancy.

Instant coffee and pregnancy

Instant coffee, in a sense, is a surrogate natural drink. Its varieties can vary greatly in quality, are made from elite coffee beans, and do not contain artificial additives. But a huge drawback and trump card for opponents of the drink is one of the stages of production: coffee has been processed and lost up to 90% of its beneficial qualities.

Instant coffee is easy to prepare. Its popular varieties have an attractive aroma and quite competitive taste. However, the benefits of such coffee for a pregnant woman and child are controversial. If you have a strong desire and feel good, it is better to take a few sips of a freshly prepared drink from ground grains.

If you really want to and your health allows it, you can drink just a little invigorating drink made from ground grains

Can I drink decaffeinated coffee?

This is still worst option alternatives to natural drink. To extract caffeine from the extract during the production of soluble varieties, at one stage the raw materials are subjected to additional chemical processing. The reaction neutralizes the alkaloid. The final product does not contain caffeine.

The previously described dangers increase significantly. The consequences can be very sad, the easiest of which is an allergic predisposition in the child.

How to limit your coffee intake

Even doctors do not advise suddenly changing your habits. If you have been an avid coffee drinker all your life, one small cup of a natural drink at your usual hour will not harm you. Just advice: watch your body’s reaction. If there is an unpleasant aftertaste, slight malaise, or dizziness, pour the entire wonderful drink into the sink without any trace or pity.

When we have to look for a worthy replacement for something familiar and loved, we are accustomed to relying on progress and technology. The coffee story is not the case. Black and green tea lovers should know that these products are also rich in caffeine. Sometimes its content is even higher than in coffee.

But weak brewed coffee with milk during pregnancy is quite acceptable. Of course, if there are no other doctor's recommendations.

An even better substitute would be chicory. The drink has a tonic effect and adds vigor. And widely used in healthy eating. It reduces blood sugar levels, stimulates liver function, and does not affect blood pressure. Chicory contains a lot of vitamins, fiber, and tannins. After consuming it, there will be no heaviness in the stomach or heartburn. The drink is also beneficial for intestinal microflora.

Chicory is a good alternative to coffee during pregnancy

The desire to bear and give birth to a strong baby adds courage and desire to change for the better. We easily get rid of harmful addictions, without which we previously could not imagine a day of existence. A glass of freshly squeezed juice or milk is an excellent source useful substances and what is temporarily better to replace your favorite cup of coffee.

Why shouldn’t a drink so rich in nutrients be consumed excessively while pregnant? Experts cannot unequivocally answer the question about the harmful effects of coffee during pregnancy. More recently, all doctors said that expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from drinking it.

  • coffee raises blood pressure, which increases on its own during pregnancy due to hormonal changes;
  • flushes calcium from the mother’s body, which is necessary for the formation of the child’s skeleton;
  • increases acidity in the stomach, causing heartburn and nausea in pregnant women prone to gastritis;
  • a cup of strong coffee drunk in the evening will give mommy insomnia, anxiety and irritability;
  • Coffee and coffee drinks are especially dangerous in the first trimester, when all the vital organs and systems of the child are formed. The weight of the fetus is so small that it is not able to remove caffeine, which easily reaches it through the umbilical cord and placenta;
  • Caffeine abuse has a negative impact on the baby's development. Every extra dose of coffee leads to weight gain in babies;
  • caffeine slows down the absorption of iron into the body. And pregnant women often suffer from anemia from the first trimester.

A small dose of coffee can:

  • speed up the baby's heartbeat;
  • increase nausea during toxicosis, irritating the gastric mucosa;
  • remove fluid from the mother’s body due to its diuretic effect. The second and third trimester are accompanied by swelling, in which diuretic products are useful. But initially, excessive fluid loss can lead to poor blood circulation, a decrease in blood flow to the uterus, which causes insufficient oxygen supply to the placenta and nutrients. As a result, the vessels narrow, the tone of the uterus increases;
  • If you drink too much coffee during pregnancy, there may be a risk of early miscarriage and premature birth due to placental abruption. later.

Coffee is considered a type of soft drug. Frequent use causes an irresistible desire in a person to drink more and more often. Why is this happening? Within 20 minutes after drinking a cup, caffeine enters the brain, causing a feeling of joy and satisfaction. But this effect is short-lived, and after 2 hours there is a desire to brew a new portion.

Some doctors allow pregnant patients to drink coffee drinks in small quantities.

  • caffeine will increase blood pressure in pregnant women suffering from hypotomy;
  • will improve your mood, as it is a powerful antioxidant;
  • will help overcome stress;
  • will promote performance;
  • relieves headaches
  • for type 2 diabetes mellitus, caffeine will increase sensitivity to insulin;
  • Helps avoid constipation due to its mild laxative effect.
  • high blood pressure;
  • arrhythmias, tachycardia;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • toxicosis and gestosis;
  • nervousness, insomnia;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • anemia (iron deficiency).

Which coffee to choose during pregnancy

The quality of coffee directly depends on the manufacturer and the price of the product. A cheap packet of instant mixture contains tens of times more caffeine than a spoonful of natural ground caffeine. Lovers of 3-in-1 coffee should take into account that it contains not only caffeine, but also many unhealthy dyes, emulsifiers and flavors. This drink should be avoided during pregnancy.

The best option would be natural grain. A small, freshly brewed cup of coffee, drunk in the morning, diluted with high-quality cream or boiled milk will cause minimal harm to both mother and unborn baby. It is important to pay attention to the type of drink. If the choice is between Robusta or Arabica, it is advisable to purchase Arabica. Its grains contain less alkaloid. Also, when purchasing aromatic beans, you need to look at the type of roasting. The more roasted the grains are, the greater the concentration of alkaloids, which affect the strength and unique taste. It is better to drink strong, rich coffee after childbirth and the end of lactation. It is not recommended for an expectant mother to drink strongly roasted coffee.

It is generally accepted that decaffeinated coffee during pregnancy is a complete replacement for the invigorating usual morning cup. Despite the name, caffeine is present, although in minimum quantities. Why do experts not recommend drinking such a product even to healthy people? The technology for producing such drinks involves the use of chemicals that increase the risk of heart and vascular diseases. Such drinks are more dangerous than useful, and cannot replace natural coffee beans.

How much coffee can you drink during pregnancy?

No matter how much the expectant mother loves this drink, no doctor will recommend drinking coffee during early pregnancy without good reason (very low blood pressure).

In the later stages, in order for the hot aromatic drink to benefit the woman carrying a child, it is necessary to observe the following precautions:

  1. 1 small cup is allowed 2-3 times a week. The daily dose allowed during pregnancy is 150 ml. per day.
  2. A level teaspoon holds 3-4 g of ground coffee. When brewing, consider the grinding of the coffee beans. The finer the grind, the more powder fits into the spoon. For a small coffee cup (180 ml) 4 g of coffee is enough. The result will be a weak drink with a lower content of alkaloids. Medium strong coffee – 6 g, strong coffee – 10 g.
  3. Drink coffee not on an empty stomach, but after meals to avoid increased acidity, nausea, and heartburn. Be sure to dilute it with milk or natural cream, which will reduce the strength.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Mineral still water, herbal and green tea, compote, juices and fruit drinks in the first trimester should be 2.5 liters. daily drinking. From the second trimester, the volume decreases to 1.5 liters.
  5. When drinking coffee, you need to limit other alkaloid-containing products - chocolate, black tea, cocoa, cola.

Attention, important! Chinese tea green varieties include caffeine, but contain vitamins A, P, C, useful during pregnancy. Drink it carefully, not exceeding a dose of 2 cups per day. .

How to replace coffee during pregnancy

How can you replace an invigorating warming drink if you can’t drink a lot of black tea or coffee? You can choose a drink from currant leaves, fireweed, raspberries, rose hips, orange and lemon peels. They will charge you with energy and prevent colds, will strengthen the immune system. But you also shouldn’t get carried away with herbal preparations. Before use, you should consult a doctor and drink decoctions of no more than 2 cups per day.

Many pregnant and nursing mothers perfectly replace coffee with a barley drink. Barley does not contain harmful caffeine and does not have a tempting aroma or bitter coffee taste. But it contains a lot of valuable natural substances(proteins, fiber, carbohydrates), which makes the drink healthy. Barley drink helps with kidney disease, stomach and intestinal disorders. Instant barley product is easy to find in stores, it is convenient for brewing and preserves everything for a long time useful qualities. You can buy barley grains. They are fried in a dry frying pan, ground in a coffee grinder and diluted with boiling water. Then let it sit for a few minutes. This drink goes well with milk, sugar, cream and is a good substitute for coffee.

Another popular substitute that resembles coffee in smell and color is chicory. It tastes good and goes well with milk and sugar. Chicory is drunk to normalize blood sugar, calm the nervous system, increase hemoglobin, and cleanse the body of toxins. But a drink made from chicory root has contraindications. Women suffering from varicose veins, gastritis, and peptic ulcers should not use it. It also has a diuretic effect and can lead to dehydration, which is especially dangerous during pregnancy. The optimal dosage is 2-3 cups per day. It is prepared like regular instant drinks, simply by pouring boiling water over it.

Increased attention is always paid to the diet of a pregnant woman, since everything that is absorbed from the mother’s gastrointestinal tract into the blood flows through the umbilical vessels to the baby. Therefore, no one doubts the harm of alcohol during pregnancy. But why pregnant women should not have coffee, mushrooms or chocolate is not always clear to expectant mothers.

What are the harms of coffee during pregnancy?

Coffee contains substances that can increase the secretion hydrochloric acid cells of the gastric mucosa, which can lead to increased heartburn and nausea, as well as poor digestion. Drinking large amounts of coffee and caffeine-containing drinks leads to an increase in pressure and increased tone of all arterial vessels, including the vessels of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage in the early stages.

Coffee also has an effect on the baby - caffeine penetrates the placental barrier into circulatory system fetus, can cause increased heart rate and increased blood pressure child. In addition, it reduces blood circulation in the placenta, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus. By the way, it is not advisable to replace drinking coffee with tea, since black and green teas They also contain a lot of caffeine.

This does not mean that you should not drink coffee or tea during pregnancy at all. According to scientists who have studied this problem for a long time, drinking one to three small cups of weak coffee or tea every few days is allowed for women whose pregnancy proceeds without threats to the body of the mother and fetus. For frequent drinking, juices, compotes and milk drinks are better suited.

Can you eat mushrooms?

The amount of protein foods in a pregnant woman's diet should be increased in order to provide the fetus with the necessary growth and development. Mushrooms are considered good meat substitutes in terms of protein content, but they are much lower in calories. Therefore, some expectant mothers, trying to cover the need for proteins without the danger of gaining overweight, they focus on mushrooms in their diet.

But there are a number of reasons why pregnant women should not eat mushrooms:

  1. Mushrooms contain a large amount of difficult-to-digest fiber, which makes digestion difficult.
  2. Mushrooms, even such artificially grown ones as champignons and oyster mushrooms, are conditional allergens, so their frequent use during pregnancy can increase the allergic readiness of the child’s body. This means that such a baby has a high probability of becoming allergic in the future, and not necessarily to mushrooms, but, for example, to dust or pet hair.
  3. The greatest danger comes from eating forest mushrooms, collected independently or purchased at spontaneous markets. Since any mushroom that looks the most edible can turn out to be poisonous. After mushroom poisoning during treatment under conditions intensive care unit It is sometimes possible to save pregnant women, but there is practically no chance of saving the fetus due to the fact that the poison contained in mushrooms is very toxic to the developing organism.

Sweet carbonated water often and in large quantities no need to drink even completely healthy person, since its benefits are limited only by the moral pleasure of use.

The main reasons why pregnant women should not drink soda:

  • Gas bubbles cause increased gas formation in the intestines of a pregnant woman, which will manifest itself as wandering stabbing pains and severe bloating. There are studies that indicate that carbon dioxide from soda can cross the placenta into the fetal intestines and cause flatulence.
  • Carbon dioxide combined with citric acid, which is present in almost any soda, removes calcium from the body. And since a woman during pregnancy needs additional calcium to form skeletal system fetus, then with increased excretion of this mineral, calcium may be washed out from the pregnant woman’s skeleton, i.e. Excessive bone fragility will develop.
  • Often, carbonated water, in addition to carbon dioxide, contains various dyes and flavor enhancers, which can be harmful to the development of the fetus. For example, carmine causes severe allergic reactions in a child.
  • The composition of soda contains chlorides, which contribute to fluid retention in the body and the development of edema, which is extremely undesirable for a pregnant woman.
  • It has been proven that glucose in combination with carbon dioxide It is absorbed much more quickly by the body’s cells, which, if abused by carbonated drinks, leads to excess weight. And for a pregnant woman every extra kilos can affect the course of pregnancy and the birth itself, since obesity has a much higher frequency of surgical delivery.

Can hematogen cause harm?

Hematogen is sweet food product using bovine blood in the preparation recipe. Abuse of this product often occurs during anemia, when a pregnant woman, in the hope of increasing hemoglobin, is ready to eat kilograms of hematogen.

There are several reasons why pregnant women should not take hematogen in large quantities:

  1. Hematogen in high doses can cause blood thickening, which can lead to thrombosis of the placental vessels and the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  2. Like any product containing a foreign blood protein (albumin), hematogen is a possible allergen.
  3. This is a high-calorie product, because... It contains condensed milk, molasses and sucrose. Excessive consumption of such easily digestible carbohydrates can contribute to excess weight.

Today there are many more effective ways correction of hemoglobin level rather than hematogen. But with the permission of a doctor and in acceptable dosages, it can be safely used to prevent anemia in pregnant women and as a treat for expectant mother, since if used infrequently, nothing threatening to health will happen.

Why is chocolate bad during pregnancy?

Cocoa in chocolate products can cause allergies if consumed in large quantities. In addition, many types of chocolate are high in calories and contribute to excess weight. Easily digestible glucose from chocolates can trigger the development of diabetes in the expectant mother. This is why pregnant women shouldn't eat chocolate.

But he also has positive aspects- cocoa products contain endorphin-like substances (“joy hormones”) that can improve mood. Therefore, it is worth talking about the dangers of chocolate for pregnant women only if you are overly enthusiastic about this product.

In conclusion, we should once again recall a simple truth - the benefits and harms of any food are measured not so much in the content of “good” or “bad” ingredients, but in the quantity of the food product consumed.

If a pregnant woman occasionally drinks one small cup of coffee or half a glass of soda, eats one piece of hematogen or a piece of chocolate every few days, then neither she nor the growing fetus will be in any danger. But the expectant mother will gain a lot from eating the desired product positive emotions, which play no less a role in the development of a successful pregnancy than proper nutrition.

Many women simply cannot imagine their life without coffee doping. For coffee lovers, a morning without coffee is “not good,” and a day without an aromatic cup of Espresso will be a waste. But with the appearance of a baby in the tummy, mothers begin to think about the effect of this alluring drink on the baby.

Is it harmful to drink coffee during pregnancy?

Coffee beans contain many chemical components, the main one being caffeine. Long-term drinking of coffee large quantities a person develops an addiction similar to alcohol. Therefore, if a woman drank coffee before pregnancy, then when the coveted two lines appear on the test, she should not suddenly stop drinking her favorite drink. This must be done gradually, reducing the amount of coffee you drink per day. The optimal dose is no more than one cup of weak coffee per day, preferably diluted with milk.

Although it is believed that drinking coffee in small quantities during pregnancy cannot harm the unborn child, it is still recommended to completely abandon this drink while pregnant. After all, caffeine can penetrate the placenta, causing the fetus to increase its heart rate, and it can also reduce blood flow to the placenta, which increases the risk of developing anemia and fetal hypoxia.

Coffee has a strong diuretic effect on the pregnant woman herself, so it is necessary to replenish fluid loss by drinking at least 1.5 liters per day clean water without gas. In addition, constant consumption of coffee provokes the occurrence of urolithiasis, and also promotes leaching useful microelements and vitamins from the woman’s body. Coffee also causes heartburn and abdominal discomfort for many.

But how can you refuse aromatic coffee? It invigorates, increases attention and productivity, improves mood. Caffeine is effective for some types of headaches and enhances the effect of some painkillers.

But despite this, drinking coffee in large quantities (6-7 cups per day or more) in the early stages increases the risk of miscarriages, and in the later stages - premature birth, as well as the birth of children with low body weight. Therefore, drinking coffee during pregnancy more than one cup a day and more than 3 times a week is not recommended.

In addition to all that has been said, coffee should be naturally ground and freshly brewed, and it is better to dilute it with milk or cream.

Chicory instead of coffee during pregnancy: what are the benefits and what are the contraindications?

Chicory cannot be called a complete substitute for coffee, although these two drinks are similar in taste and color. But during pregnancy, it is preferable to drink a chicory drink than strong coffee in the morning.

Chicory is rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), vitamin C, pectin, carotene, microelements (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron and others), as well as inulin, proteins, organic acids and tannins. It does not contain caffeine, which means that chicory drink can be drunk by people with high blood pressure and arrhythmia.

It promotes:

  • improving metabolism and cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances, thereby helping the liver;
  • normalizing the functioning of the intestines and stomach, reducing constipation and relieving heartburn and nausea, which is especially important during pregnancy;
  • reduces the load on the heart (which is important during pregnancy, because with the appearance of a belly, the volume of blood in a woman’s body increases and the load on the heart increases);
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels, purifying the blood and increasing hemoglobin, which is important for anemia in pregnant women.

Chicory is also useful for congestive diseases of the kidneys and gall bladder, because it has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

For colds, a drink made from soluble chicory relieves heat and inflammation, suppresses the development of bacteria and increases the patient's immunity. But if you have a bronchial cough (including asthma), drinking chicory is not recommended, as it can worsen the cough.

During pregnancy, chicory is an effective tonic. Chicory also acts as a mild sedative, calming nervous system after experiences, thereby improving mood.

Pregnant women with diabetes mellitus You can drink chicory without fear, because it reduces blood sugar levels. In addition, chicory root has a sweetish taste, so there is no need to sweeten the drink with a sweetener, which is also good when fighting excess weight.

During pregnancy, you should not abuse chicory drink unless directed by a doctor. It is recommended to drink this drink no more than 2 times a day. You can add milk to it, so the drink will be even healthier and tastier. In addition, people with lactose intolerance do not experience discomfort after taking chicory with milk. This is due to the fact that chicory prevents milk from curdling in the stomach.

Taking a drink from chicory root is contraindicated for pregnant women with varicose veins veins, as well as for hemorrhoids. This is due to the vasodilating effect of chicory.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, shortening of the cervix, placenta previa, it is not recommended to drink chicory, as it can aggravate the situation. But if the pregnancy is progressing normally, then periodically taking a chicory drink will not harm.

Pregnant women who are allergic to this herb, as well as the vitamin C it contains, should also beware of chicory.

For gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chicory is also not recommended, because it causes an increase in appetite due to the secretion of gastric juice, which irritates the damaged mucous membrane of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnant coffee drinkers with gastritis who cannot resist a cup of this drink are still better off giving preference to chicory, but “soften” it with milk (can be condensed) or a scoop of ice cream and not drink it on an empty stomach.

In addition to all that has been said, chicory improves appetite, and excess weight during pregnancy is not welcome, so watch your diet and do not overeat.

Look for brands that say "100% natural chicory extract." Please note that the presence of artificial sweeteners and colors, as well as industrial fortification with vitamins, is NOT welcome.

A good product is, for example, Instant chicory with blueberries TM “Golden Root” (Russia) or TM “Galka” (Ukraine). You can also buy “pure” chicory (without added fruits and berries), but if you don’t like bitterness, then it’s still better to buy chicory with natural additives, which makes the taste softer.

A tasty and aromatic drink is also obtained from soluble chicory with extracts green tea and chamomile TM “Elite Health Line” (Russia).

In the article we discuss whether pregnant women can drink coffee. We will talk about the benefits and harms of coffee for pregnant women. You will learn how a drink can affect the fetus, what to do if you really want coffee, and also what you can replace it with.

The benefits and harms of coffee for pregnant women in the early stages

Coffee during pregnancy is allowed in moderation

In each trimester of pregnancy, coffee affects the expectant mother and baby differently. Caffeine is considered beneficial only if the drink is prepared correctly and from high-quality grains, does not contain impurities, and you have no contraindications to consuming caffeine.

On the one hand, the benefits of coffee are obvious. The caffeine included in the composition can eliminate depression, improve mood, and give strength. When consumed in moderation, the drink relieves headaches, fights low blood pressure and hypotension. The norm of coffee is 1-2 small cups per day. Doctors advise not to drink coffee during pregnancy or to drink it too much. limited quantities, since the drink may have negative impact on fetal development.

Coffee can be harmful if the dosage is increased. Regular consumption of coffee leads to increased urine output due to accelerated kidney function and, consequently, to dehydration. Coffee increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid by 5 times and secretion by 2 times salivary glands, irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa, increases breathing and heart rate, and increases blood pressure.

Coffee removes calcium and other essential microelements from the body.(iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium), and not only removes, but prevents their absorption. Undoubtedly, a pregnant woman does not need such influence at all. Regular consumption of coffee provokes uterine tone and, therefore, increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

But sometimes a fragrant cup is irreplaceable, especially if a woman cannot live or work without it. Just one serving a week of a natural, weak drink will not harm the baby, but the mother’s performance will increase and her well-being will improve.

How coffee can affect the fetus

Is it possible to drink coffee during early pregnancy? In the early stages of pregnancy, it is better to stop drinking coffee or, as a last resort, drink 20-30 ml of a freshly brewed drink diluted with milk.

Why shouldn't pregnant women drink coffee? It is harmful to drink a lot of coffee in the early stages of pregnancy, as this can threaten the improper formation of fetal organs. In the first trimester, the formation of organs, the nervous system, and the brain occurs. The fetus develops actively, it is sensitive to external factors. It takes all the substances its body needs from the mother’s. This must be taken into account when drinking more than 1 cup of coffee per day.

In the 2nd trimester, coffee during pregnancy does not have such a harsh effect on the body. At this stage, the baby is already stronger and can withstand elements that are not necessary for him.

Can pregnant women have decaffeinated coffee? There really is such coffee, but in the process of extracting caffeine from the beans, it remains small quantity caffeine, it is impossible to completely get the drink without it. For the caffeine extraction procedure, harmful chemicals who are not in the best possible way can affect the development of the fetus in any trimester and your well-being.

In the 3rd trimester, it is better to avoid coffee during pregnancy because swelling often occurs before childbirth. Caffeine delays fluid excretion.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, coffee has a negative effect during pregnancy.

From 1996 to 2002, Danish scientists conducted a study in which more than 88 thousand pregnant women participated. Research results:

  • Drinking 1.5-3 cups of coffee per day leads to fetal death in 3% of cases.
  • Drinking 3-4 cups of coffee leads to fetal death in 13% of cases.
  • Drinking 4-7 cups of coffee leads to fetal death in 33% of cases.
  • Drinking 8 or more cups of coffee leads to fetal death in 59% of cases.

Danish scientists also claim that caffeine can affect the mental development of the fetus and can slow down its growth in the womb.

Popular doctor and TV show host E.O. Komarovsky does not recommend that a pregnant woman include in her diet any overseas products that were not on the tables of our great-grandmothers. And speaking of coffee, it's not just the caffeine. Foreign proteins contained in such products are not absorbed by our body. This, firstly, increases the load on the liver, and during pregnancy it is already increased. And secondly, proteins unfamiliar to the body reach the fetus and cause allergies in the baby.

When deciding whether you should drink coffee during pregnancy, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor.

How many cups of coffee per day can an expectant mother drink?

Do not brew strong coffee, it is better to dilute the drink with milk

Can pregnant women drink coffee? Possible, but no more than 1 cup per day. If you drink 1 cup of the drink per week or less, that's even better. In general, if there are no contraindications or other instructions from the attending physician, then you can drink coffee, but if it is possible to limit the consumption of an invigorating drink, then you should abstain until the moment of birth. This is explained by the fact that caffeine, although beneficial in some cases, can have a negative effect on the fetus and the expectant mother.

In the first trimester (weeks 1-12), women often suffer from toxicosis. Moderate consumption of espresso can improve a woman’s well-being. Just one cup increases blood pressure and slightly increases the pulse, and this is a real salvation for hypotensive people. Is it possible to drink coffee with milk every day during pregnancy? Although milk or cream softens coffee and makes it less strong, you should not drink the drink every day.

How to replace coffee during pregnancy

Can pregnant women have chicory instead of coffee? Yes, chicory is a great alternative. Chicory does not contain caffeine, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a pregnant woman. Inulin contained in chicory improves digestion. For a pregnant woman, this is especially true if there is constipation and toxicosis.

Chicory improves the functioning of the pancreas and cleanses the blood. In addition, chicory controls blood sugar levels. It tastes a little different from coffee.

Instead of brewed coffee during pregnancy, it is better to drink infusions from various herbs. Ivan tea and alfalfa are good. Currant leaves, brewed in the morning, promote normal kidney function and strengthen the immune system. Raspberry leaves have a positive effect on the uterus, preparing it for childbirth. It is allowed to take raspberry tea before childbirth.

Can pregnant women have coffee with cream? It is better not to drink coffee with cream on an empty stomach. Cream is a fairly fatty product. Eating cream on an empty stomach has a negative effect on the digestive tract. Drinking coffee with cream in the morning will kill your appetite and not get important vitamins.

If you cannot resist coffee with milk or cream, be sure to drink it weakly brewed and only after meals. During pregnancy, think about yourself and the baby, since everything you eat and drink will go not only to you, but also to the baby. Choose foods and drinks carefully, giving preference to natural ingredients.

When should you not drink coffee during pregnancy?

A direct contraindication to drinking coffee during pregnancy is peptic ulcer stomach and gastritis. It is worth limiting the consumption of coffee during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, since at this time the laying of internal organs and the main development of the embryo occurs. You should not drink coffee without moderation. Optimally - 1 cup of coffee once every 2-3 days.

Contraindications for drinking coffee:

  • high blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • early toxicosis and gestosis (complications in the second half of pregnancy);
  • sleep disorders;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • anemia.

What to do if you really want to

If you cannot go a day without coffee, and your doctor has not prohibited you from drinking it, then you can sometimes drink one cup of the aromatic drink. Instant coffee is contraindicated during pregnancy; it does not contain beneficial substances, moreover, it has a harmful effect on the body.

If you want coffee in the morning, then take beans without aromatic additives, grind them in a coffee grinder and brew a small cup. Can pregnant women have coffee with milk? Yes, milk makes the drink less strong. However, you should not drink coffee with milk or cream on an empty stomach.

In addition, the caffeine content in beans depends on the type of roasting. The more the beans are roasted, the more alkaloids they contain, and the taste of the drink becomes richer and stronger. Strongly roasted coffee is not suitable for pregnant women.

For more information about coffee during pregnancy, watch the video:

What to remember?

  1. Before drinking the drink, study the benefits and harms of coffee for pregnant women, as well as the dangers of coffee during pregnancy.
  2. Can pregnant women have coffee with milk in the morning? If there are no contraindications and you are in the second trimester, then one cup of coffee after meals will not hurt.
  3. For consumption, use only freshly brewed natural coffee. It is not recommended to drink instant coffee.