Jardin bean coffee. Bean coffee

Millions of people around the world start their morning with a cup of aromatic coffee. And, probably, each person imagines the ideal taste of this drink differently: a gentle girl will probably like soft coffee with chocolate notes, and a rushing bank employee will like the simple taste of invigorating espresso. Therefore, in this article we will try not only to list coffee brands by popularity, but also to reveal distinctive features each of them.

The best coffee beans in Russia and in the world: list, names, varieties, brands, rating

To begin with, we will try to clarify and determine the criteria by which you can navigate when buying coffee beans. So first of all this variety coffee beans and country, in which they were raised.

All types of coffee are divided into two large groups, This:

  • Arabica (60-70% of the world market). This type of coffee is endowed with a complex taste and aroma. Depending on the characteristics of the variety, cultivation, roasting technology and even storage conditions, taste qualities may change and acquire certain shades. The main exporter of Arabica is Latin American countries, but it is also growing in Asia and Africa
  • Robusta (30-40% of global sales). Strong coffee with a rich bitter taste. Offered to consumers as in pure form, and as part of coffee mixes, where both Arabica and Robusta are present

Bean coffee rating

The Russian market offers coffee beans grown and packaged all over the world, and the most popular brands are:

  1. Lavazza — grain coffee of this brand has already taken root in the domestic market. Consumers note good value for money. The brand's line includes absolutely different options from classic espresso from different varieties of Arabica to mixes with honey and floral notes. This coffee is produced in Italy, raw materials are purchased all over the world. The brand is also popular in Western countries
  2. Pauling - coffee comes from Finland, which is also popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Widely represented in retail trading network, there are options both in the middle price segment and in the premium class. According to consumers, this coffee has well-roasted, fairly dark beans, it has sourness and is not overly acidic, and boasts a rich taste and aroma
  3. Jardin - this is Arabica in all variations; the manufacturer offers both mixes of beans of different varieties of varying degrees of roasting, and coffee from single-origin varieties. This brand occupies an average price niche. The taste of this coffee has already created an excellent reputation among Russian gourmets.
  4. Kimbo is a brand that is gaining increasing popularity. This Italian brand is over 50 years old and its range contains a huge number of products - these include pure Arabica of different varieties, Arabica with Robusta, and options with chocolate and citrus notes.
  5. Carte Noire - many call him the best. A blend of several Arabica varieties grown in... different countries

The most delicious coffee beans, ground, instant

When purchasing coffee gourmets, they often also pay attention to country in which the coffee beans were grown, because the taste of the same variety from different countries can differ radically. The climate of areas located no further than ten degrees south or north of the equator is suitable for growing coffee. The plant is exported to more than 50 countries in the world, but there are only a few major exporters of coffee beans.

  • Brazil(grows about 30% of coffee beans). Recognized world leader. The taste of Brazilian Arabica is a classic; this coffee is moderately strong, leaves behind a pleasant aftertaste and has chocolate notes. But coffee connoisseurs may find it simple
  • Vietnam(about 14% of world exports). Robusta is mainly grown in Vietnam, and many who have tasted coffee directly in this country note its unique, unlike anything else taste. Vietnamese coffee is one of the most balanced in the world: it is moderately strong, has a rich flavor composition, and boasts chocolate, caramel, almond and vanilla notes. However, in Russia it is extremely difficult to find pure Vietnamese coffee in retail stores.

Coffee harvesting in Vietnam
  • Colombia(approximately 10% of all coffee in the world is grown). This is the only country that sells coffee under its own brand of the same name. High quality is guaranteed by government control at all stages of production, from cultivation to packaging. The most famous variety is named after the country's capital - Bagota; other varieties of Colombian Arabica are also popular: Colombia Excelso, Popea Excelso, Narino and others
  • Indonesia(6% of sales). Basically, coffee grown in Indonesia is Robusta, which is mixed with other types of coffee during roasting. If you see on the packaging that it contains Indonesian coffee, then you can expect that the drink will contain rich, tart notes. Indonesian robusta grows on amazingly beautiful islands, in particular Java and Sumatra, with their special nature and soil composition, so the coffee beans grown here are unique in their own way
  • Ethiopia(4% of coffee exports). One of the poorest African countries and the fifth largest coffee exporter in the world. In this country, Arabica is grown, which is valued in different parts of the Earth, but in tribes and among the poor, people cannot afford to drink high-quality coffee from beans that they grow themselves; they are content with a drink made from plant stems and production waste. In Ethiopian markets you can see green coffee sold in bags, but exporting unroasted coffee from the country is prohibited by law

Fragment from the program “Heads and Tails”: this is how coffee is sold on the market in Ethiopia

And this is what standard bags of coffee look like, intended for export from Brazil. The weight of one such standard bag is 60 kg.

Bean coffee from Brazil

Despite the fact that the leaders in coffee production are the equatorial countries listed above, the palm in sales finished products held by the USA and countries Western Europe, who, in essence, are resellers. Among the largest manufacturers of ready-made packaged coffee are also: developed countries like Germany and Japan. Coffee mixes released under one or another famous brand sometimes contain beans from different parts of the world. Nevertheless, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the variety and area in which they were grown are always indicated on the packaging.

Coffee on the shelves of the Kaluga supermarket
  • Nescafe is a European-American brand that pioneered the mass production of instant instant coffee. During the Second World War, all the products of the plant located in the United States went to supply the army. Subsequently, people liked the coffee, which was easy to prepare, so much that currently about 65% of coffee is sold in instant form
  • Kimbo, Lavazza, Danesi - all these brands come from Italy. Italy is one of the largest coffee producers in the world. And the quality of the drink produced in this country is highly appreciated by critics and gourmets
  • Carte Noire - French coffee. France is a worthy competitor to Italy in the European market
  • Davidoff, Grandos, Tchibo German brands, German quality
  • Ambassador - a brand originally from Sweden
  • Egoiste – high-quality Swiss coffee
  • Cafemania, CAFE Esmeralda, Esmeralda — brands under which Colombian coffee is sold
  • Jockey, Moscow coffee shop on shares, Jardin, LEBO — all these are trademarks of coffee produced in Russia, and this list is not complete. So the domestic manufacturer also has something to offer customers

Coffee "Black Card"

The best ground coffee in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

As soon as you open a package of ground coffee, an incomparable, pleasant aroma begins to spread throughout the kitchen. Fans of this drink are people with a delicate taste, who appreciate its rich flavor range, but lack time for preparation. Ground coffee is a compromise between grain and instant coffee.

Ground coffee rating

If you want to try some new brand, then our rating will help you make the right choice. Please note that the price-quality ratio is taken into account, that is, the most purchased brands are in the first positions. To get an idea of ​​the taste of the product, read the information in brackets - this is the average rating given in numerous customer reviews.

1. Egoiste (4.5 points out of 5) . Currently, the most popular product from the manufacturer is ground coffee Egoiste Noir. Coffee beans for it are grown in the highlands and plains of Africa and dried in the open air.

2. Lebo (4 points out of 5) . Good options under this brand are Lebo Exclusive and Lebo "Arabica", the beans for the first are grown exclusively in Colombia, for the second - they are imported from different corners Sveta. In contrast, only half of buyers respond positively to the Lebo Gold product, although the idea itself deserves attention - it is ground coffee that can be brewed directly in a cup at an affordable price.

3. Tchibo (4.4 points out of 5) . Good invigorating coffee, which perfectly helps to wake up in the morning, is quite strong, without sourness and with a strong aroma. The Tchibo brand is interesting because on the Russian market there are both products produced in Poland and products imported from Germany.

4. Grandos (4 points out of 5) . Ground coffee grown in Colombia and roasted in Germany. Pure Arabica with a fruity note and slight sourness.

5. Lavazza (4.8 points out of 5) . Among the brand's products, everyone can choose something to their liking. Lavazza Carmencita is a coffee with a chocolate flavor that is practically not bitter. Lavazza Espresso is an invigorating, bitter coffee of high quality. Lavazza Oro is sweet, bitter, and slightly sour at the same time. In Lavazza Crema, Arabica is mixed with Robusta, this coffee contains pleasant chocolate and nut notes, and the cup produces foam, which many people love so much.

6. Davidoff (4.8 points out of 5) . Exquisite coffee with a subtle aroma, made in Germany. The composition includes not only raw materials from Latin America and Africa, but also grains grown on the Pacific Islands. This coffee is not very common, but is appreciated by many who have tried it.

7. Kimbo (4.9 out of 5 points) . Excellent ground coffee from Naples. Available in two versions: Aroma Gold - with lightly roasted beans and a mild taste, and Espresso Napoletano - with dark roasting and bitterness.

Coffee rating: No. 7 Kimbo ground coffee

The best natural instant coffee in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

1. Egoiste (4.7 points out of 5) . Quality instant coffee made from Colombian coffee beans and produced in Switzerland. Sold in the form of crystals, in which grains of ground coffee are hidden under a soluble shell. Thanks to this technology, the taste becomes more intense, but sediment remains at the bottom of the cup.

2. Bushido (5 points out of 5) . Premium coffee. Made from selected Arabica varieties. Edible gold is used in the preparation of Bushido 24 Karat. The beans for Black Katana are roasted over hot coals. And for Bushido Light Katana, coffee trees are grown on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. Coffee is elitist in every way.

3. Jacobs (4.2 out of 5 points) . The Jacobs company was founded in Germany, but now coffee of this brand is made at a subsidiary in Leningrad region. Consumers choose Jacobs for good taste at an affordable price. Except instant coffee Jacobs Monarch, the company offers the Jacobs Millicano product, which includes both instant and ground coffee.

Coffee rating: #3 Jacobs

4. Lebo (4.3 points out of 5) . Instant Lebo Exclusive, originally from Colombia, is a fairly strong coffee, despite the fact that it contains only Arabica, Lebo “Extra” is Brazilian coffee with a chocolate note. The brand's products belong to the middle price segment and are sold in different packaging: vacuum, glass and portioned bags.

5. Gevalia (4.7 points out of 5) . Coffee with a pleasant soft taste, without sourness or bitterness. Produced in Finland.

6. Nescafe (3.5 out of 5) . The taste of Nescafe Classic is probably familiar to everyone. This is a soft, non-bitter coffee with chocolate notes. The brand's second most popular product is Nescafe Gold coffee, which is lighter and lighter in taste.

7. Today (4 points out of 5) . Coffee from the middle price category. Today Espresso has spicy notes. Today Green contains green, unroasted coffee beans and tastes like green tea. Today In-Fi has both instant and ground coffee.

The best decaffeinated coffee in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

If for some reason you can’t drink coffee, but you really want it, then decaffeinated coffee will come to the rescue. But which drink best retains its taste after decaffeination?

  1. Carte Noire — this coffee is good both with and without caffeine. The only drawback is the price is higher than average
  2. Lavazza - also good coffee, which is also available in decaffeinated versions
  3. Grandos Gold - delicious decaffeinated coffee

The best espresso coffee in Russia and in the world: varieties, brands

Espresso is sometimes called any strong coffee with a characteristic taste. But real espresso is not instant; it can be prepared from ground beans using a coffee machine. This aromatic espresso produces a light reddish foam, and its taste is unique. What coffee sold in Russia is best suited for espresso? It should be a good coffee with dark roast beans and a very fine grind, such as:

  1. Egoiste Espresso
  2. Carte Noire No. 7 Espresso
  3. Lavazza Espresso

The world's best espresso is made from coffee beans grown in Colombia. If you wish, you can buy this coffee in Russia.

If we're talking about methods of making coffee, let's list the most popular ones:

The best coffee for cappuccino

You don't need special coffee beans to make a good cappuccino. It is enough to make high-quality espresso, which was discussed in the previous paragraph. The cup is filled one third with undiluted coffee, then frothed milk is added and finally thick milk foam, which is spooned out. The hat can be decorated with grated chocolate or cinnamon.

The best coffee beans for a coffee machine: varieties, brands

Coffee machines make coffee in different ways, so finding the best one will likely only be a matter of trial and error. But our list will help make your search for the perfect beans easier.

Of the expensive luxury brands worth trying:

  1. Musetti
  2. Molinari
  3. Illy

From bean coffee, which is sold everywhere:

  1. Lavazza
  2. Kimbo
  3. Paulig

Which coffee is better ground, instant or whole beans?

The most delicious coffee comes from freshly ground beans. The fact is that over time, coffee inevitably fizzles out, and the finer the grind, the more intense the process. Thus, the maximum oils with a pleasant taste and smell are contained in whole bean coffee, followed by ground coffee, and only then instant coffee for quick brewing.

How to choose good coffee in a store: tips and requirements for coffee quality

When buying coffee in a store, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Fresh coffee tastes better. Even a product of the same brand can differ significantly in taste, depending on how long ago the coffee beans were picked and roasted. Therefore, pay attention to the expiration date
  2. Pack with valve. If there is no valve on the package of coffee beans, then its taste will most likely disappoint you. The presence of an aroma valve indicates that the beans were packed immediately after roasting, which means they did not lose their aromatic oils. This criterion applies only to bean coffee; valves are not needed for ground and instant coffee.
  3. It is believed that good bean coffee should be light brown in color, and if its color is almost black, it is overroasted. But the color of different beans in one pack may differ; some manufacturers roast different varieties separately so that in the end they create the desired composition
  4. The surface of the grains should be smooth and shiny, without crumbs or chips
  5. Good ground coffee can be recognized by price and packaging; glass and tin containers are preferable to soft packaging
  6. To evaluate the quality of already purchased ground coffee, throw a pinch of it into water; the water should remain clear. If this is not the case, then there are impurities in the coffee.
  7. An indirect sign of good coffee is the absence of synthetic additives. Although there are also very high-quality products with natural flavors
  8. Do not buy coffee in bulk if it is displayed in open boxes or cans. Coffee should be stored in airtight packaging, and good retail outlets know this

We hope that our article will help you discover something new, unknown to yourself. trademark and enjoy the taste of freshly brewed coffee.

The best coffee according to the program “Test Purchase”

VIDEO: Rating of ground and bean coffee

VIDEO: Instant coffee rating

A coffee lover turns the creation and consumption of an aromatic drink into a kind of ritual. Coffee makers are purchased not to speed up awakening, but to increase the number of drink recipes. The type and degree of roasting of coffee for the coffee machine has great value. By choosing the right ratio of grains of different varieties, you can get high foam, amazing aroma and unique taste.

Ground coffee retains its aroma for only 10 minutes and begins to lose it. Whole bean coffee retains all its qualities unchanged for a year or more. proper storage. With a large number of varieties, on packs of coffee you can see 3 varieties:

  • arabica,
  • robusta,
  • liberica.

Each of them has its own characteristics and popularity.

Oblong grains with an even score on the flat side. The aroma is weak, the foam does not whip up well, but the taste is pronounced and rich, has many shades. The caffeine content is low. The density of the bean depends on the height of the coffee trees. The higher the plantations are located, the denser the coffee berry seed.

Gourmets prefer single-origin coffee beans grown in a specific area. They have a subtle taste of flowers, cocoa, chocolate and others. Arabica coffee's flavor depends on the area where it is grown. For example, “Monsoon Malabar” has almost no sourness.

The sourness is also faintly felt in coffee beans grown in Cuba and in Dominican Republic. It is most strongly felt in Arabica beans from Mexico, Ethiopia and Kenya. Brazilian varieties have a nutty flavor. Coffee from Uganda and Guatemala with a dark chocolate flavor.

Robusta has smaller, more elongated grains. The beans contain 2 times more caffeine than Arabica, and coffee made from them is bitter. Robusta must be added to coffee for all coffee machines to obtain high cream crema and aroma.

Liberica contains almost no caffeine. The grain is almost 2 times larger than Arabica, up to 4 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. The drink turns out bitter and watery. The aroma surpasses all known varieties. Liberica trees grow north of the equator, reaching a height of 16-18 meters, and only 2% of the soil is suitable for them. Coffee beans are not exported. It is mainly drunk by local residents and used by confectioners. Liberica coffee is used as an additive in blended formulations. A small amount of grains gives a strong aroma.

Arabica coffee with the addition of 10–30% robusta is suitable for coffee machines. This is enough to obtain good foam, strong aroma and mild bitterness.

Degree of roasting of beans

The taste depends on the degree of roasting. The lower the processing temperature, the more sourness, the less bitterness and vice versa. On the package you can see 3 degrees of roasting:

  • light,
  • average,
  • dark.

In fact, there are many more options. Dark French and Italian roasting gives the beans a chocolate color and a buttery sheen. Spanish and Cuban producers process the beans at 250°C and they are similar to coals. This coffee does not have any sourness or other flavor variations, only bitterness and strength.

The most common roast is medium Viennese. Processing temperature 225–230°C. Beans roasted at this temperature are more suitable for coffee machines and are popular among coffee lovers. The taste has a balance of sourness and bitterness, rich with various shades. The drink is quite strong.

All the nuances of the monosort are revealed during light roasting. It has several options from different manufacturers. The popularity rating is topped by:

  • American - 210–220°C;
  • Scandinavian roasting - 200–210°C.

Light American roast is suitable for coffee machines, especially for those who like a sour drink. Scandinavian processing is not very popular, it has a strong sour aftertaste, especially when making espresso.

When purchasing bean coffee, you should pay attention to the integrity of the beans and the absence of chips. The color should be uniform.

A low-quality product is most often masked by dark roasting: grains of different sizes and shapes, without shine, with chips and uneven grooves.

The packaging must have a one-way valve that allows gases to escape and does not allow air to enter the package.

Ground or beans

Coffee makers operate on ground coffee, and some models of coffee machines can be loaded with both raw and ground beans. Which one to prefer and why.

After roasting, coffee, even in high-quality packaging, retains its aroma and taste with all its nuances for an average of 2–3 weeks. After a month it begins to lose its aroma. In coffee that has been sitting for 4-5 months, the coffee lover will not hear some flavors. After 10 months, the coffee will lose a lot of taste. After a year, one can only hope that the lingering caffeine will perk you up. This kind of coffee will not give you pleasure, even if it is beans or freshly ground.

The advantage of coffee machines is that they grind the beans immediately before preparing the drink. Therefore, preference should be given to grains. You can use ground coffee, you just need to look in the instructions for the unit to see which varieties are preferable.

Popular manufacturers

The largest amount of coffee is imported from Brazil. Colombia and Mexico supply inexpensive and high-quality grains. Products with Hawaiian Islands different exquisite taste, aroma, has a high cost.

What type and grade of coffee is suitable for your equipment for preparing drinks is written in the instructions for the unit. The most popular varieties are:

  • Italkafe,
  • Musetti,
  • Malongo,
  • Wintergreen,
  • Bristol,

Positive reviews about these varieties from owners of carob coffee makers and complex coffee machines with cappuccino makers.


Available for all types of coffee machines, including capsule ones. There is grain available, including green. The bulk of products are ground coffee. Mostly medium Viennese and dark Italian roasts are produced.


The Musetti trading house is based in northern Italy. Currently, Viennese roasted coffee beans are produced with different grind sizes. Musetti products are suitable for all types of coffee makers.


French coffee, Arabica 100%. Most of the species are monovarieties. Italian roast. Ground makes up the largest part from a huge selection of coffee. The grains are collected on plantations of different countries and continents. Suitable for coffee machines.


Popular with lovers of cheap drinks. Sold mainly through online stores and specialized Wintergreen tea and coffee houses. Rather, they are complementary products to various teas, suitable for brewing in Turks and drip coffee makers.


A blend of Arabica and Robusta. A large selection of beans of varying degrees of roasting and ground with different degrees of grinding are intended for making cappuccino. You can choose the one suitable for different types coffee makers and machines.

Italian LavAzza has a composition: pure Arabica and a mixture with Robusta, up to 70% of the latter. Wide choice for different types machines, there is grain for cappuccino and espresso.

How to understand whether the selected coffee variety is suitable for your machine

You can determine the appropriate coffee based on its degree of grinding and roasting of whole beans using an experimental method. When using ground raw materials, do not use dust or coarse grinding. They are not suitable for coffee machines.

If the stream flows weakly, the coffee is small and does not fit, it clogs the funnel. Grains that are too oily cannot be used in coffee machines, especially those that are flavored or with flavoring additives.

The grains must be the same size. Roast levels for espresso are light to medium. Cappuccino will turn out better when roasted heavily with the addition of robusta.
If, when using a certain type of coffee, it does not turn out to be tasty and aromatic enough, or problems arise in the operation of the machine, it is not suitable for this coffee maker.

Having purchased a new coffee machine, the first thing its owner decides on is the capabilities of the unit and the number of recipes. It is important to immediately find the optimal grind type and type of coffee.

  1. Read the instructions to see which varieties, roast level and grind size are recommended for the machine.
  2. If you want to experiment and create new tastes, buy 100 g of grains of the varieties indicated in the instructions and several with similar characteristics.
  3. Try and observe the condition of the coffee machine.

Hard grains are not suitable for ceramic millstones. It is advisable to avoid dark roast and high-altitude coffee, especially with the addition of liberica.
Shiny grains contain a lot of oils, which accumulate on the millstones, clogging them. They should not be used with a metal coffee grinder.
It is necessary to ensure that the grains are well dried. Moisture causes corrosion on the millstones. It destroys them and ends up in the ground raw materials.

5 best brands of ground and bean coffee

Coffee beans for coffee machines have the following rating according to customer opinions and reviews.

The TastyCoffee monosort is intended for gourmets, connoisseurs of a wide palette of tastes and lovers of a coffee drink with a slight sourness and slight bitterness. Has a medium roast. Suitable for coffee machines.

Italian Carraro beans can also be purchased decaffeinated for brewing in a Turkish coffee pot. Regular grain is suitable for coffee makers and machines. Has varying degrees roasting Ground is available in tin packaging, which guarantees the preservation of aroma and taste.

Australian Julius Meinl with Viennese roasting of Arabica and Robusta beans guarantees excellent foam and the presence of acidity. Suitable for all types of machines.

The Jardin brand is popular among lovers of not very expensive drinks. In the list of varieties you can find 5 types of roasting. Available in grain and ground.

The LavAzza brand is widely known to lovers of all types of coffee drinks. You can choose any composition, from 100% Arabica to 70% Robusta. According to customer reviews, LavAzza is the best. Everyone chooses ground or grains for themselves. Brews well in Turks, machines and coffee makers. The cost is average, the quality is high.

The choice of coffee is large. The best option for the owner of a coffee machine is to choose bean varieties suitable for the machine and use them to create recipes to suit your taste.

Given the huge variety of coffee trees, it is quite difficult to classify them. Of the entire impressive list, only four are valuable for culinary art. The grains of these plants grown in a variety of locations globe, used to prepare coffee drinks.

It should be noted right away that types of coffee and coffee varieties are two different concepts. Types of coffee are varieties of plants, and varieties are various cultivars and hybrids obtained as a result of selection with useful or decorative characteristics inherent only to them, for example, Caturra(bud mutation of Coffea arabica var. burbon), Maragogyp(bud mutation of Coffea arabica var. typica), etc.

At the same time, the concept of “grade” is more capacious and is used to designate the assortment of coffee presented on the market.

To prepare aromatic drinks, grains from several botanical tree species are used. What types of coffee are there?

When people say that they can’t stand coffee because it’s tasteless, excessively bitter or astringent, I just want to tell them: you just don’t know how to prepare it! However, even a great coffee master will be powerless if he comes across the wrong beans.

Arabica or Robusta

All varieties of coffee are produced from two coffee trees - Arabica or Robusta, the choice of which is determined solely by personal preference. Arabica is more capricious to grow, has elongated grains, a noble, slightly sweet and rich taste, in which a piquant mixture of bitterness and sourness is felt. Robusta does not require special conditions during the growing process, easily tolerates the vagaries of weather and temperature changes, has round grains, and is characterized by a high caffeine content and a bitter taste. Very often, manufacturers mix Robusta with Arabica, but the best varieties coffee is 100% Arabica, although Arabica grown in different countries or even on neighboring plantations can vary greatly in taste and aroma. Brazilian Arabica has a slight nutty flavor, Indian Arabica is famous for its chocolate tones, Kenyan gives a slight winey sourness, and in Ethiopian Arabica you can feel berry notes if desired.

Greeted by clothes

Coffee packaging is an important indicator of its quality, since coffee taste and aroma have two main enemies - light and oxygen, which mercilessly destroy all the most valuable properties of coffee beans. True coffee connoisseurs never buy coffee by weight in regular stores, because during weeks and months of storage on the counter, such coffee becomes sluggish and lifeless, loses unique aroma and loses in taste characteristics. If you want to see the product in person, buy coffee in specialized departments that sell only fresh coffee beans. The packaging must be airtight - preferably made of three-layer foil with a valve, which is necessary not only for assessing the aroma, but also for exiting carbon dioxide, released when roasting grains. At the same time, the valve is designed in such a cunning way that air easily comes out of it, but does not enter inside - removing excess carbon dioxide and preventing oxygen from entering allows you to preserve the original taste of coffee, which so attracts coffee gourmets.

Selecting the degree of roasting

Coffee beans are roasted to give them a unique flavor that depends on the amount essential oils, located inside the grain (there are about 600 types), and on the degree of their manifestation during the frying process. In other words, the taste and aroma of the drink depends not only on the type of coffee, but also on the degree of roasting of the beans - this information is reflected on the packaging in the form of numbers - from 1 (light roast) to 5 (strong roast). The choice in this case depends solely on taste preferences, however, pay attention to the roasting date, remembering that roasted beans retain their aroma for a month, and the more time that passes from this moment, the more the coffee loses in its taste.

Roasting levels:

  1. Scandinavian (super light) roasting gives the coffee tenderness and softness, the color of the beans is light brown, almost beige.
  2. American (medium) roasting contributes to the appearance of a slight bitterness in the taste, the color of the beans is rich brown, but this type Roasting does not allow the appearance of essential oils on the surface of the grains, so the taste and aroma are revealed only by a slight hint.
  3. Vienna roasting - the beans darken and become shiny due to the manifestation of essential oils, sweetish notes appear in the taste of coffee.
  4. French (strong) roasting gives the beans an intense chocolate color, and the taste acquires a pleasant bitterness and astringency.
  5. Italian (very strong) roasting is recognizable by its black, oily beans, and the drink acquires a special expressiveness, velvety and richness - this is a real bitter coffee in the classic version.

Ground or whole coffee beans

Since coffee begins to lose flavor immediately after grinding, it's best to buy whole coffee beans and grind them yourself before preparing the drink - at least that's what picky coffee lovers do. If you prefer ground coffee, pay attention to the degree of grinding:

  • Coarse grinding (the cheapest) lasts no more than 10 seconds, is suitable for a piston coffee maker, and infuses for up to 7 minutes.
  • Medium grinding lasts up to 14 seconds, is suitable for any coffee maker and Turk, and infuses for up to 5 minutes.
  • Fine grinding lasts 20 seconds, intended for filter coffee makers, infuses for up to 3 minutes
  • Fine Espresso - This grind produces a coffee "flour" ideal for espresso makers and Turkish coffee.

Unscrupulous manufacturers often dilute ground coffee with various mixtures that are easily detected at home - if you throw a pinch of coffee into a glass container with cold water and it turns brown, you have a fake that has nothing in common with real coffee.

Natural or flavored

Coffee counters offer a large selection of flavored coffees with hints of vanilla, Irish whiskey, orange, amaretto and chocolate, but keep in mind that these are chemical, not natural, additives. If you want to enjoy the real taste of coffee without any extraneous notes, buy beans without additional aromatic “decor”.

Winston Churchill said that coffee is a very personal drink, so, like good cognac, it should not be drunk in huge mugs. And John Galsworthy believed that there are things to which one cannot be faithful - for example, coffee. However, if you belong to the category of gourmets who change coffee like gloves, treat each variety personally and do not neglect quality - in this case, unearthly pleasure is guaranteed!

The modern “coffee” market is overcrowded with a huge number of all kinds of offers, differing in a number of factors. For example, by the variety of varieties and the composition of mixtures, their proportions. Such a wide selection constantly encourages you to try something new and not settle on one brand. Which is absolutely justified, because the taste qualities of coffee drinks are “replete” with variety and versatility. Due to the characteristics of each type of coffee bean, the classic taste can be complemented by honey, vanilla and other shades. Sometimes even tobacco or freshly baked bread.

Want to experiment? Then we suggest you familiarize yourself with our rating of the best coffee beans. The selection was formed on the basis of two factors - our recommendations and popularity among CoffeeLB customers.

1) Movenpick El Autentico

The list of the best coffee beans opens with El Autentico from the world famous company Movenpick. The grains of the mixture preserved their original properties as much as possible thanks to unhurried roasting: a soft, rich taste and a distinct aroma - this is how our customers characterize “El Authentico”. There can be no doubt about the high quality of the beans (100% Arabica), because they come from official Rainforest Alliance plantations. The delicious mixture is “wrapped” in a gorgeous dark chocolate colored package.

2) Lavazza Tierra

Thanks to its unusual floral aroma, Tierra deserves a place in our rating. In terms of “aroma”, other mixtures from the Lavazza line cannot compete with Tierra. The second feature is a soft taste with a slight sourness and a fruity tint. Consists of high quality 100% Arabica grown in favorable conditions- on plantations controlled by the Rainforest Alliance. The indicated advantages repeatedly noted by our clients.

To create it, several varieties of Arabica were used, grown high above the sea - from 1 to 2 km. This is a good coffee bean, the key advantage of which is regularly mentioned in reviews - an intense, bright aroma. It is complemented by a delicate taste with light sourness and a subtle hint of caramel aftertaste.

An undoubted advantage is the ease of preparation in any household coffee machines and professional coffee equipment. "Florence" is one of the best coffee beans, reviews of which tell of a rich flavor palette: delicate honey shades and a "colorful" aftertaste of fruit, caramel, chocolate and honey. They also don’t forget to mention the sweet aroma of Firenze, which is difficult to confuse with the aroma of coffee drinks from other brands.

This is the case when the “content” fully lives up to its name. After all, the aromatic qualities of this “participant” in the list of the best coffee beans are truly amazing - tart with a hint of chocolate, dried fruits and cereals. Aroma Top grains (environmentally friendly 100% Arabica) “come from” Rainforest Alliance plantations and “Aroma Top” itself is intended for professional equipment, which indicates highest quality mixtures. Our clients agree with this.

6) Movenpick der Himmlische

What does this good coffee bean provide, the reviews of which contain only positive assessments? This is the sweet taste of 100% Arabica coffee with chocolate notes, perfectly complemented by a rich aroma. For the mixture, exclusively high-quality grains are selected, collected from plantations located in high mountain areas. No less attention is paid to the roasting process. Such strict production control did not lead to an increase in the cost of the product - you can buy it from us at an affordable price.

7) Kimbo Aroma Gold

The basis of the Italian blend is made up of elite Arabica beans, roasted to a moderate level. It is characterized by the following features - a delicate, tart taste and soulful aroma, which is confirmed by reviews from customers of our online store, where you can purchase Aroma Gold.

8) Dallmayr Crema d'ORO

Another mixture that combines noble varieties of Arabica, “descended” from highland plantations. Crema d'ORO, in the opinion of our customers, is notable for its light taste with subtle sourness, balanced aroma and “silk” foam. All this is achieved not only through the scrupulous selection of beans, but also through their moderate roasting.

Half consists of robusta, which distinguishes it from other positions in the ranking of the best coffee beans. The presence of these grains “gifts” the mixture unique feature- tart aromatic notes of toasted bread and cookies. The prepared drink has a pronounced taste and high foam. Some of our customers claim that Venice is quite strong, which makes it a priority purchase for lovers of strong morning coffee.

The product completes our selection. Reviews of this coffee emphasize the absence of disadvantages and the clear advantages of “Top Class”. The composition is a “collection” of beans from different continents of the globe: sweet Asian, aromatic American (from the central regions) varieties of Arabica and Brazilian Robusta. This varied combination creates a delicate multifaceted taste and rich aroma. Therefore, Top Class is recommended for everyone to try.

Our selection of excellent representatives of the “coffee” market has come to an end. We tried to include relatively inexpensive but excellent mixtures that everyone can afford, regardless of financial capabilities. Now it’s up to you to decide which coffee beans are better and which of those presented should be preferred. You can buy any of the 10 offered in our online store at a low price.

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