How to connect a modem to an Android tablet - making the virtual world mobile. Connecting a USB modem to an Android tablet Connect a 3 g Life modem to a tablet

If you are interested in how to connect a 3G modem to an Android tablet, then nothing could be easier. The procedure for connecting a USB modem to any Android device is so simple that even an inexperienced user can handle the steps. However, before you begin, it is worth finding out what problems may arise when performing such an operation.

Tablet and modem

Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine life without good Internet. It is especially missed by tablet owners. The problem is that most of them do not have CDMA and GSM modules, which makes it impossible to have Internet on the road or in places where there is no high-speed Internet distributed via Wi-Fi. This problem can be solved by connecting a modem to the tablet. There are only 2 ways to do this.

The second method is more complicated and causes some inconvenience, but is an order of magnitude cheaper than the previous one. It consists in the fact that the USB modem is connected directly to the device itself. The connection process can be divided into three stages:

  • connecting a modem to a gadget;
  • Android setup;
  • setting up the modem.

Each stage may be accompanied by the emergence of some problems, which, fortunately, are easy to solve.

A few words can be said about the types of modems. Nowadays 2G and 3G technologies are widespread. 2G are representatives of a very slow Internet, which can only be used in the absence of good, high-speed coverage.

3G has a good data transfer speed, which is more than enough for watching a movie, video calling on Skype, etc. The speed may be limited by the tariff you choose.

Connection rules

Carefully read the instructions on how to connect the modem to an Android smartphone or tablet. In some cases, we may need an OTG adapter cable and a personal computer or laptop.

First, you need to purchase a USB modem and check it for compatibility with your device (100% operability with Android on Huawei E171/E173/E352, and on ZTE MF-100/MF-120/MF-180). To do this, you need to connect the devices to each other. Here's where you may run into problems:

Many owners of Chinese tablet computers are faced with the problem of the lack of a SIM card slot, that is, there is no support for 3G networks. This is a common practice among manufacturers who are trying to reduce the price of a model while sacrificing its functionality. However, other manufacturers, having picked up this idea, are releasing an external 3G modem for a tablet with a wide variety of technical capabilities.

Types of modems

Like any device, a network modem has various configuration solutions that are used depending on the user’s tasks. At the moment there are only two types of modems:

  • Wired;
  • Wireless.

Accordingly, the wired one is connected to the tablet computer via a special USB OTG cord, which may come as standard or will have to be purchased separately.

It is worth noting that not all touch devices support working with external peripherals: before you start setting it up, it is better to check this on the manufacturer’s official website.

A wireless modem connects to a tablet gadget via the Wi-Fi standard or, in very rare cases, via Bluetooth. It has many advantages over a classic modem, which is why it has been actively pushing USB devices out of the market lately.

However, despite the large number of advantages, it also has some disadvantages that should not be forgotten when purchasing a network device.

Huawei E171 review

The E171 is one of the flagships of the Chinese company Huawei, which provides an incredible speed of 7.2 Mbps and operates almost anywhere in the world where there are radio towers using third-generation 3G technology.

The network device supports absolutely any cellular operators both in Russia and far beyond its borders, which allows you to use the device with almost no restrictions.

Setting up a wired modem

Probably every user at least once has encountered setting up a modem on a computer running the familiar Windows operating system, where nothing was required other than installing drivers and entering the received data. When connecting a network device to an Android tablet, things are a little more complicated, since the system identifies the connected peripheral as an external drive, which should be changed.

Main window of the utility

First you need to download the free 3G Modem Mode Switcher for ZTE and Huawei program to your personal computer. After downloading, run it as administrator and then connect the modem via a working cable.

Be sure to remove the SIM card from the slot and only then make changes to the device parameters; malfunctions and errors may occur.

To make changes to the operation of the modem, click on the highlighted button only for the modem and wait for the setup process to complete, after which:

  • Disconnect the modem;
  • We return the SIM card;
  • Turn off the program.

Setting up your tablet

Now it is necessary to prepare the tablet itself, since it does not provide mechanisms for working with the external periphery. Therefore, through PlayMarket we download and install the PPP Widget program. After installation, a widget should appear on the desktop through which the settings are made.

First of all, we connect the network equipment to the device and click the Configure button and configure the connection, as we used to do on phones, namely:

  • APN name;
  • Username;
  • Password;
  • Short call number.

Settings window

All data for creating a connection can be taken from the operator’s website, obtained when purchasing network equipment, or use a table that contains information about the main cellular operators.

Operator APN Dialing User Password
MTS *99# mts mts
Megaphone internet *99# gdata gdata
Beeline *99# beeline beeline
Tele2 Internet *99# Empty Empty

As soon as all the parameters are set, save them and reboot the gadget. After turning it on, we try to connect to the mobile network using the widget, where we press the connect button. If everything went well, we use Internet resources for health, but if problems arise, we try to eliminate them.

Problems and their solutions

  1. When you click on the connect button, a message appears - there are no drivers. In this case, follow the link: and try to find drivers for your gadget. If found, drop them into the PPP program folder: sdcard-> pppwidget-> lib, then connect again.
  2. Displays a connection error. Most likely you forgot to save or the default settings were reset in some other way, so please enter again.
  3. A common reason for the modem not connecting to the Internet may be the lack of funds in the account, so the first thing to do when identifying problems is check your account.
  4. Network device failure. It happens quite rarely, it is very difficult to detect at first glance if there are no special indicators on the case that show the activity of the modem. Unfortunately, fixing a hardware failure will cost more than buying a new modem.

Huawei E5830 review

This is one of the most powerful modems on the wireless Internet equipment market. The modem works with absolutely all mobile operators, including those outside Russia; it is enough to install a SIM card from a regional operator; it supports any SIM cards.

For ease of use, manufacturers have equipped the device with a small display that contains all the necessary information:

  • Activity of the current connection;
  • Battery charge;
  • Roaming;
  • Cellular mode;
  • Wi-Fi or WPS.

The battery life is a little more than 4 hours; in principle, for average use it will last for a whole day. Huawei E5830 can work both via Wi-Fi and via a regular cord if, for example, the battery is dead or there is interference in the Wi-Fi connection.

Connection setup

The password and name of the wireless point, which is created after turning on the 3G Wi-Fi modem, are on the box or on a special sticker: carefully inspect both the device and the delivery box, and also look at the documentation just in case. Now all that remains is a matter of technique:

  • Turn on the modem and tablet;
  • Open the general settings menu on your tablet;
  • Click on the “Wi-Fi” item and move the switch to the right;
  • Wait until the list is formed and click to select a point.

Connection to a point

Enter the password that was found on the box or in the documentation and confirm the connection. The system will automatically check the compliance of the data and, if the answer is positive, your tablet device will be allocated its own network address to access the Internet.

The modem is so compact that you can put it in your pocket or bag and access the Internet if necessary. When finished using, be sure to turn off the gadget so as not to waste battery power.

Problems during setup

  1. The tablet does not connect. One of the reasons for this situation may be a strong congestion of Wi-Fi signals, especially if you are in a densely populated city. Then it is recommended to reconnect to a wired interface.
  2. The modem does not turn on. Most likely it is dead, so plug it in and wait about 20 minutes and turn it on again.
  3. Network connection error. These could be problems with the cellular operator - quite often, or a lack of funds in the user's account; these problems need to be gradually eliminated until the source is identified.

If you have been using various mobile gadgets for a long time, then pretty soon you may discover that it is not suitable for full-fledged work with the Internet, and you will need to learn how to connect a modem to an Android tablet.

As for the last function, the main means of accessing the Internet on the tablet is.

However, this method has a number of disadvantages, the most important of which is the local coverage of such a connection, which in most cases operates within a radius of several tens of meters from the router.

At the same time, setting up other methods of accessing the network is quite problematic.

Thus, organizing a traditional wired connection involves many technical nuances and non-trivial solutions, the need for which is determined by the lack of a full-fledged network card.

Therefore, almost the only alternative to Wi-Fi can be a 3G or 4G modem, which allows you to access the Internet from an Android tablet anywhere in the mobile operator’s coverage.

The implementation of this method is also associated with the need for certain user settings for the tablet and the Internet, which will be described in detail in this article.

Equipment needed to connect the tablet to the Internet

The first prerequisite for creating a network connection for an Android tablet is the presence of a USB port through which the modem will be connected.

Most models of these mobile designs are equipped with such a connector by default, but some budget options may not have it.

Micro-USB has become a modern modification of the USB port, which is also widely used for mobile device equipment.

To connect the modem to this connector you will need a special adapter cable.

Advice! Such adapters are divided into client and host (OTG). The first type is intended for connecting the tablet to a computer, electrical outlet, etc., while the second type adapter makes it possible to connect external devices, such as a modem or external hard drive, directly to the mobile device itself.

And of course, you will need the modem itself. Now there are dozens of manufacturers and hundreds of models of 3G and 4G modems on the market, the configuration of each of which has its own nuances.

Therefore, this article will describe only the basic principles of configuration using the example of several of the most common devices.

Setting up a special modem mode

To function on an Android tablet, the modem must be switched to a special “modem only” mode.

If Huawei or ZTE brand devices are used to connect to the Internet, then this stage is greatly simplified.

The fact is that there is a specialized utility called 3G Modem Mode Switcher for ZTE and Huawei, which makes it possible to switch the modem to the required mode with one click of the mouse.

If a device from another manufacturer is used, then you must follow the following algorithm:

  • The modem is connected to the computer using a cable. Moreover, it should be the only active means of accessing the network.
  • Then open the Task Manager (the easiest way to do this is to right-click on the My Computer icon) and find the modem in the list of devices.

  • Then we go to its properties by selecting the appropriate context menu item. On the “Modem” tab, you need to remember the values ​​of the “Port” parameter.

  • Next we will need the help of the HyperTerminal utility. Having launched it, write the name (any) of the new connection.

  • After this, a settings window will open, in which in the Connect using item you should specify the value of the “Port” parameter of the modem. In our case this is COM4.

  • Now you need to manually edit the configuration file. To do this, follow the path File-Properties, the Settings tab and the ASCII Setup button. In the window that opens, activate the Echo typed characters locally checkbox.

  • In the terminal that opens, type the command AT and Enter. If the command completes successfully, a small window with the message “OK” will appear. Then enter the following command AT^U2DIAG=0 and press Enter again.

Advice! In this mode, the modem cannot fully operate when connected to a desktop computer. To return it to its standard settings, you need to repeat all the steps of the algorithm, but finally enter the command AT^U2DIAG=255.

If the modem is not flashed by any operator, then it is also necessary to pre-configure its network parameters.

Specific instructions highly depend on the device model and the Internet provider used, so all their variety will not be discussed in this article.

Internal Internet setup on an Android tablet

After connecting a properly installed modem, you need to change some network settings in Android itself.

This can be done in the standard way through the user interface.

First, go to the settings menu and select Wireless networks - Mobile communications.

It is also important to check whether the Data transfer checkbox is activated. Then open the APN access points section and create a new point using the appropriate command.

For example, if you are using a SIM card from MTC, then in the address field you must enter, name and password – mts, MCC=250, MNC=01.

For Megafon, this configuration will look like this: address – internet, name and password – Gdate, MCC=250, MNC=99.

However, most users purchase pre-flashed modems from mobile operators that are configured as needed.

If you have just such a device, then in the menu for creating a new APN point it will look like this:

Advice! It is best to use Internet Explorer for these purposes, which displays the debug menu most correctly.

  • To gain full access to all functions, enter the default login and password – admin.
  • Now you can start with the settings themselves. In the Routing drop-down menu, you must specify the Mode value. In the same Encapsulation menu – PPPoE.
  • You will also need to specify the values ​​of the VPI and VCI parameters, which depend on the user’s region and the selected Internet operator. Detailed tables of these values ​​can be easily found online.
  • You need to find out the Username and Password values ​​from your provider. They are also often indicated in the service agreement.
  • At the end, you will need to save the settings using the Submit button.

If you strictly follow the precise step-by-step instructions described in this article, you can easily set up wireless 3G or 4G on your Android tablet, which will allow you to access the Internet from almost anywhere, which is much more convenient than traditional Wi-Fi.

Video material:

4. Then go to the mobile network settings and check the box next to “Data transfer” and 3G, if not.

5. Insert the 3G modem into the tablet and wait for about half a minute. The modem will blink, wait until it calms down.

6. Click “APN access points” (in additional network settings).

7. Create a new point and enter data for Internet access from your telecom operator (this data can be found on their websites). To do this, press the menu button on the tablet and select “New access point” from the list. If you purchased the modem from the operator itself, then all the data will probably already be entered there.

8. Save the data (Menu - “Save”) and make sure that the newly created access point is active (green light next to the name). Just in case, wait 15 seconds. The 3G or at least GPRS (G) icons should appear on the notification panel. If nothing works, just disconnect the modem and restart the tablet. And again, after the full download, connect the 3G modem to the tablet and wait longer. About five minutes. The Internet should work and the 3G or G icons should appear.

Probably every tablet owner is familiar with this situation when you urgently need the Internet, but there is not a single Wi-Fi signal nearby. In this case, only the modem and 3G module help. But if you don’t have the latter, don’t be upset, because most modern tablets can work with a modem via an ordinary OTG cable. How to connect to a 3G modem? Read more about this in our article.

Modem properties

First, a few words about what this device is. A 3G modem is a receiving and transmitting element that is used to exchange data via a radio communication channel. Each 3G modem is connected to its own mobile operator.

According to their capabilities, these elements are capable of transmitting information at speeds of up to several megabits per second. In addition, unlike cable Internet, the network on modems “catch” almost everywhere where there is a mobile connection. Therefore, such devices are indispensable for those who often travel and go on business trips. Some tablets have their own connector - a module for reading SIM cards. In this case, the tablet itself works as a modem, without additional settings (except for basic ones). The communication range itself can be very diverse - WCDMA, UMTS, HSDPA, as well as HSPA+. But if such a module is missing, you have to work hard to connect the modem to the gadget via an OTG cable. In principle, the connection speed and data transfer quality are the same in both cases. The only difference is that without a module for SIM cards you have to connect the modem directly to the device via a short cable, and this causes some inconvenience when using the Internet frequently.

Tablet Features

Let's find out what elements a modern modem consists of. This element includes two main components: a flash drive that stores data for the connection, as well as the 3G module itself. And if laptops and PCs automatically recognize these two details, then tablets most often see the modem as an ordinary flash drive. In order for your gadget to recognize it correctly, you need to perform several simple manipulations. We will talk about them in the following paragraphs. By the way, on almost all Android tablets the tablet type is connected via an OTG cable. This is a universal USB cable with which the gadget can recognize and read any flash drive, enter and copy any information.

How to connect a 3G modem to Android? Switch to “modem only” mode

There are two main ways by which you can adjust its work in the right direction. Let's consider the first of them. For this we need the 3GSW program and a computer. Download this utility to your PC. Next, insert the modem into the connector and open the program. In the menu that appears, click the “modem only” button and click on exit. As you can see, the method is quite simple. However, it has one significant drawback - it does not work on all modems. In this regard, we will consider an alternative method of switching to the “modem only” mode.

For this we again need a computer and Internet access. Download a trial version of the HyperTerminal utility. Next, connect the modem to the computer and start Windows. In the list of equipment we find our 3G element and go to its properties. 3G modem next? Next, select the “modem” button and rewrite the speed and port number. Then we launch HyperTerminal and specify the connection name in the connections (it can be arbitrary). Then in a new window, enter the rewritten port number, connection speed and click “ok”. In the tab that opens, write the command “ate1”, and then “at^u2diag=0”. We wait until the answer is “ok” and turn off the modem.

Root rights

In order for our modem to work properly in the future, we need to open Root rights. What is it? Root is the login for logging into the user account. In this case it is “admin”. Simply put, these rights give us all the capabilities of an administrator (as in the Windows OS):

  1. Editing system files.
  2. The right to change the visual design of the Android OS and replace shortcuts.
  3. Saving and changing settings of system applications, as well as their backup.
  4. The right to delete old and install new applications.

Connecting a 3G modem to Android - how to get administrator rights?

The first method is the most popular - its essence is to use certain programs. However, it should be noted that they all have their own list and limited number of supported devices. The most popular of them:

  • Kingo Android Root.
  • Unlock Root Pro.
  • Super One Click (ideal for Android 4.0 operating systems).

The 3G modem can be connected using another method. It consists of using Android applications. The main advantage of this method is that there is no need to use a personal computer, as in the first method. The entire rooting process is carried out using only the tablet itself, without additional devices. The most popular Android rooting apps are:

  • UniversalAndRoot.
  • Z4root.
  • Framaroot.

It is worth noting that most programs of this type use system vulnerabilities - exploits - to gain administrator rights. Because of this, antivirus programs installed on the tablet may perceive the operation of these utilities as a threat and block their operation. However, this is not so - all programs are absolutely safe and harmless (of course, provided that you download them from sites you are familiar with).

The next method will be to install the firmware with administrator rights already activated. Most often, in addition to Root rights, they have a number of other improved modifications. The most popular utility of them is CyanogenMod.

This program allows you not only to expand user rights, but also makes it possible to change all system settings. This:

  • Quick settings panel.
  • Topics.
  • Lock screen.
  • Buttons on the external control panel.
  • Navigation bar and bar.
  • Arrangement of external labels.
  • Expansion screen.
  • Sound settings, music effects.
  • Profile and screen configuration.
  • Language settings and input.
  • Additional menu with device parameters.
  • Clock widgets, event indicators and many, many other useful features.

Changing the tablet settings to work with a modem

So, we already have administrator rights. How to connect your Android tablet next? To do this, we need to download the PPP Widget application from the Play Market and install it on the gadget. To make it more convenient for us to work, we create a small shortcut on the desktop with the installed program.

Next, on the utility developer’s website, we find a driver specifically for your brand and model of tablet. The driver must be placed in the folder at “sdcard/pppwidget/lib”. Then we connect the modem using an OTG cable and go to the “PPP Widget” widget settings menu.

We find the “Connection Settings” section and write down all the settings that were provided by your operator (access point, etc.). We save the settings and try to connect to the Internet. After reconnecting the modem, the Internet should appear on the tablet. Also, a small “3G” icon will appear on the top of the main background, as shown in the photo below:

What to do if the Internet does not appear?

In this case, you need to determine whether the modem is on the list of supported ones for your tablet. If it is incompatible, you will have to replace the modem with another one that is on this list.


So, we found out how to connect an Android tablet to a 3G modem with our own hands. As you can see, you can set up and connect the modem to the gadget in a few minutes. But most importantly, in order to connect an Android 3G-modem USB, you do not need to have any special knowledge in the computer field or special tools.