The adopted son of Evdokia Germanova told. The abandoned son of Evdokia Germanova spoke about the most terrible moments of his childhood

When little Kolya was only one year old, he was adopted by Evdokia, this was 17 years ago. Kolya doted on his adopted mother and was the most happy child, because he found a real family. When suddenly Germanova abandons her poor son. The reason was in Kolenka himself, because his health had deteriorated and he could have prevented his mother from building a career.

Nikolai suffered from schizophrenia; upon learning of the disease, the actress immediately took him to an orphanage, where he lived until adulthood. Many people know first-hand what life is like in an orphanage.

The young man often participates in various television shows, talking about his evil mother. During the filming of the program, Dmitry Shepelev suspected something was wrong; for a moment it seemed to him that at some points the guy was lying. Then a lie detector came to the aid of Dmitry, which helped him find out the truth.

Dmitry asked Kolya a direct question about when his childhood became cruel.

“Everything changed when I went to school. I started having problems because of my behavior. I fought with boys and got bad marks. Evdokia was often called to the director. She didn't like it. When she came home at night, she threw her off the bunk bed by her hair, screamed, and hit her on the head with a belt.”, - this is how Nikolai answered the question.

It was difficult for him to talk about it, but he still decided and shared the most terrible incident in his life. His beloved mother attacked him with a knife in her hands. The audience began to ooh and ahh, is this how you can treat your child?

“Once she punished me for cutting some gift pillow with a knife. I came home early from work and saw how I had damaged the pillow. In response, she decided to do the same to me with the words: “Now I’ll show you how painful the pillow was,” and then she poked me twice in the leg.”– Nikolay shared.

Although the wounds were shallow, the child was scared. You wouldn't wish an insensitive mother on anyone. The wounds gradually healed, but he was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where doctors mocked him. And in conclusion they said that he had cut himself to pieces. This is the worst thing that happened to Nikolai. He told the truth and the polygraph confirmed it.

Evdokia literally mocked the child, locked him in the toilet at night, there he cried for a long time and slept on dirty sheets, but she didn’t care.

No one gave a mother the right to offend her son, much less cut him with a knife. Or can celebrities do whatever they want? I think everyone is responsible for their own actions, and it remains only on their conscience.

After the young man passed a polygraph, his ex came to the show common law husband Evdokia. He saw the strained relationship between son and mother. Sergei German did not resist and agreed to also take a lie detector test.

“We were together from August 2009 to March 2011. After the breakup, she sued me and groundlessly accused me of violence. If at that time it no longer existed, I learned about its existence from other people. I began to think and understand this issue and literally forced her to visit the boy in the orphanage.”, - said the man.

As we see, not only children, but also adult men suffer from women. Is this what a true lady should do?

At the end of the program, Nikolai Erokhin admitted that he was often visited by thoughts of making peace with ex-mother, try to establish communication. He even made some attempts: he sent messages on Facebook, but she considered it necessary not to respond to them.

In the footage from the last program Let Them Talk About, you can see how the actress happily shared to the whole country that at the age of 41 she decided to become a mother and took little Kolya Erokhin from the baby’s home. At that time the child was 1.5 years old. However, after 7 years, Germanova returned her adopted son to the orphanage. Evdokia called him a thief and a mentally unstable child and added that she feared for her life, as the boy was behaving inappropriately. Years later, Nikolai Erokhin, who has matured, will come to the program to meet her - the one who once adopted him and abandoned him. Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Abandoned Son famous actress Evdokia Germanova knocks on her mother’s door 09/25/2017

What will Kolya say to his former adoptive mother Evdokia Germanova? Will he be able to forgive her? When the actress took him from the baby's home as a small child, she took care of everything to make the boy feel happy. But the years passed and the actress realized that she could no longer live with him. Kolya Erokhin ended up in the hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. His mother, having received a two-room apartment, declared him a psychopath. Long years Kolya, being in the orphanage, could not understand in any way what his fault was...

Let them say - The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova is knocking on his mother’s door

“I remember the day when Evdokia came to me in the hospital, brought gifts and said that she would not come to me anymore and that soon I would go to an orphanage,” recalls Kolya Erokhin, a former Foster-son Evdokia Germanova. The guy recently turned 18, he left the orphanage and is now taking his first steps into adulthood. Today he came to Let Them Talk (the episode “The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova knocks on his mother’s door”) to see the one whom he still, in spite of everything, calls mom.

Nikolay Erokhin talks about his past life before orphanage:

“When I lived with her, I almost never saw her.” She came after filming late at night and threw me off the bed, started beating me because I behaved badly at school, and got bad marks. She even hit me on the head. (crying)

- IN Lately I tried to meet her one on one. I wrote to her on the Internet, called her. And she answered me that all this makes no sense and there is no need for us to see each other.

In this episode of Let Them Talk, experts try to listen to all points of view. You will also see footage of Kolya Erokhin’s meeting with Evdokia Germanova. How this meeting will end, watch online for free broadcast Let them talk - The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova knocks on his mother’s door, broadcast on September 25, 2017 (09.25.2017).

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Kolya Erokhin became a father and promises not to abandon his daughter.

Actress Evdokia Germanova sent her adopted son to a mental hospital. And he grew up, got married and... hopes to improve relations with the woman who betrayed him. Photo: Anatoly ANTONOV/

Honored Artist of Russia Evdokia Germanova is 58. She plays in the theater and teaches acting to students. She appears in TV series: in the recent “Anna Karenina” on “Russia 1” she played Countess Kartasova. But TV viewers know Germanova not only for her roles. Many people remember that the artist abandoned him, declaring him mentally ill. On last week this story received an unexpected continuation.

Adopted out of selfishness

Evdokia Germanova took the child from an orphanage 18 years ago. First, she signed up for foster care, and a year later she adopted her. So the one-year-old boy Kolya became Nikolai Nikolaevich Germanov. The leading actress of “Tabakerka,” for whom Tabakov himself vouched, was given a healthy child.

In an interview, Germanova talked about the reasons for adoption: “There was a certain selfishness and even egocentrism in the decision to take a child from an orphanage, because by and large I saved myself. I did it out of hopelessness, out of despair... I wanted to pass on my spiritual experience to someone, to inspire someone to do something..."

Nikolai and his common-law wife Victoria became parents three months ago. Photo: Channel One

Germanova gave interviews about her new mission and how lucky she was with her baby: he was smart and smiling. But when Kolya went to school, the actress began to complain to her friends that the guy began to show aggression, fight, steal... Evdokia sent the child to mental asylum, where Kolya was diagnosed with chronic schizoaffective disorder. And the actress refused the boy.

“Beat me with a belt and buckle”

The adoption was canceled by the decision of the Lefortovo District Court in 2007, when the child was 9 years old. The details of this story were shared by Maria Arbatova, who knows Germanova and attended a talk show on this topic: “... Of course, we must judge those who gave a child to a lonely, mentally unbalanced, drinking actress. Tabakov got her a beautiful two-room apartment for this child. When Nikolai went to school, problems began, and how could they not start if the boy fell from the frying pan into the fire? He behaved badly, studied poorly, was aggressive, that is, he turned from a downtrodden, intimidated doll into a complex child with a developing character. Dunya’s teaching talents were such that for any offense she would beat him in the face with a belt with a buckle and lock him in the toilet for a day. And then she began to sing songs that a seven-year-old child had robbed both her and the entire theater and in general she was afraid to be alone with him at night.

All this was played out in the best traditions of “Snuffbox,” and the story was staged with groans and wringing of hands for a bunch of my friends. At the same time, everyone saw a heavily drunk Dunya and a well-communicating child running around the tables in the Central House of Writers restaurant. One fine day, Dunya sent eight-year-old Nikolai to a psychiatric hospital, colorfully explaining that he was a thief, a maniac, a murderer, etc. The child was kept in the psychiatric hospital for a year, because it was not clear what to do with him: his foster mother began to abandon him, and this the process is long. Dunya's brother visited the guy and wanted to take him for himself, but guardianship did not allow him due to his age. As a result, Nikolai was sent to an orphanage with a diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder... After leaving the orphanage, Nikolai removed the diagnosis.

Young father

The guy is now 19 years old. Nikolai went to college to become a cook, works and has already started a family with a girl from an orphanage. Three months ago . About once every six months Kolya Erokhin appears on a talk show.

Natalya Erokhina abandoned her son Kolya in the maternity hospital. Photo: Channel One

Last week on Actually. Natalya Erokhina abandoned her son in the maternity hospital, since she did not have the means to support three children, and then Kolya was born. The woman does not hide the fact that she has been drinking for many years. A DNA test confirmed that Natalya is biological mother Nicholas. The guy says that so far he only feels hatred towards his mother. “Three months ago I became a father for the first time. I can't imagine leaving my child. Me and mine common-law wife Ksyushas are also not rich, but I will do everything so that my girl does not need anything,” says the young man.

Certainly, . But, in addition, Kolya, with the help of journalists, is trying to restore at least some kind of relationship with Evdokia Germanova, but she does not make contact. The guy persistently proves his own worth: he was able to grow up as a full-fledged person, despite his traumatic childhood experience.

// Photo: Program frame

Three years ago, the adopted son of Evdokia Germanova first shared his memories of how the actress adopted him and seven years later returned him to the orphanage. The artist refused him, accusing the boy of schizophrenia. She sent her son to school when he was five and was unhappy with his performance. The child spent a year in a psychiatric hospital.

Now Nikolai Erokhin is 18 years old. Now he is studying in college and plans to become a chef-technologist. The young man came to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about his life. As it turned out, throughout the entire treatment, only his uncle, the celebrity’s brother Alexei Germanov, visited him. The man took custody of the child in order to take him away on weekends or holidays.

“He stayed mainly with a nanny, then in a nursery, a fashionable garden, where he was kept and raised. He had good manners. Suddenly, at some point, he ended up in child psychiatry, I rush there, because if a person finds himself in such a situation, we need to help him. The psychiatrist said that the boy was diagnosed behavioral characteristics- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I went all the time, then I was forbidden to visit him, but they allowed me to bring parcels so that he would know - in open world he is remembered and his fate is not indifferent. The head doctor said that Kolya’s father was Evdokia, I can now visit him,” the man said.

// Photo: Program frame

Nikolai also reported an important detail - after his adoption, the actress received housing. The state provided the artist and her child with a two-room apartment. However, after Evdokia returned the boy, representatives of the orphanage abandoned the property on behalf of Kolya.

“We got this two-room apartment as different sexes, because I am a boy and she is a woman,” Erokhin said.

The lawyer who was in the studio said that according to the law, after leaving the orphanage, Nikolai is obliged to get his own housing. Moreover, Themis’ servant was surprised why he did not receive alimony from his former adoptive parent.

Nikolai’s beloved Victoria appeared in the studio. As it turned out, the girl will soon become a mother. Nikolai's chosen one hopes that she will marry him.

“We have been together for about two years, we met in an orphanage. Now we live together, there will be a child, a wedding at the end of the year, I hope,” Victoria said.

// Photo: Program frame

Evdokia’s former common-law husband, Sergei, appeared in the studio. He was surprised by the pregnancy of Nikolai’s chosen one. He thought Victoria had an abortion. Erokhin admitted that the man convinced him to get rid of his unborn child.

“They just left the orphanage, work is not going well, he is now unemployed. I have a small salary, I help as much as I can, I always give some money. I can't take it for maintenance. Why am I against the birth of a child - they themselves did not get back on their feet,” admitted Evdokia’s former chosen one.

Nikolai did not hide the fact that he had to borrow money. According to him, he does not receive a scholarship because he has not yet been expelled from the orphanage. Now he lives in the apartment of his chosen one. Evdokia’s former common-law husband said that he decided to help the boy when the actress abandoned him.

// Photo: Program frame

Evdokia herself said in early interviews that she gave the child a lot of love. She does not justify herself and is not ashamed of her actions.

“I have to answer for what I did. My conscience allows me to be happy and inspire others to heroic deeds, so that people are not afraid of anything in this life,” said Evdokia. - This is the part of life for which I am not ashamed. Kolka knows how much love there was, he knows and will not forget.”

Erokhin does not deny that his adoptive mother loved him, although only in his preschool years. After he entered first grade at age five, she did not like his behavior.

// Photo: Program frame

Evdokia’s friend Nikolai Sakharov appeared in the studio. He could not understand why the young man came to the program and brought a girl. He said that the boy stole things and money from the theater, although the guy denies this. Dmitry Borisov admitted that he did not expect such accusations from a teenager from an adult man.

// Photo: Program frame

Nikolai decided to meet with his former adoptive mother ten years later. He came to the apartment where he once lived.

- Do you recognize him?

- No. And who are you? Oh, you're from the show. You guys are completely crazy. Sorry, I don’t know,” the actress answered and closed the door.

However, the young man did not stop there and called Evdokia to awaken at least some feelings in her.

“You understand, you’re not doing it very right. You stirred this up and are poking around in this, which I don’t want to have anything to do with,” - this is how Germanova ended the conversation.

However, experts in the studio accused Nikolai of not thanking fate for his help. wonderful people- brother of Evdokia and his former common-law spouse. Nevertheless, Nikolai wants to get answers to his questions from his mother.

It was not easy for Nikolai to talk about his life to the whole country // Photo: Program frame

Colleagues of the actress told the continuation big story adoption - Kolya is studying to become a cook and will soon become a father.

Honored Artist of Russia Evdokia Germanova decided to adopt a child, since she did not have any children of her own. Now the artist is 57 years old, and she took the boy Kolya from an orphanage 17 years ago, and first arranged for patronage. A year later, she submitted documents for adoption, gave the boy her last name and he became Nikolai Nikolaevich Germanov... The guardianship had no doubts and gave the boy to the leading actress of “Tabakerka”.

In an interview, Germanova talked about the reasons for adoption: “...There was a certain selfishness and even egocentrism in my decision to take a child from an orphanage, because by and large I was saving myself. I did it out of hopelessness, out of despair, but apparently I couldn’t do it any other way... My goal was... I wanted to pass on my spiritual experience to someone, give strength, inspire something...”

At first, Germanova believed that she was very lucky to have a guy - inquisitive, smart, talented. But then, according to the actress, the guy began to steal, fight... She admitted him to a psychiatric hospital and Kolya was diagnosed with “chronic schizoaffective disorder.” The actress refused the boy.

But everything is not so simple in this story. The guy grew up, studied, got married, was examined - the doctors declared him absolutely healthy.

Nikolai will talk about how his life turned out in one of the upcoming episodes of “Let Them Talk.” Everything is fine with his health, and even in his personal life - he lives with his wife, the couple is expecting a child.

Maria Arbatova, who is familiar with the situation, was on the set of the program. She shared news from Nikolai’s life:

“I went to the “Let Them Talk” program about Evdokia Germanova’s adopted son Nikolai, because I met her when she was exactly Nikolai’s age. Alexander Demidov staged my youth play “The Envious” about Yuri Olesha in the studio at the “Theater” magazine, and Dunya was introduced to the role of the girl doll Suok. In my understanding, she remained a girl doll; the years had not changed anything, and when I learned that she was given a child to adopt, I was shocked. This story is loud, all the details are in plain sight, but yesterday’s shooting can sum up the plot. Of course, we must judge those who gave the lonely mentally unbalanced drinking actress (and this is exactly how I saw her at festivals, etc. for many years) a one and a half year old child. - expresses his point of view on his page in in social networks Maria Arbatova. - Tabakov got her a wonderful two-room apartment for this child. Dunya first dragged Nikolai on tour and sent him to kindergarten, and at the age of 5 she pushed him into school. An orphanage child at 5 years old! It wasn’t easy with the kindergarten either; Nikolai’s classmates who were sitting in the studio said that they regularly saw signs of beatings on him, and there were cases when the baby was afraid to go home.

The fact that Dunya brutally beat him is evidenced not only by the scars on his head, but also by a bunch of adults who crossed paths with them at that time. When Nikolai went to school, problems began, and how could they not start if the boy fell from the frying pan into the fire? He behaved badly, studied poorly, was aggressive, that is, he turned from a downtrodden, intimidated doll into a complex child with a developing character.

Dunya’s teaching talents were such that for any offense she would beat him in the face with a belt with a buckle and lock him in the toilet for a day. And then she began to sing songs that a seven-year-old child had robbed both her and the entire theater, and in general she was afraid to be alone with him at night. All this was played out in the best traditions of the “snuffbox”, and the story was staged for a bunch of my friends with groans and wringing of hands. At the same time, everyone saw a heavily drunk Dunya in the Central House of Writers restaurant, and a cutest, well-communicated child running around the tables. One fine day, Dunya sent eight-year-old Nikolai to a psychiatric hospital, colorfully explaining that he was a thief, a maniac, a rapist, a murderer, etc. The child was kept in a psychiatric hospital for a year, because it was not clear what to do with him - his foster mother began to abandon him, and this is a long process.

Dunya's brother, having learned about the psychiatric hospital, visited the guy and wanted to take him for himself, but guardianship did not allow him due to his age, and Dunya ended her relationship with her brother after that. As a result, Nikolai was sent to an orphanage with a diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder. Orphanage turned out to be excellent, they certainly didn’t beat me or lock me up for a day as punishment, and upon leaving, Nikolai first of all removed the diagnosis. No “schizotypal personality disorder” was discovered in him, although, as you understand, such a problem would only intensify with age. He went to college to study to become a cook, began to live with a girl from the same orphanage and will soon be a father. Why did you come to the program? Yes, so that he could show the only woman who appeared in his life as a mother that everything was fine with him, in order to demonstrate his own worth and, perhaps, restore at least some kind of relationship. And, of course, ask why she did this to him? After all, he was only eight years old! But an attempt to meet on camera yielded nothing but the actress’s face with an obvious hangover and her dirty language. And, meanwhile, there is legal nuances. Germanova received the apartment for the child, and in order not to contact her, the orphanage somehow arranged for him to receive new apartment, which, by the way, hasn’t been given yet, and it’s already September!

If it weren't for the girl, Nikolai would have become homeless! In addition, according to the law, when placing a child in an orphanage, a parent is obliged to pay him alimony from all his income, accumulated in his savings book until he reaches adulthood. Naturally, the actress didn’t pay him a penny, and the guy has no money at all.

And in general, if it weren’t for her brother and ex-husband who take care of Nikolai, it is completely unknown what his life would look like today. Everyone is horrified by the Del family, who made money from orphans, and the founder of this business can be recognized as Evdokia Germanova, who took advantage of an orphan, played enough and sent a healthy but unloved boy to a psychiatric hospital. You will laugh, the actress has a diploma in psychology and an international certificate of NLP PRACTITIONER and Member of the Board of Trustees charitable foundation"Save Life"

Many subscribers of Maria Arbatova came out with support for the guy and condemnation of Germanova. Larisa Guzeeva also spoke out: “Yes, I also believe that Germanova’s act is a crime and there can be no other opinion! And what? What changed in her life after she ruined the boy’s life?”