Who is the father of Ekaterina Safronova's third child? The high-profile story of the separation of Alexander Kerzhakov and Ekaterina Safronova is surrounded by incredible details


The former common-law wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov again got into trouble. The night before, 29-year-old Ekaterina Safronova, whose son the athlete sued, ended up at the police station.

As KP ​​reported in law enforcement agencies, Safronova was detained at house 52 on Optikov Street, in the north of St. Petersburg. It all happened a few seconds after she took a bag of white powder from the hands of a certain man and handed him money.

Safronova was taken to the police department to clarify the circumstances, and the powder was sent for examination. There are no results yet,” explained our interlocutor familiar with the situation.

Katya explained to the police that she bought the powder for her own needs. Probably to celebrate the New Year more fun.

The blond beauty spent last night in police custody, and it’s unlikely she managed to get much sleep.

Only on the morning of December 29, Katya was allowed to return home. There, her nine-month-old daughter Stefania was waiting for her - not alone, of course, but in the arms of a nanny. The girl was born at the end of March.

At the same time, Safronova was released on bail, but, according to KP information, there is still no criminal case.

Does this mean that Katya has been “forgiven”? Not at all. A criminal case for drug trafficking may be opened later. Although, as practice shows, the police do not delay this for long.


In addition to baby Stefania, Ekaterina has two more children - a daughter from hockey player Kirill Safronov and a son from football player Alexander Kerzhakov. Only they don’t live with her.

Both Safronov and Kerzhakov, through the court, were able to limit Catherine in parental rights. The men's arguments were simple: due to her specific lifestyle, the girl cannot properly take care of the children.

The whole country was discussing the stormy romance between Safronova and Kerzhakov. In 2013, the couple had a son, Igor, but soon after that, Katya and Sasha quarreled. Calling Ekaterina the wife of a football player can only be a stretch - the couple never formalized their relationship.

And already in 2014, Kerzhakov managed to obtain custody of his son through the court. And if Safronov allows Katya to see her daughter, then Kerzhakov seems to have put up a “concrete wall.”


Meanwhile, reports appeared in the press that on January 1, Katya was supposed to take Sonya for the holidays. We contacted Kirill Safronov and asked – what’s next?

Sonya and I and the whole family are leaving for a vacation in France on January 2,” the athlete told KP. “We haven’t talked to Katya for a long time, and she hasn’t contacted me about this story.”

Meanwhile, if during the examination it turns out that the powder has narcotic properties, Safronova’s troubles cannot be avoided. And it's not even a criminal case.

Surely the guardianship authorities will be interested in the young mother. Use drugs while holding infant– agree, this is too much. So it is possible that Katya may be separated from her third child.


The former common-law wife of football player Alexander Kerzhakov again got into trouble. The night before, 29-year-old Ekaterina Safronova, whose son the athlete sued, ended up at the police station.

As law enforcement agencies told KP, Safronova was detained at house 52 on Optikov Street, in the north of St. Petersburg. It all happened a few seconds after she took a bag of white powder from the hands of a certain man and handed him money.

Safronova was taken to the police department to clarify the circumstances, and the powder was sent for examination. There are no results yet,” explained our interlocutor familiar with the situation.

Katya explained to the police that she bought the powder for her own needs. Probably to celebrate the New Year more fun.

The blond beauty spent last night in police custody, and it’s unlikely she managed to get much sleep.

Only on the morning of December 29, Katya was allowed to return home. There, her nine-month-old daughter Stefania was waiting for her - not alone, of course, but in the arms of a nanny. The girl was born at the end of March.

At the same time, Safronova was released on bail, but, according to KP information, there is still no criminal case.

Does this mean that Katya has been “forgiven”? Not at all. A criminal case for drug trafficking may be opened later. Although, as practice shows, the police do not delay this for long.


In addition to baby Stefania, Ekaterina has two more children - a daughter from hockey player Kirill Safronov and a son from football player Alexander Kerzhakov. Only they don’t live with her.

Both Safronov and Kerzhakov were able to limit Ekaterina’s parental rights through the court. The men's arguments were simple: due to her specific lifestyle, the girl cannot properly take care of the children.

The whole country was discussing the stormy romance between Safronova and Kerzhakov. In 2013, the couple had a son, Igor, but soon after that, Katya and Sasha quarreled. Calling Ekaterina the wife of a football player can only be a stretch - the couple never formalized their relationship.

And already in 2014, Kerzhakov managed to obtain custody of his son through the court. And if Safronov allows Katya to see her daughter, then Kerzhakov seems to have put up a “concrete wall.”


Meanwhile, reports appeared in the press that on January 1, Katya was supposed to take Sonya for the holidays. We contacted Kirill Safronov and asked – what’s next?

Sonya and I and the whole family are leaving for a vacation in France on January 2,” the athlete told KP. “We haven’t talked to Katya for a long time, and she hasn’t contacted me about this story.”

Meanwhile, if during the examination it turns out that the powder has narcotic properties, Safronova’s troubles cannot be avoided. And it's not even a criminal case.

Surely the guardianship authorities will be interested in the young mother. Using drugs while holding a baby in your arms - you must agree, this is too much. So it is possible that Katya may be separated from her third child.

Once upon a time, Catherine and Alexander were a happy couple

Photo personal archive of Ekaterina Safronova

News of the day: ex-lover Alexandra Kerzhakova Ekaterina Safronova, with whom the football player is, will soon become a mother. Journalist and human rights activist Ekaterina Gordon spoke to Woman`s Day about the interesting situation of the young woman.

“I officially declare: Ekaterina Safronova is two months pregnant,” said Gordon, now known as the co-owner of the Saferoom law firm, which provides assistance to women in difficult situations. It is no secret that Safronova is among her clients.

At this stage, expectant mothers do not always share good news even with relatives and close friends. But Ekaterina Safronova risked doing interesting situation public domain. She did this out of desperation, Gordon assures.

“For a year and a half, since the spring of 2014, she has not been able to hug or even see her little son Igor. Forward of Zenit and the Russian national team Alexander Kerzhakov, and it is he who is the father of that child, does not allow Katya to see their common son. The last time she saw Igor was in April last year. This is very difficult,” says the human rights activist.

Let us recall that, who recognized her as a drug addict, and therefore potentially dangerous to little son.

The son of Safronova and Kerzhakov, little Igor, has not seen his mother for a year and a half

Photo “Instagram” by Alexander Kerzhakov

“For the second year now, Mr. Kerzhakov’s associates have been talking about Katya – that she is inadequate and incapable of relationships. And at some point we thought: what if we tell you that Katya has a loved one, that they are planning to start a family and are expecting a child, will this somehow affect the other side of the conflict? Maybe they'll stop talking about her drug addiction. Now is the golden time for reconciliation and adequate communication between parents, Kerzhakov has found a loved one, Katya has also met her man,” Gordon continues. “It’s time to leave all the grievances behind and not create obstacles for mom to meet little Igor.”

How Alexander Kerzhakov reacted to the news is still unknown: in a conversation with Woman`s Day, he did not want to comment on this situation, but he told what exactly. It seems that the football player has iron endurance.

And even earlier, Kerzhakov assured everyone that. But one fact certainly pleases Kerzhakov: no one claims that Katya’s current child is his.

I collected photographs of Milana Kerzhakova, her husband Alexander (Sasha, as she affectionately calls him), the first and second wife of this man, as well as photos of his children a week ago. I read and watched all sorts of interviews with them, scrolled through their Instagrams and made my own conclusions, which may be biased and incorrect; the situation that has arisen in this family is too complex and confusing. The world of big money, sports, career, “washing powder”, social gatherings is extremely far from the world of the common man. Everything is different there... But still, what do we have? On the one hand, Milana with the delicate flower surname Tyulpanova as a girl, a vulnerable, spoiled, despondent girl-princess, on the other hand, a former athlete, a heartbreaker, a handsome, stately man, a single father of many children - Alexander Kerzhakov.

Did Alexander and Milana have love, and if so, where did it evaporate?

Although I’ve been studying the biographies of these two for a week now, I haven’t got a clear answer as to who is white and fluffy. New facts and details constantly emerge. The result so far is this: there are no fluffies there.

If you look at Milana Kerzhakova’s Instagram, you may get the mistaken opinion that she is a chorus girl with languid, wet eyes, she loved, and he used and offended her, you might think. That's how it seemed to me just yesterday. Today I watched another interview with Milana, it would have been filmed even before the grandiose affair with the kidnapping of the baby began. So, Milana said that she feels more masculine character traits in herself than feminine ones. In this interview, she gesticulates a lot with her thin arms with crooked fingers, wears bright makeup and talks about why wives depend on their husbands. In this video, a group of cool people like her gathered, some have achieved everything themselves, some have rich parents or husbands. Milana Kerzhakova was not the sweetest and gentlest there, confident in herself and her abilities, a typical major, a difficult girl. She also said that she did not receive more love from her father; after long separations, he only shook her hand, but she so wanted hugs and kind words. Therefore, as she grew up, she began to gravitate towards guys who could emotionally wrap her in a cloud of love. Such specimens seem like superhumans to her, and she immediately falls for them. So Alexander Kerzhakov courted her beautifully and skillfully poured into her ears. What else did Milana Kerzhakova tell in this video? Divorce! He threatened her with divorce many times. For her this word is taboo! Mother and father were married for more than thirty years, no one in the family divorced. On the part of Alexander Kerzhakov, this was pure blackmail, which his wife resorted to every time. Alexander Kerzhakov supported his wife in all her endeavors; she could implement any of her ideas, even if they were the most ridiculous. But he did not allow her to communicate with certain people. It was a strict prohibition and had to be obeyed. But she renamed the contacts, Kerzhakov fired at her, she renamed them again. That is, she went against her husband’s wishes. Alexander Kerzhakov is a powerful man; his heart was not so filled with love for Princess Milana that he could forgive her for her mistakes forever. The wife fell into terrible despondency after the death of her father, Kerzhakov was able to endure this only for a few months. Milana took antidepressants and "non-mineral water", then switched to " washing powder“, I washed their socks for two months (her words, I am not slandering).

Further. I read a 40-page forum, the relationship between Milana and Alexander Kerzhakov was discussed there, some forum users knew one or the other personally. What is their impression of these media figures? We draw portraits. As you know, Kerzhakov is the founder charitable foundation“Stars for Children”, Milana works for him as something of a manager for extorting money from sponsors, surely this position has more beautiful name, but let's call things by their proper names. So, forum users write that Milana is not always friendly, she is domineering, arrogant with employees, and Sashka, on the contrary, is affectionate and responsive, but pays too much attention to the opposite sex, he loves women, and they love him. Milana has a hard time with her husband’s deceptions, but forgives them. I don’t know how much nerves this costs her, but the fact remains: football players are like that; they are extremely rarely faithful to their wives! Many comments write that Milana doesn’t work, sits on her husband’s neck, and toils about nonsense at home. But this is not so, she graduated from college and, in addition, has a master’s degree twice, loves to work, is very active, even while studying last month During her pregnancy, she traveled on business trips.

What other facts have you been able to unearth? Milana Kerzhakova, according to her friends, was already being treated for depression and drinking “non-mineral water.” She was emotionally unstable, so she could not devote enough time to her child. Then she went to the clinic for 4 months, all this time the child was with her mother and only then little Artemy was taken in by his father. Milana’s mother also took the death of the head of the family very hard, became interested in the same “non-mineral drink”, and could not pay enough attention to her daughter. I don’t even really want to understand how to cut money. But in general, Alexander Kerzhakov insists that Milana return part of his earnings to him, we're talking about about several million.

Milana Kerzhakova is pretty, but she is not happy with her appearance, so she did all sorts of manipulations with her face and more. Of all the colors in clothes, he prefers black.

On August 28, 2014, Milana Tyulpanova and Alexander Kerzhakov met. A couple of years before that, he saw her on an airplane, and then, when in a relationship with common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova fell into discord, he began to look for Milana Tyulpanova’s contacts through acquaintances. At first they met as friends, she was 20 years old and he was 32. He calmly but confidently launched his long fishing rod into her shallow pond.

He brutally dumped his previous wife, declaring him to the whole world as a sick person. But Ekaterina Safronova had a big head, she actually said in one of her interviews, who didn’t eat “washing powder” when they were young? In addition, she herself said that her friends dabbled in detergents, but Alexander Kerzhakov insisted that she not come into contact with them.

The very story of how Alexander and Ekaterina Safronova met is very revealing: he was married, she was married, but they met in a nightclub. Kerzhakov says that he was in the process of divorce, but Katya does not hide that things were going well with her husband, he just worked under a contract in another city, a Decembrist hockey player, for whom his wife did not go into exile. Well, Katya didn’t like to sit at home alone - her husband was going to get ready, she was having a party, and she was sending the child from her first marriage to her grandmother. Ekaterina Safronova said in her interviews that, yes, I’m not a noble maiden, Kerzhakov knew who he had his eye on, but she suited him for a long time, and then you see, he became uncomfortable with her.

Another pebble in Catherine’s garden, when her baby, born from Kerzhakov, was very small - she went to the clinic to change her beauty, you see, they hurt, her husband tore a certain muscle during a showdown. Well what can I say? This lady's priorities are clear. Fun, tar and something stronger than mineral water. But still, it is wrong not to give the mother the opportunity to see her child. IN last time she hugged him when he was one year old! At the time of writing this article, Igor is already 5 years old! During this time, Catherine managed to give birth to another child from another man, with whom she also seemed to have separated at this point. Muddy woman, former athlete, with adolescence I lived alone, and here is the result. Okay... I'm tired of this story, I could barely squeeze it out of myself. It was interesting to read about all this on the Internet; I wanted to understand whether Alexander Kerzhakov is really such a monster who takes children away from their mothers? Blue Beard? It seems to me that he is a difficult guy, but since Yana Rudkovskaya fought for her children and the wife of Alexei Panin, no one fought. I don’t want to say that Ekaterina Safronova is not trying to get her son back, she is trying, but perhaps she could not have brought it all to such an absurd situation. How? If she had remained faithful to her first husband, everything would have been fine for her.

Well, the photos themselves, there are a lot of them!

This photo shows the wedding of Milana Kerzhakova’s grandparents. Granny claims that grandpa looked like Kerzhakov in his youth!

The photo shows Milana Kerzhakova with Igor, the son of Katya Safronova.

Milana with her brother.

Words about his wife Milana in Kerzhakov’s book!

In this photo are the parents of Milana Kerzhakova.

Vadim Albertovich Tyulpanov loved his wife Natalya very much! Shortly before his death, he rattled her a carpet from some eastern country, but his wife was extremely dissatisfied with his choice. There was a scandal, Natasha slammed the door and did not want to communicate with her husband anymore. Albertovich sincerely worried about this situation.

In the photo, Alexander Kerzhakov holds his son born to Milan in his arms.

Childhood photo of Alexander Kerzhakov.

Son of Milana and Alexander Kerzhakov.

Milana with her brother Vladik.

Pictured is Ekaterina Safronova and her daughters.

Childhood photo of Milana with her parents.

Katya Safronova blooms brightly and smells delicious!

In the photo is Artemy Aleksandrovich Kerzhakov.

In this photo, Alexander Kerzhakov with Milana, eldest daughter Daria and son Igor.

September 5, 2014, 11:40

Three weeks ago, Ekaterina SAFRONOVA hoped that the phone would ring and she would hear the voice of Zenit and Russian national team star Alexander KERZHAKOV, the father of her one-and-a-half-year-old son Igor. But instead of the desired words of forgiveness, the football player’s lawyers filed a lawsuit demanding “to limit the mother’s rights to the child, since she is dependent on psychotropic drugs” (details). Katya decided to openly talk about life with Kerzhakov.

Yes, I signed documents - agreement that the child will live with his father,” admitted Ekaterina Safronova. - My former lawyer, which, as I now understand, is friendly relations with Kerzhakov, deceived: “Now you’d better agree for your son to live with his dad. You're not in better position- was in two psychiatric clinics, no place of residence, zero income.” Could I have thought that in just a couple of months my loved one would file a lawsuit to restrict my maternal rights?! And in six months, if I don’t “correct”, I may be deprived of my child.

I wanted a son

I sincerely loved Sasha. Probably what happened is retribution for my sin. When we met, I was married to hockey player Kirill Safronov. We raised our daughter Sonya. But Kirill signed an agreement with a club from Nizhnekamsk, and I remained in St. Petersburg: business and a children's clinic did not allow me to move. During this period, Kerzhakov appeared. I needed support, male attention... Kirill called every day, and I felt uncomfortable. She confessed honestly and filed for divorce. We stayed in good relations. I didn’t file for alimony and didn’t sue for real estate. Kerzhakov, for his part, assured: “I’m a man, I’ll do everything.”
While Katya plunged headlong into the surging feelings, Kerzhakov was divorcing his wife Maria, with whom they grew up common daughter Dasha.
- They signed an agreement with Masha, according to which she receives 300 thousand rubles a month, 150 of which she puts into the child’s account. In front of me, Kerzhakov said that he wanted to plant drugs in Masha’s car in order to deprive her of her child. I should have thought about it even then. Later I found out that Maria began to demand from Kerzhakov more money. Having experienced for myself what kind of person he is, I understand why Masha did not apply for the required alimony. At the same time, Alexander insisted that I sell my clothing store in St. Petersburg and invest money in the construction of his house near St. Petersburg.
After two years of marriage, we decided to have a child. Having learned that I was expecting a son, Sasha personally supervised the pregnancy process. He even spent the night with me for a couple of days in the clinic where I gave birth. He was also present during a caesarean section.

Alexander KERZHAKOV planned a wedding with Ekaterina SAFRONOVA a year ago...

We had a wedding date set on December 7, 2013, but it didn’t take place. It was then that this story began with the Voronezh co-owner of a construction business, Mikhail Surin, to whom Sasha approached with a proposal: to lend 330 million rubles for the construction of an oil refinery. I didn’t immediately understand that Kerzhakov wanted to hide the money from Masha so that in the event of a divorce she wouldn’t get it. He told me: “We need someone to check the information about the plant.” I had a friend - Alexander Savchenko. His St. Petersburg LLC Profit provides business support services. Savchenko introduced himself to me as an FSB employee. When my lawyer Evgenia Semchukova made a request, we learned that Savchenko was prosecuted for kidnapping. But he gained so much confidence that I agreed to do it son's godfather. However, after a couple of months, Savchenko insisted to Kerzhakov that I was an experienced drug addict. Then the scammer began to claim that I was playing on Surin’s side. Savchenko more than once suggested that I give false testimony: supposedly I was in the bank and saw that Surin was communicating with the bank manager Vladimir Bagaev, who “fraudulently” helped transfer money from Kerzhakov’s account.

We made a vegetable

After the birth of his son, Sasha changed. I was forbidden to communicate with my friends or invite guests. All text messages were checked. He became aggressive, repeating: “You destroyed everything! Drug addict, creature! She put her son’s life in danger.” Kerzhakov did everything Savchenko said.
Six months after giving birth, he suggested that I go to the hospital to get treatment for my asthma. But a couple of days later I ended up in the mental health department. I was prescribed strong drugs. The diagnosis read: “Physical attraction to psychotropic substances.” They made me into a vegetable. You cannot escape from the establishment. When Sasha periodically visited the hospital, the doctors talked to him separately. I found myself a weak-willed slave in someone else's game. Kerzhakov answered all questions: “When the doctors deem it necessary, you will go home. If you run away, you won’t see your son.”
Two months later my grandmother took me. Granny, a doctor, asked the doctor a simple question: “On what basis are you detaining a person?” Arriving at the St. Petersburg mansion in which Sasha invested 60 million rubles, I discovered a barrier through which security did not let me in.

Donated my hair

When I realized what a threat Savchenko and Kerzhakov posed, I tried to hide. I rented a hotel room. Kerzhakov found me. He began to press: “Let’s stay in another hospital for two months. There are psychologists there, no drugs. After the course of treatment you will find yourself at home.” I hoped that things could change. I'll prove to Sasha that I'm not a drug addict. I even submitted my hair for analysis, and when they didn’t find it narcotic substances, Savchenko lied: “She dyed her hair.”
All this time we continued to sleep together rented apartment. Sasha, of course, changed: after sex he got up and left. No words of love. The psychologist assigned by Savchenko constantly called Kerzhakov: “Sasha, you have to leave, have you left her?”
After two months of treatment, my things ended up in a rented apartment. I asked: “What’s going on, Sasha?” He explained: “You should learn to live in society.” During all this time, Kerzhakov only took me to see my son twice for two hours. I understood: I needed to pick up Igor and run wherever I could. A month later, Kerzhakov said: “You must leave your rented apartment!”
Left on the street, I turned to Kirill Safronov for help.
Sasha blocked my bank cards. Today I live off my first husband, because I couldn’t get a job in St. Petersburg. Employers, as soon as they realized that I was Kerzhakov’s roommate, turned away. Sasha still hasn’t given me my things: everything is still in the apartment Jewelry, donated ex-husband. I came to Kerzhakov with a large “dowry” and left with nothing. I immediately remembered the words he said: “If a woman is with me, I’ll give her everything, if not, I’ll leave her in her underpants!” And so it happened.
Kerzhakov does not answer the phone and does not allow me to see my son. I wrote to the guardianship authorities, where the answer came: “Kerzhakov does not interfere with communication between mother and son.” Igorek is getting used to me - I didn’t even see his first steps, didn’t hear the word “mother”. They threaten me, I have to hide: no one knows where I live.